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[VIDEOS] Why Indian Hindus hate Zakir Naik so profoundly?

Blaspheme is a different thing altogether.

If I did not believe others to be false , I would not be believing in my own religion.
Its not.

You defend preaching religion to others and calling others religion false, but claim blasphemy different altogrther.

See you dont get to draw the line if you want to allow preaching and calling other peoples religion as false
Not nice of Zakir Naik to answer like that

What a poor response. That lady asked an absolutely legit question but looks like Mr. Naik didn't had any answer and tried to bully that poor girl. It is hilarious that this guy has so many followers.

BTW, is Mr. Naik from Maharashtra? He is saying likhela hai, bolela hai which is Mumbai type hindi language..LOL.
Hold on! Qu’ran has been edited ?

Is it true that there have been mutiple variants of the Quran and the current official Quran in use is the one that was selected by Al-Azhar University, Cairo in 1924 ?
Everyone has every right to question anything unless one live in Hindutva India.

No they don't. It may be so for Muslims. Doesn't mean others have to entertain it.

Talk rubbish about any religion in India you will be in jail.
What a poor response. That lady asked an absolutely legit question but looks like Mr. Naik didn't had any answer and tried to bully that poor girl. It is hilarious that this guy has so many followers.

BTW, is Mr. Naik from Maharashtra? He is saying likhela hai, bolela hai which is Mumbai type hindi language..LOL.

She didn't ask a legitimate question, that was what she was pulled up on.
Why not ?

What is making you so defensive ? When ISCKON people go around and give Gita to others , what they are trying to do?

Because you are nobody to question anyone's faith. While Muslims may think they have such a right, world doesn't run as per muslim faith.

I don't know if ISKCON goes around handing out Bhagwat Gita to people on the roads, if they do its not right.
They think questioning others religion is their right.
They are idiots if they think like that. Every religion is same for respective people .

Muslims are love Islam , Hindu's are love Sanatan Dharm so on .. I'f anyone think that their religion is big or right then they are biggest Buffoon.

This is hate speech if they think like that.
Not nice of Zakir Naik to answer like that

Bloody hell ... its quite disturbing to see that EVEN very very well educated people ( some who live in Western countries ) right here right now on THIS Very forum consider this dude as a intellectual ... and worse indulge in keyboard warfare defending this lowlife ?

If this guy is considered as an intellectual then I am Vivekananda + Plato + Aristotle + Confucius rolled into one with the articulation powers of Jordan Petersen. What the heck!!
They think questioning others religion is their right.

Its actually much worse ... because if those that they question take the polite and classy route they construe that as a sign of weakness and further validation of their belief system. Because they are brainwashed into defending their religion with brute force even at the slightest sign of inquiry, scrutiny, or rational examination. This toxic mindset creates a vicious cycle where constructive dialogue is impossible. My way or highway.
It’s actually much worse ... because if those that they question take the polite and classy route they construe that as a sign of weakness and further validation of their belief system. Because they are brainwashed into defending their religion with brute force even at the slightest sign of inquiry, scrutiny, or rational examination. This toxic mindset creates a vicious cycle where constructive dialogue is impossible. My way or highway.
If there were ever a textbook example of projection, this would certainly exemplify it.

Bloody hell ... its quite disturbing to see that EVEN very very well educated people ( some who live in Western countries ) right here right now on THIS Very forum consider this dude as a intellectual ... and worse indulge in keyboard warfare defending this lowlife ?

If this guy is considered as an intellectual then I am Vivekananda + Plato + Aristotle + Confucius rolled into one with the articulation powers of Jordan Petersen. What the heck!!

Not reading the room correctly.

They are idiots if they think like that. Every religion is same for respective people .

Muslims are love Islam , Hindu's are love Sanatan Dharm so on .. I'f anyone think that their religion is big or right then they are biggest Buffoon.

This is hate speech if they think like that.
Its actually much worse ... because if those that they question take the polite and classy route they construe that as a sign of weakness and further validation of their belief system. Because they are brainwashed into defending their religion with brute force even at the slightest sign of inquiry, scrutiny, or rational examination. This toxic mindset creates a vicious cycle where constructive dialogue is impossible. My way or highway.

If you read the posts, pakistanis think Hindus were afraid of Zakir Naiks knowledge of Hindu scriptures and were afraid to debate with him.

That's why he was banned.

They have the audacity to think that Hindus need to debate and prove to Zakir Naik about Sanatan.
If you read the posts, pakistanis think Hindus were afraid of Zakir Naiks knowledge of Hindu scriptures and were afraid to debate with him.

and they will continue to believe that to be the case until and unless some blunt-in-your-face-and-obnoxious-Hindu comes around and brutally decimates Zakir. This is how they roll !

