Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

Stop lying to yourself.The west does not care about public opinion.An example is Iraq war.

lying to myself ??? :))

Public opinion on Iraq war thru time

obviously huge majority (72%) of sheeple bought the BS......thanks to the PR drive by Powell and Cronies

Obviously PR doesn't matter......even Hitler realized that during his antics during 30's and 40's

Obviously PR doesn't matter....that's why US is paying Pakistan media outlets

Obviously PR doesn't matter.....that's why US airs its propaganda by paying foreign media to air Voice of America (VOA)...including on PAk media

Obviously PR doesn't matter....
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I wouldn't disagree with that.

But two wrongs don't make a right.

We shouldn't lose the inspirational benefit that Malala brings simply because she may be being used as a propaganda tool by some.

Fact is she is the best Pakistani symbol against the rising terrorist oppression in Pakistan that I can see.

Do you agree with the below assessment by looking at the threads at PP:

It seems to me in general, the more radical (conspiracy) views are supported by the people who are currently living in the West, enjoying high standards of living, basically everything nice under the sun. Whereas, the moderate views in general are supported by the people who are currently living in Pakistan and who have actually faced/facing the issues on a daily basis.

The above relates to a cricketing analogy "It is easy to play freely when you are not under the pump".
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Do you agree with the below assessment by looking at the threads at PP:

It seems to me in general, the more radical (conspiracy) views are supported by the people who are currently living in the West, enjoying high standards of living, basically everything nice under the sun. Whereas, the moderate views in general are supported by the people who are currently living in Pakistan and who have actually faced/facing the issues on a daily basis.

The above relates to a cricketing analogy "It is easy to play freely when you are not under the pump".

I live in the West but it's an interesting question.

I don't know the answer, but I think it's linked to "education/intelligence/understanding of how things work in the west"- irrespective of where they are based.

The more educated one is the more one can appreciate subtlety and layers in the real situation.

The less educated one is the more likely you see the world through Black and White and therefore need to rely on "forcing things into neat compartments" just to allow the reality to fit into the narrow personal perspective one has.

Further this is accentuated by the more dogmatic ones understanding of their faith is.Again one is forced to fit the reality into the dogmatic limitations one is restricted to. (Or thinks they are restricted to).
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My only connection to HT at the moment is through my friend in Pakistan and a few others, there is no official HT branch where I live therefore I can't sign up for now. So for the meantime learning from my friends. But I do intend to be an official member, am not a pretender and those wild assumptions you made about me in other post were rather ludicrous so I'd suggest to stop. And no I don't live in the UK either.

Officially my last post in this thread. If you want to discuss with me further on HT, PM me or something.

My assumptions stand...your making pitiful excuses...

Why don't you go and live where there is a branch if it is so important?...whats preventing you from fulfilling your obligation...

You are pretending as a supporter...thats a fact...most members are pretenders too but supporters the biggest pretenders of all...
I live in the West but it's an interesting question.

I don't know the answer, but I think it's linked to "education/intelligence/understanding of how things work in the west"- irrespective of where they are based.

The more educated one is the more one can appreciate subtlety and layers in the real situation.

The less educated one is the more likely you see the world through Black and White and therefore need to rely on "forcing things into neat compartments" just to allow the reality to fit into the narrow personal perspective one has.

Further this is accentuated by the more dogmatic ones understanding of their faith is.Again one is forced to fit the reality into the dogmatic limitations one is restricted to. (Or thinks they are restricted to).

Agree, that good education does provide opportunities to understand the things better and in many cases analyse the situations dispassionately and objectively.

May be, I should have put the question slightly differently. It seems that the persons who are born and brought up in the west, seem to take things for granted and don't really appreciate the western standards of quality living. Whereas, the persons who are living in Pakistan/who have immigrated to the west recently for better standards of living are the ones who truly appreciate the western values of freedom and opportunities, since they lack such opportunities at home. Of course, there are exceptions here.

Anyway, this thread shows, still there are many persons who have tolerant attitude towards others and appreciate the brave girl for what she has done rather than blasting her.

Just slightly off topic, I feel religion is the biggest factor that brings inherent bias readily in people compared to other factors. Of course, there are exceptions here too, which the thread has shown quite clearly.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Agree, that good education does provide opportunities to understand the things better and in many cases analyse the situations dispassionately and objectively.

May be, I should have put the question slightly differently. It seems that the persons who are born and brought up in the west, seem to take things for granted and don't really appreciate the western standards of quality living. Whereas, the persons who are living in Pakistan/who have immigrated to the west recently for better standards of living are the ones who truly appreciate the western values of freedom and opportunities, since they lack such opportunities at home. Of course, there are exceptions here.

Anyway, this thread shows, still there are many persons who have tolerant attitude towards others and appreciate the brave girl for what she has done rather than blasting her.

Just slightly off topic, I feel religion is the biggest factor that brings inherent bias readily in people compared to other factors. Of course, there are exceptions here too, which the thread has shown quite clearly.

In respect of the second half of ur post there is an element of truth in that but I would counter that to say that those living in the West should appreciate their freedoms even more than those outside as they live and breathe it.

In respect of ur last para I would respectfully disagree. Intelligence is the primary factor.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

An intelligent person will pick up a Shakespeare novel for example and will appreciate all it has to offer.

A five year old reading the same novel might as well be reading Tom and Jerry.
In respect of the second half of ur post there is an element of truth in that but I would counter that to say that those living in the West should appreciate their freedoms even more than those outside as they live and breathe it.

In respect of ur last para I would respectfully disagree. Intelligence is the primary factor.

Sure. Intelligence and tolerance are the key.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Tolerance in particular is something that imcreases in bucketloads the more intelligence there is.

In my mind "tolerance" is the single most important attribute that is lacking in places where the least intelligent are setting the agenda.
My assumptions stand...your making pitiful excuses...

Why don't you go and live where there is a branch if it is so important?...whats preventing you from fulfilling your obligation...

You are pretending as a supporter...thats a fact...most members are pretenders too but supporters the biggest pretenders of all...

Seems I'll continue in the thread till it dies naturally so here goes:

To be frank I could care less about what you have to say about me supporting HT and whether or not am fulfilling my obligation and neither do I need your approval. I'm well aware of what's required of me. Lastly, your asinine assumption such as I'm some charsi type banda who is in it for shugal basis is not appreciated.
Asalamoalikum Dear Brother,

You are neither an extremist nor have you said anything in this thread that's not from Islam. Don't let the detractors put you down.

On topic, only a fool would think that those championing Malala's cause have some "goodwill" at heart or care about women's education in Pakistan.

Wa Alaikum Assalam my brother, no worries here! :D

On topic: Malala is just being used to justify drone attacks, education is just a cover. Even if we take it in good stand, the real and only way to address her cause is to have a righteous leadership which will ensure the rights of women till then status quo will remain and beghairat hukmraan will enjoy no accountability for their injustice. If the UN and their cronies really cared, they would straight up raise hell for the existing political leadership but nope, you won't ever see that happen!
Doesn't matter what you believe, whether it's a US backed Malala as propaganda or whether this brave little girl is promoting something good, education reform can only come about if the Pakistani public buys into it. Otherwise we can just all go home.

