Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

I can't help but feel that she's part of some propaganda.

...... She was fighting for womens education in pakistan long before she was shot. If anything west promoted her cause of womans education. What propoganda are you refering to? Womens education?
I live in a country that has 11 official languages and that means different tribes. I belong to the Xhosa tribe. One of the obstacles that we had to tackle in our young democracy in this country was exactly that tribalism, everyone wanted to be in charge after apartheid the Venda's wanted to be recognised as an independed state which was never going to sustainable. Thats why i have so much respect for Mandela coz he united as a country and made us see beyond race, tribes etc. Democracy should always prevail.

Pakistan needs strong leadership which they clearly lack IMO
Interesting post, South Africa seems to have gained a lot of maturity in terms of forging a national identity whereas Pakistan still has its identity issues, that's why so people bang on about 'western influence' and cling on to caste, ethnicity, provincial, tribal, sectarian allegiances.

Can anyone tell whats this crap conspiracy about the west?

One of the stupidest conspiracies was that the shooting was staged so that an operation in North Waziristan (the US have long pressed for an operation there but the Pak govt has resisted) would go ahead. Months later and that hasn't happened.

Who knows why people are getting in such a twist.
I can't help but feel that she's part of some propaganda.

Do you have any evidence of such ? If not don't come out with embarrassing comments like this:

I find everything about her annoying.

She got shot in the head and has a metal plate in her freaking skull. Nobody is forcing anybody at gunpoint to read her messages or listen to her speeches.
Malala speech at UN Youth Assembly

Ma Sha'a Allah Ta'aala, your sisters have been blessed by Allah SWT with intelligence and education. May Malala also be blessed with the same opportunities, and achieve great things, for herself, family, community and nation.

Brother, there is no distinction in Islam between the secular and spiritual, deen and dunya. They represent aspects of one and the same truth. We cannot separate different facets of life, and then not expect fragmentation and disintegration - of the self and society - to occur.

I think Malala is intelligent enough to realise wherein lie her best interests, as well as the interests of her country. She did not only speak for herself today, but for everyone. Give her some credit, and do not assume or presume to know her intentions. It is better not to ascribe bad intentions to either Malala, or to her supporters.

Bro I think you are misunderstanding me I have nothing against malala intact I wish all our sisters are as brave as her it's just that I don't want the west to use her in future in a bad way against Pak
Is it because she is trying to get girls educated?

dont bother yourself with him he along with Malakian are the worst posters here on PP. Atleast the latter is doing it for laughs i'm not sure about the former
Some of the comments are pretty embarrassing

Proud of you Malala :14:
Interesting post, South Africa seems to have gained a lot of maturity in terms of forging a national identity whereas Pakistan still has its identity issues, that's why so people bang on about 'western influence' and cling on to caste, ethnicity, provincial, tribal, sectarian allegiances.

One of the stupidest conspiracies was that the shooting was staged so that an operation in North Waziristan (the US have long pressed for an operation there but the Pak govt has resisted) would go ahead. Months later and that hasn't happened.

Who knows why people are getting in such a twist.

i see, just like the Americans bombed their own buildings in 9/11 so they could invade Afghanistan?
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Interesting post, South Africa seems to have gained a lot of maturity in terms of forging a national identity whereas Pakistan still has its identity issues, that's why so people bang on about 'western influence' and cling on to caste, ethnicity, provincial, tribal, sectarian allegiances.

One of the stupidest conspiracies was that the shooting was staged so that an operation in North Waziristan (the US have long pressed for an operation there but the Pak govt has resisted) would go ahead. Months later and that hasn't happened.

Who knows why people are getting in such a twist.
Actually,many people believe that she is an CIA agent.This is really sad that people are not understanding her sacrifices.
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Was hoping to not see any rubbish posts in this thread. Alas.
I read her inspiring story, a brave girl indeed.

Education in South Asia is a must and specially for Women whose levels are quite low. How anyone in their right mind abuse/accuse the poor girl.

Kudos to the brave girl, hope she becomes very successful at academics, for the rights of which she bravely fought.
Crikey, 'secular education' ?! What is this lethal poison ?! This same secular education that has educated talented people to become doctors, nurses, teachers, scientists in the west ?

The same kind of education that has been able to ensure companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google can continue to expand and hire people with expertise ?