That's why he was banned.

They have the audacity to think that Hindus need to debate and prove to Zakir Naik about Sanatan.

And they will even brag and ridicule us for not standing up and "debating" him. Even the educated ones. This pretty much sums up the overall mindset of most muslims.
and they will continue to believe that to be the case until and unless some blunt-in-your-face-and-obnoxious-Hindu comes around and brutally decimates Zakir. This is how they roll !

And they will even brag and ridicule us for not standing up and "debating" him. Even the educated ones. This pretty much sums up the overall mindset of most muslims.

You are educated 😉
No it is not. The meaning completely changes. Watch that video again. I have linked the timestamped link from ~45 mins into the link to save you time. Keep in mind the stringent criteria that not a single character in the quran has changed ( as per the hardcore believers right here in this thread ).

I have seen the video before making the comment
and they will continue to believe that to be the case until and unless some blunt-in-your-face-and-obnoxious-Hindu comes around and brutally decimates Zakir. This is how they roll !

And they will even brag and ridicule us for not standing up and "debating" him. Even the educated ones. This pretty much sums up the overall mindset of most muslims.

Then when others will do the same to them, they will cry Islamophobia and then Sar tan se juda or someone will do a Charlie Hebdo.

They don't understand that Hindus don't give a damn about their views on Sanatan and if they cross the line, they will be put in their place.
If Hindutva were educated as they claim to be then they would have had the answer to what he said that required him to be banned?

And if the criterion is hate speech then why is Modi the PM of India 😂

I believe ZN is an idiot but he has all the right to debate anyone he wishes too.
Then when others will do the same to them, they will cry Islamophobia and then Sar tan se juda or someone will do a Charlie Hebdo.

They don't understand that Hindus don't give a damn about their views on Sanatan and if they cross the line, they will be put in their place.
Define the line? Is questioning Hindutva on their bigotry consider crossing the line? 😉
If Hindutva were educated as they claim to be then they would have had the answer to what he said that required him to be banned?

And if the criterion is hate speech then why is Modi the PM of India 😂

I believe ZN is an idiot but he has all the right to debate anyone he wishes too.

No. ZN has no right to question other religions.

Modi is PM because people voted him. I understand this concept of democracy is not very clear to pakistanis.

ZN is banned in multiple countries.
Words have meaning and they should be used as per their meaning.

A 'fact' is something that can be proved to be true by EVERYONE i.e an entity that can reproduced or observed to be true by anyone or in this case, proved to be true by both muslims and non-muslim.

Gravity is a fact because everybody experiences it. The Eiffel Towel is a fact because everybody can see that it exists.

'Islam is the one true religion' is only a claim (a belief), not a fact .. because it cannot proved to be true or observed to be true by everyone. A Christian would never say it is a fact that 'Jesus is the son of God', non-christans would laugh at him.
No Christian would ever say that their religion is a fact? Really?
No. ZN has no right to question other religions.

Modi is PM because people voted him. I understand this concept of democracy is not very clear to pakistanis.

ZN is banned in multiple countries.
You have no right to deny anyone their inherited right but we get it you don’t have any other defense to your bigotry 😉

An educated, as your fellow countrymen love that phrase, would have had the answer by now 😁
Faith cannot be a fact.

facts are proven, when you cant prove something it wont be a fact and faith or religion can never be scientificcally proven.

Second thing is, you cannot go out around calling other peoples religion as false and your own as the truth. As again that creates disharmony
It is a fact to those the adherents of it.

I don't see why people get so offended by it.

For example I will assume that @cricketjoshila and @uppercut will say for a fact that Ram was born in Ayodha.

Pope says Catholic creed is a fact.

What's the big deal if Zakir says Islam is a fact?
Religion is called faith. You understand why.
People who follow their religion consider it true. Otherwise they wouldn't follow it or are agnostic.

I have no problem with it.

If they say that theirs is true and mines is false what harm will it do to me?
If you read the posts, pakistanis think Hindus were afraid of Zakir Naiks knowledge of Hindu scriptures and were afraid to debate with him.

That's why he was banned.

They have the audacity to think that Hindus need to debate and prove to Zakir Naik about Sanatan.
I agree with you here. It's a poor argument by those making it.

Zakir has no knowledge about Hinduism. He is studying it from a biased perspective and coming to conclusions alien to Hinduism.

To really study comparative religion you need to read it and study it from the lens of the followers of that religion...not from a biased perspective to try and match their belief to yours.

