Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

You draw your strength, and maintain your position, based upon the "majority" argument. This appeal to the "majority" is the last, and final, resort of people who have clearly been defeated in argument.

If you were possessed of any real knowledge of the Qur'an, you would not employ such devices to win your case. Because Allah SWT always warns against following or adhering to the "majority".

Just because there are more Ahl-Al-Hadeeth than not, does not mean a jot on the landscape of Islam or the universe. Whatever differences exist between believers, they are required to remain united as a community. Differences and disagreements exist, only so that a broad, wide, range of ideas, views may be presented - it is in this way that knowledge is shared, acquired, conveyed, as well as deepened and heightened. Islam is not a monolithic entity, it is a religion free from coercion and force, and easy to understand. It is, above all else, an ideological expression of tolerance and liberality. Were it not for the Grace of Allah SWT, we would all think alike, be alike, and speak, feel alike. That He created diversity amongst humankind, obviously means that He loves liberality and tolerance.

Remember that Islam is a means to an end: submitting to the Will of Allah SWT. In order to comprehend the meaning of true submission, you need to learn about the Will of Allah SWT. In order to learn about the Will of Allah SWT, you need to acquire knowledge of Him. And in order to attain knowledge of your Bountiful, Beautiful, Blessed and Beloved Creator, you need to read His Book, and understand His signs - both in and around you. In other words, the process of submitting does not end with one's declaring: "I am a Muslim", it is never-ending. A process is a continuous and constant progression, from a state of ignorance, to a state of enlightenment and illumination. Inspiration does not alight upon just anyone, one must seek it.

Open up your heart to everyone - Muslim, non-Muslim, secular, non-secular, those who agree with you, and those who do not. When you have attained that level of tolerance and liberality, you will love those who disagree with you more than those who agree with you. Because we learn little from those in agreement with our own views and beliefs, but learn infinitely more from those with either opposing, or entirely different viewpoints.

Be a Muslim in truth, and not just in fact.

May be you haven't come to the point where you realize that rejection of sahih hadith is Kufr, so I'd suggest to educate yourself with real knowledge first instead of mascarading as some intellectual.

Islam is not what you and I want it to be, it is what Muhammad SAW illustrated it to be in action and speech.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

This is actually from a Maulvi, a Hanafi Maulvi, I believe

Many hanafi maulvis are sensible. We have had plenty of aql minded mullahs in our history.

Khilafa brigade is political. ... as soon as things get political then integrity and truth go out the window.
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Many hanafi maulvis are sensible. We have had plenty of aql minded mullahs in our history.

Khilafa brigade is political. ... as soon as things get political then integrity and truth go out the window.

Agreed. And as a Hanafi, I think I'd rather listen to an educated scholar of the sect on the matter, than an internet Warrior
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Scholars look for the truth. ... understanding the limitations of their research.

Politicians take what the scholars do and take What's needed for their political needs.

The foot soldiers blindly parrot what the political leaders tell them.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

KB being a particular fervent political foot soldier.

I have few questions here:

1. Seeing KB-24 propagating some very extreme views. Is this guy's views supported by Quran, or there are some verses in Quran which can be interpreted by various parties differently.
2. If the first one is true, then why are so many interpretations of Quran when you have essentially one text? Has there been any historical/ongoing attempt to clearly depict the spirit of Quran which should be followed by all?
3. Is there any council/or some organisation which oversees the correct interpretation of Quran and distributes such information to common people in their own mother tongue as the language of Quran is in Arabic (which is not known to many Muslims)?
4. If there is no such organisation mentioned in 3rd point, then is there is a need for such organisation to outline universal interpretation based on Quran, so all people follow that and don't trespass such interpretation?

5. Also, finally I have read a bit about the history of hadiths and its compilations, there is a difference among different sects regarding hadiths but there is a universal Quran which is followed by all sects. So, based on these differences can common ground be made to only follow Quran and not hadiths?

I'm asking you because your views are of tolerance, moderation etc. (which you often say are in Quran), are polar opposite to the views of people like KB-24 etc.

When moderate view of Islam is presented to all, then we may not see the proliferation of the likes of Taliban etc.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

A true scholar will never say what his analysis produces is a fact. ...

Only a political leader or a politician mascerading as a mullah.
May be you haven't come to the point where you realize that rejection of sahih hadith is Kufr, so I'd suggest to educate yourself with real knowledge first instead of mascarading as some intellectual.

Islam is not what you and I want it to be, it is what Muhammad SAW illustrated it to be in action and speech.

Your inability to engage in respectful discourse, is yet another manifestation of this intolerance and arrogance which you persist in.