It seems to me that a few people here think the Afghan Taliban as freedom fighters. Can then someone who adheres to this explain their massacre at Mazari Sharif under the orders of Mullah Omar. A disgraceful, diplorable and inhuman act.
Believe it or not..... Malala incident was just a diversion made by the UN/US/UK military from its Drone attacks in Palestine, Afghanistan,And Iran... The Whole world and Media was morning and protesting on these massacre just a few days before this Malala incident... But JUst after that Incident People suddenly seemed to get forget these poor people suffering in Gaza, Iran and Iraq.. and the Whole World's and Media's attention got diverted to this poor LITTLE ANGEL MALALA.... Thereby US/UN earned their goal by changing Human protests againt their Drone attacks..
Believe it or not..... Malala incident was just a diversion made by the UN/US/UK military from its Drone attacks in Palestine, Afghanistan,And Iran... The Whole world and Media was morning and protesting on these massacre just a few days before this Malala incident... But JUst after that Incident People suddenly seemed to get forget these poor people suffering in Gaza, Iran and Iraq.. and the Whole World's and Media's attention got diverted to this poor LITTLE ANGEL MALALA.... Thereby US/UN earned their goal by changing Human protests againt their Drone attacks..

Stop trolling.

The line in bold shows you are just making grandstanding statements; I never saw the "whole world" protesting drones before Malala, just as they dont do now
Wa Alaikum Assalam my brother, no worries here! :D

On topic: Malala is just being used to justify drone attacks, education is just a cover. Even if we take it in good stand, the real and only way to address her cause is to have a righteous leadership which will ensure the rights of women till then status quo will remain and beghairat hukmraan will enjoy no accountability for their injustice. If the UN and their cronies really cared, they would straight up raise hell for the existing political leadership but nope, you won't ever see that happen!

The west does not need to use a little girl to justify drone strikes.The west can do whatever it wants.Btw,drone strikes occured even before Malala was attacked.
Stop trolling.

The line in bold shows you are just making grandstanding statements; I never saw the "whole world" protesting drones before Malala, just as they dont do now

Maybe India Din't Protest, Along with some Antartica, Somalia and Uganda like countries.... I am not sure about that... But the Rest of the World including the West had Protested for those cruel drone attacks in Palestine, Iran and Syria...... If you dint knew about those incident.. you might have been having a Hibernation at that times or You weren't living in this World..... !!! Plzz Check the news and newspapers printed at those times, before Starting to Argue on this which you dont even know..:facepalm:.
Maybe India Din't Protest, Along with some Antartica, Somalia and Uganda like countries.... I am not sure about that... But the Rest of the World including the West had Protested for those cruel drone attacks in Palestine, Iran and Syria...... If you dint knew about those incident.. you might have been having a Hibernation at that times or You weren't living in this World..... !!! Plzz Check the news and newspapers printed at those times, before Starting to Argue on this which you dont even know..:facepalm:.

stop trolling Haz . I quote your rather shoddy comment : The Whole world and Media was morning and protesting on these massacre just a few days before this Malala incident... But JUst after that Incident People suddenly seemed to get forget these poor people suffering in Gaza, Iran and Iraq.. and the Whole World's and Media's attention got diverted to this poor LITTLE ANGEL MALALA..
I gave a genuine answer to your question about ' You Not being seen THE WHOLE World protesting against Drone attacks in Syria, Palestine and Iran'.... If you want I can show you the pictures of people carrying posters and Placards showing their protest against Drone attack in Gaza from different parts of world ( Since I understood that you were hibernating during that period and weren't able to find those News or clippings from that Incident).....
Seems I'll continue in the thread till it dies naturally so here goes:

To be frank I could care less about what you have to say about me supporting HT and whether or not am fulfilling my obligation and neither do I need your approval. I'm well aware of what's required of me. Lastly, your asinine assumption such as I'm some charsi type banda who is in it for shugal basis is not appreciated.

You don't of course need my approval...but what I am stating is a fact...

You state: Working to establish the Khilafah is a fard and you can only do that through HT:
Your position: You don't work for HT and nor do you work for the re=establishment of the Khilafah...
Your excuse: there is no HT setup in my area...
Solution: move to an area where there is an HT setup...

So why haven't you moved to somewhere where HT is active?...whats stopping you from fulfilling your Fard?...considering your soul is not burdened with that with which it can't bare there is no legitimate reason for you to neglect your obligation...

Its amusing hearing supporters speak about the importance of the Khilafah when they do no work to establish it...
The west does not need to use a little girl to justify drone strikes.The west can do whatever it wants.Btw,drone strikes occured even before Malala was attacked.

Exactly...end the thread here...

Malala has hardly proved to be a pretext for droning...

Droning took place before Malala, during Malala and after Malala...

Malala's plight hasn't swayed public opinion regarding droning whatsoever...

And when has the US given a monkeys about public opinion anyway...since when did they have to justify ANYTHING they do...
^I cannot understand why people fail to get this.
Some people are just plain stupid and think everything a conspiracy.
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What imperial agenda, she's not making policies, she's campaigning !

Since you seem to be ducking this point like Suresh Raina does to the short ball, let' concentrate on this for now.

To remind you, I wrote

"CIA are hiring these thugs, her attackers are backed by those who are now championing her cause. This is why the whole thing becomes a farce."

Why the silence on the main point? :asadrauf

The west does not need to use a little girl to justify drone strikes.The west can do whatever it wants.Btw,drone strikes occured even before Malala was attacked.

You're not going to get a gold star for this obvious point. Of course they don't need this little girl to blow up children from the skies or drop chemical weapons on populations so children are born deformed. The worlds biggest terrorists don't need her just like they don't need Anjum Chaudry but it's part of their larger narrative. Read this it should help you out.

When Malala Yusufzai was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen simply because she wanted to gain an education it sent shockwaves around the world.

Straight away the Western media took up the issue. Western politicians spoke out and soon she found herself in the UK. The way in which the West reacted did make me question the reasons and motives behind why Malala's case was taken up and not so many others.

There is no justifying the brutal actions of the Taliban or the denial of the universal right to education, however there is a deeper more historic narrative that is taking place here.

This is a story of a native girl being saved by the white man. Flown to the UK, the Western world can feel good about itself as they save the native woman from the savage men of her home nation. It is a historic racist narrative that has been institutionalised. Journalists and politicians were falling over themselves to report and comment on the case. The story of an innocent brown child that was shot by savages for demanding an education and along comes the knight in shining armour to save her.

The actions of the West, the bombings, the occupations the wars all seem justified now, "see, we told you, this is why we intervene to save the natives."

The truth is that there are hundreds and thousands of other Malalas. They come from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other places in the world. Many are victims of the West, but we conveniently forget about those as Western journalists and politicians fall over themselves to appease their white-middle class guilt also known as the white man's burden.

Gordon Brown stood at the UN and spoke words in support for Malala, yet he is the very same Gordon Brown that voted for the war in Iraq that not only robbed people of their education but of their lives. The same journalists that failed to question or report on the Western wars in an intelligible manner now sing the praises of the West as they back Malala and her campaign without putting it in context of the war in Afghanistan and the destabalisation of the region thanks to the Western occupation of Afghanistan.

