Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

Why has Pakistani government issued visa to this nuttjob, fake, ignorant, low life, Chaudry? when most of the Pakistan is with this girl and support her right to get education, why is this low life piece of a garbage is allow to travel to Pakistan, he is a product of Britain, and just like Britain, Pakistan has a right to ban any radical nuttjob from traveling to Pakistan. Why isn't government practicing this right.

Sometimes i wish to pound big heads of the elected Politician in Pakistan with a little head to knock some sense in their big head, the way they act like, they make little head looks like a genius.

Good question. Why have they? I'm assuming they have on account that he's making preparations to travel. On the one hand, the Pakistani govt is sending Malala to the UK for treatment, on the other they are allowing these vipers to use the country as a podium to slam both Malala and the govt which supported her. It doesn't make sense.
A Fatwa is a legal opinion, and only those qualified have the authority to issue such opinions. But, they remain just that - opinion. They can be challenged or opposed, and they are not binding either.

Anyone or any group can issue frivolous opinions, asserting them to be founded upon the Law. It is easy to use religion in order to further perverted and corrupted aims.
All I am saying is there has to be difference between personal opinion of a Mufti to that of his legal opinion.

I'd rather they don't add Malala to these murderers' list
Person of the Year (formerly Man of the Year) is an annual issue of the United States newsmagazine Time that features and profiles a person, group, idea or object that "for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year." per wikipedia
because the world revolves around pakistan and their 15 year old journalists

give it to someone whose actually saved lifes or helped to find a cure to do so
‘Malala ahead of Obama among world thinkers’

WASHINGTON: Malala Yousufzai is number six on US magazine Foreign Policy’s list of 100 top global thinkers in 2012. She is ahead of US President Barack Obama who is number seven.

The other three Pakistanis on the list are former Pakistani ambassador to the US, Hussain Haqqani, his wife Farahnaz Ispahani and blogger Sana Saleem.

Burmese dissident Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar’s reformist President Thein Sein, a former general, top the 2012 list.

Others on the list include US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former US president Bill Clinton and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Teyyap Erdogan.

The Foreign Policy magazine’s Top 100 Global Thinkers list is published annually. It lists people who are believed to have influenced the thinking of the international community in a particular year.

In previous years, Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry, Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan and current ambassador to the US Sherry Rehman have also been featured in the Top 100 Global Thinkers lists.

“The Taliban’s most fearsome enemy in Pakistan isn’t US drones or the military’s tanks: It’s a 15-year-old schoolgirl,” says a one-page introduction of Malala Yousufzai attached to the list.

“Malala Yousafzai’s tool of defiance? Her own bravery in speaking out for the simple idea that girls should have access to the same education as boys.”

The magazine points out that even as Pakistan bristles with roughly 100 nuclear warheads, up to 60 per cent of women are still illiterate and two out of every five girls fail to finish primary school.

The magazine notes that the Taliban gunman, who attacked Malala as she headed home after an exam, announced that she must be punished for insulting “the soldiers of Allah”. Then he shot her in the head. The introduction also refers to Malala’s diary published on a BBC blog.

Pakistani internet activist Sana Saleem has been added to the list “for insisting that free speech is not blasphemy.’’

Whats the point of voting. Its their award and they will give whoever they want. A year back Zuckerberg was given the award despite Assange beat him in the polls.
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"I give you private information on corporations for free and I'm a villain. Mark Zuckerberg gives your private information to corporations for money and he's 'Man of the Year.'"
Netanyahu :facepalm: ...the pig should be in the list of murderers of the year

Netanyahu ? Romney ? what next ? gali ka jamadar ?

Didn't these people selected Hitler person of year in 30s? :facepalm:

because the world revolves around pakistan and their 15 year old journalists

give it to someone whose actually saved lifes or helped to find a cure to do so

Please read the criteria for the selection:

Person of the Year (formerly Man of the Year) is an annual issue of the United States newsmagazine Time that features and profiles a person, group, idea or object that "for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."[1]

This award is about the person who has had the biggest impact on the year, not about who is the best example of humanity.
PTI's Inamullah Niazi and his comments about Malala *shameful*

25:00 onwards
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I think I get it..if PTI wins we'll see girls schools being closed down and Taliban's type of Sharia being served to us..:razzaq

Imran Khan can do a longmarch for 600 people killed in drone attacks which includes big TTP/AlQaida heads but not for 40,0000 innocent died,not for 1400 schools blown up not for attacks on mosques,shrines...good PTI you are not going to bring revolution with policies like this..
:facepalm: @ OP.......lame BS by u against PTI/:imran

argument is....hundreds of innocent children have been murdered in drone attacks and by TTP terrorists....they get zero coverage

while Malala is INJURED, and you see all this BS, not only in PAK media but also in Western media

Inaam Ullah is idiot of highest order...

