Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

It was really amazing to see there was not even a single scar on her face in which once the so called Bullets were Pierced through...!!! How advanced The UK Hospitals & technologies have Become.........:yk

She was shot in the head and neck.People like you can never appreciate the sacrifices of a brave young girl.
She was shot in the head and neck.People like you can never appreciate the sacrifices of a brave young girl.

hypocrisy being.....children get blown into thousand pieces by drones or TTP....

......yet no one remembers them

I never understand one thing regarding conspiracy theorists.

They believe the worlds best intelligence agencies, doctors (in the Malala case), scientists are conspiring to create some conspiracy, and somehow they always leave a crucial clue so that internet warriors in their parents basement can spot it, and "discover" the conspiracy.

In this case, assuming she was not shot according to the grand theory, wouldnt the doctors dress her up with false dressings so the common people are more easily fooled ?
MIracle...Miracle... !!!!! All the Scars on her face got vanished within 3-4 months of her being shot........:14:...

UK Doctors are simply legendary...:bow:.....
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hypocrisy being.....children get blown into thousand pieces by drones or TTP....

......yet no one remembers them


Because people like you do not take the initiative to remember them. All you can do is sit and criticize someone like Malala, who is brave enough to take that step and stand up!

In truth this is nothing to do with those children getting blown, you don't care two hoots about them, you have not mourned them or given a solution for them. You are just bringing them up as excuse to counter this young woman.

Malala got shot, survived and was brave enough to still stand up for herself. Her being in the limelight might help bring to fore the atrocities against women and children and help them in the long run. What have you done to help those children blown to pieces?
^^^MIracle...Miracle... !!!!! All the Scars in her face got vanished within 3-4 months of her being shot........:14:...

UK Doctors...:bow:.....


works on Hotspots and also on scars :zoni

All I would say, it takes a really pathetic individual to, without any proof whatsoever, question the truth of a young girl being shot. You might hate the US, you might have different views on things, but there are something which make us human beings and not animals, one should
remember that

This is one place where you can err on the side of caution. Ask yourself, what is more sad and inhuman, believing the lies of a kid/US government or dis-believing an innocent kid, shot in her head and accusing her? What if there is even 0.1% chance of the later being true, would you be able to live with yourself?

BTW, It's the easiest thing in the world to make false scars. Scars which can last forever or for years, by special effects so your point works against you
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Btw KB why are you a supporter?...why are you not a Shab doing your Fard?...I find supporters the most hilarious of all...cos they talk about Fard and attach themselves to the groups work yet they actually have NOTHING to do with it...they also are not fulfilling their fard...

Let me guess...its one of the following:

I'm too busy...can't commit time prevent me...
My mum will get upset and Janna is at the feet of your mum and everything...
My wife will get upset and its not about having an annoyed wife...
HT expect me to practice in public...can't do that...I got a party next week...

Any reasons I missed out?...

Supporters are by far the most annoying cos they dont even attach themselves to the organisation...they are even more pitiful than the actual shab and members who have never left the country...
hypocrisy being.....children get blown into thousand pieces by drones or TTP....

......yet no one remembers them


So if I remember all the children who have been blown to pieces by drones, you promise to change your hostility towards a child who has been through hell? Is that all it takes?

How about commiserating with the drone dead AND Malala at the same time? Too much brain space?

Man. See this thread is an example why I am so cynical about the human species.
MIracle...Miracle... !!!!! All the Scars on her face got vanished within 3-4 months of her being shot........:14:...

UK Doctors are simply legendary...:bow:.....

You do realise she lost her hearing, was in a medically induced coma, has a metal plate on her skull ?

How much more evidence of injury do you need ? Wake up !
They hand out leaflets too bro, its not all just talks and sheesha.

Loool how could I forget...

Mockery aside I do have some respect for those who do jump up and go abroad...its just 99% of those who said they would be heading abroad haven't and don't plan to...
Because people like you do not take the initiative to remember them. All you can do is sit and criticize someone like Malala, who is brave enough to take that step and stand up!

In truth this is nothing to do with those children getting blown, you don't care two hoots about them, you have not mourned them or given a solution for them. You are just bringing them up as excuse to counter this young woman.

Malala got shot, survived and was brave enough to still stand up for herself. Her being in the limelight might help bring to fore the atrocities against women and children and help them in the long run. What have you done to help those children blown to pieces?

yeah i wasn't remembering them...

that's exactly why i mentioned em above multiple times

and i can't do anything to help those children blown to pieces, except pray for them (and for justice) or sign online petitions............because neither i have the money to buy a politician and neither am I a corporation.

sad World indeed.
So if I remember all the children who have been blown to pieces by drones, you promise to change your hostility towards a child who has been through hell? Is that all it takes?

How about commiserating with the drone dead AND Malala at the same time? Too much brain space?

Man. See this thread is an example why I am so cynical about the human species.

if all those children were given the same amount of air time.....we wouldn't be having more blown children.
Ohh Great.. So You r one rare piece of Human who got that opportunity to see that metal plate sticking in her Skull in real........ Wish I were You.....:(

As I said, if there is even 0.1% chance that you are accusing an innocent child of lying about her wounds, how will you face yourselves as a human being? How will you face God? Are you 100% sure everything about her getting shot is a lie?

Her injuries have been confirmed by reputable doctors, her shooting was confirmed by Pakistan government. By independent media. Evidence is for all to see. If despite that, on flimsy theories, you are ready to believe a child being shot was made up, do you have enough evidence? What if there is 1% chance that you are wrong? And if true, what sort of human does it make you

Making false scars is one hours job and these can last for years. So your theory doesnt hold wate

Just ask yourself one thing. What is worse, believing in US lies or accusing an innocent kid, who was shot, of lying?
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if all those children were given the same amount of air time.....we wouldn't be having more blown children.

So wait,

Before neither Malala, nor those children were given air-time

Now Malala is. That's still better than the first scenario. So what's your complaint?

BTW, having a face on TV, a living child, and someone as sweet as her, does help. Media wants images and an ambassador. That will generate more interest than some un-named children elsewhere. Who do they show, what picture do they run? It's no big conspiracy, unfortunately that's how media works.
So wait,

Before neither Malala, nor those children were given air-time

Now Malala is. That's still better than the first scenario. So what's your complaint?