I love masquerading - do please learn to spell simple English words - since everything in this world is an illusion, and we are none of us what we seem or appear to be.

Do you not know that Saheeh Hadeeth is the Qur'an? And that Allah SWT Himself has described it, ie., the Qur'an, as Hadeeth a number of times? In other words, it is the speech of Allah SWT, Lord of the Worlds. But of course, you have no knowledge of the Arabic language. Therefore, I defer to you - you obviously possess more knowledge about ignorance and arrogance than I do.

You are a worshipper of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and not a follower. Only a worshipper persists in mentioning his deity and god. How many times have I mentioned Allah SWT in my posts, and how many times have you mentioned The One to Whom you claim submission?

Continue upon your abuses and insults to whosoever disagrees with you - Allah SWT is recording your words and has full knowledge of your intentions. Only those who are in any way affected by your arrogance and intolerance would descend to your level, and engage in your type of discourse. Fortunately, I am at peace - you, obviously, are not. Allah SWT is my Witness that I attempted, in good faith, to help you. Alas that you are beyond help. Only Allah SWT has the power and ability to save you from yourself.
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Right because in your warped world, even a Non-Muslim can enter paradise.

"Surely, those who believe, those who are the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians – whosoever believed in Allah and the Last Day, and worked righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."
5: 69

are you calling the Quran warped?
One thing is that the thing which we are supposed to follow is Quran and the Prophet's (PBUH) Sunnah. Critical difference between Hadith and Sunnah
Re: Malala Speech at the UN


I have few questions here:

1. Seeing KB-24 propagating some very extreme views. Is this guy's views supported by Quran, or there are some verses in Quran which can be interpreted by various parties differently.
2. If the first one is true, then why are so many interpretations of Quran when you have essentially one text? Has there been any historical/ongoing attempt to clearly depict the spirit of Quran which should be followed by all?
3. Is there any council/or some organisation which oversees the correct interpretation of Quran and distributes such information to common people in their own mother tongue as the language of Quran is in Arabic (which is not known to many Muslims)?
4. If there is no such organisation mentioned in 3rd point, then is there is a need for such organisation to outline universal interpretation based on Quran, so all people follow that and don't trespass such interpretation?

5. Also, finally I have read a bit about the history of hadiths and its compilations, there is a difference among different sects regarding hadiths but there is a universal Quran which is followed by all sects. So, based on these differences can common ground be made to only follow Quran and not hadiths?

I'm asking you because your views are of tolerance, moderation etc. (which you often say are in Quran), are polar opposite to the views of people like KB-24 etc.

When moderate view of Islam is presented to all, then we may not see the proliferation of the likes of Taliban etc.

The only thing I will say is that any text is only as much use as the Aql of the people that are reading it.

The reality is that if you read verses one by one you get a totally different meaning than if you take a weighted average of the principles contained in each one of the sentences of the Qur'an.

It's not rocket science though.

An extremist will take one sentence and give it an out of context meaning.

For example Khilafa brigades purpose is Khilafa. ... so many sentences in the Qur'an are twisted to support that pre-juxtaposition.

The fact that the Qur'an never talks about khilafa itself directly is by the by.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

There will never be "the one interpretation"... And it would be nonsensical to think that it should or can. (Think of the million sects)

The reality is that it's there as the perfect guide for mankind and they have to use their Aql to glean from it what they can.

What we could glean a thousand years ago through the collective aql of mankind will be different to what we can glean in a thousand years from now when our collective aql is greater.
Agreed. And as a Hanafi, I think I'd rather listen to an educated scholar of the sect on the matter, than an internet Warrior

Is that so, if you really claim to listen to a Scholar, then know that Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) called Khilafah Umm ul Faraid (mother of all Fard), may be you should brush up on your fiqh bro. :D
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

One thing is that the thing which we are supposed to follow is Quran and the Prophet's (PBUH) Sunnah. Critical difference between Hadith and Sunnah

Absolutely critical

IQ 80 believe hadith = sunnah because they can't intellectually comprehend the difference.
"Surely, those who believe, those who are the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians – whosoever believed in Allah and the Last Day, and worked righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."
5: 69

are you calling the Quran warped?

The tafsir on the verse by Imam ibn Khatir makes it clear that those who believed in previous Ambiya (AS) before the advent of Muhammad SAW were Muslims and it those people this verse is referring to.
Is that so, if you really claim to listen to a Scholar, then know that Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) called Khilafah Umm ul Faraid (mother of all Fard), may be you should brush up on your fiqh bro. :D

So what have you done for Khilafah?

Again, also what is Khilafah?

