World´s 100 richest people


Tape Ball Captain
Jun 23, 2012
The world’s 100 richest people earned a stunning total of $240 billion in 2012 – enough money to end extreme poverty worldwide four times over, Oxfam has revealed, adding that the global economic crisis is further enriching the super-rich.

“The richest 1 percent has increased its income by 60 percent in the last 20 years with the financial crisis accelerating rather than slowing the process,” while the income of the top 0.01 percent has seen even greater growth, a new Oxfam report said.

For example, the luxury goods market has seen double-digit growth every year since the crisis hit, the report stated. And while the world’s 100 richest people earned $240 billion last year, people in ”extreme poverty” lived on less than $1.25 a day.

Oxfam is a leading international philanthropy organization. Its new report, ‘The Cost of Inequality: How Wealth and Income Extremes Hurt us All,’ argues that the extreme concentration of wealth actually hinders the world’s ability to reduce poverty.

The report was published before the World Economic Forum in Davos next week, and calls on world leaders to “end extreme wealth by 2025, and reverse the rapid increase in inequality seen in the majority of countries in the last 20 years.”

Oxfam’s report argues that extreme wealth is unethical, economically inefficient, politically corrosive, socially divisive and environmentally destructive.

The report proposes a new global deal to world leaders to curb extreme poverty to 1990s levels by:

- closing tax havens, yielding $189bn in additional tax revenues

- reversing regressive forms of taxation

- introducing a global minimum corporation tax rate

- boosting wages proportional to capital returns

- increasing investment in free public services

The problem is a global one, Oxfam said: ”In the UK inequality is rapidly returning to levels not seen since the time of Charles Dickens. In China the top 10 percent now take home nearly 60 percent of the income. Chinese inequality levels are now similar to those in South Africa, which is now the most unequal country on Earth and significantly more [inequality] than at the end of apartheid.”

In the US, the richest 1 percent’s share of income has doubled since 1980 from 10 to 20 percent, according to the report. For the top 0.01 percent, their share of national income quadrupled, reaching levels never seen before.

“We can no longer pretend that the creation of wealth for a few will inevitably benefit the many – too often the reverse is true,” Executive Director of Oxfam International Jeremy Hobbs said.

Hobbs explained that concentration of wealth in the hands of the top few minimizes economic activity, making it harder for others to participate: “From tax havens to weak employment laws, the richest benefit from a global economic system which is rigged in their favor.”

The report highlights that even politics has become controlled by the super-wealthy, which leads to policies“benefitting the richest few and not the poor majority, even in democracies.”

“It is time our leaders reformed the system so that it works in the interests of the whole of humanity rather than a global elite,” the report said.

The four-day World Economic Forum will be held in Davos starting next Wednesday. World financial leaders will gather for an annual meeting that will focus on reviving the global economy, the eurozone crisis and the conflicts in Syria and Mali.

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One of the Canadian banks , RBC is now starting to replace their permanent Canadian workers with temporary Indian workers ! A win win situation for the bank , their contracts can be renewed or terminated as required , not as many liabilities because they are not Canadian workers , they will work for less money .

This is a bank that makes billions of dollars in every quarter .

When financial crisis hits this bank , they might as well ask India to give them a bail out loan . I would rather watch my tax money get burned .

Sorry about the rant but had to get this off my chest . No wonder the bigwigs make that much .
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One of the Canadian banks , RBC is now starting to replace their permanent Canadian workers with temporary Indian workers ! A win win situation for the bank , their contracts can be renewed or terminated as required , not as many liabilities because they are not Canadian workers , they will work for less money .

This is a bank that makes billions of dollars in every quarter .

When financial crisis hits this bank , they might as well ask India to give them a bail out loan . I would rather watch my tax money get burned .

Sorry about the rant but had to get this off my chest . No wonder the bigwigs make that much .

I know how you feel bro. We are all slaves. Our children are being trained to be slaves to this system. If it was islamically allowed, I swear by Allah I would have commited suicide by now. Even if I had a choice, i would never marry so that i can never have children who will curse me one day for leaving them in this world.

Khair my rant is over as well.
Please this a plea to all members of PakPassion. Do your Research on a RESOURCE BASED ECONOMIC SYSTEM and THE VENUS PROJECT.
and also spread the message. the more people know, the better chance we have to beat this system. And God only helps those who help themselves
Also for those members living in America.
Take out you $1 note and read everything that is written on it. You will find the words "legal tender" on it. This means that it is not backed by silver/gold or anything of value. It is worthless paper which is manipulated by CENTRAL BANK to serve the interests of the Top 1%
We should look to hold majority of our savings in gold and silver bullion.
Last year I remember reading another such article that said the richest 200 people in the world hold more wealth than the poorest 2 Bilion people combine.
There is a notion that the ACTUAL richest people in the world are not publicly known. For them, these Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, Warren Bufffet, Ambani etc are like street beggars.
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The American Nightmare

“American Dream”: Food loaded into Dumpsters while Hundreds of Hungry Americans Restrained by Police

Hundreds of poor people waiting outside of a closed grocery store for the possibility of getting the remaining food is not the picture of the “American Dream.” Yet on March 23, outside the Laney Walker Supermarket in Augusta, Ga., that is exactly what happened.