Here is What PTI is doing for women on ground.
KALABAGH: It took 6,500 disenfranchised women of Paaikhel tribe 46 years to get back their right to vote – thanks to a tribal jirga.

The jirga was convened by Ayla Malik, daughter of Nawab Malik Allah Yar Khan, the Nawab of Kalabagh, and central leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), at the residence of Razaul Mustafa Paaikhel in Kalabagh area of Mianwali district on Sunday.

Interestingly, a tribal jirga, presided over by Razaul Mustafa’s father Attaulllah Khan Paaikhel had disenfranchised their women in 1956. And no woman from the tribe had ever voted in elections since.

Sunday’s jirga unanimously decided to return to women the legal and constitutional right to vote.
“Today, we have corrected a wrong of the history,” Ayla Malik told Paaikhel women after the jirga. She called it “a historic achievement”.

“Women are more than half of the country’s population. Today, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has served the women with retrieval of their basic right even prior to coming to power,” said Ayla.

It’s the duty of the government and state institutions to ensure the women get their basic human rights which they have failed to do, Ayla added. “Now the Paaikhel women would be able to cast their vote which is their basic human right.”

Published in The Express Tribune, December 3rd, 2012.
Just Seen it...

Totally Rubbish and stupid comments by Inamullah and he brought the Yahoodi Sazish to go with it too :)))
:facepalm: @ OP.......lame BS by u against PTI/:imran

argument is....hundreds of innocent children have been murdered in drone attacks and by TTP terrorists....they get zero coverage

while Malala is INJURED, and you see all this BS, not only in PAK media but also in Western media


lol he said it's a planned drama not knowing his leader himself witnessed her injured...and no he didn't mention TTP..they never do these PTIans I'm sorry..they are too concerned about drone attacks not people dying in the hands of TTP..not about soldiers,policemen,Shias,govt. workers being beheaded not about those schools blown up..

and how could you miss those comments about "Yahoodis" haha those were gems..enough to tell the mentality of a person or maybe a party..:misbah
Why Imran Khan received world cup trophy??why not the other 10 cricketers??#talk like Inamullah Niazi :)))
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Isn't there any coordination within PTI on how to formulate an official party stance on a particular subject? Completely contrary to how Imran Khan has approached this situation. Pathetic.
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I'm sure PTI has got better people to represent you guys in these tv shows than this guy who thinks like Maulana Fazlurrehman..:moyo

InamUllah is exclusively being used as an attack dog for the likes of Mushaidullah, Haneef Abbasi, Abid Sher Ali, Faisal Raza Abidi...

Our other reps have no idea what to do when batameezi starts on live tv...

Can't send Arif Alvi, Fauzia Kasuri, and others against these guys.

Imran Ismail is our only hope who can balance attack and not completely lose it on national tv.
Isn't there any coordination within PTI on how to formulate an official party stance on a particular subject? Completely contrary to how Imran Khan has approached this situation. Pathetic.

It has less to do with coordination and more to do with stupidity :)
PTI needs to debrief him and make him apologize or fire him. That's highly irresponsible statement and i am sure Imran Khan would differ with what this guy said.
This guy Inamullah is married to IK's sister as per some sources. All in the family ;-)
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says alot about a nations mindset when they start calling an injured little girl who got shot

Not sure if Malala is an Agent...

But she and her father are certainly being used by the Pro War lobby both in the West and Pakistan...

And thus handsomely rewarded...father is just acquired a UN post...

While hundreds if not thousands of children get slaughtered by the drones...including an antithesis of Malala, 16 year old anti-drone activist Tariq Aziz brutally murdered in a drone attack....

No attention or empathy for poor Tariq Aziz..