It's important to define terminology before using it
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There will never be "the one interpretation"... And it would be nonsensical to think that it should or can. (Think of the million sects)

The reality is that it's there as the perfect guide for mankind and they have to use their Aql to glean from it what they can.

What we could glean a thousand years ago through the collective aql of mankind will be different to what we can glean in a thousand years from now when our collective aql is greater.

You are right, Khan_Ji. Interpretation is subjective. If the early Muslims had not understood the Qur'an differently, they would not have followed its diverse messages, and no advancement and progression in knowledge would have occurred. The Qur'an satisfies the different needs of its different readers. So that the scientist will find much food for thought, so too the spiritual, philosophical, intellectual, emotional. We are bound to understand the Qur'an a little differently from everyone else. Aql depends upon the individual, some use it more than others, some abandon it altogether.

The main thing is that believers ought to be united upon the fundamental message, which remains the same throughout prophetic times - and that is: there is none worthy of worship except Allah. Or: there is no god except The God.
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There will never be "the one interpretation"... And it would be nonsensical to think that it should or can. (Think of the million sects)

The reality is that it's there as the perfect guide for mankind and they have to use their Aql to glean from it what they can.

What we could glean a thousand years ago through the collective aql of mankind will be different to what we can glean in a thousand years from now when our collective aql is greater.

The reason I'm asking for universal interpretation of Quran (similar to text of Quran) is that, it will make everything clear and outright. If 'X' is interpreting a particular verse to further his agenda, he will be exposed and his views will not garner any support.

If there are variable number of interpretations, then we don't know who is presenting the correct view and spirit of Quran. Each party will quote a verse in Quran and say it is in Quran and opposing party will say it has been quoted out of context. This is what I see in the media happening between moderate people and radical people. Both support their views based on Quran but each accuse the other of resorting to 'Out of Context' verses.

If you leave interpretation of Quran to the likes of KB-24 (who seems to have his own interpretation), don't you think it is dangerous for the lives of people who don't accept his views?
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

The reason I'm asking for universal interpretation of Quran (similar to text of Quran) is that, it will make everything clear and outright. If 'X' is interpreting a particular verse to further his agenda, he will be exposed and his views will not garner any support.

If there are variable number of interpretations, then we don't know who is presenting the correct view and spirit of Quran. Each party will quote a verse in Quran and say it is in Quran and opposing party will say it has been quoted out of context. This is what I see in the media happening between moderate people and radical people. Both support their views based on Quran but each accuse the other of resorting to 'Out of Context' verses.

If you leave interpretation of Quran to the likes of KB-24 (who seems to have his own interpretation), don't you think it is dangerous for the lives of people who don't accept his views?

For your purpose you just have to look at "the generally accepted understanding" to expose the extremists.
The reason I'm asking for universal interpretation of Quran (similar to text of Quran) is that, it will make everything clear and outright. If 'X' is interpreting a particular verse to further his agenda, he will be exposed and his views will not garner any support.

If there are variable number of interpretations, then we don't know who is presenting the correct view and spirit of Quran. Each party will quote a verse in Quran and say it is in Quran and opposing party will say it has been quoted out of context. This is what I see in the media happening between moderate people and radical people. Both support their views based on Quran but each accuse the other of resorting to 'Out of Context' verses.

If you leave interpretation of Quran to the likes of KB-24 (who seems to have his own interpretation), don't you think it is dangerous for the lives of people who don't accept his views?

He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do not transgress. (Quran, 55:19-20)

Now for those with no scientific knowledge, they will glean that two seas meeting together have a barrier somewhere.

Those with knowledge will know where it is


Ultimately, they're both right
@Reverseslap --

Do you take these words literally or philosophically?

I mean don't you think there must have been deep philosophical meaning of the phrase rather than simply giving explanation about the Seas (which to me is not like a breakthrough scientific revelation). I'm saying this because I saw a video of one famous Pakistani Physics professor (forgot his name) who I think teaches in Lahore said that, some of the verses in Quran are metaphors and not to be taken literally. He said this in context with someone with whom he was debating as regards to Scientific truths being hidden in Quran.

Because, interpretations of the Quran by the likes of KB-24 are extremely dangerous for the well being of people who differ from his own.
The reason I'm asking for universal interpretation of Quran (similar to text of Quran) is that, it will make everything clear and outright. If 'X' is interpreting a particular verse to further his agenda, he will be exposed and his views will not garner any support.

If there are variable number of interpretations, then we don't know who is presenting the correct view and spirit of Quran. Each party will quote a verse in Quran and say it is in Quran and opposing party will say it has been quoted out of context. This is what I see in the media happening between moderate people and radical people. Both support their views based on Quran but each accuse the other of resorting to 'Out of Context' verses.