Residents filled the parking lot with bags and baskets hoping to get some of the baby food, canned goods, noodles and other non-perishables. But a local church never came to pick up the food, as the storeowner prior to the eviction said they had arranged. By the time the people showed up for the food, what was left inside the premises—as with any eviction—came into the ownership of the property holder, SunTrust Bank.

The bank ordered the food to be loaded into dumpsters and hauled to a landfill instead of distributed. The people that gathered had to be restrained by police as they saw perfectly good food destroyed. Local Sheriff Richard Roundtree told the news “a potential for a riot was extremely high.”

“People got children out here that are hungry, thirsty,” local resident Robertstine Lambert told Fox54 in Augusta. “Why throw it away when you could be issuing it out?”

SunTrust bank is trying to confuse the issue and not take direct responsibility for their actions. Their media relations officer Mike McCoy, stated, “We are working with store suppliers as well as law enforcement to dispose of the remaining contents of the store and secure the building.” Yet he also said that the food never belonged to SunTrust Bank.

There is no need to sugar coat what happened. Teresa Russell, chief deputy of the Marshal’s Office in Richmond County, said the owner of the building ordered that the food be taken to the landfill. Some people even followed the truck to the landfill and were still turned away.

In Richmond County, there are about 20 evictions per day, and the area surrounding the supermarket is one of the poorest in the state. According to the last available data, the poverty rate is 41 percent. Many people in that parking lot probably knew all too well how evictions work, and were in desperate need of the food assistance.

This story is not some bizarre exception. It reeks of the truth of capitalism and is strikingly similar to the H&M scandal that broke in 2010 when clothes were being shredded before being thrown away, so as to make sure the value of the merchandise was unaffected.

In a capitalist society, the motive behind the production of food is not to feed people, housing is not made to give them shelter, clothing is not made to keep them warm, and health care is not offered primarily to keep people healthy. All of these things, which are and should be viewed as basic rights, are nothing other than commodities—to be bought and sold—from which to make a profit. If a profit cannot be made, usually due to overproduction in relation to the market, the commodity is considered useless by the capitalist and destroyed.

In this case, it appears the bank simply did not care. For the banks that have made their profits through evictions and foreclosures, it is little surprise that they showed no remorse in leaving people staring in disbelief, with empty bags, as they watched the food that could be feeding their families dumped into a landfill instead

Last year I remember reading another such article that said the richest 200 people in the world hold more wealth than the poorest 2 Bilion people combine.
There is a notion that the ACTUAL richest people in the world are not publicly known. For them, these Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, Warren Bufffet, Ambani etc are like street beggars.

This is correct. the true big boys are the Rockefellers and the Rothschild dynasties and some others. the Rothschild dynasty alone combined worth is ~600 Billion+ atleast
I know how you feel bro. We are all slaves. Our children are being trained to be slaves to this system. If it was islamically allowed, I swear by Allah I would have commited suicide by now. Even if I had a choice, i would never marry so that i can never have children who will curse me one day for leaving them in this world.

Khair my rant is over as well.
Please this a plea to all members of PakPassion. Do your Research on a RESOURCE BASED ECONOMIC SYSTEM and THE VENUS PROJECT.
and also spread the message. the more people know, the better chance we have to beat this system. And God only helps those who help themselves

Having lot of money doesn't mean you have peace of mind. Doesn't matter how cheesy it sounds like but this is indeed the truth. Greedy person will never be happy even after way too much money. The reason why they still want to keep making money despite having so much because they are never satisfied!

I think the current system still allows you to live happy and satisfied life if you work hard enough and use your skill! Just because banks never gets poor or riches gets richer shouldn't make anyone suicidal. Lol you have high speed internet and computer and many humans don't even have that.
Our need for sense of Unity

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, yet more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life not life to years. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We’ve done larger things, but not better things.

We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We’ve conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We’ve learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; big men and small character; steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce; fancier houses but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.

Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember to say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent.

Remember to say “I love you” to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.
Dr Morehead



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80% of the world still lives below the poverty line, it's a complicated question do you give the public more access to the recources which might stunt the development or do you sacrifice distributiion for the sake of faster rate of growth, there has yet to be a successful solution to this issue.
Having lot of money doesn't mean you have peace of mind. Doesn't matter how cheesy it sounds like but this is indeed the truth. Greedy person will never be happy even after way too much money. The reason why they still want to keep making money despite having so much because they are never satisfied!

