India's Muslims fear for their future under Narendra Modi


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
With an increase in hate crimes against Muslims in India in recent years, some fear the world's largest democracy is becoming dangerously intolerant under the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The BBC's Rajini Vaidyanathan reports.

It happened just days before the first phase of voting in the Indian elections.

A Muslim trader in the north-eastern state of Assam was leaving work when he was accosted by a mob.

Shaukat Ali was surrounded by the group, forced to kneel in sludge as he was attacked.

"Are you Bangladeshi?" one man shouted, questioning his Indian citizenship.

"Why did you sell beef here?" asked another as he jabbed his finger at Mr Ali.

Instead of stepping in to help, the crowds that gathered filmed the incident on their mobile phones.

'An attack on my entire faith'
A month later and Mr Ali is still struggling to walk. I met him at his home, a short drive from the market, surrounded by lush verdant countryside and rice fields.

As the 48-year-old sat cross-legged on his bed, his eyes filled with tears as he recounted the horror of what happened.

"They beat me with a stick, they kicked me in the face," he said, showing me the injuries to his rib cage and his head.

For decades his family have served beef curry from their small food stall - but never before had they faced such trouble. Some states have made it illegal to sell beef because Hindus consider the cow sacred - but it is legal to sell it in Assam.

Shaukat Ali wasn't just injured physically - he was stripped of his dignity. The mob made the devout Muslim to eat pork, forcing him to chew it and then gulp it down.

"I have no reason to live now, " he said as he broke down, "This was an attack on my entire faith."

On the day we met, dozens of members of the local Muslim community had gathered at his house to check on Mr Ali. As they listened to his story, some started to cry as they wondered if they were now vulnerable too.

As the world's largest democracy goes to the polls, questions are being raised about how inclusive India is to its large Muslim minority population of 172 million.

Shaukat Ali is the latest victim of an increasing number of attacks perpetrated on those selling, or suspected of selling beef.

A February 2019 report from Human Rights Watch found that between May 2015 and December 2018, at least 44 people - 36 of them Muslims - were killed across 12 Indian states. Around 280 people were injured in more than 100 incidents across 20 states over the same period.

In her annual report, United Nations Human Rights chief Michelle Bachelet raised concerns over "increasing harassment and targeting of minorities - in particular, Muslims and people from historically disadvantaged and marginalised groups, such as Dalits (formerly known as untouchables)."

Religious violence claiming victims of all faiths has been an unwelcome mainstay of this country's history since its inception.

But there's real concern that those who wield power in today's India are embracing a culture of impunity.

One of the most chilling examples was what happened in the aftermath of one of the most gruesome gang rapes in India in recent years.

In January last year, an eight-year-old Muslim girl was taking the family's horses to graze, when she was kidnapped in Kathua district in Indian-administered Kashmir.

Held captive for a week in a Hindu temple, she was drugged and repeatedly gang raped and tortured before she was murdered.

A police report filed afterwards said the crime was part of a plan by a group of Hindu men to drive the nomadic Muslim Bakerwal community that she belonged to, away from the area.

More than a year on, a policeman stands guard outside her family home in a remote part of Kathua, hidden at the end of a long and bumpy dirt track.

"They said this is the daughter of a Muslim, kill her and they'll get scared and run away," her father told me as he wiped tears from his eyes.

Her parents refuse to give up the home their little girl once lived in, but they're concerned about their safety.

"We're scared to go out now as we fear for our lives," her mother said. "If we step out, people swear at us and threaten to beat us."

In the aftermath of the eight-year-old girl's death, hundreds took to the streets and marched. But many of the local protests were in support of the eight Hindu men charged with the gruesome attack, and not in solidarity with the victim and her family.

Two BJP ministers serving in the state government, Chaudhary Lal Singh and Chander Prakash Ganga, were among those who took to the streets to support the alleged perpetrators.

"This one girl has died and there is so much of investigation. There have been many deaths of women here," Mr Singh reportedly told a rally at the time.

While Mr Modi condemned the rape, he didn't call for the men to resign immediately. It took weeks of pressure for them to step down.

According to reports, the BJP's general secretary Ram Madhav continued to defend the men.

"The party did not want Mr Ganga and Mr Singh to step down. They resigned because media created an impression that they were supporting the rape accused," he said.

This wasn't an isolated case. There have been several instances where members of the BJP party have openly supported the perpetrators of religious violence, showing a blatant disregard for those who have suffered.

The party espouses a Hindu nationalist ideology and some of its senior figures call for a Hindu state. But party leaders have repeatedly stressed that they are not anti-minority.

A group of men accused of beating 50-year-old Mohammad Akhlaq to death with bricks in 2015 because they suspected him of killing a cow, were spotted at an election rally held by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Aditanath.

The controversial BJP politician, who was recently ordered by India's election commission to suspend campaigning for a few days last month over his anti-Islam rhetoric, often shares the stage with Mr Modi.

Most recently, Jayant Sinha, the civil aviation minister who sits on Mr Modi's cabinet, told the BBC that he had funded the legal fees for a group of men who were given the death penalty for killing a Muslim cattle trader in 2017.

In an interview with BBC Hindi's Jugal Purohit, Mr Sinha said he helped the convicts, who were BJP members, because he believed they were wrongly convicted.

Leading writer and political activist Arundhati Roy, who has been a vocal critic of the BJP government, describes these sort of actions as "an outsourcing of terror", arguing that vigilante groups are able to carry out such crimes because they are protected from above.

"It's not just the leaders that we have to look to. What is happening to the mind of people who are constantly being fed this sort of hatred - to call that kind of poison back is going to be hard, " she told me.

But BJP spokesman Nalin Kohli rejects any assertion that his party's policies have contributed to a rise in hate crime. He accused the UN and human rights reports of "skewing statistics to build up a narrative that does not exist".

Mr Kohli stressed that under a Modi government, the BJP has provided welfare which has led to the development of people of all faiths. The party is for all 1.3 billion Indians, and does not discriminate based on religion, he said.

But as India goes to the polls, some fear that a second BJP term could bring this country closer to a majoritarian state.

One of the party's manifesto pledges is to remove all illegal Bangladeshi immigrants who are living in India.