BTW, having a face on TV, a living child, and someone as sweet as her, does help. Media wants images and an ambassador. That will generate more interest than some un-named children elsewhere. Who do they show, what picture do they run? It's no big conspiracy, unfortunately that's how media works.

Malala is being used as a tool......not to spread education, not for women empowerment

BUT to justify murdering of innocent civilians in drone attacks

tell me y'all aren't that thick to get the connection.

as simple as it gets.

its just PR....its all BS....its only hypocrisy
As I said, if there is even 0.1% chance that you are accusing an innocent child of lying about her wounds, how will you face yourselves as a human being? How will you face God? Are you 100% sure everything about her getting shot is a lie?

Her injuries have been confirmed by reputable doctors, her shooting was confirmed by Pakistan government. By independent media. Evidence is for all to see. If despite that, on flimsy theories, you are ready to believe a child being shot was made up, do you have enough evidence? What if there is 1% chance that you are wrong? And if true, what sort of human does it make you

Making false scars is one hours job and these can last for years. So your theory doesnt hold wate

Just ask yourself one thing. What is worse, believing in US lies or accusing an innocent kid, who was shot, of lying?

Nailed it again. As you usually do by the way! Good post.
Malala is being used as a tool......not to spread education, not for women empowerment

BUT to justify murdering of innocent civilians in drone attacks

tell me y'all aren't that thick to get the connection.

as simple as it gets.

its just PR....its all BS....its only hypocrisy

And you're attacking her, not the ones using her as tools. That is the critical difference. A 16 year old knows zilch about life
Sometimes I wish this forum had an option of marking comments which receive a lot of thumbs downl would save time in not having to read obvious trolls
hypocrisy being.....children get blown into thousand pieces by drones or TTP....

......yet no one remembers them


That is indeed sad and depressing.I really do feel for those innocent kids and I condemn drone strikes.
However,We all should acknowledge the sacrifices of those kids killed by drones and also the sacrifices of Malala.We should not discredit Malala and learn to appreciate such a brave girl.
Ohh Great.. So You r one rare piece of Human who got that opportunity to see that metal plate sticking in her Skull in real........ Wish I were You.....:(

Why not read what an actual doctor says instead of pandering to ridiculous conspiracies ? Here is a detailed record of her injuries, I don't know what further proof is needed.

The world remains riveted by the story of Malala Yousafzai, the 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot by Taliban gunman because she championed the rights of girls to receive an education. Flown to Birmingham, England, for more medical care, Yousafzai remains in critical but stable condition. TIME talked to Dr. Kritis Dasgupta, the medical director of the Brain Injury Program at the MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital in Washington, D.C., for a sense of what the girl is going through.

TIME: Can you describe what kind of surgery Malala received from doctors in Pakistan?

Kritis Dasgupta: They had to do a craniectomy, which is removing part of the skull so they can get in [to remove the bullet] and also to relieve swelling. You open up the skin, and then you find a way to open up the skull. A lot of times, that’s a question of making holes and then cutting from one hole to another so you can take out a flap of the skull. And that’s to relieve pressure from swelling, because the skull is a closed space, and if you have too much swelling, you can have a danger to the brain of compression, which is extremely serious and can lead to even death if the patient stops breathing. They call it a decompressive craniectomy. They’re not going in primarily to fix the brain but to handle the immediate danger and take out things that could prevent the brain from healing. After that, you monitor.

Would they have had to shave her head to do the surgery?

Yes. They would have had to shave at least half of her head — the area around where they went in — so they can sterilize it. Often patients will have half a head of hair.

What are the benchmarks for recovery?

The initial benchmark is survival. [Another] is to have all the postsurgical issues resolved. If there’s swelling, they will wait for that to go down, which could be a matter of days to some weeks. Once you’re out of that acute phase, you have a sense of what are the residual neurologic deficits, and that’s when you really start the process of rehabilitation and recovery.

What sort of tubes would she need right now?

Right now she’s most likely unable to eat on her own, so they may have already put in a feeding tube — a tube that goes from the outside of the abdomen into the stomach. In the short term, they’ll sometimes put in a nasogastric tube [down through nose], but if it looks like it will be needed for any length of time, they put a feeding tube in the stomach. Most likely during the surgery she was on a ventilator to help her breathe. In addition to that, she’s probably on some IVs to give her fluids and to prepare to administer IV medication in case she has any kind of complication.

When would they stop sedating her?

That depends on what the medical issues are. If the patient is agitated or if the patient is in a state where, when she is allowed to wake up, she unconsciously is pulling out her tubes and putting herself at a risk of danger, then that’s one reason to do it. Generally I would say they try to, as soon as they can, reverse that coma as soon as the patient is stable and can come out of it.

What can still go wrong in the recovery process at this stage?

Infection from the surgery itself. Increased swelling. Hydrocephalus — fluid on the brain. Cardiac complication. Loss of oxygen to the brain, leading to brain injury.

When will they be able to tell what the long-term damage is?

Months to years. It’s six months to a year before you get a sense of what the long-term damage is. Her recovery and prognosis depend on what the initial neurological deficits are. Young people do much better, prognostically, for recovery. In the early stages there may be a lot of fairly dramatic improvements. The question becomes, What will be the long-term deficits, compared to her baseline? That’s often a much more difficult question that takes time. She may be able to walk and talk, but will she be able to function? I’m sure she’s a very bright girl. Will she be at the same level?

Is it possible that she’ll be able to return to how she was before the injury?

I would say, given the severity of the injury, there is a strong possibility there may be some deficits. That doesn’t necessarily mean she can’t function and have a fulfilling life, but [there is a chance of] higher-level cognitive deficits.

What sort of deficits?

Just surmising, so: She was shot in the left side of her brain. That can affect language abilities.

What about physical deficits?

An injury to the left side of the brain means that she could have some right-sided weakness. So that can certainly affect your ability to walk and do all of your daily needs like dressing, eat, write.

What will be her treatment moving forward?

