[VIDEO] "I will not resign and fight till the last ball" : PM Imran Khan speaks to the nation


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
[VIDEO] "I will not resign and fight till the last ball" : PM Imran Khan speaks to the nation

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“Vote on the no-confidence motion will be held this Sunday [April 3]… On coming Sunday it will be decided in which direction this country will go,” he said while addressing the nation on Thursday.

“I will not resign and will fight till the last ball,” he added.

The premier while terming the no-trust move as the “foreign-backed conspiracy” to topple his government said that the nation will not forgive those lawmakers who will vote against him in the lower house of parliament.

“People should see those people [lawmakers] who will ‘sell their conscience’ on Sunday,” said the premier while warning the parliamentarians that the coming generations will never forget them if they voted against him.

“I will never let this conspiracy to succeed come what may.”

Prime Minister Imran Khan is currently addressing the nation days ahead of voting on a no-trust resolution against him in the National Assembly that will decide his fate.

"Today, I have to talk something important about the country's future," the prime minister said in his opening remarks. "I decided to do this address live because Pakistan is at a defining moment and we have two paths ahead of us."

"But before that, I want to tell you that why a person like me entered politics. I am a fortunate person whom Allah had blessed with everything, including fame and wealth. I am from the first generation that was born in a free country.

"Pakistan is five years older than me. My parents were born during times of slavery. They made me realise that I was lucky to have been born in a free country because in slavery you cannot rise above a certain level. Khuddari is a sign of a free nation."

The prime minister explained why he had entered politics in the 1990s following a successful cricket career. "I entered politics because I came to the conclusion that Pakistan can never be the country that Allama Iqbal dreamt of and Quaid-e-Azam struggled for even in poor health," he said. "The main purpose pf Pakistan was to become an Islamic welfare state, which traces back to the state of Madina.

"When I started politics, I included three things in my party's manifesto. Justice, which means law is the same for the powerful and the weak. Humanity because there is kindness in an Islamic state, and third, Khuddari because a Muslim nation cannot be a slave."

The prime minister continued: "Had Allah not blessed me with faith, I would [not have] entered politics. I was mocked for 14 years and people repeatedly asked me why did I enter politics. I came into politics because of an ideology.

"Since I joined politics, I have always said that neither will I bow down before anyone and nor will I let my nation bow down. It means I will not let my nation be a slave to anyone. I have never backed down from this stance."

"I decided the day I became the prime minister that our foreign policy will be independent, which means it will be for Pakistanis. It doesn't mean that we wanted enmity. When I got the government I said that we will not have any foreign policy that is not in our favour."

The prime minister then discussed the 'threat letter' that purportedly shows "evidence" of a foreign conspiracy to oust his government. In what appeared a slip of tongue, he named the United States as the country behind the threat.

"I am here today because on March 8 or 7, the United States ... not the US ... we got a message. For a free country, a message like this is [not only] against its prime minister but is also against the country [itself]."

"They knew beforehand that a no-trust move was coming. The no-trust motion was not even submitted [at the time]. It means that they (the opposition) was connected with these people abroad, They say they are angry with Pakistan ... they make this excuse. They say they will forgive Pakistan if Imran Khan loses in no-trust move, but if the move fails, Pakistan will have to go through a difficult time."

"In an official document it was said that 'if Imran Khan remains the prime minister, our ties will suffer and you will face difficulties.'"

"I am telling my nation today that this is our status. We are a nation of 220 million and another country — and they are not giving any reason — [is issuing threats]. They said that Imran Khan decide to go to Russia on his own even though the Foreign Office and the military leadership was consulted.

"Our ambassador told them that the decision [to visit Russia was made after consultations] but they are denying it and saying that 'it was only because of Imran Khan and that our ties cannot be good if he stays.' What they are actually saying is that they have no issue with the people who will replace Imran Khan.

The prime minister said the foreign forces have "developed a liking for" Shehbaz Sharif, Fazlur Rehman and Asif Ali Zardari as they "know where there money and properties are" and "in their 10 years 400 drone attacks happened and they did not condemn it once."

"The most disturbing thing is that they (foreign forces) have links with the people through whom the conspiracy (no trust move) happened, They are stooges, and stooges means loyal slaves," he said.

PM Imran then addressed Shahbaz's criticism of him saying "absolutely not" to the United States in response to its reported demands of having military bases in Pakistan.

"I only said that 'we are with you in peace but not in war' because our foreign policy is independent. I don't talk against anyone. I only say that my biggest responsibility is the 220m Pakistanis. When did you (Shehbaz) take a stand ... you and your brother can never talk, they know where you assets are."
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And yet with this ridiculous speech, this guy made up a party of lotas or otherwise known as electables.

Handed the economy to the army while he fought the corruption.

At the same time causing massive inflation in the country.

He bashed pmln for decisions that he went on to make. The famous begging bowl drama, well he himself dis the same thing

His friends, his electables were part of the sugar mafia..

Very easy to give speches and say i am the good guy the others are evil and throw in the name of God, Quiad and Iqbal to prove your point
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And yet with this ridiculous speech, this guy made up a party of lotas or otherwise known as electables.

Handed the economy to the army while he fought the corruption.

At the same time causing massive inflation in the country.

He bashed pmln for decisions that he went on to make. The famous begging bowl drama, well he himself dis the same thing

His friends, his electables were part of the sugar mafia..

Very easy to give speches and say i am the good guy the others are evil and throw in the name of God, Quiad and Iqbal to prove your point

You are lucky to have a incorruptible person at the helm.
From other thread

Saw majority of the Speech, probably the greatest orator in Pakistan Politics since ZAB, this will haunt Opposition forever, and he will easily win the next election .

US was clearly blamed. I wonder how US will handle this.
Brilliant speech from IK. After yesterday's events I had lost hope. IK has returned that hope today with his never give up attitude. We are lucky to have such a leader
Brilliant speech from IK. After yesterday's events I had lost hope. IK has returned that hope today with his never give up attitude. We are lucky to have such a leader

How do you think Imran will get the money to fix the economy? Pakistan itself is barely surviving.
I would like to see a practical plan to prevent the opposition from reaching 172. The opposition came in today with 176 people without taking into account the PTI dissidents. Not sure what IK end game is, he will meet the same fate as ZAB i.e. the opposition will jail him and find a judicial way to get him out of the picture for good and the people of Pakistan will sit idle and do nothing.
What a speech!