The party has promised an amnesty for some - Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis and Jains - but Muslims are notably excluded.

At campaign rallies, BJP president Amit Shah refers to these immigrants as "termites" and "infiltrators", drawing scorn from many quarters.

In the district of Goalpara in Assam, a group of villagers are seated in a circle on plastic chairs.

Many are holding pieces of paper with photos of their family members on it.

Last year, people across this state were asked to present documentation of their family trees and prove that they're Indian. In this case, having the documentation to prove they entered Assam before 24 March 1971 - a day before neighbouring Bangladesh declared independence.

Ufaan, a mother of four, unfolds a piece of paper. On the top is a photo of her husband who died last year, and below him are the faces of her young boys.

Her family was born in India, but none of them ended up on the government's National Register of Citizens (NRC). Four million residents - many of them Muslims- didn't make the list either.

Image caption
A young boy holds up his documentation papers in Assam state
Ufaan is terrified this means she might be thrown out of the only country she calls home.

Sitting close by is Mohammed Samsul, who is also living on edge. He tells me his grandfather and father were born in Assam and both appeared on the register. He says even though he has all the paperwork, he's not appeared on the NRC register.

"We're living in constant fear. I'm scared the police will come at night and take our family away to a refugee camp."

The BJP maintains their policy is only aimed at illegal immigrants, but there are real fears it could be used to throw out any Muslims.

India's strength lies in its diversity. The right for all religions to co-exist is enshrined in this country's constitution. But many fear the current political climate is compromising that basic secular principle.
With an increase in hate crimes against Muslims in India in recent years, some fear the world's largest democracy is becoming dangerously intolerant under the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The BBC's Rajini Vaidyanathan reports.

It happened just days before the first phase of voting in the Indian elections.

A Muslim trader in the north-eastern state of Assam was leaving work when he was accosted by a mob.

Shaukat Ali was surrounded by the group, forced to kneel in sludge as he was attacked.

"Are you Bangladeshi?" one man shouted, questioning his Indian citizenship.

"Why did you sell beef here?" asked another as he jabbed his finger at Mr Ali.

Instead of stepping in to help, the crowds that gathered filmed the incident on their mobile phones.

'An attack on my entire faith'
A month later and Mr Ali is still struggling to walk. I met him at his home, a short drive from the market, surrounded by lush verdant countryside and rice fields.

As the 48-year-old sat cross-legged on his bed, his eyes filled with tears as he recounted the horror of what happened.

"They beat me with a stick, they kicked me in the face," he said, showing me the injuries to his rib cage and his head.

For decades his family have served beef curry from their small food stall - but never before had they faced such trouble. Some states have made it illegal to sell beef because Hindus consider the cow sacred - but it is legal to sell it in Assam.

Shaukat Ali wasn't just injured physically - he was stripped of his dignity. The mob made the devout Muslim to eat pork, forcing him to chew it and then gulp it down.

"I have no reason to live now, " he said as he broke down, "This was an attack on my entire faith."

On the day we met, dozens of members of the local Muslim community had gathered at his house to check on Mr Ali. As they listened to his story, some started to cry as they wondered if they were now vulnerable too.

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Villagers came to support Mr Ali after the incident
As the world's largest democracy goes to the polls, questions are being raised about how inclusive India is to its large Muslim minority population of 172 million.

Shaukat Ali is the latest victim of an increasing number of attacks perpetrated on those selling, or suspected of selling beef.

A February 2019 report from Human Rights Watch found that between May 2015 and December 2018, at least 44 people - 36 of them Muslims - were killed across 12 Indian states. Around 280 people were injured in more than 100 incidents across 20 states over the same period.

In her annual report, United Nations Human Rights chief Michelle Bachelet raised concerns over "increasing harassment and targeting of minorities - in particular, Muslims and people from historically disadvantaged and marginalised groups, such as Dalits (formerly known as untouchables)."

Religious violence claiming victims of all faiths has been an unwelcome mainstay of this country's history since its inception.

Rakbar Khan: Did cow vigilantes lynch a Muslim farmer?
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But there's real concern that those who wield power in today's India are embracing a culture of impunity.

One of the most chilling examples was what happened in the aftermath of one of the most gruesome gang rapes in India in recent years.

In January last year, an eight-year-old Muslim girl was taking the family's horses to graze, when she was kidnapped in Kathua district in Indian-administered Kashmir.

Held captive for a week in a Hindu temple, she was drugged and repeatedly gang raped and tortured before she was murdered.

A police report filed afterwards said the crime was part of a plan by a group of Hindu men to drive the nomadic Muslim Bakerwal community that she belonged to, away from the area.

More than a year on, a policeman stands guard outside her family home in a remote part of Kathua, hidden at the end of a long and bumpy dirt track.

"They said this is the daughter of a Muslim, kill her and they'll get scared and run away," her father told me as he wiped tears from his eyes.

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The video of Mr Ali being forced to eat pork went viral, sparking outrage
Her parents refuse to give up the home their little girl once lived in, but they're concerned about their safety.

"We're scared to go out now as we fear for our lives," her mother said. "If we step out, people swear at us and threaten to beat us."

In the aftermath of the eight-year-old girl's death, hundreds took to the streets and marched. But many of the local protests were in support of the eight Hindu men charged with the gruesome attack, and not in solidarity with the victim and her family.

Two BJP ministers serving in the state government, Chaudhary Lal Singh and Chander Prakash Ganga, were among those who took to the streets to support the alleged perpetrators.

"This one girl has died and there is so much of investigation. There have been many deaths of women here," Mr Singh reportedly told a rally at the time.

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While Mr Modi condemned the rape, he didn't call for the men to resign immediately. It took weeks of pressure for them to step down.

According to reports, the BJP's general secretary Ram Madhav continued to defend the men.

"The party did not want Mr Ganga and Mr Singh to step down. They resigned because media created an impression that they were supporting the rape accused," he said.

This wasn't an isolated case. There have been several instances where members of the BJP party have openly supported the perpetrators of religious violence, showing a blatant disregard for those who have suffered.

The party espouses a Hindu nationalist ideology and some of its senior figures call for a Hindu state. But party leaders have repeatedly stressed that they are not anti-minority.

