Suggestion on buying a bat.


Dec 17, 2012
Hello all,

I need suggestion on buying a new bat.

I live in USA and my coworker is going to Pakistan soon. So I have requested him to bring me a bat.

Here are my requirements:

1. I want a light bat.
2. Must have quick pick-up.
3. They weight should NOT be concentrated on bottom.
4. Sweet spot should be on middle-high position.
5. Edges should be thin.
6. The blade of the bat should not be curved (rather flat).
7. Ready to bat ( It should be fully or partially knocked).
8. English willow is preferred.

I play at club level in USA and middle order batsman. Unfortunately I do not know much about Pakistani bat. Hence I need your suggestion to find an all-round bat. Please do suggest me bats at different price ranges.

Your help will be much appreciated.

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I dnt knw of any flat faced bats being made in pak, but u certainly can get a lot of bats with different ranges with mid sweet spot and light n quick pickup, but u gotta do some work in order to get thin edges as here in pak every bat maked tends to go with thicker edges...

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I agree with sarmad, flat faced bat with thin edges not possible in pakistan, good to see someone looking for thin edges in this huge edges crazy world. With such requirements, custom made is the only solution. Boycott Era is back !! lolz !!
want thin edges? go with millichamp and hall original..... classic stick it really is!!!
beautiful bat.... not flat faced though!
2013 Salix model bats will be flat faced and available in traditional profile. Maybe speak to asad at Uzi sports as he hand picked his bats a couple of days ago.
Sarmad bhai and d7bow, u guys are right but rshariar is looking for a pakistani brand.
hmm interesting combo flat face and small edges?! don;t think you will find that
Well, seems like I am out of luck so far for two key reasons:

1. Flat bat ( non-curvy)
2. Thin edges.

I am willing to compromise them a little bit. It can be low to moderate curve, and edges can be regular to moderate thick (neither thin, nor extremely thick either). Now what do you suggest?
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Well, seems like I am out of luck so far for two key reasons:

1. Flat bat ( non-curvy)
2. Thin edges.

I am willing to compromise them a little bit. It can be low to moderate curve, and edges can be regular to moderate thick (neither thin, nor extremely thick either). Now what do you suggest?

try mids! very good value for money!
OP, you are basically after a classic style shape. The best shape really. Big edges is just a craze which will go away in a few more years.

The classic shape is being done by a lot of UK bat companies now. The old Laver and wood used to be the same shape as well.

I dont know of any bat companies in Pak that do it. If you ask with these specifications from them most likely you will get a denser plank bat that doesnt have thick edges. Which is not what you are after.

Couple of older Indian companies do it. From memory RNS Larsons, Robinson sports, Symonds(yes, the really old 80s company) and MRF still do it. Think your best chance is with MRF.

MRF Wizard is definitely available through some of the better sports places. The ones I have seen have been all beauties as well. MRF do a cheaper design as well- think from memory its called VINTAGE. Couple of other bats in MRF in same shape too - Grade 2 and 3 but dont know their names.

If there is no one on Indian side you know try your friend to get a super light bat from Pak- dont tell them you are after thin edges. A really light bat has the same pickup effect as what you are after.

Best of Luck!
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Anyway, folks, I am running out of time. Need some suggestion on bat.

I am willing to compromise of the features I have asked in past. Basically now I am looking for super LIGHT bat (and fast pick up) with wider sweet spot around middle. Suggestion please.

My budget is $100 to $150 US Dollar. Now what do you suggest? I need the exact name of bat model to tell that to my friend.
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Also not that I am not a power hitter and don't have too much strength in my wrist, I am rather a middle order batsman who like to play proper cricket shot and rely on timing, placement and occasional hitting the ball to the boundary and play more shots on both side of the wicket than straight.
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Hello all,

I need suggestion on buying a new bat.

I live in USA and my coworker is going to Pakistan soon. So I have requested him to bring me a bat.

Here are my requirements:

1. I want a light bat.
2. Must have quick pick-up.
3. They weight should NOT be concentrated on bottom.
4. Sweet spot should be on middle-high position.
5. Edges should be thin.
6. The blade of the bat should not be curved (rather flat).
7. Ready to bat ( It should be fully or partially knocked).
8. English willow is preferred.

I play at club level in USA and middle order batsman. Unfortunately I do not know much about Pakistani bat. Hence I need your suggestion to find an all-round bat. Please do suggest me bats at different price ranges.

Your help will be much appreciated.

bro you need to buy a puma cobalt 5000 bat it has everything you asked i also prefer ts.. he thin edge.. i am in va what about u