Malala episode reeks of quintessential hypocrisy of Pakistani liberals and their pro war benefactors in the West...
says alot about a nations mindset, simples

i bet your one of the few idiots who claim arfa is the true daughter of pak and MY is an Agent
Not sure if Malala is an Agent...

But she and her father are certainly being used by the Pro War lobby both in the West and Pakistan...

And thus handsomely rewarded...father is just acquired a UN post...

While hundreds if not thousands of children get slaughtered by the drones...including an antithesis of Malala, 16 year old anti-drone activist Tariq Aziz brutally murdered in a drone attack....

No attention or empathy for poor Tariq Aziz..

Malala episode reeks of quintessential hypocrisy of Pakistani liberals and their pro war benefactors in the West...

lol as if those 40,000 innocent people killed and millions injured in TTP's attacks would not have done that neither those 1400 girls schools blown up
^^..and I forgot suicide attacks on mosques and shrines as well.
says alot about a nations mindset, simples

i bet your one of the few idiots who claim arfa is the true daughter of pak and MY is an Agent

talking about mindset..why are Afghan Pashtoons pro Talibans?Even though they know they are suffering today because of them?
lol as if those 40,000 innocent people killed and millions injured in TTP's attacks would not have done that neither those 1400 girls schools blown up

Nice try, but the fact remains, since Tariq Aziz was working to undermine the NATO war of terror, his death was justified and went unnoticed and without a peep from our fake Pakistani liberals...

And going back to your straw man's argument about 40K killed...certainly in response to the War of Terror perpetrator by neocons and continued by the supposed "liberal/progressive" nobel peace laureate President and duly supported by the Pakistani liberals...

BTW, 40K killed and "millions" injured also include those killed directly by the coalition forces, the instigator of this whole repugnant war of terror...
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lol, an Afghan telling us about women's rights.

Sadly, the 'Afghan' has it spot on in this case. This Pakistani concurs wholeheartedly with his assessment of the situation.
talking about mindset..why are Afghan Pashtoons pro Talibans?Even though they know they are suffering today because of them?

what are you on about

you speak to any pashtun from afghanistan and they will tell you they despise taliban
on the other hand those living in khyber will say oh hail great freedom fighters.

dont know where you got that info from because it is not true

only a real idiot will support the taliban
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InamUllah is exclusively being used as an attack dog for the likes of Mushaidullah, Haneef Abbasi, Abid Sher Ali, Faisal Raza Abidi...

Our other reps have no idea what to do when batameezi starts on live tv...

Can't send Arif Alvi, Fauzia Kasuri, and others against these guys.

Imran Ismail is our only hope who can balance attack and not completely lose it on national tv.
A strategy I wholeheartedly disagree with. You don't fight fire with fire.

Asad Umar dishes out some serious pwnage whenever he's in some talk show. And he's the most soft-spoken representative from any party I've ever seen :))
what are you on about

you speak to any pashtun from afghanistan and they will tell you they despise taliban
on the other hand those living in khyber will say oh hail great freedom fighters.

dont know where you got that info from because it is not true

only a real idiot will support the taliban

the only people who speak against Talibans are the non-Pashtuns NA tajiks,hazaras etc not the Afghan Pashtuns..been to their forums,watched documentaries on topic and followed news etc. rarely see any Afghan Pashtun speaking against Talibans..they hail them as freedom fighters and want American,Nato forces out of Afghanistan..they consider Karzai and other co. as puppet of Americans and don't want them in govt...

If Americans/Nato forces withdraw from Afghanistan I see Afghanistan to be divided into few separate state..I don't think Tajiks,Uzbeks,Hazaras,Norther Alliance etc living under Talibans rule.
the only people who speak against Talibans are the non-Pashtuns NA tajiks,hazaras etc not the Afghan Pashtuns..been to their forums,watched documentaries on topic and followed news etc. rarely see any Afghan Pashtun speaking against Talibans..they hail them as freedom fighters and want American,Nato forces out of Afghanistan..they consider Karzai and other co. as puppet of Americans and don't want them in govt...

If Americans/Nato forces withdraw from Afghanistan I see Afghanistan to be divided into few separate state..I don't think Tajiks,Uzbeks,Hazaras,Norther Alliance etc living under Talibans rule.

