Abel Reames
- Joined
- Jun 23, 2021
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- 278
It is not innate, we have been socialised that way. In the 70s and 80s, I think the UK was more homophobic than Pakistan, straight men would hold hands as a sign of friendship, you couldn't do that here, nowadays I think Pakistan is more homophobic as UK/West has enacted equal rights, and countries like Pakistan think they don't want Sodom and Gamorrah on their doorsteps.I think most of it is just a sense of masculinity across the board rather than particular environmental factors.
For example we have esteemed Santani posters taking a mocking tone towards homosexuals in Pakistan. This is despite the fact homosexuality is acceptable in their religion and culture and they have literally worshipped gay gods since childhood.
I think most straight men have an innate revulsion towards homosexual acts.
As for masculinity, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Rome had no issues with homosexuality until the advent of Christianity. You can't get more masculine than Sparta where the warriors would partake in pederasty, which still happens in Afghanistan, don't tell me they are not men steeped in masculinity.
I think revulsion is socialised in the same way, I as an agnostic atheist/cultural muslim still cannot eat ham/pork/bacon etc, the look and smell turns my stomach, I mean there is no rational reason for me to not eat pork, but a muslim upbringing where I and my friends were at best conditioned, at worse brainwashed into thinking that the pig was dirty/filthy is the reason why I still feel revulsion.