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[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] but then again when it comes to business Vince puts the past behind him, he loves money more then anything and Kurt is money; so either HHH had an issue with Kurt or Vince politely declined by offering him a contract with a bs schedule or Vince and both HHH didn't want to risk signing an Olympian given Kurt's injuries; imagine something happened to him under the WWE's watch. It's hard to say what the true story is
Yeah that could be right bro. Maybe im letting my disdain for Hunter get in the way of the facts.

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Kurt didnt know Vince wasnt still in charge of hiring talent. He assumed Vince was still in charge of hiring and firing. After he found out when he spoke to HHH. HHH offered him a full contract including house shows. When Kurt wanted a part time contract. But i still hope Kurt will wrestle in WWE again someday.

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One of the greatest of all time; you should listen to his interview with Austin podcast:

Best interview ever, Olympians are on another level to everyone else. When MMA wasn't popular, Kurt decided to finally take up the offer which Vince had put forward after watching Stone Cold on RAW is War; before signing he said to Vince okay I'll consider this but I can't lose :))) :))) Kurt said Vince must have been trying his best not to laugh but he was so professional and said well he'd have to look at that or something lmao Also listen to the bit where Kurt tells us the type of training he did in preparation for the Olympics and the issue surrounding his neck injury which actually occurred during the Olympic Trials bah gawd! so basically during the entire competition he was wrestling with a broken neck
One of the greatest of all time; you should listen to his interview with Austin podcast:

Best interview ever, Olympians are on another level to everyone else. When MMA wasn't popular, Kurt decided to finally take up the offer which Vince had put forward after watching Stone Cold on RAW is War; before signing he said to Vince okay I'll consider this but I can't lose :))) :))) Kurt said Vince must have been trying his best not to laugh but he was so professional and said well he'd have to look at that or something lmao Also listen to the bit where Kurt tells us the type of training he did in preparation for the Olympics and the issue surrounding his neck injury which actually occurred during the Olympic Trials bah gawd! so basically during the entire competition he was wrestling with a broken neck
I have listened to it its an awesome podcast. I also loved JRs podcast with Kurt too. Kurt is a machine man what hes put himself through for amateur wrestling and the business is just amazing. A true ATG

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One of the greatest of all time; you should listen to his interview with Austin podcast:

Best interview ever, Olympians are on another level to everyone else. When MMA wasn't popular, Kurt decided to finally take up the offer which Vince had put forward after watching Stone Cold on RAW is War; before signing he said to Vince okay I'll consider this but I can't lose :))) :))) Kurt said Vince must have been trying his best not to laugh but he was so professional and said well he'd have to look at that or something lmao Also listen to the bit where Kurt tells us the type of training he did in preparation for the Olympics and the issue surrounding his neck injury which actually occurred during the Olympic Trials bah gawd! so basically during the entire competition he was wrestling with a broken neck


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http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...eel-face-inconsistencies-holding-product-back. [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION]

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thanks to stupid campaigns and stupid shows which shouldn't even be represented on WWE Live Shows.
They need to take the title off Seth. Its been disastrous. I thought after Summer Slam Seth will be given the platform to work like a Champion. But since Mania, it looks like US Title was the main title of this business :facepalm: Vince idiotic decisions and visions needs to go. Isn't he watching NXT, how connected the matches are to the story line every week.
thanks to stupid campaigns and stupid shows which shouldn't even be represented on WWE Live Shows.
They need to take the title off Seth. Its been disastrous. I thought after Summer Slam Seth will be given the platform to work like a Champion. But since Mania, it looks like US Title was the main title of this business :facepalm: Vince idiotic decisions and visions needs to go. Isn't he watching NXT, how connected the matches are to the story line every week.

I especially hate Stephanie's bipolar character. She's trying so hard to get liked by the crowd. It doesn't make sense it isn't like she's a tweener just genuinely a bipolar character.

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I especially hate Stephanie's bipolar character. She's trying so hard to get liked by the crowd. It doesn't make sense it isn't like she's a tweener just genuinely a bipolar character.

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that's because of those stupid campaigns. Why did they involved it in their Live Shows I don't know. If they really wanted to promote such campaigns then do it in Supertars, Main Event. Why Ruin RAW and SD
Triple H held a Twitter Q&A this afternoon to promote the WWE NXT "Takeover: Respect" event. Below are highlights:

If he sees Apollo Crews as NXT Champion one day:
Hunter: He certainly has the potential to. I believe in

The feeling he gets when NXT fans chant "this is awesome":
Hunter: It's why we do what we do. The crowd on its feet...Not for one awesome moment, but for the whole night.

Any chance of Triple H wrestling in NXT?
Hunter: Ha...no! That would be inappropriate allocation of resources!!!

Are there any other female talents he wants in NXT?
Hunter: We're constantly looking for them...and constantly creating them.

After putting the spotlight on women and tag teams, what other areas would he like to revitalize?
Hunter: Possibly cruiserweights, always something to look at.

