Some desi treatment for killing mental fatigue during exams?

Slap yourself as hard as you can and yell "Concentrate kar!". It doesn't matter if you're sitting in the middle of a full exam hall. The examiners will understand.
Chill and spend a lot of time on PP :yk... what exams are you doing by the way?
Just know that even if yo do bad on the exams its not the end of the world. Give it your best shot and leave the rest to your fate. Things often work out one way or another. This little knowledge will help you overcome that anxiety .
I hate the education system in Delhi (CBSE, etc) due to the immense amount of stress that is put on the children. Their childhood is basically ruined with board examinations and tuition. The education system in Mumbai is much more lax and stress-free.

The way I coped with it growing up in Delhi - I just said **** it, and just studied a little here and there just to pass.
I hate the education system in Delhi (CBSE, etc) due to the immense amount of stress that is put on the children. Their childhood is basically ruined with board examinations and tuition. The education system in Mumbai is much more lax and stress-free.

The way I coped with it growing up in Delhi - I just said **** it, and just studied a little here and there just to pass.

10th board exams are scrapped..some relief for students
What from the lost dimension said.

And you definitely need to sleep more. Just work hard and don't worry. The results are not in your hands, but the effort is.
Sleep and avoid cramming the day before the exam. Trivial advice but works wonders in my experience.
I literally remember one guy in the exam hall ( O levels) giving himself laanat and then saying "Uth ja, ____'