If you leave interpretation of Quran to the likes of KB-24 (who seems to have his own interpretation), don't you think it is dangerous for the lives of people who don't accept his views?

I know you are addressing Khan_Ji - so I hope you will forgive me this interjection.

The Qur'an is not extremist literature. It is Divine Scripture, and as such, is free from all extremist content.

All of the scholars who have interpreted, explained and translated the Qur'an, have done so with sincerity and humility. Those who misinterpret the Qur'an - for their own perverse agendas - or scholarly works, are very easy to identify: they are ignorant, arrogant and intolerant. True practitioners of the faith, fear the Wrath of Allah SWT, and love Him in equal measure, insofar as that is possible for any human being. And thus, they speak quietly, address believers and non-believers alike with respect, compassion and patience, they display tolerance and manifest a liberal acceptance of their fellow human beings.

The Qur'an cannot be misinterpreted to the extent that it drives people to extremist views and adopt intolerant agendas. This has really nothing to do with the Qur'an. It has everything to do with people whose selves are greater than the universe in which they live. In other words, their only faith is them, and not God.

Unfortunately, every community has to deal with the extremists in their midst - they are the haters, the dividers and spoilers. The radicals, extremists and terrorists are just the destructive forces which humankind has had to deal with from time immemorial. Islam is about submission, and the Qur'an teaches the individual how to submit. Simple.
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@Reverseslap --

Do you take these words literally or philosophically?

I mean don't you think there must have been deep philosophical meaning of the phrase rather than simply giving explanation about the Seas (which to me is not like a breakthrough scientific revelation). I'm saying this because I saw a video of one famous Pakistani Physics professor (forgot his name) who I think teaches in Lahore said that, some of the verses in Quran are metaphors and not to be taken literally. He said this in context with someone with whom he was debating as regards to Scientific truths being hidden in Quran.

Because, interpretations of the Quran by the likes of KB-24 are extremely dangerous for the well being of people who differ from his own.

I actually wanted you to say that. Again, a third metaphorical explanation can be made. It is from Surah Rehman and the verses immediately after it imply that it's a blessing of Allah.

So when you come down to it, there are three meanings. Each for different levels of understanding. That is why a univeral interpretation would be impossible
The tafsir on the verse by Imam ibn Khatir makes it clear that those who believed in previous Ambiya (AS) before the advent of Muhammad SAW were Muslims and it those people this verse is referring to.

Who got it wrong as it is not black and white:

The Quran clearly states that those who seek any other religion other than Islam (which is the perfect religion) it will not be accepted from them but the seeking and acceptance is by man and man can be coerced by orientalists and those who try to discredit Islam. when you have an environment where the true message of Islam is not sent to the masses (like Taliban are not the representation of Islam that Holy Prophet (saw) would have recommended or the radicals version) then you cannot blame the receiver who refuses to accept that version of Islam which is appropriated incorrectly. This is why a true Christian or a Jew who does good deeds and has not been appropriated the real message of Islam cannot be considered straight going to hell. It is similar to the case where a man is told by a Muslim that Islam doesn't like women being educated and it wants to kill apostates and does not respect other religion even the Abarahamic ones, then of course the most pious of Christian and jew is not going to get the correct message of Islam. Allah works in mysterious ways and those who actively seek the faith and are true in their hearts always find Islam in the end (which is why there are converts) and those who actively try to defeat Islam always get defeated by Allah and then the 3rd category, who are looking but are receiving the incorrect version of Islam being portrayed to them. If I give you a plate of dates and those dates have fungus on them, just by looking at it, you will reject it but if I give you a plate of dates which are perfect and untouched and clean, then a person who likes them will go for it. You cannot then blame the person for not eating the fungus laiden dates because looked bad.
I know you are addressing Khan_Ji - so I hope you will forgive me this interjection.

The Qur'an is not extremist literature. It is Divine Scripture, and as such, is free from all extremist content.

All of the scholars who have interpreted, explained and translated the Qur'an, have done so with sincerity and humility. Those who misinterpret the Qur'an - for their own perverse agendas - or scholarly works, are very easy to identify: they are ignorant, arrogant and intolerant. True practitioners of the faith, fear the Wrath of Allah SWT, and love Him in equal measure, insofar as that is possible for any human being. And thus, they speak quietly, address believers and non-believers alike with respect, compassion and patience, they display tolerance and manifest a liberal acceptance of their fellow human beings.

The Qur'an cannot be misinterpreted to the extent that it drives people to extremist views and adopt intolerant agendas. This has really nothing to do with the Qur'an. It has everything to do with people whose selves are greater than the universe in which they live. In other words, their only faith is them, and not God.