I disagree. I think most Afghan Pahtuns consider Taliban as a foreign force/Pakistani entity. They were originally recruited and trained in Pakistan during the Soviet-Afgan war. After the war ended, civil war ensued and this group was propped up and fully supported by the Pakistani army and establishment to take over Kabul so they can have a proxy govt. on their western borders. Talibans are not appreciated by the Afghan people nor pashtuns, they just don't have any other choice. When you have anarchy, any force no matter how ruthless who is able to enforce some semblance of law and order is grudginly acceptable by the local people. Afghan culture was never this conservative or repressive towards women. They are a Saudi influenced Wahabi mindset ISI sponsored group. Not to say that Afghan's love Karzai or his govt. as its a collection of criminal networks, in the words of American military they are a "Vertically Integrated Criminal Enterprise" or VICE.
I disagree. I think most Afghan Pahtuns consider Taliban as a foreign force/Pakistani entity. They were originally recruited and trained in Pakistan during the Soviet-Afgan war. After the war ended, civil war ensued and this group was propped up and fully supported by the Pakistani army and establishment to take over Kabul so they can have a proxy govt. on their western borders. Talibans are not appreciated by the Afghan people nor pashtuns, they just don't have any other choice. When you have anarchy, any force no matter how ruthless who is able to enforce some semblance of law and order is grudginly acceptable by the local people. Afghan culture was never this conservative or repressive towards women. They are a Saudi influenced Wahabi mindset ISI sponsored group. Not to say that Afghan's love Karzai or his govt. as its a collection of criminal networks, in the words of American military they are a "Vertically Integrated Criminal Enterprise" or VICE.

I'll agree with you that the Taliban are a Saudi influenced Wahabi group, and they may well have been sponsored by the ISI which was in turn sponsored by the CIA during the period you are talking about. But since 9/11 when the US changed course, that was surely a superb opportunity for the Pakhtuns to drive the Taliban out of Afghanistan by joining forces with NATO. Why hasn't that happened?
I'll agree with you that the Taliban are a Saudi influenced Wahabi group, and they may well have been sponsored by the ISI which was in turn sponsored by the CIA during the period you are talking about. But since 9/11 when the US changed course, that was surely a superb opportunity for the Pakhtuns to drive the Taliban out of Afghanistan by joining forces with NATO. Why hasn't that happened?

As NATO allied themselves with the Northern Alliance made up of Uzbeks and Tajiks, Northern Alliance is hated amongst Pashtuns as during the Civil War in the 90s they committed terrible atrocities against the Pashtun population, raping, looting and systematically killing and destroying communities. I think they saw Taliban as lesser of two evils.
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I disagree. I think most Afghan Pahtuns consider Taliban as a foreign force/Pakistani entity. They were originally recruited and trained in Pakistan during the Soviet-Afgan war. After the war ended, civil war ensued and this group was propped up and fully supported by the Pakistani army and establishment to take over Kabul so they can have a proxy govt. on their western borders. Talibans are not appreciated by the Afghan people nor pashtuns, they just don't have any other choice. When you have anarchy, any force no matter how ruthless who is able to enforce some semblance of law and order is grudginly acceptable by the local people. Afghan culture was never this conservative or repressive towards women. They are a Saudi influenced Wahabi mindset ISI sponsored group. Not to say that Afghan's love Karzai or his govt. as its a collection of criminal networks, in the words of American military they are a "Vertically Integrated Criminal Enterprise" or VICE.

he answered it for you bud
yeah that is exactly what every Afghan in afghanistan thinks... what saadibaba just posted. the taliban have major support from pashtun people in khyber though apart from the ones with an actual brain.
its good to see an unbiased post on this matter for once.
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I'll agree with you that the Taliban are a Saudi influenced Wahabi group, and they may well have been sponsored by the ISI which was in turn sponsored by the CIA during the period you are talking about. But since 9/11 when the US changed course, that was surely a superb opportunity for the Pakhtuns to drive the Taliban out of Afghanistan by joining forces with NATO. Why hasn't that happened?

NATO foreign force killing their people
Taliban Foreign force killing their people

either way,oppressed regardless, why join up with either of these enemies
As NATO allied themselves with the Northern Alliance made up of Uzbeks and Tajiks, Northern Alliance is hated amongst Pashtuns as during the Civil War in the 90s they committed terrible atrocities against the Pashtun population, raping, looting and systematically killing and destroying communities. I think they saw Taliban as lesser of two evils.