I think the current system still allows you to live happy and satisfied life if you work hard enough and use your skill! Just because banks never gets poor or riches gets richer shouldn't make anyone suicidal. Lol you have high speed internet and computer and many humans don't even have that.

work hard enough for who? 3 months out of 12 you only work to pay your income tax. The same tax which is used to fund these banks.
Funny thing is you could give a poor man a million dollars and he would be penniless in a years time and you could take everything off a millionaire and a year later he will have another million dollars.

Sometimes people are just what they are.
that is because the millionaire has knowledge capital, which he can use to make a million again. the jews had this capital that is why they rebuilt after the WW2.
Funny thing is you could give a poor man a million dollars and he would be penniless in a years time and you could take everything off a millionaire and a year later he will have another million dollars.

Sometimes people are just what they are.

Thanks for proving that you have no idea about economics, remind me not to take you seriously again
Funny thing is you could give a poor man a million dollars and he would be penniless in a years time and you could take everything off a millionaire and a year later he will have another million dollars.

Sometimes people are just what they are.

but that poor man never had an education. he never had clean water or books or a house. what else do you expect from him? If a poor child and a wealthy child get the same education what do you think will happen? will the poor child still throw away 1 million dollars in a year
work hard enough for who? 3 months out of 12 you only work to pay your income tax. The same tax which is used to fund these banks.

Honestly, it's still enough to live happily. Family of 4 can live happily with making combined income of $ 80,000 in high tax charging countries.
but that poor man never had an education. he never had clean water or books or a house. what else do you expect from him? If a poor child and a wealthy child get the same education what do you think will happen? will the poor child still throw away 1 million dollars in a year

Well sometimes its the person from a rich family that becomes penniless and its a person without education that finds it easy to make money. I dont think you can equate a persons ability to make money simply on thier education.

Thanks for sharing this! I like Dr. Hans Rosling. Also attended one of his lectures. But if you read more into his work you will realize that he does a brilliant job of corelating economy,health,social order etc but he doesnot include politics into his discussions. If you add current global politics to what Hans Rosling said an evenbigger picture of the world can be achieved
Well sometimes its the person from a rich family that becomes penniless and its a person without education that finds it easy to make money. I dont think you can equate a persons ability to make money simply on thier education.

See you used the word sometimes.

Education is very important. But also important are factors like security, law and order, availability of food, electricity, internet short all the things you and I have but those starving children in ethiopia dont
Honestly, it's still enough to live happily. Family of 4 can live happily with making combined income of $ 80,000 in high tax charging countries.

We all can have our own views. that is good.
But why do you not find it wrong and why doesnt it make you angry that for 3 months you work only so that this 1% elite can get richer?
that is because the millionaire has knowledge capital, which he can use to make a million again. the jews had this capital that is why they rebuilt after the WW2.

If you cant have empathy for fellow humans then that knowledge is worth nothing IMO
Thanks for sharing this! I like Dr. Hans Rosling. Also attended one of his lectures. But if you read more into his work you will realize that he does a brilliant job of corelating economy,health,social order etc but he doesnot include politics into his discussions. If you add current global politics to what Hans Rosling said an evenbigger picture of the world can be achieved

Despite lots of corruption, ups and down in politics, we are still doing better. But I do agree that politics do play a role in rate of countries' improvement. ie. Japan. Their hard work and skill have shown how to improve country's condition in less time.
See you used the word sometimes.

Education is very important. But also important are factors like security, law and order, availability of food, electricity, internet short all the things you and I have but those starving children in ethiopia dont

When I was in school we used to raise money for people starving in Ethiopia, 30+ years later people are still starving in Ethiopia.

I went to Africa (Zambia and Botswana) and found that there is a difference in what people want from life, I cannot make people want what I want from life and they cannot make me want what they want from life.
We all can have our own views. that is good.
But why do you not find it wrong and why doesnt it make you angry that for 3 months you work only so that this 1% elite can get richer?

It does make me angry. Banks/Stock market world will never be poorer. But when few chunks of my tax money is involved in helping more unfortunate than me, I let it go! Let rich gets richer, but many poor are getting help, who may not have gotten help if ppl weren't taxed enough.
80% of the world still lives below the poverty line, it's a complicated question do you give the public more access to the recources which might stunt the development or do you sacrifice distributiion for the sake of faster rate of growth, there has yet to be a successful solution to this issue.

Well there are many different solutions which can be thought by any of us. All of them valid and worth discussing.

I think the system has to be changed. Our economy is based on paper. We should move towards a Resource based economy where we can live clean,healthy,green and technologically advanced lives.

