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I recently subbed to the WWE Network. Watching some classic WWE and WCW matches.

Some of these matches you have to check out:

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart - Wrestlemania X (Bret had to wrestle 2 matches that night and was selling the leg injury till the end of the event!)

Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels for Intercontinental Title - Ladder match, Wrestlemania X (Just one ladder used and still more exciting than some of the spotfests today).

Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage for Intercontinental Title - Wrestlemania 3
(Amazing commentary by Jesse Ventura and Gorilla Monsoon)

Dangerous Alliance (Steve Austin, Rick Rude, Larry Zbyszko, Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton) vs Sting's Squadron (Sting, Nikita Koloff, Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham, Ricky Steamboat) - Wargames Match, WCW Wrestlewar 1992
(Exciting, brutal match with 20 minutes passing by in a blur. Lot of blade jobs in this one.)

Brian Pillman vs Jushin Thunder Liger for WCW Light Heavyweight Title - WCW Superbrawl 2
(Who said you cannot do technical wrestling in a light heavyweight title match?)

The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Barry Windham, Sid Vicious and Larry Zbyszko) vs Sting, Brian Pillman, Scott and Rick Steiner - Wargames Match, WCW Wrestlewar 1991
(Brutal match with an insane blade job from Flair and Windham. Even Surfer Sting was bleeding. Pillman almost had his career ended from a botched powerbomb by Sid.)

Goldberg vs DDP - WCW World Title, Halloween Havoc 1998 (overshadowed sadly by a horrible Hogan vs Warrior II. Arguably the best Goldberg match in terms of wrestling. DDP was so good and was buried sadly by WWF.)

Steve Austin raves about how good Steamboat is
Steve Austin raves about how good Steamboat is

Steamboat has amazing 5 star matches with Flair, Savage and several others. Sadly, he was buried by Vince because he took days off for some reason. Vince also had his body builder fetish which explains Sid who just had a good look but was pathetic on the mic and a mediocre wrestler, getting 2 WWF titles and Steamboat not even getting 1 opportunity at the title.

The only reason Vince pushed Shawn and Bret was because of the steroid scandal in the 90s and people like to see wrestling in you know, a wrestling show. Then there was Diesel being a total flop in his 1 year reign because Vince wanted to turn a badass killing machine into a smiling babyface (now where have we heard this again?)

I have been checking Bret's matches. He was amazing. His brother, Owen Hart (RIP) was amazing too who deserved a WWF title reign.

I will keep adding some great matches I see on the network.

Bret Hart vs The British Bulldog for the Intercontinental title - Summerslam 1992
(IC Title MAIN EVENTED Summerslam. The title was that prestigious. Two babyfaces competing plus Bret's sister Diana was Bulldog's wife. So, there was family component too. Great match. The crowd reaction to even armbars is something to behold and it's not the smarky NXT reactions like 'THIS IS WRESTLING' and other crap. It is just rapt attention.)

The Nasty Boys vs Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan - Street Fight for WCW Tag titles ,Slamboree 1994
(Incredibly stiff brawl with some spots which you see to this day. Felt so damn personal. Also featuring one of the best guitar shots to the head.)
Not excited at all about Lesnar-Orton. A couple of years ago, I would be super over the moon about that matchup but not anymore. I'm bored of Lesnar's whole gimmick and his endless suplexes. Lesnar was much fun in 2002-04. And Orton's character has gone a bit stale recently. He just doesn't feel like the big deal anymore.
Lesnar vs Orton should be a good match.

The battleground card doesn't look that bad tbh.
After Lesnars dominating performance at UFC 200, I think it will be a squash.

Not really interested in Battleground, not a fan of The Shield and the second biggest match is a Raw main event at best.
After Lesnars dominating performance at UFC 200, I think it will be a squash.

Not really interested in Battleground, not a fan of The Shield and the second biggest match is a Raw main event at best.

Orton will be returning so why will it be a squash?
Orton will be returning so why will it be a squash?

This is how Lesnar's matches go these days. Suplex after suplex with a couple of F5s thrown in. The other guy hits a couple of offensive moves after withstanding a barrage of suplexes. Very predictable and boring. Lesnar was much fun to watch in 2002-04. Now he has a very limited moveset and his matches are just boring.
This is how Lesnar's matches go these days. Suplex after suplex with a couple of F5s thrown in. The other guy hits a couple of offensive moves after withstanding a barrage of suplexes. Very predictable and boring. Lesnar was much fun to watch in 2002-04. Now he has a very limited moveset and his matches are just boring.

After a while they have got boring. But there aren't many superstars who we can consider as a legitimate threat to him. Orton is one. So hopefully it's a good match
I hope the draft is better than what it had been in past like John Cena being drafted twice in a day and Triple H traded back to RAW at the cost of the 3 wrestlers
[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION]
Also [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] what do you think of Lesnar doping and WWE's refusal to punish him since it states in their wellness policy that their regulations only apply to regular WWE performers.
rofl rofl nah haven't listened to it since the one with Benoit ex sister in law. His one with asa akira meh mutt marna piya sa listening to her talk. Has he had any more stars like her on.