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
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BJP president Amit Shah has referred to illegal Muslim immigrants as "termites" at rallies
A group of men accused of beating 50-year-old Mohammad Akhlaq to death with bricks in 2015 because they suspected him of killing a cow, were spotted at an election rally held by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Aditanath.

The controversial BJP politician, who was recently ordered by India's election commission to suspend campaigning for a few days last month over his anti-Islam rhetoric, often shares the stage with Mr Modi.

Most recently, Jayant Sinha, the civil aviation minister who sits on Mr Modi's cabinet, told the BBC that he had funded the legal fees for a group of men who were given the death penalty for killing a Muslim cattle trader in 2017.

In an interview with BBC Hindi's Jugal Purohit, Mr Sinha said he helped the convicts, who were BJP members, because he believed they were wrongly convicted.

Leading writer and political activist Arundhati Roy, who has been a vocal critic of the BJP government, describes these sort of actions as "an outsourcing of terror", arguing that vigilante groups are able to carry out such crimes because they are protected from above.

"It's not just the leaders that we have to look to. What is happening to the mind of people who are constantly being fed this sort of hatred - to call that kind of poison back is going to be hard, " she told me.

But BJP spokesman Nalin Kohli rejects any assertion that his party's policies have contributed to a rise in hate crime. He accused the UN and human rights reports of "skewing statistics to build up a narrative that does not exist".

Mr Kohli stressed that under a Modi government, the BJP has provided welfare which has led to the development of people of all faiths. The party is for all 1.3 billion Indians, and does not discriminate based on religion, he said.

Media captionIndia's elections: Why you should care
But as India goes to the polls, some fear that a second BJP term could bring this country closer to a majoritarian state.

One of the party's manifesto pledges is to remove all illegal Bangladeshi immigrants who are living in India.

The party has promised an amnesty for some - Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis and Jains - but Muslims are notably excluded.

At campaign rallies, BJP president Amit Shah refers to these immigrants as "termites" and "infiltrators", drawing scorn from many quarters.

In the district of Goalpara in Assam, a group of villagers are seated in a circle on plastic chairs.

Many are holding pieces of paper with photos of their family members on it.

Last year, people across this state were asked to present documentation of their family trees and prove that they're Indian. In this case, having the documentation to prove they entered Assam before 24 March 1971 - a day before neighbouring Bangladesh declared independence.

Ufaan, a mother of four, unfolds a piece of paper. On the top is a photo of her husband who died last year, and below him are the faces of her young boys.

Her family was born in India, but none of them ended up on the government's National Register of Citizens (NRC). Four million residents - many of them Muslims- didn't make the list either.

Image caption
A young boy holds up his documentation papers in Assam state
Ufaan is terrified this means she might be thrown out of the only country she calls home.

Sitting close by is Mohammed Samsul, who is also living on edge. He tells me his grandfather and father were born in Assam and both appeared on the register. He says even though he has all the paperwork, he's not appeared on the NRC register.

"We're living in constant fear. I'm scared the police will come at night and take our family away to a refugee camp."

The BJP maintains their policy is only aimed at illegal immigrants, but there are real fears it could be used to throw out any Muslims.

India's strength lies in its diversity. The right for all religions to co-exist is enshrined in this country's constitution. But many fear the current political climate is compromising that basic secular principle.
BJP's roots are with Sangh Parivar and the ideology of Sangh Parivar is for a Hindu Rashtra.

Muslims in India will have future. But they have to be overtly patriotic and follow the rules and moral standards set by the Saffron brigade.
It doesn't happen much, very few cases.

More Pakistani move to Indian than Indian to Pakistan.

We have more money.

some of the excuses from bhakths.
It doesn't happen much, very few cases.

More Pakistani move to Indian than Indian to Pakistan.

We have more money.

some of the excuses from bhakths.

If Pakistan is a rich country, you would see many Indian Muslims lining up to go to Pak. Right now the situation is the opposite. No matter how bad the situation gets in India, majority Muslims will be with India as they and their kin will have better future in India.

Also most Indian Muslims are sons of the soil. Converts from low castes and many are Dalits. Of course there are some converts from upper castes too. That divide is there between them. So even if Indian Muslims will go to Pak, there is no guarantee that they will be treated equally.
Just a note. NRC does give every citizen multiple chance to prove their lineage. (I myself have gone through it). I work in a department (govt) which works in rural areas. The authority does made the rules simple enough which could be followed by uneducated people even.

Most illegal Bangladeshi people are having troubles due to NRC. and it is rightly so. Even the Muslims who has lived here for centuries supports the eradication of illegal immigrants. They also took part in the uprising of 1985. So religion is immaterial in case of Assam.
BJP's roots are with Sangh Parivar and the ideology of Sangh Parivar is for a Hindu Rashtra.

Muslims in India will have future. But they have to be overtly patriotic and follow the rules and moral standards set by the Saffron brigade.

They are already patriotic so I guess the requirements for following rules and moral standards of Saffron brigade will be to abandon Islamic culture and rules in favour of Hindu...whatever they may be.
They are already patriotic so I guess the requirements for following rules and moral standards of Saffron brigade will be to abandon Islamic culture and rules in favour of Hindu...whatever they may be.

Yup! That is what they want.
It doesn't happen much, very few cases.

More Pakistani move to Indian than Indian to Pakistan.

We have more money.

some of the excuses from bhakths.

That wasn't the case up until the 90's and it correlates with Pakistan's economic growth and development being ahead of India's contemporaneously.
Yup! That is what they want.

If that is what they want, then they should lead by example. India itself needs to project Hindu culture, starting with the biggest influence at home and abroad Bollywood. Movies reflect the aspirations of the people, yet we barely see Indian heroes or heroines who reflect a Hindu culture.
Do u live in india? Do u talk with people ? Do u meet hindu or muslims here? Or do u just watch news and make it a fact?

Yes there is some bias against muslims and there always has been but it isnt just one way ,both are partly at fault.

People do not fear muslims beacuse they r muslims and they follow islam , most people have fear of masses of muslims when they r in majority they dont give anyone any right ,let it be indian gullies ,nation itself or any other countries in world , yes there are rights they r on papers.