Think about it. How many people work in the finance sector,and politicians. What do they contribute to society? their work is based on moving imaginary money which is then printed so it can be circulated in the system and hidind this from us. Real resources are doctors, engineers, architects, labourers, garbagemen etc. They contribute to the benefit of society unlike the wall street crowd or the Capitol crowd.
Also consider how robots can replace humans to do almost every task within 10-20 years. which will mean more robots and less jobs(naturally) under this system so I believe this system is bound to fail. the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer

In a resource based economy there are no jobs or money. robots do all the work. while humans make the real contribution to society what we are meant to do. to think to explore, to wonder etc The important things. There is a LABOUR TAX instead of INCOME TAX where for each service you are provided you pay your dues in form of labour in whatever field you are interested in.

Also consider our energy sector. We rely on depleting non-renewable sources like oil etc. Why cant we use solar, wind, tidal and geothermal energy?
If anyone tells you that solar or geothermal is not practical consider this. In 1902 wright brothers flew. In 2010 we sent curiousity to mars. this is the pace of human development. why arent renewable sources of energy developed like other things? i mean solar power technology is basically the same it was 20 years ago. why?
because the energy companies (shell bp exxon etc) have a stake in this to deliberatly hinder research into renewables.
DID YOU KNOW THAT THE EARTH CONTAINS ENOUGH GEOTHERMAL ENERGY TO POWER US (AT OUR CURRENT RATE OF USE OF ENERGY) FOR more than 2000 years....and we still have the sun, the wind and the tides to use for energy as well.
When I was in school we used to raise money for people starving in Ethiopia, 30+ years later people are still starving in Ethiopia.

I went to Africa (Zambia and Botswana) and found that there is a difference in what people want from life, I cannot make people want what I want from life and they cannot make me want what they want from life.

How did you know that THAT money ended in ethiopia to feed the kids. What if it went to politicians pockets? Most of aid west gives Pakistan goes to politicians pockets while 25% of people are in poverty
It does make me angry. Banks/Stock market world will never be poorer. But when few chunks of my tax money is involved in helping more unfortunate than me, I let it go! Let rich gets richer, but many poor are getting help, who may not have gotten help if ppl weren't taxed enough.

actually most of your tax goes into wars and banks. almost none is used to help other people
actually most of your tax goes into wars and banks. almost none is used to help other people

Most of my taxes go into building roads, hospitals, education, welfare and infrastructure. Very little goes into defence spending.

I pay my taxes in Australia so I'm not sure what country you are refering to.
How do you know that the kids in Ethiopia are starving?.

Because while i was living in saudi Arabia i met ethiopians, eritreans and somalians. and i asked them about their countries situations. And also when i see pictures like these


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Well there are many different solutions which can be thought by any of us. All of them valid and worth discussing.

I think the system has to be changed. Our economy is based on paper. We should move towards a Resource based economy where we can live clean,healthy,green and technologically advanced lives.

Think about it. How many people work in the finance sector,and politicians. What do they contribute to society? their work is based on moving imaginary money which is then printed so it can be circulated in the system and hidind this from us. Real resources are doctors, engineers, architects, labourers, garbagemen etc. They contribute to the benefit of society unlike the wall street crowd or the Capitol crowd.
Also consider how robots can replace humans to do almost every task within 10-20 years. which will mean more robots and less jobs(naturally) under this system so I believe this system is bound to fail. the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer

In a resource based economy there are no jobs or money. robots do all the work. while humans make the real contribution to society what we are meant to do. to think to explore, to wonder etc The important things. There is a LABOUR TAX instead of INCOME TAX where for each service you are provided you pay your dues in form of labour in whatever field you are interested in.

Also consider our energy sector. We rely on depleting non-renewable sources like oil etc. Why cant we use solar, wind, tidal and geothermal energy?
If anyone tells you that solar or geothermal is not practical consider this. In 1902 wright brothers flew. In 2010 we sent curiousity to mars. this is the pace of human development. why arent renewable sources of energy developed like other things? i mean solar power technology is basically the same it was 20 years ago. why?
because the energy companies (shell bp exxon etc) have a stake in this to deliberatly hinder research into renewables.
DID YOU KNOW THAT THE EARTH CONTAINS ENOUGH GEOTHERMAL ENERGY TO POWER US (AT OUR CURRENT RATE OF USE OF ENERGY) FOR more than 2000 years....and we still have the sun, the wind and the tides to use for energy as well.

There are lot of factors at work here, politics and MNCs are interconnected than ever, most of the government/world policies will be working together, any policies which might put the larger MNCs out of business will never see the light of day, if the MNCs are to be convinced and the policy is to go through it will take a long time for them to invest in R&D and restructure the system which will cost a lot and even then the future will still be somewhat uncertain for the corporation.