I would anticipate she’s most likely going to be going through intensive rehabilitation, very likely in the inpatient setting. She’ll stay in a rehabilitation hospital for some time to work with a rehabilitation team, which consists of physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, would all be working with her to work on any deficits she might have.
As I said, if there is even 0.1% chance that you are accusing an innocent child of lying about her wounds, how will you face yourselves as a human being? How will you face God? Are you 100% sure everything about her getting shot is a lie?

Her injuries have been confirmed by reputable doctors, her shooting was confirmed by Pakistan government. By independent media. Evidence is for all to see. If despite that, on flimsy theories, you are ready to believe a child being shot was made up, do you have enough evidence? What if there is 1% chance that you are wrong? And if true, what sort of human does it make you

Making false scars is one hours job and these can last for years. So your theory doesnt hold wate

Just ask yourself one thing. What is worse, believing in US lies or accusing an innocent kid, who was shot, of lying?

Some people are just blind and sore losers
And you're attacking her, not the ones using her as tools. That is the critical difference. A 16 year old knows zilch about life

That is indeed sad and depressing.I really do feel for those innocent kids and I condemn drone strikes.
However,We all should acknowledge the sacrifices of those kids killed by drones and also the sacrifices of Malala.We should not discredit Malala and learn to appreciate such a brave girl.

nowhere did i discredit Malala

as you said she's 16, she just wants to live in peace and study...

yet she is being used as a tool, not to spread education, but to justifying the drones murdering other Malalas that are being labeled as collateral damage.
I've lost a lot of respect for some pretty fanastic posters in the Cricket Section here. Thinking I'll just stay there from now on
Malala is being used as a tool......not to spread education, not for women empowerment

BUT to justify murdering of innocent civilians in drone attacks

tell me y'all aren't that thick to get the connection.

as simple as it gets.

its just PR....its all BS....its only hypocrisy

The only person making connections where there is not is you, give one iota of evidence that she's being used to justify drones. Even the UN and most human rights organisations have condemned drones.

Most people in the west condemn drones so there is no need to try and justify anything:


Its a classic example of people putting 2 and 2 together to make 5.

The reason why her case is so prominent is because how many girls do you know of in Swat Valley that had been shot in the skull by Taliban thugs, yet survived and has been able to live to tell their story ?

Yes her family is well connected, yes her father has political connections, so what, don't take it out on the girl, she had no choice in what her family background is.

All she wants to do is highlight the issue of female education, yet internet theorists who haven't done a damn thing remotely comparable in their lives seek to directly attack her and assume she's lying about her wounds like one user above is doing. Sure attack the US govt or the Pak govt for their failings, but the young girl does not deserve such attacks, from her OWN people.

What's that saying ? The people of a nation get what they deserve ?
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if all those children were given the same amount of air time.....we wouldn't be having more blown children.

Exactly... !!!! We have to believe that There were one and Only copter left in the whole of UN/US Military to save the lives of innocents and that Copter came at the right time to rescue and shift HER to UK Hospital.... in the meanwhile thousands children were waiting outside for at least a Land Support to get them to hospital... Still No one cared about them, everyone were in a hurry to Take MALALA to safety.... She was just a normal Being like other children who were suffering... Then why a special Care for Her..???

Leave other children aside...... MALALA was attacked along with her best frnd Named ZARA something Like that.... Why didn't the Copter Take her also along with Malala to the UK Hospital....???
nowhere did i discredit Malala

as you said she's 16, she just wants to live in peace and study...

yet she is being used as a tool, not to spread education, but to justifying the drones murdering other Malalas that are being labeled as collateral damage.

The west does not need to use a little girl to justify drone strikes.The west does whatever it wants.The west is answerable to nobody nor do they care about public opinion.Before Malala was attacked,drone strikes were still occuring.
Malala shot by TTP

TTP targets of drones along with mostly civilians who been murdered (according to CIA)

drones have been used and will be used to target TTP despite it creating more militants when you murder majority innocents

this isn't freaking string theory that its so hard to comprehend

now 62% America are approving of drone attacks......and its no conspiracy theory that they kill innocents

62% Americans supporting the murders of innocent...


nah...more like 2+x=5....and you can't find that x. :danish
The west does not need to use a little girl to justify drone strikes.The west does whatever it wants.The west is answerable to nobody nor do they care about public opinion.Before Malala was attacked,drone strikes were still occuring.

PR does matter...

read that chart...62% Americans support murdering of innocents thru drones

public opinion matters....Ron Paul was the only anti-Military Industrial complex and anti-drone candidate.......he was labeled as a lunatic by lamestream media

majority are sheep...controlling sheep is easy.....PR matters
PR does matter...

read that chart...62% Americans support murdering of innocents thru drones

public opinion matters....Ron Paul was the only anti-Military Industrial complex and anti-drone candidate.......he was labeled as a lunatic by lamestream media

majority are sheep...controlling sheep is easy.....PR matters

Maybe this nitpicking but please quote the chart which has specifically conducted this survey with this question.
Exactly... !!!! We have to believe that There were one and Only copter left in the whole of UN/US Military to save the lives of innocents and that Copter came at the right time to rescue and shift HER to UK Hospital.... in the meanwhile thousands children were waiting outside for at least a Land Support to get them to hospital... Still No one cared about them, everyone were in a hurry to Take MALALA to safety.... She was just a normal Being like other children who were suffering... Then why a special Care for Her..???

Leave other children aside...... MALALA was attacked along with her best frnd Named ZARA something Like that.... Why didn't the Copter Take her also along with Malala to the UK Hospital....???

and I thought you were a sane poster
As I said, if there is even 0.1% chance that you are accusing an innocent child of lying about her wounds, how will you face yourselves as a human being? How will you face God? Are you 100% sure everything about her getting shot is a lie?

Her injuries have been confirmed by reputable doctors, her shooting was confirmed by Pakistan government. By independent media. Evidence is for all to see. If despite that, on flimsy theories, you are ready to believe a child being shot was made up, do you have enough evidence? What if there is 1% chance that you are wrong? And if true, what sort of human does it make you

Making false scars is one hours job and these can last for years. So your theory doesnt hold wate

Just ask yourself one thing. What is worse, believing in US lies or accusing an innocent kid, who was shot, of lying?