I know that as I was around when all that was going on. Just as I know that the Pakhtuns were unwilling to turn against OBL after he had fought alongside them in repelling the Soviets due to the code of Pakhtunwali (protection of a guest while he is under your roof) unless there was compelling proof provided against him of the crimes he was accused of.
I disagree. I think most Afghan Pahtuns consider Taliban as a foreign force/Pakistani entity. They were originally recruited and trained in Pakistan during the Soviet-Afgan war. After the war ended, civil war ensued and this group was propped up and fully supported by the Pakistani army and establishment to take over Kabul so they can have a proxy govt. on their western borders. Talibans are not appreciated by the Afghan people nor pashtuns, they just don't have any other choice. When you have anarchy, any force no matter how ruthless who is able to enforce some semblance of law and order is grudginly acceptable by the local people. Afghan culture was never this conservative or repressive towards women. They are a Saudi influenced Wahabi mindset ISI sponsored group. Not to say that Afghan's love Karzai or his govt. as its a collection of criminal networks, in the words of American military they are a "Vertically Integrated Criminal Enterprise" or VICE.

I fail to understand how could the Taliblans without the help of Afghan people show this much resistance?...and are all Talibans Pak Pashtuns? Weren't the Mujaheddin fighters already fighting the communist party in 1970s the same way Talibans are fighting the Karzai govt. today? Were they trained and funded by ISI as well?

The Soviets intervened later in 1979 when things were going out of control of the point is there were insurgents already present in the 70s. who were fighting against the one funded or trained them..

You are going way to back in history. Taliban were born after 1989 when the civil war broke out after the soviets left. After 4 brutal years of civil war which end up causing more destruction and mayhem to the country than the actual war, Taliban emerged as the dominating force who by 1996 had captured most of Afghanistan.

As for who makes up Taliban. Children of Afghan refugees who were either born in Pakistan or came to Pakistan when they were too young to have any idea of Afgan culture. They got educated in Madrassahs that were funded and supported by the Saudi regime and strategically supported by ISI to use them as their proxy army, made up the majority of Taliban plus Pashtuns of KP and tribal areas also joined their ranks. As for local support for Taliban, it's choosing between the two evils, a corrupt and incompetent Afghan govt. or the ruthless Taliban. Since the longevity of the Afghan govt. especially after the withdrawal of US forces is unsure, it's not surprising to see people in south east Afghanistan going along with the Taliban.

You are going way to back in history. Taliban were born after 1989 when the civil war broke out after the soviets left. After 4 brutal years of civil war which end up causing more destruction and mayhem to the country than the actual war, Taliban emerged as the dominating force who by 1996 had captured most of Afghanistan.

As for who makes up Taliban. Children of Afghan refugees who were either born in Pakistan or came to Pakistan when they were too young to have any idea of Afgan culture. They got educated in Madrassahs that were funded and supported by the Saudi regime and strategically supported by ISI to use them as their proxy army, made up the majority of Taliban plus Pashtuns of KP and tribal areas also joined their ranks. As for local support for Taliban, it's choosing between the two evils, a corrupt and incompetent Afghan govt. or the ruthless Taliban. Since the longevity of the Afghan govt. especially after the withdrawal of US forces is unsure, it's not surprising to see people in south east Afghanistan going along with the Taliban.

Do me a favour and stick to Bollywood/Karachi/MQM politics which you know far more about. I gave you the benefit of local knowledge in your area, maybe you should stop presuming knowledge about events outside your diaspora.

You are going way to back in history. Taliban were born after 1989 when the civil war broke out after the soviets left. After 4 brutal years of civil war which end up causing more destruction and mayhem to the country than the actual war, Taliban emerged as the dominating force who by 1996 had captured most of Afghanistan.

As for who makes up Taliban. Children of Afghan refugees who were either born in Pakistan or came to Pakistan when they were too young to have any idea of Afgan culture. They got educated in Madrassahs that were funded and supported by the Saudi regime and strategically supported by ISI to use them as their proxy army, made up the majority of Taliban plus Pashtuns of KP and tribal areas also joined their ranks. As for local support for Taliban, it's choosing between the two evils, a corrupt and incompetent Afghan govt. or the ruthless Taliban. Since the longevity of the Afghan govt. especially after the withdrawal of US forces is unsure, it's not surprising to see people in south east Afghanistan going along with the Taliban.

so who did the ISI and CIA funded and trained against Soviets?..and after the Soviets left Afghanistan ,why did the Talibans continue fighting?
Do me a favour and stick to Bollywood/Karachi/MQM politics which you know far more about. I gave you the benefit of local knowledge in your area, maybe you should stop presuming knowledge about events outside your diaspora.