Agree energy renewal is far off the charts currently, MNCs have too much wealth and power to be swayed.
There are lot of factors at work here, politics and MNCs are interconnected than ever, most of the government/world policies will be working together, any policies which might put the larger MNCs out of business will never see the light of day, if the MNCs are to be convinced and the policy is to go through it will take a long time for them to invest in R&D and restructure the system which will cost a lot and even then the future will still be somewhat uncertain for the corporation.

Agree energy renewal is far off the charts currently, MNCs have too much wealth and power to be swayed.

Yep that is why we have to raise awareness of this issue. it might not happen in our lifetime but still we have to change or attempt to change. If every human on earth knew the reality of world we live in what power will politicians and bankers have? will they kill us all?

I dont think we can find solutions within this system and economy
Because while i was living in saudi Arabia i met ethiopians, eritreans and somalians. and i asked them about their countries situations. And also when i see pictures like these

So how do you see a change being made to stop these people from starving, not just a solution cthat gives them a meal for the next week but a solution that enables these people to put food on the table everyday.
So how do you see a change being made to stop these people from starving, not just a solution cthat gives them a meal for the next week but a solution that enables these people to put food on the table everyday.
Create awareness in people
actually most of your tax goes into wars and banks. almost none is used to help other people

I live in Canada, one of the highest tax paying country. Most of our tax money goes to Social Services, Law and Order and Health.

Most people go in debt because of over spending, not because of banks or really high interest. I still think hard workers and skillful ppl here can live easily with $80,000 per annum for 4 ppl. So, imagine with at least 2 ppl in the house making $80,000. That's more than enough to live and have a proper saving for the future. I am not denying that Banks/stock market loses money and there is a leech system involved, but eventually one has to work hard to make a living. No Job, no honey.
One of the Canadian banks , RBC is now starting to replace their permanent Canadian workers with temporary Indian workers ! A win win situation for the bank , their contracts can be renewed or terminated as required , not as many liabilities because they are not Canadian workers , they will work for less money .

This is a bank that makes billions of dollars in every quarter .

When financial crisis hits this bank , they might as well ask India to give them a bail out loan . I would rather watch my tax money get burned .

Sorry about the rant but had to get this off my chest . No wonder the bigwigs make that much .
Harper's temporary wokers and immigration policies are taking Canada to a disaster. Half a million people are invited to Canada every year. God knows how they find work. The Canadian youth is hungry for work and on top of that the idiot brings in half a million people. Just last month we lost 55,000 jobs. The RBC saga isn't surprising, look what happened in the BC mine dilemma. The crime minister Harper needs to be booted out of the office in 2015.

It should be a criminal offense for a company to outsource its jobs outside of the country. If the current trend continues the wage and life quality will go down.
Random thoughts

@ Cricketworm
Is what you propose practical for every human in the world?


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Create awareness in people

People were aware 30 years ago that people were starving in Ethiopia, they are still starving so making people aware wont solve the problem.

Have you got any solutions to the problem of people starving so that they can put meals on the table.
People were aware 30 years ago that people were starving in Ethiopia, they are still starving so making people aware wont solve the problem.

Have you got any solutions to the problem of people starving so that they can put meals on the table.

look bro. we differ on everything. my point is to provide you with evidence. you are not understanding what i am trying to tell you
amateurdentist you're really not making a point at all.

Raising awareness will not end poverty, poverty will always exist in Africa because of the amount of exploitation by imperialists during the colonial years and (importantly) the extremely harsh weather conditions and rough terrain.

Education is the only thing that can help fight poverty.

Saudi Arabia has enough money to feed whole Africa and each and every single Muslim majority countries. They can pull them out of poverty just like that! If they don't want to help then how do you expect so called West of different ideology to help the world?
amateurdentist you're really not making a point at all.

Raising awareness will not end poverty, poverty will always exist in Africa because of the amount of exploitation by imperialists during the colonial years and (importantly) the extremely harsh weather conditions and rough terrain.

Education is the only thing that can help fight poverty.

What is the point of raising awareness?
Read through this thread please

If you read through it you will realize the power of awareness. Most people didnot know that majority of koreans want to unify there two countries. they didnot know that america is playing the same game in korea as it is in the middle east. More awareness gives you a better perspective of the world and clearer picture. You can now think up solutions yourself. If I dont make sense to you ignore me. I can only try to explain what i know and think is happening the best way my limited mind can think(same as you). rest assured i put every effort to make my point

The state of current human education system is beyond pathetic

Saudi Arabia has enough money to feed whole Africa and each and every single Muslim majority countries. They can pull them out of poverty just like that! If they don't want to help then how do you expect so called West of different ideology to help the world?

