[VIDEOS/PICTURES] IHC grants Imran bail for 2 weeks in Al-Qadir Trust case


T20I Star
Aug 28, 2013
Post of the Week
PTI chief Imran Khan has been taken into custody by the Rangers from outside the Islamabad High Court (IHC).

PTI lawyer Faisal Chaudhry confirmed the development.

PTI Vice President Fawad Chaudhry tweeted that the IHC has been “occupied by the Rangers” and lawyers “are being subjected to torture”.

“Imran Khan’s car has been surrounded,” he added.

PTI leader Musarrat Cheema, in a video message on Twitter, said: “They are torturing Imran Khan right now […] they are beating Khan sahib. They have done something with Khan sahib.”

PTI’s official Twitter account also shared the video of Imran’s lawyer, saying that he was “badly injured” outside the IHC.

This is poor and pathetic from everyone.

The meddling in the bed with the army by all three parties has resulted in this chaos.

Arresting him is stupid serves no purpose and makes a mockery of the whole law and order of the country. I can celebrate his arrest to troll with pti fans, but o matter how much i despise them, this is bad for the country.

And this arrest is the fault of all politicians. Imran, Zardari and Sharifs, because they are the ones that follow the army's order and fight amongst themselves, and than the army takes action against them.

Yesterday it was Nawaz, today its Imran, tomorrow it would be Shebaz. But it doesnt matter as long as these guys come into power.

Total chaos
The case made against him makes sense, and he should be arrested for it, but not at this time. The timing of arrest is wrong and sends the wrong message.

However the case does show he did corruption.

The Legal Case:

1. 190 million pounds seized by the UK Government were returned to Malik Riaz by the PTI Government

2. Malik Riaz then gave massive land allotment to Imran Khan's Al Qadir University, which has only 35 students.

3. An audio also leaked of Farah Gogi allegedly asking for a diamond ring for Bushra Bibi.

4. NAB sent multiple notices to Imran Khan but he did not appear in the proceedings for this case.

The Political Case:

1. Imran Khan blames General Faisal Naseer for the assassination attempt on him.

2. ISPR released a press statement yesterday hitting back at these allegations.

3. Imran Khan doubled down and named General Faisal Naseer again.

4. The next day Imran Khan has been arrested by the Rangers.

If you want to arrest him than it should be the punjab or islamabad police arresting him
God of Abraham has eluded Pakistan.

Allah is indeed Hafiz. Civil war seems inevitable
Pakistaniyo wake up. Revolution starts now! If the awaam don't come out now and protest then they forever will be slaves to the establishment. [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION]. Hurt me how they dragged him like he's nothing. Yet the real criminals sit in top government offices.
The case made against him makes sense, and he should be arrested for it, but not at this time. The timing of arrest is wrong and sends the wrong message.

However the case does show he did corruption.

If you want to arrest him than it should be the punjab or islamabad police arresting him

Where is the same energy for the real corrupted…??
Overall the situation seems to be going from bad to worse . Seems like things are heading towards either confrontation or military coup or an intra establishment fight for control. Either ways the damage could be way past repair mode v
Pakistan Army badly exposed,we were taught wrong history books and now i understand why India is so hostile towards Pakistan May Allah Protect IK from goons of Army
The establishment has silenced many in the past, does the same today and will continue to do so in the future.

The country organically created a monolithic entity so big, so powerful..... that in listens to no one and answers to no one. Look at the governments it has brought down;

1953 - Khawaja
1958 - Feroz Noon
1977 - Zulfikar Bhutto
1990 - Benazir Bhutto
1999 - Nawaz Sharif
2017- Nawaz Sharif
2022 - Imran Khan

The only difference now is that the population isn't confused anymore. Today the public places more trust, more faith, more hope in IK than with the establishment. The worry is that they turn IK simply into a chapter in the history books like many before him.
What is even more surprising is that there has been no protest by PTI supporters.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan was arrested by Rangers officials from the Islamabad Judicial Complex on Tuesday, confirmed IG Islamabad.

The former premier was arrested in the Al-Qadir Trust case, added the federal capital's top cop. "Situation is normal. Section 144 is in place and violations will result in police action," said IG Islamabad.