Many parts in india it is seen when muslim majority in area is achieved it gets really hard for any other and mostly hindu religion to openly express themselves ,they r threated and harrsed at such lengths they r forced to leave those areas . Many people already know this fact

Now i want to state that ofc not all muslims are bad , some are just too good but people often starts discriminating like not letting a muslim rent a house in hindu area beacuse they r feared same will happen. they fear it will be a beginning of a collapse . Once when i asked a guy in my society why did he denied a muslim couple his house (for which a lot of fuss was created and police often visited afterwards ) he answered me ," agar inko apne society me ane diya to baki log bhi musalmano(gujarati for muslims) ko ghar bechne lagenge aur dekhte hi dekhte hamare purane shahibag ke muhalle jesa ho jayega jaha hame ghar bechna pdega" and i wad shocked to see him think this way. And once or twice i see this kind of minset in hindu society

India is the only country where hindu religion thrives , you seriously ask why thry behave this way when they r feared?

I dont support any of bajrangdal or any radical support that is ofteen highlighted in pp too much as if thats the only hurdle muslims face , in news papers i read most muslims face descriminations like i mentioned above rather than violence but here on pp it is showed as if muslims are kept on edge of blade. Anyone trying to defend this is like saying those radical islamiv terrorists in pakistan are the face of the religion! But we know its not ,the same way thugs of bajrangdal and other goons are not face of hinduism and owaisi and zakirnaik are not face of indian muslims.

Common people mostly treat others with respect and muslims do have rights they enjoy in india .there may be no other country in world where muslims being in minority can become president of india of beloved superstars of televisions and national sports, this is where it shows you people domt generally discriminate.

All religions are different and they always descimimate against each other. U just cant stop it. Let it be pakistan where u ll use excuse like its islamiv majority so we can understand india they say its secular there shudnt be any.but through is its everywhere and in india there are laws that protects u aginst such descrimination and btw muslims in india enjoys second highest minority previlage after dalits ,where there are over 100 other minorities.

Truth is we cant keep everyone happy, this world is bad it depends on us what facts we want to make our truths , we choose it.
So.... People here make all speculation about a place yet, ignore the Info's about the place from someone who actually lives there (me and [MENTION=133315]Hitman[/MENTION]]
So.... People here make all speculation about a place yet, ignore the Info's about the place from someone who actually lives there (me and [MENTION=133315]Hitman[/MENTION]]

Which Hindutva Ruled place are you from Bro?
So.... People here make all speculation about a place yet, ignore the Info's about the place from someone who actually lives there (me and [MENTION=133315]Hitman[/MENTION]]

This article is such a poor job.

It says that someone was omitted from the NRC despite being born in India. Comfortably omitting the fact that birth in Indian territory doesnot confer citizenship.

It says some states have banned sellling beef. Well majority of states in Undia has banned cow slaughter and most of them for many decades.

Article mentions about Jayant Sinha giving legal aid, but omits Owaisi doing the same for ISIS suspects.

Not one mention of the hindus who have been killed by muslims.

This is the reason this kind of articles do not find any favour with most of the Indians.
Don't worry! Our Indian friends will tell us these are sporadic incidents happening ten times a year! Until Goswami or Shiv Shanker speaks of them or should I say scream about it know that all Indian Muslims are living a dream life:)):)):)) I have heard it from many Indian Muslim's that they get treated like filth much to the annoyance of the majority community. We will now be told how Pak minorities have vanished leaving us in no position to complain about such things:maqsood Look, Indian Muslims are paying the price for the "original sin" committed by them that resulted in the creation of Pakistan. They are guilty by default and must be punished for it even if they keep screaming pro-India slogans it is still not good enough;-) Modi wants to bring Hindutva secularism and Hindu supremacy to India that one Quaid Jinnah could see decades back! Every article exposing this will be questioned even though there are thousands of video's on it they according to Hindu faithful are exaggerated. Even Bollywood stars like Shabana Azmi saying the same thing is wrong as well, only Goswami, Bakshi and Modi are right
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Thank God for Pakistan, we don’t have to put up with this sh**!
I am from Assam.. So is [MENTION=133315]Hitman[/MENTION] (the place the article is talking about). This article is written with an agenda.

Ofcourse it is. Why do you think they omitted the facts about the NRC.
So.... People here make all speculation about a place yet, ignore the Info's about the place from someone who actually lives there (me and [MENTION=133315]Hitman[/MENTION]]

This is pretty stupid logic generally irrespective of this particular case.

People living in Pakistan or even most parts of Iraq say that the country is very peaceful and there is no danger. Just because they live there does it make their statements true?
This is pretty stupid logic generally irrespective of this particular case.

People living in Pakistan or even most parts of Iraq say that the country is very peaceful and there is no danger. Just because they live there does it make their statements true?

Don't take my words. If you are really interested, then read about the steps how NRC is implemented to weed out the illegal immigrants. Even if there is human error, there's a system to rectify it.
Ofcourse it is. Why do you think they omitted the facts about the NRC.

They just mentioned that it didn't come in the list. They didn't mention the reason behind it. The article has manipulated the concept about NRC to show it as a weapon against Muslims.
Don't take my words. If you are really interested, then read about the steps how NRC is implemented to weed out the illegal immigrants. Even if there is human error, there's a system to rectify it.

No I’m not speaking in respect to this particular case. I don’t care for it enough to research. It was a general statement

Just pointing out the fallacy of the logic being used by you and cricketjoshila and how it doesn’t help your case
No I’m not speaking in respect to this particular case. I don’t care for it enough to research. It was a general statement

Just pointing out the fallacy of the logic being used by you and cricketjoshila and how it doesn’t help your case

By that context, we should dismiss every statements of kashmiri posters here why their words are taken as gospels but ours isn't?

Is it because they are Muslims and we are hindus?
By that context, we should dismiss every statements of kashmiri posters here why their words are taken as gospels but ours isn't?

Is it because they are Muslims and we are hindus?

Again poor reasoning.

What Kashmiris day here and elsewhere is just acceptance or lending of credence to neutral and non-Indian sources. In this case what a local is saying is dismissing a neutral source such as BBC without any contextual evidence except ‘I live there’
Again poor reasoning.