Why what they're doing with the women in NXT doesn't translate to the main roster:
Hunter: It will. There is a saying..Rome wasn't built in a day...these women won't be denied

Who we should keep an eye on leading up to "Takeover: London" in December:
Hunter: Look for big things from [MENTION=3262]WWE[/MENTION]Asuka. Looking forward to the debut of [MENTION=23064]N[/MENTION]iaJaxWWE and also [MENTION=139212]apollo[/MENTION]Crews

A possible NXT Title match at WrestleMania 32:
Hunter: You'll see one @WrestleMania weekend for sure.

A possible secondary title in NXT:
Hunter: Never say never. I'm comfortable where we're at but if the situation is right...#NeverSayNever

What has been one of his favorite NXT matches:
Hunter: There are A LOT. Sami/Neville Sasha/Bayley, I'm sure there will be one tonight.
BAAH GAAAWWD. What a Match, 5-Star. This is how it should have ended Cena and Orton.
More evidence of why Hunter should takeover the main product. Vince has lost it.

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do you know Vince isn't the one behind bringing back Sting O_O it was hunter that made it possible.

check this out

QaA session with Sting last night at the comedy club in Manchester ,England and took a few notes so i could share his answers with you guys.I was pretty surprised with how open and honest he was and he answered pretty much every question he was asked .I got the feeling from him that his answers were totally legit.It was a independent session and had nothing to do with the WWE

When asked about his injury he stated that he thinks that NOC will be the last time we see him in the ring.All though he didn't specifically give a diagnosis to his injuries he said tests were on going and that he knows he suffered severe whiplash and that he is in constant pain with his neck and back and is mostly uncomfortable 24 hours a day.Says with the way he feels at the minute he is 90% sure that he will not wrestle again.He stated that it was 100% a freak accident and as soon as Seth threw him into the turnbuckle he immediately knew he was in big trouble and that he cudnt feel his legs underneath him.He insisted Seth should take no blame and that they had been through the match plan before hand and that all the spots during the match were pre agreed.

He spoke about his massive respect towards HHH and says that the company could not be in better hands when he takes full control.He also said he has not spoke to Vince very much at all and when the WWE got in touch with him last year about appearing that it was Hunter who instigated everything and that all contract talks ,Appearances etc were all handled by Hunter.He said the idea of them to facing each other at Wrestlemania 31 was originally his idea and he had no problem at all with Hunter going over all though he admitted that bringing the NWO in was not a idea he was to fond of,Said if it was up to him Flair Luger and Arn Anderson would have been his choices but given the medical condition of Lex and Arn it wasn't possible.He really could not speak highly enough of HHH and says Hunter is probably the most respected guy in the company.I honestly was surprised at how much he appeared to genuinely like Hunter and how little he mentioned Vince

When asked who he thought were the best talents in the company his first answer was Seth Rollins.Again like Hunter i was surprised at how highly he regards Seth.He said he is a brilliant worker and naturally one of the most gifted guys he has ever faced .He said his attitude towards the company outside of the ring was second to none and he predicts Seth will have a very long and successful career in WWE. He also mentioned the potential of Bray Wyatt said he was impressed with Dean Ambrose, Rusev and more surprisingly he spoke very highly of Neville.He also mentioned that Sasha Banks has the potential to go on to be one of the best womens wrestlers (he didn't use the word divas) of all time

When asked if he wished that he had joined WWE years earlier he said not really and that he has no regrets.He also said that if you had told him a couple of years ago that he would in fact work for WWE and have a match at Wrestlemania he would have said no chance.He said that his only regret now is that he doesn't think he will wrestle again and he stated it is even more upsetting because he felt physically that he was in fantastic condition and he thought that he had quite a bit left in the tank.

He spoke about his long term friendship with Ric Flair and Lex Luger and stated that Luger was massively under rated as a worker

All though he didn't completely **** on them he said of all the guys he has come across in the business he had very little time for Buff Bagwell,Brian knobbs,Vince Russo and Konan.

He lists Vader as being one of the most underrated guys he has faced and said he enjoyed his matches with Randy Savage and Ric Flair a lot.He also spoke of his regret that he never really settled his differences with Jim Hellwig before he passed away

When asked if there was anyone he hadn't wrestled that he would have liked to he said Shawn Michaels is the one that springs to mind and all though he didn't 100% confirm it he teased massively that a match between himself and Undertaker was the plan for Wrestlemania 32 and says he is pretty darn gutted it most probably wont happen

I have never really been a big Sting fan but i must say what a nice genuine chap he seems to be.He told a couple of cracking stories and overall he come across as a really nice man.

If Stings in ring career is over then hopefully Vince does the right thing and inducts him into the Hall Of Fame sooner rather than later

He doesn't deserve this ending.
do you know Vince isn't the one behind bringing back Sting O_O it was hunter that made it possible.

check this out

He doesn't deserve this ending.
Sting and Taker idk if they are past it. I want that match to happen.

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I'll be the first to admit. I never liked it when Hunter had all that power backstage in the 2002-2005 era and was more than happy when the Cena's and batista's started winning titles instead but the man has quite a shrewd brain and actually is s good booker when his ego doesn't come into play.
Sting and Taker idk if they are past it. I want that match to happen.

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:))) That tool/HHH mark desperately trying his best to put hunter over, it just looks so humiliating lmao yeah sure, HHH bought the legendary Sting to the WWE just so he could add another victim to his long list of burials :yk
do you know Vince isn't the one behind bringing back Sting O_O it was hunter that made it possible.

check this out

He doesn't deserve this ending.

