D: I presented the character to Vince McMahon. It was my idea. One of the trainers, one of my mentors, “The Hustler” Rip Rogers. Who is on Twitter (@Hustler2754), by the way, and is a phenomenal follow. “The Hustler” Rip Rogers would always give me ideas for me to pitch to the creative team. To get me up on TV and on the road faster. At the time all of my friends in OVW has all gone to RAW and Smackdown and I was still there. I was still coaching, I was living at home, I was still wrestling at OVW but it was sort of a new class of guys that had moved in. Rip Roger’s son has autism. Rip gave me this idea, “Well how about a guy that can’t tie his shoes. He can’t talk to girls. He can’t do this and he can’t do that. The minute the bell rings he can do anything flawlessly that he’s seen on TV. Because I was “Mr. Wrestling” Nick Dinsmore the wrestling part was the easiest part that I had. I could do a thousand holds and not use the same one twice. That was not the problem, it was the marketing and try to get that character out. So when Rip gave me this idea I thought, “Alright,” and I filed it away in the back of my head. I forgot about it for about eight months or so. At one point in OVW I told my friend Doug Basham, I said, “Doug, I think I’m going to quit and try to go to Japan.” Doug in turn told Dean Malenko, Dean told Johnny Ace and the next thing I know I’m sitting in a meeting with Vince McMahon. Stephanie is sitting right next to him. Vince goes, “I want to get back to character based wrestling.” I just spit out this idea, “What about a wrestler who can’t tie his shoes. Can’t talk to girls but the minute the bell rings he can do anything perfectly. Like an idiot savant wrestler. He’s got a base and he knows off the top of his head how many times this guy has won or lost a championship. Records, dates, facts… everything.” Steve Austin walks in. Vince goes, “Have you ever seen this guy wrestle?” Steve goes, “No, I’m sorry, I haven’t.” I said, “Danny Davis, the owner of OVW, trained me.” Danny had wrestled Steve Austin back in the Dallas days, the Global days. Towards the end of the USWA and Global Dallas. He had wrestled Austin down there. Then they became friends. Austin looks at me and he goes, “Well, I haven’t seen you wrestle but if Danny trained you then you’re probably one of the best.” Vince goes, “Great! We’ll start on Monday.”