Malala's message is true, it is profound, it is something the world needs to take note of; education is a right of every child, but Malala has been used as a tool by the West. It allows countries like Britain to hide their sins in Afghanistan and Iraq. It allows journalists to report a feel good story whilst they neglect so many others, like the American drone strikes that terrorise men, women and children in Pakistan's border regions.

The current narrative continues the demonization of the non-white Muslim man. Painting him as a savage, someone beyond negotiating with, beyond engaging with, the only way to deal with this kind of savage is to wage war, occupy and use drones against them. NATO is bombing to save girls like Malala is the message here.

Historically the West has always used women to justify the actions of war mongering men. It is in the imagery, it is in art, in education, it is even prevalent in Western human rights organisations, Amnesty International's poster campaign coinciding with the NATO summit in New York encouraged NATO to 'keep the progress going!' in Afghanistan.

Shazia Ramzan and Kainat Riaz were also shot along with Malala, the media and politicians seem to have forgotten about them. Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi - how many of the Western politicians and journalists know about this name? She was the 14-year-old girl gang raped by five US soldiers, then her and her family, including her six-year-old sister were murdered. There are no days named after her, no mentions of her at the UN, and we don't see Gordon Brown pledging his name to her cause.

I support Malala, I support the right to education for all, I just cannot stand the hypocrisy of Western politicians and media as they pick and choose, congratulating themselves for something that they have caused. Malala is the good native, she does not criticise the West, she does not talk about the drone strikes, she is the perfect candidate for the white man to relieve his burden and save the native.

The Western savior complex has hijacked Malala's message. The West has killed more girls than the Taliban have. The West has denied more girls an education via their missiles than the Taliban has by their bullets. The West has done more against education around the world than extremists could ever dream of. So, please, spare us the self-righteous and self-congratulatory message that is nothing more than propaganda that tells us that the West drops bombs to save girls like Malala.

Follow Assed Baig on Twitter:
^I cannot understand why people fail to get this.
Some people are just plain stupid and think everything a conspiracy.

COIN isn't exactly new and nor is pointing out an example of it a conspiracy.
From Saudi Arabia to Kuwait to Pakistan and even the relatively moderate states of Egypt and Jordan, women are treated with immense inequality. To certain extent only in Turkey, women enjoy relative equality as they have favored secular rule over an Islamic one. Under Sharia, compensation for the murder of a woman is half the rate for men. Many Muslim countries incorporate these directives into contemporary law. For example during rape trial, a woman has to produce four adult males of imperfect character witnessing the penetration which translates into relatively low conviction rate and even if the perpetrators get convicted, the woman victim gets prosecuted for indulging in adulterous rape victims get justice under Sharia? In Iran the legal age for marriage is nine for girls which often gets exploited by pedophiles. Women in Islamic societies face great difficulty in suing for divorce, but husbands can be released from their vows merely by saying "talaaq." Even if an alimony is awarded, it lasts only three months, long enough to ensure the woman isn't pregnant.

In Islamic society often the father wins custody of the children which forces many Muslim women to be married to abusive husbands due to fear of losing custody of the children. Koran even enforces men to have pre-eminence over women or guardianship over women. Some verses even proclaim husband of an insubordinate wife should first admonish her, then leave her to sleep alone and finally beat her hence spousal abuse is widespread in Islamic countries. So tell me how does Islamic state "empower" women?

Typical secularist garbage. :))

Yet to receive a proper reply from brother Koby
"CIA are hiring these thugs, her attackers are backed by those who are now championing her cause. This is why the whole thing becomes a farce."

Why the silence on the main point? :asadrauf

You're not going to get a gold star for this obvious point. Of course they don't need this little girl to blow up children from the skies or drop chemical weapons on populations so children are born deformed. The worlds biggest terrorists don't need her just like they don't need Anjum Chaudry but it's part of their larger narrative. Read this it should help you out.

Good Quoting KingKhan...!!! A sensible Person should Understand this..!!! Others who can't think beyond 'MALALA THE LITTLE ANGEL TO SPREAD EDUCATION'.. remain under the shell with narrowmindedness who can't think and accept reality even if a drone attack is put onto themselves...
Since you seem to be ducking this point like Suresh Raina does to the short ball, let' concentrate on this for now.

To remind you, I wrote

"CIA are hiring these thugs, her attackers are backed by those who are now championing her cause. This is why the whole thing becomes a farce."

Why the silence on the main point? :asadrauf

There is no silence, I've already said on numerous occasions on this thread there is hypocrisy on the part of the west but it does not take away from Malala's valid campaign for female education. If someone campaigns against paedophilia and uses the BBC as a platform, it doesn't make the campaign any less valid despite the BBC's hypocrisy on the matter.

Also where is the evidence she's being used to justify drone strikes as some posters are making out, there has been majority support for drones in the US even BEFORE Malala's shooting. Give statistics before the shooting and after.

Good Quoting KingKhan...!!! A sensible Person should Understand this..!!! Others who can't think beyond 'MALALA THE LITTLE ANGEL TO SPREAD EDUCATION'.. remain under the shell with narrowmindedness who can't think and accept reality even if a drone attack is put onto themselves...
Lol even KKWC doesn't think the attack is staged and the wounds are fake like you are parroting out.

And for God's sake put your posts through Microsoft Word and do a spelling and grammar check as its hard enough trying to read your ramblings.
There is no silence, I've already said on numerous occasions on this thread there is hypocrisy on the part of the west but it does not take away from Malala's valid campaign for female education. If someone campaigns against paedophilia and uses the BBC as a platform, it doesn't make the campaign any less valid despite the BBC's hypocrisy on the matter.

Also where is the evidence she's being used to justify drone strikes as some posters are making out, there has been majority support for drones in the US even BEFORE Malala's shooting. Give statistics before the shooting and after.

It's an obvious and silly point to keep saying the campaign for education is valid, of course it is.

The issue here is why this girl has been given the media attention, the backing of western governments and their leaders. She has been given this platform as a propaganda tool.

Do you seriously believe if Malala spoke out against western foreign policy which has denied the right of life and right of education to more girls than any 'terrorists' she would be given this platform? If she mentioned those who attacked her also back the so called Pakistani Taliban in Syria would she be given this platform.

You have to be very naive or incredibly stupid not to see this girl is being used by western governments and her father for financial reasons.
The Malala backlash

"WHY has Malala Yousufzai’s speech at the UN on July 12, her 16th birthday, created such admiration all over the world, only to be met with a nasty backlash against the young education activist in Pakistan?

Perhaps the negative reaction of many Pakistanis to the young girl is the carping of jealous nobodies, but it bears examining because it says something profound about Pakistan.

The reaction to Malala’s words was swift in Pakistan; barely hours after she made her inspirational speech, people began complaining about its contents, the fact that the UN had dedicated an entire day to her, and the adulation she was receiving from world leaders by her side. Ignoring the text of her speech, which spoke out for the rights of girls and women and implored world leaders to choose peace instead of war, the naysayers tore down the young woman, her father, and Western nations for supporting her in her quest for education.

The insults flowed freely: Malala Dramazai was a popular epithet that popped up on Facebook pages and Twitter. The whole shooting was staged by “the West” and America, who control the Taliban. She was being used to make Pakistan feel guilty for actions that were the fault of the Western powers in the first place. Posters were circulated that showed Mukhtaran Mai and Malala with Xs through their faces, and berated the two women for speaking out about their experiences in order to receive money, popularity and asylum abroad.