The reverse Question applies to You... !!! Are You 0.1% sure that this was not a clinical Drama performance BY US/UN to turn away the peoples attention from mass murdering of Innocent Lives...??? ... From where did you get these information regarding Doctors evidences and other sort of things...??? The Media.... Are you sure you believe in whatever the Medias tells you..???

No where I accused that Girl..... That Girl May or may not be innocent... But the fact I understood is that She became A Fame and her Dad earned a lot after this incident..
But the whole drama that happened regarding this Issue is Totally unacceptable... If you carefully check at what time/occasion this incident took place... Am sure you are an intelligent one who can understand it....
I've lost a lot of respect for some pretty fanastic posters in the Cricket Section here. Thinking I'll just stay there from now on

Which pretty fantastic posters are these? Seems to have gone relatively to form to me.
Lol since when did the west care about public opinion ? Take the Iraq war, universally condemned and still went ahead. UN declared drone strikes illegal and Obama still gives them the go-ahead. They don't need to try and justify anything.

As for why this case is so prominent, yes she had a BBC blog so was more well-known, but so what if she got treatment abroad, would you rather she was dead to satisfy a ridiculous political point about other drone victims ? Lol at poster saying its a ''clinical drama'', its a DOCTOR saying these words. I know some people cannot tell their skull from their backside but you can hear the doctors speaking about the Malala case on video saying these words, what more evidence do people need ? Oh no wait, the doctors are paid off, the media are full of hindu zionists and the earth is flat, so Malala's wounds are fake. Right.
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PR does matter...

read that chart...62% Americans support murdering of innocents thru drones

public opinion matters....Ron Paul was the only anti-Military Industrial complex and anti-drone candidate.......he was labeled as a lunatic by lamestream media

majority are sheep...controlling sheep is easy.....PR matters

Stop lying to yourself.The west does not care about public opinion.An example is Iraq war.
Did she say anything wrong?

She shouldn't be saying anything at the UN, this is the whole point. The girl is being used as a tool to further imperialist agendas and being used by her father to secure such deals.

has signed a book deal worth about $3m (£2m).

Let's hope her father is good enough to pay back the costs which the British taxpayer forked out for her treatment. Let;s hope they also donate most of this money to girls education around the world. I don't think they will but let's see.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

She shouldn't be saying anything at the UN, this is the whole point. The girl is being used as a tool to further imperialist agendas and being used by her father to secure such deals.

Let's hope her father is good enough to pay back the costs which the British taxpayer forked out for her treatment. Let;s hope they also donate most of this money to girls education around the world. I don't think they will but let's see.

Why shouldnt she?

She's got the platform to further HER agenda. .. However it's been given.

An agenda by the way that Pakistanis should be paying heed to.
She shouldn't be saying anything at the UN, this is the whole point. The girl is being used as a tool to further imperialist agendas and being used by her father to secure such deals.

Let's hope her father is good enough to pay back the costs which the British taxpayer forked out for her treatment. Let;s hope they also donate most of this money to girls education around the world. I don't think they will but let's see.

Whilst I do agree with you that the West is championing her for nefarious reasons it doesn't mean she isn't doing something valuable...

Her campaigning for women's education is hardly negative now is it?...

If she was campaigning against drone strikes which isnt her responsibility then I agree she wouldn't be given a platform...what that doesn't mean however is what she is campaigning for isn't valuable...

I just find it tasteless how some on here are pretending like she never got shot or she is some sort of agent...

Or that we should oppose what she is saying which is a push for girls to be educated...
She shouldn't be saying anything at the UN, this is the whole point. The girl is being used as a tool to further imperialist agendas and being used by her father to secure such deals.
The UN though have condemned drone attacks, if she was speaking at a cosy Washington Correspondent's Dinner then you might have a point but people shouldn't assume she has ulterior motives, she's only 16 and wants to use her case to highlight the plight of fellow girls in her region who are having their schools bombed and their rights ignored. How is she meant to know about the geopolitics of South Asia and the complete history of the 'War on Terror' ?

If she wants to speak out in public that is her right and nobody should deny her that right, no matter what their views are. I don't see what is bad about letting her at least speak on the topic, and its a damning indictment on Pakistanis who are turning on their own and making her out to be some foreign agent which is disgusting.

Malala's story resonates with ordinary people around the world, and of course people will want to know more, hence the book. That is why she gets the attention, ordinary people in the west believe in democracy and human rights, and unlike western governments who yes are hypocritical, are actually concerned when a young girl has her basic right to education violated.

Let's hope her father is good enough to pay back the costs which the British taxpayer forked out for her treatment. Let;s hope they also donate most of this money to girls education around the world. I don't think they will but let's see.

If taxpayer money meant saving that young girl's life then happy to do so. Obviously less happy that taxes also go towards illegal wars but I think saving Malala's life is a good use of public funds.

The father comes across as an opportunist though and of course there is hypocrisy by the west, they applaud Malala yet through their bombing raids have killed children on THEIR way to the classrooms. Yes people acknowledge that.

However if charities and civil society in the west wish to applaud an inspirational story of how a young girl from Swat Valley, from a country that is universally isolated and want to help female education in the country, what is wrong with that ? Pakistan needs a good news story for once and this is one of them.

But the point posters are making is to stop the direct attacks on Malala herself - one poster even compared her to Altaf Hussain, a killer, alleged money launderer and blackmailer and another thinks she doesn't even have any injuries and the whole thing was fake, is this acceptable ?

Nowhere did I suggest she has no right to speak or she has certain motives. Don't make up nonsense please.

Deal with the points below.

1. If the US, Britain can kill young girls around the world why do you think they give a damn about girls education?

2. If she receives £3 million in a book deal then what's wrong with paying off her medical bills and donating most if not all to girls education?

3. The TTP are backed by the CIA as we can now see in Syria. Why isn't this mentioned at the UN speech or the mainstream media?

4. Condemning drones attacks in the UN only came about after pressure from the likes of Imran Khan yet the US government denies the hundreds of children being butchered. Isn't the right of life important or just the right of education?
Re: Malala Speech at the UN


Nowhere did I suggest she has no right to speak or she has certain motives. Don't make up nonsense please.

Deal with the points below.