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He interviewed one of akira's mates, tanya tate :))) y2j has these intricate conversations with them, makes them feel special and then in the end it's all just him setting them up for the gift of jericho, he defo got the pak gene kasme :)))
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] Y2J gets off on interviewing such guests :)))
He interviewed one of akira's mates, tanya tate :))) y2j has these intricate conversations with them, makes them feel special and then in the end it's all just him setting them up for the gift of jericho, he defo got the pak gene kasme :)))
rofl rofl jericho defo gives them the pudibreaker.

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He's back :))

Oh mah goodness....this is going to be GUT!!!!

I missed twerking with your leathers :))) Have you been watching wayward pines? I didn't know they ordered a season 2, i watched the first episode of s2 but can't seem to get in to it. Also, you HAVE TO WATCH PREACHER!!!!!!!! that show is so up your street
I am loving the idea of this brand split and RAW/Smackdown are both better off now. SD does seem to have all the recycled talent though with a few gems here and there it's almost a replica of what RAW was before the brand split but hopefully the quality of programming will improve when creative pull up their socks.

Really looking forward to SummerSlam, Styles/Cena should steal the show. And Broid v Orton has been like 15 years in the making! one of my ultimate dream matches since the early 2000's
I am loving the idea of this brand split and RAW/Smackdown are both better off now. SD does seem to have all the recycled talent though with a few gems here and there it's almost a replica of what RAW was before the brand split but hopefully the quality of programming will improve when creative pull up their socks.

Really looking forward to SummerSlam, Styles/Cena should steal the show. And Broid v Orton has been like 15 years in the making! one of my ultimate dream matches since the early 2000's
Wow the great [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] returns.

via Tapatalk
This was a great Smackdown live

I heard it was a good show, last week it was weak but the main-event was great. Can't wait to see Benjamin, i loved his work during the ruthless aggression era. Will never forget his epic performances in the MITB ladder matches and that match against HBK on RAW [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] they should not have announced Benjamin return like that would have been better if it was a surprise
[MENTION=135839]Smbhayi[/MENTION] good to see you around bro, you guys still post in the PCL
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] they should not have announced Benjamin return like that would have been better if it was a surprise
I agree bro would highlight unpredictability of the new era.

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I agree bro would highlight unpredictability of the new era.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Hopefully he debut's at summerslam, plus there will be loads of smarks who will give him a big reaction
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] and RD, he's baayaak!


What do you guys think of the SummerSlam card so far and Dolph Ziggler

Really want them to push Ziggler ever since he started copying HBK :))

Lesnar vs Orton build up has been great too.
Smackdown was a great show and I really enjoyed the promo segment between Ziggler and Ambrose; great job by both men, nice to see Wyatt in the mix to. American Alpha are absolutely phenomenal! expect big things for both in the future, they remind me of the worlds greatest tag team except with a better persona and execution of their characters, very good on the mic to.
Summerslam card looking good so far. Dolph vs Ambrose is a joke though. How can I believe Dolph will beat Ambrose when he has been booked so poorly in the last few months? :facepalm:

Other than that I don't have complaints. Hopefully AJ beats Cena he needs that one big win.
Watched RAW a few days ago after a really long time and the product is actually not bad these days. Talents like the New Day, Enzo Amore and AJ Styles have added some much needed freshness to the product. Forming the New Day was a masterstroke, revitalised the careers of three talented guys suffering from atrocious booking and whose careers were going nowhere. Enzo is great on the mic and would make an awesome heel. Can't wait for the verbal duels he'll have with the crowd after his heel turn. Kevin Owens is so underrated. And Seth Rollins is phenomenal. He is the man, this era's Shawn Michaels.

Nevertheless, I am still not too sure whether this was the right time for a brand split. Should've waited a bit longer until some of the newer guys cemented their spots on the roster. Imagine how good the product would've been if Punk didn't leave and Bryan was still active.
Not too sure about Finn Balor. He is getting a huge push. Haven't really followed his career. Those who have - is he the real deal? Hate his finisher though.
Watched RAW a few days ago after a really long time and the product is actually not bad these days. Talents like the New Day, Enzo Amore and AJ Styles have added some much needed freshness to the product. Forming the New Day was a masterstroke, revitalised the careers of three talented guys suffering from atrocious booking and whose careers were going nowhere. Enzo is great on the mic and would make an awesome heel. Can't wait for the verbal duels he'll have with the crowd after his heel turn. Kevin Owens is so underrated. And Seth Rollins is phenomenal. He is the man, this era's Shawn Michaels.