Another popular refrain was “drone attacks”. Why had Malala not spoken out about drones at the UN? Why did everyone care so much about Malala and not the other girls murdered by drones? Why did America kill innocent children with drones and then lionise the young Malala to make themselves feel good that they actually cared about the children of Pakistan and Afghanistan?

It was a shameful display of how Pakistanis have a tendency to turn on the very people they should be proud of. Prof Abdus Salam fell victim to this peculiar Pakistani phenomenon, as well as the murdered child labour activist Iqbal Masih, Rimsha Masih, who recently received asylum for the threats to her life after the blasphemy case, and Kainat Soomro, the brave child who had been gang-raped and actually dared to take on her attackers. Pakistanis have very deliberately abandoned these brave champions of justice, and each time one more joins their ranks, the accusations of fame mongering, Western agendas, and money ring out louder and louder.

The insults to Malala had a decidedly sexist tone, the comparison to Mukhtaran Mai — another Pakistani hero — making it obvious that rather than embracing female survivors of hideous, politically motivated violence, Pakistanis prefer them to shut up and go away, not to use their ordeals as a platform to campaign for justice.

What does this say about Pakistani mentality? Firstly, it illustrates the fact that most Pakistanis are very confused. As British journalist Alex Hamilton said, “Those who stand for nothing fall for anything”. Because we don’t know what to stand for, we fall victim to conspiracy theories, wild imaginings, and muddled thinking about what is so clearly right and wrong.

Secondly, people who deflect from Malala’s speech to the issue of drone attacks may believe they care about drone victims, but it is hard to find what if anything they have actually done for those drone victims besides register their displeasure on social media. Instead, it is a way of deflecting the guilt they feel about their own impotence, their own inability to make any substantial change or impact in this country.

In psychology this is called displacement: these people who feel anger and frustration about themselves channel it into feeling angry about drone victims, or angry against Malala Yousafzai, or anyone who challenges their firmly held belief that this world is controlled by forces greater than themselves. They dislike the challenge to the justification for their own inertia and inactivity, and so they strike out.

Critics are ignoring how Malala pointed out that terrorists are misusing Islam for their own selfish ends: power and control. She rightly stated that Pakhtun culture is not synonymous with Talibanism; a popular narrative used to justify the marginalisation of tribal peoples (and the use of drones and human rights excesses by the military in carrying out operations in the tribal areas of Pakistan).

These statements contradict the political arguments offered by Pakistan’s incompetent leadership in lieu of real solutions to the militancy, and the justification for acts of aggression perpetrated by Western and Nato forces on the Pakhtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

A note of warning: Malala and her cause must not be hijacked by opportunists, money-makers, politicians, or those who wish to use this pure young woman for their own selfish ends. In celebrating Malala, the world should not forget about the thousands of girls who are still in danger from extremist violence in Pakistan. Nor should she be taken up as a cause célèbre by celebrities and other do-gooders to feel smug satisfaction that they are helping her cause by posing for a photograph or attending a dinner with her (Personally, I feel that a young girl who can survive being shot in the head by the Taliban is strong enough to withstand being exploited by anyone).

Malala’s beautiful words must be a source of inspiration for solid action on the ground in the areas most affected by the conflicts she describes. Whether you support her or not, nobody can deny the urgent need to bring education and peace to Pakistan. Don’t ignore this message, even if you feel like shooting the messenger all over again."
wasim, you are in danger of being labelled as a usa,zionist,raw agent ...just kidding :)
Malala is doing a very good job promoting education among young girls in Afghanistan (credit where it is due) but she should also know that if the drones strikes continue than there won't be any one to go to school.

One only have to see very graphic photos of innocent victims (which by the way also include young children/girls of Afghanistan that Malala is fighting for) of the drone attacks to understand why some people are upset that Malala is NOT raising her voice to stop the drone strike.

I think it is quite understandable.
What the heck, a senior Pakistan Taliban leader says he is 'shocked' by the Malala attack. Doesn't condemn it though.

A senior Pakistani Taliban leader has said he was "shocked" by his group's near-fatal attack on schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai last October.

The Taliban was universally condemned after gunmen shot Malala in the head.

In a letter to Malala, Adnan Rasheed stops short of apologising but says he wished the attack "had never happened".

He also claims the shooting was not in response to Malala's campaign for girls' education, but because she ran an anti-Taliban "smear campaign".

Malala - who is considered a contender for the Nobel Peace Prize - is credited with bringing the education issue to global attention.

Speaking at UN headquarters in New York last Friday, she said that books and pens scared extremists. She also urged education for all, including "for the sons and daughters of the Taliban and all the terrorists".

Correspondents say Rasheed's letter was an apparent attempt to attract media attention with a view to counter the impact of Malala's speech at the UN.

A copy of the letter was obtained by Channel 4 News and other news organisations.

Writing in his "personal capacity", Rasheed said he felt "brotherly" emotions towards Malala because they belong to the "same Yousufzai tribe".

However, he refuses to say the attack was wrong, saying the judgement on whether it was correct or not should be left to God.

Rasheed says he first heard of Malala's work when he was in prison, when the BBC Urdu service broadcast a diary that she wrote.

He says he wished he had been able to "advise" her before the attack, which he describes as an "accident".

Rasheed finishes by telling Malala to "come back home, adopt the Islamic and Pashtun culture and join any female Islamic madrassa, use your pen... and reveal the conspiracy of the tiny elite who want to enslave the whole of humanity".

Malala's family said in a statement that they were aware of the letter but had not received it directly and had no wish to comment on it.

After the shooting, Malala was flown from Pakistan to the UK for treatment, and now lives in Birmingham, England.

Her speech on her 16th birthday at UN headquarters in New York was her first public address since last October's attack.

Malala said she was fighting for the rights of women because "they are the ones who suffer the most".

A quarter of young women around the world have not completed primary school.
I haven't gone through the whole thread.....but I must say for me personally I have mighty respect for doesn't matter, if the script at UN was written by her or someone else. She has the courage to stand up to world and it's wrongs.

May she get in life what she aspires for.
Bas karo , she is a kid who lived a harrowing life for asking for basic things in life . Sharam karo & admire karo if not respect .
Did the trolls actually listen to the speech? She doesn't denounce the Taliban. She says that if she saw the Talib who shot her and had a gun in her hand she wouldn't try to kill him. What has Pakistani government done for her? It allowed the Taliban to take over her town, stop her going to school and allowed her to get shot. She was denied her basic rights. The UK has provided her medical treatment - funded by the UAE government not the UK tax payer.

Her platform is education for children not ending the war. If you educate all of Pakistan and Afghanistan you deprive groups like the Taliban from the oxygen of ignorance upon which they thrive.

Some of the comments on this thread can only be ascribed to closet Taliban apologists and people who are afraid of a little girl...
Did the trolls actually listen to the speech? She doesn't denounce the Taliban. She says that if she saw the Talib who shot her and had a gun in her hand she wouldn't try to kill him. What has Pakistani government done for her? It allowed the Taliban to take over her town, stop her going to school and allowed her to get shot. She was denied her basic rights. The UK has provided her medical treatment - funded by the UAE government not the UK tax payer.

