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The Wrestling Discussion Thread

So Rainz should be the champion/face of the company based on the fact that you think he's a "power house" :facepalm: what an absolutely retarded argument.

Stone Cold was a phenomenal wrestler with a brilliant character and ability to talk, The Rock was decent in the ring but his charisma and ability to talk was unbelievable and HHH as an individual performer was brilliant in the ring and on the mic. Punk could wrestle and talk which carried him as a WWE champion on his road to becoming the longest reigning champs of the modern era. KO is a better talker and wrestler then Rainz.

Roman Rainz can't talk, lacks a personality, is not charismatic and he can't wrestle at the main-event level. You need to be able to talk and wrestle to survive as champion in this era even though mic skills/personality are the most important.

his Mic skills arent ATG level but you can bet a good main event on him. He's a phenomenal performer. WWE needs to appoint him a manager and turn him which will should be the perfect gimmick for him to become the next WWE Champion. Face Reinz wont bring much to the company but a Heel Reinz will bring a lot of feuds and opportunities. Believe that.
his Mic skills arent ATG level but you can bet a good main event on him. He's a phenomenal performer. WWE needs to appoint him a manager and turn him which will should be the perfect gimmick for him to become the next WWE Champion. Face Reinz wont bring much to the company but a Heel Reinz will bring a lot of feuds and opportunities. Believe that.

You need to be able to talk and make your opponent look good to suceed as a main eventer. Sure him turning heel would be a good move as would giving him a manager to conceal poor verbal skills and his work in the ring should improve if he is determined in that area but even then I see him as someone who would make a great upper mid carder. The likes of Batista and Lesnar evolved after having managers, Dave developed a personality and Lesnar got over given his unique technical ability for a man his size and when he turned face his verbal skills were not awful nor were his mannerisms; he was actually hillarious and entertaining at times.
You need to be able to talk and make your opponent look good to suceed as a main eventer. Sure him turning heel would be a good move as would giving him a manager to conceal poor verbal skills and his work in the ring should improve if he is determined in that area but even then I see him as someone who would make a great upper mid carder. The likes of Batista and Lesnar evolved after having managers, Dave developed a personality and Lesnar got over given his unique technical ability for a man his size and when he turned face his verbal skills were not awful nor were his mannerisms; he was actually hillarious and entertaining at times.

and that's why someone needs to come in and manage Reinz. I hear Bischoff will make a return. him as Reinz manager would do wonders I think.

PS: why are you so against Reinz being the main event player. Didn't he prove everyone wrong this year at Mania
and that's why someone needs to come in and manage Reinz. I hear Bischoff will make a return. him as Reinz manager would do wonders I think.

PS: why are you so against Reinz being the main event player. Didn't he prove everyone wrong this year at Mania

Heyman turning on Lesnar to manage Reignz would be great, even Zeb Colter.

Am not, am just smarter then you :yk2 I've not seen any evidence which suggests Rainz will be a long term main eventer at the moment, we are currently speaking of hypothetical scenarioes where creative make Rainz look strong but as an individual performer what talent does he have...

Lesnar matches are always unique and he did the bulk of the work, Rainz sold the offence really well. If that made you think he's the next big thing thank god you are not running the WWE
Heyman turning on Lesnar to manage Reignz would be great, even Zeb Colter.

Am not, am just smarter then you :yk2 I've not seen any evidence which suggests Rainz will be a long term main eventer at the moment, we are currently speaking of hypothetical scenarioes where creative make Rainz look strong but as an individual performer what talent does he have...

Lesnar matches are always unique and he did the bulk of the work, Rainz sold the offence really well. If that made you think he's the next big thing thank god you are not running the WWE

if they're going to Cesaro/Heyman type thing then no thank you. Vince can have his baby manager all to himself. I think a lady would be better to manage Reignz, don't you think :yk2 just imagine someone like Eden or Amanda from Tough Enough managing him
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] how do you find Carmella ?
TNA is a load of garbage now but it was still a great feel good moment to see Matt Hardy become World Champion at BFG, gets you emotional a bit knowing what he achieved during his career in the WWE and how he was mis-used at times; would definitely have made a good world champion in the E but it wasn't to be. He has never won a world title in any other promotion and to see him win one before his family and friends was damn awesome
TNA is a load of garbage now but it was still a great feel good moment to see Matt Hardy become World Champion at BFG, gets you emotional a bit knowing what he achieved during his career in the WWE and how he was mis-used at times; would definitely have made a good world champion in the E but it wasn't to be. He has never won a world title in any other promotion and to see him win one before his family and friends was damn awesome

his time in WWE was due but he had to wait a little bit more and he didn't. Christian got his final break and I thought what if Mat was still here, then Christian V Mat would have sold a lot of PPVs. Remember that promo btw them before MITB. That was a sign for things to turn around for them but Mat youtube whining got the better of him
his time in WWE was due but he had to wait a little bit more and he didn't. Christian got his final break and I thought what if Mat was still here, then Christian V Mat would have sold a lot of PPVs. Remember that promo btw them before MITB. That was a sign for things to turn around for them but Mat youtube whining got the better of him

Matt was super over on the road to mania 24 and I genuinely thought he would win MITB as a surprise entrant when he interfered, the crowd went absolutely crazy and that was the time to pull the trigger on his main-event push; instead WWE gave CM Quit another chance which he flushed down the toilet. Also, heel Matt Hardy version 2.0 or something and the self help guru in the early 2000's were epic gimmicks; another moment where they should have considered putting the belt on him. Man the likes of the dudleys and hardy's grew up in era's which had so much talent in the locker room, people complain that dolphy is buried blah blah but he doesn't even compare to Matt Hardy who actually had something called a personality. You know if the Hardy's, Dudleys etc and some other stars from the AE/RA era were 10 years younger in the current reality era they'd be main-eventers and the guys at the top would be working the upper mid card
Matt was super over on the road to mania 24 and I genuinely thought he would win MITB as a surprise entrant when he interfered, the crowd went absolutely crazy and that was the time to pull the trigger on his main-event push; instead WWE gave CM Quit another chance which he flushed down the toilet. Also, heel Matt Hardy version 2.0 or something and the self help guru in the early 2000's were epic gimmicks; another moment where they should have considered putting the belt on him. Man the likes of the dudleys and hardy's grew up in era's which had so much talent in the locker room, people complain that dolphy is buried blah blah but he doesn't even compare to Matt Hardy who actually had something called a personality. You know if the Hardy's, Dudleys etc and some other stars from the AE/RA era were 10 years younger in the current reality era they'd be main-eventers and the guys at the top would be working the upper mid card

it is entirely Vince and Hunter fault. I was really mad when they let Drugs Hardy win the WWE Championship, he didn't deserve it. Matt did. And then the heel turn at Rumble should have been Matt taking the title at Mania.
it is entirely Vince and Hunter fault. I was really mad when they let Drugs Hardy win the WWE Championship, he didn't deserve it. Matt did. And then the heel turn at Rumble should have been Matt taking the title at Mania.

