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Also have you guys noticed how [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] Eugene lied to us about attending Wrestlemania 32, no pictures nothing. The slutt just wanted some publicity, he was trying to give himself a main-event push :))) but you will always remain buried in the lower card [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

I never said I was going to mania :O

where did you get that idea ?
Just watched WWE 24 Daniel Bryan, so emotional watching it; HHH, Heath Slater, Jericho, Cody, Mark Henry and many others were all crying during Bryans retirement promo. Mark Henry was always there for Daniel from Day one and he has such a unique relationship with Kane they love each other dearly as do Cesaro and Seth Rollins.

There are very few wrestlers who have a special place in the Bear's heart and Daniel was one of those.

That documentary and the whole Bryan retirement thing just puts into perspective what the business of pro-wrestling means to fans and the wrestlers to.

I heard Stone Cold was crying to during bryan's promo but the people who said to him hey steve you okay he was like yeah and he gave them a stunner and got the tissue out to wipe the tears after :))) [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
Where is that Roman Reigns fangirl [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] :))) can't wait to see him battle the AJ Styles fangirl [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] escort in a who's the naughtiest Kiwi on a pole match
Where is that Roman Reigns fangirl [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] :))) can't wait to see him battle the AJ Styles fangirl [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] escort in a who's the naughtiest Kiwi on a pole match
I'm not a fan of his. But I'm not a hater either.

If you want to call me a faaanboy of someone, call me a Kaneanite instead.

Him and Kirk Angel.
I'm not a fan of his. But I'm not a hater either.

If you want to call me a faaanboy of someone, call me a Kaneanite instead.

Him and Kirk Angel.

:))) One of the best promo's ever

I hate Kane, wish he wasn't so shy of the spotlight and perhaps he'd headline a couple of mania main-events by now and won a few wwe championships.

So damn underrated, his last run I enjoyed most was with Daniel as Team Hell No; really displayed his versatility and how good he is


The best part from HHH v Reigns

Let me know where it's from :yk

Got to say, shovel has great taste :afridi
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION]

Fair enough they went with the nostalgia at mania and I had a look at the footage again, but who does the rock thing he is? The Wyatts literally got no offence in at all, okay the rock didn't need to take any bumps but why couldn't he take strikes? I don't get that

[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] will get worked up when Austin is built up as some kind of messiah but in his segment he allowed RUSSEV TO HIT HIM, Russev was beating him up with strikes and then towards the end he took a stunner, that was the saving grace for me. And I've just read an interview in the mirror where Russev speaks of beating the hell out of Austin for a good minute :))) you got to give respect to Austin for allowing Russev to strike him and that's what it's all about, little things do matter!

Batista was contacted to feature in the segment involving Foley, Austin and HBK but he didn't want to be a part of it and doesn't like the direction of the company or how they work now. And given how he was treated during his last run I doubt he'll be returning anytime soon for a match plus he's getting really old, Batista at his peak was one of the oldest world champions ever :))
:))) One of the best promo's ever

I hate Kane, wish he wasn't so shy of the spotlight and perhaps he'd headline a couple of mania main-events by now and won a few wwe championships.

So damn underrated, his last run I enjoyed most was with Daniel as Team Hell No; really displayed his versatility and how good he is

Folks who have main evented Mania:

Bam Bam Bigelow
Sycho Sid AKA Mr. Half-A-Brain
Mr. T
King Kong Bundy

Folks who have NEVER main evented Wrestlemania:

Ric Flair (Hogan mainevented in the Mania where Flair was the defending champion).
Eddie Guerrero
Rey Mysterio

It's disgusting that Kane's finest Mania moment would either be his Hardcore title win at 17 over Raven(another victim of WWE's burial) and Big Show or his win as member of Team Hell No against Dolph and Big E!

Hogan AKA the granddaddy of Cena and HHH in terms of burial, severely hurt the careers of Jake Roberts, Bret Hart and even the more promising talents in WCW.

PWI has listed Kane many times in the Worst Feud of the Year. That only shows how poorly he has been treated. He needs one final WWE title run but knowing Kane, he will only decline and put somebody over who turns out to be a false dawn. It's one thing to put new guys over but Kane and Y2J take it too far.

Taker wanted Kane to end the streak but Kane declined out of respect. Speaks volumes about the man.