Unfortunately, every community has to deal with the extremists in their midst - they are the haters, the dividers and spoilers. The radicals, extremists and terrorists are just the destructive forces which humankind has had to deal with from time immemorial. Islam is about submission, and the Qur'an teaches the individual how to submit. Simple.

Sure, wonderful explanation. I was addressing to Mr_Khan_Ji because his views were always moderate and polar opposite to KB-24.

I wish this type of understanding exists for all religious people. This way you will live and you will let others who differ from your own happily. But, I guess this will not happen anytime soon.
I actually feel ashamed after reading some of the posts in this thread. The girl at the age of 16 has made a speech in the United Nations after having her skull blown off, a speech that displays ideas and sentiments that are beyond most girls of that age, a speech that asks for peace and respect for women and renounces violence. A speech where she didn't speak ill of her homeland, her culture or religion yet addressed the world wearing her traditional attire and won the praise of commentators worldwide for her poise and class.

Yet here on PP we have what seem to be young immature males denouncing her and abusing her. Shame on you guys. Seriously I know the internet provides a way for you to vent your frustrations but come on, try and achieve something in your lives instead of tearing into those that are trying to good for themselves and others.
Excellent posts from Jadz ( as usual) and Khan Ji and pathetic moronic posts from KB-24 and Mamon Ghaffar.

The irony in KB-24 idolising a drinking non-muslim hell bound adulterer like Kobe Bryant and yet denouncing secularism and its ills in the same thread is astonishing.
I actually wanted you to say that. Again, a third metaphorical explanation can be made. It is from Surah Rehman and the verses immediately after it imply that it's a blessing of Allah.

So when you come down to it, there are three meanings. Each for different levels of understanding. That is why a univeral interpretation would be impossible

Right. Thanks for that.

I mean, if you think if Quran is of divine origin, then you should aim for the highest and most tolerant philosophical explanation. Because, in Quran there are repeated words of God being most merciful and tolerant.

You should hope, may be in the future, a scholar of great intellect will come out with universal interpretation of Quran that will explain the true spirit of Quran and nullify the radical views held by some who threaten the others who differ from them.
Excellent posts from Jadz ( as usual) and Khan Ji and pathetic moronic posts from KB-24 and Mamon Ghaffar.

The irony in KB-24 idolising a drinking non-muslim hell bound adulterer like Kobe Bryant and yet denouncing secularism and its ills in the same thread is astonishing.


What a lame post.
Your inability to engage in respectful discourse, is yet another manifestation of this intolerance and arrogance which you persist in.

I love masquerading - do please learn to spell simple English words - since everything in this world is an illusion, and we are none of us what we seem or appear to be.

Do you not know that Saheeh Hadeeth is the Qur'an? And that Allah SWT Himself has described it, ie., the Qur'an, as Hadeeth a number of times? In other words, it is the speech of Allah SWT, Lord of the Worlds. But of course, you have no knowledge of the Arabic language. Therefore, I defer to you - you obviously possess more knowledge about ignorance and arrogance than I do.

You are a worshipper of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and not a follower. Only a worshipper persists in mentioning his deity and god. How many times have I mentioned Allah SWT in my posts, and how many times have you mentioned The One to Whom you claim submission?

Continue upon your abuses and insults to whosoever disagrees with you - Allah SWT is recording your words and has full knowledge of your intentions. Only those who are in any way affected by your arrogance and intolerance would descend to your level, and engage in your type of discourse. Fortunately, I am at peace - you, obviously, are not. Allah SWT is my Witness that I attempted, in good faith, to help you. Alas that you are beyond help. Only Allah SWT has the power and ability to save you from yourself.

If presenting authentic views makes me arrogant, then I don't know what it makes you for rejecting them.
So what have you done for Khilafah?

Again, also what is Khilafah?

It's important to define terminology before using it

I support Hizb ut Tahrir and work with them to spread awareness among people about the obligation of establishing Khilafah because its only objective is to implement Islam in totality. The way to establish it is by working with a jamaat that you believe is sincere and has a real plan instead of daydreams.

All 4 Imams are unanimous on this fard without which there is no establishment of Deen on earth.

Anyhow, my stance on education specifically is quite clear from my initial posts.
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I had no doubt that you would find it lame :))

Keep doing what your doing bro. Promoting 'Islam' and idolising a Non-Muslim sexual assaulter all at the same time.