This is the problem, a girl gets shot in the head and people bang on about western agendas, when the real problem with Pakistani education is the amount of madrassas and power-hungry clerics who seek to gain control over communities by preaching to people that they should leave everything to God and not seek any education, its all 'God's fate'. If a young girl's own country has abandoned her, and is failing other young girls like her then who else should she turn to ?

No no no. The production of engineers, doctors, and scientists should involve diluting education with religion and wasting precious resources to propagate Islam. Don't you get it? That will produce the best scientists and doctors. When I'm having my heart operated on I need to know whether the surgeon knows the intimate details of the Sahih Bukhari.
A lot of people don't want to see the emancipation of women. It's disgustingly apparent.
Was hoping to not see any rubbish posts in this thread. Alas.

unfortunately on internet forums you will always find some rubbish post and/or posters. Which is a pity coz PP is such a good forum really
Where's all this hate coming from? Am I missing something here? She's achieved more in a few years than most would in a lifetime. Maybe they're just bitter taliban sympathizers
“They think that God is a tiny, little conservative being who would send girls to hell just because of going to school. The terrorists are misusing the name of Islam and the Pashtun society for their own personal benefits. Pakistan is peace-loving democratic country. Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons,” she said in her speech.

I agree 100% with Malala. So now we know that neither Pakistan or Pashtun community is culpable we should perhaps look who is sponsoring these terrorists?
Some Pakistani always choose to live in gutter hole and not only they live, they try to enforce the same mentality to others.

Malala is a proud of the country, I could see her becoming a great leader for the country and one day, she will lead the country. I like the fact, she is not associated with any Bhutto, Nawaz or any dictator clown, she is from us and we should support these kind of people.
Malala speech at UN Youth Assembly

Too much hate directed at her. Good for her she is doing something with her life . As for those saying she is a tool of the west well I don't see how .
Too much hate directed at her. Good for her she is doing something with her life . As for those saying she is a tool of the west well I don't see how .

There is no reason why anybody should hate her. This poor girl has been a victim of a horrible attack and now is a victim of western imperialist propaganda.

The Americans or British governments don't give a damn about any children in Pakistan because they have bombed hundreds killing them, some into multiple pieces with legs, arms scattered hundreds of yards away from the body. Those who kill children at will can't then claim to be the defenders of childrens rights. If you don't care about their right to life then don't pretend to care about their right to education.

Can anyone here name a single girl blown up by a drone strike?

Has any ONE single child hurt by western bombs arrived in the UK for treatment?

Will the UN ever allow a young girl whose whole family has been butchered by bombs to speak against drone strikes?

The most sickening aspect of all is the so called Pakistani Taliban leadership is being protected by the CIA and other western intelligence services in Afghanistan. They are the ones who are responsible for the bullets aimed at this young girl.

The picture posted of Dr Aafia Saddiqui with it's ignorant, false description underneath just goes to show how the sheep are fooled by such propaganda. Dr Aafia has suffered immense abuse under the custody of the Americans, from being sexually abused to her religion being ridiculed. A woman who was detained because apparently she tried to take weapons of American soldiers.

This is just another method to excuse and hide their state terrorism which all the worlds terrorist organistions together could not come close to achieving.

Even with all this power from the media to the bomb the state terrorists of over 40 countries are leaving defeated. Truth and justice will always prevail of deception and injustice.
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some posters are still bitter that she survived..

education for not a western agenda!
There is no reason why anybody should hate her. This poor girl has been a victim of a horrible attack and now is a victim of western imperialist propaganda.

The Americans or British governments don't give a damn about any children in Pakistan because they have bombed hundreds killing them, some into multiple pieces with legs, arms scattered hundreds of yards away from the body. Those who kill children at will can't then claim to be the defenders of childrens rights. If you don't care about their right to life then don't pretend to care about their right to education.

Can anyone here name a single girl blown up by a drone strike?

Has any ONE single child hurt by western bombs arrived in the UK for treatment?

Will the UN ever allow a young girl whose whole family has been butchered by bombs to speak against drone strikes?

The most sickening aspect of all is the so called Pakistani Taliban leadership is being protected by the CIA and other western intelligence services in Afghanistan. They are the ones who are responsible for the bullets aimed at this young girl.

The picture posted of Dr Aafia Saddiqui with it's ignorant, false description underneath just goes to show how the sheep are fooled by such propaganda. Dr Aafia has suffered immense abuse under the custody of the Americans, from being sexually abused to her religion being ridiculed. A woman who was detained because apparently she tried to take weapons of American soldiers.

This is just another method to excuse and hide their state terrorism which all the worlds terrorist organistions together could not come close to achieving.