Jeff was going through some serious issues, it's important not to demonize addicts; we need to look at the root causes of why they take drugs etc and try to help such people. It's disgraceful when fans insult Jeff because of that, this guy literally put his body on the line and almost killed himself every time he went out there; you think it's easy to pull of the stunts he did? am not surprised he took drugs, only someone insane would do the sh!t he did and he'd continue to do so without a fuss through extreme pain being banged up and probably carrying various injuries. Just listen to E and C on Austins podcast, they were speechless when watching footage of Jeff and at a few points pointed out how he was knocked out with a concussion at numerous points during a match yet he still continued. Jeff's situation is very unfortunate in that he could have been the guy to be a genuine face of the company but am happy for him that he still got to win the WWE title. Anyway WWE didn't let Jeff go because they wanted to; they just gave him some much needed rest so he could return fresh and heal up given the condition his body/mind were in; being on the road took so much out of him even more when you look at the style he worked, you don't get much time to rest/heal up in between shows and you're always on the road. TNA is a sh!t hole but it saved the lives of Jeff and Kurt in a way; their mental health improved and they found happiness given that they had certain degrees of freedom and wouldn't have to travel all the time etc. Jeff did deserve the title, I can't think of a star that has deserved it more then him; that title win was a symbol of all the pain/struggle he went through over the years and was as big a moment as Benoit and Eddie hugging it out at the end of mania 20.

With Matt they just never gave him enough chances as a main-eventer tbh, HHH in burial mode during the early 2000's never helped either and I don't think Vince believed in him. Maybe Matt would have won the title had he stuck around a little longer but not sure if they'd have put the WWE belt on him

imagine Sasha added to the New Day and New Day trolling the Divas during her match with their BOOTYYSS :))) :)))
It is finally happening. The wait is over. We all have been waiting for it for the past 10 years.

Cena asks for time off and is being granted
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=137238]Anchorman[/MENTION] [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION]

Taken From Dymatize Nutrition Magazine:

Kurt and I competed against each other at EVERYTHING. We hated losing to each other, but it was all in good fun. We even wrestled in the back - he was a little weasel. That was our things, and it went on for a very long time. Even today, there is no way I will let Kurt beat me at something.

At one of the events, the guys in the back were all testing their strength through arm-wrestling and 'mercy'. Most of them were there to 'impress the divas'. I remember running through all of them, even Paul [Big Show], who had bananas for fingers. The only guy I remember being stronger than me and it ****** me off because I hated not being first, was Kane. No one in the WWE was as strong as that guy. Trying to slam his arm down was like trying to push over a tree with one arm.

The life style was too much for me. Right now, I am doing what I love to do - sleep, train, fight and spend time with my family. That is all that matters to me.

That's gota be KANE :yk2
CM Quite at it again :))) :))) what an ungrateful human being, the company who made him what he is means nothing to him.


"If you're going to give money to a company that claims to raise money for finding a cure for cancer, please do some research. Komen is a scam"

"I'm talking about people collecting money for themselves in the name of breast cancer and you're talking about fake wrestling."

"The truth is never popular. **** all you crazy *****. Read a book."

Some fans saw it as a shot at WWE, others think he was watching Football, either way he comes off as a bit of a dick with the "fake wrestling" comment.
[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
[MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] did you write Becky's promo

"It doesn't matter if she's a anti (aunty) Diva or the Uncle Diva" - Becky :)))

CM Quite at it again :))) :))) what an ungrateful human being, the company who made him what he is means nothing to him.

[MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
It has been great having some pretty decent discussions with the likes of [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] when it came to our passion which is pro-wrestling and the odd laugh or two with DM, [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION], [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] and [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] but I no longer have interest in the product WWE have been putting out week after week. RAW has been god awful for a long time now and Vince remains completely out of touch with what the fans want or is just too stubborn to listen when he is supposed to be the messiah who should know what we want. I've never given up on the WWE before, I've spent a few years away when the likes of HBK/Edge etc retired and Taker became a part-timer but would still tune in but I just don't have a desire to watch RAW, Smackdown or any of the garbage specials and B PPV's which do little to elevate talent and storyline.
I can sympathise with that. I can't recall any good storylines since 2011 when they did the Punk leaving saga. Before that, you'll have to go back to 2008 with the Michaels-Jericho rivalry.

I don't go out of my way to watch the product, I've even gone off on a lot of the wrestling podcasts. Ultimately all wrestling fans at some point fall out of love with the product, maybe they come back at a later date, maybe they don't. For me - catch Wrestlemania, catch Summerslam, find out who won the Royal Rumble, try to see what's Lesnar doing, catch up occasionally on the latest gossip and skim read through Raw. If there's an unbelievably great match that I can't miss - I'll watch it.

Other than that - meh.

I don't know how the hell Wade Keller for example can speak for 30 years on one subject every day of every week. It takes serious passion and devotion to the product.
It has been great having some pretty decent discussions with the likes of [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] when it came to our passion which is pro-wrestling and the odd laugh or two with DM, [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION], [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] and [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] but I no longer have interest in the product WWE have been putting out week after week. RAW has been god awful for a long time now and Vince remains completely out of touch with what the fans want or is just too stubborn to listen when he is supposed to be the messiah who should know what we want. I've never given up on the WWE before, I've spent a few years away when the likes of HBK/Edge etc retired and Taker became a part-timer but would still tune in but I just don't have a desire to watch RAW, Smackdown or any of the garbage specials and B PPV's which do little to elevate talent and storyline.

