Don't know about talent, but Virat has the best temperament. I think, from PAK Umar & Shehzad can match him stroke by stroke, but Virat is groomed by a great batting coach at NCA Bangalore (notoriously tough for his unmindful students, believing in make or break, no half measures) in his early teens & has developed into very good batting habits, like conversion of starts & make the fielding side get you out. On contrary, Umar is trained by novices who think, either you drop youngsters to learn from club level domestic games or put him in pads isolated at a corner so that they don't repeat the same mistake.
Then comes the mentor, SRT/Rahul vs..........
Umar & Shehzad are lucky than Nazir that, at least, better late than never, they have got someone as batting coach, who knows a few things more than arranging nets. I told it early several times & stick to that, if anyone breaks SRT's ODI hundred record, first person 'll be Virat. I am a fan of the boy & like his attitude. He 'll be a tremendous Captain.