Islamabad High Court (IHC) CJ Aamer Farooq has taken notice of the incident and has summoned IG Islamabad, the secretary interior and additional attorney general.

Justice Farooq directed to inform the court immediately about who was behind the arrest and in what case had the PTI chief been arrested in. The judge maintained that action will be taken, "even if it has to be taken against ministers".

According to the IG Islamabad, Imran has been taken to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) office in Rawalpindi.

The former premier was arrested from within the premises of the IHC where he had appeared for hearing of cases pertaining to inciting mutiny, and violence against PML-N leader Mohsin Shahnawaz Ranjha.

A Reuters witness said shortly after Imran entered the gate of the IHC, contingents of paramilitary forces and armoured personnel carriers entered after him.

The gate was blocked by the armoured vehicles while the ex-PM was whisked away shortly after under heavy security, the witness added.

PTI senior leader Fawad Chaudhry also said that the IHC was occupied by Rangers, "lawyers were being subjected to torture" and Imran's car was surrounded.

On its official Twitter handle, the former ruling party claimed that the PTI chairman's lawyer was "badly injured" inside the IHC premises during the arrest.

Express Tribune
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Imran Khan arrested illegally. Appeal to the Judiciary to take action against those who arrested him. This is not acceptable to the people of Pakistan. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImranKhanArrest?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ImranKhanArrest</a> <a href="https://t.co/XxMd7DQYg3">pic.twitter.com/XxMd7DQYg3</a></p>— Faisal Javed Khan (@FaisalJavedKhan) <a href="https://twitter.com/FaisalJavedKhan/status/1655884998237466625?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2023</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rangers beat up Imran Khan's injured leg according to his lawyer. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImranKhan?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ImranKhan</a> <a href="https://t.co/IU5hlg2IqG">pic.twitter.com/IU5hlg2IqG</a></p>— The Pakistan Daily (@ThePakDaily) <a href="https://twitter.com/ThePakDaily/status/1655887087344799745?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2023</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rangers abducted PTI Chairman Imran Khan, these are the visuals. Pakistan’s brave people must come out and defend their country. <a href="https://t.co/hJwG42hsE4">pic.twitter.com/hJwG42hsE4</a></p>— PTI (@PTIofficial) <a href="https://twitter.com/PTIofficial/status/1655871109449826312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2023</a></blockquote>
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What is even more surprising is that there has been no protest by PTI supporters.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Current Situation at Liberty Chowk<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ReleaseImranKhan?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ReleaseImranKhan</a><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D9%86%DA%A9%D9%84%D9%88_%D8%AE%D8%A7%D9%86_%DA%A9%DB%8C_%D8%B2%D9%86%D8%AF%DA%AF%DB%8C_%D8%A8%DA%86%D8%A7%D8%A4?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#نکلو_خان_کی_زندگی_بچاؤ</a> <a href="https://t.co/6Qm5gAyg5T">pic.twitter.com/6Qm5gAyg5T</a></p>— PTI Lahore (@PTIOfficialLHR) <a href="https://twitter.com/PTIOfficialLHR/status/1655882724907839494?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2023</a></blockquote>
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Moments of his arrest

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Best thing IK can do now is to go for an all out assault on the system. Transparently naming and shaming those in establishment that pulled him up and those that are pulling him down. For once and for all let the cleansing begin. No point being anti establishment one day and asking for intervention another. This way the elite rent seeking and control would never end.

Don't think he will do it though.
News will spread soon - I just hope they dont as the country will be set on fire if IK is harmed.

The country needs to be set on fire in all honesty. If the awam can't wake up when one of their biggest historical heroes is beaten up by the establishment, then they have basically given up.
The Pakistani military has far too much power and influence.

It will never happen in one go but you have to keep chipping away at it so it does start to lose its grip.

Really the people have to come out in large numbers on the streets to make a difference and send a loud and clear message to the military establishment - I am talking about the middle class, not the poor who don’t even get enough food to feed themselves daily.
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overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href="https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsBMUJggN_o/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">A post shared by Imran Khan (@imrankhan.pti)</a></p></div></blockquote> <script async src="//www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script>

“My fellow Pakistanis, when these words of mine reach you I will already be closed inside in an unlawful case. After this, you all should realise that fundamental rights, law and democracy have been buried.

