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don't call your abah fool batameez! nah that was good for business :))) plus can anyone seriously injure juwan china? besides the mental capacity of his indian fans :))) go on his facebook page it's hilarious LOL

cenians are the worst, even worse than Rohman Reinz fangirls. Every now and then some idiot at work tells me Juwan China died in a car crash :facepalm:
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=131867]London_Lahori[/MENTION] [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] words can't describe this video, priceless :)))

[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=131867]London_Lahori[/MENTION] [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] words can't describe this video, priceless :)))

That was pretty Cool, what are you tryna say? kasme you're always being such a diva, you're so worthy of that championship lmao

also @ 18 seconds he gave that gorjus girl a t-shirt which said "That's what am gonna do" :))) :))) [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] watch it
That was pretty Cool, what are you tryna say? kasme you're always being such a diva, you're so worthy of that championship lmao

also @ 18 seconds he gave that gorjus girl a t-shirt which said "That's what am gonna do" :))) :))) [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] watch it

I have reports coming that Henry was asked to say what he said. This was all scripted, ppl their wanted Henry to wrestle but Henry told WWE that he's going to do in and out tour.
I have reports coming that Henry was asked to say what he said. This was all scripted, ppl their wanted Henry to wrestle but Henry told WWE that he's going to do in and out tour.

Mark Henry went to India for some South Asian punnani fruit :)))
He was super over even as a baby face at one point, they even tested the crowd reaction by giving him the WWE title win; only for the decision to be over turned. But the fans went absolutely nuts; he has done well in the lunatic fringe gimmick and there was money in it had they given him a main-event run with the championship. But totally agree that he'd be on another level as a heel, didn't realise you follow the product so much nowadays leathers aha you must have seen those psychotic promos of his in CZW.

Wyatt won't feud with KO given that he's a heel as well but in this day and age WWE don't seem to care about faces or heels so what the hell. Wyatt is another talent that is not utilized, his mic ability is on another level and they've not been able to use his skills in the best way possible although in the recent months his booking has been better; they've kept his lines a little shorter and sort of dumbed him down a little bit for the idiots that keep complaining that they don't know what he's talking about given their lack of grasp for his backwards cult character. Wyatt should have been Mr.Money in the Bank tbh, he needed it more then any of the other wrestlers and had enough ammunition to make his cash-in worth-while.

For example, should sheamus really be world champion? he turned heel and it's refreshing but he doesn't have enough momentum to justify a main-event run with the title; I think he should cash-in only to lose.

Owens is a brilliant heel and he understands the psychology of his persona and how to really work the crowd, Ryback was a little protected at the end their but that's totally acceptable given that we need more heels to cheat on their own to claim victory which is clean for their character, it also doesn't make them look weak. Look forward to seeing Ryback/KO feud, Wyatts are fine feuding with Reigns/Ambrose at the moment but they do need some gold soon.

:))) true and we've also seen Wrestlers literally kill each other in Ladder matches for that belt. Bret and Davey fought for that belt in the main-event of summerslam before 80,000+
I keep tabs and watch it when I can. It's good the heels and faces are loosely defined considering this is the 'reality' era.

The only thing that annoys me more than dead fans is fans pining for the attitude era to return. Attitude era lest we forget had Perry Saturn and his broom. Also, Al Snow and the head.

Hell I think ruthless aggression era was better. Even then it had Katie Vick and the embarrassing moments with Mae young.

Really pleased to see Rollins win clean and I hope sting is okay. Hopefully they give Kane a final title run. He has always been a sentimental favourite.
That 'pipebomb' was so weak, unoriginal and clearly scripted, Paige's words had no conviction or genuine feeling of pain or frustration behind them.

And then that awful voice cracking 'woo' to end it.

Annoys me when people use the words 'pipebomb' for any half decent promo which breaks kayfabe, what Punk did that night was something special god damn it - no one could differentiate it from a work or shoot, that's how good it was.

He changed the landscape of the WWE and garnered mainstream in one damn night, all by the use of his words, that's damn impressive.

Anyone else find it funny how the WWE still use that term (tweeted it) despite it originating from someone who the machine despises expressing his displeasure and hate towards the company.
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I'm happy with how they booked Rollins last night, first time in a long time he's been able to actually look like a threat and credible champion.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] may hate Punks guts, but even he has to admit that promo was special.

Heck, it turned me from a guy who cared little about Punk into a massive mark.

It was a promo which led to the finding of another star, it sucks he couldn't kick on with the WWE and become as massive as he could have with the interest he sparked.