Her platform is education for children not ending the war. If you educate all of Pakistan and Afghanistan you deprive groups like the Taliban from the oxygen of ignorance upon which they thrive.

Some of the comments on this thread can only be ascribed to closet Taliban apologists and people who are afraid of a little girl...

Stop stop stop, you are exposing KingKhan's primitive mentality and lack of reliance on any facts...
The insults to Malala had a decidedly sexist tone, the comparison to Mukhtaran Mai — another Pakistani hero — making it obvious that rather than embracing female survivors of hideous, politically motivated violence, Pakistanis prefer them to shut up and go away, not to use their ordeals as a platform to campaign for justice.

I wish I had seen this earlier!!

Of course my wonderful nation that can chastise a gang rape victim for being a "prostitute" and hurl obscenities at her, trying to silence her, they wouldn't take kindly to another girl shedding light on education either.

Why face up to problems when you can just hide them.

Pakistan is the ugly whore of the world that applies buckets of make up to cover up the obscene marks on her face; within she is hideous through and through.
Stop stop stop, you are exposing KingKhan's primitive mentality and lack of reliance on any facts...

lol. :farhat

Primitive is an understatement of your understanding of the issue.

What is exposed is the hypocrisy and farce of those who are promoting this young girl. The same people who are promoting her are the same people who are backing her attackers as we can see in Syria.

The so called Pakistani Taliban who are against girls education are being given arms by the US of A.

A young girl has been shot by terrorists supported by the CIA and is now being used by the same people so they can help continue the propaganda while they go around the world blowing up more children while they sleep.

Anyone who has ANY respect for this girl would not support her being used as a tool to further imperial state terrorism. But there are many idiots out there who run away from these hard facts because they themselves are already conditioned by the propaganda without knowing. This is not primitive or backward but simply mentally retarded. No wonder the intelligence agencies continue with such tactics knowing there are plenty of fools out there who fall for it.
Just gone over some pakistani facebook pages. The amount of disgusting filth, hate and abuse against this 16 year old girl is enormous. 10 in 1 guys even low-live women are writing down vile curses against.

Boils my blood whenever i read things against her. Pakistanis certainly don't deserve any of such brave people.

While our army is openly fighting against Talibans, Many of Pakistanis love and admire talibans or their ideology.
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lol. :farhat

Primitive is an understatement of your understanding of the issue.

What is exposed is the hypocrisy and farce of those who are promoting this young girl. The same people who are promoting her are the same people who are backing her attackers as we can see in Syria.

The so called Pakistani Taliban who are against girls education are being given arms by the US of A.

A young girl has been shot by terrorists supported by the CIA and is now being used by the same people so they can help continue the propaganda while they go around the world blowing up more children while they sleep.

Anyone who has ANY respect for this girl would not support her being used as a tool to further imperial state terrorism. But there are many idiots out there who run away from these hard facts because they themselves are already conditioned by the propaganda without knowing. This is not primitive or backward but simply mentally retarded. No wonder the intelligence agencies continue with such tactics knowing there are plenty of fools out there who fall for it.

So all Americans, the West in general = CIA. I like this simpleminded thinking. Must be so easy to lump so many people together. Life must be really easy being a simpleminded sheep.
Just gone over some pakistani facebook pages. The amount of disgusting filth, hate and abuse against this 16 year old girl is enormous. 10 in 1 guys even low-live women are writing down vile curses against.

Boils my blood whenever i read things against her. Pakistanis certainly don't deserve any of such brave people.

While our army is openly fighting against Talibans, Many of Pakistanis love and admire talibans or their ideology.

They are the hypocrites of worst kind. Most likely residing in a western secular democracy, enjoying all the freedom and comfort away from all the fight, bomb blasts while cheekily supporting their brethren in jihad. They probably do not have the courage to join the fight themselves and dirty their hands but are willing to tear down anyone opposing the filth even if it is a 16 yr old girl having survived a gun shot.
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They are the hypocrites of worst kind. Most likely residing in a western secular democracy, enjoying all the freedom and comfort away from all the fight, bomb blasts while cheekily supporting their brethren in jihad. They probably do not have the courage to join the fight themselves and dirty their hands but are willing to tear down anyone opposing the filth even if it is a 16 yr old girl having survived a gun shot.

Some poster remind me of Anjem Chaudary.The world is full of sick people.
Just gone over some pakistani facebook pages. The amount of disgusting filth, hate and abuse against this 16 year old girl is enormous. 10 in 1 guys even low-live women are writing down vile curses against.

Boils my blood whenever i read things against her. Pakistanis certainly don't deserve any of such brave people.

While our army is openly fighting against Talibans, Many of Pakistanis love and admire talibans or their ideology.

Same here ,bro.
Our people are so illogical,for them everything is a conspiracy.When there is an earthquake,Its Indian conspiracy.According to them,Taliban does not exist,those people we see in videos beheading pak soldiers are American and Israelis.When there is a flood in Pak,its zionist conspiracy .These people support terrorist but does not appreciate the sacrifices of this brave girl.
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Malala Speech at the UN

Relax. Posters who support taliban here are peaceful people having a job and family. They wont harm a fly in real life. It is just that they agree with some ideology of taliban and sometimes being devils advocate to push the debate. No need to call them names because their support doesnt extend to talibans in real life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Below is the complete text forwarded by the Pakistani Taliban’s media cell to journalists in Pakistan:


From Adnan Rasheed to Malala Yousafzai:

Peace to those who follow the guidance

Miss Malala Yousafzai,

I am writing to you in my personal capacity [and] this may not be the opinion or policy of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan or other jihadi faction or group.

I heard about you through BBC Urdu service for the first time when I was in Bannu Prison. At that time I wanted to write to you, to advise you to refrain from the anti-Taliban activities you were involved in. But I could not find your address and I was still thinking whether to approach you with real or pseudonym, as all my emotions were brotherly for you because we belong to same Yousafzai tribe.

Meanwhile the prison break happened and I was supposed to be in hiding. When you were attacked it was shocking for me and I wished it would never happened and that I had advised you before the Taliban attacked you. Was it Islamically [sic] correct or wrong, or you deserved to be killed or not, I will not go into this argument now—let’s leave it to Allah Almighty, as He is the best judge. Here I want to advise you as I am already late, I wish I would have advised you in my prison time and this accident would never happened.

First of all please mind that Taliban never attacked you because of going to school or you were education lover, also please mind that Taliban or mujahideen are not against the education of any men or women or girl. The Taliban believe that you were intentionally writing against them and running a smear campaign to malign their efforts to establish Islamic system in Swat and your writings were provocative. You said in your speech yesterday that pen is mightier than sword, so they attacked you for your sword not for your books or school. There were thousands of girls who were going to school and college before and after the Taliban insurgency in Swat. Would you explain why were only you on their hit list???