Stood up at home and started clapping
Pakistanis have a gem of a leader. He will fight till he has strength. Question is will Pakistanis fight and stand alongside him as well?
To my mind, this is where he is at his best. Odds against him. But he knows it’s an uphill battle. All the rhetoric will be lost in time when Aata dal comes into it
Pakistanis have a gem of a leader. He will fight till he has strength. Question is will Pakistanis fight and stand alongside him as well?

No they won't and he will be history after Sunday.

The corrupt system won't ever allow him to comeback and will be rigged that he can never enter the corridors of power again.

The Charlie's have received the message from their masters .
Btw he asked opposition to withdraw vonc motion and he would resign...

Bilalwal replied, we wont give nro :)))

And now imran saying he wont resign... The lies that are fed and the way people believe them
Btw he asked opposition to withdraw vonc motion and he would resign...

Bilalwal replied, we wont give nro :)))

And now imran saying he wont resign... The lies that are fed and the way people believe them

Really did he say that? Not seen that been said anywhere. Maybe you can provide us a recording?
What a pathetic attempt from a pathetic person

I hope IHC grills him for revealing the country behind the letter and this guy rots in jail.

Glad we’re done with this and can move on
One of the most inspiring speeches ever from a Pakistani politician. Long may he continue to serve this country.
What a pathetic attempt from a pathetic person

I hope IHC grills him for revealing the country behind the letter and this guy rots in jail.

Glad we’re done with this and can move on

So your happy knowing that the alternative will be a sell out, a traitor to the country who will be your leader.
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What a pathetic attempt from a pathetic person

I hope IHC grills him for revealing the country behind the letter and this guy rots in jail.

Glad we’re done with this and can move on

Hands down one of the most pathetic posts I've ever witnessed in here.
The speech started with a lie. Imran Khan said that the Pakistan Resolution spoke of an Islamic Welfare state. Can someone find this in the Pakistan resolution? No, because the man is a liar and people are gullible and believe every lie he tells.

He talks about the slogan Pakistan ka matlab kia. The slogan was never used by Jinnah. In fact, he distanced himself from the slogan all together.

He talks about receiving a threatening letter from the US on the 7/8th of March but apparently he kept this hidden until he had nowhere else to go. On the 21st of March SMQ is meeting undersecretary of the US during the OIC meetings and posting about the amazing ties between the two countries in his Twitter account.

I never expected him to leave with dignity but he is literally begging the opposition for an NRO. (https://www.geo.tv/latest/408614?fb...q6jQhoJxpQvFGLxxftyrJNVcikIWghx7-33zun0NIvDk4)

He pretends to hold steadfast but he is desperate and clutching on his last straws.

Pakistan will be a better place once he is gone and I hope the opposition, once they come into power investigate and persecute him for all the corruption that happened during his regime.

Good bye Khan. Hope you rot in a prison cell and we never see you again.
Btw he asked opposition to withdraw vonc motion and he would resign...

Bilalwal replied, we wont give nro :)))

And now imran saying he wont resign... The lies that are fed and the way people believe them

Was you there? IK isn't going to resign and Billo needs to learn Urdu
The speech started with a lie. Imran Khan said that the Pakistan Resolution spoke of an Islamic Welfare state. Can someone find this in the Pakistan resolution? No, because the man is a liar and people are gullible and believe every lie he tells.

He talks about the slogan Pakistan ka matlab kia. The slogan was never used by Jinnah. In fact, he distanced himself from the slogan all together.

He talks about receiving a threatening letter from the US on the 7/8th of March but apparently he kept this hidden until he had nowhere else to go. On the 21st of March SMQ is meeting undersecretary of the US during the OIC meetings and posting about the amazing ties between the two countries in his Twitter account.

I never expected him to leave with dignity but he is literally begging the opposition for an NRO. (https://www.geo.tv/latest/408614?fb...q6jQhoJxpQvFGLxxftyrJNVcikIWghx7-33zun0NIvDk4)

He pretends to hold steadfast but he is desperate and clutching on his last straws.

Pakistan will be a better place once he is gone and I hope the opposition, once they come into power investigate and persecute him for all the corruption that happened during his regime.

Good bye Khan. Hope you rot in a prison cell and we never see you again.

Desperate wishes.
Really did he say that? Not seen that been said anywhere. Maybe you can provide us a recording?

It was all over the news in Pakistan. Imran tried to sent a reliable person to the opposition to negotiate this. Obviously the opposition rejected, bilawal even went on to say we wont give nro...
The next leader will now think twice before embarking on an anti corruption narrative and going after the status quo politicians. This is the end result and consequence.
What a pathetic attempt from a pathetic person

I hope IHC grills him for revealing the country behind the letter and this guy rots in jail.

Glad we’re done with this and can move on

Well said.

He destroyed our relations with us, and his fans are celebrating him as being corrupt free, not knowing that the guy was incompetent.

As he leaves he has destroyed any potential trading relations we could had developed with usa.

Funny how agter opposition denied his request to cancel the motion he comes up with this speech
Was you there? IK isn't going to resign and Billo needs to learn Urdu

Living in pakistan gives me access to news channels :)

Funny how the tables had turned. Imran asking for an nro as he is made to leave by the OPPOSITION.

Bilawal had the last laugh in the end

"We wont give nro" :))
It wouldn't surprise me if IK seeks advice from Erdogan and Putin on how to retain power like a true dictator. This is his only hope.

IK couldn't have picked a worse time to get close and cosy with Putin. This epitomises his stupidity and serves him right for making such a dumb move.
Well said.

He destroyed our relations with us, and his fans are celebrating him as being corrupt free, not knowing that the guy was incompetent.

As he leaves he has destroyed any potential trading relations we could had developed with usa.