Please read about the relationship between saudi arabia and the united states. I dont know if you know but Saudia has alot of oil. Oil means $$ and $$ always corrupts
Please read about the relationship between saudi arabia and the united states. I dont know if you know but Saudia has alot of oil. Oil means $$ and $$ always corrupts

First you want to see all the money more evenly spread around and then you say that it corrupts. Power or control over people leads to corruption more effectively than money. Take any religious group and how they can use power to corrupt people more effectively than money ever will.

Putting all the worlds woes into one basket and then blaming that on the US and rich people seems more like a snow job.
First you want to see all the money more evenly spread around and then you say that it corrupts. Power or control over people leads to corruption more effectively than money. Take any religious group and how they can use power to corrupt people more effectively than money ever will.

Putting all the worlds woes into one basket and then blaming that on the US and rich people seems more like a snow job.

read this which i posted on this very thread a few hours ago.

Well there are many different solutions which can be thought by any of us. All of them valid and worth discussing.

I think the system has to be changed. Our economy is based on paper. We should move towards a Resource based economy where we can live clean,healthy,green and technologically advanced lives.

Think about it. How many people work in the finance sector,and politicians. What do they contribute to society? their work is based on moving imaginary money which is then printed so it can be circulated in the system and hidind this from us. Real resources are doctors, engineers, architects, labourers, garbagemen etc. They contribute to the benefit of society unlike the wall street crowd or the Capitol crowd.
Also consider how robots can replace humans to do almost every task within 10-20 years. which will mean more robots and less jobs(naturally) under this system so I believe this system is bound to fail. the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer

In a resource based economy there are no jobs or money. robots do all the work. while humans make the real contribution to society what we are meant to do. to think to explore, to wonder etc The important things. There is a LABOUR TAX instead of INCOME TAX where for each service you are provided you pay your dues in form of labour in whatever field you are interested in.

Also consider our energy sector. We rely on depleting non-renewable sources like oil etc. Why cant we use solar, wind, tidal and geothermal energy?
If anyone tells you that solar or geothermal is not practical consider this. In 1902 wright brothers flew. In 2010 we sent curiousity to mars. this is the pace of human development. why arent renewable sources of energy developed like other things? i mean solar power technology is basically the same it was 20 years ago. why?
because the energy companies (shell bp exxon etc) have a stake in this to deliberatly hinder research into renewables.
DID YOU KNOW THAT THE EARTH CONTAINS ENOUGH GEOTHERMAL ENERGY TO POWER US (AT OUR CURRENT RATE OF USE OF ENERGY) FOR more than 2000 years....and we still have the sun, the wind and the tides to use for energy as well.
Please read about the relationship between saudi arabia and the united states. I dont know if you know but Saudia has alot of oil. Oil means $$ and $$ always corrupts

$ also means food on the table.

Then what's the point of blaming everything on US? Everyone is involved. Everyone is selfish. No one has remorse. Religion love is fake! Good people are good people regardless of race, culture or religion. So, let's not get sucked into 'OMG Zionist are after Islam' Well, you will see same religion ppl have their own agenda against their own ppl. Directly or indirectly. Everyone is involved in leech system. Many african countries' presidents live in a mansion! So, how about a realistic solution to this = work hard and stand up by yourself and for your family. <-- and this is most are doing and happy.
I did read that post and found it to be totally out of touch with what is reality.

Take this for instance
why arent renewable sources of energy developed like other things? i mean solar power technology is basically the same it was 20 years ago. why?
I have a 4.8kw system on my roof supplying me with about 2/3's of my power. I actually work in the power generation industry and we now produce wind and solar power that has reduced our reliance on fossil fuels by at least 30%.

Solar power has come along in leaps and bounds in the last 20 years along with wind power. With all the reseach you are doing find out a little bit more about who is using solar and wind energy.
amateurdentist you're really not making a point at all.

Raising awareness will not end poverty, poverty will always exist in Africa because of the amount of exploitation by imperialists during the colonial years and (importantly) the extremely harsh weather conditions and rough terrain.

Education is the only thing that can help fight poverty.

Egyptian civilization? Carthage? Ghana, Mali Songhai empires? Kingdom of Zimbabwe? The Muslim civilizations of swahili coast? mamluke empire? Kingdom of Abbysinia? Axum?
Also consider how robots can replace humans to do almost every task within 10-20 years. which will mean more robots and less jobs(naturally) under this system so I believe this system is bound to fail. the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer

Only 20 years ago computers were going to put us all out of jobs, funny how panic can lead to nothing.
I did read that post and found it to be totally out of touch with what is reality.

Take this for instance I have a 4.8kw system on my roof supplying me with about 2/3's of my power. I actually work in the power generation industry and we now produce wind and solar power that has reduced our reliance on fossil fuels by at least 30%.

