The plight of the Dalit community in India


ODI Debutant
Jan 11, 2010
Mob justice.... shameful! I would not be surprised if the police were complicit in this crime.

MORADABAD: Two sisters belonging to the Dalit community were allegedly burnt alive in Kothiwal Nagar here by a mob protesting a double murder for which their brother was accused, police said on Sunday.

"An FIR has been registered in which the victim girls' mother has identified 12 people who were part of the mob," SP (City) Rahul Yadavendra told PTI.

According to the victims' mother Rajo, a mob gathered outside their house yesterday and set it ablaze. While she escaped unhurt, her daughters Gita (22) and Monu (20) were burnt alive in the ensuing fire.

The victims' brother Rakesh, who worked as a sweeper here, has been accused in the case of the murder of a woman and her 10-year-old daughter for robbery on December 9.

While Rakesh is absconding, his brother Rajesh was arrested by police.

Rajo has alleged that a mob had also gathered outside her house and threatened to set it ablaze about two days after the double murder.

She claimed she had requested police to provide security at her house or to place her and her two daughters at a secure location as there was a threat to their life, but the police did not help.

DIG Ashok Kumar had earlier denied the involvement of a mob in the incident and had said that prima facie, it was a case of accident or suicide.

Rajo also alleged that the police had initially refused to register her complaint in this connection, while the DIG had said that police was not approached.

Dalit activists today staged protest demonstrations and took out a march from Ambedkar Park here to the place where the bodies have been kept for post mortem.

They are demanding that the accused be arrested immediately.

Read more: Two Dalit sisters burnt alive by mob - The Times of India
Mods please close this thread. its an epic failure. In shining india-there are no incidences like these. These just happen in Pakistan. None of our indian friend in this forum is going to come and condemn this- as this is pure propegenda to malign india-bashing only.
Mods please close this thread. its an epic failure. In shining india-there are no incidences like these. These just happen in Pakistan. None of our indian friend in this forum is going to come and condemn this- as this is pure propegenda to malign india-bashing only.

what do you expect from Indians ????

Great find Golden Arm, keep it up the good work
Mods please close this thread. its an epic failure. In shining india-there are no incidences like these. These just happen in Pakistan. None of our indian friend in this forum is going to come and condemn this- as this is pure propegenda to malign india-bashing only.

Thats harsh, i think a lot of our indians friends will condemn this atrocious act. Im sure majority dont think india is a perfect society. Like anywhere else it has its fair share of good, bad n ugly
Thats harsh, i think a lot of our indians friends will condemn this atrocious act. Im sure majority dont think india is a perfect society. Like anywhere else it has its fair share of good, bad n ugly

I agree, but lets wait and see!
Absolutely sick and disgusting.

Goes to show that religious zealots and extremists exist in other religions too. Whichever form this BS over religious conservatism and barbarism comes is disgusting and needs to be stamped out of this world.

Alas that is easier said than done.
age old caste system + illiteracy + social norms = horrific tragedy

When are we going stop killing each other in the name of religion/caste/creed...what happen to being a human?
Two sisters belonging to the Dalit community were allegedly burnt alive in Kothiwal Nagar here by a mob protesting a double murder for which their brother was accused, police said on Sunday.

Mob justice never, ever works. Even in nations where the police cannot be consistently relied upon, we still have to look to the rule of law for justice.

I see illiteracy and wrenching poverty as the two worst problems confronting India, and Pakistan as well. Ignorance and poverty (and other economic problems, like significant unemployment) make for a combustible mixture.

People here have already made a comparison with the Sialkot incident, and rightfully so. There isn't much of a difference in the lives of the people who live in these neglected, poverty-stricken areas.

The news is front page everywhere,The Chief Minister of this state is a Dalit.But she has no other work except to make statues of her and install them.In making statues she has left Saddam Hussain behind.

The news is front page everywhere,The Chief Minister of this state is a Dalit.But she has no other work except to make statues of her and install them.In making statues she has left Saddam Hussain behind.

Apologies for my ignorance, but who is the Chief Minister?