bye felicia
The biggest problem with WWE right now is that they have failed to make new stars. Why do you think they keep brining back past stars like Taker and The Rock? Because they have failed to create new stars because every single superstar who has the potential to be a star is fed to the Cena monster. Think about Wyatt, Rusev and Owens in recent years. They all should be in the main event scene right now but because they were fed to the Cena monster, their career went downhill after a dominant start in the WWE. Even world champion Seth Rollins can't escape from the Cena monster. As long as Vince is in charge, this will keep on happening and their ratings will keep dropping. People are sick of seeing the same guy shoved down their throats for the past decade. No other top guy's reign in WWE's history lasted that long.
bye felicia

They may as well close the thread down, retards like you lack depth and common sense but it's not your fault; you were born stupid :yk It's only fitting that we have jokers like you as so called wrestling fans during the height of WWE's worst era.
The biggest problem with WWE right now is that they have failed to make new stars. Why do you think they keep brining back past stars like Taker and The Rock? Because they have failed to create new stars because every single superstar who has the potential to be a star is fed to the Cena monster. Think about Wyatt, Rusev and Owens in recent years. They all should be in the main event scene right now but because they were fed to the Cena monster, their career went downhill after a dominant start in the WWE. Even world champion Seth Rollins can't escape from the Cena monster. As long as Vince is in charge, this will keep on happening and their ratings will keep dropping. People are sick of seeing the same guy shoved down their throats for the past decade. No other top guy's reign in WWE's history lasted that long.

Roman Rainz will be WWE's saviour :afridi
They may as well close the thread down, retards like you lack depth and common sense but it's not your fault; you were born stupid :yk It's only fitting that we have jokers like you as so called wrestling fans during the height of WWE's worst era.

actually its the other way around. Only pure GOLD fans like me won't give on the product they have loved all their life. Only quitters like CM Quit fan boys you and Aman etc will quit when they don't like what they want. They want drama like Total Divas. They no appreciate wrestling matches. They only watch WWE for Star Plus soap. Of course WWE is going through a bad phase but it will only be a phase. Come HIAC and everything will change. Something is coming and it is going to be big. Cena is leaving which is another thing to look forward to.
actually its the other way around. Only pure GOLD fans like me won't give on the product they have loved all their life. Only quitters like CM Quit fan boys you and Aman etc will quit when they don't like what they want. They want drama like Total Divas. They no appreciate wrestling matches. They only watch WWE for Star Plus soap. Of course WWE is going through a bad phase but it will only be a phase. Come HIAC and everything will change. Something is coming and it is going to be big. Cena is leaving which is another thing to look forward to.

This is why you're the worst wrestling fan to ever post on any kind of online platform. This post vindicates the fact that you are Eugene, you are not gold; your value is no less then a warm bucket of pi!! so many stupid accusations when you can't make a point CM this blah blah, total divah blah blah quit etc (you can cuss Aman all you want but you're not exactly objective at all when it comes to your own views and favourites) you add so much depth to this thread you absolute idiot. MODs should ban you again for displaying retard of the highest order. Real fans have passion for pro-wrestling in its purest form, only tools are happy bending over for the machine and enjoy what they are fed :yk you remind me of Indian Employee of the month :afridi
It has been great having some pretty decent discussions with the likes of [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] when it came to our passion which is pro-wrestling and the odd laugh or two with DM, [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION], [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] and [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] but I no longer have interest in the product WWE have been putting out week after week. RAW has been god awful for a long time now and Vince remains completely out of touch with what the fans want or is just too stubborn to listen when he is supposed to be the messiah who should know what we want. I've never given up on the WWE before, I've spent a few years away when the likes of HBK/Edge etc retired and Taker became a part-timer but would still tune in but I just don't have a desire to watch RAW, Smackdown or any of the garbage specials and B PPV's which do little to elevate talent and storyline.
Feel the same man, this is different aye. Just can't be bothered with the product anymore, there's only so much crap you can take. Yeah, the product has sucked for a long time now, but this is it - the point you just stop caring who's champion (i.e. Second to Cena), who mainevents etc.

That 1,000th Cancer mainevent did it for me, I actually thought they'd surprise us with the opponent, but nope it was the overrated ziggler (:facepalm:) then I got my hopes up it when New Day carried him out thinking, hm maybe Rusev will answer the challenge and win to further his story line, but nope, it was Big E, an opponent Cancer has probably beaten in card matches before in the mainevent of raw when the ratings are in the toilet.. It wasn't mainevent quality matchup and we ALL knew what was going to happen.

What's the point in watching a match when the outcome is predictable and the match is pretty much a repeat of matches you've already seen thousands times.

For this company to move forward, they seriously need to change things up - that starts with getting rid of tired acts like Cena, Orton, Sheamus etc.

It's time for the new generation..
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This is why you're the worst wrestling fan to ever post on any kind of online platform. This post vindicates the fact that you are Eugene, you are not gold; your value is no less then a warm bucket of pi!! so many stupid accusations when you can't make a point CM this blah blah, total divah blah blah quit etc (you can cuss Aman all you want but you're not exactly objective at all when it comes to your own views and favourites) you add so much depth to this thread you absolute idiot. MODs should ban you again for displaying retard of the highest order. Real fans have passion for pro-wrestling in its purest form, only tools are happy bending over for the machine and enjoy what they are fed :yk you remind me of Indian Employee of the month :afridi

call me names as long as you want but You can deny the fact that I have the best taste when it comes to Wrestling. I am and always will be a WWE Smark. you're just jelly that you dont get what you want. A month ago everyone was really happy how WWE was going, now just a few weeks of WWE not fulfilling your needs and the toys are already out of the pram.
Didn't you guys last year did the same thing, when Lesnar was given a break when he was the Champion. You people were vowing to never watch the product, advising everyone to take a vacation from WWE. Then what happened after little patient. Sting came and the ratings went up and bandwagon fans like you returned running back to the WWE.

I will say the same thing I said last year. Give a little more time, things will get back to normal exciting times. WWE is no WCW, they know how to promote stuff.

Also it is your fault too, no one told you to drink up all the WWE Network goodies in one day :))
Feel the same man, this is different aye. Just can't be bothered with the product anymore, there's only so much crap you can take. Yeah, the product has sucked for a long time now, but this is it - the point you just stop caring who's champion, who mainevents etc.

That 1,000th Cancer mainevent did it for me, it wasn't mainevent quality and we ALL knew what was going to happen.

What's the point in watching a match when the outcome is predictable and the match is pretty much a repeat of matches you've already seen thousands times.

For this company to move forward, they seriously need to change things up - that starts with getting rid of tired acts like Cena, Orton, Sheamus etc.

It's time for the new generation..