Now to explain to you the second point, why Taliban are blowing up schools? The answer to this question is that not only Taliban in KPK or FATA are blowing up the schools but Pakistan Army and Frontier Constabulary is equally involved in this issue. The reason for this action is common between them that schools are being turned into hideouts and transit camps once [an area] comes under control of either party—the Pakistan Army or Taliban. In 2004 I was in Swat, I was researching on the causes of failure of the first revolution attempt by Sufi Muhammad. I came to know that FC was stationed in the schools of Swat in tehsil Matta and FC was using schools as their transit camps and hideouts. Now tell me who is to blame??? Dozens of schools and colleges are being used by Pakistan Army and FC as their barracks in FATA, you can find out easily if you like. So when something sacred is turned lethal it needs to be eliminated this is the policy of Taliban.

Blowing up schools when they are not being used strategically is not the Taliban’s job, some black sheep of local administration may be involved to extract more and more funds in the name of schools to fill their bank accounts.

Now I come to the main point that is EDUCATION, it is amazing that you are shouting for education, you and the UNO is pretending that as you were shot due to education, although this is not the reason, be honest, not the education but your propaganda was the issue and what you are doing now, you are using your tongue on the behest of the others and you must know that if the pen is mightier than the sword then tongue is sharper and the injury of sword can be hailed but the injury of the tongue never hails and in wars tongue is more destructive than any weapon.

I would like to share with you that Indian subcontinent was highly educated and almost every citizen was able to read or write before British invasion. Locals used to teach British officers Arabic, Hindi, Urdu and Persian. Almost every mosque was acting as school too and Muslim emperors used to spend a huge sum of money on education. Muslim India was rich in farming, silk, and jute and from textile industry to shipbuilding. No poverty, no crises and no clashes of civilization or religion. Because the education system was based on noble thoughts and noble curriculum.

I want to draw your attention to an extract from the minutes written by Sir T. B. Macaulay to British parliament dated Feb. 2, 1835 about what type of education system is required in Indian subcontinent to replace the Muslim education system. He stated: “We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern, a class of persons Indian in blood and color, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect.”

This was and this is the plan and mission of this so called education system for which you are ready to die, for which UNO takes you to their office to produce more and more Asians in blood but English in taste, to produce more and more Africans in color but English in opinion, to produce more and more non English people but English in morale. This so called education made Obama, the mass murder, your ideal. Isn’t it?

Why [do] they want to make all human beings English? Because Englishmen are the staunch supporters and slaves of Jews. Do you know Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the founder and symbol of English education in India was a freemason. You say a teacher, a pen and a book can change the world, yes I agree with, but which teacher which pen and which book? It is to be specified, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said I am sent as a teacher, and the book He sent to teach is Quran. So a noble and pious teacher with prophetic curriculum can change the world not with satanic or secular curriculum.

You have given the example that once a journalist asked a student why a talib is afraid of this education. He replied a talib didn’t know what was in this book. The same I say to you and through you to whole world that why they afraid from the book of Allah because they don’t know what is in it. Taliban want to implement what is in the book of ALLAH and UNO want to implement what they have in manmade books. We want to connect the world to their creator through the book of Allah and UNO want to enslave the world to few evil creatures.

You have talked about justice and equality from the stage of an unjust institution. The place where you were standing uttering for justice and equality, all the nations are not equal there, only five wicked states have the veto power and rest of them are powerless, dozens of time when all the world untied [sic] against the Israel only one veto was enough to press the throat of justice.

The place you were speaking to the world is heading towards new world order, I want to know what is wrong [with] the old world order? They want to establish global education, global economy, global army, global trade, global government and finally global religion. I want to know is there any space for the prophetic guidance in all above global plans? Is there any space for Islamic shariah or Islamic law which U.N. call inhumane and barbaric? You have talked about attack on polio team, would you explain why the then American foreign secretary of state Henry Kissinger, a Jew, said in 1973 to reduce the third world population by 80%. Why the sterilization and eugenics programs are running in different countries in one way or another under the umbrella of UNO. More than 1 million Muslim women have been sterilized in Uzbekistan forcibly without their consent.

Bertrand Russell writes in his book, The Impact of Science on Society: “Diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable and any serious criticism of power that be will become psychologically impossible.”

This is why we have the reservation on so called polio vaccination program. You say Malala Day is not your day, it is the day of every person who has raised voice for their rights, I ask you why such a day in not assigned to Rachel Corrie, only because the bulldozer was Israeli? Why such a day in not assigned to Afia Siddiqa because the buyers are Americans? Why such day is not assigned to Faizan and Faheem because the killer was Raymond Davis? Why such a day in not assigned to those 16 innocent Afghan women and children who were shot dead by an American Robert Bales because he was not a Talib.

I ask you and be honest in reply, if you were shot but Americans in a drone attack, would world have ever heard updates on your medical status? Would you be called ‘daughter of the nation’? Would the media make a fuss about you? Would General Kayani have come to visit you and would the world media be constantly reporting on you? Would you be called to U.N.? Would a Malala Day be announced? More than 300 innocent women and children have been killed in drones attacks but who cares because attackers are highly educated, non-violent, peaceful Americans.

I wish the compassion you learnt from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) should be learnt by Pakistan Army so they could stop shedding of Muslim blood in FATA and Balochistan. I wish, the compassion you learnt from Prophet Jesus should be learnt by the U.S. and NATO so they should stop shedding blood of innocent Muslims across the world and I wish the same for followers of Buddha to stop killing of innocent unarmed Muslims in Burma, and Sri Lanka and wish the same for Indian Army to follow Gandhi jee and stop genocide in Kashmir, and yes, the followers of Bacha Khan, the ANP has an example of non-violence in their five years regime in KPK province, for example Swat, where a single shot was not fired and we witnessed the followers of Bacha Khan implemented the philosophy of nonviolence in its true soul, with support of jets, tanks and gunships.

At the end I advise you to come back home, adopt the Islamic and Pushtoon culture, join any female Islamic madrassah near your hometown, study and learn the book of Allah, use your pen for Islam and plight of Muslim ummah and reveal the conspiracy of tiny elite who want to enslave the whole humanity for their evil agendas in the name of new world order.

All praises to Allah, the creator of the universe.

Couldn't agree more about the education system's main objective to produce Asians in blood but Secular in thought. Plenty of legit points made in the letter. Overall the most relevant assessment of this drama.
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never realised that the taliban can be that articulate! The man talks about bertrand russell and Sir TB Macaulay
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But arent the PAKISTANI Taliban funded by CIA ? So why are people suddenly getting fascinated by their letter to Malala ? Why would TTP want to expose the secular education agenda of their CIA Masters ?
Haha, I've never as much rubbish in my life. Some serious clowns on this thread.
But arent the PAKISTANI Taliban funded by CIA ? So why are people suddenly getting fascinated by their letter to Malala ? Why would TTP want to expose the secular education agenda of their CIA Masters ?

That did cause a bit of confusion; so they switched from "TTp is CIA" to "TTP is right and speaks the truth" mode

Next time TTP beheads some soldiers or kills civilians, they will revert to the "TTP is CIA " mode.
Have not seen bigger hypocrites than them
Relax. Posters who support taliban here are peaceful people having a job and family. They wont harm a fly in real life. It is just that they agree with some ideology of taliban and sometimes being devils advocate to push the debate. No need to call them names because their support doesnt extend to talibans in real life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually, groups like Taliban count on this ideological support from educated people. In the end these fringe groups might be the reason why the government or the army do not launch a full scale attack to wipe them out.