Personally speaking, I detest the term "Dalit" Let us hope the Indian govt/authorities put a permanant end to the use of this word - as well as all its implications and connotations.

It is obviously beyond the ability of hum(un)kind to treat their own kind with fairness and equity. May our Bountiful Creator bless HIS suffering, oppressed multitudes with freedom and liberty from these horrendous injustices. Ameen.
Apologies for my ignorance, but who is the Chief Minister?

Personally speaking, I detest the term "Dalit" Let us hope the Indian govt/authorities put a permanant end to the use of this word - as well as all its implications and connotations.

It is obviously beyond the ability of hum(un)kind to treat their own kind with fairness and equity. May our Bountiful Creator bless HIS suffering, oppressed multitudes with freedom and liberty from these horrendous injustices. Ameen. about her.......

Yaar the Politicians keep using the term Dalit.

She has a whole park filled with her statues.

statues at every chauraha every chowk.......i sometimes think if she is a elected CM or the queen..........horrendous use of state resources....
Mods please close this thread. its an epic failure. In shining india-there are no incidences like these. These just happen in Pakistan. None of our indian friend in this forum is going to come and condemn this- as this is pure propegenda to malign india-bashing only.

not to forget that now they will accuse this forum for being biased against indians.
how is that even vigilantly justice? The girls had nothing to do with the murder. If they were guilty by association then we're all guilty in one way or another. Sad stuff.
Such a shameful incident. Caste system and killings still exist in the villages esp. in Bihar, UP , Punjab, Haryana
Sick stuff. The ones responsible should be put in jail, and let to rot for the rest of their lives.
Violence against the Dalit community in India

A low-caste Dalit boy has been killed in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh for sharing a name with a man of a higher caste, police say.

They said Neeraj Kumar's father Ram Sumer had been asked to change the names of two sons as they were the same as those of Jawahar Chaudhary's sons.

The body of Neeraj, 14, was found on 23 November in a field. Two friends of the Chaudhary family have been arrested.

Mr Chaudhary denies the involvement of his family in the murder.

He says the family is being framed by police.

Dalits, formerly known as "untouchables", are at the bottom of the Hindu caste system in India.

Although caste discrimination is illegal, biases remain in many areas.

The latest incident took place in Radhaupur village in Basti district.

Both Ram Sumer and Jawahar Chaudhary have sons named Neeraj and Dheeraj and that has long been an issue between the two families, Sub-inspector Praveen Kumar said.

Mr Chaudhary, who belongs to a higher caste, had given several warnings to Mr Sumer to change the names of his boys.

On 22 November, Neeraj left home after dinner to watch television at a friend's house. His body was found the next day.

Police said he was strangled.

Mr Chaudhary's sons - Neeraj and Dheeraj - are missing, but police have arrested two friends of the family who they say had a role in the murder.


they should fully investigate it and, if true, give out appropriate punishments to these "higher caste" idiots. They are villagers so you can't expect them to give up their practices but killing someone over a name is just ridiculous
Disgusting ppl out there! Caste system itself is very disgusting! This is sickening!
People stuck in this stupid caste mindset. Hope tough punishments are handed out.

But it's hard to shed hundreds of years of mentality in just a few decades. The chaneg will probably come in 2-3 generations (in rural areas). The education system is our hope here. In fact, in most urban centres, you see people of our generation not really caring about all this caste and stuff. It will take a few more decades for the change to trickle down to rural areas.
What is up with the caste system? How can one child be born 'inferior' to another child? This is an extreme case, but even in Pakistani culture, I have seen people make a big deal when someone marries someone of the 'wrong' caste.

It's utterly crazy!
amazing in 21th century there r ppl who still have the mindset of BEFORE CHRIST ...just sick ...the guy should be hanged
ridiculous. makes you think those who think they are superior to others would have absolutely no influence whatsoever if they were to leave their own borders. this arrogance needs to be rooted out amongst all those powerful figures in the subcontinent so that corruption and nepotism can slowly be rooted out. a solution to the problem however, seems impossible.
Dalit killed for using hand pump to drink water

PATNA: A Dalit man was beaten to death in a Bihar village by upper caste henchmen for drawing water from a common hand pump, police said Saturday.