Punk himself admitsmthe booking after that pipebomb was trash, almost as if the WWE wanted to kill his momentum so he wouldn't challenge the cancer.

You can defend Cena all you like but the guy imo is the worst thing to happen to wrestling. Before you start about the crap with him being passionate, every WWE star is passionate and would perform the exact role he is doing now, only diff is he has the build of what the WWE machine wants and tows the company line like a good little solider.
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A real pipebomb would have been if she mentioned the fact Nikki only held the title for as long as she did to stick to Punk and AJ, who left the company and have shown wrestlers can make it without the machine.
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I'm happy with how they booked Rollins last night, first time in a long time he's been able to actually look like a threat and credible champion.

Definitely, losing clean to Cena twice in a row made him look very credible.
That 'pipebomb' was so weak, unoriginal and clearly scripted, Paige's words had no conviction or genuine feeling of pain or frustration behind them.

And then that awful voice cracking 'woo' to end it.

Annoys me when people use the words 'pipebomb' for any half decent promo which breaks kayfabe, what Punk did that night was something special god damn it - no one could differentiate it from a work or shoot, that's how good it was.

He changed the landscape of the WWE and garnered mainstream in one damn night, all by the use of his words, that's damn impressive.

Anyone else find it funny how the WWE still use that term (tweeted it) despite it originating from someone who the machine despises expressing his displeasure and hate towards the company.

This is probably one of the worst criticisms I've ever read for a promo. And the foundation of your argument is based on CM Quit's promo being incredible :facepalm: CM Punk is great even more when you don't give him a script and he has to break kayfabe; but ones ability to cut a promo significantly improves when they are not scripted. If Paige was scripted; I'd have to give her even more praise because her promo was brilliant, you got be a complete nugget to suggest there was no conviction behind her words. As a character she has come far in 12 months.

All I see is CM Punk is blah blah and Paige is nothing in comparison, that just screams insecurity when it comes to Mr.Brooks prowess. How can one even compare two completely different talents on all levels and it is unfair to compare their promos. It would make more sense comparing Paige's worked shoot to AJ Lee's, both were very similar except Lee was desperately trying to imitate her Punk while Paige retained her originality given the mannerisms she displayed and her delivery on the mic.

Punk's promo is overrated given that he was in the PG era, have him sit next to Stone Cold Steve Austin or put him in the ring with HHH and he'd get destroyed. And instead of comparing his shoot to Paige's promo lmao you should be comparing it to the shoots by the likes of Jim Ross in 1996, Joey Styles Quitting WWE, Hogan at Bash/Beack, Matt Hardy on Edge/lita and Bret Calling out Vince; but why would you because either you know quiet a few of those were better then Punk's promo or just haven't followed the product enough beyond your support for Punk.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] may hate Punks guts, but even he has to admit that promo was special.

Heck, it turned me from a guy who cared little about Punk into a massive mark.

It was a promo which led to the finding of another star, it sucks he couldn't kick on with the WWE and become as massive as he could have with the interest he sparked.

Punk himself admitsmthe booking after that pipebomb was trash, almost as if the WWE wanted to kill his momentum so he wouldn't challenge the cancer.

You can defend Cena all you like but the guy imo is the worst thing to happen to wrestling. Before you start about the crap with him being passionate, every WWE star is passionate and would perform the exact role he is doing now, only diff is he has the build of what the WWE machine wants and tows the company line like a good little solider.

I don't hate Punks guts, I respect what he achieved but just don't worship him; nor am I deluded like most of his fans and see through his lies.

Booked like trash my backside, this guy was given every chance to succeed but he couldn't get over despite getting help from shawn michaels and paul heyman. They put all the mid-card titles on him, gave him two money in the bank cases and he still couldn't get over. That promo changed everything for him given that he had finally found a character which the fans began to actually care about; it was unfortunate that he ended up losing to HHH but if you're as good as you think you are shady booking is something every wrestler has to overcome to make it to the top not just the cry-baby Punk. After that he became the longest reigning champ of the modern era in a period where title reigns were not too lengthy, he cried about not getting to main-event mania but he got to work the undertaker at mania in what was easily the most important match of the night.