Speaking of great promos, here is one that will blow you away:

Folks who have main evented Mania:

Bam Bam Bigelow
Sycho Sid AKA Mr. Half-A-Brain
Mr. T
King Kong Bundy

Folks who have NEVER main evented Wrestlemania:

Ric Flair (Hogan mainevented in the Mania where Flair was the defending champion).
Eddie Guerrero
Rey Mysterio

It's disgusting that Kane's finest Mania moment would either be his Hardcore title win at 17 over Raven(another victim of WWE's burial) and Big Show or his win as member of Team Hell No against Dolph and Big E!

Hogan AKA the granddaddy of Cena and HHH in terms of burial, severely hurt the careers of Jake Roberts, Bret Hart and even the more promising talents in WCW.

PWI has listed Kane many times in the Worst Feud of the Year. That only shows how poorly he has been treated. He needs one final WWE title run but knowing Kane, he will only decline and put somebody over who turns out to be a false dawn. It's one thing to put new guys over but Kane and Y2J take it too far.

Taker wanted Kane to end the streak but Kane declined out of respect. Speaks volumes about the man.

Speaking of great promos, here is one that will blow you away:

wth :))) :)))
My new favorite gif :)))

[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION]

Fair enough they went with the nostalgia at mania and I had a look at the footage again, but who does the rock thing he is? The Wyatts literally got no offence in at all, okay the rock didn't need to take any bumps but why couldn't he take strikes? I don't get that

[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] will get worked up when Austin is built up as some kind of messiah but in his segment he allowed RUSSEV TO HIT HIM, Russev was beating him up with strikes and then towards the end he took a stunner, that was the saving grace for me. And I've just read an interview in the mirror where Russev speaks of beating the hell out of Austin for a good minute :))) you got to give respect to Austin for allowing Russev to strike him and that's what it's all about, little things do matter!

Batista was contacted to feature in the segment involving Foley, Austin and HBK but he didn't want to be a part of it and doesn't like the direction of the company or how they work now. And given how he was treated during his last run I doubt he'll be returning anytime soon for a match plus he's getting really old, Batista at his peak was one of the oldest world champions ever :))

He is the Peoples Champion, The Great One, The Burhama bull, The Eye Brow Raising - Trail Blazing - Clagging & Banging Most Entertaining Man In Sports Entertainment - The Rock!!

Ok I admit it - my irrational love for Roman stems from my almost 20 year old irrational love for The Rock! You gotta back la familigia! C'mon Roman! C'mon Uso's! Make Rocky proud!

Going back to Mania - none of the 'legends' took a strike or a bump. Not Rock, not Austin, not Foley & not your boy toy Shawn Michaels. Only difference was that Rock & Cena just delivered their finishers to The Wyatts, mean while Austin, Foley and HBK beat LON to a pulp by hammering them into a corner and beating them down before delivering their finishers. I don't remember seeing either one of those 3 leg-ends taking a punch or bump from LON.

It was too long :))) I just watched second half now, you should have split it into two video's for the different songs but it's still really good, man that's how you bow out with grace; it was probably the last time we get to see the Gayle Force in a World T20, maybe his last stand on the world stage. WI are not in the champions trophy and with the WC in 2019, it may be the end for him :( but man that hundred was incredible, nice way to leave with a world championship.

Unlike Shahid Jobberidi :@

I challenge him to a Hell in a Cell match, he better put his career on the line. If he wins, he can play for Pakistan forever. But I'll make sure that doesn't happen.

You know what, Afridi can have The Rock in his corner to, I will battle both in a handicap match :@ beat some izzat into both of the besharams.

I even kept the gap between the two songs as short as possible for impatient people like you & you still screwed it up! Thats why I call you the original jobber! :mv

You are going to get buried so badly in that match that you will make the Wyatts look strong :afaq :))
He is the Peoples Champion, The Great One, The Burhama bull, The Eye Brow Raising - Trail Blazing - Clagging & Banging Most Entertaining Man In Sports Entertainment - The Rock!!

Ok I admit it - my irrational love for Roman stems from my almost 20 year old irrational love for The Rock! You gotta back la familigia! C'mon Roman! C'mon Uso's! Make Rocky proud!

Going back to Mania - none of the 'legends' took a strike or a bump. Not Rock, not Austin, not Foley & not your boy toy Shawn Michaels. Only difference was that Rock & Cena just delivered their finishers to The Wyatts, mean while Austin, Foley and HBK beat LON to a pulp by hammering them into a corner and beating them down before delivering their finishers. I don't remember seeing either one of those 3 leg-ends taking a punch or bump from LON.