Mohan Paswan, in his late 40s, was lynched in Parhuti village in Kaimur district Friday.

"Paswan was brutally attacked by Pramod Singh and his men," said a police officer, Saroj Kumar.
Sad, Disgusting!!!!

How can one beat a person to death for trying to drink water.... :facepalm:
So when will we get the news of the killer and his men being jailed for life?

I assume, never.
I am afraid there will be more such killings.

Two days ago Brahmeshwar Singh, the leader of Ranbir Sena, the army of upper castes, was shot dead after he was aquitted by a court for lack of evidence.

Ranbir Sena (against Dalits) and Maoists (against upper castes) were responsible for many bloody massacres a decade ago. The killings stopped during Lalu Yadav's rule. The killing of the Ranbir Sena chief might lead to new clashes, I am afraid.
Well, I do not see "Massacres" Happening....but I think there will incidents like this little often in the coming two or three months..or may we will suprised with few incidents...hopefully!!!! But Correct me if I am wrong, But Ranbir Sena is not what it was in the 90's...and 99 was their last incident. So, may be the reaction wont be strong..and this incident may not even be in relation to this...we see these incidents in India even before brahmeshwar Singh was killed
Well, I do not see "Massacres" Happening....but I think there will incidents like this little often in the coming two or three months..or may we will suprised with few incidents...hopefully!!!! But Correct me if I am wrong, But Ranbir Sena is not what it was in the 90's...and 99 was their last incident. So, may be the reaction wont be strong..and this incident may not even be in relation to this...we see these incidents in India even before brahmeshwar Singh was killed

I didn't mean that massacres will happen again. But this killing might be a reaction to the killing of Ranbir Sena chief. Once I read the news of his death, I was expecting a few Dalits getting killed, that is why I linked this news to that. I may be wrong. But I come from that part of India.

Also see what The Hindu reported.

Friday's murder of Brahmeshwar Singh, chief of the outlawed Ranvir Sena (a private army owing allegiance to the powerful upper caste Bhumihars) in Bhojpur, 71 km from Patna, could become a major test for the seven-year-old Nitish Kumar government's continued ability to maintain social harmony in Bihar. Within hours of the killing in the early hours, Singh's supporters went on the rampage, upsetting the delicate caste equilibrium in south Bihar, and reviving memories of the 1990s, when this region was the stronghold of both the Ranvir Sena and its rivals, the outlawed Maoist groups and the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist).

Of course, I do not want to be proved right. I hope the killings do not begin again.
Shameful incident , i hope culprits hang for this.
I am afraid there will be more such killings.

Two days ago Brahmeshwar Singh, the leader of Ranbir Sena, the army of upper castes, was shot dead after he was aquitted by a court for lack of evidence.

Ranbir Sena (against Dalits) and Maoists (against upper castes) were responsible for many bloody massacres a decade ago. The killings stopped during Lalu Yadav's rule. The killing of the Ranbir Sena chief might lead to new clashes, I am afraid.

Yes. You're correct in your assessment. That's the general feeling in Bihar right now.

Caste violence (most of it one sided), and successive governments' inability or unwillingness to stop it, is the most despicable and shameful chapter of post-independence India.
Sonia Gandhi to visit Dalit rape victim's family in Haryana today

New Delhi: Sonia Gandhi today will visit the family of a Dalit girl who burned herself to death after being gangraped in Haryana's Jind district. Haryana has been rocked by a series of 11 rapes in the last one month.

On Tuesday, the Haryana Congress chose to call the rapes a "conspiracy to malign the government". The Congress is in power in the state, where the series of rapes, mostly of Dalit women, has given the government some very bad press. The state's Congress chief Phool Chand Mulana said, "Such incidents used to happen earlier as well," claiming that the incidents were being sensationalised by the media.

Under pressure, the Congress government in Haryana led by chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda says the police is "cracking down", but is under criticism for doing too little, too late. Most the victims have been Dalits and some, minors.