It doesn't matter because HHH gave him the perfect ending at Wrestlemania 31 :yk2
Cesaro vs the legendary Sara Del Rey (Head trainer at NXT and has been pivotal in bringing up the womens division to speed, a true American Womens GOAT; a shame she didn't get to have a run as a competitor in the WWE but she's doing a brilliant job as a trainer and her legacy is cealed through the success of the women pro-wrestlers in NXT):

Beautiful match, great story being told in the ring and Ceasaro had absolutely no issue putting her over; it actually didn't hurt his cred even a little bit given Del Reys reputation.

I watched Asuka's debut it was brilliant; every move she performed was so lethal you could have called it a finisher, when it comes to in-ring ability she's going to be on another level to the rest so it doesn't matter that she can't speak English. You can be a great wrestler with years of experience but the ironman stipulation can easily derail your performance in the match but both ladies delivered, I felt they could have picked up the pace towards the end but no issue given the emphasis on psychology; the brooklyn match was better overall but it was refreshing to see two women deliver the goods in an ironman match.

Notice William Regal hug Sara Del Rey after the post match celebration of the bayley/sarah match, he must have been so proud of her influence on the women.
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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] watch this

Use to be a huge fan of Beer Money inc, one of the best tag teams from the mid 2000's and Roode was such a special talent; as a talent he was a mix of Arn Anderson and Triple H. WWE have some great workers but many lack Charisma, Storm and Roode could have had great careers in the E because of their personality and mic talent. Both are too old now though :( anyhow it's still nice to see Storm in NXT, I guess he'll be on a similar contract to Joe. I love how NXT has carved out it's own identity so is open to signing talent from all around the globe, otherwise these guys would have no chance given how petty Vince can be. He must have said to Hunter, so long you keep them completely away from the main-roster I want nothing to do with these guys :)) and a part of me is totally cool with that because these days moving from NXT to the main-roster is a huge step down given the quality of the product :facepalm:
Use to be a huge fan of Beer Money inc, one of the best tag teams from the mid 2000's and Roode was such a special talent; as a talent he was a mix of Arn Anderson and Triple H. WWE have some great workers but many lack Charisma, Storm and Roode could have had great careers in the E because of their personality and mic talent. Both are too old now though :( anyhow it's still nice to see Storm in NXT, I guess he'll be on a similar contract to Joe. I love how NXT has carved out it's own identity so is open to signing talent from all around the globe, otherwise these guys would have no chance given how petty Vince can be. He must have said to Hunter, so long you keep them completely away from the main-roster I want nothing to do with these guys :)) and a part of me is totally cool with that because these days moving from NXT to the main-roster is a huge step down given the quality of the product :facepalm:

I think he will have the same role as B Kendrick. I guess we shouldn't let our hopes to high :afaq

btw, did you watch Izzy & Bayley V Sasha - Irongirl match. MOTY for me WOOOOOOOO!!!
I think he will have the same role as B Kendrick. I guess we shouldn't let our hopes to high :afaq

btw, did you watch Izzy & Bayley V Sasha - Irongirl match. MOTY for me WOOOOOOOO!!!

The Brookyln match was better and MOTY candidate, the Ironman match was pretty good to but I prefer the previous encounter; it would have been better if they picked the pace up towards the last 10 minutes.
The Brookyln match was better and MOTY candidate, the Ironman match was pretty good to but I prefer the previous encounter; it would have been better if they picked the pace up towards the last 10 minutes.

I agree. but the thing I liked about the Ironman match was Sasha not making the mistakes twice in her last match. She watches her videos and takes not to improve stuff and that's what she did.
And was the ref [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] :))) why was he starring and sniffing at the wrong places :))) :)))
and I think [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] was in the crowd who Sasha made cry because she no believe in Rohman Reinz :yk
I agree. but the thing I liked about the Ironman match was Sasha not making the mistakes twice in her last match. She watches her videos and takes not to improve stuff and that's what she did.
And was the ref [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] :))) why was he starring and sniffing at the wrong places :))) :)))
and I think [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] was in the crowd who Sasha made cry because she no believe in Rohman Reinz :yk

He was just making sure everything was working properly for later in the night WOOOOOO! Sareh Bhen Ka Bhai RD! RD! [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

Both worked very well together, I give them equal praise; the psychology was fantastic and Sasha did a better job being a heel then she did in the previous match. It was a landmark match for the women; I didn't shed a tear :yk
I agree. but the thing I liked about the Ironman match was Sasha not making the mistakes twice in her last match. She watches her videos and takes not to improve stuff and that's what she did.
And was the ref [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] :))) why was he starring and sniffing at the wrong places :))) :)))
and I think [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] was in the crowd who Sasha made cry because she no believe in Rohman Reinz :yk

He was just making sure everything was working properly for later in the night WOOOOOO! Sareh Bhen Ka Bhai RD! RD! [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

Both worked very well together, I give them equal praise; the psychology was fantastic and Sasha did a better job being a heel then she did in the previous match. It was a landmark match for the women; I didn't shed a tear :yk

:))) What the hell are you guys talking about? Who sniffed whom, what did I miss? :yk
@<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=46929" target="_blank">shaz619</a>

How sick is this package

Did EC3 take a shot at WWE? Here, now and forever.