I even kept the gap between the two songs as short as possible for impatient people like you & you still screwed it up! Thats why I call you the original jobber! :mv

You are going to get buried so badly in that match that you will make the Wyatts look strong :afaq :))

Reigns doesn't compare to Dwayne in anyway :)) I got bored by your jobber song half way through :))) sick of fort-minor heard it too many times and though screw Talha and his Jobber video :))) Enjoyed the second half a lot more, Talha JOBBER! Eugene JOBBER! Don't forget lol

Go back watch that segment again, Russev was beating up Austin in the corner who was telling Russev to strike him. I don't think it was scripted but Austin used the initiative himself to allow Russev to beat him up. But in that segment, the saving grace was that the league won the match as it is.

Wyatts on the other hand were not wrestling or anything so for a guy who's supposed to be this generations Undertaker you'd think the WWE have something big planned but instead The Rock uses his influence to pull some strings so that he could personally bury the Wyatts and then Cena got an erection to at the idea so he joined in. Worst thing is, when The Rock does decide to wrestle and so something for the WWE worthwhile he's going to put over Roman Reigns in a match :))) if they hope on keeping Reigns a baby face that will do him no good lmao
Folks who have main evented Mania:

Bam Bam Bigelow
Sycho Sid AKA Mr. Half-A-Brain
Mr. T
King Kong Bundy

Folks who have NEVER main evented Wrestlemania:

Ric Flair (Hogan mainevented in the Mania where Flair was the defending champion).
Eddie Guerrero
Rey Mysterio

It's disgusting that Kane's finest Mania moment would either be his Hardcore title win at 17 over Raven(another victim of WWE's burial) and Big Show or his win as member of Team Hell No against Dolph and Big E!

Hogan AKA the granddaddy of Cena and HHH in terms of burial, severely hurt the careers of Jake Roberts, Bret Hart and even the more promising talents in WCW.

PWI has listed Kane many times in the Worst Feud of the Year. That only shows how poorly he has been treated. He needs one final WWE title run but knowing Kane, he will only decline and put somebody over who turns out to be a false dawn. It's one thing to put new guys over but Kane and Y2J take it too far.

Taker wanted Kane to end the streak but Kane declined out of respect. Speaks volumes about the man.

Speaking of great promos, here is one that will blow you away:

I don't recall Kane being discussed as someone who Taker wanted to end the streak? but I do remember him wanting Kurt Angle to end it.

BBB and Mr.T deserved to main-event mania, BBB was an incredibly gifted all round performer who never gets enough credit and that feud in particular was built well and bought a number of yes on the product. Mr.T did his part during the inception of Mania and helped put it on the map and actually got his hands dirty in the ring to so he was a worthy main-eventer from that perspective.

That particular Wrestlemania, Hogan and Ric Flair were supposed to main-event but for whatever reason Vince decided against it. And I know now WWE promotes various matches as "main-events" but it was rarely done back then but Flair v Savage and Hogan v Sid were both equally pushed as the "main-events" for Wrestlemania which was rare, you can look at the poster for mania 8 and it features Flair. Prior to that event you won't find posters which had any stars beyond those who competed in the final match on the card. So I'd say Ric Flair did main-event Wrestlemania.

Kane doesn't find it disgusting, he speaks highly of his relationship with Daniel, his Team Hell No run and that win at Wrestlemania where they won the titles. The two are very close and it means a lot to him. Kane also wrestled Undertaker twice at Wrestlemania and that's a big deal in itself to and a wrestlemania moment. It doesn't always have to be main-eventing mania or winning a championship in the main-event, look at Reigns; he went over in a god awful mania main-event to win a championship, would you call that a mania moment? You will probably say Randy doesn't really have a mania moment either and I think he has said it himself to but beyond all those championship battles for me Randy's finest moment at Wrestlemania was his criminally underated match against the Undertaker and especially the bit when he reversed the chokeslam into an RKO

Raven was BURIED on levels you just don't want to know about, he went from this edgy psychopath in ECW to a jobber who won the hardcore title every now and then. That's what I have highly criticised, Big Show and Kane have been jobbing so much that when up and coming talent do beat them it doesn't mean anything but I guess it does help their development a little in terms of learning the ropes. But the fact is they should have been protected to an extent but WWE have misused them. The saving grace is that both Kane and Show are rewarded handsomely in terms of $$$$$