Why don't you only follow NXT.
Why would I waste my time on a low budget smark show?

this post just proves my point. You so called fans have no passion at all. Starting to whine when you don't get what you want.
Gota say, Punk has influenced his fans very deeply.
call me names as long as you want but You can deny the fact that I have the best taste when it comes to Wrestling. I am and always will be a WWE Smark. you're just jelly that you dont get what you want. A month ago everyone was really happy how WWE was going, now just a few weeks of WWE not fulfilling your needs and the toys are already out of the pram.
Didn't you guys last year did the same thing, when Lesnar was given a break when he was the Champion. You people were vowing to never watch the product, advising everyone to take a vacation from WWE. Then what happened after little patient. Sting came and the ratings went up and bandwagon fans like you returned running back to the WWE.

I will say the same thing I said last year. Give a little more time, things will get back to normal exciting times. WWE is no WCW, they know how to promote stuff.

Also it is your fault too, no one told you to drink up all the WWE Network goodies in one day :))

Having a few good things going per year doesn't excuse the quality of the product in general and some refuse to go out of their way to see their inteligence being insulted but you enjoy that sought of thing. The ratingz in recent times are a proof of the programming's quality, every year they decrease and your defending the few good bits that never outweigh the bad in general. Advocating the trash they put out week after week makes you a biased WWE fantard, nothing more nothing less.
I been folling this rubbish for ages, calling me bandwaggon fans because Sting etc return is retarded because it also proves my initial point that the current product is god awful so much that they have to rely on part timers and legends to get a ratingz bump, like I said your perspective on the business is very narrow minded and no use arguing with WWE fanTards who don'r respect the pro wrestling industry. You really indian employee of the month, with puppets like you around Vince would be like am not changing anything at all; Sheamus v Orton to main event RAW every week and Cena to bury some guy they build up :yk enjoy Eugene
I been folling this rubbish for ages, calling me bandwaggon fans because Sting etc return is retarded because it also proves my initial point that the current product is god awful so much that they have to rely on part timers and legends to get a ratingz bump, like I said your perspective on the business is very narrow minded and no use arguing with WWE fanTards who don'r respect the pro wrestling industry. You really indian employee of the month, with puppets like you around Vince would be like am not changing anything at all; Sheamus v Orton to main event RAW every week and Cena to bury some guy they build up :yk enjoy Eugene

You think I enjoy watching Cena burying talents left and right :facepalm:

I'm of course against the lame and poor story lines WWE has been following for while now. My point is sometimes as a fan you don't care about a Story line, you only care about a match. I just watch matches without any care about the stupid story line and drama. For me a good match is entertainment. Of course a good story behind it would make it even better but that doesn't mean smark fans like you and Aman cry and whine every time they no like that guy win match and start throwing toys out of your pram.

Sheamus V Orton might become boring story wise but match wise I find them entertaining. The only product I forward on RAW is Cena's lame Title Challenges because they aren't good to even watch.
I'm also ****** a lot with WWE lately. In case you haven't noticed since you were being a A+ Smark fantard. Cesar has been demoted to mid-card jobber level AGAIN :facepalm: Poor guy is jobbing in Superstars. Go watch this week's show, he was literally ****** and pointing towards everyone at the back after the crowds reaction.

PS: did you watch WWE 24/7 latest episode on Takeover Brooklyn, go watch that. It's really good.
You think I enjoy watching Cena burying talents left and right :facepalm:

I'm of course against the lame and poor story lines WWE has been following for while now. My point is sometimes as a fan you don't care about a Story line, you only care about a match. I just watch matches without any care about the stupid story line and drama. For me a good match is entertainment. Of course a good story behind it would make it even better but that doesn't mean smark fans like you and Aman cry and whine every time they no like that guy win match and start throwing toys out of your pram.

Sheamus V Orton might become boring story wise but match wise I find them entertaining. The only product I forward on RAW is Cena's lame Title Challenges because they aren't good to even watch.
I'm also ****** a lot with WWE lately. In case you haven't noticed since you were being a A+ Smark fantard. Cesar has been demoted to mid-card jobber level AGAIN :facepalm: Poor guy is jobbing in Superstars. Go watch this week's show, he was literally ****** and pointing towards everyone at the back after the crowds reaction.

PS: did you watch WWE 24/7 latest episode on Takeover Brooklyn, go watch that. It's really good.

What an absolutly retarded post you haven't addressed any of the points made against the rubbish product as a whole and decline in ratingz. You are a puppet and WWE fantard who abides to vinces logic that you will like what he tells you to like. So you are saying you put up with it because of the 5 minute WWE style in ring work lmao if u want good in ring work there is lucha and njpw but the real reason u watch it is cuz ur a wwe mark and fantard. Aman takes it too far but my complaint is with the wwe product in general, saying its great when sting comes back just vindicates why the ratings are so low in the first place. Beyond me y u wd wanna see orton n sheamus for the millionth time says alot bwt u as a fan tbh n lmao cena buries talent but those challenges are usually the best match of the night lol u sure know what good wrestling is
It has been great having some pretty decent discussions with the likes of [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] when it came to our passion which is pro-wrestling and the odd laugh or two with DM, [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION], [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] and [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] but I no longer have interest in the product WWE have been putting out week after week. RAW has been god awful for a long time now and Vince remains completely out of touch with what the fans want or is just too stubborn to listen when he is supposed to be the messiah who should know what we want. I've never given up on the WWE before, I've spent a few years away when the likes of HBK/Edge etc retired and Taker became a part-timer but would still tune in but I just don't have a desire to watch RAW, Smackdown or any of the garbage specials and B PPV's which do little to elevate talent and storyline.

Tbh most fans are in the same boat. Just look at the recent Raw ratings.. And the fact that they're bringing back Austin, HBK etc. just speaks volumes about the new stars, or the lack thereof.

Everything's just become so repetitive and predictable, but I expect things to improve around Mania, that's the only time WWE becomes somewhat enjoyable these days. I haven't watched any shows after NOC, all these B PPVs are just not worth wasting your time on.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] bro i have same opinion i stopped watching smackdown after 2013. And Raw is just too awful to watch. Cena still in the main event stagnating burying everyone. no new main event level stars being made. Its like theres Cena then the rest of the roster. Sting has been buried just a joke wwe is atm. Relying on the attitude era 15 years later.

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Tbh most fans are in the same boat. Just look at the recent Raw ratings.. And the fact that they're bringing back Austin, HBK etc. just speaks volumes about the new stars, or the lack thereof.