Funny how agter opposition denied his request to cancel the motion he comes up with this speech

Where were all those trading relationships over the last 2 decades? Some folk have really selective memories
He is very much like Modi albeit more educated and has more sophisticated lies.

Every country shares pleasures or dis-pleasures about a leadership with the ambassadors and diplomats.

Now Imran can easily fool public to get full majority in next election. Well done to him. In south asia to win, dirty politics is must. Lol
The letter he said was received on 7th March. He invited US ambassador on 21st Mar for OIC summit. After receiving in his words a "threatening" letter.
Living in pakistan gives me access to news channels :)

Funny how the tables had turned. Imran asking for an nro as he is made to leave by the OPPOSITION.

Bilawal had the last laugh in the end

"We wont give nro" :))

Yes off course. What happened to your news on the CJP tapes, what happened to your news on Buzdar being a killer. The opposition want to him resign, but he ain't going. If you have the numbers why not wait for the vote. You know that the longer this plays out and BTW the Kaptaan has played this Sazish brilliantly, the more the more the treacherous ******** will panic. The public is with Kaptaan, and you know.
The letter he said was received on 7th March. He invited US ambassador on 21st Mar for OIC summit. After receiving in his words a "threatening" letter.

First they said it was fake and now your crooks are running Why was the letter written before the VOC. How did the Americans know it was coming? Well, We know why. Look at the pathetic turn out for Maryams rallies, more people turn up for a dog fight in Punjab.
It wouldn't surprise me if IK seeks advice from Erdogan and Putin on how to retain power like a true dictator. This is his only hope.

IK couldn't have picked a worse time to get close and cosy with Putin. This epitomises his stupidity and serves him right for making such a dumb move.

You don't make any sense, but you never did. Why the panic, ain't you guys about to win.
Living in pakistan gives me access to news channels :)

Funny how the tables had turned. Imran asking for an nro as he is made to leave by the OPPOSITION.

Bilawal had the last laugh in the end

"We wont give nro" :))

News planted by the opposition doesn't make it fact. Why does IK need a NRO. You are like those illiterate losers that watch Geo and think that its fact. You think IK will back down to these pathetic losers when he didn't back down to America? The stupidity of your assertion is on par with the your morals in supporting killers
Similarity between Bhutto'ouster and Imran's is pretty uncanny. One was coup and the other will be parliamentary.
I think it’s extremely easy to hate America and west clearly not seeing that the Pakistani establishment has made enough deals with the west over years.
You don't make any sense, but you never did. Why the panic, ain't you guys about to win.

At least I can make sense of the fact that IK has failed on delivering his promises but obviously you never cared about that.

Stick to cricket and your Sarfraz Ahmed cheerleading please.
Can anyone help me understand this..

Quoting my post from another thread


There are only 2 options here

Army wanting Imran out.

Western powers wanting Imran out.

If you say former isn't true, then it's the latter even if you don't say so.

1. If both aren't true, why is there a no confidence motion with folks switching sides out of the blue?

2. So if the western conspiracy is true (argument sake) then why isn't Army throwing its weight behind Imran?

I just don't get it.
Can anyone help me understand this..

Quoting my post from another thread


There are only 2 options here

Army wanting Imran out.

Western powers wanting Imran out.

If you say former isn't true, then it's the latter even if you don't say so.

1. If both aren't true, why is there a no confidence motion with folks switching sides out of the blue?

2. So if the western conspiracy is true (argument sake) then why isn't Army throwing its weight behind Imran?

I just don't get it.

Because they want to blame the opposition without putting down the Army.. but it’s pretty obvious to everyone.

IK has played his hand , he is forcing the Army to not be neutral anymore, smartest Politician Pakistan actually has had.
Can anyone help me understand this..

Quoting my post from another thread


There are only 2 options here

Army wanting Imran out.

Western powers wanting Imran out.

If you say former isn't true, then it's the latter even if you don't say so.

1. If both aren't true, why is there a no confidence motion with folks switching sides out of the blue?

2. So if the western conspiracy is true (argument sake) then why isn't Army throwing its weight behind Imran?

I just don't get it.

The Americans knew before the PK public knew a VOC was coming. I wonder why?
Diesel is keeping kids hostage in his so-called religious schools and literally brainwashing them to become mindless drones with no thought and understanding of the world outside what's taught to them. This is a massacre of many generations and his two-faced existence is literally telling these kids that science is evil and the world is still stationary.

PPP has an entire province in slave collars - from Umme Rubab to Nazim Jokhio to Shahrukh Jatoi to the faceless kids in Thar whose life has no meaning at all. You touch them and they bring up the Sindhudesh card, you let them be free and they continue to build Bilawal houses with their ill-gotten tax-free wealth all over the world.

MQM had a militant wing and killed people for fun, and when they couldn't kill others, they killed their own to get sympathy votes.

The Noonis have built an empire of ignorance with Jati Umera as their winter palace when they are in power. I've personally witnessed their greed and thuggery with my own eyes and have suffered immensely. The entire party is built up of "badmaash" who only believe in one way to rule, with force. There's no ideology, there's no interest for public or any shred of empathy. The power centers of this party are literally the worst cities in Punjab with zero focus on human development.

The Baloch parties are built on the suffering of the people beneath them. They should be the richest province in Pakistan but all that money stays with the leaders and the people get sermons on how Pakistan is robbing them of their wealth.

PTI has an organic base but has failed to evolve as an institution. It's an entire party run by one and only one person who is idealistic and naive but someone who has a proven track record of compassion. The party cuts across the entire spectrum of the country and resonates with all genders and all religions. While it has failed to breach the power centers of the traditional parties because we haven't really been able to educate our people, it has managed to make its place in the political void. It doesn't have a militant wing, it doesn't ever talk about creating a separate province and while IK may have delusions of grandeur from time to time, he manages to inspire people.

He may be booted out because he's an outsider, he may never come back to power because the forces at work may try to get him ineligible for life in a fake case, but majority of Pakistanis have made their choice ant it is him.