Cena on an individual level is a fantastic A/R talent, it's the direction of the company which needs to change. They've not developed any main-event level talents besides Cena. And yeah every wrestler is passionate about the business and they do what they're supposed to do and overcome any booking obstacles which is the norm in every business; but Punk is unique in that regard, he spat in the face of the business that made him and he threw a hissy fit when the going got tough. So much for him being "Old-School" and a leader of the locker room, the guy threw his toys out the pram and took his ball home, that will be his ultimate legacy. He continues to take a dump on pro-wrestling, it's obviously to brown nose towards MMA fans now that he's no longer an active wrestler the hypocrite
A real pipebomb would have been if she mentioned the fact Nikki only held the title for as long as she did to stick to Punk and AJ, who left the company and have shown wrestlers can make it without the machine.

:))) :))) It's a bad promo because she didn't mention Punk/AJ.

Firstly, Nikki's main reason for success on the main-roster is Total Divas and besides that the most popular rumour is her relationship with John Cena,

Anyway how does Paige mentioning Punk/AJ significant in anyway LOOL Nikki breaking the record gets her more heat and Charlotte going over the "longest reigning divas champion in history" is more meaningful.

How is AJ Lee's reign even important in anyway, how many times did she even defend that belt? it's not a big deal at all
I thought Paige's promo was good. A nice heel turn than the usual, let me grab your hair and slam it to the mat. And she did it in front of Ric, so it made her look even more disrespectful, like a heel should.

I dont think her promo was a pipebomb, that term is thrown around too often. I think the only true pipebomb was Punks but does not mean Paige promo bad.

Also can they stop saying Charlotte is the world champion and she won the world championship like her father? No, she is the Divas champion because WWE is devoid of an actual revolution. Dump the dumb Divas moniker, it is insulting to them. Bring back the old womens title, so these girls can feel they are competing with the likes of Trish, Lita and Ivory. Not Kelly Kelly.
I keep tabs and watch it when I can. It's good the heels and faces are loosely defined considering this is the 'reality' era.

The only thing that annoys me more than dead fans is fans pining for the attitude era to return. Attitude era lest we forget had Perry Saturn and his broom. Also, Al Snow and the head.

Hell I think ruthless aggression era was better. Even then it had Katie Vick and the embarrassing moments with Mae young.

Really pleased to see Rollins win clean and I hope sting is okay. Hopefully they give Kane a final title run. He has always been a sentimental favourite.

I agree, when you look at quality episodic TV then the RA era has to be the best. Attitude Era was certainly more popular but the storylines were not compelling in general, the product revolved around crash TV to generate those high ratings; there were some interesting storylines involving the main-event talent though. But it's the nostalgia from those special moments which are still pivotal for the fans when they look at the AE era rather then then how creative team worked as a whole during that time.

Kane and The Rock were my all time favourite who got me interested in wrestling, everyone use to be so terrified of Kane man I get the creeps looking at him from the late 90's; but pretty much this as far as his comeback is concerned:



If he returned in that mask in the demonic super monster heel gimmick then I'd be all for him getting another run with the belt. His new gimmick is hilarious though, the backstage segments were funny on RAW this week :))) apparently the new masked kane is an alter-ego and corporate Kane has no recollection of what he did to Seth lol Who is your favourite out of the new guys? I assume Wyatt? :yk

Rollins lost to Cena CLEAN two nights in a row, even on RAW today :facepalm: Kevin Owens was hilarious on commentary during the match between Ryback/Bo, loved how he kept humiliating the idiotic style of commentary which Cole/Saxton have to embrace.
I thought Paige's promo was good. A nice heel turn than the usual, let me grab your hair and slam it to the mat. And she did it in front of Ric, so it made her look even more disrespectful, like a heel should.

I dont think her promo was a pipebomb, that term is thrown around too often. I think the only true pipebomb was Punks but does not mean Paige promo bad.

Also can they stop saying Charlotte is the world champion and she won the world championship like her father? No, she is the Divas champion because WWE is devoid of an actual revolution. Dump the dumb Divas moniker, it is insulting to them. Bring back the old womens title, so these girls can feel they are competing with the likes of Trish, Lita and Ivory. Not Kelly Kelly.

We have to give the kid credit, I remember having high hopes of her given the work she did in NXT and I remember you not being convinced by her first stint as a diva on the main-roster (no complaints, she was awful but I expected her to come good plus she was so young) but with time she has developed into decent character who is very compatible on the mic now.

The word Pipebomb is just a kayfabe term for a worked shoot. Punk Marks make it seem like it's some kind of spiritual word taken from the bible or something.

Agree with you and oi! how dare you! Amir! Leave Kelly Kelly alone! She was a decent champion you know, why you hating on her; don't judge Barbie Blank by her looks! she was so gorgeous bah gawd
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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

this is embarrassing :yk TNA should sell them now to Vince.