1. If the US, Britain can kill young girls around the world why do you think they give a damn about girls education?

2. If she receives £3 million in a book deal then what's wrong with paying off her medical bills and donating most if not all to girls education?

3. The TTP are backed by the CIA as we can now see in Syria. Why isn't this mentioned at the UN speech or the mainstream media?

4. Condemning drones attacks in the UN only came about after pressure from the likes of Imran Khan yet the US government denies the hundreds of children being butchered. Isn't the right of life important or just the right of education?

Two wrongs don't make a right. ....
Whilst I do agree with you that the West is championing her for nefarious reasons it doesn't mean she isn't doing something valuable...

Her campaigning for women's education is hardly negative now is it?...

It's always a good thing to campain for education for anybody, boys, girls, the poor, the disabled etc.

The point is she is being used. If any young girl was campaigning against drone strikes or killing of children by western forces do you believe she would gain a platform at the UN and receive such support such as having a day named after her?

If she was campaigning against drone strikes which isnt her responsibility then I agree she wouldn't be given a platform...what that doesn't mean however is what she is campaigning for isn't valuable...

Well now since she has a high profile it can be argued she does have responsibility to speak out against drone strikes. I would have thought any Pakistani or human being who cares about the right of life would have a responsibility to speak out against cold blooded murder by the use of robots.

I just find it tasteless how some on here are pretending like she never got shot or she is some sort of agent...

Or that we should oppose what she is saying which is a push for girls to be educated...

Fair enough but you need to address those people not me.
Two wrongs don't make a right. ....

Please deal with the points directly or don't bother quoting me. No disrespect by I try to ignore you posts as you don't make sense most of the time and never deal with any points raised which means wasting my time.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Please deal with the points directly or don't bother quoting me. No disrespect by I try to ignore you posts as you don't make sense most of the time and never deal with any points raised which means wasting my time.

Up to you Bro.

But fact is that you are so obsessed with conspiracy theories that you can't see the fact her agenda is education for kids in spite of terror.... Thats it.

Perhaps she should be campaigning for world peace but she is focusing on her agenda.

Just because there are deaths due to drones doesn't mean she shouldn't be able to campaign for her agenda.
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Nowhere did I suggest she has no right to speak or she has certain motives. Don't make up nonsense please.
I didn't say you did, I think rozas are getting to your head brother :p Although you did say this:

She shouldn't be saying anything at the UN

Read my post clearly again. I said other people did. Also you didn't answer my question, do you condemn posters who compare her to Altaf Hussain, a thug and alleged killer, or even imply her injuries are fake ?

1. If the US, Britain can kill young girls around the world why do you think they give a damn about girls education?
Differentiate between the government and the people. The US/UK govt don't give a damn, but US and British people do, hence the outpouring of support.

2. If she receives £3 million in a book deal then what's wrong with paying off her medical bills and donating most if not all to girls education?
We don't know whether proceeds will go towards the charity she has set up, that's for her and the family to decide.

She actually has donated funds to girls education, infact she has set up the Malala Fund. The charity's first grant will fund the education of 40 girls in Pakistan.

The UAE is also to play Pakistan in a charity fundraising cricket match -

Not to mention the numerous public speeches she has made to raise awareness of the cause - despite having a metal plate in her skull, only recently regaining her hearing and still some cognitive issues to overcome.

3. The TTP are backed by the CIA as we can now see in Syria. Why isn't this mentioned at the UN speech or the mainstream media?
Seriously ? She is 16 years old from some village in Swat Valley, how she meant to know the ins and outs of the war on terror or the geopolitical intricacies of the region like you claim to know. All she wanted to do at the UN speech is to raise the issue of female empowerment. Have you read the speech in full or not ?

Just read this bit and tell me what the heck is wrong with what's she said.

These terrorists are misusing the name of Islam for their own personal benefit. Pakistan is a peace loving, democratic country. Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons. Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood. It is the duty and responsibility to get education for each child, that is what it says. Peace is a necessity for education. In many parts of the world, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, terrorism, war and conflicts stop children from going to schools. We are really tired of these wars. Women and children are suffering in many ways in many parts of the world.

In India, innocent and poor children are victims of child labor. Many schools have been destroyed in Nigeria. People in Afghanistan have been affected by extremism. Young girls have to do domestic child labor and are forced to get married at an early age. Poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and the deprivation of basic rights are the main problems, faced by both men and women.
There ! She's even condemned the wars. I seriously don't know what more the poor kid can do or say to satisfy her critics.

As for the media, come on, we all know they are pro-establishment and rarely go against the status quo. When the BBC highlighted the dodgy evidence used by Tony Blair for the Iraq War, the entire station damn nearly got shut down. However, they have raised the illegality of drones which I'll address in the next point.

4. Condemning drones attacks in the UN only came about after pressure from the likes of Imran Khan yet the US government denies the hundreds of children being butchered.
The UN have consistently condemned drone attacks, so Malala has every right to speak up at the UN. Like I said if she spoke at some cosy little dinner with Washington hacks then I'd be more critical but she's gone to what many around the world sees as an organisation that enshrines human rights and democracy in its Charter, weak organisation or not.
A hard-hitting United Nations report, obtained by Channel 4 News, says a covert CIA programme to assasinate al-Qaida and Taliban militants in Pakistan using drone aircraft is "illegal" and should be halted, writes Job Rabkin in the US.

The report, written by the UN's Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions Philip Alston, will be formally submitted to the UN's Human Rights Council in Geneva tomorrow. It says the use of drones to target militants "violate straightforward legal rules".

"The refusal by States who conduct targeted killings to provide transparency about their policy violates the international framework that limits the unlawful use of legal force against individuals. A lack of disclosure gives States a virtual and impermissible licence to kill."

Isn't the right of life important or just the right of education?
They both come hand in hand. As Malala herself mentioned, the wars need to stop. However what life is there if you are not allowed to learn to write a sentence or read a text if some Taliban thugs who think they are God-mandated in their actions, deny young girls that right - she is absolutely right to condemn that.
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KKWC, why is everything a conspiracy to you and nothing can be taken at face value?

was your birth a saazish too?
These terrorists are misusing the name of Islam for their own personal benefit. Pakistan is a peace loving, democratic country. Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons. Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood. It is the duty and responsibility to get education for each child, that is what it says. Peace is a necessity for education. In many parts of the world, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, terrorism, war and conflicts stop children from going to schools. We are really tired of these wars. Women and children are suffering in many ways in many parts of the world.