Baaqi, people can believe Geo, a channel owned by Mir Shakeel a compromised tycoon, ARY a channel owned by a chameleon businessman, SAMAA a channel owned by a tainted landgrabber, or whatever else that they watch.

The bottom line is, of all the choices that we have now, IK is the least toxic one and hopefully, our poor nation gets some relief from his existence in the future.
Because they want to blame the opposition without putting down the Army.. but it’s pretty obvious to everyone.

IK has played his hand , he is forcing the Army to not be neutral anymore, smartest Politician Pakistan actually has had.

True thats what it looks to me.

Not that USA can ever be fully trusted but thats another topic.

I just wanna know what people think.

Who exactly are they blaming here?

Opposition is just a scapegoat.

If lotas are willing to jump ship there must be a deeper cause.

Which is....you know who.
The Americans knew before the PK public knew a VOC was coming. I wonder why?

Not that hard considering army controls the foreign policy.

Anyways..whom do you think is throwing out a imran?

If its foreign powers, what kind of pathetic anti national Army is it to side with them?
Meanwhile "unpopular" Imran Khan's party just sweeped second phase of local body elections in KPK.

Rona dhona shoro karo bhai :)))

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">PTI is leading or has won:<br>3/3 seats in Malakand<br>4/4 seats in Chitral<br>5/7 seats in Swat<br>3/5 seats in Shangla</p>— PTI Politics. (@PTIPoliticsss) <a href="https://twitter.com/PTIPoliticsss/status/1509612932304621570?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 31, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Mid night update!<br>55/65 Tehsil as per leads:<br>PTI 29<br>JUIF 8<br>JI 4<br>IND 4<br>PMLN 3<br>PPP 2<br>ANP 1<br>MWM 1<br>NDM 1<br>TIP 1<br>PRAH 1<br>Expecting PTI to cross 35 as more results come in!</p>— PTI Politics. (@PTIPoliticsss) <a href="https://twitter.com/PTIPoliticsss/status/1509606372136128517?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 31, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Benazir inherited the right to rule Pakistan from her father ZAB. Bilawal inherited the right to rule Pakistan from his later mother, after Bilawal, his son/daughter will inherit this right from him and so forth and so on.

Nawaz inherited the right to rule Pakistan from Zia. Shehbaz inherited the right to rule Pakistan from his brother Nawaz. Maryam will inherit the right to rule Pakistan from her father, and after her, her son will inherit this right and so forth and so on.

It seems some people are born to rule Pakistan, regardless of their character or qualifications. Say what you will, but Indians deserve credit for breaking from the shackles of this family business masquerading as democracy when they have effectively eliminated the Congress Party from their political bloodstream.

Imran Khan started his PTI from a scratch and is today in a position where to get rid of him, the entire political system in Pakistan has to work together. Imran Khan & PTI will come back stronger. There are no questions about it. The era of family business masquerading as democracy is over.

And LOL at those claiming IK is asking for NRO. NROs are only for criminals who have something to hide. No one can question Imran Khan’s character or accuse him of corruption. Not even his worst enemies.
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Its always hilarious when Indians give their uninformed and ignorant opinions on Pakistan. :inti
As an Indian I want Imran Khan to continue. This is not a condescending statement about his political skills but him staying on is an advantage for India.

Imran Khan is clearly encouraging an Anti-American sentiment.

USA while clearly being irritated with Indias continued leaning towards Russia is not rocking the boat too much. Technically India and Pakistan seem to be on the same side in this conflict.

Now if what Imran Khan is saying is true and his political opponents are working with America than there will suddenly be a lot more focus on Kashmir which is kind of a done deal at the moment. Americans own the media. Even China Russia etc can maximum infiltrate American media but they still can’t set a narrative themselves, that’s what sets America apart.

Hope Kaptaan pulls through here.
Not that hard considering army controls the foreign policy.

Anyways..whom do you think is throwing out a imran?

If its foreign powers, what kind of pathetic anti national Army is it to side with them?

Under IK the army hasn't controlled our Foreign policy. Kaptaan bows to no one. That doesn't mean he doesn't take counsel from others but he doesn't get dictated to by anyone.
NS and AZ are desperate to get rid of IK, the Americans fear IKs inspirational power and don't like any that says Absolutely not. The 3 have come together and our army has stood by. As the son of an ex soldier, my army has let down PK, or shall I say the Generals have let down PK.
Diesel is keeping kids hostage in his so-called religious schools and literally brainwashing them to become mindless drones with no thought and understanding of the world outside what's taught to them. This is a massacre of many generations and his two-faced existence is literally telling these kids that science is evil and the world is still stationary.

PPP has an entire province in slave collars - from Umme Rubab to Nazim Jokhio to Shahrukh Jatoi to the faceless kids in Thar whose life has no meaning at all. You touch them and they bring up the Sindhudesh card, you let them be free and they continue to build Bilawal houses with their ill-gotten tax-free wealth all over the world.

MQM had a militant wing and killed people for fun, and when they couldn't kill others, they killed their own to get sympathy votes.

The Noonis have built an empire of ignorance with Jati Umera as their winter palace when they are in power. I've personally witnessed their greed and thuggery with my own eyes and have suffered immensely. The entire party is built up of "badmaash" who only believe in one way to rule, with force. There's no ideology, there's no interest for public or any shred of empathy. The power centers of this party are literally the worst cities in Punjab with zero focus on human development.

The Baloch parties are built on the suffering of the people beneath them. They should be the richest province in Pakistan but all that money stays with the leaders and the people get sermons on how Pakistan is robbing them of their wealth.

PTI has an organic base but has failed to evolve as an institution. It's an entire party run by one and only one person who is idealistic and naive but someone who has a proven track record of compassion. The party cuts across the entire spectrum of the country and resonates with all genders and all religions. While it has failed to breach the power centers of the traditional parties because we haven't really been able to educate our people, it has managed to make its place in the political void. It doesn't have a militant wing, it doesn't ever talk about creating a separate province and while IK may have delusions of grandeur from time to time, he manages to inspire people.

He may be booted out because he's an outsider, he may never come back to power because the forces at work may try to get him ineligible for life in a fake case, but majority of Pakistanis have made their choice ant it is him.

