It´s the end of an era as Joachim Löw goes.... I don´t think that I was even 16 yet when he replaced Jürgen Klinsmann as the head coach of the German national team. For many of us, the people of my age and generation, the national team had always meant Jogi Löw, we were just so used to seeing him with the team, on the side of the ground, wearing a tense look, something always running in his mind, regardless of whether the team was winning or losing. It sounds strange to see him go. Like, can a father be ever replaced by their children? It just seems strange. However, these are emotions, justified to an extent, of course, and we would have to learn to cope with them. We would all admit that a change was required, regardless of our emotional attachment with the man, as the team has shown below par performances in the recent two major events. A fresh beginning has to take place, even if this wasn´t the ideal way to leave for Jogi.
Under him, the German team played the final of the Euro 2008, played the semi-finals of the same tournament in the edition of 2012 and 2016, which includes putting behind them the curse of having never beaten Italy in a big match, played the semi-final of the World Cup 2010 and, of course, won it in 2014, which too included putting behind a similar curse as suffered against Brazil in the past history. The team was going very well until Mexico and South Korea put the brakes on it in 2018, and things started to go downwards from that point.
It´s reported that before sending in Mario Götze in the 88th minute to play, Löw said to him, "So now, go and show the world that you´re better than Messi." These words will stay for me as the lasting memory of the great man. Even to this day, I try to imagine Löw saying these words to Götze in that typical accent of his. In German, he had said,
"So, und jetzt zeig der Welt, dass du besser bist als Messi." A great moment, great memories. That goal sent me into a world of ecstasy. I´ve zero memories of what was happening around me after the moment the ball went into the net. I absolutely went numb and into a mood of delight, joy, and celebration. Again, great moments, even if the era has to end now.
Thank you, Jogi Löw, for all the wonderful memories. All the ups and downs, we all experienced and lived together, you and all the fans and supporters of the team.
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