Btw EC3 > Seth Rollins as champion.
Did EC3 take a shot at WWE? Here, now and forever.

Btw EC3 > Seth Rollins as champion.

just making someone a Champion for that long and making him beat some great wrestlers doesn't make this 2nd grade WWE superstar better. TNA ratings speaks for itself. This guy is a legit jobber and TNA proved once again that its the land of jobbers. TNA should forget about competing with WWE or trying to get one up over them. First Aries now EC3. I mean don't they have their own original talent to take care off. How bad did I feel for Bobby Rood, James Storm, AJ Styles, Sabin and other TNA originals WWE drop outs were given preference over them. TNA trying to compete with WWE was the start of their downfall. If they really wanted to compete with WWE then they should have started by competing with Superstars and Saturday Night Main Event. You don't go directly provoking the Big Dogs of WWE aka RAW and SMACKDOWN.
I'm glad Hunter is hiring those TNA originals slowly. His next priority should be to hire Bobby Rood and make BME on NXT. That will make Dixie cry her butt off.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] what is your take on Breeze. Shouldn't he be in the main roster by now. He's been jobbing to NXT Talent for quiet some time now. I would love to see him square off against Miz on RAW
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] what is your take on Breeze. Shouldn't he be in the main roster by now. He's been jobbing to NXT Talent for quiet some time now. I would love to see him square off against Miz on RAW
Wwe creative are jokes. After a feud with Miz he would fall down the card and enter Heath Slater Bo Dallas territory aka perennial jobber. Rarely know how to build new superstars.

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Wwe creative are jokes. After a feud with Miz he would fall down the card and enter Heath Slater Bo Dallas territory aka perennial jobber. Rarely know how to build new superstars.

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I think his feud with both Miz and Ambrose would give him a decent push but only for IC/US Title. No way with this gimmick he can be WWE Champion
@<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=46929" target="_blank">shaz619</a>

How sick is this package

It was a pretty decent Video Package it could have been even better if they had access to some footage surrounding Hardy's humble beginnings.
This is why you're the most ignorant, retarded and bigoted so called wrestling fan I've ever known, you are the ahmed shehzad/afridi fan in the wrestling world. Only a fool that has no respect for the bizz and little knowledge would call EC3 "2nd grade", "Legit Jobber" etc EC3 is pound for pound amongst the best A/R performers in the world today and there is said to be interest from the WWE to sign him; we know you are a thick fan boy but please don't post drivel and derail this thread because the good posters will begin to stop posting so frequently.

if he really is that good then why is TNA going down week by week. And I'm derailing this thread? Who resents to name calling. If we go by count. You've been the most banned person on PakPassion.
What on Earth are you talking about :facepalm: there is not one discussion where you've displayed even a little objectivity, you're not worthy enough to engage in a proper wrestling discussion with the regulars in this thread including myself. You're a good guy to make fun of for your absolutely stupid and idiotic views.

Am bashing you for making stupid comments :facepalm: you just admitted that you don't follow wrestling etc so how does that give you the right to post drivel about EC3 a talent who's work you're not familiar with it just doesn't even make any sense. EC3 was never utilized as a talent under contract with the WWE and they failed to exploit his potential; in TNA he has flourished like never before and the WWE are desperate to get him back:


Like I said before you're the common non-sensical ahmed shehzad fan of the wrestling world, glorify WWE and disrespect every other promotion. The truth is TNA is not what it use to be and the same can be said for the WWE, when the quality of the booking and product itself is poor then the champion can do little but to undermine the performers ability is just stupid and only a paper wrestling fan would go as far or those guys who think they are students of the game but don't even know how to do stanjah properly yet post random hate for TNA it's talents for the sake of it and glorify the WWE and their product which is also extremely poor.

read my posts again. I never made fun of EC's talent. I only called him jobber in heat of the moment. TNA not utilizing their originals and pushing drop outs from WWE to do what ? make fun of them, well TNA. Who's laughing now :facepalm:
read my posts again. I never made fun of EC's talent. I only called him jobber in heat of the moment. TNA not utilizing their originals and pushing drop outs from WWE to do what ? make fun of them, well TNA. Who's laughing now :facepalm:

You called him a 2nd rate WWE wrestler etc now you change your tune after I posted that article and explained to a paper wrestling fan like yourself how EC3 is widely regarded as one of the best A/R performers in the world. Well that is embarrassing for the WWE isn't it, if a certain talent makes you money who cares if he's an original TNA talent or not and TNA have showed the WWE how they have failed to utilize guys that were under contract with them. As far as you are concerned Kurt and Sting should have been jobbing from Day 1 in TNA; what an idiot this guy is. The quality of the product in TNA needs to change and WWE are laughing? what with their pants down? you're talking as if the ratings in WWE are great; you never criticise their poor booking. This is why you're a poor excuse for a wrestling fan
You called him a 2nd rate WWE wrestler etc now you change your tune after I posted that article and explained to a paper wrestling fan like yourself how EC3 is widely regarded as one of the best A/R performers in the world. Well that is embarrassing for the WWE isn't it, if a certain talent makes you money who cares if he's an original TNA talent or not and TNA have showed the WWE how they have failed to utilize guys that were under contract with them. As far as you are concerned Kurt and Sting should have been jobbing from Day 1 in TNA; what an idiot this guy is. The quality of the product in TNA needs to change and WWE are laughing? what with their pants down? you're talking as if the ratings in WWE are great; you never criticise their poor booking. This is why you're a poor excuse for a wrestling fan