PM misleading country on Sonia Gandhi's tours, says Narendra Modi
The controversy was further compounded when the khap panchayat - a body of elders which controls social norms and traditions in rural Haryana - of Rohtak, the chief minister's home district, said that the sexual assaults could be stopped if boys and girls got married earlier.

"When girls and boys go through puberty, they start having sexual desires which attract them to do unethical things. These things can also lead to rape, which is why I think there shouldn't be an age limit to marriage. When a girl is young, and a boy is young, they should just get married," a khap panchayat member in Meham in Rohtak, told NDTV. Some khap members also blamed television and films for their "bad influence".

Even while these kinds of bizarre logic and justification were being handed out, another woman was raped in Palwal's Mathepur village when she went to the fields to collect fodder. This is the fourth rape case in Palwal in the last 15 days.

The incident is the latest in a string of cases of crimes against Dalit women in Haryana. Last month, a teenage Dalit girl was allegedly raped by a group of 12 men in Hisar. The accused also filmed the incident on a cellphone and circulated the MMS. Unable to cope with the situation, the girl's father killed himself.

For five days, his body was at the mortuary of a local hospital, while the villagers protested against police inaction for almost a month. The victim and her mother refused to take his body from the morgue, saying they will claim it only when they get justice. This finally forced the police to take action.

But the fact that it took his death to propel the police into registering a case of rape is a grim reflection of the condition of Dalits in the state.

On October 4, a newly-married woman registered a complaint, saying she was allegedly abducted and gangraped by four men at Banwasa village under Gohana sub-division in Haryana's Sonipat district, 200 km from Chandigarh.

In another incident, a 13-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her 45-year-old neighbour in Rohtak, just 70 km from Delhi on Wednesday evening.

In the same area, a minor, mentally-challenged Dalit girl was also allegedly raped. The 15-year-old victim was allegedly lured by three women relatives in Kachchi Garhi Mohalla colony of Rohtak and then raped by a man in an abandoned house.

Please Indians dont shot the messanger this time and discuss the matter on hand. It was top news on google so was surprised no one posted it here.
15 gang rapes against Dalit comunity in state of Haryana.
The above rape was comitted by Dalit men. Just saying before someone thinks otherwise.
Very sad story. The trauma the girl must have gone through after being gang raped is unthinkable. Rape is one of the most heinous crimes, society needs to set out serious punishments for this crime especially in the third world nations such as India.

I remember the story of a Dalit rape victim refused application in to a school. The discrimination against Dalits in India is one of the largest forms of unofficial apartheid the world has ever seen.
Very sad story. The trauma the girl must have gone through after being gang raped is unthinkable. Rape is one of the most heinous crimes, society needs to set out serious punishments for this crime especially in the third world nations such as India.

I remember the story of a Dalit rape victim refused application in to a school. The discrimination against Dalits in India is one of the largest forms of unofficial apartheid the world has ever seen.

Punishments are severe...laws are there!!! Rapist does not get any less punishment in India IF CONVICTED!!! However like any other areas in India..there is a scope for large amount of improvement on how law is implemented and how powerful do not escape!!

And about the refusal of application...In some parts of rural India...irrespective of their caste...A Rape victim however illogical inhumane and bad it sounds...rape victims are looked down!!.... so it is more related to the rape/chastity than the women being dalit.

Watch this

She talks about after affects of a rape that has happened to her!!!

Situation is education increases which it is..there is hope!!! More and more rape victims are getting reported these days..which is a good sign unlike before which went unreported to protect "Honor".

And about the last sentence....Dalits get a lot of stuff from Indian Govt...It is very true there is descrimination ..more so in rural India...but that is from the people...the society than the state...the conditions of dalit have improved very much since independence...which is a proof!!
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Centuries of oppression cannot be eradicated in a matter of 60 odd years..especially in a country like India..but a LOT has changed...we have Dalit chief ministers now..even the head of BJP..which is seen as upper caste party.. was a Dalit.. many problems of Dalits are because of their economic conditions also..and there are problems due to discrimination.. there was one news recently which I liked.. some Dalits went to a temple in southern part of India..where they were not allowed earlier..and the priests welcomed them with flowers...good that the present generation is understanding that this discrimination was inhuman..and moving in the right direction..
And about the refusal of application...In some parts of rural India...irrespective of their caste...A Rape victim however illogical inhumane and bad it sounds...rape victims are looked down!!.... so it is more related to the rape/chastity than the women being dalit.