:))) Kane should start tombstoning everyone in that room, he's a very intelligent man; owns an insurance company to I think and has made some very smart investments. He could have retired 10 years ago if he wanted
Folks who have main evented Mania:

Bam Bam Bigelow
Sycho Sid AKA Mr. Half-A-Brain
Mr. T
King Kong Bundy

Folks who have NEVER main evented Wrestlemania:

Ric Flair (Hogan mainevented in the Mania where Flair was the defending champion).
Eddie Guerrero
Rey Mysterio

It's disgusting that Kane's finest Mania moment would either be his Hardcore title win at 17 over Raven(another victim of WWE's burial) and Big Show or his win as member of Team Hell No against Dolph and Big E!

Hogan AKA the granddaddy of Cena and HHH in terms of burial, severely hurt the careers of Jake Roberts, Bret Hart and even the more promising talents in WCW.

PWI has listed Kane many times in the Worst Feud of the Year. That only shows how poorly he has been treated. He needs one final WWE title run but knowing Kane, he will only decline and put somebody over who turns out to be a false dawn. It's one thing to put new guys over but Kane and Y2J take it too far.

Taker wanted Kane to end the streak but Kane declined out of respect. Speaks volumes about the man.

Speaking of great promos, here is one that will blow you away:

leather every match at Mania is Main Event so you can't go on saying that legend didn't get to main event and that got to
Reigns doesn't compare to Dwayne in anyway :)) I got bored by your jobber song half way through :))) sick of fort-minor heard it too many times and though screw Talha and his Jobber video :))) Enjoyed the second half a lot more, Talha JOBBER! Eugene JOBBER! Don't forget lol

Go back watch that segment again, Russev was beating up Austin in the corner who was telling Russev to strike him. I don't think it was scripted but Austin used the initiative himself to allow Russev to beat him up. But in that segment, the saving grace was that the league won the match as it is.

Wyatts on the other hand were not wrestling or anything so for a guy who's supposed to be this generations Undertaker you'd think the WWE have something big planned but instead The Rock uses his influence to pull some strings so that he could personally bury the Wyatts and then Cena got an erection to at the idea so he joined in. Worst thing is, when The Rock does decide to wrestle and so something for the WWE worthwhile he's going to put over Roman Reigns in a match :))) if they hope on keeping Reigns a baby face that will do him no good lmao

:)) screw you man - you can go about call who ever you want a jobber - the bottom line is you always were and always will be The Original Jobber!

It's not my fault you listened to Fort Minor so many times!

Roman has the sam blood as Dwayne!! :))

Ah rock putting over Roman - now thats the dream!
:)) screw you man - you can go about call who ever you want a jobber - the bottom line is you always were and always will be The Original Jobber!

It's not my fault you listened to Fort Minor so many times!

Roman has the sam blood as Dwayne!! :))

Ah rock putting over Roman - now thats the dream!

You're not only the Jobber of all Jobbers, you are a Biatch Boy :)))

You should have had the foresight to realise that I would have listened to it many times, look how old the damn song is! so it is your fault you JOBBER

It's a damn Nightmare for me but a dream for all homosexuals :)))

Does he? that would explain why The Rock was a rubbish wrestler :srt however Roman is not a PURE BLOOD or else his mic skills would be good
Last edited:
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] HHH is such a big choker, he has featured in so many mania main-events and most of them have been big time DUDs. It's not as if he can't go in the ring, he's very talented but I think the pressure just gets to him. I guess for some of his matches it didn't help that he was following some of the greatest matches of all time, e.g Hogan v Rock and HBK v Taker but outside Batista v HHH, mania 2000 and the triple threat at mania 20 he has failed. I think darth burius tries too hard. Reigns is a hack but I still expected HHH to carry him to a 3-4 star quality match
Just watched WWE 24 Daniel Bryan, so emotional watching it; HHH, Heath Slater, Jericho, Cody, Mark Henry and many others were all crying during Bryans retirement promo. Mark Henry was always there for Daniel from Day one and he has such a unique relationship with Kane they love each other dearly as do Cesaro and Seth Rollins.

There are very few wrestlers who have a special place in the Bear's heart and Daniel was one of those.

That documentary and the whole Bryan retirement thing just puts into perspective what the business of pro-wrestling means to fans and the wrestlers to.