how can you compare Legends like Kurt/Sting/Hardy/Dudleys to newbies like EC3, Luke. TNA had James Storm, Bobby Rude, Chris Sabin, MCMG, damn a lot of original TNA talent which was wasted by them so that they can mock WWE by making guys like EC3, Austin Aries champion. I'm not making fun of their talent but making fun of TNA as they never got anything with them. Fans lost interest when seeing newbies given preference over Originals.
Imagine Jeff was to win the WWE Gold at Armageddon. Prior to that AJ Styles arrived. Would you have loved seeing AJ win or Jeff. Would you not be sour after seeing AJ win ?

If you smeeellll...what DM is cooking ;D
how can you compare Legends like Kurt/Sting/Hardy/Dudleys to newbies like EC3, Luke. TNA had James Storm, Bobby Rude, Chris Sabin, MCMG, damn a lot of original TNA talent which was wasted by them so that they can mock WWE by making guys like EC3, Austin Aries champion. I'm not making fun of their talent but making fun of TNA as they never got anything with them. Fans lost interest when seeing newbies given preference over Originals.
Imagine Jeff was to win the WWE Gold at Armageddon. Prior to that AJ Styles arrived. Would you have loved seeing AJ win or Jeff. Would you not be sour after seeing AJ win ?

If you smeeellll...what DM is cooking ;D

It is you who questioned why TNA push the likes of Kurt, Sting, Hardy, Dudleys; so according to you they should have been jobbing in TNA :facepalm:. TNA did push James Storm, Rude, Sabin etc you absolute nugget. Which newbies were given preference over Originals? firstly like I said if a certain talent is over in the company does it really matter; it's like you want Bubbah Ray Dudley to be World Champion in WWE instead of Seth Rollins LOL

If it made sense in the confines of the storyline and the wrestlers involved were protected then I'd be all for it and would look forward to a dream feud between Jeff and AJ actually but you know that wouldn't happen because WWE would have to build AJ's stock/popularity amongst the WWE fans. When WWE wrestlers go over to TNA they don't need to build their stock up from scratch because of their careers in the pro-wrestling business and familiarity amongst wrestling fans in general
It is you who questioned why TNA push the likes of Kurt, Sting, Hardy, Dudleys; so according to you they should have been jobbing in TNA :facepalm:. TNA did push James Storm, Rude, Sabin etc you absolute nugget. Which newbies were given preference over Originals? firstly like I said if a certain talent is over in the company does it really matter; it's like you want Bubbah Ray Dudley to be World Champion in WWE instead of Seth Rollins LOL

If it made sense in the confines of the storyline and the wrestlers involved were protected then I'd be all for it and would look forward to a dream feud between Jeff and AJ actually but you know that wouldn't happen because WWE would have to build AJ's stock/popularity amongst the WWE fans. When WWE wrestlers go over to TNA they don't need to build their stock up from scratch because of their careers in the pro-wrestling business and familiarity amongst wrestling fans in general

you're such a manipulative person here :facepalm: look at the post I criticized, did I mention Kurt Angle. Did I mention Sting. What is wrong with you :sachin

I see what you're doing. You're trying to pull off Hunter V Kane again :yk2
you're such a manipulative person here :facepalm: look at the post I criticized, did I mention Kurt Angle. Did I mention Sting. What is wrong with you :sachin

I see what you're doing. You're trying to pull off Hunter V Kane again :yk2

I have no idea what this HHH/kane rubbish you speak off, I see you had to post drivel to ignore all the points made in the post you just quoted now. I gave you an example which was relevant based on what you said, you critcised how TNA push WWE wrestlers so my question was you rather have Sting and Kurt Angle Job in TNA. You then went on to criticise how TNA give newbies chances instead of veteran originals who've had their main-event runs at the top, now am not surprised how you're cool with Cena and Hunter burying talent.
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I have no idea what this HHH/kane rubbish you speak off, I see you had to post drivel to ignore all the points made in the post you just quoted now. I gave you an example which was relevant based on what you said, you critcised how TNA push WWE wrestlers so my question was you rather have Sting and Kurt Angle Job in TNA. You then went on to criticise how TNA give newbies chances instead of originals, now am not surprised how you're cool with Cena and Hunter burying talent.

wow :14: full marks for trying to change the topic. Legend

Read the post I quoted Aman. I criticized TNA for pushing WWE drop outs NOT WWE Legends
wow :14: full marks for trying to change the topic. Legend

Read the post I quoted Aman. I criticized TNA for pushing WWE drop outs NOT WWE Legends

Drop-outs or Legends the same logic applies so you're argument makes no sense at all.