Nevertheless, I am still not too sure whether this was the right time for a brand split. Should've waited a bit longer until some of the newer guys cemented their spots on the roster. Imagine how good the product would've been if Punk didn't leave and Bryan was still active.

Oh my god I am tired of these comparisons between HBK and Rollins, Rollins is incredibly overated! Shawn Michaels is the greatest in-ring performer in the history of pro-wrestling and one of the ATG all round performers. He was brilliant on the mic as a heel and face, had the ability to be versatile in terms of his character work and was charismatic beyond belief during the new generation period in the 90's. Seth Rollins is absolutely BORING on the mic, and super annoying; this isn't the good kind of heat from me it's the change the damn channel sought of heat. All he is good at is that evil laugh and his delivery/mic work is too one dimensional, it was decent at first and you could put up with it but he's not as gifted as shawn to sustain creativity playing a specific role over a long period and desperately needs a face turn to freshen up his persona which has grown stale.

Also, while Rollins is a decent in-ring performer it's an absolute insult to compare his in-ring work to shawns, Shawn did not injure anyone. Seth is supposed to be this generations HBK yet he injured John Cena, ended Sting's career and even broke his own knee! this was all back to back mind you! imagine it was Reigns who had done all those the smarks would destroy him.

I think Seth is great! but no where near as good as he thinks he is and no where near as good as his fans think he is!

Agree with everything else you said in your post though. But do think it was the right time to do the brand split because there was so much talent being misused and WWE doesn't have a good track record of cementing the newer guys. But now RAW has come out looking a lot fresher with the burden on the shoulders of the young guys who WWE are going to push but I can definitely see where you're coming from because am in two minds with Fin Balors push, I'd have built him up a little bit first before thrusting him into the main-event so that casuals could get behind him

I'd have announced that Seth would face a mystery opponent at SummerSlam then in the lead up to the match I'd run various dark and gritty vignettes with a mysterious demonic character whom doesn't reveal himself but continues to tease the fans and Seth himself, then we could have this character play mind games with Seth and then at SummerSlam Seth enters the ring super angry and cuts a promo demanding who it is reveal yourself blah blah then have Finn Appear in his demon face paint, the casuals would also see him for the first time in that face paint and he'd get a huge pop from the SummerSlam crowd full of smarks, casuals are also known to get behind characters with face paint e.g Jeff was super popular as was mysterio with his masks which sold very well and WWE would have built up a potential main-eventer quiet well.

Speaking of this rings HBK, the closest wrestler to Shawn I've seen in the 2000's is AJ Styles! Styles like Shawn is incredibly versatile in the ring, he doesn't necessarily specialise as a technical wrestler, brawler or high-flyer. He combines all styles and adjusts based on the opponent and match type! it's what made Shawn so good and it's what makes AJ so good. Obviously shawn was better then AJ on the mic but as far as in-ring work is concerned the two are very similar and I consider AJ to be amongst the greats as far as in-ring work is concerned, AJ has also surprised me with his character work/mic skills he was always decent but has taken it up a level in the WWE

Yeah WWE will miss Bryan big time but I do feel like Punk will be back at some point
Summerslam card looking good so far. Dolph vs Ambrose is a joke though. How can I believe Dolph will beat Ambrose when he has been booked so poorly in the last few months? :facepalm:

Other than that I don't have complaints. Hopefully AJ beats Cena he needs that one big win.

I have come to accept WWE's 50/50 style of booking it's just how they work in this era as illogical as it is, you might be building some steam only to get lost in the shuffle and you might be lost in the shuffle only to get a big push all of a sudden but either way I am glad they are giving Ziggler a legitimate main-event programme with many layers of depth. They had him go over that match against AJ, Bray, Cena etc so that was a big deal and since then they have built him up as a credible opponent for Ambrose, really enjoyed his promo on Smackdown.

I hope so to but most John Cena feuds end with him going over :)) got a feeling this isn't the end of their feud though probably another match left and if that's the case then either could go over. What would you prefer, AJ wins at SummerSlam but loses to Cena in their final match at Clash of the Champions in a steel cage/land-man-standing (Use to be called Night of Champions but they going to bring back the old WCW PPV and it's a RAW exclusive PPV) or would you prefer that AJ lose at SummerSlam but win at Clash of Champions?

Am in two minds, SummerSlam is like a high profile PPV! and arguably second only to mania and is often built up that way so for AJ to pin Cena there it would be huge! but ending his feud vs Cena on a losing note at Clash of Champions would hurt his momentum a little bit.

It's a great card! no doubt
Not too sure about Finn Balor. He is getting a huge push. Haven't really followed his career. Those who have - is he the real deal? Hate his finisher though.