[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

this is embarrassing :yk TNA should sell them now to Vince.






That was their first house show in ages, they shouldn't be on the road; period.

You posted all them pics but missed the main one of matt and Jeff
I was in Delhi, couldnt attend Mark Henry show. Looks like a well organized event. WWE is huge in India as a brand, hoping they include us on their world tour for once lol.
I was in Delhi, couldnt attend Mark Henry show. Looks like a well organized event. WWE is huge in India as a brand, hoping they include us on their world tour for once lol.

They've performed shows there in the past haven't they? yeah big market, one of the main reasons for Khali's employment up until the point when he was fired
This Kane is awesome. And I don't think it is a split personality issue. He is well aware of the two personalities and is using them to mind screw with Seth and the authority making him way more dangerous than the Jason Voorhees-like maniac that he was.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] I think you misunderstood, I was peeved at how people starting throwing the word pipebomb around. To me it only belittles the promo Punk cut. Think we'd agree there was genuine feeling and conviction behind Punks words - that to me is why it made Punks promo the all more 'real', because it stemmed from years of frustration. Whereas Paiges promo was clearly scripted, I don't think for a second she has any reason to 'shoot' on the company - I feel she's happy with the position shes in atm.

By the way, I'd be happy to see Rollins beat Punks record even though Punk is my all time favorite. I really like watching Rollins and see the next face of the company in him, the man is gold. Screw Reigns and Ambrose, Rollins is it his reign has proven he's good enough to replace Cancer when he decides to retire.

On the losses to Cancer, he looked really strong in their NOC match, it was only really the recent raw match where he lost a bit of cred. But I've given up on the thought of an upcoming heel beating Cancer, to the point a good showing is sufficient. The machine doesn't want kids to lose faith in their hero, so they can't have him lose feuds.
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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] why is the bar lower for woman? They wanted to be treated equally yet here people giving them an easier pass mark... Isn't that sexist?... I can only imagine what some would have said had a male performer cut a 'shoot' promo with the same delivery..
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

this is embarrassing :yk TNA should sell them now to Vince.






Why do these guy even bother, man. They have been losing money for quite some time now, and I don't see anything changing in the future as well. :facepalm:
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] why is the bar lower for woman? They wanted to be treated equally yet here people giving them an easier pass mark... Isn't that sexist?... I can only imagine what some would have said had a male performer cut a 'shoot' promo with the same delivery..

I don't know which bar level you are watching but Paige is getting the same treatment from fans when CM Quite got after his first pipe bomb. Though Paige's pipe bomb was weak. Divas usually suck on the mic and that's why sometimes they aren't treated the same, it's their fault. Nothing is being sexist here.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] I think you misunderstood, I was peeved at how people starting throwing the word pipebomb around. To me it only belittles the promo Punk cut. Think we'd agree there was genuine feeling and conviction behind Punks words - that to me is why it made Punks promo the all more 'real', because it stemmed from years of frustration. Whereas Paiges promo was clearly scripted, I don't think for a second she has any reason to 'shoot' on the company - I feel she's happy with the position shes in atm.

By the way, I'd be happy to see Rollins beat Punks record even though Punk is my all time favorite. I really like watching Rollins and see the next face of the company in him, the man is gold. Screw Reigns and Ambrose, Rollins is it his reign has proven he's good enough to replace Cancer when he decides to retire.

On the losses to Cancer, he looked really strong in their NOC match, it was only really the recent raw match where he lost a bit of cred. But I've given up on the thought of an upcoming heel beating Cancer, to the point a good showing is sufficient. The machine doesn't want kids to lose faith in their hero, so they can't have him lose feuds.

Pipebomb is just another kayfabe term for a worked shoot :facepalm: You have no evidence whether her promo was scripted or not and your opinion on it is subjective but the promo was well received by critics/fans barring Punk marks and I thought it was brilliant in terms of content and delivery. J.R the most respected talent scout in pro-wrestling history had the following to say: "Loved Paige’s interview as it did not feel like it was recited from memory and from the pen of some writer who was channeling Paige with what he or she ‘thought’ Paige would say in the situation that she was in. Good stuff…organic and real. Show stealer." it is beyond me how anyone can say it felt scripted :facepalm: Actually Paige has every reason to shoot, she was the one who started the divas revolution with Emma in NXT and when she made her debut and things were going well before the Bella's came into the title picture. Having said that, Natalya has more reason to be disgruntled but her career was resurrected thanks to Total Divas.