Solar power has come along in leaps and bounds in the last 20 years along with wind power. With all the reseach you are doing find out a little bit more about who is using solar and wind energy.

Yeah I also have solar panels on my roof as well. But my neighbor doesnt because he cant afford it
@ CW and Gilly

Yes you are right and i am wrong. I will explore the avenues you two have presented me. You do the same for my views.
Meanwhile if you go through the thread you will notice that I have posted the SAME thing AGAIN and AGAIN because you dont read.
Well then why dont you buy them for him or give him half of yours.

Because I am a 23 year old guy who just graduated from university and has no idea what the hell is happening around me.

(The first part of the above is actually true)
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Because I am a 23 year old guy who just graduated from university and has no idea what the hell is happening around me.

(The first part is actually true)

You are young and I guess you need to push a few boundries to feel comfortable where you sit. My only suggestion is that if you look for bad things in this world there is no doubt you will find them and it will depress you. But if you look for good things in this world you will also find them and they make you feel good, whatever you look for you will find and that is the feeling you will take with you.

Do not worry about the things you cannot change and change the things you can.
bad things.. you have to understand what bad things are. Its sorting out body parts of victims of bomb attacks. Its trying to tell a grieving mother why her son died because Pakistan Government doesnt give a damn. It seeing your sister escape a terrorist attack by chace( I always thank Allah for this. Indeed he is most merciful)
What is YOUR opinion about this?


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Starve the system not fellow slaves

50 Ways to Starve the Beast

Coz its too long i wont bother posting it here

Grow your own food (this starves Big Agri and Big Pharma both)
Shop at local businesses with no corporate ties
Use natural remedies instead of pharmaceuticals whenever possible
Homeschool your children
Walk or bike instead of driving when possible
Get care from naturopaths and healers instead of doctors
Make paper logs from scraps for free heat if you have a wood-burning fireplace or stove
Boycott all processed foods
Shop at local farmer’s markets
Boycott corporate stores: Wal-Mart, Costco, Best Buy, Home Depot
Give vouchers as gifts for an evening of babysitting, a homemade meal, walking the dog, doing a repair, or cleaning
Join a CSA or farm co-op
Ditch television (and all the propaganda and commercials)
Participate in the barter system – if no money changes hands, no tax can be added
Buy secondhand from yard sales, Craigslist and thrift stores
Sell your unwanted goods by having a yard sale or putting an ad on Craigslist
Repair things instead of replacing them
Avoid fast food restaurants and chain restaurants
Dine at locally owned establishments if you eat out
Brew your own beer and wine
Read a book, purchased second-hand or borrowed
Grow or gather medicinal herbs
Give homemade gifts
Attend free local activities: lectures, concerts, play days at the park, library events
Dumpster dive
Play outside: hike, bike, picnic
Mend clothing
Invite someone over for dinner instead of meeting at a restaurant
Throw creative birthday parties at home for your kids instead of renting a venue
Camp instead of staying at a hotel
Bring your coffee with you in a travel mug
Do all of your Christmas shopping with small local businesses and artisans
Reduce your electricity usage with candles, solar power and non-tech entertainment
Drop the thermostat and put on a sweater
Bring your snacks and drinks in a cooler when you go on a road trip
Stay home – it’s way easier to avoid temptation that way
Pack lunches for work and school
Make delicious homemade treats as a hostess gift
Close your bank account or at the very least, strictly limit your balance
Visit u-pick berry patches and orchards, then preserve your harvest for the winter
Use precious metals stored at home as your savings account
Raise backyard chickens for your own eggs
If you are a smoker, roll your own cigarettes – if possible go one step further and grow tobacco
Live in a smaller, more efficient home
Use solar power for lighting or cooking
Collect rainwater for use in the garden
Learn to forage
Buy heavy, solid, handmade furniture instead of the flimsy imported stuff
At the holidays, focus on activities and traditions instead of gifts. Go for a walk or drive through the neighborhood to look at lights, get into your PJs and watch a special movie together on Christmas Eve and make certain treats that can always be expected
Make your own bath and body products using pure ingredients like coconut oil, essential oils, and herbal extracts

Please read. Hopefully we can benefit
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Worlds 100 richest people

I think you're obsessing about this too much for your own good, some stuff are out of yours and my control, this is not an emotional subject, thing are what they are, you need to have faith in human intellect to come through.
I wouldnt be obsessing about this if i didnt think it was important. I feel it is more important that the 8 page Game of thrones thread for example(only my view). And if PP gets tired of me I will go somewhere else. I will try my best to not hurt anyones feelings or offend their beliefs but all humans are prone to error, mistake because we are fallible.

