World´s 100 richest people

I accept that Wall Street and Banks write their own cheques and they never go poor.

But I strongly believe that without proper taxing Goven't can't do much! And esp. for countries who doesn't have resources must need proper taxing to survive or country gets split and there are zillion small anti-goven't establishment flourished. The same wall street is actually used any funding many researches' that moves the humanity forward. And this is how we have moved forward and our life expectancy has gotten better and we are getting healthier.

This wouldn't have happened without the help of wall street as you won't find anyone personally putting in money something that may not get their feedback! Most pharm. and science research companies are part of wall street and run on Govn't fund, which they got it by tax system.

Fine that is your view.I accept it as you have a right to your own view

Why cant you accept my view. if you dont agree with it or consider it baloney ignore it!
dentist bhai, you are definitely well read and can see through the bluff that is going on.. but what is your solution? and if you have a solution how are you or anyone else going to implement it? i am not saying you shouldnt talk about your views, but it seems you are on a mission to change the world, but i dont understand how you are going to do that. btw, i like your revolutionary thoughts.. i dont agree with cricketworm and james, they are conservatists posing as are the true liberal who appears to be conservatist.
I too wish for better world and rich people to do the right thing and stop robbing the working class, but how are you going to do it? Who is going to convince them?

Rather some govn't is taxing rich ppl more, which is still sly and better digestible approach than just randomly trying to convince EVERYONE for something that is impossible to do!
AD, didnt the Prophet (pbuh) and sahabas use gold as currency? So, why are you against paper currency? Paper currency has value because state garantees it has one and this is supported by all the trade and economy behind the state. Gold is in the same case and its garantee is/was to have been used valued for thousands of years. If tomorrow, humanity wakes up and asks:"What is so special about this shiny
Piece of metal? Rarity? **** it" then what are all gold owners in the world going to do with it?
Gentleman, I believe the issue presented with Iblis is
Not about him not wanting to bow down before anyone but Allah but rather about bowind
Down before an imperfect being made out of clay, as opposed to the best among fireborn. That is if you are really interested into Islamic pow on the issue.
yes that is the traditional Islamic view on Iblees..but there is an alternate view about him among some sufis..and it makes sense too. i dont know which is right or wrong because it doesnt matter to me, but the alternate interpretation seems fascinating to me and one i can more relate with.
@gentleman, which alternative view do you speak of? just intrested
yes that is the traditional Islamic view on Iblees..but there is an alternate view about him among some sufis..and it makes sense too. i dont know which is right or wrong because it doesnt matter to me, but the alternate interpretation seems fascinating to me and one i can more relate with.

Sorry, I have never heard of it. Maybe Sufis relate on it too because they ignore many Islamic commands (preaching, sustaining a family,...) to only maintain the one dimension that is love lf God through specific ibadat.
@shaz, that Iblees loved God so much that he did not bow before anyone else, even at the cost of disobeying his Lord and taking the punishment for that.
@shaz, that Iblees loved God so much that he did not bow before anyone else, even at the cost of disobeying his Lord and taking the punishment for that.

I LIKE YOU I SWEAR!(platonic ofcourse)
you also see through capitalism. look i am only 23. the idea i presented was the best i could think of. that is why i want people to think there own ideas so we can discuss and learn from one another.

But see you are also making mistake by talking about satan and GOD without reading the Quran. muslims will understand it more because they have more idea of Quran.

In the end I can only pray that we become better humans.

I want indians to take the best of their repected religions(hindusim and budhism) and use those morals to help the poor. dont depend on old people(respect them) because THEY HAD THEIR CHANCE. It is our world now and we have to change it surely.

And alsotofully understand capitalism please watch these
Food inc.
Inside Job
Zietgiest (3 parts)

I hope you find true inner happiness because you deserve it :)
Peace brother
AD, didnt the Prophet (pbuh) and sahabas use gold as currency? So, why are you against paper currency? Paper currency has value because state garantees it has one and this is supported by all the trade and economy behind the state. Gold is in the same case and its garantee is/was to have been used valued for thousands of years. If tomorrow, humanity wakes up and asks:"What is so special about this shiny
Piece of metal? Rarity? **** it" then what are all gold owners in the world going to do with it?

Gold is valuable because it is rare. If a paper currency is backed by SOMETHING OF VALUE then there is no chance it can be used to manipulate the markets. in the current system our paper money is not backed by anything of value. that is why we are seeing an economic meltdown as this worthless paper is being used to manipulate the markets.