“Maybe it is possible that I won’t get a chance to talk to you again. That’s why I want to talk about two-three things.

“Pakistan’s public has known me for 50 years; I’ve been in the eyes of the public for 50 years, I have never gone against Pakistan’s Constitution and I’ve never broken the law. Since I’ve been in politics, I have always tried that [all] my struggle would be peaceful and within the ambits of the Constitution.

“What is being done today is not because I have broken any law but only for me to step back from the haqeeqi azaadi tehreek.

“It is being done so that I accept this corrupt cabal of crooks that have been imposed on us. They want me to accept them.

“I appeal today to everyone that you all have to come out. Freedom is not given on a plate — you have to work hard and struggle for it.”
No ones going to come out and there isn't going to be mass street revolution.

And with now khan out the picture, pti will collapse pretty quickly non of their workers will have the balls to protest because with khan behind bars you don't start panga with police and army because they give a savage response literally speaking will beat 7 types of crap out of you these are pakistani security services.
Hope there is no violence , loss of asset and life and a peaceful management of the event.
Ptis senior leadership cannot be trusted they are not even calling for protests something weird happening....

It seems like Imran Khan is going to be jailed for a while and things will just move along. Shame.
Ptis senior leadership cannot be trusted they are not even calling for protests something weird happening....

It seems like Imran Khan is going to be jailed for a while and things will just move along. Shame.

Pti is made up of lotas , they will go back to their ex parties that's what lotas do.
We’re asking Pakistani’s to do something yet we let Nawaz walk around Hyde Park like he owns the place.
This is not good. You may disagree with his policies but arresting like him is over the top. He is the ex-PM of Pakistan and demands respect. I am not sure under what charge he has been arrested but whatever it is, this manhandling was uncalled for. It will only create anarchy in an already suffering country (economically).
Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah is addressing a press conference providing details on the arrest of former prime minister and PTI Chairman Imran Khan in the Al-Qadir Trust case.

In a shocking turn of events, Imran Khan was arrested from the Islamabad High Court’s premises earlier today where he was present for two hearings on Tuesday afternoon.

Soon after the arrest, Islamabad police released a statement quoting Inspector General of Police Akbar Nasir as saying that Imran had been arrested in relation to the case which alleges that the PTI chief and his wife obtained billions of rupees from a real estate firm for legalising a laundered amount of Rs50 billion that was identified and returned to the country by the UK during the previous PTI government.

Providing further details during a press conference in Islamabad, Sanaullah said Imran was arrested by officials of the National Accountability Bureau specifically in the Al-Qadir Trust case, adding that there were “dozens” of other cases with corruption inquiries in progress against the former premier.

The interior minister said a laundered amount of 190 million pounds or around Rs70 billion belonging to a “property tycoon” was caught in the United Kingdom.

“According to the law, this amount rightfully belonged to the people of Pakistan,” he added, further saying that it was to be deposited in the national treasury and the UK government had contacted the Pakistani government regarding the amount’s return.
Ptis senior leadership cannot be trusted they are not even calling for protests something weird happening....

It seems like Imran Khan is going to be jailed for a while and things will just move along. Shame.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi is probably very happy!
Protests have started. Mass protest heading from liberty chowk to lahore cantt...but alas i fear this quam is not the sort to really go for it...let's see what will happen...

Khan will always be a legend and a warrior. A brave man who gave a glimpse of hope..
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No ones going to come out and there isn't going to be mass street revolution.

And with now khan out the picture, pti will collapse pretty quickly non of their workers will have the balls to protest because with khan behind bars you don't start panga with police and army because they give a savage response literally speaking will beat 7 types of crap out of you these are pakistani security services.

Yes. Pakistanis are not the ones that would bring about a revolution. We lack what it takes to bring a revolution.
Shah Mehmood Qureshi is probably very happy!