Hmm I didn't know sports now had anything to do with what's being discussed on this thread let alone Islam. As for Kobe Bryant he is my favorite athlete in all of sports because of what he has achieved on the court, what has happened in his personal life that's his business. In Deen and Duniya, Muhammad SAW and Sahaba (RAA) are the first and last role models for me and anyone else who followed/follows their example to the best of their abilities.

Anyways as I said before, these comments are usually from people with no real objectivity, so carry on!
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For your purpose you just have to look at "the generally accepted understanding" to expose the extremists.

The irony in this is that the generally accepted understanding is what's contained in the authentic sources of Islam and it is the polar opposite of the fabrication you present on PP.
Excellent posts from Jadz ( as usual) and Khan Ji and pathetic moronic posts from KB-24 and Mamon Ghaffar.

The irony in KB-24 idolising a drinking non-muslim hell bound adulterer like Kobe Bryant and yet denouncing secularism and its ills in the same thread is astonishing.

This.He is such a hypocrite.
Also,he hates western education but uses internet which is a product of western education.
Hmm I didn't know sports now had anything to do with what's being discussed on this thread let alone Islam. As for Kobe Bryant he is my favorite athlete in all of sports because of what he has achieved on the court, what has happened in his personal life that's his business. In Deen and Duniya, Muhammad SAW and Sahaba (RAA) are the first and last role models for me and anyone else who followed/follows their example to the best of their abilities.

Anyways as I said before, these comments are usually from people with no real objectivity, so carry on!

Man ,you contradict yourself.By your own logic,you should not critisie Malala if her role model i Obama.You are full of double standards .
Man ,you contradict yourself.By your own logic,you should not critisie Malala if her role model i Obama.You are full of double standards .

Read the post again as for my role models. I don't plan on being a basketball player therefore Kobe is not a role model, simply an athlete who I enjoy watching play professional basketball. There is a difference.
Read the post again as for my role models. I don't plan on being a basketball player therefore Kobe is not a role model, simply an athlete who I enjoy watching play professional basketball. There is a difference.

Now twisting your own words.When it comes to you,there are exceptions.
Malala also does not intend to be the president of the US.
Also the argument that Malala is a tool for Western Imperialist policy is a flawed one. If that was the case then all of living in the West are also similar as most of our parents moved from a poorer society for a better standard of living.

If the west wanted to use people as tools and examples then they have no need for Malalas. They have 1.8 million in the UK for starters! People like KB-24 are the biggest tools for western imperialist policies as they are used to show how free speech is tolerated.
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Re: Malala Speech at the UN

The irony in this is that the generally accepted understanding is what's contained in the authentic sources of Islam and it is the polar opposite of the fabrication you present on PP.

Much of the generally accepted view does not contradict the Qur'an.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Read the post again as for my role models. I don't plan on being a basketball player therefore Kobe is not a role model, simply an athlete who I enjoy watching play professional basketball. There is a difference.

I think you should change ur rule models and at the very least your user name
Also the argument that Malala is a tool for Western Imperialist policy is a flawed one. If that was the case then all of living in the West are also similar as most of our parents moved from a poorer society for a better standard of living.

If the west wanted to use people as tools and examples then they have no need for Malalas. They have 1.8 million in the UK for starters! People like KB-24 are the biggest tools for western imperialist policies as they are used to show how free speech is tolerated.

There's no such thing as free speech, those who speak the Haqq and stand up for it are victims of oppression in the real world. I may be safe now but there's no guarantee it will stay that way but I wouldn't have it any other way. Everyday, Muslims in some country, in particular the Muslim world are being targeted by the forces of evil, none of us is safe, not even living in the West !!
KB-24 utterly destroyed in this thread and totally lost his guise, will never recover.
KB-24 utterly destroyed in this thread and totally lost his guise, will never recover.

What was destroyed and debunked was credibility of Secularism ever addressing the needs of mankind in a just way from which you ran way as people like you usually do.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

What was destroyed and debunked was credibility of Secularism ever addressing the needs of mankind in a just way from which you ran way as people like you usually do.

Your hero Kobe Bryant is a staunch secularist. ....
Your hero Kobe Bryant is a staunch secularist. ....

Since you suffer from reading comprehension to go along with merry go round syndrome, I suggest you read the post again, I stated who my role models are in Deen and Duniya.
If he's a fake account, why doesn't someone just PM one of the mods?
There's no such thing as free speech, those who speak the Haqq and stand up for it are victims of oppression in the real world. I may be safe now but there's no guarantee it will stay that way but I wouldn't have it any other way. Everyday, Muslims in some country, in particular the Muslim world are being targeted by the forces of evil, none of us is safe, not even living in the West !!