What Kashmiris day here and elsewhere is just acceptance or lending of credence to neutral and non-Indian sources. In this case what a local is saying is dismissing a neutral source such as BBC without any contextual evidence except ‘I live there’


Of course you will not subscribe to the 'I live here' argument anymore, now that you have abandoned your beloved Pakistan :)
Again poor reasoning.

What Kashmiris day here and elsewhere is just acceptance or lending of credence to neutral and non-Indian sources. In this case what a local is saying is dismissing a neutral source such as BBC without any contextual evidence except ‘I live there’

I have already seen the quality of the article when it mentioned the incident of NRC. This whole article tries to bend the system towards discrimination against Muslims but NRC had nothing to do with religion rather it deals with lineage.

You take BBCs words as gospels but since I was involved in this process also, I will make up my mind from the experience which I had gained while going through the system.
Again poor reasoning.

What Kashmiris day here and elsewhere is just acceptance or lending of credence to neutral and non-Indian sources. In this case what a local is saying is dismissing a neutral source such as BBC without any contextual evidence except ‘I live there’

Bbc is hardly neutral. They have been banned in India in the past for breaking Indian laws. Its a colonial media outlet that believes it has the right to preach ex British colonies and operate in whatever manner it wants to.
I have already seen the quality of the article when it mentioned the incident of NRC. This whole article tries to bend the system towards discrimination against Muslims but NRC had nothing to do with religion rather it deals with lineage.

You take BBCs words as gospels but since I was involved in this process also, I will make up my mind from the experience which I had gained while going through the system.

There is a reason why BBC, NYT, Washington Post have their propoganda articles.

Washington Post will publish articles by Barkha and Rana Ayub.I wonder how many Indians will call them neutral journalists. Then we have articles by pakistan origin people in western publications talking about Indian politics. Now outsiders may not know who is who, but Indians do know.

These media houses could not sell their agenda enough to stop Trump and are now trying to sell propoganda in India.
This article is such a poor job.

It says that someone was omitted from the NRC despite being born in India. Comfortably omitting the fact that birth in Indian territory doesnot confer citizenship.

It says some states have banned sellling beef. Well majority of states in Undia has banned cow slaughter and most of them for many decades.

Article mentions about Jayant Sinha giving legal aid, but omits Owaisi doing the same for ISIS suspects.

Not one mention of the hindus who have been killed by muslims.

This is the reason this kind of articles do not find any favour with most of the Indians.

Some of the reasons why [MENTION=90888]Itachi[/MENTION] and others will call out this BBC article as full of half truths.

Of course you will not subscribe to the 'I live here' argument anymore, now that you have abandoned your beloved Pakistan :)

Huh what? He isnt in Pakistan anymore?

If i am not wrong, he said he was very excited about working on CPEC related projects.
What a trash of an article, completly shows the outsider agenda mindset and is clearly far from the truth , they portrey as if there is some hindu muslim war is going on in india and atmosphere is way too bad while in truth atleast where i live people live happily with each other , i have many hindu and muslim friends in collage ,we spend a lot of time togather ,eat at each others houses ,to be honest i have never seen it better before, to collect few downright pathetic incidents to showcase picture of indian present society is what this people do. Never seen anyone posting muslim mobs murdering hindu or other minorities. Beacuse noone has intrest in reading them. Such incidents do happen but they are only painted in religious colours to achieve own agendas while many of those cases are mostly about money or stuff nowhere near to religion.
Some people don’t even know what NRC is, and yet they are willing to shout from their rooftop that this is discrimination. My entire family has gone through the NRC process much like [MENTION=90888]Itachi[/MENTION] and his family.
Some people don’t even know what NRC is, and yet they are willing to shout from their rooftop that this is discrimination. My entire family has gone through the NRC process much like [MENTION=90888]Itachi[/MENTION] and his family.

If you read the article it says that XYZ was born in India but not on NRC list. She conveniently omits the fact that birth in India doesnot confer citizenship. While many western countries give citizrnship to anyone born within their country. This is a propoganda article to push a agenda among non Indians.
If you read the article it says that XYZ was born in India but not on NRC list. She conveniently omits the fact that birth in India doesnot confer citizenship. While many western countries give citizrnship to anyone born within their country. This is a propoganda article to push a agenda among non Indians.

I don't think it was intentional. After reading the article, I believe you are expecting too much from the writer as he/she probably doesn't have the required knowledge/intelligence to verify these matters.
If you read the article it says that XYZ was born in India but not on NRC list. She conveniently omits the fact that birth in India doesnot confer citizenship. While many western countries give citizrnship to anyone born within their country. This is a propoganda article to push a agenda among non Indians.
Half truths are worse than lies. And this article is full of half truths. Of course it doesn’t matter whether a person is born in India or not. We Assamese people are extremely happy that the Govt. implemented the NRC process. Why should we bear the burden of illegal immigrants? They made the decision to live in my state illegally, and now they have to bear the consequences. Which country in the world accepts illegal immigrants in any case?

No surprise that some Pakistani posters are filled with joy reading this article, without even knowing the facts.
So.... People here make all speculation about a place yet, ignore the Info's about the place from someone who actually lives there (me and [MENTION=133315]Hitman[/MENTION]]

You are right. Using the same logic, [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] views about Kashmir should be taken more seriously than a certain joshila guy. Our people don't take views of [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] and other kashmiris from Indian side seriously here too. So how are you feeling now? :inti
You are right. Using the same logic, [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] views about Kashmir should be taken more seriously than a certain joshila guy. Our people don't take views of [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] and other kashmiris from Indian side seriously here too. So how are you feeling now? :inti

Now wait and see their views will take a uturn because it's Kashmir...
You are right. Using the same logic, [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] views about Kashmir should be taken more seriously than a certain joshila guy. Our people don't take views of [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] and other kashmiris from Indian side seriously here too. So how are you feeling now? :inti

I don't see any issues on that. If [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] can indeed show the exploitation of the system, joshila can't refute also.

In case of NRC, it is already shown where the lies exist in the article.