You changed the topic yourself and resorted to this non-sensical discussion which revolves around arguing about who said what when your mentally inept brain failed to respond to any of the points made against your disastrous arguments. This is how far you're able to go when you can't keep up with the knowledge Eugene so spew drivel about Kane/HH, full marks etc :uakmal #TypicalFanTard
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WWE star Rusev might be a tough guy in the ring but he's a softie for his real-life girlfriend Lana ... because he asked her to marry him.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ Rusev proposed to his WWE manager gf last month at their Nashville home. We're told Rusev proposed in the couple's swimming pool and filmed the whole thing.


So much for Vince's story line, he's screwed :))
And why should Vince get mad, kayfabe has been dead for decades. The storyline was not really heading anywhere; what we learned from the whole episode is that Lana and Russev should not have separated in the first place. A good way to recover from this would be if Ziggler turned heel and attempted to crucify Lana or something ala Taker/Steph with Russev not being able to watch his former love suffer like that he runs in to save her (the crowd would go nuts); then at Survivor Series we get to see their wedding on telly ala Macho Man Savage/Elizabeth at SummerSlam. Creative will never do either of these which is why I don't watch the crappy product they put out, I expect Russev/Lana to reunite in same lame fashion
And why should Vince get mad, kayfabe has been dead for decades. The storyline was not really heading anywhere; what we learned from the whole episode is that Lana and Russev should not have separated in the first place. A good way to recover from this would be if Ziggler turned heel and attempted to crucify Lana or something ala Taker/Steph with Russev not being able to watch his former love suffer like that he runs in to save her (the crowd would go nuts); then at Survivor Series we get to see their wedding on telly ala Macho Man Savage/Elizabeth at SummerSlam. Creative will never do either of these which is why I don't watch the crappy product they put out, I expect Russev/Lana to reunite in same lame fashion

would be awesome if they play any of those story lines with them. Lana faking pregnancy in future would be another one too use Steph/Hunter

I don't get what was the reason to involve Summer in all this. :51:
would be awesome if they play any of those story lines with them. Lana faking pregnancy in future would be another one too use Steph/Hunter

I don't get what was the reason to involve Summer in all this. :51:

Because she got nice body and Vince Likey, that's why. Vince play with himself while the Hot Summer on TV
Because she got nice body and Vince Likey, that's why. Vince play with himself while the Hot Summer on TV
Bro im presuming youve heard super Cena is taking time off. Who you think they will use to replace him and more importantly what do you think creative will do.

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In other news, Daniel Bryan and Ronda Rousey are in a relationship [MENTION=137238]Anchorman[/MENTION]:

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I just think they are going to panic and cause some kind of mess given the pedestal they put Cena on while relying on part timers and Legends to boost ratings. The smart thing to do would be to resort to logical booking which protects their rising talent; the sad thing is there is no one at the moment who we can say that can step in the shoes of Cena so easily. In the WWE right now they don't even have a genuine baby face which is super over with the audience; those who get a bit of momentum are shifted to the mid-card and Bryan is injured (really was starting to peak as a face).
Our very own [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] was interviewed recently:

What Was The Origin/Inspiration behind being a Eugene beyond how retard comes so natural to you?

D: I presented the character to Vince McMahon. It was my idea. One of the trainers, one of my mentors, “The Hustler” Rip Rogers. Who is on Twitter (@Hustler2754), by the way, and is a phenomenal follow. “The Hustler” Rip Rogers would always give me ideas for me to pitch to the creative team. To get me up on TV and on the road faster. At the time all of my friends in OVW has all gone to RAW and Smackdown and I was still there. I was still coaching, I was living at home, I was still wrestling at OVW but it was sort of a new class of guys that had moved in. Rip Roger’s son has autism. Rip gave me this idea, “Well how about a guy that can’t tie his shoes. He can’t talk to girls. He can’t do this and he can’t do that. The minute the bell rings he can do anything flawlessly that he’s seen on TV. Because I was “Mr. Wrestling” Nick Dinsmore the wrestling part was the easiest part that I had. I could do a thousand holds and not use the same one twice. That was not the problem, it was the marketing and try to get that character out. So when Rip gave me this idea I thought, “Alright,” and I filed it away in the back of my head. I forgot about it for about eight months or so. At one point in OVW I told my friend Doug Basham, I said, “Doug, I think I’m going to quit and try to go to Japan.” Doug in turn told Dean Malenko, Dean told Johnny Ace and the next thing I know I’m sitting in a meeting with Vince McMahon. Stephanie is sitting right next to him. Vince goes, “I want to get back to character based wrestling.” I just spit out this idea, “What about a wrestler who can’t tie his shoes. Can’t talk to girls but the minute the bell rings he can do anything perfectly. Like an idiot savant wrestler. He’s got a base and he knows off the top of his head how many times this guy has won or lost a championship. Records, dates, facts… everything.” Steve Austin walks in. Vince goes, “Have you ever seen this guy wrestle?” Steve goes, “No, I’m sorry, I haven’t.” I said, “Danny Davis, the owner of OVW, trained me.” Danny had wrestled Steve Austin back in the Dallas days, the Global days. Towards the end of the USWA and Global Dallas. He had wrestled Austin down there. Then they became friends. Austin looks at me and he goes, “Well, I haven’t seen you wrestle but if Danny trained you then you’re probably one of the best.” Vince goes, “Great! We’ll start on Monday.”