I heard Stone Cold was crying to during bryan's promo but the people who said to him hey steve you okay he was like yeah and he gave them a stunner and got the tissue out to wipe the tears after :))) [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
I just watched that now It was really emotional he was one of the good guys in the business.

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[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] HHH is such a big choker, he has featured in so many mania main-events and most of them have been big time DUDs. It's not as if he can't go in the ring, he's very talented but I think the pressure just gets to him. I guess for some of his matches it didn't help that he was following some of the greatest matches of all time, e.g Hogan v Rock and HBK v Taker but outside Batista v HHH, mania 2000 and the triple threat at mania 20 he has failed. I think darth burius tries too hard. Reigns is a hack but I still expected HHH to carry him to a 3-4 star quality match
burius always ends up wrestling really slow methodical matches which for a Mania main event aren't good enough. Austin rock Mania 17 is the template for a Mania main event
ridiculous how fast paced it was.

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burius always ends up wrestling really slow methodical matches which for a Mania main event aren't good enough. Austin rock Mania 17 is the template for a Mania main event
ridiculous how fast paced it was.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

That was incredible what on earth was Austin on that day :))) also look at all the matches they followed! so no excuses for HHH. Thing is, it's not as if HHH is not capable of putting on classics, his matches against Taker at mania, Benoit/Shawn, Daniel Bryan and even the one against Batista and Cena which I enjoyed were all very good. But put him in the main-event and he chokes more often then not :facepalm: it wasn't good for Roman Reigns either because this is a guy who is supposed to replace Cena. Even JBL v Cena was a lot more entertaining then that.

I was watching HHH v Reigns live and around the 12 minute mark I just knew how it would get worse from there and got sleepy so wanted to knock myself out but my lil bro was with me and he wanted to soldier through it so I had to sit through all the pain bro, the next morning I woke up with a really bad hangover
I just watched that now It was really emotional he was one of the good guys in the business.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

It was so sad to see him go, Bryan loves wrestling more then anything and it was never a job for him. He would wrestle for £1 infront of 2 people all his life if it came to it or even if he had to job to gilberg on sunday night heat forever. That's how much passion he had for wrestling and the desire to be the best in the world and at one point he was, even in Benoit's prime he was outperforming him for some time.

It's like very few of us in life will get to do exactly what we love and what our passion is and to see all that taken away from Bray was sad more then the idea of not being able to watch him entertain us any-more. During the independent scene boom in early 2000's he was one of my favourites who I followed along with AJ, Joe, Christopher Daniels and CM Punk.

In life there will be periods where you get everything and then there will be periods where you just lose everything. He went from main-eventing mania and marrying his dream woman to losing his most cherished fan Conor, losing his dad and then the neck injuries. But it ended well, WWE didn't allow him to continue and I totally respect their decision because you know in pro-wrestling you need to go out at the right time, we've lost so many who have died young so as much as we hate vince for being a nimrod at times I take my hat off to him. And now he can focus on his family life and chill out with Brie YES! YES! YES! lmao that retirement promo has to be one of the greatest ever Adil what you reckon

Proper humble guy who worked hard, never complained and gave his all in the ring. Even someone like Darth Burius began to respect him so much that he actually put him over CLEAN :)) I don't recall Hunter doing that for anyone in a really long time outside the obvious big names like Cena, Taker or Lesnar (who he beat at mania the year before)

Still as much as the product is so awful Adil, it's still a special time to be living in; back in the days you would never see kayfabe being broken but we get to see documentaries like the one about Bryan's retirement and to experience everything behind the scenes which is incredible. Although am not a fan of guys like Bray breaking character.
You're not only the Jobber of all Jobbers, you are a Biatch Boy :)))

You should have had the foresight to realise that I would have listened to it many times, look how old the damn song is! so it is your fault you JOBBER

It's a damn Nightmare for me but a dream for all homosexuals :)))

Does he? that would explain why The Rock was a rubbish wrestler :srt however Roman is not a PURE BLOOD or else his mic skills would be good

That still doesn't change the fact that to are still The Original jobber! You're foresight can kiss Eugenes backside! I ain't worried about your play count on iTunes or how many times you've heard to the back street boys & Electric 6 when I'm picking tunes for my montages! :)) :))