No one can deny the truth. No matter from which party it comes from.
Now wait and see their views will take a uturn because it's Kashmir...

Bbc is a non Indian media house talking about India in half truths.

Assam and J and K are Indian states and Indians talking about it is a different thing.
That Indian can be anyone.

Now ofcourse Pakistanis do not like the views of most Indians on Kashmir as it doesnot conform to their own views and they run around trying to prove how it is not useful.
I don't see any issues on that. If [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] can indeed show the exploitation of the system, joshila can't refute also.

In case of NRC, it is already shown where the lies exist in the article.

No one can deny the truth. No matter from which party it comes from.

Problem is that my views do not conform to the views of Pakistani posters while Madplayers does.
Huh what? He isnt in Pakistan anymore?

If i am not wrong, he said he was very excited about working on CPEC related projects.

Last I read, he was in the US proudly defying some Indian clowns who wanted to take out a candlelight march. And yet, was visibly nervous about the consequences of defying them :)))
Last I read, he was in the US proudly defying some Indian clowns who wanted to take out a candlelight march. And yet, was visibly nervous about the consequences of defying them :)))

May be he defied them online while the candle march happened.
Instead of giving us anecdotes and real-life experiences of a select few how about the media do their research and give us some actual stats about the Indian Muslim community?

How have they done educationally and economically over the last 5 years? Is there an increase in asylum applications from the India Muslim community? Surely if they fear for their future they'd be doing their best to leave the country?

The BBC and others have never liked Modi and the BJP - that's not to say some of what they write isn't true but when you constantly throw out articles with the same agenda and narrative then it's no wonder people start to question the accuracy of such pieces.
Instead of giving us anecdotes and real-life experiences of a select few how about the media do their research and give us some actual stats about the Indian Muslim community?

How have they done educationally and economically over the last 5 years? Is there an increase in asylum applications from the India Muslim community? Surely if they fear for their future they'd be doing their best to leave the country?

The BBC and others have never liked Modi and the BJP - that's not to say some of what they write isn't true but when you constantly throw out articles with the same agenda and narrative then it's no wonder people start to question the accuracy of such pieces.

Thing is that most of the Indian population hardly seems to care about this narrative. If modi wins on 23rd May, it will further cement this view.

The American media roasted Trump, but he won due to public support. The agenda of media outlets to try and push their propoganda is failing.
Instead of giving us anecdotes and real-life experiences of a select few how about the media do their research and give us some actual stats about the Indian Muslim community?

How have they done educationally and economically over the last 5 years? Is there an increase in asylum applications from the India Muslim community? Surely if they fear for their future they'd be doing their best to leave the country?

The BBC and others have never liked Modi and the BJP - that's not to say some of what they write isn't true but when you constantly throw out articles with the same agenda and narrative then it's no wonder people start to question the accuracy of such pieces.

Thing is that most of the Indian population hardly seems to care about this narrative. If modi wins on 23rd May, it will further cement this view.

The American media roasted Trump, but he won due to public support. The agenda of media outlets to try and push their propoganda is failing.

They are trying to emphasis this

"For decades his family have served beef curry from their small food stall - but never before had they faced such trouble."

How can anyone deny under the BJP and Modi life in India has become scary for many Muslims?
They are trying to emphasis this

"For decades his family have served beef curry from their small food stall - but never before had they faced such trouble."

How can anyone deny under the BJP and Modi life in India has become scary for many Muslims?

That is his story. Any reason that his story is the truth?

FYI cow slaughtering is banned in 20 out of 29 states of India, the 1st anti cow slaughter ban law was passed in 1954. Long before Modi was even born.
That is his story. Any reason that his story is the truth?

FYI cow slaughtering is banned in 20 out of 29 states of India, the 1st anti cow slaughter ban law was passed in 1954. Long before Modi was even born.

He is not the only Indian Muslim to state this.

Any reason I should believe you or any other Indian poster over him?

Is beef banned in Assam?
No sympathies for Indian Muslims. Instead of taking the more difficult route of standing up for their rights they took the easy way out of buying majority Hindus' good will and grace by bashing Pakistan and being unequivocally obsequious. They should have taken a stance earlier demanded equal rights and protection, sure they would suffered in the short term but in the long run they would've carved out their own safe space and protection apparatus.

Now it's too late and any amount of Pakistan bashing or assimilation into and adaption of Hindu culture and creed won't help them.
Instead of giving us anecdotes and real-life experiences of a select few how about the media do their research and give us some actual stats about the Indian Muslim community?

How have they done educationally and economically over the last 5 years? Is there an increase in asylum applications from the India Muslim community? Surely if they fear for their future they'd be doing their best to leave the country?

The BBC and others have never liked Modi and the BJP - that's not to say some of what they write isn't true but when you constantly throw out articles with the same agenda and narrative then it's no wonder people start to question the accuracy of such pieces.

How can you blame the bbc for reporting facts

It’s not like theirs a griffin academy of Muslims who are irritating Modi every day
Modi doesn’t do himself any favours by honoring the killers of mahatma
Instead of giving us anecdotes and real-life experiences of a select few how about the media do their research and give us some actual stats about the Indian Muslim community?

How have they done educationally and economically over the last 5 years? Is there an increase in asylum applications from the India Muslim community? Surely if they fear for their future they'd be doing their best to leave the country?

The BBC and others have never liked Modi and the BJP - that's not to say some of what they write isn't true but when you constantly throw out articles with the same agenda and narrative then it's no wonder people start to question the accuracy of such pieces.

North east has a different political scenario than other states.

The chief minister of Assam was also the leader of AASU (ALL ASSAM STUDENT UNION) which always has been the main voice in the issue of illegal immigration. He isn't the typical BJP leader. When he was in AASU, he did take part in meetings with various govt to eradicate illegal immigration.

The article itself contains misleading information which has been shown prior.

The illegal Bangladeshi is finding it difficult to provide documentation and media is trying to give it a religious angle.

But NRC doesn't look at religion. It's immaterial. Millions of other Muslims in various districts have no problems in registering.

The writer lacks the basic knowledge which probably most people in Assam knows by heart now since they have registered and completed it.

