
I am only scared of a few breeds.

One of them being - Pitbulls

Wouldn't say I am afraid, but I make sure I stand clear of any dog while walking otherwise the napaaki will mean I will have to change clothes in order to pray.
I got chased, bit by dogs when I was 6.

Yes, I rather have a parrot then a dog as pet.
I got chased today while I was out running...I kicked that *******.
Yesterday I was at a buddies house, he has a dog. Everyone decided it would be a good time for me to conquer my fear. It sat on my lap bros. MY LAP.

Not that scary tbh, but I can never get used to an animals presence. Always there... jumping around and running and ****, its crazy.

Legit scared of big dogs though. Oh dear goodness me those things are ferocious, I do say.
Who crosses the road when they see a dog on the same side of pavement :yk
Most dogs are little bishes ... if you act like you're gonna come at them (bro) they get scared and run off. I found out the hard way rotweilers and german shepherds don't react this way :yk
haha snoop dogg.

I just don't understand how people can keep dogs as pets, especially those ugly pitbulls and bulldogs. Why not just keep a wolf as a pet, man?
i hate most dogs too....especially little chiwawas.......they so annoying.........pesky annoying dogs

i'd like keep German/Belgium Shepherd........but NOT as pets............just kinda like to patrol the garden/house

These things are from the devil, as evidenced by the red eyes and heroin addiction.
@kingusama: u know what, pits are actually not that usually depends on how the owners raise them. My friend has one and her dog is the most gentle thing ever!
Isn't Pitbull banned in Canada? I thought it was. Or wait was it Bulldog?
Don't like em at all. Canadians respect them more than their own kids.
I am in general an animal lover :D so I don't mind dogs at all...I actually find that the miniature sized dogs are often a pain in the you know what

I once went to a friend's house for a project, and she had this cute little furry thing...and all of a sudden, that piece of **** tried to bite my finger for NO reason!

(Hate to admit it but I did give the little dog a bit of a kick before I left because I was so pissed of).

I also hate it when owners enjoy the fact that their dogs are licking their faces (after god knows where the dogs have licked themselves) and sometimes, I swear people are just making out with their dogs for the hell of it (I have seen this a bunch of times on the TTC).
I love dogs man.. I had a german shephard and man o man, I used to scare the $h!t of my neighbour kids with that Tiger(his name was actually Tiger) ahhaa
Yeah pitbulls are banned in Ontario.

lol I forgot about the face licking thing, that is some gross business right there. If we have any dog lovers here on PP please explain this horrendous act of germ swapping to the rest of us.

And don't get me started on the level of care and respect some people give their pets (not just dogs)... it's more concern then they'd give starving children in Africa. Africa!
What the hell is wrong with you people? If there is a pet worth having, it is a dog. I used to have a dog when I lived in India, and it was awesome. I even managed to teach it a couple of tricks. It's dead now, but it is definitely the best pet I've ever had (I have goldfish now :45:). In plus, dogs are way better than cats. I genuinely hate those creatures; completely selfish, stubborn, and vicious.
Sorry - don't know much but different kinds of dogs. Why are pitbulls banned in Canada or some parts of it?
What the hell is wrong with you people? If there is a pet worth having, it is a dog. I used to have a dog when I lived in India, and it was awesome. I even managed to teach it a couple of tricks. It's dead now, but it is definitely the best pet I've ever had (I have goldfish now :45:). In plus, dogs are way better than cats. I genuinely hate those creatures; completely selfish, stubborn, and vicious.


Sorry - don't know much but different kinds of dogs. Why are pitbulls banned in Canada or some parts of it?

They're pretty aggressive, I think we had a few incidents where they bit a few people or killed other dogs. I remember on the news a while back there was this guy who left his dog (don't know if it was a pitbull) untied near a convenience store and it just went HAM... bit like 10 people and went home like nothing happened.

:))) @ chaiwala's goldfish. Lettuce not turn this thread into a dogs vs. cats, although I'd prefer cats. All graceful and stuff.
Not to derail my own thread but...




fuuuu I would rather fight a bear with my bare :)fawad) hands then these two!
Sorry - don't know much but different kinds of dogs. Why are pitbulls banned in Canada or some parts of it?

They are pretty aggressive. Happened in Windsor when Pitbull killed this 3 year old girl. So they banned it after that.
I had a hamster when I was kid, I don't know why. Pretty disgusting.
What the hell is wrong with you people? If there is a pet worth having, it is a dog. I used to have a dog when I lived in India, and it was awesome. I even managed to teach it a couple of tricks. It's dead now, but it is definitely the best pet I've ever had (I have goldfish now :45:). In plus, dogs are way better than cats. I genuinely hate those creatures; completely selfish, stubborn, and vicious.

:)) dogs >>>>>> cats from personal experience. I also owned a dog back in Pak but my grandma got it killed (because it was destroying her garden) by asking the kachra wala to slip the dog some poisoned luddoos when I was at school one day :(

And he was a really faithful dog! He would run after the school bus whenever I left for school. LOL at the fish....even a hamster would be better. Why don't you get another dog?
This thread reminds me of this awesome dog video I saw recently

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Why don't you get another dog?

I'm a college student right now, so I don't really have time to take care of a dog. So, I got fish due to their low maintenance. Once I settle down, I'll probably get a dog! Can't wait! :hamster:
This thread reminds me of this awesome dog video I saw recently

awesome! wish I had "talking" pets. I personally love this video:

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I actually love parrots...only pet worth having.