I know he's a prominent PTI face but he doesn't enjoy much support within the party. Albeit he is a seasoned politician, a survivor irrespective of what the political tides are.
Protests have started. Mass protest heading from liberty chowk to lahore cantt...but alas i fear this quam is not the sort to really go for it...let's see what will happen...

Khan will always be a legend and a warrior. A brave man who gave a glimpse of hope..

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="et" dir="ltr">Police shelling on PTI Protest in Karachi !<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImranKhan?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ImranKhan</a> <a href="https://t.co/hRNy7krpMI">pic.twitter.com/hRNy7krpMI</a></p>— Shehzad Qureshi (@ShehxadGulHasen) <a href="https://twitter.com/ShehxadGulHasen/status/1655909760015925251?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2023</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="ur" dir="rtl">زندہ باد لاہوریوں تاریخ لکھ دو گے آج کہ یہ ملک ہمارا ہے ہم اس کے اصل مالک ہیں عمران خان کو رہا کرو <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ReleaseImranKhan?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ReleaseImranKhan</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D9%86%DA%A9%D9%84%D9%88_%D8%AE%D8%A7%D9%86_%DA%A9%DB%8C_%D8%B2%D9%86%D8%AF%DA%AF%DB%8C_%D8%A8%DA%86%D8%A7%D8%A4?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#نکلو_خان_کی_زندگی_بچاؤ</a><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImranKhan?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ImranKhan</a> <a href="https://t.co/zquLIUu5E6">pic.twitter.com/zquLIUu5E6</a></p>— Zain Khan Official ®️ (@iamZainUllah) <a href="https://twitter.com/iamZainUllah/status/1655911496252112897?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2023</a></blockquote>
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Protests have started. Mass protest heading from liberty chowk to lahore cantt...but alas i fear this quam is not the sort to really go for it...let's see what will happen...

Khan will always be a legend and a warrior. A brave man who gave a glimpse of hope..

I am from a few weeks into the future. I can confirm that not much has happened in Pakistan post Imran Khan's arrest. The status quo remains, and Punjab has never been any kind of arena for a revolution anyway.
The coup is in the open. NSs chaprasi Munir doing his job for the mafia. May Allah protect Kaptaan but we have reached a seminal moment in PK history, if PK people do as they tend to do and wait for others to do the hard yards, we will be under the control of the mafia for decades to come. May Allah protect our brave Kaptaan against cowardly Generals and their puppets
Haha yeah

Westminster Council will be having trouble today

Not sure if you are reading reports or this thread - plenty of protest news in Pakistan
"He was taken away...before he could appear before the judges, which is in violation of all laws."

Imran Khan’s spokesman Raoof Hasan says the former PM was arrested before his hearing could begin.
This is not good. You may disagree with his policies but arresting like him is over the top. He is the ex-PM of Pakistan and demands respect. I am not sure under what charge he has been arrested but whatever it is, this manhandling was uncalled for. It will only create anarchy in an already suffering country (economically).

Corruption demands no respect
Following the arrest of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan by Rangers personnel from the Islamabad Judicial Complex on Tuesday, party leaders have urged PTI workers and supporters to take to the streets in protest.

The former premier was arrested in the Al-Qadir Trust case, added the federal capital's top cop. "Situation is normal. Section 144 is in place and violations will result in police action," said IG Islamabad.

Islamabad High Court (IHC) CJ Aamer Farooq has taken notice of the incident and has summoned IG Islamabad, secretary interior, and the additional attorney general.

PTI Secretary General Asad Umar took to his official Twitter handle to announce that "Pakistan's biggest political leader" was arrested after an 'attack' at the Islamabad High Court.

"The whole world is being shown that there is no law left in the country," he said.

Umar added that a six-member committee headed by Shah Mehmood Qureshi, which was formed by Imran Khan, would announce a plan of action.

The PTI vice-chairperson said Imran's arrest was "rejected" (na manzoor) and instructed the entire nation to take to the streets "immediately".

In a video message, PTI leader Hammad Azhar said that Imran was arrested and that there were “reports of torture” during the arrest. He maintained that the PTI chief was the nation’s and the Muslim world’s only “honest leader” who had “committed no crime”.