He has potential. And that finisher grows on you, I felt the same when I first saw it, only weakness I'd say is that his mic skills are average but he makes up for it with his in-ring presence. I'd say watch Samoa Joe vs Finn Balor from NXT Takeover London to get a feel of what his character is all about and what he is like in terms of his in-ring skills, also Balor vs Kevin Owens from NXT tokyo is worth watching.
I have come to accept WWE's 50/50 style of booking it's just how they work in this era as illogical as it is, you might be building some steam only to get lost in the shuffle and you might be lost in the shuffle only to get a big push all of a sudden but either way I am glad they are giving Ziggler a legitimate main-event programme with many layers of depth. They had him go over that match against AJ, Bray, Cena etc so that was a big deal and since then they have built him up as a credible opponent for Ambrose, really enjoyed his promo on Smackdown.

I hope so to but most John Cena feuds end with him going over :)) got a feeling this isn't the end of their feud though probably another match left and if that's the case then either could go over. What would you prefer, AJ wins at SummerSlam but loses to Cena in their final match at Clash of the Champions in a steel cage/land-man-standing (Use to be called Night of Champions but they going to bring back the old WCW PPV and it's a RAW exclusive PPV) or would you prefer that AJ lose at SummerSlam but win at Clash of Champions?

Am in two minds, SummerSlam is like a high profile PPV! and arguably second only to mania and is often built up that way so for AJ to pin Cena there it would be huge! but ending his feud vs Cena on a losing note at Clash of Champions would hurt his momentum a little bit.

It's a great card! no doubt

Yes they are starting to build dolph up but it's not enough brother. I can't see him winning this match. Also dean is called "lunatic", yet he is always joking around and stuff. So far I haven't found his championship regin that great. Although his promo last week on smackdown was good it did bury dolph a bit :))). So more anger and lunatic actions are needed from him.

Hopefully this is the last AJ vs Cena match. There is no need for 4 matches, 3 is fine. I would have AJ win at Summerslam and be done with the feud. But if they are going to have 4 matches I would have AJ win at summerslam and cena win the other match. Summerslam wins are a big deal.

I'm looking forward to rollins vs balor.
Balor, Zayn, Crews. All of them have one thing in common - impressive wrestlers but lack of character.

Balor either should rebuild Bullet Club or turn solo heel. As a face, apart from his demon identity, what exactly is his character?

Zayn also is ambiguous outside of his hate for Owens. KO has a very good character of a family man who likes hurting people. Zayn doesn't.

Crews is worst of the lot. He keeps smiling but no motivation is seen. He didn't get over enough even with those idiots at Full Sail and even Adam Rose was over there.

But the build up is there. So i have hope.
Yes they are starting to build dolph up but it's not enough brother. I can't see him winning this match. Also dean is called "lunatic", yet he is always joking around and stuff. So far I haven't found his championship regin that great. Although his promo last week on smackdown was good it did bury dolph a bit :))). So more anger and lunatic actions are needed from him.

Hopefully this is the last AJ vs Cena match. There is no need for 4 matches, 3 is fine. I would have AJ win at Summerslam and be done with the feud. But if they are going to have 4 matches I would have AJ win at summerslam and cena win the other match. Summerslam wins are a big deal.

I'm looking forward to rollins vs balor.

He will probably end up losing but hopefully he'll be in the main-event scene because Smackdown doesn't have as much fresh talent compared to RAW, there's Styles, Ambrose, Bray, Ziggler and then you have the veterans. I don't mind if Ziggler loses so long it's a great match and they build him up in these few weeks, so far they've done a good job and I agree I like the heel tendencies in Ambrose promo :))) I enjoy it when they bury each other like that, you should see Shawn and HBK in 1997 they would turn scripted promos into a shoot and then have cat fights backstage :)) promos need to be personal and you should put emotion into them make the feud compelling

They had the singles match at MITB, so SS match will be Styles v Cena 2 I think they will have only one more after SS. Rollins/Balor should be a great match.
Balor, Zayn, Crews. All of them have one thing in common - impressive wrestlers but lack of character.

Balor either should rebuild Bullet Club or turn solo heel. As a face, apart from his demon identity, what exactly is his character?

Zayn also is ambiguous outside of his hate for Owens. KO has a very good character of a family man who likes hurting people. Zayn doesn't.

Crews is worst of the lot. He keeps smiling but no motivation is seen. He didn't get over enough even with those idiots at Full Sail and even Adam Rose was over there.

But the build up is there. So i have hope.

I been watching NXT for a long time, Balor does have a character he's an enchanting demon and Zayn's gimmick is that of an underdog from the independence scene. Balor's overall package is quiet similar to jeff hardy, mic skills are average but make up for it with in-ring presence and in-ring work and Sami is quiet similar to Daniel Bryan in terms of Character, his mic skills are great and he's good in the ring to. Apollo Crews however is bland and has no character, he wasn't even in NXT for that long and they bought him up too early, his in-ring work is terrific though especially for a man his size.