Does this apply to say a rich girl from a city like Mumbai or just the poor people?

And about the last sentence....Dalits get a lot of stuff from Indian Govt...It is very true there is descrimination ..more so in rural India...but that is from the people...the society than the state...the conditions of dalit have improved very much since independence...which is a proof!!

After 60 years there are over a 150 million human beings who are considered lower beings in India, not much of an improvement imo.

Thanks for the video, I'll watch it later.
The upliftment of Dalits could have been better..but then we are talking about Indian politicians and Indian system...which is slow and not the most efficient.. the upliftment can be seen that Dalits have a political voice..they are game changers in elections..ok Dalit President and Dalit head of BJP can be just a token..but the fact is that Dalits have job reservations..and reservations in colleges...and now even there are talks of giving more promotion in jobs to Dalits..maybe it will take 50 more years for Dalits to come in mainstream..but it is not like the rest of Indians are doing well.. takes time to eradicate evil.. but the strongest person in India going to visit a Dalit victim also means something..

maybe India has not improved as much as Pakistan in taking care of its minorities..but will get there eventually...
Does this apply to say a rich girl from a city like Mumbai or just the poor people?

After 60 years there are over a 150 million human beings who are considered lower beings in India, not much of an improvement imo.

Thanks for the video, I'll watch it later.

No, because rich like everywhere are powerful. And Individual people may consider somebody as lower beings and it may affect a Dalits life...just like white supremacists . But India or its govt does not... In fact they get great benefits from govt
Very sad story. The trauma the girl must have gone through after being gang raped is unthinkable. Rape is one of the most heinous crimes, society needs to set out serious punishments for this crime especially in the third world nations such as India.

Such discrimination are against the law but implementation hasn't spread far and wide. Atleast now we hear of such crimes, few decades ago. The sense of outrage in media gives me hope that we will step into the right direction and are moving there.

I remember the story of a Dalit rape victim refused application in to a school. The discrimination against Dalits in India is one of the largest forms of unofficial apartheid the world has ever seen.

Atleast its not as official as inscribed in the laws of Pakistan against the minorities!
Very sad story. The trauma the girl must have gone through after being gang raped is unthinkable. Rape is one of the most heinous crimes, society needs to set out serious punishments for this crime especially in the third world nations such as India.

I remember the story of a Dalit rape victim refused application in to a school. The discrimination against Dalits in India is one of the largest forms of unofficial apartheid the world has ever seen.
In subcontinent dalits are treated badly.Majority of asylum seekers migrated to india fearing religious persecution in pakistan are dalits
In subcontinent dalits are treated badly.Majority of asylum seekers migrated to india fearing religious persecution in pakistan are dalits

@ all: this case is not about dalits being treated bad. but about how unsafe women are in the National Capital region of the country.

I feel ashamed about it.
@ all: this case is not about dalits being treated bad. but about how unsafe women are in the National Capital region of the country.

I feel ashamed about it.

Start a seperate thread for it or bump the older ones:)
Dalit beaten to death for refusing to divulge his party choice

TNN | May 4, 2014, 04.06 AM IST

JHANSI: An 80-year-old dalit man was beaten to death by some alleged Samajwadi Party workers in Bajna village when he refused to divulge to whom he had voted in the April 30 poll. Moreover, other of his community are now being allegedly threatened by the perpetrators of the crime to either leave the village or face the same fate.

Police said Jangi Ahirwar, 80, was hit badly on his head and other vital parts of the body when he refused to take oath in the village temple and disclose to whom he had voted. He was rushed to the Jhansi Medical College where he succumbed to his injuries.