Baaqi, people can believe Geo, a channel owned by Mir Shakeel a compromised tycoon, ARY a channel owned by a chameleon businessman, SAMAA a channel owned by a tainted landgrabber, or whatever else that they watch.

The bottom line is, of all the choices that we have now, IK is the least toxic one and hopefully, our poor nation gets some relief from his existence in the future.

Benazir inherited the right to rule Pakistan from her father ZAB. Bilawal inherited the right to rule Pakistan from his later mother, after Bilawal, his son/daughter will inherit this right from him and so forth and so on.

Nawaz inherited the right to rule Pakistan from Zia. Shehbaz inherited the right to rule Pakistan from his brother Nawaz. Maryam will inherit the right to rule Pakistan from her father, and after her, her son will inherit this right and so forth and so on.

It seems some people are born to rule Pakistan, regardless of their character or qualifications. Say what you will, but Indians deserve credit for breaking from the shackles of this family business masquerading as democracy when they have effectively eliminated the Congress Party from their political bloodstream.

Imran Khan started his PTI from a scratch and is today in a position where to get rid of him, the entire political system in Pakistan has to work together. Imran Khan & PTI will come back stronger. There are no questions about it. The era of family business masquerading as democracy is over.

And LOL at those claiming IK is asking for NRO. NROs are only for criminals who have something to hide. No one can question Imran Khan’s character or accuse him of corruption. Not even his worst enemies.

Totally in agreement with both of you.

MNAs' kids will become MNAs and so on.

Maybe Pakistan needs a French revolution of its own.

As a Muslim, I have firm belief in Allah SWT 's Plan. Mayoosi gunaah hai.
Excellent speech!

That's right Kuptaan fight until the last ball is bowled. I sincerely hope that PTI and IK have something up their sleeves that we don't know.

Kisi tara isko 2/3rd majority milljaye, I'm not sure how he will get it, really hope that he does. Pakistan finally has a leader that cares for the country and the opposition want to destroy this.

Anyway he can invoke some sort of act to stop the vote? Pakistan's national security is at risk, these lotas should be delt with ASAP.
says the man who doesn't care about minority. Just weeks ago he told the people in a rally in swat that he was the reason islamophobia bill was passed at UN and in the same sentence he said it was the greatest achievement since Ahmadis/Qadianis were forced to call themselves non muslims. So he praised himself for fighting bigotry while celebrating bigotry.

IK is one of the biggest hypocrites. He has constantly reversed his positions on so many things its amazing he doesnt have the self awareness. He sold his theme and then brought in PMLQ for Punjab CM in order to stay in power.

The only reason his critics including me call him out more than the others because he himself labelled himself as different from ALL the rest and that only HIS vision will save pakistan. That means every criticism where he acted like those before him carries even more weight .

Here are the facts:

He might be less corrupt himself but he chose a corrupt team

The guy who Imran Khan was about to bring in but caving into bigotry he didnt, atif mian says Imran Khan and his team are constantly making mistakes after mistakes and the countries economy is spiraling at a greater pace than his predecessors where at least the predecessors had smart but corrupt people, Imran Khan's people are confused and corrupt.

Speeches don't push a country forward, policies do. Imran Khan has constantly failed in his policies.

Frankly, just like our cricket team needs to move on from resting on 1992 glories, Imran Khan needs to move on from his glories at cricket in his speeches and admit his policies were a failures and if he comes back to power he will not make the same mistakes again but I doubt that
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Similarity between Bhutto'ouster and Imran's is pretty uncanny. One was coup and the other will be parliamentary.

its funny how they are comparing imran with the Great Bhutto.

Clutching straws here now
These guys must be "overseas Pakistani"?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Well done Karachiites!!! <br> <a href="https://t.co/P2BE8AOuq1">pic.twitter.com/P2BE8AOuq1</a></p>— Tehseen Bajwa (@TBajwa7) <a href="https://twitter.com/TBajwa7/status/1509615871211159575?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 31, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Can anyone help me understand this..

Quoting my post from another thread


There are only 2 options here

Army wanting Imran out.

Western powers wanting Imran out.

If you say former isn't true, then it's the latter even if you don't say so.

1. If both aren't true, why is there a no confidence motion with folks switching sides out of the blue?

2. So if the western conspiracy is true (argument sake) then why isn't Army throwing its weight behind Imran?

I just don't get it.

VONC was gonna happen either away, the reason for that was, Imran lost the confidence of the people. Pakistan is dealing with ridiculous inflation currently. His govt went to the extent of passing a mini budget which increased prices even more.

People wanted him out. Many of the Punjab MNAs of his party were unhappy as he made Buzdar the CM of Punjab who had nothing to show for. Many big names were overlooked.

He handed over the economy to the army.

Thus the VONC is happening.

Now where does the army and Western power come in?

For Pakistan, it was important to keep its foreign policies intact. Imran continued to make stupid statements when Biden came in place that Biden didn't even bother picking up his call. With a crises developing in South China or Pacific ocean, it was better for Pakistan to stay neutral in all this. Yet over in Russia he decides to show up when Putin was literally launching an attack on Ukraine. That was the icing on the cake and he got too close to the fire.

Now Western powers are not involved in removing him. That story has been exaggerated by PTI fans.

Western powers had communication with the Pak Army most probably, in which they said that in the VONC stay neutral. There was nothing about removing Imran. They just asked the army to stay neutral and let the natural selection take place.

He got this letter most probably during his visit to Russia. They probably tapped in some cable communications.

Anyways, our establishment is marketed as being right wing to the public, but they bow down to the US due to funds etcs.

Army isnt against Imran Khan, nor are they wanting Imran out. They are just gonna sit back and let things happen naturally.

The problem with PTI is that they cant accept this narrative as they had been made to believe that people love PTI thus no one would lose their confidence in them.

But the reality is, its isn't a much love party, especially after this inflation.

The funny thing was the reaction of Indian posters on this forum. All these years they were made to believe that PTI was soo best that they have a majority, when infact they never had a majority. If a party is backed by the public, it would atleast have a majority.