There is loads of money to be made from a Balor face run so it looks like that's what's going to be happen for now but who knows it's very possible he will rebuild the Bullet Club after all he was the original leader of that faction. KO's family man aspect isn't emphasised as much but it's used as an excuse for his violence, what he is though is a prize-fighter and a greedy one who justifies his actions really due to selfish reasons but doesn't admit them so openly which ensures he retains his aura. Sami has a stories rivalry with Owens and he hates him but that doesn't define him, he's the people's champion, an underdog from the underground who keeps fighting, gives his all and always falls short, he's a nearly man and that's why the people route for him because he refuses to give up despite that and he crosses all boundaries in the ring
[MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] have you seen Eva Marie new entrance? it's the best thing ever :)))
Does anyone watch WWE CWC? that's absolutely brilliant, a Pakistani also participated in it and he had a a brilliant match in one of the earlier rounds. His name is Mustafa Ali.

NXT tag partners Gargano and Ciampa had a match on the recent episode of CWC and it was arguably the best 10 minute match I've ever seen. Terrific tournament, guys to look out for are Zack Sabre, Ibushi, Gallagher, TJ Perkins and Rich Swann etc they have competitors from all around the world and it has a combat sport feel to it, great work from WWE in organising it
I recall Vince and Dana came an agreement regarding exchange of talent, Vince wanted some UFC talent for SummerSlam; big what if? but what if Conor's recent jibes at WWE are a work and he appears on the show? think it is a possibility although others stars such as paige vanzant and DC are more likely
He will probably end up losing but hopefully he'll be in the main-event scene because Smackdown doesn't have as much fresh talent compared to RAW, there's Styles, Ambrose, Bray, Ziggler and then you have the veterans. I don't mind if Ziggler loses so long it's a great match and they build him up in these few weeks, so far they've done a good job and I agree I like the heel tendencies in Ambrose promo :))) I enjoy it when they bury each other like that, you should see Shawn and HBK in 1997 they would turn scripted promos into a shoot and then have cat fights backstage :)) promos need to be personal and you should put emotion into them make the feud compelling

They had the singles match at MITB, so SS match will be Styles v Cena 2 I think they will have only one more after SS. Rollins/Balor should be a great match.

Current problem with wwe promos are that wwe script them too much. Back in the day the wrestlers would get a script but edit it and add there own lines in. So what they was saying was what they believed and it came from the heart. More often than not it was better than vince would give them. These days it's the opposite. I can remember John Cena saying current guys are talanted but they are scarer to do there own thing, he said they shouldn't break the rules but just add there own stuff in and see what happens. Don't see it happening guys are too scared of vince and wwe is the best way to make a lot of money. Back in the day WCW was there for wwe supertars if they didn't like what vince was doing.
Current problem with wwe promos are that wwe script them too much. Back in the day the wrestlers would get a script but edit it and add there own lines in. So what they was saying was what they believed and it came from the heart. More often than not it was better than vince would give them. These days it's the opposite. I can remember John Cena saying current guys are talanted but they are scarer to do there own thing, he said they shouldn't break the rules but just add there own stuff in and see what happens. Don't see it happening guys are too scared of vince and wwe is the best way to make a lot of money. Back in the day WCW was there for wwe supertars if they didn't like what vince was doing.

Yep they are overly scripted although the attitude is starting to change over the last 12 months with a bit more focus on bullet points and giving the wrestlers a little more freedom but only John Cena, HHH and Heyman get a blank page when they go out to cut their promos. I can understand that only the real top guys get creative freedom and a blank page while the other talent who fear for their jobs don't want to go out on a limb I get that but sometimes they'll have to take a risk because it could prove career changing, The Rock use to get die rocky die chants due to his goofy gimmick, Austin didn't feel compatible as the Ring master and Xavier Woods went out on a limb said to creative he'd like to form a faction with Kofi/Big-E; there are probably loads of other examples but it just goes to show that the wrestler more then the writers have inspired some of the greatest moments and characters in the industry. And you're right, WCW's death has not been healthy for the pro-wrestling industry because the quality of WWE's product has declined to an extent. But at the same time WWE has always been the most professional company in the US, it's why it survived; WCW were too lenient with their top stars and that proved their ultimate downfall when had the NWO booking Nitro on a weekly basis :)))
Balor, Zayn, Crews. All of them have one thing in common - impressive wrestlers but lack of character.

Balor either should rebuild Bullet Club or turn solo heel. As a face, apart from his demon identity, what exactly is his character?

Zayn also is ambiguous outside of his hate for Owens. KO has a very good character of a family man who likes hurting people. Zayn doesn't.

Crews is worst of the lot. He keeps smiling but no motivation is seen. He didn't get over enough even with those idiots at Full Sail and even Adam Rose was over there.

But the build up is there. So i have hope.

Good point.