Rollins is amongst the best A/R performers in the world today but his mic ability is not all that tbh, maybe it would improve when he turns into a babyface. He has also been a victim of poor booking, sure he's a chicken sh!t heel/weasel but thus far he has only won 15 matches and lost almost 60 times during his reign thus far. Lets not forget that Seth has injured two wrestlers now and as [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] pointed out he has ego problems, in his career whenever he gets a push he becomes reckless. He is not perfect but for a first reign he has done pretty well but there is room for improvement. I have no doubt in my mind that Ambrose would make a better heel if he embraces his CZW gimmick; I think both Ambrose and Rollins have done very well in that Rollins was expected to make a great baby face in the future while Ambrose was expected to get to another level as a heel but both have done well in completely opposite roles. Reigns has improved a bit in comparison to where he was this time last year but still has loads of work to do.

There is no excuse for Rollins their "future" losing to the top star of the company back to back clean; Cena doesn't need to be overly protected even for the kids.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] why is the bar lower for woman? They wanted to be treated equally yet here people giving them an easier pass mark... Isn't that sexist?... I can only imagine what some would have said had a male performer cut a 'shoot' promo with the same delivery..

I think it is sexist disregarding the talent of women in comparison to one of the best promos by a veteran during the PG era. We have to sh!t on every single promo now if they are not like CM Punk's :facepalm: which was overrated to begin with. Punk's promo is not the barometer, am sorry. Had a male performer shooted in the same manner as Paige I'd give equal praise actually.
Indeed, and i want to see Kharma again in WWE

Her run in TNA was so good! WWE fired her just because she got pregnant :facepalm:

People are talking about the divas revolution in America now yet the division is no where near the level the TNA knockouts had reached post 2006/07. The womens division was one of the signature divisions for TNA along with X-division which made their product so unique. Angel Williams, Amazing Kong, ODB, Shelly Martinez, Talia Madison and the face of the division Gail Kim had some incredible feuds and matches.
They've performed shows there in the past haven't they? yeah big market, one of the main reasons for Khali's employment up until the point when he was fired

They are sending wwe stars on promotional visits every now and then. Trying to capture the tv market, there obviously is huge potential here. Khali was a legitimate freak till his body supported which wasn't too long. He really helped getting people more personal with wwe. Hopefully some talented desi lads will emerge in time, they could even be Pakistani. Pretty sure we will back them all. Wwe is openly racist though. They hardly even support the black wrestlers much.
They are sending wwe stars on promotional visits every now and then. Trying to capture the tv market, there obviously is huge potential here. Khali was a legitimate freak till his body supported which wasn't too long. He really helped getting people more personal with wwe. Hopefully some talented desi lads will emerge in time, they could even be Pakistani. Pretty sure we will back them all. Wwe is openly racist though. They hardly even support the black wrestlers much.

At least we got one world champ out of the subcontinent :))) England don't even have one yet LOL. He was a freak and they used him well in his initial run but his body was just too fragile and the lack of personality doesn't help either. The initial run with his manager was great though, went over Taker clean at one point. Jinder Mahal wasn't bad at all but they used him as a jobber. Yeah that's why I found the whole Hogan episode so hypocritical.
They are sending wwe stars on promotional visits every now and then. Trying to capture the tv market, there obviously is huge potential here. Khali was a legitimate freak till his body supported which wasn't too long. He really helped getting people more personal with wwe. Hopefully some talented desi lads will emerge in time, they could even be Pakistani. Pretty sure we will back them all. Wwe is openly racist though. They hardly even support the black wrestlers much.

india market will fail and WWE is slowly pulling its plug from india, its a lost cause for them.
last visit had some firey remarks from superstars to WWE. Apparently the food and air was unbearable for them.
Her run in TNA was so good! WWE fired her just because she got pregnant :facepalm:

People are talking about the divas revolution in America now yet the division is no where near the level the TNA knockouts had reached post 2006/07. The womens division was one of the signature divisions for TNA along with X-division which made their product so unique. Angel Williams, Amazing Kong, ODB, Shelly Martinez, Talia Madison and the face of the division Gail Kim had some incredible feuds and matches.

she choose to walk away. No one asked her to get pregnant at such an important time of her career in the WWE.
At least we got one world champ out of the subcontinent :))) England don't even have one yet LOL. He was a freak and they used him well in his initial run but his body was just too fragile and the lack of personality doesn't help either. The initial run with his manager was great though, went over Taker clean at one point. Jinder Mahal wasn't bad at all but they used him as a jobber. Yeah that's why I found the whole Hogan episode so hypocritical.