I'm guessing you've never had a parrot before? They are the most annoying animals ever. Once they start shrieking and cackling, they never stop. And they always do it in the worst possible time; during your sleep, during cricket matches when you are trying to listen to the commentary, during family dinners, when your friends are over, when you are trying to take a dump. They never shut up
dogs are napak and iam extremely disgusted by the people here in uk always carrying dogs with themselves even in buses and everywhee. i think its not allowed for a muslim to keep a dog at home.

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Didn't you used to have a dog?

Didn't you used to live at the bakra mandi?

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Well worth the watch :))
I'm so scared of dogs it's beyond belief. Big or small, fat or skinny, if its a dog them I'm scared. I think it's a Pakistani thing because 95% of all my Pakistani mates are scared too. :))

I once jumped out the way of a dog that was more the size of a bear that a dog. The owner was so offended, as if I had just slapped her child or something. I just said, sorry, but that thing is scarring the heck out of me! Seriously, there are so many dog owners out there who treat their dogs as their children. I hate it when they say 'he's very friendly and won't bite'. I feel like saying, its a bloody animal, you don't know what it might do next. There are so many stories of dogs ripping the faces off children and in some instances, even killing them. Now I'm sure in those instances, the owner thought the dog was 'friendly' enough to be around small children. But its an animal, not a human. It can do anything at any time! It may never have attacked a human before but who knows what could trigger it. Bottom line is, I dislike all dogs because they scare me.
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I hate pitbulls and chihuahuas , even their face looks makrooh to me

And then there is the Rehman Malik type that i hate
I hate pitbulls and chihuahuas , even their face looks makrooh to me

And then there is the Rehman Malik type that i hate

welldone looney. you are my favt poster now.

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I'm scared of them, who's with me?

I'm in your boat mate!

I took my mom to Home Sense the other day and I was sitting on bench outside the store a lady comes and ties the dog to bicycle stand 5 feets away from me few seconds later dogs bark and I walk into store :))
Dogs are the best would love to have one. If there is anything you should be scared of, it should be cats.
I'm guessing you've never had a parrot before? They are the most annoying animals ever. Once they start shrieking and cackling, they never stop. And they always do it in the worst possible time; during your sleep, during cricket matches when you are trying to listen to the commentary, during family dinners, when your friends are over, when you are trying to take a dump. They never shut up

I did have a parrot when I was in Pakistan last summer...but it was like kinda outside the house, so all the shrieking didn't make any difference. But one day I came back home, it was dead. I don't know why. Maybe because I didn't feed him for a week.
I did have a parrot when I was in Pakistan last summer...but it was like kinda outside the house, so all the shrieking didn't make any difference. But one day I came back home, it was dead. I don't know why. Maybe because I didn't feed him for a week.

and you said you LOVE parrots ? what do you do to pets you hate ? :wasim
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I'm scared of them, who's with me?

No, they are OK. Most are friendly creatures. Probably humanity's oldest animal friend.

IMO there are no bad dogs, but some bad owners. Some English chavs have them as living weapon accessories and cannot control them, or mistreat them. Then they become dangerous.
I'm in your boat mate!

I took my mom to Home Sense the other day and I was sitting on bench outside the store a lady comes and ties the dog to bicycle stand 5 feets away from me few seconds later dogs bark and I walk into store :))

:)) don't worry, we've all crossed the sidewalk in fear of being barked at. This is pretty much the same, just with bed sheets.

and LOL @ the pic.
i love cats more than dogs ..

one habit that i really hate is that dogs will lick to show their loyalty or love :amir
there are many better ways to show ur love than just licking ur boss
I love cats and have owned several at different points of time.

Dogs, on the other hand, scare me because they are too big to handle. One of my uncles had a big German shepherd and every time I went to his house, the damned thing scared me out of my wits.

And they let that monster move around within their house premises freely. People in their family have been bitten too, in the past. But, that's part and parcel of being a dog owner, I guess.
i love cats more than dogs ..

one habit that i really hate is that dogs will lick to show their loyalty or love :amir
there are many better ways to show ur love than just licking ur boss

I love it when my cats lick me. My mom goes ballistic when she sees this, though.
I love dogs. I have two labradors at my home and they are really really sweet and loving.

The female one is very protective of my daughter and doesn't let any stranger come near her. :)

At this moment, we also have a litter of 6 puppies.

From my experience, those dogs attack or chase you, who are scared of you or your action. So GOAT, don't scare the poor animals :)
i love cats more than dogs ..

one habit that i really hate is that dogs will lick to show their loyalty or love :amir
there are many better ways to show ur love than just licking ur boss
That is natural to dogs. But that can be stopped if you train them when they are young.

Both my dogs never lick any one of us. But they always come and sit close to us. Sometimes keep their chin on my lap.
The female one is very protective of my daughter and doesn't let any stranger come near her. :)

But, those strangers are actually your friends and relatives. And any family friend who goes near your daughter gets barked at and possibly attacked.

Having been that "stranger" too often, can you blame me for not hating them?
I used to go for late night walks in my college campus. This one time, a group of three dogs chased the **** out of me and my friend. They wouldn't run away even when we threw stones at them and a security guard ran at them with a stick. We must have ran around four kilometers that day to escape them.

It was crazy, like they'd smelled something.

Funny thing is that I've seen the same dogs on other occasions as well, but, it never misbehaved except for that one occasion.