In India, innocent and poor children are victims of child labor. Many schools have been destroyed in Nigeria. People in Afghanistan have been affected by extremism. Young girls have to do domestic child labor and are forced to get married at an early age. Poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and the deprivation of basic rights are the main problems, faced by both men and women.

Wow. You wouldn't think a 16 yr old girl brought up in Swat Valley would have a world view about ignorance, racism and deprivation of human rights across the globe. If she wrote that speech by herself she really is well educated.
I didn't say you did, I think rozas are getting to your head brother :p Although you did say this:

It was only fair for me to clarify what I say since you didn't.

Read my post clearly again. I said other people did. Also you didn't answer my question, do you condemn posters who compare her to Altaf Hussain, a thug and alleged killer, or even imply her injuries are fake ?

People have the right to air their views. I don't agree with most of the posts on this thread and on this forum.

Differentiate between the government and the people. The US/UK govt don't give a damn, but US and British people do, hence the outpouring of support.

Well it wasn't the people pushing for her to visit the UK for treatment and pushing her to speak at the UN or giving her publicity. So since you agree they don't give a daman, please explain they they are promoting her?

We don't know whether proceeds will go towards the charity she has set up, that's for her and the family to decide.

She actually has donated funds to girls education, infact she has set up the Malala Fund. The charity's first grant will fund the education of 40 girls in Pakistan.

The UAE is also to play Pakistan in a charity fundraising cricket match -

Not to mention the numerous public speeches she has made to raise awareness of the cause - despite having a metal plate in her skull, only recently regaining her hearing and still some cognitive issues to overcome.

£3 million is a lot of money, so we will wait to see how much she donates. Have you donated to the fund?

Seriously ? She is 16 years old from some village in Swat Valley, how she meant to know the ins and outs of the war on terror or the geopolitical intricacies of the region like you claim to know. All she wanted to do at the UN speech is to raise the issue of female empowerment. Have you read the speech in full or not ?

Just read this bit and tell me what the heck is wrong with what's she said.

There ! She's even condemned the wars. I seriously don't know what more the poor kid can do or say to satisfy her critics.

Actually she hasn't condemned the US drone strikes but war in general, there is a massive difference. Her handlers could make her aware, if she is able to understand eduction issues in Pakistan then attacks on innocent girls by drones shouldn't be much of an issue. All she has to say is I condemn killings of young girls like me by drone strikes, people then would not suggest she is a propaganda tool.

The UN have consistently condemned drone attacks, so Malala has every right to speak up at the UN. Like I said if she spoke at some cosy little dinner with Washington hacks then I'd be more critical but she's gone to what many around the world sees as an organisation that enshrines human rights and democracy in its Charter, weak organisation or not.

No it hasn't until Imran Khan raised the issue. Leaders should be speaking at the UN not a young girl be used for imperial agendas, this is the issue not about silencing her.

They both come hand in hand. As Malala herself mentioned, the wars need to stop. However what life is there if you are not allowed to learn to write a sentence or read a text if some Taliban thugs who think they are God-mandated in their actions, deny young girls that right - she is absolutely right to condemn that.

CIA are hiring these thugs, her attackers are backed by those who are now championing her cause. This is why the whole thing becomes a farce.
KKWC, why is everything a conspiracy to you and nothing can be taken at face value?

was your birth a saazish too?

I would worry about your own birth and look into it. :altaf

Wow. You wouldn't think a 16 yr old girl brought up in Swat Valley would have a world view about ignorance, racism and deprivation of human rights across the globe. If she wrote that speech by herself she really is well educated

It was written for her by the US/UN/UK handlers.
Well it wasn't the people pushing for her to visit the UK for treatment and pushing her to speak at the UN or giving her publicity. So since you agree they don't give a daman, please explain they they are promoting her?
I'm saying ordinary people are interested in her story, hence the protests in support, the signing of petitions, social media campaigns and the donations people are making to charities.

As for governments, yes they don't give a damn, if they truly supported Malala they'd withdraw from all the war zones they have created. But in what way are they promoting her ? By simply airing statements in support of Malala and supporting female empowerment ? Its a token statement, the standard diplomatic niceties that ministers always make, why must there always be some hidden ruse or trap ?

Who pushed her to speak at the UN, it was a Youth Assembly meeting, she's inspired millions of young people around the world with her story.

£3 million is a lot of money, so we will wait to see how much she donates. Have you donated to the fund?
I will, will you ?

Actually she hasn't condemned the US drone strikes but war in general, there is a massive difference. Her handlers could make her aware, if she is able to understand eduction issues in Pakistan then attacks on innocent girls by drones shouldn't be much of an issue. All she has to say is I condemn killings of young girls like me by drone strikes, people then would not suggest she is a propaganda tool.

She's not a statesman or elected official, why should she give statements on all war-related topics - she specifically said she wants to focus on female education and empowerment.

No it hasn't until Imran Khan raised the issue. Leaders should be speaking at the UN not a young girl be used for imperial agendas, this is the issue not about silencing her.

What imperial agenda, she's not making policies, she's campaigning !
Also how does anyone know who Malala's handlers are ? To suggest they are American or British is guesswork.
Wow. You wouldn't think a 16 yr old girl brought up in Swat Valley would have a world view about ignorance, racism and deprivation of human rights across the globe. If she wrote that speech by herself she really is well educated.

She used to blog too before she was shot and she was quite clever.
She used to blog too before she was shot and she was quite clever.

Yes I was aware of that but living in such a conservative society you wouldn't think that a girl that age would be concerned about worldwide racism or child labour in India. You would have though she had enough on her plate in her immediate surroundings. I think she might have been given a few hints as to which topics to cover for her speech by the organisers.
It was written for her by the US/UN/UK handlers.

In that case wouldn't the most obvious thing, given how anti-Pakistan they are, be for her handlers to include a line on how she supports drones because it kills evil terrorists?
Excellent posts from Jadz ( as usual) and Khan Ji and pathetic moronic posts from KB-24 and Mamon Ghaffar.