What Zakir does is cherry pick some Hindu books without any background knowledge or context. I think it's disrespectful and not serious scholarship.
the amount of effort expended on this thread shows why religion, or active proselytisation at least, whatever variant, is economically at least, a negative sum game. you guys are out here arguing angels on a pinhead when there are so many other avenues where your energy would be better spent.

dont get me wrong, i understand that the desire to understand the world can lead you to explore religion, but if you feel compelled to argue why your rationalisation of the universe is superior, then that is a weakness of your belief system, not a strength.
I have seen the video before making the comment

Obviously not ... see the slides few seconds before and after this timestamp on that link below if pressed for time( It clearly shows the difference in translation of the different Qurans and how Saudi Arabia choose the current supposedly "Official" version )

Might want to watch the few mins prior to that timestamp say approx from 50 mins onwards.
Obviously not ... see the slides few seconds before and after this timestamp on that link below if pressed for time( It clearly shows the difference in translation of the different Qurans and how Saudi Arabia choose the current supposedly "Official" version )

Might want to watch the few mins prior to that timestamp say approx from 50 mins onwards.

Not Saudi Arabia .. I think you mean Egypt.

People who follow their religion consider it true. Otherwise they wouldn't follow it or are agnostic.

I have no problem with it.

If they say that theirs is true and mines is false what harm will it do to me?

They can believe their religion is true.

But they can't tell someone that the other religion is false.

That's disrespectful.
I agree with you here. It's a poor argument by those making it.

Zakir has no knowledge about Hinduism. He is studying it from a biased perspective and coming to conclusions alien to Hinduism.

To really study comparative religion you need to read it and study it from the lens of the followers of that religion...not from a biased perspective to try and match their belief to yours.

What Zakir does is cherry pick some Hindu books without any background knowledge or context. I think it's disrespectful and not serious scholarship.

I think we should never compare religions. This is not a competition.

I have never consciously insulted any religion or questioned anyone's belief in his faith.

Every religious text has to be read in context. People should understand its deeper meaning and not just the literal meaning.
Faith cannot be a fact.

facts are proven, when you cant prove something it wont be a fact and faith or religion can never be scientificcally proven.

Second thing is, you cannot go out around calling other peoples religion as false and your own as the truth. As again that creates disharmony
Yes, Muslims, Christians, and Jews can go around saying Hinduism is a false ideology/religion because the Qur'an, Bible, and Torah are all very clear when it comes to Polytheistic religions and idol worshipping.
Not nice of Zakir Naik to answer like that

This guy is a total clown and folks that supporting him here are just peddling his lies and falsehoods.

He’s got the most ridiculous takes that give off the impression of genius but are actually really dumb. For instance, one of his arguments for why all atheists are “half-Muslim” is because they accept the first part of the Quran: there is no god -pause- but Allah. Of course the masses gobble it up and it only encourages him to do more of these stupid and dangerous mental gymnastics
Yes, Muslims, Christians, and Jews can go around saying Hinduism is a false ideology/religion because the Qur'an, Bible, and Torah are all very clear when it comes to Polytheistic religions and idol worshipping.

Hold on ... before you go on to call other religions as false ideologies why don't you PROVE that your own religion as you know and practice it today is the absolute word of God and that it has NEVER changed one bit in nearly 1400 yrs ?

Let me help you out ... watch these where a renowned Islamic scholar admits that it is one of the most difficult questions to answer

Link1 ---> A Link that Technics1210 will never touch LOL!

Link2 --> Another Link the Technics1210 will never touch!!

Let me know if you need more.
Faith cannot be a fact.

facts are proven, when you cant prove something it wont be a fact and faith or religion can never be scientificcally proven.

Second thing is, you cannot go out around calling other peoples religion as false and your own as the truth. As again that creates disharmony
Sometimes u surprises me bro with these gems.sometimes u will keep rules same for all no matter what and u hate india/Indians wholeheartedly.
Because you are nobody to question anyone's faith. While Muslims may think they have such a right, world doesn't run as per muslim faith.

I don't know if ISKCON goes around handing out Bhagwat Gita to people on the roads, if they do its not right.
You are not the only Hindu on social media , there are many who do debate and post and question others religion. So others will respond to that.

Isckon does that , and they believe they are doing right thing.
Its not.

You defend preaching religion to others and calling others religion false, but claim blasphemy different altogrther.

See you dont get to draw the line if you want to allow preaching and calling other peoples religion as false
Yes others are allowed to preach , my view is it is false.
Their view about my religion is also same.

For a hindu do you think Christianity or Islam is the right path ? No , we are Malechas , worse than shudras.
I think we should never compare religions. This is not a competition.

I have never consciously insulted any religion or questioned anyone's belief in his faith.