Anyways, with army neutral and things happening on a fair scale, this is the true support of pti. It losses out in a fair system.
It wouldn't surprise me if IK seeks advice from Erdogan and Putin on how to retain power like a true dictator. This is his only hope.

IK couldn't have picked a worse time to get close and cosy with Putin. This epitomises his stupidity and serves him right for making such a dumb move.

trust me, those options have already been exhausted and failed.
Can anybody tell me if Khan sahab is so unpopular why did his party clean sweep KPK mayor and council elections today?

I'm waiting for an answer.

Like I said in another thread you hold 10 elections in Pakistan and 10/10 PTI will win. Some people get swayed by paid media and think that Khan is unpopular. Yes, there is mehngayi and inflation but people aren't stupid that they will go and vote for those who have raped the country for the last 30 odd years.

Btw congrats to my KP brethren.... well done Shaheenon [MENTION=140234]DRsohail[/MENTION] [MENTION=146141]Hermoine Green[/MENTION]
What a speech!

Stood up at home and started clapping

So did I but then I remembered his govt’s performance and especially his insistence on appointing Buzdar. I now know he is just a very good talker.
Can anybody tell me if Khan sahab is so unpopular why did his party clean sweep KPK mayor and council elections today?

I'm waiting for an answer.

Like I said in another thread you hold 10 elections in Pakistan and 10/10 PTI will win. Some people get swayed by paid media and think that Khan is unpopular. Yes, there is mehngayi and inflation but people aren't stupid that they will go and vote for those who have raped the country for the last 30 odd years.

Btw congrats to my KP brethren.... well done Shaheenon [MENTION=140234]DRsohail[/MENTION] [MENTION=146141]Hermoine Green[/MENTION]

Haha no one can tell, let me tell you he swept it totally lol, the jazba was not the same , am sure I'm general election there is another jazba and the very few seats that JUI won wouldn't be there IA.long live PTI
Local elecetions today is slap on PDM face,PMlN has been completely eliminated from KPK , Alhamdulillah.
Can anybody tell me if Khan sahab is so unpopular why did his party clean sweep KPK mayor and council elections today?

I'm waiting for an answer.

Like I said in another thread you hold 10 elections in Pakistan and 10/10 PTI will win. Some people get swayed by paid media and think that Khan is unpopular. Yes, there is mehngayi and inflation but people aren't stupid that they will go and vote for those who have raped the country for the last 30 odd years.

Btw congrats to my KP brethren.... well done Shaheenon [MENTION=140234]DRsohail[/MENTION] [MENTION=146141]Hermoine Green[/MENTION]

I think it’s deliberately been done. This looks a part of a sinister plan to get rid of Imran khan once and for all. The masters at work are giving khan some hope so that his belief in the system remains in tact for the time being and he doesn’t do anything in haste. Khan unfortunately is losing VNC on Sunday and watch how events will unfold after that. We all know who are behind all this treachery and those people will never allow khan to come back into this system as khans coming back even with a simple majority would mean an end to them. It’s not as simple as it looks from the outside. It’s not his Allies who have abandoned him , it’s the system that has failed him and this system will never accept khan back come hell or high water. This system has to collapse for Khan to come back otherwise there’s no hope. I as a Kashmiri (IOK) for the first time in my life have felt so hopeless for Pakistan. I still can’t believe it’s actually happening!!
Reading this thread, what I am seeing is either; Imran is best or Imran is the worst.

How many PM's have Pakistan had since the country was formed ? 30 ?

What a mess Pakistan is, I don't think Imran needs to resign, if the Pak Military has to physically grab him by the collar and throw him out, they just may...

Even if Imran stays I don't see him making any country changing moves as he just doesn't have the power to do it...
VONC was gonna happen either away, the reason for that was, Imran lost the confidence of the people. Pakistan is dealing with ridiculous inflation currently. His govt went to the extent of passing a mini budget which increased prices even more.

People wanted him out. Many of the Punjab MNAs of his party were unhappy as he made Buzdar the CM of Punjab who had nothing to show for. Many big names were overlooked.

He handed over the economy to the army.

Thus the VONC is happening.

Now where does the army and Western power come in?

For Pakistan, it was important to keep its foreign policies intact. Imran continued to make stupid statements when Biden came in place that Biden didn't even bother picking up his call. With a crises developing in South China or Pacific ocean, it was better for Pakistan to stay neutral in all this. Yet over in Russia he decides to show up when Putin was literally launching an attack on Ukraine. That was the icing on the cake and he got too close to the fire.

Now Western powers are not involved in removing him. That story has been exaggerated by PTI fans.

Western powers had communication with the Pak Army most probably, in which they said that in the VONC stay neutral. There was nothing about removing Imran. They just asked the army to stay neutral and let the natural selection take place.

He got this letter most probably during his visit to Russia. They probably tapped in some cable communications.

Anyways, our establishment is marketed as being right wing to the public, but they bow down to the US due to funds etcs.

Army isnt against Imran Khan, nor are they wanting Imran out. They are just gonna sit back and let things happen naturally.

The problem with PTI is that they cant accept this narrative as they had been made to believe that people love PTI thus no one would lose their confidence in them.

But the reality is, its isn't a much love party, especially after this inflation.

The funny thing was the reaction of Indian posters on this forum. All these years they were made to believe that PTI was soo best that they have a majority, when infact they never had a majority. If a party is backed by the public, it would atleast have a majority.

Anyways, with army neutral and things happening on a fair scale, this is the true support of pti. It losses out in a fair system.

Imran Khan and PTI have made many mistakes I completely agree but blaming inflation on the party is a bit of a stretch as it is currently a worldwide phenomenon. I disagree with you that this is a natural process as this VNC required an unholy and unnatural alliance between PMLN, PPP, MQMP, etc who all have fundamentally different visions and a very troublesome history.