Why I will take such article seriously where I see half truth?
How can you blame the bbc for reporting facts

It’s not like theirs a griffin academy of Muslims who are irritating Modi every day
Modi doesn’t do himself any favours by honoring the killers of mahatma

Any source which says Modi honoured the killer of Mahatma?
He is not the only Indian Muslim to state this.

Any reason I should believe you or any other Indian poster over him?

Is beef banned in Assam?

There are a larger number of hindus who state that Muslims flout the cow slaughter rule.

You can believe whoever you want. Point is that BBC and allied organization propoganda seems to be making little impression on Indians, and its Indians who will deyermine Modi's fate, not BBC.

Slaughter of any milch animal below 14years of age and capable of reproduction is banned in Assam. A certificate from a veterinary doctor is required to slaughter the animal.
North east has a different political scenario than other states.

The chief minister of Assam was also the leader of AASU (ALL ASSAM STUDENT UNION) which always has been the main voice in the issue of illegal immigration. He isn't the typical BJP leader. When he was in AASU, he did take part in meetings with various govt to eradicate illegal immigration.

The article itself contains misleading information which has been shown prior.

The illegal Bangladeshi is finding it difficult to provide documentation and media is trying to give it a religious angle.

But NRC doesn't look at religion. It's immaterial. Millions of other Muslims in various districts have no problems in registering.

The writer lacks the basic knowledge which probably most people in Assam knows by heart now since they have registered and completed it.

Why I will take such article seriously where I see half truth?

Thing is that success of NRC in Assam means it may be replicated in Bengal and other Indian states. That doesnot fit the agenda of these people.
No sympathies for Indian Muslims. Instead of taking the more difficult route of standing up for their rights they took the easy way out of buying majority Hindus' good will and grace by bashing Pakistan and being unequivocally obsequious. They should have taken a stance earlier demanded equal rights and protection, sure they would suffered in the short term but in the long run they would've carved out their own safe space and protection apparatus.

Now it's too late and any amount of Pakistan bashing or assimilation into and adaption of Hindu culture and creed won't help them.

Did Indian muslims ask for sympathy of Pakistan? Time and again they have rejected pakistani interference in their issues.

So most Indian muslims live peacefully in a multicultural society rather than become a violent minority causing disruptions. But the facts of a multireligious society may not be understandable for people who come from a islamic republic,where one religion takes precedence over others.

Who told you that muslims in India dont have equal rights?

Just because Indian muslims live in a secular society and most dont have any issues living along side other religious groups, means they are adapting hindu culture?

Can you tell me what is hindu culture? May be Indian muslims dont bend over for Arab overlords. Is that the issue?
No sympathies for Indian Muslims. Instead of taking the more difficult route of standing up for their rights they took the easy way out of buying majority Hindus' good will and grace by bashing Pakistan and being unequivocally obsequious. They should have taken a stance earlier demanded equal rights and protection, sure they would suffered in the short term but in the long run they would've carved out their own safe space and protection apparatus.

Now it's too late and any amount of Pakistan bashing or assimilation into and adaption of Hindu culture and creed won't help them.

And they care about your sympathy right? :)))

Kindly watch the below video from 42.54 till the end. Mr. Owasi, a beloved Indian Muslim, speaks about how much Indian Muslims care for you and your sympathy
All these incidents show how valid two nation theory is.Quaid e azam were so right he forsaw this situation . These incidents kill any doubt about two nation theory in someone's mind if there any was left.

For Indian Muslim, I feel sorry. Some really wanted Pakistan to become reality but could not migrate. Some thought Pakistan would rejoin india inevitably so why must they leave their land.

Pakistan isnt an ideal country but we believe we will get better and this country will shine. InshaALLAH !
All these incidents show how valid two nation theory is.Quaid e azam were so right he forsaw this situation . These incidents kill any doubt about two nation theory in someone's mind if there any was left.

For Indian Muslim, I feel sorry. Some really wanted Pakistan to become reality but could not migrate. Some thought Pakistan would rejoin india inevitably so why must they leave their land.

Pakistan isnt an ideal country but we believe we will get better and this country will shine. InshaALLAH !

This is one good thing about the suffering of indian muslims. Some people can use it to feel good about themselves and thank their good fortune.
All these incidents show how valid two nation theory is.Quaid e azam were so right he forsaw this situation . These incidents kill any doubt about two nation theory in someone's mind if there any was left.

For Indian Muslim, I feel sorry. Some really wanted Pakistan to become reality but could not migrate. Some thought Pakistan would rejoin india inevitably so why must they leave their land.

Pakistan isnt an ideal country but we believe we will get better and this country will shine. InshaALLAH !

Two nation theory failed in 1971. Infact Muslims of the SC are today divided in three countries rather than having a single homeland.
All these incidents show how valid two nation theory is.Quaid e azam were so right he forsaw this situation . These incidents kill any doubt about two nation theory in someone's mind if there any was left.

For Indian Muslim, I feel sorry. Some really wanted Pakistan to become reality but could not migrate. Some thought Pakistan would rejoin india inevitably so why must they leave their land.

Pakistan isnt an ideal country but we believe we will get better and this country will shine. InshaALLAH !

how come bangladesh was born if pakistan was the solution?
All these incidents show how valid two nation theory is.Quaid e azam were so right he forsaw this situation . These incidents kill any doubt about two nation theory in someone's mind if there any was left.

For Indian Muslim, I feel sorry. Some really wanted Pakistan to become reality but could not migrate. Some thought Pakistan would rejoin india inevitably so why must they leave their land.

Pakistan isnt an ideal country but we believe we will get better and this country will shine. InshaALLAH !

Yea, 1971 showed everyone how valid the 2 nation theory was. And Pakistan helped in shredding the 2 nation theory into pieces when they launched Operation Searchlight.

“Kill three million of them and the rest will eat out of our hands." Do you know who said that about East Pakistanis?
Bbc is hardly neutral. They have been banned in India in the past for breaking Indian laws. Its a colonial media outlet that believes it has the right to preach ex British colonies and operate in whatever manner it wants to.

Why would they do that? What benefit would the BBC get from publishing misleading stories about former British colonies?
Yea, 1971 showed everyone how valid the 2 nation theory was. And Pakistan helped in shredding the 2 nation theory into pieces when they launched Operation Searchlight.