“He did not steal any money from the people. He did not run away to another country”.

Azhar requested PTI supporters and “the entire nation” to come out of their homes, otherwise “the country would go back to dacoits and thieves”.

PTI leader Murad Saeed reiterated the same message and asked supporters to take to the streets “wherever” they were. Talking to the party’s youth group, he said that it was time to free the country from the “cruel” and the “liars”.

“It is time for Haqeeqi Azaadi (real freedom)”.

Faisal Javed maintained that the arrest was "illegal".

In a Tweet, he urged the judiciary to take action against those who arrested him".

Farrukh Habib alleged that the PTI chief was arrested “illegally by Rangers personnel” and that “these people” were after Imran to save “Dirty Harry” – a reference to a senior military official Imran blamed for the alleged assassination attempts.

He asked all PTI supporters to come out to protest and asked party workers in Faisalabad to come to the D-type bridge and collect at the zilla council chowk to have their protests “recorded”.

“Imran Khan is the last hope for the country,” he said, claiming that there were threats to his life as the Rangers personnel could do anything.

Senator and PTI South Punjab Regional President Aon Abbas said that Imran had already said he did not fear death and therefore was not afraid of the arrest.

He asked how big the official’s ego was for arresting Imran after he named someone responsible for an assassination attempt against him.

“Your ego is not bigger than the curses of the nation,” he said.

Abbas urged all PTI South Punjab workers and supporters to come out onto the roads and block all highways and roads.

Musarrat Cheema, present at the scene of the arrest, also urged all people of all “religions, factions and colours” to protest the PTI chief’s arrest for “yourself and a better future for your children”.

She claimed that it was possible that the Rangers personnel “slow poisoned” Imran or “injected” him with something that could create “health issues” down the line. She maintained, however, that it was a test for Pakistanis to prove if they were on the “right or wrong side of history”.

Cheema furthered that Imran was victorious and this “gang of cowards” had already lost.

PTI Sindh President Ali Haider Zaidi said that "the arrest of former PM and the leader of the Pakistani nation from court premises is a blatant violation of the Constitution".

"This country cannot afford this kind of fascism anymore. The nation must rise," he stated, adding that it was time to "shut down" the country

"Everyone must come out on the streets now".

AML chief and party ally Sheikh Rashid also condemned the arrest as he censured "those in London" who he alleged were behind the arrest.

He said that the development would only turn Imran into a "hero" but also expressed fear that the PTI chief may be subjected to slow poisoning in custody.

Express Trobune
The funny thing in all this is that he was talen in a black vigo.

Quite ironic, considering 15 months ago no one would had expected him being picked by a black vigo.

Like i said, if the army brings you to power they can also goagainst you as army of pakistan is not loyal to no one. Its only loyal to its COAS.

All this is the result of giving power to army. Army act was introduced by same party.

Now the question is if imran survives this and comes to power, will he fight againat the army or would he still be there puppet if the next COAS backs him
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Former Special Assistant to Imran Khan, Sayed Zulfikar Bukhari, describes the corruption charges against Khan as 'just one of the fake cases' made against him<a href="https://t.co/PAiZ4D1jU3">https://t.co/PAiZ4D1jU3</a><br><br>&#55357;&#56570; Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube <a href="https://t.co/vCIFUZ8OXz">pic.twitter.com/vCIFUZ8OXz</a></p>— Sky News (@SkyNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1655910758687834112?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The country needs to be set on fire in all honesty. If the awam can't wake up when one of their biggest historical heroes is beaten up by the establishment, then they have basically given up.

I think ur area needs to be set on fire.

You cant force awaam, the people that follow him will protest. Plus it will be the people who have no jobs, people who support him and have a family to feed wont protest.

For us pakistanis he ain a historical heroe in politics. And no we have not given up. We are looking for a leader that has creadibility and doesnt act as a puppet of the millitary not before and not later
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Former Special Assistant to Imran Khan, Sayed Zulfikar Bukhari, describes the corruption charges against Khan as 'just one of the fake cases' made against him<a href="https://t.co/PAiZ4D1jU3">https://t.co/PAiZ4D1jU3</a><br><br>�� Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube <a href="https://t.co/vCIFUZ8OXz">pic.twitter.com/vCIFUZ8OXz</a></p>— Sky News (@SkyNews) <a href="https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1655910758687834112?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 9, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Funny how corrupt zulfi is good enough for an interview on british media.

