He was super over even as a baby face at one point, they even tested the crowd reaction by giving him the WWE title win; only for the decision to be over turned. But the fans went absolutely nuts; he has done well in the lunatic fringe gimmick and there was money in it had they given him a main-event run with the championship. But totally agree that he'd be on another level as a heel, didn't realise you follow the product so much nowadays leathers aha you must have seen those psychotic promos of his in CZW.
Wyatt won't feud with KO given that he's a heel as well but in this day and age WWE don't seem to care about faces or heels so what the hell. Wyatt is another talent that is not utilized, his mic ability is on another level and they've not been able to use his skills in the best way possible although in the recent months his booking has been better; they've kept his lines a little shorter and sort of dumbed him down a little bit for the idiots that keep complaining that they don't know what he's talking about given their lack of grasp for his backwards cult character. Wyatt should have been Mr.Money in the Bank tbh, he needed it more then any of the other wrestlers and had enough ammunition to make his cash-in worth-while.
For example, should sheamus really be world champion? he turned heel and it's refreshing but he doesn't have enough momentum to justify a main-event run with the title; I think he should cash-in only to lose.
Owens is a brilliant heel and he understands the psychology of his persona and how to really work the crowd, Ryback was a little protected at the end their but that's totally acceptable given that we need more heels to cheat on their own to claim victory which is clean for their character, it also doesn't make them look weak. Look forward to seeing Ryback/KO feud, Wyatts are fine feuding with Reigns/Ambrose at the moment but they do need some gold soon.

) true and we've also seen Wrestlers literally kill each other in Ladder matches for that belt. Bret and Davey fought for that belt in the main-event of summerslam before 80,000+