Everything's just become so repetitive and predictable, but I expect things to improve around Mania, that's the only time WWE becomes somewhat enjoyable these days. I haven't watched any shows after NOC, all these B PPVs are just not worth wasting your time on.

[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] bro i have same opinion i stopped watching smackdown after 2013. And Raw is just too awful to watch. Cena still in the main event stagnating burying everyone. no new main event level stars being made. Its like theres Cena then the rest of the roster. Sting has been buried just a joke wwe is atm. Relying on the attitude era 15 years later.

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Totally agree with both of you guys, majority share the same view in this thread barring the odd Eugene or two :yk2
What an absolutly retarded post you haven't addressed any of the points made against the rubbish product as a whole and decline in ratingz. You are a puppet and WWE fantard who abides to vinces logic that you will like what he tells you to like. So you are saying you put up with it because of the 5 minute WWE style in ring work lmao if u want good in ring work there is lucha and njpw but the real reason u watch it is cuz ur a wwe mark and fantard. Aman takes it too far but my complaint is with the wwe product in general, saying its great when sting comes back just vindicates why the ratings are so low in the first place. Beyond me y u wd wanna see orton n sheamus for the millionth time says alot bwt u as a fan tbh n lmao cena buries talent but those challenges are usually the best match of the night lol u sure know what good wrestling is

Totally agree with both of you guys, majority share the same view in this thread barring the odd Eugene or two :yk2

you guys expect everything will be of your choice at the Dinner Table. Well I'm afraid I've got some BAD News for you [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] . You will always find Aloo Ghoobi along with Chicken Biryani. What I'm trying to say WWE can't always make you happy. Smark fans like shaz think WWE should maintain a rating of 9/10 every single week. I'm not surprised after all Smark meaning in Urdu is a whining wife
you guys expect everything will be of your choice at the Dinner Table. Well I'm afraid I've got some BAD News for you [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] . You will always find Aloo Ghoobi along with Chicken Biryani. What I'm trying to say WWE can't always make you happy. Smark fans like shaz think WWE should maintain a rating of 9/10 every single week. I'm not surprised after all Smark meaning in Urdu is a whining wife
The thing is if you are wrestling fan then you are within your rights to complain about the WWE as a product. We are wrestling fans not just WWE fans. Can you honestly say the WWE is a high quality product nowadays. There is a reason Raw got its lowest rating since 1997 excluding holidays. Its not just us "smarks" turning off from the product its the casual fans too. WWE sucks atm and its not cool at all to associate as a WWE fan. the product just seems lazily written. No real stars are allowed to develop they are all subservient to "big match John". I mean wwe booked their main champion to lose to the U.S champion cleanly 3 times in a few months. To a point where Rollins loses all credibility as the champion. Its just a prop on him atm. supporting wwe isnt just blindly still watchng it because i love wrestling and i mark out over wwe. If you really want a better product you turn off. Low ratings will make them realise something is seriously wrong with the product. Like in the mid 90s when they had to change from their cartoonish stuff to the more cutting edge attitude era because their ratings were down the crapper. You can blindly follow wwe and still watch this sub standard product. But we have no obligation to still watch it every week.

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you guys expect everything will be of your choice at the Dinner Table. Well I'm afraid I've got some BAD News for you [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] . You will always find Aloo Ghoobi along with Chicken Biryani. What I'm trying to say WWE can't always make you happy. Smark fans like shaz think WWE should maintain a rating of 9/10 every single week. I'm not surprised after all Smark meaning in Urdu is a whining wife

No one is expecting perfection or 9/10, they want a product which doesn't insult their intelligence but it seems you are among the narrow minded mentally inept folk that can't tell the different between what is good and what is bad; you're also delighted for the quality of the product as a whole and see nothing wrong with the WWE only being entertaining around the time of the big 4 PPV's. This word smark is thrown around a bit too much I doubt you understand it's actual meaning given your lack of knowledge when it comes to pro-wrestling 101 and I doubt there are fans like myself who define themselves as "smarks" or "marks" more like genuine pro-wrestling fans that want to see quality tv on a weekly basis. It's beyond me why you'd call fans who critique things which are not great whining wife; that description fits you perfectly given that you whine and claim x,y,z is not good but still justify the behaviours of your husband (WWE) despite the physical and mental abuse; you obviously enjoy being fed what Vince feeds you and it's totally cool to be passionate for the WWE but when others provide some pretty strong arguments backed up by statistics (shitty ratingz) one ought to wake up and be like; these pro-wrestling fans make some good points and am not surprised they will not go out of their way to tune into RAW and Smackdown on a daily basis. It's beyond me how one can not get sick of the product WWE put out week after week and instead of complaining about the fans that don't enjoy RAW anymore you ought to be extremely worried for the WWE because ratingz are at an all time low and part-timers/mania season/legends will not rectify this problem in the long run you absolute nugget.
No one is expecting perfection or 9/10, they want a product which doesn't insult their intelligence but it seems you are among the narrow minded mentally inept folk that can't tell the different between what is good and what is bad; you're also delighted for the quality of the product as a whole and see nothing wrong with the WWE only being entertaining around the time of the big 4 PPV's. This word smark is thrown around a bit too much I doubt you understand it's actual meaning given your lack of knowledge when it comes to pro-wrestling 101 and I doubt there are fans like myself who define themselves as "smarks" or "marks" more like genuine pro-wrestling fans that want to see quality tv on a weekly basis. It's beyond me why you'd call fans who critique things which are not great whining wife; that description fits you perfectly given that you whine and claim x,y,z is not good but still justify the behaviours of your husband (WWE) despite the physical and mental abuse; you obviously enjoy being fed what Vince feeds you and it's totally cool to be passionate for the WWE but when others provide some pretty strong arguments backed up by statistics (shitty ratingz) one ought to wake up and be like; these pro-wrestling fans make some good points and am not surprised they will not go out of their way to tune into RAW and Smackdown on a daily basis. It's beyond me how one can not get sick of the product WWE put out week after week and instead of complaining about the fans that don't enjoy RAW anymore you ought to be extremely worried for the WWE because ratingz are at an all time low and part-timers/mania season/legends will not rectify this problem in the long run you absolute nugget.

good read the post above you. That's how you criticize and explain your dissapointment with the product. You made a lame post making you look like a VIP WWE fan that is retiring and is expected to recieve a HOF induction :facepalm:

of course the product has been the worst in this decade. You being the ATG Smark whining about it like there's no tomorrow. That's not very mature of you.
[MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION]

I have been watching wrestling since the Monday Night wars and tapes which go back to the 1970-1980 period, and every time I click on the TV to watch a wrestling show I hope for the best and plan to enjoy what I watch. It’s because I love wrestling that I tend to be hard on some shows, if you want to call it that. Let me explain further, when I got into wrestling, TV was booked episodically; the stories flowed from show to show like a daily soap opera, the champions and finishes were protected and the challengers won matches to ensure their credibility leading into their title matches. The tag team champions were important individuals, and protected and rarely even lost in single matches (and if they did it was to someone like the world champion).