In the end Allah knows best.
Gold is valuable because it is rare. If a paper currency is backed by SOMETHING OF VALUE then there is no chance it can be used to manipulate the markets. in the current system our paper money is not backed by anything of value. that is why we are seeing an economic meltdown as this worthless paper is being used to manipulate the markets.

In the end Allah knows best.

You do know that America has over 8,000 tonnes of gold.

To put it into perspective China has 2,000 and Russia 1,000.
A basic concept of capitalist banks.
I posted this earlier.
now what you can do is check out ON YOUR OWN IF THIS IS TRUE!.
they are printing more money but THAT money is WORTHLESS PAPER!!!!


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A basic concept of capitalist banks.
I posted this earlier.
now what you can do is check out ON YOUR OWN IF THIS IS TRUE!.
they are printing more money but THAT money is WORTHLESS PAPER!!!!

How do you explain that I can buy gold with cash.
Brilliant sir! thankyou!

Slight modification on my part

Gilly i know you live in australia. I live in pakistan. I have been educated mostly in muslim countries. And in each one of them, the schools and universities they dont tell you how to think.

Ill give an example of my A-level Chemistry. The teacher would come in and start dictating notes and then we would do past papers. We never asked questions because we felt we would be wrong(ego) and embarrassed. Rather then our teacher showing us different chemical processes asking what our opinion was we just memorized the equations. No criticism is accepted by "teachers" even "professors".
Do you remember anything about organic chemistry?
If we are taught how to think we have the potential to be the BEST OF CREATION. If we are taught what to think we can only be dumb and deaf, those without LOGIC

Our universities over here- in the maths and science at least - are about thinking.
You get taught how the mathematics works and go through a few problems (that are essentially just modified out of the text book/lecture notes) during the semester.

For the final exam the problems are quite different and require you to understand what you to do, formulate your own equations to solve it and then solve it.
Our universities over here- in the maths and science at least - are about thinking.
You get taught how the mathematics works and go through a few problems (that are essentially just modified out of the text book/lecture notes) during the semester.

For the final exam the problems are quite different and require you to understand what you to do, formulate your own equations to solve it and then solve it.

Mathematics is different. You cant memorize maths. You have to understand the concept of maths. Its a universal language
I am talking about "science" and "economics". For example (Look i know gravity is a fact) but why dont students question this fact and try to learn on their own what gravity is like newton did.
Throughout the whole world only the keynesian system of economics is taught. there are other schools of economics which arent taught. If other schools are taught we can weigh the pros and cons and decide which is better. This would require thinking on our part

What i mean to say is that modern education doesnt encourage creativity or curiousity. Look at the current state of education in America.

School system in many european countries and even cuba are really good but on the whole majority of world has a very pathetic education system
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Gold is valuable because it is rare. If a paper currency is backed by SOMETHING OF VALUE then there is no chance it can be used to manipulate the markets. in the current system our paper money is not backed by anything of value. that is why we are seeing an economic meltdown as this worthless paper is being used to manipulate the markets.

In the end Allah knows best.

Bitcoins are rare too if you are going by that logic. It's rubbish to suggest that Gold should hold value because of its rarity and hence is better than paper currency. What use is there for Gold in the real world if not a currency? Again, I asked you in my previous post, what happens if humanity wakes up on the idea that gold is useless? What will gold owners do with it?
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Bitcoins are rare too if you are going by that logic. It's rubbish to suggest that Gold should hold value because of its rarity and hence is better than paper currency. What use is there for Gold in the real world if not a currency? Again, I asked you in my previous post, what happens if humanity wakes up on the idea that gold is useless? What will gold owners do with it?

The good thing about gold is if your crop fails you can sell your gold to get some cash and buy some food.
The good thing about gold is if your crop fails you can sell your gold to get some cash and buy some food.

Yes, because it is commonly accepted as an object of value. Why? Because it is rare and we have been using it for thousands of years. That's why we can say for sure that gold will always have value. If we discover that we can mine on some Jupiter moon with low costs, it will lose its value because it loses rarity. Same can be said about paper currency and central banks issuing money.