Imran gave the money back to malik riaz.
Pakistaniyo wake up. Revolution starts now! If the awaam don't come out now and protest then they forever will be slaves to the establishment. [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION]. Hurt me how they dragged him like he's nothing. Yet the real criminals sit in top government offices.

Our Army has been captured by criminals, these haraamis owe their loyalty to criminals and treat patriots as rubbish. I am ashamed that i supported these criminals every forum, PK needs protection from these criminals. IA these criminals along with Bajwa will face the noose
A revolution is starting in sha Allah. People have hit the streets attacking corps commanders houses across the country..
Nothing will happen.

Pakistan is finished and better to look at selling any assets you have and escaping.
Our Army has been captured by criminals, these haraamis owe their loyalty to criminals and treat patriots as rubbish. I am ashamed that i supported these criminals every forum, PK needs protection from these criminals. IA these criminals along with Bajwa will face the noose

This is unfair because many within the forces support IK but would never betray the chain of command like any respectful soldier. It's like they're stuck between the devil and the sea. The problem is that the entire army ecosystem is such that it is never answerable to anyone, and today it is too big to be challenged.

Establishment > Judiciary + Politicians + Population + Civil servants + Economy .... nothing can fix this anymore. The only hope is the Generals come to their senses and take a call on what's best for the nation. It's never too late.
So he deserves support instead of criticism, would you agree or disagree?

I agree with what he says, but not his method. The problem with IK is that he's too stubborn and at this stage doesn't fear death. He is ready to sacrifice himself but is too blind to see the upheaval it will cause.

If he wants to win the match it's critical that he's in the game and doesn't get out. This was written on the wall the moment he started naming them publicly.
'If he was their puppet', you've answered the question.... he was their puppet, not anymore.

No.they thought he was..he never was. All this talk about helping him etc is overblown. They tried to control the situation as his rise was inevitable. But as they are prone to do overestimated their intelligence.
Video shows PTI workers allegedly storming Lahore Core Commander’ s house and vandalising the property.
time to burn it all down and rebuild it right this time.
Video shows PTI workers allegedly storming Lahore Core Commander’ s house and vandalising the property.

I just saw that video on Twitter. My word, what a posh house! And that just for a Corps Commander!

Even former Generals in India don't get to live in such posh residences. Some of them even live in two bedroom housing society apartments.

It's about time the People of Pakistan took action against the looting of their country by their army.
I just saw that video on Twitter. My word, what a posh house! And that just for a Corps Commander!

Even former Generals in India don't get to live in such posh residences. Some of them even live in two bedroom housing society apartments.

It's about time the People of Pakistan took action against the looting of their country by their army.

i dont think opur people even realize how lopsided the whole "fringe benefits" situation has been for our armed forces all this time. Its the lack of awareness and exposure to other countries. there is still a lot of respect for them as it should be but i feel something must absolutely be done about this whole poor country rich army dynamic.
I am from a few weeks into the future. I can confirm that not much has happened in Pakistan post Imran Khan's arrest. The status quo remains, and Punjab has never been any kind of arena for a revolution anyway.

revolution is overrated and neither its required , Pakistan needs slow evolution of society and institutes, with all stakes holders being involved.
This is unfair because many within the forces support IK but would never betray the chain of command like any respectful soldier. It's like they're stuck between the devil and the sea. The problem is that the entire army ecosystem is such that it is never answerable to anyone, and today it is too big to be challenged.

Establishment > Judiciary + Politicians + Population + Civil servants + Economy .... nothing can fix this anymore. The only hope is the Generals come to their senses and take a call on what's best for the nation. It's never too late.

Our top brass has been captured by criminals. An army that protects AZ, NS, SS and Rana can never be of the people. I agree about the chain of command but we can no longer accept that isnt an institutional issue. I, along with many believed that they always had the best interests of PK at heart and are actually the problem with desperation to hang onto power.