Yea - as I said - it's a dream for you :msd

What is this "Wrestling" you speak of? :afaq they are in the "sports entertainment" inundated? :yk2
hi guys, did you guys enjoy WrestleMania. For me the best part was Rock/Cena segment and Austin/HBK/Foley segment. Also Shane O Mac jumping from top of HIAC.
[MENTION=141174]CricSick[/MENTION] did you check out the KO promo I sent you on twitter? :)))

KO is so freaking awesome.
hi guys, did you guys enjoy WrestleMania. For me the best part was Rock/Cena segment and Austin/HBK/Foley segment. Also Shane O Mac jumping from top of HIAC.
Welcome back, I hope all is well.
How many times will Shaz bhai get banned? One failed gimmick after another. He is having a series of Jamals. Where is the Umaga? :azhar
It's a testament to Kane's ability that he almost made the gimmick work against all odds and with atrocious booking. His mic work was perfect and his match with DB at Extreme Rules was amazing.

It also gave the line of the year when he verbally raped Seth Rollins : WE COULD HAVE MADE EL TORITO CHAMPION!!!

The only thing worse than even Concessions Kane was the Katie Vick thing. That was just plain wrong except for that lame blew your brains out pun towards the end where I have a slight chuckle.

I've only watched bits and bobs of the attitude era style extreme rules match because I want to savour it. It was a pretty hilarious gimmick, especially the random interferences lmao

I found concessions Kane great to :)) obviously, people will look at things differently in that they'd belittle the stuff he did because it wasn't main-event material e.g very rare that a comedic character is going to headline mania but that doesn't mean the persona is not entertaining, in fact during team hell no run they were the best act on RAW imo

The only thing I dislike about the booking of Kane's character is when they make the demon itself seem goofy or get a little too repetetetive with his shtick taking away the aura of mystery which made him fearsome at his peak and especially the PG era mask he has not that's just awful!! It made sense during the run with team hell no because he was performing a comedic act but I can't take him seriously as the big red machine with that mask.
Yes yes - we get it - it's your dream for The Rock to put Romam over as you've mentioned over and over again :afaq

You then keep trying to go back and covering up for it and saying it's not your dream, you hate Roman, blah blah blah - but it's ok - the truth is there for all to see :))

Ah rock putting over Roman - now thats the dream!

Ok I admit it - my irrational love for Roman


Yeah it is :yk2

Yeah it is :yk2

This isn't about me being a Roman fan.

This about you claiming that you aren't a Roman fan but then saying its a dream for all of your kind of people for The Rock to put Roman over which is the confusing contradiction :msd
Am I the only one who's waiting for the bullet club to debut? Eagerly anticipating there debut :yk
i enjoyed this week's Raw. Good decision was to keep Sami Zayn out of World title picture for now or people will boo him just like Roman
Chyna died :(


Joan Laurer, the groundbreaking female wrestler known as Chyna, has died.

Police in Redondo Beach, California, confirm that Laurer, 45, was found dead in her apartment on Wednesday. Police say they were notified by a friend who went to check on her and found Laurer unresponsive. The cause of death is under investigation, but police say there are no signs of foul play.
Chyna and wrestler Triple H pose for a photo in 1999.
Chyna and wrestler Triple H pose for a photo in 1999.
"It is with deep sadness to inform you that we lost a true icon, a real life superhero. Joanie Laurer aka Chyna, the 9th wonder of the world, has passed away," said a post on her website.
People we've lost in 2016
47 photos: People we've lost in 2016
After graduating from the University of Tampa, Chyna started training in the world of professional wrestling and in 1996 was named the "Rookie of the Year for the Women's Championship," according to her website. She wrestled in the Royal Rumble and King of Ring tournaments and became the only undefeated Women's Champion in WWF (World Wrestling Federation) history.
READ: MMA fighter dies from head injuries
"Thoughts and prayers go out to Chyna's family. She was always cool with me. #Rip9thWonder," wrote wrestler James Storm on Twitter.

Stephanie McMahon of WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) posted: "She was truly a pioneer in our industry, and she will be missed. #RIPChyna."

Chyna also appeared in TV, magazines, music videos and adult films. Her 2001 autobiography, "If They Only Knew," describes her as "part feminist, part superhero" and says "Chyna blazed a trail where no woman had gone before."
RIP Chyna. Sad to see someone go at such a young age. Her drug problems have been well documented, so its not surprising the cause of death is an overdose.