AD criticizes virtual money but why can't lines of code serve as currency if they serve the same basic purposes:
-Used for real economic transactions
-No counterfaction
-Scarcity and accepted value
Imo the world will be using gold and silver in our lifetimes as the worlds currency.
Bitcoins are rare too if you are going by that logic. It's rubbish to suggest that Gold should hold value because of its rarity and hence is better than paper currency. What use is there for Gold in the real world if not a currency? Again, I asked you in my previous post, what happens if humanity wakes up on the idea that gold is useless? What will gold owners do with it?

bitcoin/gold/silver. You have to EARN it. IT COSTS alot of manhours and energy to mine. Paper money DOESNT. all you need is a printing press. hence INFLATION
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bitcoin/gold/silver. You have to EARN it. IT COSTS alot of manhours and energy to mine. Paper money DOESNT. all you need is a printing press. hence INFLATION

So what? If we can mine some Jupiter moon at low cost in the next century, it's inflation too. Fact is you need the economy to back the printing, otherwise you go in a downward spiral like the deutsch mark.
And Bitcoin ''cost'' is purely virtual. It doesn't accomplish anything and it is only there to guarantee the deflation of the currency (encouraging people to buy it now) and making it impossible to fraud.

If the US central bank decided that ''we will issue 1 billion $ a year, fixed rate, and stop issue in 2140'', you would be happy with that?
Crikey 4 pages.

I'm all for incentivising wealth creation and having a competitive tax system but I find the gross economic inequality that we have in today's society immoral. We have people queuing up at food banks just to be fed, we have people struggling to meet the costs of their heating bills and children being raised in abject poverty. In the UK, income inequality is higher than it ever has been in the last 30 years -

On the other end of the income scale, we see executives in the City of London whose pay has almost doubled, and people who are profiting out of this grinding recession.

Now I don't mind inequality of outcomes - we are all different and have different abilities.

But what I cannot abide is inequality of opportunity - we live in a society where one has to live in certain parts of a country, has to attend a select group of schools/universities and live in a few wealthy families in order to have a stable job and have a decent wage. Then you go to other parts of a country, and this is not just in the UK but any other country in the world, where there is abject poverty and no hope or aspiration, particularly for young people who have been hit hardest by this crisis.

I think what needed to happen after the 2008 crash, was a fundamental rethink of global capitalism. It has caused huge divisions in society and this idea that we should let the markets go unregulated and that government must not interfere with the 'wealth creators' has clearly failed.

We should have had a complete change in the way our financial system operated and that was a golden opportunity.

That opportunity has been totally wasted - it seems like governments and particularly organisations like the EU have decided its business as usual, we see draconian austerity measures being imposed on country after country, the same old right-wing, 'shock therapy', swingeing cuts to vital public services that has led to total stagnation and lack of growth.
Crikey 4 pages.

I'm all for incentivising wealth creation and having a competitive tax system but I find the gross economic inequality that we have in today's society immoral. We have people queuing up at food banks just to be fed, we have people struggling to meet the costs of their heating bills and children being raised in abject poverty. In the UK, income inequality is higher than it ever has been in the last 30 years -

On the other end of the income scale, we see executives in the City of London whose pay has almost doubled, and people who are profiting out of this grinding recession.

Now I don't mind inequality of outcomes - we are all different and have different abilities.

But what I cannot abide is inequality of opportunity - we live in a society where one has to live in certain parts of a country, has to attend a select group of schools/universities and live in a few wealthy families in order to have a stable job and have a decent wage. Then you go to other parts of a country, and this is not just in the UK but any other country in the world, where there is abject poverty and no hope or aspiration, particularly for young people who have been hit hardest by this crisis.

I think what needed to happen after the 2008 crash, was a fundamental rethink of global capitalism. It has caused huge divisions in society and this idea that we should let the markets go unregulated and that government must not interfere with the 'wealth creators' has clearly failed.

We should have had a complete change in the way our financial system operated and that was a golden opportunity.

That opportunity has been totally wasted - it seems like governments and particularly organisations like the EU have decided its business as usual, we see draconian austerity measures being imposed on country after country, the same old right-wing, 'shock therapy', swingeing cuts to vital public services that has led to total stagnation and lack of growth.

Actually i have more and also books and documentaries as well but i thought this would be enough
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">These are Asia’s richest families <a href=""></a></p>— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) <a href="">November 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">$1 trillion richer: How US billionaires won, even during pandemic <a href=""></a> via <a href="">@TOIWorld</a> <a href=""></a></p>— The Times Of India (@timesofindia) <a href="">November 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Bill and Melinda Gates divorce after 27 years of marriage

Bill and Melinda Gates have announced their divorce after 27 years of marriage, saying "we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple".

"After a great deal of thought and a lot of work on our relationship, we have made the decision to end our marriage," the pair tweeted.

They first met in the 1980s when Melinda joined Bill's Microsoft firm.

The billionaire couple have three children and jointly run the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The organisation has spent billions fighting causes such as infectious diseases and encouraging vaccinations in children.

The Gates - along with investor Warren Buffett - are behind the Giving Pledge, which calls on billionaires to commit to giving away the majority of their wealth to good causes.