Always though Zayn's character is a flop. Whats he supposed to be, an unemployed pauper or something?
Good point.

Always though Zayn's character is a flop. Whats he supposed to be, an unemployed pauper or something?

His character is over and the crowd reaction is a reflection of just that, he's the underdog from the underground; that's his gimmick! which is a little similar to Daniel's Bryans persona. His character is also better then a steroid abusing CHEAT Incarnate BROID LESNAR :yk2
Watching RAW now, the opening segment between Y2J, KO, Cass and Enzo was decent
[MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=501]Talha[/MENTION] Syed

I got goosebumps watching this, that match alone sells SummerSlam for me

Cole also refereed to Orton as the LEGEND KILLER! on RAW I was marking out
Thanks [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION].

What can I say about wrestling?

I miss Kent Walton and proper wrestling on ITV at 4 pm on a Saturday afternoon on World of Sport. Big Daddy versus Giant Haystacks, or Catweazle.

Rollerball Mark Rocco used to live straight across the road from me! Lovely guy.
Just revisiting my post, Wrestling on ITV World of Sport used to have ratings averaging 12 million (out of a population of 56 million) with die-hard fans including the Queen, Duke of Edinburgh and Margaret Thatcher!

Top US dramas and comedies don't get those ratings now - and their population is over 300 million!
[MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=501]Talha[/MENTION] Syed

I got goosebumps watching this, that match alone sells SummerSlam for me

Cole also refereed to Orton as the LEGEND KILLER! on RAW I was marking out

I hope Orton squashes Brock in 25 seconds with an RKO. Tired of seeing him no-sell moves and bury promising talent.

Vince sacrificed the streak for a damn juicer. Smh.
Thanks [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION].

What can I say about wrestling?

I miss Kent Walton and proper wrestling on ITV at 4 pm on a Saturday afternoon on World of Sport. Big Daddy versus Giant Haystacks, or Catweazle.

Rollerball Mark Rocco used to live straight across the road from me! Lovely guy.

Just revisiting my post, Wrestling on ITV World of Sport used to have ratings averaging 12 million (out of a population of 56 million) with die-hard fans including the Queen, Duke of Edinburgh and Margaret Thatcher!

Top US dramas and comedies don't get those ratings now - and their population is over 300 million!

I was't around to witness the pro-wrestling boom in the UK but my relatives were big fans of Big Daddy, in the early 2000's there was a channel on sky called the wrestling channel and on there they'd air old world of sport shows; my favourite was the Dynamite Kid!

Lmao Margaret Thatcher, I call that period in wrestling the granny era! they took it very seriously :))


It is quiet incredible because those numbers compare even to the ratings for shows in the US!
[MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=501]Talha[/MENTION] Syed

I got goosebumps watching this, that match alone sells SummerSlam for me

Cole also refereed to Orton as the LEGEND KILLER! on RAW I was marking out


Didn't tag you properly, your thoughts on Reigns violation of the Wellness Policy? :yk
I hope Orton squashes Brock in 25 seconds with an RKO. Tired of seeing him no-sell moves and bury promising talent.

Vince sacrificed the streak for a damn juicer. Smh.

Hater! Brock will defeat the Wellness policy at SummerSlam via Part Time Status! (DX Chop @ USADA!)

Did you guys know Orton has two violations of the wellness policy :)) 99% of wrestlers are juicing, the only guy who I am 100% sure didn't is CM Punk
Hater! Brock will defeat the Wellness policy at SummerSlam via Part Time Status! (DX Chop @ USADA!)

Did you guys know Orton has two violations of the wellness policy :)) 99% of wrestlers are juicing, the only guy who I am 100% sure didn't is CM Punk

I hate this Brock. He damn near buried Ambrose. He is not even as big a draw as he is rumored to be. Paul tries his best but Brock simply doesn't get the reaction he did in 2012-14 and now he won't because everyone knows he is a cheat. Orton is a cheat too but at least he does not run around burying people. He has put Rollins, Cesaro and others over several times.

I miss the Brock of 2003 who was a likeable face who had friendly contests with a face Kurt and a nasty heel who destroyed Zach Gowen in front of his mom and Brian Kendick among other cruiserweights. This Brock is a hack doing three moves and squashing credible wrestlers. I hope Orton beats him and then puts some deserving candidate like KO, Zayn or Cesaro over cause I am so over Suplex city.

I will gladly watch any Roman Reigns match of 2016 than a Brock match from 2016 cause like it or not, Roman is a very good wrestler especially after he added that Black Tiger Bomb.
I hate this Brock. He damn near buried Ambrose. He is not even as big a draw as he is rumored to be. Paul tries his best but Brock simply doesn't get the reaction he did in 2012-14 and now he won't because everyone knows he is a cheat. Orton is a cheat too but at least he does not run around burying people. He has put Rollins, Cesaro and others over several times.