Every religious text has to be read in context. People should understand its deeper meaning and not just the literal meaning.
When Zakir Naik debated Ravi Shankar , he knew the context better than me or you or others here , he should have exposed Zakir Naik right then and there , in front of every one. It would have settled the matter once and for all.
This guy is a total clown and folks that supporting him here are just peddling his lies and falsehoods.

He’s got the most ridiculous takes that give off the impression of genius but are actually really dumb. For instance, one of his arguments for why all atheists are “half-Muslim” is because they accept the first part of the Quran: there is no god -pause- but Allah. Of course the masses gobble it up and it only encourages him to do more of these stupid and dangerous mental gymnastics
He did not say atheist believe in the first part of Quran, he said they accept the first part of shahadah , That " There is NO God " What did he say wrong here ?

If you show me he said that Atheist believe in first part of Quran , I will leave Islam right now here .

This is the issue , you people always twisting facts here .

So many posts about extremism by Naik , still now not a single video prove ? Is this fair?
Never hated him personally, but when he teaches 2+2= 5 in Sanatani land such as Bharat, obviously we will shut him up for being a fraud. It's simple Maths rather than a blind hatred for Zakir Naik.
It is a fact to those the adherents of it.

I don't see why people get so offended by it.

For example I will assume that @cricketjoshila and @uppercut will say for a fact that Ram was born in Ayodha.

Pope says Catholic creed is a fact.

What's the big deal if Zakir says Islam is a fact?
its not a fact. No religion is a fact.

But the point is, we cant go out and call others religion inferior or false.
This guy is a total clown and folks that supporting him here are just peddling his lies and falsehoods.

He’s got the most ridiculous takes that give off the impression of genius but are actually really dumb. For instance, one of his arguments for why all atheists are “half-Muslim” is because they accept the first part of the Quran: there is no god -pause- but Allah. Of course the masses gobble it up and it only encourages him to do more of these stupid and dangerous mental gymnastics

He can give off the genius impression only to sub 100 IQ potatoes, sadly there's no shortage of them in the subcontinent given poor nutrition and resulting stunted mental growth. As Bharat, Pakistan and Bangladesh become more affluent, such clowns won't find much audience.
If I believed that your religion is true I would be following that .

The truth you beleive in will always be prisoner to a book and a lifetime of conditioning. So such statements despite giving an open-minded impression are quite meaningless brother.
I will give you another possibility:

Accept that there could also be possibly correct and respect their views.

Which of those two thought processes is more amenable to a peaceful co-existence between various religions?
I think Islamic era of Prophet Muhammad and his Sahaba in a way preached that co existence piece of it. You can peacefully exist believing you are right and others are wrong. That’s difference of opinion and it exists everywhere. It’s the “action” based on the differences that should be discussed. Not the part about having a difference of opinion/faith/worshipping philosophy, etc.
I think Islamic era of Prophet Muhammad and his Sahaba in a way preached that co existence piece of it. You can peacefully exist believing you are right and others are wrong.

Except that the facts don't support that as there is no such concept nor there is any track record to back that up. Just look at what happened to the various Jewish and Paagan tribes in the entire Arabian peninsula ( when the Quran was being revealed and soon after that ) ... they were pretty much wiped out in a matter of few decades. The template was set forth few years before 632AD. The same happened to the Zoroastrian's in neighboring Persia, and all of these are pretty well documented by Islamic historians. Go read your history it is one of humanity's most horrific chapters. There is no excuse for not knowing the correct facts in this day and age. READ !!​

Except that the facts don't support that as there is no such concept nor there is any track record to back that up. Just look at what happened to the various Jewish and Paagan tribes in the entire Arabian peninsula ( when the Quran was being revealed and soon after that ) ... they were pretty much wiped out in a matter of few decades. The template was set forth few years before 632AD. The same happened to the Zoroastrian's in neighboring Persia, and all of these are pretty well documented by Islamic historians. Go read your history it is one of humanity's most horrific chapters. There is no excuse for not knowing the correct facts in this day and age. READ !!​
It’s not any different from history of other powerful faiths in the world. Paganism existed in Europe as well and Christianity has almost wiped it out.

What you are whining about is not just distinctly a pattern with Muslims or Islam.

But you are free to look up and READ about the era I mentioned. Muslims always allowed non Muslims to live within their territories and to practice their faith. Everything else was done for political and existential reasons.
It’s not any different from history of other powerful faiths in the world. Paganism existed in Europe as well and Christianity has almost wiped it out.

What you are whining about is not just distinctly a pattern with Muslims or Islam.

Except that in 2024 they don't go around fighting for Christian countries ( as opposed to islamic nations ).