Even with all this power from the media to the bomb the state terrorists of over 40 countries are leaving defeated. Truth and justice will always prevail of deception and injustice.

Clearly she didn't receive the message then. She asked them to end all wars in that region and all upliftment of women and children in the region.
much of the hatred come from the hypocrisy...

while Malala is championed by the West its propaganda.....

others are ignored as collateral damage
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then the hatred must be directed towards the west for their duplicity, not malala. but then when did haters have any intelligence.
then the hatred must be directed towards the west for their duplicity, not malala. but then when did haters have any intelligence.

not everyone is as smart as me...

Malala is just a pawn in all of this.....West is using her as a propaganda tool

hence that tool will get blowback from what it strikes
much of the hatred come from the hypocrisy...

while Malala is championed by the West its propaganda.....

others are ignored as collateral damage


Malala is from Swat no excuse of drones etc...

taliban took control of swat and demolished 300+ schools...
pakistan army had to do operations when talibans refused to do their part of deal..

lolz @ haters who want to confuse the issue..
isn't the issue that innocent Pakistanis being murdered by two evil forces everyday???

while the corrupt politicians and army sitting there like sissies and getting all those haram dollars...
why do pakistan even have army when they can't even protect its people.
hey look, its US CENTCOM

too bad for the millions of Iraqis you have murdered for oil, nobody can even hear them

chalo, atleast Malala is being heard.
Apparently even supporting the idea of education for human beings makes you a western propaganda tool now.

The internet is both a hilarious and terrifying domain at times.
Was hoping to not see any rubbish posts in this thread. Alas.

All I'm confused about is. WHY WAS SHE SHOT?!

Why did sh receive so much attention when there have been others shot just like her?

For having a blog?

I am not saying this is a propoganda, nor am I saying it isn't. I am GENUINELY confused.
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All I'm confused about is. WHY WAS SHE SHOT?!

Why did sh receive so much attention when there have been others shot just like her?

For having a blog?

I am not saying this is a propoganda, nor am I saying it isn't. I am GENUINELY confused.

She was shot for promoting education. That blog part is just an excuse
There is no reason why anybody should hate her. This poor girl has been a victim of a horrible attack and now is a victim of western imperialist propaganda.

The Americans or British governments don't give a damn about any children in Pakistan because they have bombed hundreds killing them, some into multiple pieces with legs, arms scattered hundreds of yards away from the body. Those who kill children at will can't then claim to be the defenders of childrens rights. If you don't care about their right to life then don't pretend to care about their right to education.

Can anyone here name a single girl blown up by a drone strike?

Has any ONE single child hurt by western bombs arrived in the UK for treatment?

Will the UN ever allow a young girl whose whole family has been butchered by bombs to speak against drone strikes?

The most sickening aspect of all is the so called Pakistani Taliban leadership is being protected by the CIA and other western intelligence services in Afghanistan. They are the ones who are responsible for the bullets aimed at this young girl.

The picture posted of Dr Aafia Saddiqui with it's ignorant, false description underneath just goes to show how the sheep are fooled by such propaganda. Dr Aafia has suffered immense abuse under the custody of the Americans, from being sexually abused to her religion being ridiculed. A woman who was detained because apparently she tried to take weapons of American soldiers.

This is just another method to excuse and hide their state terrorism which all the worlds terrorist organistions together could not come close to achieving.

Even with all this power from the media to the bomb the state terrorists of over 40 countries are leaving defeated. Truth and justice will always prevail of deception and injustice.

Couldn't have said it any better. This girl is being used to further the secularization agenda which is a pity. The real blame lies on her father who is allowing her to be exploited.

Islam empowers women but it hasn't materialized in Pakistan due to absence of just Islamic State. Heck the sore lack of it in the modern world is due to this reason only.
Couldn't have said it any better. This girl is being used to further the secularization agenda which is a pity. The real blame lies on her father who is allowing her to be exploited.

Islam empowers women but it hasn't materialized in Pakistan due to absence of just Islamic State. Heck the sore lack of it in the modern world is due to this reason only.

Provide one example of how she's being used to further secular propaganda.

And if you think that supporting the idea of women being educated is either secular or propaganda then I pity your soul.
Couldn't have said it any better. This girl is being used to further the secularization agenda which is a pity. The real blame lies on her father who is allowing her to be exploited.

Islam empowers women but it hasn't materialized in Pakistan due to absence of just Islamic State. Heck the sore lack of it in the modern world is due to this reason only.