I just think they are going to panic and cause some kind of mess given the pedestal they put Cena on while relying on part timers and Legends to boost ratings. The smart thing to do would be to resort to logical booking which protects their rising talent; the sad thing is there is no one at the moment who we can say that can step in the shoes of Cena so easily. In the WWE right now they don't even have a genuine baby face which is super over with the audience; those who get a bit of momentum are shifted to the mid-card and Bryan is injured (really was starting to peak as a face).
uploadfromtaptalk1444690622795.jpg the new face of this business.

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Bro im presuming youve heard super Cena is taking time off. Who you think they will use to replace him and more importantly what do you think creative will do.

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I have read somewhere that they will bring the Dr. of Thuganamics gimmick back which means we will finally see Heel Cena once again which I find hard to believe. I believe the only time we will see heel Cena again is on his HOF Speech :))

I just think they are going to panic and cause some kind of mess given the pedestal they put Cena on while relying on part timers and Legends to boost ratings. The smart thing to do would be to resort to logical booking which protects their rising talent; the sad thing is there is no one at the moment who we can say that can step in the shoes of Cena so easily. In the WWE right now they don't even have a genuine baby face which is super over with the audience; those who get a bit of momentum are shifted to the mid-card and Bryan is injured (really was starting to peak as a face).

I think the only Old guy Legend WWE can utilize right now for one more long run is Why Two Jay but I doubt he will agree to that. A heel run from him and having a feud with Cesaro or Reignz can bring out the next baby face in WWE. Who needs Cena when you have Why Two Jay
I have read somewhere that they will bring the Dr. of Thuganamics gimmick back which means we will finally see Heel Cena once again which I find hard to believe. I believe the only time we will see heel Cena again is on his HOF Speech :))
Bringing back Thuganomics Cena. When Cena is nearly a budda wouldnt make sense. That ship has sailed now. It worked when he was a young and upcoming star made him stand out from the rest. Everyone knows now that Cena is your average middle class white american guy who kisses babies and does charity work. WWE dont wanna let this cash cow die out.

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Bringing back Thuganomics Cena. When Cena is nearly a budda wouldnt make sense. That ship has sailed now. It worked when he was a young and upcoming star made him stand out from the rest. Everyone knows now that Cena is your average middle class white american guy who kisses babies and does charity work. WWE dont wanna let this cash cow die out.

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Cena market is already dying. I think its Vince idea to freshen up the market. I bet he was planning this for a long time.
Cena market is already dying. I think its Vince idea to freshen up the market. I bet he was planning this for a long time.
cena could freshen up as a heel but not thuganomics a different type of heel. Yes Cena Cash Cow is slowly running its course. All the 10 year old bachay who loved Cena in 2010 are now 15 they want something cool more cutting edge to look upto. Once kids go over age of 13 Cena stops being cool well for boys anyway. WWE needs a new face but there are no credible main event level faces. Well Ambrose could be one but WWE just dont build them up anymore. Anyone who gains some momentum is fed to Cash Cow.

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do you remember anyone from AE that had the role of Cena. I don't recall anyone being fed new comers.
Cena's gimmick should be a silent whiner, he doesn't speak but suddenly starts crying. Always looks ****** off.
In AE Cenas character would have never gotten over as a face. Angle had a similar character initially as the Olympic Hero but he mastered it as a great comedy heel in AE. In A.E the big stars all beat each other all got rubs off each other. And developed each others character. In WWE nowadays that isnt the case Cena always has the final word in every feud. With this lame modern Hulk Hogan character always overcoming the odds. When everyone knows that is b.s and just fake. People dont want these perfect flawless superheroes anymore. They want flawed heroes who they can see a bit of themselves in. Not someone put up on a pedestal.

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In AE Cenas character would have never gotten over as a face. Angle had a similar character initially as the Olympic Hero but he mastered it as a great comedy heel in AE. In A.E the big stars all beat each other all got rubs off each other. And developed each others character. In WWE nowadays that isnt the case Cena always has the final word in every feud. With this lame modern Hulk Hogan character always overcoming the odds. When everyone knows that is b.s and just fake. People dont want these perfect flawless superheroes anymore. They want flawed heroes who they can see a bit of themselves in. Not someone put up on a pedestal.

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remember Orton V Cena feud. It was rated as one of the best feuds in the modern era. You know why? The titles kept on changing back and forth, the ratings were rising but Vince destroyed everything when he ended the feud with the lamest Ironman match in WWE history. :facepalm:
That's why most of the fans want Cena to leave for good amount of time. But that will never happen cuz mr no days off will never leave.
Vince needs to go. He's lost his touch. When he retired on screen, he should have retired completely.
remember Orton V Cena feud. It was rated as one of the best feuds in the modern era. You know why? The titles kept on changing back and forth, the ratings were rising but Vince destroyed everything when he ended the feud with the lamest Ironman match in WWE history. :facepalm:
That's why most of the fans want Cena to leave for good amount of time. But that will never happen cuz mr no days off will never leave.
Vince needs to go. He's lost his touch. When he retired on screen, he should have retired completely.
Yeah exactly these back n forths feuds are best for business. Not Cena burying them 2-3 PPVs in a row. McMahon is always scared to put Cena down or make him lose. Cena has come to a point where he is an established veteran and future HOF he can take losses. Every big star takes that big defining loss where they hand the torch onto the new guy. Will Mcmahon let Cena do that.