Lets see how this plays out but the way i see it this VNC has given new life to PTI and Imran Khan, who as you mentioned was on a decline in popularity. Whether you agree or not, it definitely seems IK has successfully built a narrative that will atleast on the face of it resonate with the public. Also, it will be interesting to see with what face PPP, PMLN etc go to the public in the next election after building this alliance.
Under IK the army hasn't controlled our Foreign policy. Kaptaan bows to no one. That doesn't mean he doesn't take counsel from others but he doesn't get dictated to by anyone.
NS and AZ are desperate to get rid of IK, the Americans fear IKs inspirational power and don't like any that says Absolutely not. The 3 have come together and our army has stood by. As the son of an ex soldier, my army has let down PK, or shall I say the Generals have let down PK.

I understand your sentiments about wanting Pakistan to improve but Imran isn't God.

Does he have authority to over-rule army or not?

If yes, then he doesn't bow down to anyone.

But if general consensus is anything to go by, thats not true at all.

NS and AZ are desperate to get rid of IK

Obviously. Goes for any opposition in the world.

the Americans fear IKs inspirational power and don't like any that says Absolutely not.

Surprising to see an educated poster like you making such statements.

The 3 have come together and our army has stood by. As the son of an ex soldier, my army has let down PK, or shall I say the Generals have let down PK.

I know you want Pakistan to change.

But the first step to change lies in acknowledging the reality and facing it.

1. If you (an educated rational guy from Pak) believes Immy has complete control over foreign policy, can over-rule the Army, and is getting ousted by the USA with the Army sitting back and collecting checks......there is literally no hope for the common man in Pak.

2. I dunno how much USA is meddling but if Immy has SUPREME control over the Pak's army, this issue wouldn't even arise. No lotas will EVER jump from a winning ship if their leader has full control. Why would anyone risk their political career doing it UNLESS the stakes are high and there is something going on behind the scenes.

3. Also if Army doesn't meddle and elections are held fairly, then why is Imran worried? He can easily win the elections no.

The math simply doesn't add up.
VONC was gonna happen either away, the reason for that was, Imran lost the confidence of the people. Pakistan is dealing with ridiculous inflation currently. His govt went to the extent of passing a mini budget which increased prices even more.

People wanted him out. Many of the Punjab MNAs of his party were unhappy as he made Buzdar the CM of Punjab who had nothing to show for. Many big names were overlooked.

He handed over the economy to the army.

Thus the VONC is happening.

Now where does the army and Western power come in?

For Pakistan, it was important to keep its foreign policies intact. Imran continued to make stupid statements when Biden came in place that Biden didn't even bother picking up his call. With a crises developing in South China or Pacific ocean, it was better for Pakistan to stay neutral in all this. Yet over in Russia he decides to show up when Putin was literally launching an attack on Ukraine. That was the icing on the cake and he got too close to the fire.

Now Western powers are not involved in removing him. That story has been exaggerated by PTI fans.

Western powers had communication with the Pak Army most probably, in which they said that in the VONC stay neutral. There was nothing about removing Imran. They just asked the army to stay neutral and let the natural selection take place.

He got this letter most probably during his visit to Russia. They probably tapped in some cable communications.

Anyways, our establishment is marketed as being right wing to the public, but they bow down to the US due to funds etcs.

Army isnt against Imran Khan, nor are they wanting Imran out. They are just gonna sit back and let things happen naturally.

The problem with PTI is that they cant accept this narrative as they had been made to believe that people love PTI thus no one would lose their confidence in them.

But the reality is, its isn't a much love party, especially after this inflation.

The funny thing was the reaction of Indian posters on this forum. All these years they were made to believe that PTI was soo best that they have a majority, when infact they never had a majority. If a party is backed by the public, it would atleast have a majority.

Anyways, with army neutral and things happening on a fair scale, this is the true support of pti. It losses out in a fair system.

Thanks for the response bhai.

1. So all these people jumping around and claiming no confidence motion is for altruistic reasons? The whole Army chief extension is of no relevance here? Thats a far fetched utopian scenario.

2. Not sure I get your point reg Indian posters. What reactions did they have?
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I understand your sentiments about wanting Pakistan to improve but Imran isn't God.

Does he have authority to over-rule army or not?

If yes, then he doesn't bow down to anyone.

But if general consensus is anything to go by, thats not true at all.

Obviously. Goes for any opposition in the world.

Surprising to see an educated poster like you making such statements.

I know you want Pakistan to change.

But the first step to change lies in acknowledging the reality and facing it.

1. If you (an educated rational guy from Pak) believes Immy has complete control over foreign policy, can over-rule the Army, and is getting ousted by the USA with the Army sitting back and collecting checks......there is literally no hope for the common man in Pak.

2. I dunno how much USA is meddling but if Immy has SUPREME control over the Pak's army, this issue wouldn't even arise. No lotas will EVER jump from a winning ship if their leader has full control. Why would anyone risk their political career doing it UNLESS the stakes are high and there is something going on behind the scenes.

3. Also if Army doesn't meddle and elections are held fairly, then why is Imran worried? He can easily win the elections no.

The math simply doesn't add up.

I don’t think there is any sovereign country where the army is not taken into confidence when making foreign policy decisions. This is true for even US. However, there is no secret that Pak Army has enjoyed a much stronger influence in political decision making compared to most democratic countries. Under PTI government several decisions have been taken which show a shift towards independent foreign policy. Eg not taking part in Saudi war on Yemen, not giving bases to US for Afghanistan evacuation, and most recently abstaining in the UN in regards to the war on Ukraine. I don’t know where Pak Army stood in these issues but given the past history these seem like decisions directed by the government. There is no doubt that this along with other factors have caused Army to take a back seat but it doesn’t mean that US would not act towards a regime change, there is historical evidence of this and no reason to believe it would not be the case today.
I don’t think there is any sovereign country where the army is not taken into confidence when making foreign policy decisions. This is true for even US. However, there is no secret that Pak Army has enjoyed a much stronger influence in political decision making compared to most democratic countries. Under PTI government several decisions have been taken which show a shift towards independent foreign policy. Eg not taking part in Saudi war on Yemen, not giving bases to US for Afghanistan evacuation, and most recently abstaining in the UN in regards to the war on Ukraine. I don’t know where Pak Army stood in these issues but given the past history these seem like decisions directed by the government. There is no doubt that this along with other factors have caused Army to take a back seat but it doesn’t mean that US would not act towards a regime change, there is historical evidence of this and no reason to believe it would not be the case today.