From Saudi Arabia to Kuwait to Pakistan and even the relatively moderate states of Egypt and Jordan, women are treated with immense inequality. To certain extent only in Turkey, women enjoy relative equality as they have favored secular rule over an Islamic one. Under Sharia, compensation for the murder of a woman is half the rate for men. Many Muslim countries incorporate these directives into contemporary law. For example during rape trial, a woman has to produce four adult males of imperfect character witnessing the penetration which translates into relatively low conviction rate and even if the perpetrators get convicted, the woman victim gets prosecuted for indulging in adulterous rape victims get justice under Sharia? In Iran the legal age for marriage is nine for girls which often gets exploited by pedophiles. Women in Islamic societies face great difficulty in suing for divorce, but husbands can be released from their vows merely by saying "talaaq." Even if an alimony is awarded, it lasts only three months, long enough to ensure the woman isn't pregnant.

In Islamic society often the father wins custody of the children which forces many Muslim women to be married to abusive husbands due to fear of losing custody of the children. Koran even enforces men to have pre-eminence over women or guardianship over women. Some verses even proclaim husband of an insubordinate wife should first admonish her, then leave her to sleep alone and finally beat her hence spousal abuse is widespread in Islamic countries. So tell me how does Islamic state "empower" women?
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From Saudi Arabia to Kuwait to Pakistan and even the relatively moderate states of Egypt and Jordan, women are treated with immense inequality. To certain extent only in Turkey, women enjoy relative equality as they have favored secular rule over an Islamic one. Under Sharia, compensation for the murder of a woman is half the rate for men. Many Muslim countries incorporate these directives into contemporary law. For example a woman has to produce four adult males of imperfect character as a witnessing the penetration. In Iran the legal age for marriage is nine for girls which often gets exploited by pedophiles. Women in Islamic societies face great difficulty in suing for divorce, but husbands can be released from their vows merely by saying "talaaq." Even if an alimony is awarded, it lasts only three months, long enough to ensure the woman isn't pregnant.
In Islamic society often the father wins custody of the children which forces many Muslim women to be married to abusing husbands due to fear of losing custody of the children. Koran even enforces men to have pre-eminence over women or guardianship over women. Some verses even proclaim husband of an insubordinate wife should first admonish her, then leave her to sleep alone and finally beat her hence spousal abuse is widespread in Islamic countries. So tell me how does Islamic state "empower" women?

Those aren't true Islamic states though. :asif
Apparently even supporting the idea of education for human beings makes you a western propaganda tool now.

The internet is both a hilarious and terrifying domain at times.

Actually its good that we get to know such people with such terrifying minds exist, where everything is a conspiracy, and every crime can be justified by claiming "and what about xyz killed in Timbuktu'?
hey look, its US CENTCOM

too bad for the millions of Iraqis you have murdered for oil, nobody can even hear them

chalo, atleast Malala is being heard.

Millions? Lets have some perspective please.....
And it will be interesting to know how many were killed by the US and how many were killed by Sunni terrorists and Shia death squads.
Even today you have Iraqis killed and it is not your evil Amrika killing them, it is Shias killing Sunnis and vice versa

Syria, if anything, has shown us we Muslims dont need an external force to kill us, we are ready to do it on our own, but we search every opportunity to blame the West/the Jews/Russia.
The govt kills the people, and people exclaim "great, kill the terrorists", and Sunnis slaughter a priest and Shias, and people sitting in the West type on forums "Takbeer, Allah u Akbar"
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Actually its good that we get to know such people with such terrifying minds exist, where everything is a conspiracy, and every crime can be justified by claiming "and what about xyz killed in Timbuktu'?

True. Topics like this bring out the true colours of the religious and political nutcases.
From Saudi Arabia to Kuwait to Pakistan and even the relatively moderate states of Egypt and Jordan, women are treated with immense inequality. To certain extent only in Turkey, women enjoy relative equality as they have favored secular rule over an Islamic one. Under Sharia, compensation for the murder of a woman is half the rate for men. Many Muslim countries incorporate these directives into contemporary law. For example during rape trial, a woman has to produce four adult males of imperfect character witnessing the penetration which translates into relatively low conviction rate and even if the perpetrators get convicted, the woman victim gets prosecuted for indulging in adulterous rape victims get justice under Sharia? In Iran the legal age for marriage is nine for girls which often gets exploited by pedophiles. Women in Islamic societies face great difficulty in suing for divorce, but husbands can be released from their vows merely by saying "talaaq." Even if an alimony is awarded, it lasts only three months, long enough to ensure the woman isn't pregnant.