England have got their first WWE Champion in Layla and Paige. The only one who deserved to be WWE Champion is men division was William Regal.

PS: Jinder Mahal was no where near good. He was a horrible wrestler. You can watch his matches they were awful, even Brock choose to only toss him out of the ring so that he can focus more on Drew and Heath
England have got their first WWE Champion in Layla and Paige. The only one who deserved to be WWE Champion is men division was William Regal.

PS: Jinder Mahal was no where near good. He was a horrible wrestler. You can watch his matches they were awful, even Brock choose to only toss him out of the ring so that he can focus more on Drew and Heath

William Regal or Davey Boy Smith.

You do know wrestling is fake? who Brock attacks is pre-determined/scripted you absolute nugget :))) and guys like CJ Parker and Jinder were fantastic talents; it's just that WWE booked them like crap.
she choose to walk away. No one asked her to get pregnant at such an important time of her career in the WWE.

She never chose to walk away, she was fired actually. Telling someone to not get pregnant is the type of non-sensical bigotry a resident of saudi would say, you obviously don't value human rights and embrace the traditions in a country where your employer turns you into his slave. In institutions which value human rights, they give their employee maternity leave you absolute nugget and allow for them to return when physically able. WWE dumped her like she was a pile of garbage on the road.
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] I have video footage of the great Jinder Mahal cutting a better "pipebomb" then CM Quit at a house show I went to in the UK last year
I think it is sexist disregarding the talent of women in comparison to one of the best promos by a veteran during the PG era. We have to sh!t on every single promo now if they are not like CM Punk's :facepalm: which was overrated to begin with. Punk's promo is not the barometer, am sorry. Had a male performer shooted in the same manner as Paige I'd give equal praise actually.
Well quite a few people are calling it a 'pipebomb', hence the comparison.

Maybe I just have a higher standard, I also think Rollins promo delivery is pretty poor even though the content itself is pretty solid.

Divas want to be treated equally, maybe they just step up and try match the mainevent scene of the mens division (matches and promos), maybe then they'll get recognized because I'm not going to lower the bar just because they're females.
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Well quite a few people are calling it a 'pipebomb', hence the comparison.

Maybe I just have a higher standard, I also think Rollins promo delivery is pretty poor even though the content itself is pretty solid.

I don't think you have a higher standard at all, I feel you're limited in your ability to judge what a quality promo is beyond CM Punks "pipebomb", J.R must have lower standards then you Aman right? :))

It is decent at times but generally not so great, he gets boring chants now and is starting to turn into a poor mans version of reality era Randy Orton
I don't think you have a higher standard at all, I feel you're limited in your ability to judge what a quality promo is beyond CM Punks "pipebomb", J.R must have lower standards then you Aman right? :))

It is decent at times but generally not so great, he gets boring chants now and is starting to turn into a poor mans version of reality era Randy Orton
Yeah, the thing that saves him is his amazing ability in the ring. Personally think Kevin Owens is a better A/R talent, he can cut good promos and put on one hell of a match.

Not limiting myself on quality by comparing it just punks pipebomb. Imo delivery is the most vital part of a promo - you could have a crap script, but if you deliver it well you can still turn it into a good promo.
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[MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] Regardless of anything else about the main event at NOC, I'm always beyond impressed and humbled when someone suffers a serious injury and still finishes the match. It goes way above professionalism and is very hard to put into words and justify. To stop is just not an option. It shows you the level of will a pro wrestler possesses. Sting you absolute mad man! and legend :bow:
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] what would CM Punk have done? lol

[MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] Regardless of anything else about the main event at NOC, I'm always beyond impressed and humbled when someone suffers a serious injury and still finishes the match. It goes way above professionalism and is very hard to put into words and justify. To stop is just not an option. It shows you the level of will a pro wrestler possesses. Sting you absolute mad man! and legend :bow:
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] what would CM Punk have done? lol

Punk wrestled with an untreated staph infection for months.

Respect to Sting anyway.
Yeah, the thing that saves him is his amazing ability in the ring. Personally think Kevin Owens is a better A/R talent, he can cut good promos and put on one hell of a match.

Not limiting myself on quality by comparing it just punks pipebomb. Imo delivery is the most vital part of a promo - you could have a crap script, but if you deliver it well you can still turn it into a good promo.