What appears and what is in reality are two different things.

The only factor that matters is who has the overruling authority.

A CEO gets to take decisions but he can be overruled by the board of directors if and when needed.
Truly mindset ka faraq.... Between an independent man and slaves

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="in" dir="ltr">Mindset ka farq hai. <a href="https://t.co/Ba2BvA8s3G">pic.twitter.com/Ba2BvA8s3G</a></p>— Asfandyar Bhittani (@BhittaniKhannnn) <a href="https://twitter.com/BhittaniKhannnn/status/1509846852006514690?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 1, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Truly mindset ka faraq.... Between an independent man and slaves

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="in" dir="ltr">Mindset ka farq hai. <a href="https://t.co/Ba2BvA8s3G">pic.twitter.com/Ba2BvA8s3G</a></p>— Asfandyar Bhittani (@BhittaniKhannnn) <a href="https://twitter.com/BhittaniKhannnn/status/1509846852006514690?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 1, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

bring back that junaid khan pic pls
Who in right mind would want to support a party whose leaders are saying Pakistan the country is surviving on the ventilators provided by USA, so we mustnot criticise them even if they want to interfere with our internal politics.
Who in right mind would want to support a party whose leaders are saying Pakistan the country is surviving on the ventilators provided by USA, so we mustnot criticise them even if they want to interfere with our internal politics.

I am concerned that you have a right to vote and can ruin the future of any country where you are voting.

This is why I don't like democracy.
the rumors are either IK stays or not, in any case the emergency will be declared , and IK knows about it ...... so if its true, thn i think everyone is going home ...... but only time will tell ......
as of now, IK life is under threat, and SSG has taken over his security ......
the rumors are either IK stays or not, in any case the emergency will be declared , and IK knows about it ...... so if its true, thn i think everyone is going home ...... but only time will tell ......
as of now, IK life is under threat, and SSG has taken over his security ......

His life is threat from whom?

I mean which group? I don’t think you can pay Sipahi to some local goondas to assasinate the Pm right?

Serious question. Which group is threatening him?

For example in India you can say maybe government heads are threatened by Terror groups or Naxals, who is it that wants to do this?
His life is threat from whom?

I mean which group? I don’t think you can pay Sipahi to some local goondas to assasinate the Pm right?

Serious question. Which group is threatening him?

For example in India you can say maybe government heads are threatened by Terror groups or Naxals, who is it that wants to do this?

Security agencies have reported plot to assassinate PM Imran

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry on Friday said that PML-N President Shahbaz Sharif has become a "self-appointed prime minister while sitting at home."

Addressing a press conference, flanked by Energy Minister Hammad Azhar and Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Political Communication Dr Shahbaz Gill, Fawad vowed that the "dream of the Opposition to oust the premier will be shattered" on Sunday when the members of the Parliament will gather in the house to vote for the no-confidence motion against the prime minister.

"Each minute of the next 48 hours is very important," he said.

Taking a jibe at the confidence of the Opposition leaders, Fawad said that while Shahbaz is dreaming of becoming the prime minister of the country, his son [Hamza Shahbaz] is eyeing the seat of chief minister in Punjab.

Fawad further added that the government is planning to file a petition to cancel the bail orders of both Shahbaz and Hamza.

Talking about the “foreign conspiracy” under debate after PM Imran Khan claimed that the country has received a “threat letter”, the information minister said the leaders of the Opposition are part of the conspiracy.

“Pakistanis will never allow somebody sitting outside of the country to change the political dynamics here,” he said, questioning how is it possible that somebody who is living abroad initiates a movement in the Parliament.

Regarding the “threat letter”, Fawad recalled that the leader of the Opposition had said that if the government unmasks the letter they [the Opposition] will support them; however when he [Shahbaz] was invited to see the letter, he did not show up “because he knows everything regarding the letter as he is a part of the conspiracy.”

Regarding former foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar's statement on Thursday, when she said that the premier has "sabotaged the Pakistan-US relationship by accusing the former," Fawad said that during PPP’s tenure, Khar did not even know the details of the drone attacks.

“We will neither allow anybody to sell Pakistan nor will be bow down before anybody,” he reiterated.

Speaking about the dissident PTI MNAs, the minister said that action will be taken against all these members.

He urged the Supreme Court of Pakistan to take notice of the plans of foreigners to overthrow the government and how the conscience of the people is awakened.

Regarding the threat to Prime Minister Imran Khan's life, Fawad said that "necessary steps have been taken for the security of the premier."

Taking over the press conference, Hammad Azhar assured the masses that the PTI will not allow any "puppet government" to be installed in Pakistan.

"Shahbaz, during his press conference, praised himself and his party," Azhar said. "But contrary to that, the country's foreign exchange reserves increased during PML-N's tenure," he claimed.

The energy minister added that it was because of the PML-N government that Pakistan was placed on the Financial Action Task Force's (FATF) grey list.

"It was the PTI-led government that accepted the challenge and fulfilled most of the conditions set forth by the body for Pakistan to be removed from the grey list," he said.

Aside from that, he said that it was the PTI government that entered a deal with Qatar to import the cheapest re-gasified liquefied natural gas (RLNG) for the country.

"As opposed to that, the PML-N government had struck expensive LNG deals during its tenure," Azhar maintained. "This country cannot afford to tolerate these politicians for another period."

'Prime minister of kids held press conference': Shahbaz Gill
For his part, SAPM Gill, while taking a swipe at Shahbaz, said that the "prime minister of kids" held a press conference today.

"The [Opposition] had been trying its best to present this person as the prime minister," Gill said, adding that he could foresee the dreams of the "kids' prime minister" shattering into pieces on Sunday.

Poking fun at the leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, the SAPM went on to say that if he becomes the premier, then "Maqsood Chaprasi should become the deputy prime minister".