The irony in KB-24 idolising a drinking non-muslim hell bound adulterer like Kobe Bryant and yet denouncing secularism and its ills in the same thread is astonishing.

Thankyou DV!

Our task as believers is to set the best possible example. This includes not indulging in futile argumentation and disputation. Those who are arrogant, intolerant and ignorant seek to bring us down to their level, by provoking and inciting us. It is a fruitless exercise, of course, but one which enables them to adopt a morally and spiritually superior attitude. They create hell for themselves and others, in the world, with their extremist ideology, and then reserve heaven for themselves in the afterlife.

If you want to silence the extremist brigade, just refrain from engaging with them - at any level. These are people even Allah SWT has abandoned, so we ought to steer clear of them. Muslims must show a united front against those who have hijacked Islam, and transformed it into an intolerant, harsh, unbending and uncompromising ideology. As mentioned earlier, their religion is neither Islam, nor are they followers of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - note how absent the Name of Allah SWT is in their language. This effectively proves that they are following a religion which is composed of their arrogant disregard for the truth.

Differences of opinion amongst the faithful must not be employed to divide communities. The reason Muslim communities and nations are in such a dire state, is because people have lost the ability to agree to disagree, and to remain united upon the fundamentals. Anyway, I for one would rather live in the secular West than in any kind of state created by the intolerant, ignorant and arrogant ones - I imagine being put to death, merely for expressing an opinion contrary to conventional wisdom, or for uttering words displeasing to these tyrants and dictators.

Wa Salaam
A young innocent girl gets shot in the face and we're having a debate if it was justified or not based on "western influence".
This pretty sums up the human race really... we're all going to hell then
Thankyou DV!

If you want to silence the extremist brigade, just refrain from engaging with them - at any level.

On the contrary IMO the crisis in modern Islam is precisely because enlightened Muslims refrain from engaging and challenging the nutters.
She shouldn't be saying anything at the UN, this is the whole point. The girl is being used as a tool to further imperialist agendas and being used by her father to secure such deals.

Let's hope her father is good enough to pay back the costs which the British taxpayer forked out for her treatment. Let;s hope they also donate most of this money to girls education around the world. I don't think they will but let's see.
Why should she not speak?She is given a platform and we should be grateful that she is promoting women education which is good for Pakistan and the rest of the world.

The imperialist agenda is to promote women education which is a good thing.We should learn to appreciate good deeds.
Yes I was aware of that but living in such a conservative society you wouldn't think that a girl that age would be concerned about worldwide racism or child labour in India. You would have though she had enough on her plate in her immediate surroundings. I think she might have been given a few hints as to which topics to cover for her speech by the organisers.

Not necessarily. Smart kids will say and do smart things and with information just a click of a button away it isn't hard to be informed about whats going on in the rest of the world, especially if you are as passionate and driven as she seems to be.

Teen activists at the age of 16 are usually very focused and even sometimes irritating with their single minded focus on the issue that they are concerned with.

Her speech was probably touched up a bit but thats normal. She is however a very sharp girl.
Yes I was aware of that but living in such a conservative society you wouldn't think that a girl that age would be concerned about worldwide racism or child labour in India. You would have though she had enough on her plate in her immediate surroundings. I think she might have been given a few hints as to which topics to cover for her speech by the organisers.

She's been in UK for a while now. I'm sure she has access to plenty of books, newspapers, journals and more importantly internet to do her research. I don't think the speech was written a night before, she must've had enough time to prepare for that.
On the contrary IMO the crisis in modern Islam is precisely because enlightened Muslims refrain from engaging and challenging the nutters.

Perhaps. If you read through these pages, you will witness Muslims attempting to do exactly what you are urging them to do. The nutters, as you describe them, are beyond civilised and courteous debate. That is precisely why they are nutters.

Now, what is the best way of dealing with extremists? There are many steps we must follow, before we disengage with them. We begin at the level of our common humanity. When that fails, we engage at the level of believers. When that fails, we engage at the level of patient forbearance - in order not to permit discussion to descend into futile argumentation. When that fails, we remind our brethren, that differences are quite natural, and that disagreements cannot and should not be allowed to create divisions and disunity. When that fails, and extremists persist in their abuse, arrogantly rejecting all attempts at compromise and reconciliation, they must be left to their own devices. What we must never do, is engage at their level of discourse, but must always try to raise the standard of discussion, so that it reflects the peace, beauty and perfection of Islam.

Incidentally, there is no crisis with Islam. And Islam is not modern, ancient or prehistoric. The problem lies within Muslim communities, and not with the religion itself. We must always remember that the 2 are not the same thing.

Allah SWT invites humankind to Islam - He does not employ coercion, force or compulsion. His Messengers (pbut) called to their compatriots, with knowledge and wisdom, and never transgressed against the dignity of their fellow human beings. Extremists are human beings. Setting a good example, of compassion, respect, kindness, tolerance, patience, generosity, may - at some point in their lives - have an impact, and finally cause them to change. We must all do the best we can, and leave the rest to our Bountiful Creator.
She's been in UK for a while now. I'm sure she has access to plenty of books, newspapers, journals and more importantly internet to do her research. I don't think the speech was written a night before, she must've had enough time to prepare for that.

I think she was clearly from a very educated family in Swat in any case. She was planning on a career in medicine so no doubt she had plenty of support a home and probably access to world affairs through news channels and the web.
Thankyou DV!

Our task as believers is to set the best possible example. This includes not indulging in futile argumentation and disputation. Those who are arrogant, intolerant and ignorant seek to bring us down to their level, by provoking and inciting us. It is a fruitless exercise, of course, but one which enables them to adopt a morally and spiritually superior attitude. They create hell for themselves and others, in the world, with their extremist ideology, and then reserve heaven for themselves in the afterlife.

If you want to silence the extremist brigade, just refrain from engaging with them - at any level. These are people even Allah SWT has abandoned, so we ought to steer clear of them. Muslims must show a united front against those who have hijacked Islam, and transformed it into an intolerant, harsh, unbending and uncompromising ideology. As mentioned earlier, their religion is neither Islam, nor are they followers of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) - note how absent the Name of Allah SWT is in their language. This effectively proves that they are following a religion which is composed of their arrogant disregard for the truth.