Not just in-ring ability itself, the heel mannerisms displayed while wrestling add great depth to his chicken sh!t/weasel persona. Yeah KO is probably the best out of the bunch overall.

Nothing was wrong with Paige's delivery, it was completely organic and well received by respected individuals who know more then the both of us. You are because you are implying that every shoot has to be on par with Punks if not better in order for it to be given any credit which is just really silly.
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] Punk and his Lawyers are already backtracking on all the stuff they said on the podcast LOOL now they are saying that it was all for fictional purposes and that they never mentioned Dr.Aman by name :)))
Austin took his ball home entirely because of creative. In all my years of watching wrestling no wrestler has cried about being banged up etc more then Punk, it's the nature of the business and you know what you're signing up for or else you shouldn't be a pro-wrestler. Am not surprised Mr.Brooks is disrespecting the industry left, right and centre now that he has signed with the UFC, it just goes to show you what kind of man he is.
Initially I emphatically defended Punk on PP but after he signed with the UFC and how he timed it so perfectly with the podcast in addition to the new information that has come out regarding his questioning of Dr.Amans professionalism I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth anymore. He has his fans dancing like puppets from the strings of his finger tips. [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION]

Punk wrestled with an untreated staph infection for months.

Respect to Sting anyway.

do you have any proof video ? Last time I checked WWE provided one and there wasn't even a zit on Punk's coward back

[MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] Regardless of anything else about the main event at NOC, I'm always beyond impressed and humbled when someone suffers a serious injury and still finishes the match. It goes way above professionalism and is very hard to put into words and justify. To stop is just not an option. It shows you the level of will a pro wrestler possesses. Sting you absolute mad man! and legend :bow:
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] what would CM Punk have done? lol

Punk would have done this

[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] I have video footage of the great Jinder Mahal cutting a better "pipebomb" then CM Quit at a house show I went to in the UK last year

so Punk stole ideas of rising talents and put it in his book, how typical punk :yk2
She never chose to walk away, she was fired actually. Telling someone to not get pregnant is the type of non-sensical bigotry a resident of saudi would say, you obviously don't value human rights and embrace the traditions in a country where your employer turns you into his slave. In institutions which value human rights, they give their employee maternity leave you absolute nugget and allow for them to return when physically able. WWE dumped her like she was a pile of garbage on the road.

it was her fault not WWE. of course they had to let her go. WWE isn't a Day care center. Use your brain cells next time comparing my posts with saudi laws
it was her fault not WWE. of course they had to let her go. WWE isn't a Day care center. Use your brain cells next time comparing my posts with saudi laws

I doubt you have any brain cells or else you'd grasp the concept of maternity leave; am not surprised given your affiliation with the saudis now. Your opinion holds little value when it comes to evaluating human rights.

watch how punk is begging for HHH to give him some chummi and hugs :)))
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] complains about promos being too scripted where is the conviction in Punks words during that interaction and HHH was like meh before casually smashing Punks head with his shovel with little force :))) punk sounded like a man that was sh!t scared and just wet himself. He just made himself look like he didn't belong in the same ring as HHH lol. Punk's best work in the WWE was as the straight edge saviour.
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Punk was a best manipulative at that time. When Hunter cornered him about its not neccessary to be a body builder, PUnk changed the topic to Ice cream bars :facepalm:
Punk was a best manipulative at that time. When Hunter cornered him about its not neccessary to be a body builder, PUnk changed the topic to Ice cream bars :facepalm:

Many guys the size of punk don't get so many opportunities unless they prove their worth but Punk had so much support to begin with! it's just hilarious that he can blame the machine even a little bit for his inability to get over despite the rocket which was strapped on his back. Punk got the mid-card titles, money in the banks and even a WHC but he failed. It was only when he turned heel that he began to find success, him blaming the machine is funny; heck Bryan has every right to given how he was screwed again and again but has he ever complained like Punk? and Punk actually got support from the WWE.

I don't like HHH for his backstage politics and how he has influenced creative during his career but I respect him more then Punk as a professional wrestler.
Many guys the size of punk don't get so many opportunities unless they prove their worth but Punk had so much support to begin with! it's just hilarious that he can blame the machine even a little bit for his inability to get over despite the rocket which was strapped on his back. Punk got the mid-card titles, money in the banks and even a WHC but he failed. It was only when he turned heel that he began to find success, him blaming the machine is funny; heck Bryan has every right to given how he was screwed again and again but has he ever complained like Punk? and Punk actually got support from the WWE.

