TTP is CIA funded which is waging a war on Islam. Shooting Malala is just another attempt to defame Islam through these agents as some vicious ideology. If you didn't read it the first time, I mentioned in my post that Islam empowers women and is not against education. But in Islam, attaining religious knowledge is of higher importance which is the curriculum for primary and secondary education. Once students go through that, then they can pursue mastery of other fields of knowledge which can also be used as a tool for Dawah. As I keep on mentioning, you need a real Islamic State where this comprehensive educational policy will be implemented and those within the state wanting to pursue higher studies will also be given the opportunity free of charge. Did I mention, education is free in Khilafah state?
Anyhow, here Malala is being used as a tool to bring in massive funding for profit driven schools whose curriculum will be secular, further weakening the Muslim's belief in Islam's ability to solve existing problems. As someone who grew up in Karachi and attended private school, I know full well what the agenda is now that I look back. Concepts such as nationalism, democracy etc. are a dominant part of the curriculum where as Islamic studies are limited to some history and memorization of few Surahs as I remember it.
I pity this girl who is being manipulated who is an otherwise a bright kid but as I previously mentioned, her father is the real culprit.