Do me a favor too, stop butting into things which you have no clue about ;-)
The Pakistani schoolgirl activist shot in the head by the Taliban has been discharged from a Birmingham hospital as an inpatient.

She will continue rehabilitation at her family's temporary West Midlands home.

Times person of the year contestant , and now she is again on the main news of British news sites.. West seems to be investing and investing on her...
ouch!!!!!!!! Looks like My foot is too long... Or is it yours?????
Atleast, I am not being Hippocrate...
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Now that she is out, i hope her father to back off a bit and let her pursue what she wants to.
. Dont want CIA/America/Mossad to give an oportunity... Just dont want to close me eyes

Your eyes are already closed..don't you see 40,000 in Pakistan and many more in Afghanistan have been victims of these barbarians?Malala is not alone..and forget Malala , see the issue here..this thought of girls shouldn't get education exist in Pakistan-Afghanistan...and it's cultural because even in Islam it's necessary for each Muslim to get education.
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Your eyes are already closed..don't you see 40,000 in Pakistan and many more in Afghanistan have been victims of these barbarians?Malala is not alone..and forget Malala , see the issue here..this thought of girls shouldn't get education exist in Pakistan-Afghanistan...and it's cultural because even in Islam it's necessary for each Muslim to get education.

However much i try, for me 40,000 has turned into just a number.... But Malala is different. She is something i know foir now and imagine her pain and sufferings..... My lament is to the lack of reporting by Pakistani journalist.... Here you got an opportunity to change the society by promoting the story and making people think about it...

And finally, You dont need to be always defensive/ofensive about your religion when it comes to a argument... Not even once, word Islam came into mind while thinking about the poor girl.
However much i try, for me 40,000 has turned into just a number.... But Malala is different. She is something i know foir now and imagine her pain and sufferings..... My lament is to the lack of reporting by Pakistani journalist.... Here you got an opportunity to change the society by promoting the story and making people think about it...

And finally, You dont need to be always defensive/ofensive about your religion when it comes to a argument... Not even once, word Islam came into mind while thinking about the poor girl.

media were covering this issue very well at first but their journalists were given death threats and they were accused of being American/CIA/Mossad agent so they backed off..

if bomb blasts on daily basis can't awake this nation..
if destroying of schools can't awake this nation(about 1700 according to KPK govt)
if beheading of their own army men,policemen can't awake this nation
if killings of innocent children and women who may be more pious than these so called jihadi can't awake this nation than I don't think issue of Malala would..

at most they would be brainwashed again by thekedars of Islam.

I bring Islam because all the things these bloody barbarians are doing are doing it on the name of Islam.
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...and even if 1 innocent person is killed it means the whole humanity is killed that's what the Quran says so figures shouldn't matter but everyone knows thousands of innocent people have lost their lives in the hands of these ugly barbarians.
...and even if 1 innocent person is killed it means the whole humanity is killed that's what the Quran says so figures shouldn't matter but everyone knows thousands of innocent people have lost their lives in the hands of these ugly barbarians.

You seem to like burying your head. You have been told countless times whose supporting these barbarians but don't have it within yourself to condemn them but only their foot soldiers and linking it to religion?

I've just watched a laughable report on Sky news with some Pakistani woman claiming girls in(the whole) Pakistan are scared of going to school. :))

This whole drama is another media attack Pakistan as a whole. Another nail in dimissing it is as a failed extremist run state so when Pakistani's are butchered their blood means little.
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...and even if 1 innocent person is killed it means the whole humanity is killed that's what the Quran says so figures shouldn't matter but everyone knows thousands of innocent people have lost their lives in the hands of these ugly barbarians.

^ I thought Pakistani jurnos are deliberately making it non story but looks like they haven't got guts to attack taliban ideology.
But may be its Pakistani state has lost capability to protect its citizens.....
Malala can be an alternative to the curse of Bhuttos given enough hype. I will give her my support if she actually does something for the poor girls in the north and then come into politics