Bill Gates is the fourth wealthiest person in the world, according to Forbes, and is worth $124bn (£89bn).

He made his money through the firm he co-founded in the 1970s, Microsoft, the world's biggest software company.

The pair both posted the statement announcing their divorce on Twitter.

"Over the last 27 years, we have raised three incredible children and built a foundation that works all over the world to enable all people to lead healthy, productive lives," it read.

"We continue to share a belief in that mission and will continue our work together at the foundation, but we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in the next phase of our lives.

"We ask for space and privacy for our family as we begin to navigate this new life."

How did they get together?
Melinda, now 56, joined Microsoft as a product manager in 1987, and the two sat together at a business dinner that year in New York.

They began dating, but as Bill told a Netflix documentary: "We cared a lot for each other and there were only two possibilities: either, we were going to break up or we were going to get married."

Melinda said she found Bill - methodical it seems even in matters of the heart - writing a list on a whiteboard with the "pros and the cons of getting married".

They got married in 1994 on the Hawaiian island of Lanai, reportedly hiring up all the local helicopters to stop unwanted guests flying over.

Bill, 65, stepped down from Microsoft's board last year to focus on his philanthropic activities.

What is the Gates Foundation?
The couple established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000 in Seattle
The foundation focuses primarily on public health, education and climate change
Its grants included some $1.75bn to vaccine initiatives and research during the Covid-19 pandemic
In 2019, the foundation had net assets of more than $43bn
Bill and Melinda Gates pumped more than $36bn into the foundation between 1994 and 2018

What role did Melinda play in their campaigning?
"Bill and I are equal partners," she told the Associated Press in an interview in 2019. "Men and women should be equal at work."

In her recent memoir The Moment of Lift, she wrote about her childhood, life and private struggles as the wife of a famous figure and and stay-at-home mother with three kids.

Working together at the Foundation had made their relationship better, she argued. "He's had to learn how to be an equal, and I've had to learn how to step up and be an equal," she wrote.

Apart from her work with the Foundation she founded Pivotal Ventures, an investment company focused on women and families, in 2015.

"The world is finally waking up to the fact that none of us can move forward when half of us are held back," she said at the time. "The data is clear: empowered women transform societies."
Pioneer, one of the most influential in modern India, a true patriot and a legend. There will be none like Mr.Tata.
RIP and Om Shanti.
Wow sad to know , was active until the end. I started my career with one of the tata companies they sucked but I understand why they did , irrespective he was a great man.
The Titan of Indian industry has left.

Listed Tata companies have a market cap in excess of $400bn.

Their Housing, Real Estate, Insurance, Asset management, Defence equipment, Auto components online marketplace etc companies are still unlisted.

Ratan Tata privately held only around 1 per cent of the holding company but through trusts he controlled 66 per cent of the holding company.

His decision to buy companies like Tetley Daewoo Corus Jaguar was seen as path breaking for Indian industry.

At the time of his death Ratan Tata presided over an empire larger than Ambani and Adani put together. But like his predecessors he decided to give his holdings to tata charitable trusts.

Om Shanti
RIP! I wish he was conferred the Bharat Ratna while he was alive.

Certainly an Indian hero.
End of an era.

Om Shanti Ratan ji.
This feels too personal. You are a legend, an icon and billion Bharatiyas look up to you today with the utmost respect.
Om Shanti!

Very sad news, Ratan Tata is a true pioneer and someone every Indian should look up to on what a real patriot looks like.

May he rest in peace.
Wow sad to know , was active until the end. I started my career with one of the tata companies they sucked but I understand why they did , irrespective he was a great man.

I was in the same boat but now I realise whatever I am today one of the reasons was my stint in TCS, granted at that time it was stressful/disgusting.

These companies give livelihood to millions of people and if you are hard working and talented enough they give you the opportunity to succeed in life later on.
I was in the same boat but now I realise whatever I am today one of the reasons was my stint in TCS, granted at that time it was stressful/disgusting.

These companies give livelihood to millions of people and if you are hard working and talented enough they give you the opportunity to succeed in life later on.
Same here.
For some reason the news just hits at a personal level. A person I truly admired, Om Shanti.
Ratan Tata had been awarded following National Honours

1.Medal of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

2. Knight commander of the British Empire

3. Grand Officer of Order of Merit of the
Italian Republic

4. Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun

5. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire

6. Commander of the Legion of Honour

7. Officer of the Order of Australia

8. Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan

Considering he wasn't a Head of State, the list is quite impressive.