Also, how do you think these groups get millions in funding? Not that the people who support these thinking will directly fund terrorists, but they might fund some mullah who comes up with similar theories and the mullahs would in turn fund the terrorists. And the supporters will turn a blind eye. Do you think people just wake up one morning and decide to fund the taliban? It takes a certain bend of thoughts and then years of reinforcing that.

Support amongst the educated, the middle class and the non-residents are a big boon for an organization like the Taliban, even if its only ideological support
lol. :farhat

Anyone who has ANY respect for this girl would not support her being used as a tool to further imperial state terrorism. .

Can you tell me how she is being used as a tool to further US attacks on Pak? As far as i know its private orgs and NGOs supporting her. Her speech only spoke about education for women and nothing else. If US wants, they can further attack, they dont need a Malala
Can you tell me how she is being used as a tool to further US attacks on Pak? As far as i know its private orgs and NGOs supporting her. Her speech only spoke about education for women and nothing else. If US wants, they can further attack, they dont need a Malala

private ngos and orgs = CIA if they are Western. A coffee shop in Brussels = CIA. A gym in Amsterdam? CIA, definitely, CIA.
Can you tell me how she is being used as a tool to further US attacks on Pak? As far as i know its private orgs and NGOs supporting her. Her speech only spoke about education for women and nothing else. If US wants, they can further attack, they dont need a Malala

She has not spoken: 1) In favor of drones, or 2) Against Pakistan

She spoke against Talibanism, which many people consider to be same as being against Pakistan

And some are claiming that whole world was protesting from Cape Town to Bogota against drones and Israel. And when Malala attack happened, whole world forgot about drones and began to focus on her. Hence she is acting for drones.
I can honestly empathize with her and her cause.

But the fact is she's being used as a propaganda tool by the western media and government, An easy tool to justify their on going war against the Taliban. I mean just look at what so called liberals in our country were saying after the attack.

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Showing one person carrying one poster does not mean most pro-Malala people are for drones...
Hang on. The attack on Malala was a false flag operation so what is this TTP guy on about.
Below is the complete text forwarded by the Pakistani Taliban’s media cell to journalists in Pakistan:


From Adnan Rasheed to Malala Yousafzai:

Peace to those who follow the guidance

Miss Malala Yousafzai,

I am writing to you in my personal capacity [and] this may not be the opinion or policy of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan or other jihadi faction or group.

I heard about you through BBC Urdu service for the first time when I was in Bannu Prison. At that time I wanted to write to you, to advise you to refrain from the anti-Taliban activities you were involved in. But I could not find your address and I was still thinking whether to approach you with real or pseudonym, as all my emotions were brotherly for you because we belong to same Yousafzai tribe.

Meanwhile the prison break happened and I was supposed to be in hiding. When you were attacked it was shocking for me and I wished it would never happened and that I had advised you before the Taliban attacked you. Was it Islamically [sic] correct or wrong, or you deserved to be killed or not, I will not go into this argument now—let’s leave it to Allah Almighty, as He is the best judge. Here I want to advise you as I am already late, I wish I would have advised you in my prison time and this accident would never happened.

First of all please mind that Taliban never attacked you because of going to school or you were education lover, also please mind that Taliban or mujahideen are not against the education of any men or women or girl. The Taliban believe that you were intentionally writing against them and running a smear campaign to malign their efforts to establish Islamic system in Swat and your writings were provocative. You said in your speech yesterday that pen is mightier than sword, so they attacked you for your sword not for your books or school. There were thousands of girls who were going to school and college before and after the Taliban insurgency in Swat. Would you explain why were only you on their hit list???

Now to explain to you the second point, why Taliban are blowing up schools? The answer to this question is that not only Taliban in KPK or FATA are blowing up the schools but Pakistan Army and Frontier Constabulary is equally involved in this issue. The reason for this action is common between them that schools are being turned into hideouts and transit camps once [an area] comes under control of either party—the Pakistan Army or Taliban. In 2004 I was in Swat, I was researching on the causes of failure of the first revolution attempt by Sufi Muhammad. I came to know that FC was stationed in the schools of Swat in tehsil Matta and FC was using schools as their transit camps and hideouts. Now tell me who is to blame??? Dozens of schools and colleges are being used by Pakistan Army and FC as their barracks in FATA, you can find out easily if you like. So when something sacred is turned lethal it needs to be eliminated this is the policy of Taliban.

Blowing up schools when they are not being used strategically is not the Taliban’s job, some black sheep of local administration may be involved to extract more and more funds in the name of schools to fill their bank accounts.

Now I come to the main point that is EDUCATION, it is amazing that you are shouting for education, you and the UNO is pretending that as you were shot due to education, although this is not the reason, be honest, not the education but your propaganda was the issue and what you are doing now, you are using your tongue on the behest of the others and you must know that if the pen is mightier than the sword then tongue is sharper and the injury of sword can be hailed but the injury of the tongue never hails and in wars tongue is more destructive than any weapon.

I would like to share with you that Indian subcontinent was highly educated and almost every citizen was able to read or write before British invasion. Locals used to teach British officers Arabic, Hindi, Urdu and Persian. Almost every mosque was acting as school too and Muslim emperors used to spend a huge sum of money on education. Muslim India was rich in farming, silk, and jute and from textile industry to shipbuilding. No poverty, no crises and no clashes of civilization or religion. Because the education system was based on noble thoughts and noble curriculum.

I want to draw your attention to an extract from the minutes written by Sir T. B. Macaulay to British parliament dated Feb. 2, 1835 about what type of education system is required in Indian subcontinent to replace the Muslim education system. He stated: “We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern, a class of persons Indian in blood and color, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect.”

This was and this is the plan and mission of this so called education system for which you are ready to die, for which UNO takes you to their office to produce more and more Asians in blood but English in taste, to produce more and more Africans in color but English in opinion, to produce more and more non English people but English in morale. This so called education made Obama, the mass murder, your ideal. Isn’t it?

Why [do] they want to make all human beings English? Because Englishmen are the staunch supporters and slaves of Jews. Do you know Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, the founder and symbol of English education in India was a freemason. You say a teacher, a pen and a book can change the world, yes I agree with, but which teacher which pen and which book? It is to be specified, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said I am sent as a teacher, and the book He sent to teach is Quran. So a noble and pious teacher with prophetic curriculum can change the world not with satanic or secular curriculum.

You have given the example that once a journalist asked a student why a talib is afraid of this education. He replied a talib didn’t know what was in this book. The same I say to you and through you to whole world that why they afraid from the book of Allah because they don’t know what is in it. Taliban want to implement what is in the book of ALLAH and UNO want to implement what they have in manmade books. We want to connect the world to their creator through the book of Allah and UNO want to enslave the world to few evil creatures.

You have talked about justice and equality from the stage of an unjust institution. The place where you were standing uttering for justice and equality, all the nations are not equal there, only five wicked states have the veto power and rest of them are powerless, dozens of time when all the world untied [sic] against the Israel only one veto was enough to press the throat of justice.

