I stopped reading this joke of a post after punk getting one of the falls
you still whining bro

Why? Whyyyy? of all the Takers challengers you thought of this retard Punk to get a pinfall over Taker

and you think that would have boosted his stock. LMAO what a jerk, Punk stock was never hurt by that feud, only Punk's ego was. A match with Taker at mania is enough to give your stock a mega boost. Shame on you and all other smarks who agree with you.
Wyatt lost to Taker, look at his stock now. Such a lame idea and excuse for quitter fans like you, after all you did quit watching RAW right just like quitter Punk who whines every time he opens his mouth. all Punk fans and Punk every night before bed asking GOD
You know what, Smarks like you deserved the biggest quitter and jobber in WWE history. They guy was a extra in Cena's entrance wouldn't even be the top guy in WWE had Hunter and HBK not boost him at Survivor Series 2007. Pathetic ungrateful was CM Quit. He whines about Hunter having the biggest ego. Well Punk, his ego was big enough to destroy your ego.
Punk would still be jobbing along with Slater had it not been for guys like Edge/Jericho. Punk himself thanked Edge for making his path easy. And then he abuses and makes fun of Heavyweights that they think skinny guys aren't meant to the face of the company. What a loser