The basics were a rule, not a suggestion; because making sure that things make sense and were carefully done were a necessity to survive, to draw a house and to make the money to stay on TV. I have watched companies thrive, be born, and also watched all too many companies die. But because I want things to make sense, because I want things to mean something and want the wrestling to be quality; some say that wrestling has passed me by. The business may have changed, but the basics are the basics for a reason, they work.

The only reason I wrote that was to make it clear as to where I am coming from. If something is good, I will call it good. If it is bad, I call it bad and that's not whining [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] with a little bit of sense your narrow mind should not be consumed by fanboyism but it is and it's not surprising you fail to address the poor ratings and god awful product; instead your curse fans who want the WWE to thrive and embrace what Vince feeds you. Raw has not been a good show for a very long time, in my opinion, and it is because they continue to go against basic booking (NOT FANTASY BOOKING or a 9/10 show [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION]), basic booking that makes sense week in and out. It feels like they are still booking one week at a time to fill the three hours. So what if things don’t make sense, if they fill the time, they are happy. WWE has lost the consistency to book effective episodic TV, and they lost it a long time ago, and I doubt it will get better any time soon. The funny thing is WWE doesn’t want to be pigeonholed as a “wrestling product” because they want to be a “TV/Entertainment product”. But the thing that they forget is that at the heart of it, that is what wrestling is when done properly. And the real shame of it is that they have such a great roster and so many smart people behind the scenes that it shouldn’t be that way.

If a show like this one tonight is the “new wrestling” then it can pass me on by because this was a badly booked, completely uninspired show that wasted three hours. Watching wrestling shouldn’t be a hassle, I shouldn’t have to question why things do not make sense or why champions and challenger constantly lose. Bad booking, tons of filler and an end product that felt as if it was booked on the plane ride to Europe on a napkin is what I felt like we get these days.

The rights were minimal, the wrongs that are always there were always there, and the wrestling was generally forgettable and at times, completely uninspired. But you can’t blame the workers when they have 60-seconds and they know they are out there just to fill time. Wyatts losing again despite their new found momentum , Big E losing clean to Cancer, Kane in a main-event program in 2015 despite being booked like a glorified jobber, Rollins being made to look like a complete fool, filler, filler, filler; the show was a complete struggle to me like most and at the end of the night I didn’t think it was good, at all. This is how I’ve been feeling after every RAW for the past few years, a fan who has been following the WWE religiously through all the ups and downs and you have WWE marks like [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] complain why people are not interested anymore and complain when we're in a perfect position to speak the truth through our criticisms.

The company always has great weekends with Mania and the Raw after, they gain momentum only to lose it all and ratingz ultimately suffer when the talent on the main-roster is not utilized.
good read the post above you. That's how you criticize and explain your dissapointment with the product. You made a lame post making you look like a VIP WWE fan that is retiring and is expected to recieve a HOF induction :facepalm:

of course the product has been the worst in this decade. You being the ATG Smark whining about it like there's no tomorrow. That's not very mature of you.

It is only fitting that you are the only one who shares these narrow minded views; when I look at you as a person don't be offended but am actually not surprised that you'd go out of your way to defend the WWE and criticise those who provide intricate arguments which you're unable to respond to. I've elaborated on my views in post 704 but don't expect a mentally inept fan to grasp even a little bit; you deserve the product you watch week after week and do you even listen to yourself; it's you who whines and throws his toys out the pram when you can't argue against the points which have been made.
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] speaks of maturity when he has been banned 10 times has like 20 different accounts on here so he can get the one person to agree with his points of view.....himself. In response to detailed posts he will use the usual retork village idiots use such as smark blah blahh why you whining instead of directly responding to the points made against the awful product. Saying fans don't have a right to criticise the WWE is like asking people to become slaves, real fans that care about the product will criticise where neccesary and hurt the WWE in the pocket by not embracing their product which would hopefully give the higher ups a wake up call that the product they are putting out week after week needs to change.
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] speaks of maturity when he has been banned 10 times has like 20 different accounts on here so he can get the one person to agree with his points of view.....himself. In response to detailed posts he will use the usual retork village idiots use such as smark blah blahh why you whining instead of directly responding to the points made against the awful product. Saying fans don't have a right to criticise the WWE is like asking people to become slaves, real fans that care about the product will criticise where neccesary and hurt the WWE in the pocket by not embracing their product which would hopefully give the higher ups a wake up call that the product they are putting out week after week needs to change.

ouch! I guess I pressed the wrong nerve :yk
[MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] call the animal control, one Bear to bag :)))
[MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION]

I have been watching wrestling since the Monday Night wars and tapes which go back to the 1970-1980 period, and every time I click on the TV to watch a wrestling show I hope for the best and plan to enjoy what I watch. It’s because I love wrestling that I tend to be hard on some shows, if you want to call it that. Let me explain further, when I got into wrestling, TV was booked episodically; the stories flowed from show to show like a daily soap opera, the champions and finishes were protected and the challengers won matches to ensure their credibility leading into their title matches. The tag team champions were important individuals, and protected and rarely even lost in single matches (and if they did it was to someone like the world champion).

The basics were a rule, not a suggestion; because making sure that things make sense and were carefully done were a necessity to survive, to draw a house and to make the money to stay on TV. I have watched companies thrive, be born, and also watched all too many companies die. But because I want things to make sense, because I want things to mean something and want the wrestling to be quality; some say that wrestling has passed me by. The business may have changed, but the basics are the basics for a reason, they work.