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Yeah exactly these back n forths feuds are best for business. Not Cena burying them 2-3 PPVs in a row. McMahon is always scared to put Cena down or make him lose. Cena has come to a point where he is an established veteran and future HOF he can take losses. Every big star takes that big defining loss where they hand the torch onto the new guy. Will Mcmahon let Cena do that.

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I don't think he will. He even let Rock put him over. Brock was asked to lose mid way because Vince thought Cena's stock was spiraling down. Once in a lifetime turned out to be the biggest joke of 2010s. Seriously there were tons of other talent which the Rock could have put over and Vince chose Cena :facepalm:
:))) :))) :))) :))) :))) :)))

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y7xGmdsTSLQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Great Khali in this cement company's ad is the funniest thing you'd have seen.
this is shaz619 after being hurt by me


note [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

Hahahah so much burn now he's just getting desperate, using lame pictures to hide the fact that he was buried and pointing out why he was banned for being mentally retarded so many times :))) You can't convey your point so have to use pics etc again why you were dismissed for not being quiet there mentally :yk2 before trying to tag [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] in another desperate attempt to agree with your "retarded" ways :))) that's just you tapping out
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Another butt hurt response after being buried by the Golden Shovel :yk2 Me and Aman are good mates not sure how all of that comes into this which = DM butt hurt, you just envy how I get along with people; the thing is you're just Retarded :yk It's a problem which just can't fixed, no offence mentally you're just not there bro :yk2

are you my girlfriend ? :facepalm:

why would I envy you getting along with others. What I see is you target innocent users for your entertainment and most of the time they fall into your trap. You have your own heynas like [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] and sometimes ask me to drag innocent members to your trap so you can be satisfied by looking at them. GOD knows what you get for looking at them :yk2
Hahahah so much burn now he's just getting desperate, using lame pictures to hide the fact that he was buried and pointing out why he was banned for being mentally retarded so many times :))) You can't convey your point so have to use pics etc again why you were dismissed for not being quiet there mentally :yk2

I was banned for making fun of something I shouldn't have and creating multiple accounts when I should have apologized to the Awesome people behind PakPassion. I didn't cuss or abuse others like you. You have always been banned because of exesive use of abusive langauge. Thats how your brain mentality works, you're the real Eugene of PP :))
are you my girlfriend ? :facepalm:

why would I envy you getting along with others. What I see is you target innocent users for your entertainment and most of the time they fall into your trap. You have your own heynas like [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] and sometimes ask me to drag innocent members to your trap so you can be satisfied by looking at them. GOD knows what you get for looking at them :yk2

The truth is you are PP's first mentally disabled user; hence the low quality of your posts which would make a nursery kid look like albert einstein; you think you're retarded ways are funny but often you end up making yourself look like a right fool and you got yourself to blame because 1. you're not quiet there mentally and no.2 there is never a point in engaging in an actual discussion with you beyond laughing at how you make yourself look like a clown all the time and your idiotic points of view in general
I was banned for making fun of something I shouldn't have and creating multiple accounts when I should have apologized to the Awesome people behind PakPassion. I didn't cuss or abuse others like you. You have always been banned because of exesive use of abusive langauge. Thats how your brain mentality works, you're the real Eugene of PP :))

You were banned for your narrow minded views and lack of quality which in theory makes you a Eugene given your lack of intelligence; abuse etc has nothing to do with lack of intelligence which is 10x worse bruv, you couldn't displayed even a little intellect despite being banned from multiple accounts and on each individual account PPers get so many chances as it is, it just goes to show how mentally you're not quiet there unfortunately so have to post pictures etc to convey a point I doubt kids even do that in kindergarden now:uakmal
Ouch someone got really mad by my remarks :))) :)))

I was joking [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] ,pls no take to heart. Pls no more whining :(
Am sorry I make mad u. I no want ur BP to exceed 85 :(
You were banned for your narrow minded views and lack of quality which in theory makes you a Eugene given your lack of intelligence; abuse etc has nothing to do with lack of intelligence which is 10x worse bruv, you couldn't displayed even a little intellect despite being banned from multiple accounts and on each individual account PPers get so many chances as it is, it just goes to show how mentally you're not quiet there unfortunately so have to post pictures etc to convey a point I doubt kids even do that in kindergarden now:uakmal
Your essays only means ho insecure you feel around me :yk
I bet you idolize me, look up to me but try to hide from others. It's ok bro :uakmal
:))) The epic burials are always complete when the Jobbers like [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] start to make it seem like all the punishment they are receiving is actually bothering the people who are spanking them so hard left, right and centre :))) I admit, its just too funny making you look like an absolute nugget all the time and 99% of the time you bury yourself; I just give you a hand with the shovel :yk [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] Looks like I've traumatized him, on a level DM go get yourself checked out I genuinely mean it, don't take my jibes to heart but I merely state the obvious when it comes to your mental condition:danish