The place you were speaking to the world is heading towards new world order, I want to know what is wrong [with] the old world order? They want to establish global education, global economy, global army, global trade, global government and finally global religion. I want to know is there any space for the prophetic guidance in all above global plans? Is there any space for Islamic shariah or Islamic law which U.N. call inhumane and barbaric? You have talked about attack on polio team, would you explain why the then American foreign secretary of state Henry Kissinger, a Jew, said in 1973 to reduce the third world population by 80%. Why the sterilization and eugenics programs are running in different countries in one way or another under the umbrella of UNO. More than 1 million Muslim women have been sterilized in Uzbekistan forcibly without their consent.

Bertrand Russell writes in his book, The Impact of Science on Society: “Diet, injections and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable and any serious criticism of power that be will become psychologically impossible.”

This is why we have the reservation on so called polio vaccination program. You say Malala Day is not your day, it is the day of every person who has raised voice for their rights, I ask you why such a day in not assigned to Rachel Corrie, only because the bulldozer was Israeli? Why such a day in not assigned to Afia Siddiqa because the buyers are Americans? Why such day is not assigned to Faizan and Faheem because the killer was Raymond Davis? Why such a day in not assigned to those 16 innocent Afghan women and children who were shot dead by an American Robert Bales because he was not a Talib.

I ask you and be honest in reply, if you were shot but Americans in a drone attack, would world have ever heard updates on your medical status? Would you be called ‘daughter of the nation’? Would the media make a fuss about you? Would General Kayani have come to visit you and would the world media be constantly reporting on you? Would you be called to U.N.? Would a Malala Day be announced? More than 300 innocent women and children have been killed in drones attacks but who cares because attackers are highly educated, non-violent, peaceful Americans.

I wish the compassion you learnt from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) should be learnt by Pakistan Army so they could stop shedding of Muslim blood in FATA and Balochistan. I wish, the compassion you learnt from Prophet Jesus should be learnt by the U.S. and NATO so they should stop shedding blood of innocent Muslims across the world and I wish the same for followers of Buddha to stop killing of innocent unarmed Muslims in Burma, and Sri Lanka and wish the same for Indian Army to follow Gandhi jee and stop genocide in Kashmir, and yes, the followers of Bacha Khan, the ANP has an example of non-violence in their five years regime in KPK province, for example Swat, where a single shot was not fired and we witnessed the followers of Bacha Khan implemented the philosophy of nonviolence in its true soul, with support of jets, tanks and gunships.

At the end I advise you to come back home, adopt the Islamic and Pushtoon culture, join any female Islamic madrassah near your hometown, study and learn the book of Allah, use your pen for Islam and plight of Muslim ummah and reveal the conspiracy of tiny elite who want to enslave the whole humanity for their evil agendas in the name of new world order.

All praises to Allah, the creator of the universe.

Couldn't agree more about the education system's main objective to produce Asians in blood but Secular in thought. Plenty of legit points made in the letter. Overall the most relevant assessment of this drama.

some points were legit but most aren't looks like Taliban mix their tribal ways with islam.
Couldn't agree more about the education system's main objective to produce Asians in blood but Secular in thought. Plenty of legit points made in the letter. Overall the most relevant assessment of this drama.

You make it sound like there is a contradiction between being Asians and being Secular.
Why should Malala condemn this issue or that action, she's not an elected official or statesman but a campaigner on a specific issue. She's said time and again her focus is on female education not anything else.

Of course drones are illegal, they kill civilians and are inhumane, noone is disputing that. She's only 16 though, she's hopefully got a long life ahead of her and she may well indeed condemn drones in the future during the course of her campaign. If people actually read the speech in the full which very few seem to have, there is scarcely a sentence or word that is disagreeable, she specifically condemned the wars that are ongoing now and Pakistan finally has a good news story which should be welcomed and not lambasted the way it has.
That did cause a bit of confusion; so they switched from "TTp is CIA" to "TTP is right and speaks the truth" mode

Next time TTP beheads some soldiers or kills civilians, they will revert to the "TTP is CIA " mode.
Have not seen bigger hypocrites than them

There's no confusion. It's Orwellian double speak to discredit the Haqq. To associate savagery with those who stand up to oppression, in this case the Afghan Taliban. I have my reservations against TTP but in the letter most of what is said is true in general. But of course to the revisionists it will be a bitter pill to swallow.

War on Terror is war on Islam to suppress the re-establishment of an Islamic State, there's nothing more to it.
You make it sound like there is a contradiction between being Asians and being Secular.

Except that pre-Colonial sub-continent was not secular, so yes now there's a discernable difference in the attitudes of people. There are 2 main groups: those who want Islam and those who oppose it and in between are those who want to reinvent Islam to appease the latter group.
some points were legit but most aren't looks like Taliban mix their tribal ways with islam.

Sure there may be tribal practices mixed in but there's no doubting their steadfastness on the Deen which is remarkable considering their circumstances and background. At least they seek to please Allah SWT so their mistakes are forgiven.
What points were legit?!?!?! The part where they admit shooting an innocent girl but just for a different reason than the commonly thought one or the part where they admit bombing schools but claim not to b the only ones?
What sort of education results in you swallowing the lies of child murderers and people who have taken up arms against your state?

This is shameful stuff. Disgusting actually.
What points were legit?!?!?! The part where they admit shooting an innocent girl but just for a different reason than the commonly thought one or the part where they admit bombing schools but claim not to b the only ones?

His points in regards to education were simply spot on and the real motives of Malala's backers.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN

His points in regards to education were simply spot on and the real motives of Malala's backers.


A murderers side point is justified as being "spot on" .....

But Malalas "side point" is traitorous.

You have to love the logic.
What sort of education results in you swallowing the lies of child murderers and people who have taken up arms against your state?

This is shameful stuff. Disgusting actually.

A state that is responsible for the supposed oppression of women in that region or just in general. A state that openly facilitates Drone Attacks on its own citizens from a foreign intruder.

If the TTP are a threat, what is the Pakistani army doing? Do they have churiyaan on their hands? Reality is General Kayani is a traitor and a stooge of the West just like Musharraf and the rest. Not only they do allow people being annihilated by bombs but they engage in this petty game of cat and mouse with the TTP and in between you have innocent civilians who suffer.
A state that is responsible for the supposed oppression of women in that region or just in general. A state that openly facilitates Drone Attacks on its own citizens from a foreign intruder.

If the TTP are a threat, what is the Pakistani army doing? Do they have churiyaan on their hands? Reality is General Kayani is a traitor and a stooge of the West just like Musharraf and the rest. Not only they do allow people being annihilated by bombs but they engage in this petty game of cat and mouse with the TTP and in between you have innocent civilians who suffer.

No point beating around tbe bush, do you suppport TTP in their war against Pak Fauj. Man up and state your opinion.
His points on education were nonsense and I wonder what your opinion is on his real motives?

lol calling a curriculum based on Islamic teachings nonsense, says a lot about you. As for his motives, it seems some people in this thread suffer from selective memory. I have now said a few times that TTP can't be trusted, they are a proxy group to incite enemity towards Islam. As I said, you have to be aware of Orwellian double speak to discern between legitimate points and heretical ones.

At no point in this thread have I condoned the shooting of Malala, I have simply raised opposition against her manipulation.
No point beating around tbe bush, do you suppport TTP in their war against Pak Fauj. Man up and state your opinion.

Well you are the one who doesn't get it, both parties are guilty. They are two sides of the same coin.