So let me get this straight: you have a problem with religion, I understand that but the the most evil parts associated with religion, the ones which we have been in disagreement about on this board for a while, are absolutely 100% bound to be kept out of school I can almost guarantee you that. The school is probably teaching your child from a theological and academic standpoint. Information about Jesus, Muhammad, Hindu Dieties, Gurus, etc. with historical background. I am sure its not trying to convert any children. focusing on the aspects of religion such as don't lie, cheat, kill, committ evil deeds because God is watching (yes I know you have a problem with that but at least its going to make your child stay on the straight and narrow)
Now on the other hand, we know we are starting to find out that sexual orientation for some may or may not be as st in stone and it could be fluid. Encouraging them to keep "exploring" or giving them with too much information at such a young age can easily confuse or completely screw up a child's mental state. In our culture, children were not even encouraged to discuss straight sex till certain age like tht, you know it. I don't think I have to tell you that. Whether you approve of that policy or not, I think in the case of the LGBTQ stuff, it just seems too forced and for lack of any decent logical backing.
This is coming from someone who has historically supported the LGBTQ people here on this forum, by the way. But more I read the latest studies on this stuff, I am starting to change my views some.