And what is the point of PP? We have people with so many diverse backgrounds. Its a melting pot of cultures. We should leave the wars for the real world and focus on the real issues that affect us all.

In anycase I only have a week or 2 before i start working so you wont have to suffer my sermons for long :yk
The role of POTUS

President obama
And why trivial issues cloud our judgement


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Healthy food combos

we know natural>artificial


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Having lot of money doesn't mean you have peace of mind. Doesn't matter how cheesy it sounds like but this is indeed the truth. Greedy person will never be happy even after way too much money. The reason why they still want to keep making money despite having so much because they are never satisfied!

This is a universal truth as well like the other pics I posted
Living is required to fight, dying is the end of your fight.

Brilliant sir! thankyou!

Religion/Schools/universities teaches children what to think instead of how to think.
Slight modification on my part

Gilly i know you live in australia. I live in pakistan. I have been educated mostly in muslim countries. And in each one of them, the schools and universities they dont tell you how to think.

Ill give an example of my A-level Chemistry. The teacher would come in and start dictating notes and then we would do past papers. We never asked questions because we felt we would be wrong(ego) and embarrassed. Rather then our teacher showing us different chemical processes asking what our opinion was we just memorized the equations. No criticism is accepted by "teachers" even "professors".
Do you remember anything about organic chemistry?
If we are taught how to think we have the potential to be the BEST OF CREATION. If we are taught what to think we can only be dumb and deaf, those without LOGIC
Brilliant sir! thankyou!

Slight modification on my part

Gilly i know you live in australia. I live in pakistan. I have been educated mostly in muslim countries. And in each one of them, the schools and universities they dont tell you how to think.

Ill give an example of my A-level Chemistry. The teacher would come in and start dictating notes and then we would do past papers. We never asked questions because we felt we would be wrong(ego) and embarrassed. Rather then our teacher showing us different chemical processes asking what our opinion was we just memorized the equations. No criticism is accepted by "teachers" even "professors".
Do you remember anything about organic chemistry?
If we are taught how to think we have the potential to be the BEST OF CREATION. If we are taught what to think we can only be dumb and deaf, those without LOGIC

We have completely different backgrounds, I had no option but to finish school when I was 14 and start work repairing shoes. I came from a very poor family but I decided that my children were not going to go through what I had. Self education and a good wife and a lot of hard work has given me a good life.
We have completely different backgrounds, I had no option but to finish school when I was 14 and start work repairing shoes. I came from a very poor family but I decided that my children were not going to go through what I had. Self education and a good wife and a lot of hard work has given me a good life.

You are a very good person. Your story is similar to my uncles and no doubt many of our older relatives we respect :)
50 Ways to Starve the Beast

Coz its too long i wont bother posting it here

Please read. Hopefully we can benefit

That is such a typical left-wing fantasy world list.

Pretty much all of those suggestions require purchasing goods/services from companies that generally won't be based in the local area. The best one is definitely the recommendation to "drive through the neighborhood". Destroying the planet and feeding the large corporations at the same time! Incredible!

As to your point(well non-point really) about solving poverty in Africa, I'll provide you with a real way that poverty can be solved in these countries - Accountability. The people who run these charities know that if they do solve the problems of poverty in these countries then people will stop donating money. Therefore many of these charities waste the money on short-term solutions and paying off the right people so that the problem never goes away therefore they can keep appealing to people to get more donations. If charities were more accountable then they would be forced into putting money into long term projects that will actually improve the lives of those living in the poorest parts of Africa.
Yes exactly bro. Allah has blessed every country with resources.

Look at Pakistan's potential: 180 million people, look at the number of youth
karachi is the 7th largest city in the world and the largest city in the Whole of Muslim world(population wise)
Lahore can be our very own melting pot of civilizations.
Peshawer will always produce more honest and brave men then rest of big cities and always a historical centre of trade and mixing of cultures
Quetta who wouldnot want to live in this beautiful city?
A great river which has produced one of the most advanced civilizations concieved by man.
The uncomparable beauty of gilgit hunza swat and kashmir(on both sides)
The natural resources in our mountains and deserts
and many resources we dont even know we have

Also try imagining this. a peaceful afghanistan friendly with peaceful pakistan. They will need the indus and gwadar/karachi to trade. So will central asia which has so much gas. We can ask afghans to give us some of their huge resources in return :yk in a nice, polite manner ofcourse. IMAGINE PEACEFUL PAKISTAN AND INDIA co-existing side by side like france and germany.
If we just learn about what our country has to gain our "qibla" will be straightened naturally
If only we were feeding Africa instead of robbing its natural resources .

The "lets aim to feed Africa" attitude is the reason that poverty is still a major problem across Africa. We should be aiming to help them feed themselves via better farming equipment, water projects to make more land arable etc.