Doesn't matter bro. If you use the logic you used regarding Malala then people like you residing in the west isa big ppropaganda tool for western powers when they argue that their war isn't against Islam. I mean how can it be when kb24 is free to preach khalifa and watch Basketball in London?
There's no such thing as free speech, those who speak the Haqq and stand up for it are victims of oppression in the real world.

as much as you hate to admit it you have far more liberty and equality in the uk (i assume you live here) then you would ever afford anyone who held views different to your own had you any real power to enforce your will on others.

the irony is that its the guys like you are the real tool in the manipulation of the image of the vast majority of decent muslim folk who live in the uk, in your own ignorance you dont even realise it is the people who you think you represent that you damage the most.

I may be safe now but there's no guarantee it will stay that way

paranoid much??? no one cares about internet warriors like you bro. yes there are some dangerous people out there who need to be monitored and watched, but for someone willing to spend so much time on an internet forum lambasting a sixteen year old girl who got shot in the head you clearly have little better to do with your time.
I support Hizb ut Tahrir and work with them to spread awareness among people about the obligation of establishing Khilafah because its only objective is to implement Islam in totality. The way to establish it is by working with a jamaat that you believe is sincere and has a real plan instead of daydreams.

The irony! :91:
Secularism may not be bad, but if majority of a country's people want one particular religion to be dominant in its politics, there is nothing wrong with that as long as the minorities' rights are protected


Pakistanis have time and again rejected reiligious parties playing a role in politics
The irony of seeing a guy (KB 24) who ran away to a western imperialist power and pays taxes to a government waging wars in Muslim lands lecturing others on Khilafat and muslim ummah :)))

people like him are the biggest hypocrites.

it must be made clear he is not Pakistani!
I support Hizb ut Tahrir and work with them to spread awareness among people about the obligation of establishing Khilafah because its only objective is to implement Islam in totality. The way to establish it is by working with a jamaat that you believe is sincere and has a real plan instead of daydreams.

All 4 Imams are unanimous on this fard without which there is no establishment of Deen on earth.

Anyhow, my stance on education specifically is quite clear from my initial posts.

Lol what work?...

I've known your ilk for over a decade...smoke sheesha and talk about establishing Khilafah but have no guts to leave this countries comforts...wife doesn't want to leave...have to complete university...all sorts of excuses for not leaving Britain...and with the pathetic excuse of 'Hizb have a role in the UK' sure they do but if any of you guys in the UK had an ounce of bottle then you would leave this country and go somewhere that is Majal...but you won't cos you're armchair revolutionaries...

And as for that joke of an organisation they got exposed during the Arab Spring...they have no support base is interested in their work...I remember when I was 16 I was told how a coup could happen anyday in Pakistan...its hilarious really...the Hizb is one big propaganda machine that exaggerates its size and influence in the Muslim world and as its membership has a bunch of cowards who can say they are doing something for the Ummah without having to do anything other than attend a few talks and smoke sheesha...
This thread has become intellectually retarded because posters would rather attack one individual who they disagree with instead of looking deep into why Malala is known worldwide and why there is talk of a Malala day.

Whether the Caliphate is realistic or not no Muslim with any knowledge cannot deny this has existed at the time of the companions of the Prophet(pbuh) and there is nothing wrong with this system of rule being introduced again if the people wish. It's ironic people are supporting Malala views of the right to education for women but are against the right of Muslims to choose their own system of governance.

KB is not an extremist and makes some valid points even if you disagree with him. Until the Muslim world is allowed to live according to their values they will always be under the slavery of the modern secular system.

People still cannot get it through their closed minds the people who attacked Malala are supported by those who are now championing her 'cause'. If anyone respects this girl they should speak out against her being used as a propaganda tool.

Barrack Obama or David Cameron don't given a damn about young Muslim girls otherwise their forces wouldn't have used chemical weapons against young girls in Fallujah or blow them by drones around the world. I would love to hear Malala's view on this but I highly doubt she will mention the right of life at the UN assembly.
Afghan Taliban was never against education of girls

Taliban Spokesman Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi (March 2001) in University of Southern California, USA

^ The accusations of the Afghan resistance attacking girls schools with poison etc were all fake stories, war propaganda. Besides the Afghan Taliban and the TTP are not the same, one is a legitimate resistance movement the other mercenaries hired by the CIA and their lapdogs such as India. Unfortunately little Malala hasn't been informed of this by her father or her UN handlers.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

This thread has become intellectually retarded because posters would rather attack one individual who they disagree with instead of looking deep into why Malala is known worldwide and why there is talk of a Malala day.