I miss the Brock of 2003 who was a likeable face who had friendly contests with a face Kurt and a nasty heel who destroyed Zach Gowen in front of his mom and Brian Kendick among other cruiserweights. This Brock is a hack doing three moves and squashing credible wrestlers. I hope Orton beats him and then puts some deserving candidate like KO, Zayn or Cesaro over cause I am so over Suplex city.

I will gladly watch any Roman Reigns match of 2016 than a Brock match from 2016 cause like it or not, Roman is a very good wrestler especially after he added that Black Tiger Bomb.

I miss the Broid of 2003 to as far as his in-ring work is concerned because a man his size with freakish talent was not only a crazy powerhouse but he was also technically sound given his olympic style wrestling background. His matches against Kurt Angle are the stuff of a legend and to be able to go toe to toe, blow for blow with someone like Kurt just goes to show how good you are.

Broid is just as talented in the ring now as he was back then but his gimmick doesn't allow him to put on technical masterpieces because it would defeat the purpose of his gimmick. You have to look at him in the same way as Andre The Giant; another special box-office attraction. In addition to Broid's success in the Octogon and him having beaten Undertaker you'd expect him to get booked like this unstoppable beast which doesn't sell as much and dominates his opponents or else it would have been a big waste if they booked like like sh!t. WWE also don't have the likes of The Rock, Austin, Kurt etc around anymore and Taker is only available at Mania so Broid is a huge draw for them which they need to protect and the only active Part-Timer who actually gets involved in feuds and wrestles.

If Broid weren't a draw Dana wouldn't have given him the highest pay day in the history of the UFC during the 200 PPV, if Broid weren't a draw Vince wouldn't pay him the same as what he gives his top stars but with fewer dates. Broid is a huge draw amongst smarks, casuals and fans like myself who were huge fans of the ruthless aggression era and the early 2000's period, Broid also is a mainstream superstar and the only one in the WWE other then John Cena.

Who Broid gets to bury is not up to him, it's up to Vince. Broid would put over kofi kingston for all he cares so long he is paid handsomley but Vince decides who he defeats and who puts him over, Broid has never been one to engage in backstage politics and during his run in the WWE has never refused the job.

Orton is not a main-stream phenomenon like Broid so Vince allowed him to put over guys like Cesaro, Rollins etc he has always been seen as the no.2 guy below Cena. Cena as the no.1 star and mainstream phenomenon has also been protected, a missed opportunity with Orton was that they didn't push him on the level of Cena despite him remaining a huge star.

Roman Reigns has been doing a brilliant job in 2016 and he is my favourite member of the shield at the moment closely followed by Dean Ambrose. Seth Rollins is the most overrated wrestler in the history of pro-wrestling closely followed by HHH.

Going back to Broid, that's how his gimmick works basically and while his matches are booked 80-20 in favour of him when it comes to the offence he gets in I'd like to see that change to 70-30 or 60-40; I'd also like to see him sell a bit more and be more open artistically in the ring and motivated. Prior to ending the streak he had some brilliant matches with HHH, Cena and Punk but then they changed his gimmick justifiably and then altered his in-ring style to.

I had high hopes for Broid v Ambrose at mania, it was such a brilliant feud and it was booked in a way which had me expecting the match to be crazy and possibly a little similar to Punk/Lesnar, maybe a bit more bloody/violent but Ambrose has said on the Austin podcast that artistically Broid was not open to his vision and he was met with Laziness in the ring. From that perspective you could say Ambrose was buried unfortunately and it took quiet a bit for him to recover from that but he's doing quiet well for himself right now!

After getting caught juicing there's a good chance that Broid's gimmick could undergo another change where he is no longer booked like an immortal beast and there's also a small possibility that Orton might go over. The Smarks are also dejected as far as his doping is concerned, he always got a huge pop until now. They cheered on RAW but wasn't the usual reaction he get because he killed all the buzz from his annihilation of Mark Hunt.

His Laziness vs Ambrose was quiet disappointing, perhaps Broid didn't respect him. His matches against Undertaker have been very good, really enjoyed the match v Taker at SummerSlam last year and the Hell in a Cell match; Broid has always spoken highly of Taker and he's someone he has great respect for. The match v Reigns at mania 31 was also decent, I liked it.

Here's the other thing, Broid has Dana and Vince by their nuts. He doesn't need the UFC or the WWE they need him. As far as he is concerned he'd be happy going awol on his farm because that's the type of life he enjoys more then anything. So say a Dean has an issue with his laziness do you really think Vince is going to complain to Broid about it? Vince would want to keep Broid happy at all costs, in any other universe Vince would never release a wrestler who is under contract to participate in another promotion but the Broid gets what the Broid wants
Steve Austin took it too far with Ambrose during the podcast, it was obvious that Ambrose did not want to speak about his upbringing and family life but Steve kept repeatedly asking uncompatible questions trying to get a sob story out of him when he repeatedly said he was happy, Ambrose was evidently annoyed.
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=137238]Anchorman[/MENTION] [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] [MENTION=130309]King_Rizzy[/MENTION] [MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]

Trailer for CM Punk's documentary on his journey to fight in the UFC, it will air on the 15th of August and his is scheduled for the UFC 203 PPV which is around the corner.