Differences of opinion amongst the faithful must not be employed to divide communities. The reason Muslim communities and nations are in such a dire state, is because people have lost the ability to agree to disagree, and to remain united upon the fundamentals. Anyway, I for one would rather live in the secular West than in any kind of state created by the intolerant, ignorant and arrogant ones - I imagine being put to death, merely for expressing an opinion contrary to conventional wisdom, or for uttering words displeasing to these tyrants and dictators.

Wa Salaam

Thank you for proving my point I have been making since last few threads, that revisionists and rejectionists today would declare the Prophet SAW and the Sahaba e Ikram (RAA) extremists.

You have quite the audacity to talk a big game when you reject authentic hadiths that in my opinion makes whatever you have to say about Islam null and void. If that offends you or any other person on this thread so be it. If a so called Muslim doesn't even have respect for the words of the Prophet SAW which have been rigorously verified over the centuries by countless Scholars of Hadith, it leaves no room for further reasoning. In fact I sincerely request to repent and revert to Islam and seek guidance on this issue as rejecting Sahih Hadiths leads to Kufr.

Alhamdulillah I am quite content in presenting what is the Haqq which usually separates the pretenders from the truly sincere. So if this makes me an extremist so be it! Not here to appease anyone.

As for the thread itself, I reiterate my initial point that full scale quality education for women will remain a distant dream until a just Islamic state is established because the rulers are Taghut and enemies of Islam as well as mankind because Allah SWT himself declares those who don't rule with His revelation as:

"Whosoever does not rule by that which Allah has revealed, they are disbelievers (Kafiroon).....the dhaalimoon (oppressors)....the fasiqoon (evil doers)"

And when this happens, you get all sorts of fasad on Earth. So it is more productive to channel your anger and criticism for lack of education for women in Pakistan for example towards the Zalim hukmraan who have failed the nation and have no qualms about it.

Assalam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
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Btw KB why are you a supporter?...why are you not a Shab doing your Fard?...I find supporters the most hilarious of all...cos they talk about Fard and attach themselves to the groups work yet they actually have NOTHING to do with it...they also are not fulfilling their fard...

Let me guess...its one of the following:

I'm too busy...can't commit time prevent me...
My mum will get upset and Janna is at the feet of your mum and everything...
My wife will get upset and its not about having an annoyed wife...
HT expect me to practice in public...can't do that...I got a party next week...

Any reasons I missed out?...

Supporters are by far the most annoying cos they dont even attach themselves to the organisation...they are even more pitiful than the actual shab and members who have never left the country...

My only connection to HT at the moment is through my friend in Pakistan and a few others, there is no official HT branch where I live therefore I can't sign up for now. So for the meantime learning from my friends. But I do intend to be an official member, am not a pretender and those wild assumptions you made about me in other post were rather ludicrous so I'd suggest to stop. And no I don't live in the UK either.

Officially my last post in this thread. If you want to discuss with me further on HT, PM me or something.
Thank you for proving my point I have been making since last few threads, that revisionists and rejectionists today would declare the Prophet SAW and the Sahaba e Ikram (RAA) extremists.

You have quite the audacity to talk a big game when you reject authentic hadiths that in my opinion makes whatever you have to say about Islam null and void. If that offends you or any other person on this thread so be it. If a so called Muslim doesn't even have respect for the words of the Prophet SAW which have been rigorously verified over the centuries by countless Scholars of Hadith, it leaves no room for further reasoning. In fact I sincerely request to repent and revert to Islam and seek guidance on this issue as rejecting Sahih Hadiths leads to Kufr.

Alhamdulillah I am quite content in presenting what is the Haqq which usually separates the pretenders from the truly sincere. So if this makes me an extremist so be it! Not here to appease anyone.

As for the thread itself, I reiterate my initial point that full scale quality education for women will remain a distant dream until a just Islamic state is established because the rulers are Taghut and enemies of Islam as well as mankind because Allah SWT himself declares those who don't rule with His revelation as:

"Whosoever does not rule by that which Allah has revealed, they are disbelievers (Kafiroon).....the dhaalimoon (oppressors)....the fasiqoon (evil doers)"

And when this happens, you get all sorts of fasad on Earth. So it is more productive to channel your anger and criticism for lack of education for women in Pakistan for example towards the Zalim hukmraan who have failed the nation and have no qualms about it.

Assalam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Asalamoalikum Dear Brother,

You are neither an extremist nor have you said anything in this thread that's not from Islam. Don't let the detractors put you down.

On topic, only a fool would think that those championing Malala's cause have some "goodwill" at heart or care about women's education in Pakistan.
I hope this girl inspires so many other youngsters to put education as the top priority in thier lives.

All extremist madrasahs need to be shut down - especially those funded by extremist Wahabi Saudis. They have been nothing but a cancer to Pakistan.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

I hope this girl inspires so many other youngsters to put education as the top priority in thier lives.

All extremist madrasahs need to be shut down - especially those funded by extremist Wahabi Saudis. They have been nothing but a cancer to Pakistan.

Won't be much inspiration if it gets no coverage in Pakistan.
Malala is an excellent role model for everyone and her work should be encouraged.

However it is a bit convenient for the US to divert attention from the drone strikes by promoting her in the media. Propaganda is a very powerful tool and has been used by countries to suit their agenda for centuries. I wouldn't be surprised if there is an active directive to promote Malala. It would be naive for all of us to consider the whole incident as completely innocent.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Malala is an excellent role model for everyone and her work should be encouraged.

However it is a bit convenient for the US to divert attention from the drone strikes by promoting her in the media. Propaganda is a very powerful tool and has been used by countries to suit their agenda for centuries. I wouldn't be surprised if there is an active directive to promote Malala. It would be naive for all of us to consider the whole incident as completely innocent.

I wouldn't disagree with that.

But two wrongs don't make a right.

We shouldn't lose the inspirational benefit that Malala brings simply because she may be being used as a propaganda tool by some.

Fact is she is the best Pakistani symbol against the rising terrorist oppression in Pakistan that I can see.