Whether the Caliphate is realistic or not no Muslim with any knowledge cannot deny this has existed at the time of the companions of the Prophet(pbuh) and there is nothing wrong with this system of rule being introduced again if the people wish. It's ironic people are supporting Malala views of the right to education for women but are against the right of Muslims to choose their own system of governance.

KB is not an extremist and makes some valid points even if you disagree with him. Until the Muslim world is allowed to live according to their values they will always be under the slavery of the modern secular system.

People still cannot get it through their closed minds the people who attacked Malala are supported by those who are now championing her 'cause'. If anyone respects this girl they should speak out against her being used as a propaganda tool.

Barrack Obama or David Cameron don't given a damn about young Muslim girls otherwise their forces wouldn't have used chemical weapons against young girls in Fallujah or blow them by drones around the world. I would love to hear Malala's view on this but I highly doubt she will mention the right of life at the UN assembly.

Did she say anything wrong?
This thread has become intellectually retarded because posters would rather attack one individual who they disagree with instead of looking deep into why Malala is known worldwide and why there is talk of a Malala day.

Whether the Caliphate is realistic or not no Muslim with any knowledge cannot deny this has existed at the time of the companions of the Prophet(pbuh) and there is nothing wrong with this system of rule being introduced again if the people wish. It's ironic people are supporting Malala views of the right to education for women but are against the right of Muslims to choose their own system of governance.

KB is not an extremist and makes some valid points even if you disagree with him. Until the Muslim world is allowed to live according to their values they will always be under the slavery of the modern secular system.

People still cannot get it through their closed minds the people who attacked Malala are supported by those who are now championing her 'cause'. If anyone respects this girl they should speak out against her being used as a propaganda tool.

Barrack Obama or David Cameron don't given a damn about young Muslim girls otherwise their forces wouldn't have used chemical weapons against young girls in Fallujah or blow them by drones around the world. I would love to hear Malala's view on this but I highly doubt she will mention the right of life at the UN assembly.

Afghan Taliban was never against education of girls

Taliban Spokesman Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi (March 2001) in University of Southern California, USA


This will be hard to digest for most in this thread. They'd rather let mainstream media feed their minds with lies.
Afghan Taliban was never against education of girls

Taliban Spokesman Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi (March 2001) in University of Southern California, USA


Come to America, say we love America and not against Women education. Go back to Afghanistan, kill Americans and destory girls schools

did I get that right?
Come to America, say we love America and not against Women education. Go back to Afghanistan, kill Americans and destory girls schools

did I get that right?

that is the pattern with many. vote liberal when in western countries and become conservative when back in their land.
Come to America, say we love America and not against Women education. Go back to Afghanistan, kill Americans and destory girls schools

did I get that right?

Same like USA /NATO. Come to UN and say that we love Paksitan and we want education for girls (as if in whole of Pakistan every single girl is under threat of being stopped from going to school). Come to Pakistan send drones and kill innocent people including these little girls and then fund and train TTP and so that they can destroy these girl's schools.
The irony of seeing a guy (KB 24) who ran away to a western imperialist power and pays taxes to a government waging wars in Muslim lands lecturing others on Khilafat and muslim ummah :)))

people like him are the biggest hypocrites.

it must be made clear he is not Pakistani!

Reminds me of Anjem Chaudary.
KB despises western education but uses their language to post on PP.Hypocrite.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

The gist of her speech was "education education education".

Whatever the problems of society whether it be economic political or social, an increase in the intellectual capital of the population will make things better than the status quo.

Ignore the politics. ... listen and applaud the message.

Aql is always the answer.
It was really amazing to see there was not even a single scar on her face in which once the so called Bullets were Pierced through...!!! How advanced The UK Hospitals & technologies have Become.........:yk
I never understand one thing regarding conspiracy theorists.

They believe the worlds best intelligence agencies, doctors (in the Malala case), scientists are conspiring to create some conspiracy, and somehow they always leave a crucial clue so that internet warriors in their parents basement can spot it, and "discover" the conspiracy.

In this case, assuming she was not shot according to the grand theory, wouldnt the doctors dress her up with false dressings so the common people are more easily fooled ?
It was really amazing to see there was not even a single scar on her face in which once the so called Bullets were Pierced through...!!! How advanced The UK Hospitals & technologies have Become.........:yk

She was shot once in the head/kneck. So there were no bullets (plural) and hence no visible scars.

Please try again.
It was really amazing to see there was not even a single scar on her face in which once the so called Bullets were Pierced through...!!! How advanced The UK Hospitals & technologies have Become.........:yk

Did you forget about the metal plate in her damn skull.

Seriously do we really have such levels of wilful blindness on here ? Sure there is hypocrisy on the part of the west but attacking a young girl directly after what she has been through is low.
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