Man I got goosebumps! looks like the documentary is going to be really good, also was great to see AJ Lee!

People can say what they like but I admire him for chasing his dream despite all the obstacles involved. He'll be a heavy underdog no doubt but you often see upsets frequently in MMA and I believe he can pull it off after some more thought.
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=137238]Anchorman[/MENTION] [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] [MENTION=130309]King_Rizzy[/MENTION] [MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]

Trailer for CM Punk's documentary on his journey to fight in the UFC, it will air on the 15th of August and his is scheduled for the UFC 203 PPV which is around the corner.

Man I got goosebumps! looks like the documentary is going to be really good, also was great to see AJ Lee!

People can say what they like but I admire him for chasing his dream despite all the obstacles involved. He'll be a heavy underdog no doubt but you often see upsets frequently in MMA and I believe he can pull it off after some more thought.

Punk should have gone down as one of wwe greats. His promos and his mind when it came to wrestling was unreal. Such a shame how it ended for him. He finishes his wwe career in tier 2/3
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=137238]Anchorman[/MENTION] [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] [MENTION=130309]King_Rizzy[/MENTION] [MENTION=141114]Hasan123[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]

Trailer for CM Punk's documentary on his journey to fight in the UFC, it will air on the 15th of August and his is scheduled for the UFC 203 PPV which is around the corner.

Man I got goosebumps! looks like the documentary is going to be really good, also was great to see AJ Lee!

People can say what they like but I admire him for chasing his dream despite all the obstacles involved. He'll be a heavy underdog no doubt but you often see upsets frequently in MMA and I believe he can pull it off after some more thought.


Dude was my favorite player yaar, i will be looking forward for his UFC match.
Punk should have gone down as one of wwe greats. His promos and his mind when it came to wrestling was unreal. Such a shame how it ended for him. He finishes his wwe career in tier 2/3

I still consider him to be an ATG talent and second only to Cena during the PG era, his defining achievement will be being the longest reigning modern WWE champion. His legacy is sealed imo and no one will ever forget his pipebomb, heel runs as the straight edge messiah and anti-corporate rebel. Add to that his stellar body of work during the indy's and countless 4-5 star matches in the WWE and you have a hall of fame career.
I still consider him to be an ATG talent and second only to Cena during the PG era, his defining achievement will be being the longest reigning modern WWE champion. His legacy is sealed imo and no one will ever forget his pipebomb, heel runs as the straight edge messiah and anti-corporate rebel. Add to that his stellar body of work during the indy's and countless 4-5 star matches in the WWE and you have a hall of fame career.

Its a hall of fame career but I think the way he needed his wwe career is something people will also remember. Also his attitude was questionable for some people. During that long run as champion there was some low ratings at the time and some felt it was due to Punk. I loved him after his pipebomb but not atg wrestler for me.
Its a hall of fame career but I think the way he needed his wwe career is something people will also remember. Also his attitude was questionable for some people. During that long run as champion there was some low ratings at the time and some felt it was due to Punk. I loved him after his pipebomb but not atg wrestler for me.

Ratings are not the be and end all in this era when it comes to reflection of the TV product when the WWE is consumed in so many different ways and then there's streams to. Punk was doing a really good job as champ, if he wasn't Vince wouldn't have hesitated to take the belt of him. I recall Punk being advertised for House Shows and when he was pulled from those events WWE would offer all their customers a refund. On top of that he was also amongst the best merch sellers, second only to Cena and at times he also out sold him. He has a cult following and is incredibly popular, The Rock's run at the top wasn't long either but he had the benefit of starting his career out during the pro-wrestling boom when the likes of WCW, WWF and ECW were all a part of pop culture in those days. Bret Hart the greatest technician of all time and he rated Punk's in ring work as being unique and innovative, I also feel the same way as he got even better in the WWE once he had left the indy's.

His attitude allowed him to become a main-event level superstar in the WWE, were it not for that attitude he'd have remained in the upper-mid card for the rest of his career because certain folk did their utmost to bury his career. People pay most attention to Punk the anti-corporate rebel but his run as the straight edge messiah was arguably the greatest heel gimmick of the PG era, it was absolutely stellar and am sure he received awards from the Wrestling Observer and PWI. I think he did all there was to do in the WWE, perhaps he could have been involved in a couple more main-event level programs or main-evented a mania but I can't think of anything he hasn't done to not warrant ATG status imo.