Nandram, the son the deceased, has filed an FIR at the Raksa police station against Birthe Yadav and Saheb Yadav, both sons of Motilal Yadav. While one of the accused has been arrested, the other is absconding.

Bajna, having a population of 2,000, has 700 dalits. Locals claim that some influential persons of the village, who owe allegiance to the SP, are threatening the dalits to vacate the village. "They are also pressurizing the son of the deceased to withdraw the case," they claimed

SSP Jhansi Sriparna Ganguli said the arrested accused person is mentally disturbed and is behind the bars.

"Once an FIR is registered, it cannot be withdrawn. I will get the facts checked weather the villagers are being threatened," she added.
SP is a bunch of goons.

Every Indian hates them.

Poor Muslims in UP get fooled by Azam Khan and vote for them.

Hope India can eradicate itself from this deadly virus called SP and BSP.
SP are a party of goons.They basically want Muslim and Yadav votes rest can go to hell.Muslims get fooled by the likes of Azam Khan and Abu Azmi.

According to Abu Azmi Muslims who dont vote for SP should have their DNA checked.

BSP on the other hand is plain corrupt.Nothing else just incompetent and corrupt.
RIP. May Allah give strength to his family to bear this loss.

Shame that fellow Indians on the board do not even feel it is important to offer condolences for a death of a Dalit. Straightaway discussing politics!
^Oh.....please spare us from your cliched sermons on how we should react. :facepalm:

Its a sad loss. This is a forum where different people bring in different points.

Just because one doesn't talk about it doesn't mean one doesn't feel sad for it.
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Now offering condolence means writing RIP in the nothingness of internet and then move on to the next thread or website. While scoring political points.
RIP. May Allah give strength to his family to bear this loss.

Shame that fellow Indians on the board do not even feel it is important to offer condolences for a death of a Dalit. Straightaway discussing politics!

Rest in peace.May god grant his family strength to bear the loss.Thanks for holding onto your principle and showing to millions others that how important is even 1 vote in a democracy.

Whether one writes or not,the feeling of sadness is there.
^Oh.....please spare us from your cliched us sermons on how we should react. :facepalm:

Its a sad loss. This is a forum where people bring in different points.

Just because one doesn't talk about it doesn't mean one doesn't feel sad for it.

laughable, that online world makes us believe we are concerned citizens who are actually doing something to solve the issues. Wish the victims family reads all the condolence messages. In this world, you haven't done your duty if you havent tweeted/posted your concern.
We should extend this concept and bring in rules like:

1. When a sad news is posted, one must absolutely start with condolences. Anyone not doing it, their posts will be deleted.

2. Every reply or post must start with "Greetings to my friends"

3. When disagreeing with people, one should not say words like "you make no sense". Instead one should use "I think your view is a bit flawed" or "I am not sure whether I could agree with you".

4. When talking about different views, one must use phrases like "no offense", "with all due respects" to make sure the other person does not get hurt. This must be done at all times even if the other person makes absolutely no sense.

We should keep adding new rules like this and soon this forum would become a great place for humanity to dwell and discuss various issues of the world.
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Thanks for pointing those out, but if you hadn't noticed, my fellow muslim brothers had offered condolences before me. For us that is sufficient.

In this thread, 2 Hindus posted before me yet because it was a Muslim Dalit, no one thought necessary to offer condolences, because a death of a Dalit in India is a non-issue.
I can see that you guys do react to unpleasant realities of life. Just admit that the caste system is still strongly ingrained - no need to get defensive.
As for the OP - the Samajwadi goons are pure scum - they are just as bad as Pravin Togadia types.
This is the latest 'gem' from Azam Khan.

Khalilabad, Uttar Pradesh: In an election that stands out for hate speeches, name calling and unambiguous attempts by political parties to polarise voters, comes another controversial comment from the Samajwadi Party's Abu Azmi.

Mr Azmi said at an election rally in Khalilabad, Uttar Pradesh, "If any Muslim opposes the Samajwadi Party, have a DNA test done, he could be an RSS man. Muslims who don't vote for the SP are not true Muslims."