How to use back muscles in fast bowling?


Tape Ball Star
Dec 31, 2011
i am trying to learn how to bowl fast, but i don't understand how to use my back muscles to generate pace. Anyone have any tips to help?

Also is bowling on a concrete pitch ok? The ball doesn't seem to bounce that much.

one final question, should i try to bowl quick with a proper cricket ball or will a tennis ball be just fine? i am assuming its harder to bowl faster with the proper cricket ball
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I think its harder to bowl fast with a tennis ball, the muscles play a part but the action it what is most important get that right and pace will come
MOre info and tipS
Non bowling elbow should be pulled down hard to generate pace
Bending your back leg helps generate pace, (watch slowmos of brett lee)
High front knee going throught the action powerfully
Follow through strongly bringyour back leg accross forcefully
In your run up try to run toes first rather than heel(watch olympic sprinter in slowmo)
Keep your arms close together in your delivery action
MOre info and tipS
Non bowling elbow should be pulled down hard to generate pace
Bending your back leg helps generate pace, (watch slowmos of brett lee)
High front knee going throught the action powerfully
Follow through strongly bringyour back leg accross forcefully
In your run up try to run toes first rather than heel(watch olympic sprinter in slowmo)
Keep your arms close together in your delivery action

these are wonderful tips, i will see how much of this i can learn in the next 2-3 months. The slow motion videos are a great idea too.
By the way the running in on your toes should be the last thing you do it is very hard to midify after bowling thousands of balls
Also make sure your front foot is facing the stumps.
The easiest changes are your arm movements
By the way the running in on your toes should be the last thing you do it is very hard to midify after bowling thousands of balls
Also make sure your front foot is facing the stumps.
The easiest changes are your arm movements

luckily i haven't bowled thouands of balls, its only recently that i am spending 2-3 hours a day practicing bowling, so i think i can adjust. Are there any videos of pro bowlers running on their toes, i just wanted to see how they do it? thanks for all your help.
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Look at shoaib akhtars bowling, he bowls a round arm type of action to bowl as fast as he can, iv tried it and i use a lot of may back.
it not exactly running on toes but going toe first alot of people tenf to run heel the toe (called heel striking) but you want to go toe then mid of foot, watch usain bolt sprint and take the feet from that and ad your bowling action as much as you can.