In Islamic society often the father wins custody of the children which forces many Muslim women to be married to abusive husbands due to fear of losing custody of the children. Koran even enforces men to have pre-eminence over women or guardianship over women. Some verses even proclaim husband of an insubordinate wife should first admonish her, then leave her to sleep alone and finally beat her hence spousal abuse is widespread in Islamic countries. So tell me how does Islamic state "empower" women?

I like the fact that those settled in west or those who have left their homes for the better life in the west are talking about western propaganda through this poor girl who got shot by the TTP. I mean even Irony fades to capture what we are talking about here.
For a country so short on heroes, it's funny to see them champion a terrorist like Afia And brush aside a brave girl like Malala.

But then the biggest hero of the nation (IK) actually champions Taliban's cause over Malala's so what can one expect from the rest of the nation.
What's wrong with secularism anyway? The separation of religion from politics.

I hear a lot of anti-secular ranting on here, but no mature attempt to articulate exactly why secularism is bad.

I'll listen, so go ahead.
Wow, read some long passages here and how the brave girl is a 'tool' of western propaganda, instead of appreciating her courage. Many of us wouldn't have risked our lives and dared to do what she has done. Even, if west uses her as propaganda, how does it matter, the goal of her 'propaganda' is to have education rights to all and her speech at the UN makes this apparent.

Western world progressed solely on education, and nearly all of the greatest inventions and discoveries in the last 300 hundred years or so are from the west. The main reason the rest of the world is lagging/lagged behind the west is because of lack of education and quality education at that.

Bringing religion and playing sympathy/victim card all the time brings in a defeatist mentality, who would see conspiracies in all things. This mentality will stay with him for the rest of his life and will ensure he loses objectivity when analysing a situation.
Blaming the west and enjoying the fruits of west like quality education, healthcare, freedom and human rights etc., is nothing but hypocrisy. They should thank their parents/grandparents etc., that they got a chance to live in the western countries which provide facilities for a better living.
visit your doctor before it gets worse.

I didn't know a lot of that stuff.

Is it true?

Engage with the points instead of throwing insults, and we'll all make progress.
Blaming the west and enjoying the fruits of west like quality education, healthcare, freedom and human rights etc., is nothing but hypocrisy. They should thank their parents/grandparents etc., that they got a chance to live in the western countries which provide facilities for a better living.

what does that have to do with the West's evil foreign policy???

by the Corps, of the Corps, for the Corps
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What's wrong with secularism anyway? The separation of religion from politics.

I hear a lot of anti-secular ranting on here, but no mature attempt to articulate exactly why secularism is bad.

I'll listen, so go ahead.

Secularism may not be bad, but if majority of a country's people want one particular religion to be dominant in its politics, there is nothing wrong with that as long as the minorities' rights are protected
Secularism may not be bad, but if majority of a country's people want one particular religion to be dominant in its politics, there is nothing wrong with that as long as the minorities' rights are protected

I agree. But when minorities are considered unequal both in day-to-day life and (crucially) under the law, something stops being a democracy by definition.
what does that have to do with the West's evil foreign policy???

by the Corps, of the Corps, for the Corps

Man, I'm just saying that blaming everything on the west is not correct. Even, if she is a tool of west's evil policy, don't you think she is doing good job by propagating 'education for all' motto. In this case, even if you assume it is a propaganda, how this is bad? If you read her transcript from the speech, she is saying that education of all and those rights should not be taken away from the children.

The crux of what I'm saying is, looking for conspiracy in all cases ensures we lose our analysing capabilities and which brings in more problems for us.
good on malala, pakistan gets far too much negative publicity, its great to see a young confident brave young girl representing pakistan. more power to her....

as for this thread, what can i say.... the whole hypocricacy of the west argument is bull, they helped her because she represents the values that the west and most sane minded people stand up for. whilst the death of other innocent kids is of course horrible, the fact is malala represents far more than the person she is and as such gets preferential treatment as it is simply not possible for foriegn countries to care for the thousands of pakistanis dying pimarily due to religious fundamentalism and secondly by american drone attacks the pakistan government has given tacit approval too.

of course expecting PPers to somehow not find a yahoodi sazish in the whole thing would be too much to ask...
I agree. But when minorities are considered unequal both in day-to-day life and (crucially) under the law, something stops being a democracy by definition.