I don't like HHH for his backstage politics and how he has influenced creative during his career but I respect him more then Punk as a professional wrestler.

remember Edge HOF tribute video. Punk thanks him for making it possible for him. As you said Punk was handed opportunities. Multiple MITB and he failed to make impact on both occasions. Imagine Edge, Jericho got these chances. ATGs like Edge and Jericho waited for more than a decade to get a shot at being the upper card wrestler. That's what hard work, commitment and love for the business is Punk.
remember Edge HOF tribute video. Punk thanks him for making it possible for him. As you said Punk was handed opportunities. Multiple MITB and he failed to make impact on both occasions. Imagine Edge, Jericho got these chances. ATGs like Edge and Jericho waited for more than a decade to get a shot at being the upper card wrestler. That's what hard work, commitment and love for the business is Punk.

It's my favourite Punk segment ever because it just exposes him on so many levels. Him crying about busting his backside to get over is too funny, he says it as if he's the only wrestler that has to go through that struggle and my man was given so many chances to get over to begin with.
It's my favourite Punk segment ever because it just exposes him on so many levels. Him crying about busting his backside to get over is too funny, he says it as if he's the only wrestler that has to go through that struggle and my man was given so many chances to get over to begin with.

I wish Punk was available around Evolution era. Then Ric Flair would burry him and put down the biggest pipe bomb in history of Punk pathetic whining career. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] complains about promos being too scripted where is the conviction in Punks words during that interaction and HHH was like meh before casually smashing Punks head with his shovel with little force :))) punk sounded like a man that was sh!t scared and just wet himself. He just made himself look like he didn't belong in the same ring as HHH lol. Punk's best work in the WWE was as the straight edge saviour.
Yeah, like HHH's ego would let Punk get the last word in lol

Just have a look what's happened to Sting if you want a gauge on HHH's ego.
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] complains about promos being too scripted where is the conviction in Punks words during that interaction and HHH was like meh before casually smashing Punks head with his shovel with little force :))) punk sounded like a man that was sh!t scared and just wet himself. He just made himself look like he didn't belong in the same ring as HHH lol. Punk's best work in the WWE was as the straight edge saviour.
You really think HHH was going to let Punk get one over him? Or do you think Punk hitting him with the mic was legit lololol
Remember when HHH destroyed him in a promo battle that wasn't scripted without even trying :)))
How do you know that? Everything is scripted - Punks pipebomb was scripted, difference being he wrote his own script.
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Many guys the size of punk don't get so many opportunities unless they prove their worth but Punk had so much support to begin with! it's just hilarious that he can blame the machine even a little bit for his inability to get over despite the rocket which was strapped on his back. Punk got the mid-card titles, money in the banks and even a WHC but he failed. It was only when he turned heel that he began to find success, him blaming the machine is funny; heck Bryan has every right to given how he was screwed again and again but has he ever complained like Punk? and Punk actually got support from the WWE.

I don't like HHH for his backstage politics and how he has influenced creative during his career but I respect him more then Punk as a professional wrestler.
Edge and Jericho were never the guy, Punk wanted to be the guy just like Bryan never became the guy despite the massive fan support.

Regarding bodybuilders he didn't narrow it down to bodybuilders - it pretty much mean't muscly, good looking guys who could front the company e.g. Cena and Reigns.
How do you know that? Everything is scripted - Punks pipebomb was scripted, difference being he wrote his own script.

did Punk tell you in your dreams that he wrote those pipebombs :))) :)))

The writers wrote those and Vince made some adjustment to them. Punk can only talk in front of camera like a B+ actor, nothing more.
STING: The biggest pleasure. I’m honored. After 30 years and working with some of the best and some of the greatest, [Rollins] is, I’m telling you, he’s got to be the best I’ve ever worked with. I mean, this guy has it. And I think he’s just scratching the surface on what he will do. I’ve never seen somebody as talented. He’s working two [matches] on Raw, two [matches] on the pay-per-view, he’s involved in every other segment and it’s physical. He’s got guys coming from every angle. There’s a lot on his plate. He’s carrying a lot, and he’s handling it. He’s proven he can do it. I’m just glad I had a chance to work with him. He’s the kind of guy who could be in there with a broomstick and make something very interesting happen, a match that people would love somehow.

Sting praising Rollins, makes sense.
How do you know that? Everything is scripted - Punks pipebomb was scripted, difference being he wrote his own script.

lol that doesn't make any sense.

Firstly no need to troll you know what I meant, the segment itself was scripted in terms of the layout but HHH and Punk were given freedom on the microphone during that interaction.