I hope people don't use the news to engage in the predictable "will WWE acknowledge her or not" mudslinging rather than engaging in a more important discussion of why so many ex-wrestlers are abusing drugs and how they can be best supported.
Upsetting and sad news about the death of Chyna, seen a lot of her matches she really helped women's wrestling. I hope in the future wrestling promotions can help wrestlers deal with drug problems they may have.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The first match of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWEPayback?src=hash">#WWEPayback</a> was halted as <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/EnzoAmore?src=hash">#EnzoAmore</a> suffered a concussion; he was later released from hospital. <a href="https://t.co/H4xu5GyMxB">pic.twitter.com/H4xu5GyMxB</a></p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/727150780814229505">May 2, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Roman?src=hash">#Roman</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Reigns?src=hash">#Reigns</a> retained his <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WorldHeavyweightChampionship?src=hash">#WorldHeavyweightChampionship</a> vs <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AJStyles?src=hash">#AJStyles</a> at <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWEPayback?src=hash">#WWEPayback</a> in the main event. <a href="https://t.co/7IGieVsICe">pic.twitter.com/7IGieVsICe</a></p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/727165891083821057">May 2, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Chris <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Jericho?src=hash">#Jericho</a> confirms that his loss to Dean <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ambrose?src=hash">#Ambrose</a> at <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWEPayback?src=hash">#WWEPayback</a> was his last match at WWE for now. <a href="https://t.co/NFurMU9T50">pic.twitter.com/NFurMU9T50</a></p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/727301777117220864">May 3, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Vince <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/McMahon?src=hash">#McMahon</a> announced at <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWEPayback?src=hash">#WWEPayback</a> that siblings Stephanie and Shane <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/McMahon?src=hash">#McMahon</a> will both be running <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWE?src=hash">#WWE</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Raw?src=hash">#Raw</a> together.</p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/727313006850269184">May 3, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Payback had some good wrestling not a bad show. Shane and Stephane both running raw, get ready for 20 minute long promos :facepalm:. Aj vs Roman hopefully will be a good match at extreme rules but getting bored of the story of is aj with gallows and Anderson or not than Roman just beats them all up. Hope WWE come up with something more creative expect Roman to retain and be champion till at least summerslam.
Not much interest for the PPV. I didn't even know that Payback was on last night.
Shame because it was a good show apart from the Enzo injury. Roman and AJ were great. Ryback was superb especially trolling cm punk fans. He had a great match too.
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Shame because it was a good show apart from the Enzo injury. Roman and AJ were great. Ryback was superb especially trolling cm punk fans. He had a great match too.

Ryback is leaving WWE apparently as well. Unhappy with being paid less money as he is not booked to win a lot, wants equal pay as people who are booked to win, think he will be released when his contract ends :yk
I don't know what brain you people have but WWE is actually getting interesting again.

Poor Ryback I wish he stayed
I don't know what brain you people have but WWE is actually getting interesting again.

Poor Ryback I wish he stayed

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">34 year old <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ryback?src=hash">#Ryback</a> has called for the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWE?src=hash">#WWE</a> to pay wrestlers equally in a lengthy post on Tumblr. <a href="https://t.co/rC4oOQ2QVK">pic.twitter.com/rC4oOQ2QVK</a></p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/727698019383042048">May 4, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">34 year old <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ryback?src=hash">#Ryback</a> has called for the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWE?src=hash">#WWE</a> to pay wrestlers equally in a lengthy post on Tumblr. <a href="https://t.co/rC4oOQ2QVK">pic.twitter.com/rC4oOQ2QVK</a></p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/727698019383042048">May 4, 2016</a></blockquote>
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you are paid as per your booking. I don't know how can they pay superstars equally. Heath Slater can't have the same pay as Reigns.
GOAT thinks AJ belongs at the top and is gushing over the match :D [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION]

I loved the Payback match between the two and eagerly awaiting the rematch, I can't remember the last time I was so invested in a ME feud.
WWE is getting boring now. When is seth rollins coming back?
If you're not liking the WWE right now, you're probably never going to like it.

IMO it's much better now than it was with cowardly Rollins (blame on booking, not Rollins) on top.
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If you're not liking the WWE right now, you're probably never going to like it.

IMO it's much better now than it was with cowardly Rollins (blame on booking, not Rollins) on top.

Rollins will turn baby face when he returns, if not straight away after a few months he will.
If you're not liking the WWE right now, you're probably never going to like it.