in Pakistan, same law applies to muslims as to minorities....heck, actually minorities get quotas (fixed seats)

in reality, stupids are gonna be stupids......whether you have secularism or Not....what is needed is education to reduce the numbers to those stupids.

or are you suggesting that a 97% muslim Pakistan Not have islamic studies as one of its subjects in its curriculum???? if so, how's that gonna solve/improve anything?
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So why does this "brave girl" not return to her homeland? her country? if she is so worried.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

This girl is the sort of representative of Pakistan that we need.
in Pakistan, same law applies to muslims as to minorities....heck, actually minorities get quotas (fixed seats)

in reality, stupids are gonna be stupids......whether you have secularism or Not....what is needed is education to reduce the numbers to those stupids.

or are you suggesting that a 97% muslim Pakistan Not have islamic studies as one of its subjects in its curriculum???? if so, how's that gonna solve/improve anything?

I wasn't actually talking about Pakistan. I know very little about it. I'm talking about a theoretical comparison. But it's an interesting topic to discuss.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

in Pakistan, same law applies to muslims as to minorities....heck, actually minorities get quotas (fixed seats)

in reality, stupids are gonna be stupids......whether you have secularism or Not....what is needed is education to reduce the numbers to those stupids.

or are you suggesting that a 97% muslim Pakistan Not have islamic studies as one of its subjects in its curriculum???? if so, how's that gonna solve/improve anything?

Good point.

Aql. We need more Aql
I think you're trolling out of wilful ignorance, to be quite honest.

he trolls because he wants attention, and nothing else :moyo

again...this is about West's hypocrisy....on one side you murder many Malalas with drones and the wars for oils and natural resources of other poor countries, yet on the other side you act as the championing Malala.

sadly, small minority in America gets the gov't's BS.......mostly Libertarians.
he trolls because he wants attention, and nothing else :moyo

again...this is about West's hypocrisy....on one side you murder many Malalas with drones and the wars for oils and natural resources of other poor countries, yet on the other side you act as the championing Malala.

sadly, small minority in America gets the gov't's BS.......mostly Libertarians.

I don't understand this attention seeking notion on an online forum.

I know none of your personally and will very likely never meet you ever in real life. We are all words and sentences for each other. That's our worth to one another.

What can one possibly gain by seeking attention?
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

It is amusing to preach girls of your nation to stand up for your rights and show courage whilst you yourself are taking shelter in a foreign country because you can.

So someone can't defend someone who is better than themselves?

Answer the question
he trolls because he wants attention, and nothing else :moyo

again...this is about West's hypocrisy....on one side you murder many Malalas with drones and the wars for oils and natural resources of other poor countries, yet on the other side you act as the championing Malala.

sadly, small minority in America gets the gov't's BS.......mostly Libertarians.

If you talk about hypocrisy, the "West" is responsible for it, through wars, etc. as is most countries.
I will just take one example; so many Pakistanis cry about India and how India hates Islam, and wants to eradicate it, yet when China kills and punishes Uighur Muslims, in some cases preventing them from fasting they side with China and say China is friend of Muslims.
As a Muslim I find it extremely hypocritical to claim China is friend of Islam when they place more restrictions on Islam than for e.g. the UK. (of course these same people will claim UK is part of evil West which hates Islam)
Uighur are treated badly but Not as bad as Kashmiris are being oppressed.

and yes i agree with you China gets let off in Pak by the Establishment and media because you know why.

but also remind me when did China last invade any nation and carry out mass-murder??

time for sehri -BRB
Some Pakistani always choose to live in gutter hole and not only they live, they try to enforce the same mentality to others.

Malala is a proud of the country, I could see her becoming a great leader for the country and one day, she will lead the country. I like the fact, she is not associated with any Bhutto, Nawaz or any dictator clown, she is from us and we should support these kind of people.


Its too sad to see so many Pak people not truly understanding her potential to change things for the better of Pakistan. This 16 year girl is a real gem, her views are already so secular and progressive. Whole qaum must give her full backing.
MG, she is now a complete representation of what the Taliban want to kill. She wouldn't last a day here and you know it
Let it go, why bother trying to argue with these people.

These are the same people who gave Mumtaz Qadri valentine's day gifts.

And for anyone questioning Malala's integrity, at least she did something. She preached education and got shot in the head for it. If that's not courage, stand up and show me what courage is.


Well said Reverseslap. That would be akin to suicide - it would be stupid, hardly "courageous".