The only reason I wrote that was to make it clear as to where I am coming from. If something is good, I will call it good. If it is bad, I call it bad and that's not whining [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] with a little bit of sense your narrow mind should not be consumed by fanboyism but it is and it's not surprising you fail to address the poor ratings and god awful product; instead your curse fans who want the WWE to thrive and embrace what Vince feeds you. Raw has not been a good show for a very long time, in my opinion, and it is because they continue to go against basic booking (NOT FANTASY BOOKING or a 9/10 show [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION]), basic booking that makes sense week in and out. It feels like they are still booking one week at a time to fill the three hours. So what if things don’t make sense, if they fill the time, they are happy. WWE has lost the consistency to book effective episodic TV, and they lost it a long time ago, and I doubt it will get better any time soon. The funny thing is WWE doesn’t want to be pigeonholed as a “wrestling product” because they want to be a “TV/Entertainment product”. But the thing that they forget is that at the heart of it, that is what wrestling is when done properly. And the real shame of it is that they have such a great roster and so many smart people behind the scenes that it shouldn’t be that way.

If a show like this one tonight is the “new wrestling” then it can pass me on by because this was a badly booked, completely uninspired show that wasted three hours. Watching wrestling shouldn’t be a hassle, I shouldn’t have to question why things do not make sense or why champions and challenger constantly lose. Bad booking, tons of filler and an end product that felt as if it was booked on the plane ride to Europe on a napkin is what I felt like we get these days.

The rights were minimal, the wrongs that are always there were always there, and the wrestling was generally forgettable and at times, completely uninspired. But you can’t blame the workers when they have 60-seconds and they know they are out there just to fill time. Wyatts losing again despite their new found momentum , Big E losing clean to Cancer, Kane in a main-event program in 2015 despite being booked like a glorified jobber, Rollins being made to look like a complete fool, filler, filler, filler; the show was a complete struggle to me like most and at the end of the night I didn’t think it was good, at all. This is how I’ve been feeling after every RAW for the past few years, a fan who has been following the WWE religiously through all the ups and downs and you have WWE marks like [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] complain why people are not interested anymore and complain when we're in a perfect position to speak the truth through our criticisms.

The company always has great weekends with Mania and the Raw after, they gain momentum only to lose it all and ratingz ultimately suffer when the talent on the main-roster is not utilized.

I agree with all the points you made but sometimes you have to give time for something to gain something. Come HIAC, something big is about to happen Smark
[MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] the only thing good about RAW this week was the first match. the rest was crap. I hear someone is returning to WWE. It is possible that one of the Hardys might be coming back :usman
I agree with all the points you made but sometimes you have to give time for something to gain something. Come HIAC, something big is about to happen Smark
What is your prediction. What is this big event that will take place at HIAC.

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ouch! I guess I pressed the wrong nerve :yk
[MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] call the animal control, one Bear to bag :)))

"you pressed the wrong nerve" that doesn't even make any sense there comes a time when you really need to look at yourself in the mirror and accept why your abah disowned you DM, [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] Eugene doesn't really botch the verb of his speech or his behaviour in general, it is well known that mentally he just isn't quite there :yk2 the burials here have been off epic proportions and you have only made yourself look like an even bigger fool before some mature posters whom actually engage in meaningful discussions
I agree with all the points you made but sometimes you have to give time for something to gain something. Come HIAC, something big is about to happen Smark

lol typical WWE Fantard response when all the points made in my post were beyond your mental capacity:dalmiya to come out with such a stupid statement right after that detailed post just vindicates that you never understood a thing and then you whine and throw your toys out the pram when called a retarded Eugene:steyn
This big event is going to solve all of WWE's quality issues and ratingz woes immediately.
This big event is going to solve all of WWE's quality issues and ratingz woes immediately.
HIAC will revolutionise the WWE. Cant wait to see this youngsta beauty Kane against Rollins.

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"you pressed the wrong nerve" that doesn't even make any sense there comes a time when you really need to look at yourself in the mirror and accept why your abah disowned you DM, [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] Eugene doesn't really botch the verb of his speech or his behaviour in general, it is well known that mentally he just isn't quite there :yk2 the burials here have been off epic proportions and you have only made yourself look like an even bigger fool before some mature posters whom actually engage in meaningful discussions

lol typical WWE Fantard response when all the points made in my post were beyond your mental capacity:dalmiya to come out with such a stupid statement right after that detailed post just vindicates that you never understood a thing and then you whine and throw your toys out the pram when called a retarded Eugene:steyn

I'll be the bigger man here as always and let you celebrate your mental victory as always. :usman
Leo Kruger :uakmal
Even if HIAC is an awesome PPV. How will that stop the awful booking of Raw. NOC was a good PPV in terms of match quality. But the RAWS before and after NOC have been pathetic. Until the weekly booking isnt solved and made to look consistent then WWE will continue to plummet.

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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] is dashing man that Afridian who you used to bury in the previous wrestling thread.

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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] is dashing man that Afridian who you used to bury in the previous wrestling thread.

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I was also blind, Cena, Geralt of Rivia and superwomen :usman
Even if HIAC is an awesome PPV. How will that stop the awful booking of Raw. NOC was a good PPV in terms of match quality. But the RAWS before and after NOC have been pathetic. Until the weekly booking isnt solved and made to look consistent then WWE will continue to plummet.

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I think RAW will get better from these worst ones. Reports say Vince has been really angry at the writers, it looks like he was taking a break for himself. Now he's back again but I don't think it will matter much. Vince needs to give Hunter the charge. He should also hire Austin to help along with Hunter. Both guys have a very good sense for the business and I think they can make some big upgrades.
I think RAW will get better from these worst ones. Reports say Vince has been really angry at the writers, it looks like he was taking a break for himself. Now he's back again but I don't think it will matter much. Vince needs to give Hunter the charge. He should also hire Austin to help along with Hunter. Both guys have a very good sense for the business and I think they can make some big upgrades.
Vince has lost the plot. He is completely out of tune. I was listening ti Jerichos podcast with the New Day He thought New Day would get over as a face act. Thats how out of touch he is. The only hope is Hunter and his shovel. Vince cant look past his golden boy cancer. "Big Match John".

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in other news, Skinny Jeans ties the knot one more time. Congratulations to him. Hope he has a successful one this time.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/DaveBautista">@DaveBautista</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/SarahJadePole">@SarahJadePole</a> Bautista ❤️ <a href="http://t.co/c5CgyUmI9q">pic.twitter.com/c5CgyUmI9q</a></p>— Dave Bautista (@DaveBautista) <a href="https://twitter.com/DaveBautista/status/651792627491323904">October 7, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Vince has lost the plot. He is completely out of tune. I was listening ti Jerichos podcast with the New Day He thought New Day would get over as a face act. Thats how out of touch he is. The only hope is Hunter and his shovel. Vince cant look past his golden boy cancer. "Big Match John".