IMO it's much better now than it was with cowardly Rollins (blame on booking, not Rollins) on top.
Obviously you will like it because your boy AJ Styles is main eventing PPV and Raw these days.
Obviously you will like it because your boy AJ Styles is main eventing PPV and Raw these days.
It helps that there's a good story running too.

I'm sure not everyone is an AJ mark yet here they are coming out and saying this is the best main event feud in years.

Heck SCSA even said the AJ-ROman match was the best WWE match he'd seen in years.
If you can honestly say that you prefer anything during Rollins reign, I don't know what to say, he was booked as the focal point of the show for months and was rather meh throughout it. Although, most of the blame here lies in the booking. Rollins was jobbing to literally everyone on the roster, even J and J beat him...
Just a matter of time before Seth comes back and takes whatever is rightfully is.

He is the best and is the face of WWE for the next 10 years and the sooner people come to terms with this transition the better.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Edge?src=hash">#Edge</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Christian?src=hash">#Christian</a> have taken digs at <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CMPunk?src=hash">#CMPunk</a>'s <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/UFC?src=hash">#UFC</a> career. CM Punk is yet to make his UFC debut. <a href="https://t.co/BhST5YKhH1">pic.twitter.com/BhST5YKhH1</a></p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/728101978534879232">May 5, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AdamRose?src=hash">#AdamRose</a> says that he was wrongly suspended by the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWE?src=hash">#WWE</a>. He shared a letter from his doctor to make his case. <a href="https://t.co/LbUza0sOnl">pic.twitter.com/LbUza0sOnl</a></p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/728188764560855040">May 5, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Damien Sandow released. Barrett requested his release. Two wasted talents.
Such a waste, Sandow was over and could turn terrible gimmicks into entertaining ones. I would have preferred him to have a run with the US Title in place of Kalisto. But of course, Kalisto is champion for other reasons.
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Damien Sandow released. Barrett requested his release. Two wasted talents.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWE?src=hash">#WWE</a> has released a host of wrestlers including <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Hornswoggle?src=hash">#Hornswoggle</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WadeBarrett?src=hash">#WadeBarrett</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SantinoMarella?src=hash">#SantinoMarella</a>, and <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/DamienSandow?src=hash">#DamienSandow</a>. <a href="https://t.co/L3dWyTmnH3">pic.twitter.com/L3dWyTmnH3</a></p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/728951302865051648">May 7, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Vince <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/McMahon?src=hash">#McMahon</a> says injured stars <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RandyOrton?src=hash">#RandyOrton</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/JohnCena?src=hash">#JohnCena</a>, and <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SethRollins?src=hash">#SethRollins</a> should be back soon, perhaps in a month. <a href="https://t.co/kA0EFspb8S">pic.twitter.com/kA0EFspb8S</a></p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/730382050042077184">May 11, 2016</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AdamRose?src=hash">#AdamRose</a> has been arrested, charged with domestic violence, just days after claiming wrongful suspension by <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWE?src=hash">#WWE</a>. <a href="https://t.co/OTQ3FtLdwk">pic.twitter.com/OTQ3FtLdwk</a></p>— Sports PakPassion (@SportPakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportPakPassion/status/730740596323688448">May 12, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Damien Sandow could have potentially been a great heel; another misused talent by the WWE.

I don't understand the hype around Sami Zayn; seems ordinary and doesn't the hype. On the other hand, Big Cass reminds a shade of Edge back in the attitude era.

I'm just waiting for the day RR turns heel - he will be one of the great heels in this so called 'era.'
Damien Sandow could have potentially been a great heel; another misused talent by the WWE.

I don't understand the hype around Sami Zayn; seems ordinary and doesn't the hype. On the other hand, Big Cass reminds a shade of Edge back in the attitude era.

I'm just waiting for the day RR turns heel - he will be one of the great heels in this so called 'era.'

Sandow should have beaten cena in that match for the title.
Big Cass is a mixture of Test and Edge whereas Baron Corbin looks like a mixture of Bo Dallas and Bray Wyatt. :inti Corbin needs to change his pants as soon as possible or join the wyatts family.
Big Cass is a mixture of Test and Edge whereas Baron Corbin looks like a mixture of Bo Dallas and Bray Wyatt. :inti Corbin needs to change his pants as soon as possible or join the wyatts family.

I just don't like the change in his entrance. Overall a legit heel, could go long way