But you are free to look up and READ about the era I mentioned. Muslims always allowed non Muslims to live within their territories and to practice their faith. Everything else was done for political and existential reasons.

This is JUST not true at all ( Certainly not in the medieval times ). At best these Non-Muslims were 2nd class citizens and invariably their best option to live in dignity was to convert. This is the Standard Islamic Template. The one and only region that resisted this dogmatically is Hinduism.

Even in the 21st century look at the pitiable state of minorities in Pak/BD/Afg.
Except that in 2024 they don't go around fighting for Christian countries ( as opposed to islamic nations ).

This is JUST not true at all ( Certainly not in the medieval times ). At best these Non-Muslims were 2nd class citizens and invariably their best option to live in dignity was to convert. This is the Standard Islamic Template. The one and only region that resisted this dogmatically is Hinduism.

Even in the 21st century look at the pitiable state of minorities in Pak/BD/Afg.
You need to first settle on what era you want to talk about. You started your usual rant and I mentioned going back to study the era of the Prophet. Now you want to talk about 2024.
Make up your mind please.
Except that in 2024 they don't go around fighting for Christian countries ( as opposed to islamic nations ).

This is JUST not true at all ( Certainly not in the medieval times ). At best these Non-Muslims were 2nd class citizens and invariably their best option to live in dignity was to convert. This is the Standard Islamic Template. The one and only region that resisted this dogmatically is Hinduism.

Even in the 21st century look at the pitiable state of minorities in Pak/BD/Afg.
You are preaching to everyone to read maybe you should read yourself. Here is a scholarly article. Non Muslims had rights under agreements and were never forced to convert. It’s even in the Quran that religion should not have any compulsion.

Kindly READ carefully!

Glad to be able to educate you and clear some of your confusion. You are welcome!
It’s not any different from history of other powerful faiths in the world. Paganism existed in Europe as well and Christianity has almost wiped it out.

What you are whining about is not just distinctly a pattern with Muslims or Islam.

But you are free to look up and READ about the era I mentioned. Muslims always allowed non Muslims to live within their territories and to practice their faith. Everything else was done for political and existential reasons.

Time wasted.

The individual seems to have self-appointed themselves as a prophet, determined to depict Islam and Muslims as the root of evil in the world.

If one disagrees, it is insinuated that their education has been in vain.

The rationale presented for genocide is the belief in being a ‘chosen people.’ There is no intent to recognize that Muslims have the right to practice their faith freely, nor do they acknowledge that Muslims have the right to resist oppression. And if Muslims were to resist, they are expected not to do so with the same force used by their oppressors.

Historically, when Muslims first governed the Arabian Peninsula, they comprised only 5% of the population, and it took decades for their numbers to grow. If conversion had been forced, this growth would not have taken so long.

This entire discussion is emblematic of the issue at hand. When questioned, ZN, who many here agree is an Idiot and hold extremist views at time, is condemned, yet Modi, who has actively incited violence against minorities, is excused by the same crowd.

This conversation is not about engaging in dialogue but about asserting superiority, pure projection.
You are preaching to everyone to read maybe you should read yourself. Here is a scholarly article. Non Muslims had rights under agreements and were never forced to convert. It’s even in the Quran that religion should not have any compulsion.

Kindly READ carefully!

Glad to be able to educate you and clear some of your confusion. You are welcome!

here is the very 1st sentence from your own resource:

Beginning with Muhammad’s forceful consolidation of Arabia in 631 CE, the Rashidun and Umayyad Caliphates completed a series of conquests that would later become a hallmark of the early Islamic empire

Isn't this exactly what I told you ?
The truth you beleive in will always be prisoner to a book and a lifetime of conditioning. So such statements despite giving an open-minded impression are quite meaningless brother.
When you abide by legislative laws of a country and their constitution , or when you are a working in an institution or a company , we remain bound to them as well.

How many times have you thought about breaking away from those chains?
You are not the only Hindu on social media , there are many who do debate and post and question others religion. So others will respond to that.

Isckon does that , and they believe they are doing right thing.

If someone is interested in entertaining the views of a bigot and get in argument with him he is free to do so. That's his personal preference.

It doesn't represent Sanatan.

Again, that's ISCKONs view point if they want to engage with bigots in a debate and give them a platform.
When Zakir Naik debated Ravi Shankar , he knew the context better than me or you or others here , he should have exposed Zakir Naik right then and there , in front of every one. It would have settled the matter once and for all.

Ravishankar didn't debate Zakir Naik. He was just part of a program which was attended by Zakir Naik.

And he doesn't need to do anything. Zakir Naiks views on Sanatan hold no significance.