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He has become old. Its time for him to call it a day. Hunter will bring a lot positives in the business, be it burials or bringing back wrestlers missing in WWE. I think Steve Austin should get a job what Jim Ross had. Both have a great eye for talent.
He has become old. Its time for him to call it a day. Hunter will bring a lot positives in the business, be it burials or bringing back wrestlers missing in WWE. I think Steve Austin should get a job what Jim Ross had. Both have a great eye for talent.
Hunter as a booker has a very sound mind. And is a pro-wrestler rather than a sports entertainer. JR has a remarkable eye for the business too. would be great to see him in a booking or advisory capacity. However it is rumoured Hunter was the one who stopped Kurt Angle from returning.

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HIAC will revolutionise the WWE. Cant wait to see this youngsta beauty Kane against Rollins.

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:))) don't forget the PPV is going to be headlined by the "future" Taker and Lesnar
:))) don't forget the PPV is going to be headlined by the "future" Taker and Lesnar
The Future Lesnar and the Present Taker. These guys will carry the company for the next 10 years. take the pressure off big match John.

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I'll be the bigger man here as always and let you celebrate your mental victory as always. :usman

That's what my shovel does to you as always, makes you tap out :yk Anyway there is never a meaningful discussion to have with you given how mentally inept you are, you're only good to have around when we want to spank someone and am not surprised by your inability to counter points so turn every argument into some playground joke like a 2 year old
Hunter as a booker has a very sound mind. And is a pro-wrestler rather than a sports entertainer. JR has a remarkable eye for the business too. would be great to see him in a booking or advisory capacity. However it is rumoured Hunter was the one who stopped Kurt Angle from returning.

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yes he did and Kurt is to be blamed for that.

When there is a person in the company who's there specifically to hire wrestlers then you don't go out of your way and reach the Boss directly. Of course Hunter was mad, he had every right to be. Though I would have hired Kurt still
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] is dashing man that Afridian who you used to bury in the previous wrestling thread.

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Yeah he is that idiot and all those accounts kept getting banned lmao for poor quality posts during discussions and not because he insulted someone or anything like that lool, still has another 7 accounts on here in his words :))) the b.lesnar account is his the others am not so sure
Yeah he is that idiot and all those accounts kept getting banned lmao for poor quality posts during discussions and not because he insulted someone or anything like that lool, still has another 7 accounts on here in his words :))) the b.lesnar account is his the others am not so sure

silence! don't accuse me of something I'm not
never ever have I been called that word. Remember the thread in TNA I opened to check when you forced me too. What was the result :13:

It was literally because you were being retarded I tried to save you but the MODs were like tell your dopey friend to stop posting so much rubbish because it does little to enhance discussion
yes he did and Kurt is to be blamed for that.

When there is a person in the company who's there specifically to hire wrestlers then you don't go out of your way and reach the Boss directly. Of course Hunter was mad, he had every right to be. Though I would have hired Kurt still
Kurt went to Vince because he obviously knows Vince personally. Angle was one of the biggest stars in the WWE. Kurt isnt some up and coming indy star or some jobber. He is an established star and future HOF. HHH offered him a full time contract when everyone knows Angles injury issues. Kurt as a part time wrestler has a lot to offer WWE. Kurt vs Cesaro Kurt vs Owens Kurt vs Rusev so many potential great matches. Hunter obviously has some personal issues with Kurt and let his ego get in the way.

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Kurt went to Vince because he obviously knows Vince personally. Angle was one of the biggest stars in the WWE. Kurt isnt some up and coming indy star or some jobber. He is an established star and future HOF. HHH offered him a full time contract when everyone knows Angles injury issues. Kurt as a part time wrestler has a lot to offer WWE. Kurt vs Cesaro Kurt vs Owens Kurt vs Rusev so many potential great matches. Hunter obviously has some personal issues with Kurt and let his ego get in the way.

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why didn't he contacted Hunter then. That means he has issues with Hunter as well which isn't the case. Kurt had issues with Vince. He was sour when he left. Hunter wasn't even in the office back then. It was Hunter who wanted to bring him back but Kurt thought it was better to avoid Hunter and meet Vince behind his back. Hunter was offended and we all know how big his Ego is and when someone tries to make fun of him he buries them.
Kurt went to Vince because he obviously knows Vince personally. Angle was one of the biggest stars in the WWE. Kurt isnt some up and coming indy star or some jobber. He is an established star and future HOF. HHH offered him a full time contract when everyone knows Angles injury issues. Kurt as a part time wrestler has a lot to offer WWE. Kurt vs Cesaro Kurt vs Owens Kurt vs Rusev so many potential great matches. Hunter obviously has some personal issues with Kurt and let his ego get in the way.

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Am not so sure, HHH is a dog behind closed doors but I believe he wasn't the one to ensure Kurt didn't comeback. It was Vince who still kept a grudge because Kurt was so banged up and wanted time off which was granted but then he signed with TNA because it would be better for his phyiscal and mental well being. Kurt deserved a part-time legends contract similar to the one Sting is working, few matches a year and use him to get Network subscribers etc but at the same time I want him to retire given how he explained the state of his body on channel 4 breakfast show in the UK
Last edited:
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] but then again when it comes to business Vince puts the past behind him, he loves money more then anything and Kurt is money; so either HHH had an issue with Kurt or Vince politely declined by offering him a contract with a bs schedule or Vince and both HHH didn't want to risk signing an Olympian given Kurt's injuries; imagine something happened to him under the WWE's watch. It's hard to say what the true story is
why didn't he contacted Hunter then. That means he has issues with Hunter as well which isn't the case. Kurt had issues with Vince. He was sour when he left. Hunter wasn't even in the office back then. It was Hunter who wanted to bring him back but Kurt thought it was better to avoid Hunter and meet Vince behind his back. Hunter was offended and we all know how big his Ego is and when someone tries to make fun of him he buries them.
Kurt didnt know Vince wasnt still in charge of hiring talent. He assumed Vince was still in charge of hiring and firing. After he found out when he spoke to HHH. HHH offered him a full contract including house shows. When Kurt wanted a part time contract. But i still hope Kurt will wrestle in WWE again someday.

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