“Kill three million of them and the rest will eat out of our hands." Do you know who said that about East Pakistanis?

But it was not about religion. You fail to understand this point.
there is one good thing about your post that you admit the suffering of indian muslims because of their religion..

you make it sound like i am admitting a crime i committed.

Really happy for you that you see positives in someones suffering that you are so much better off than them. May others continue suffering so that you carry on feeling thankful.
Any source which says Modi honoured the killer of Mahatma?

There is a plethora of source if you were capable of even adjudicating on a fair and non bias basis

Modi only commends and praises Indians in Indian history who have been devout Hindu and Hindu separatists
Modi really needs to embark on rectifying his current harborment of feelings towards those of other than Hindutva ilk who have helped facilitate the current state Of India
you make it sound like i am admitting a crime i committed.

Really happy for you that you see positives in someones suffering that you are so much better off than them. May others continue suffering so that you carry on feeling thankful.

I may not sound like it but you had to divert the the attention from the society that indian muslims suffer from, to your own self so u can easily dismiss the blame and plight of Indian Muslims.
Last I read, he was in the US proudly defying some Indian clowns who wanted to take out a candlelight march. And yet, was visibly nervous about the consequences of defying them :)))

What consequence :)))

We’re you among those people who couldn’t do a vigil, had to say Kashmir doesn’t belong to India and are still salty? :))
In two of these countries they are not suffering at the hand of the other nation i.e. hindus

How many muslims were killed in east pakistan?

How many ahmedis and Shias are killed in Pakistan?

Why are Ahmedis running to Lanka?

In which country terror attacks are frequently killing muslims?

In which country drones bombed muslims?
How many muslims were killed in east pakistan?

How many ahmedis and Shias are killed in Pakistan?

Why are Ahmedis running to Lanka?

In which country terror attacks are frequently killing muslims?

In which country drones bombed muslims?

You mention Shias, Ahmadis and Esat Pakistanis as if you want to welcome them yourself to India which is of course commendable. That would really put Pakistan to shame. :14:
What I find absolutely astounding and telling is that Indian Muslims are missing from this thread/debate and on this forum generally speaking, and no I don't count IOK Muslims like Madplayer as Indian Muslims.

Indian Muslims have been so ghettoized and marginalized that they can't even represent themselves on any platform no matter how small or limited, leave alone large and more robust ones closer to their homeland, which is proportionate to their size and population in India.

Staying on theme same phenomenon occurs with NRI's, the only Indian Muslims I've encountered amongst this are overwhelmingly Hyderabadis, for obvious reason. What happened to Indian Muslims from UP, Bihar, and other northern states. I've lived in the Silicon Valley for 30 years and one cannot accuse me of not coming across a broad cross section of NRI's, and in all my years in these interactions, Indian Muslims represent less than a fraction of hundred of a percent, far far less proportionate to their population.
I may not sound like it but you had to divert the the attention from the society that indian muslims suffer from, to your own self so u can easily dismiss the blame and plight of Indian Muslims.

It was you who tried to divert the attention from indian muslims, to your own good fortune. I only exposed you. Hope you keep gloating and patting yourself when you see the plight of indian muslims.
What I find absolutely astounding and telling is that Indian Muslims are missing from this thread/debate and on this forum generally speaking, and no I don't count IOK Muslims like Madplayer as Indian Muslims.

Indian Muslims have been so ghettoized and marginalized that they can't even represent themselves on any platform no matter how small or limited, leave alone large and more robust ones closer to their homeland, which is proportionate to their size and population in India.

Staying on theme same phenomenon occurs with NRI's, the only Indian Muslims I've encountered amongst this are overwhelmingly Hyderabadis, for obvious reason. What happened to Indian Muslims from UP, Bihar, and other northern states. I've lived in the Silicon Valley for 30 years and one cannot accuse me of not coming across a broad cross section of NRI's, and in all my years in these interactions, Indian Muslims represent less than a fraction of hundred of a percent, far far less proportionate to their population.

We are talking about Assam here. The whole political, religion aspects of Assam is very different from UP and Bihar. Ask any NRIs and they will tell the same.
There are a larger number of hindus who state that Muslims flout the cow slaughter rule.

You can believe whoever you want. Point is that BBC and allied organization propoganda seems to be making little impression on Indians, and its Indians who will deyermine Modi's fate, not BBC.

Slaughter of any milch animal below 14years of age and capable of reproduction is banned in Assam. A certificate from a veterinary doctor is required to slaughter the animal.

There are dozens of media outlets from around the world saying the same thing. Are they all lying?

Ok, you always bring up the UN. Why not accept this.

United Nations (UN) human rights chief Michelle Bachelet warned India on Wednesday that its "divisive policies" could undermine economic growth, saying that narrow political agendas were marginalising vulnerable people in an already unequal society.

"We are receiving reports that indicate increasing harassment and targeting of minorities – in particular Muslims and people from historically disadvantaged and marginalised groups, such as Dalits and Adivasis," Bachelet said in her annual report to the UN Human Rights Council

Is she lying too?

The chap was selling beef, perhaps I missed it where it states he was killing killing animals less than 14 years but the thugs who attacked must be aware of this and you to, so please point it out?

Btw Indian posters have lost all credibility on this forum imo, as none of you will respond to the thread of your dear ModiJI's comments regarding radar, clouds, emails, digital cameras. Modi is a liar and so are his supporters, obvious to all.
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It was you who tried to divert the attention from indian muslims, to your own good fortune. I only exposed you. Hope you keep gloating and patting yourself when you see the plight of indian muslims.

Haha! And that prompted your first post in this thread ? You could not find a word to say about the plight of Indian Muslims prior to my post. I felt sorry for Indian muslims in my post and you found in it something thrown towards you so became passive aggressive. There is a difference between feeling good and being thankful over avoiding something but i cant expect from you to understand this.Anyway it does not matter what your opinion is for me. What matters is your opinion about the suffering of Muslims in India for which you cant utter a word.

Indians surely use the word "expose" more often than anyone else. Thats straight from arnab goswami's dictionary.