Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

lol calling a curriculum based on Islamic teachings nonsense, says a lot about you. As for his motives, it seems some people in this thread suffer from selective memory. I have now said a few times that TTP can't be trusted, they are a proxy group to incite enemity towards Islam. As I said, you have to be aware of Orwellian double speak to discern between legitimate points and heretical ones.

At no point in this thread have I condoned the shooting of Malala, I have simply raised opposition against her manipulation.

What does a curriculum with Islamic teachings look like? Whats wrong with going to school and learning maths and physics then going to masjid in the evening to learn Islam?

Thats what we do in the UK.
What does a curriculum with Islamic teachings look like? Whats wrong with going to school and learning maths and physics then going to masjid in the evening to learn Islam?

Thats what we do in the UK.

Learning the Deen and using it as the pursuit of truth in other fields of knowledge is what allowed Muslims to be at the forefront of intellectual advancement in the centuries gone by. Today Islam is reduced to masajids and only for those who have the time. Not everyone has access to what Islam requires of a Muslim, not everyone knows their duties towards Allah SWT and for sure a good part of the Ummah has forgotten that Islam is just as much political as it is spiritual. This intellectual decline is due to the education system that is now rampant in the world which preaches materialistic pursuit instead of pursuit of truth and pleasure of Allah SWT.

You have to think, the Muslims before us were advanced not just in intellect and character but also in their achievements. What was is it that was the driving factor behind their success? It was Islam.

If you are familiar with Dr. Israr Ahmed (RHA) you can look up his lectures on what constitutes an Islamic curriculum and its true vision.
Re: Malala Speech at the UN


Intellectual decline is because people have been taught to be parrots rather than allowed the freedom of thought to specialise and Excel in their chosen field.
Well you are the one who doesn't get it, both parties are guilty. They are two sides of the same coin.

But I did not see a single instance of you condemning the attack on Malala. You just condemned her being used as a western propaganda tool. If both parties are guilty where are you articles and links blaming Taliban instead of just blaming Malala?
I can honestly empathize with her and her cause.

But the fact is she's being used as a propaganda tool by the western media and government, An easy tool to justify their on going war against the Taliban. I mean just look at what so called liberals in our country were saying after the attack.


A few people holding posters prove what? I have seen no evidence of a large scale pro drone propaganda as a result of Malala. And yes, there will be outrage after such attacks on innocent kids, just like people call for hanging and lynching and drones after every bomb balst. This is true for all terrorist attacks, not just the one on her
I don't care what anyone has to say about malala, i always try and see the good in people being a softy. I have not done any research but i doubt she is being used as a western propaganda tool....
what a rambling letter, a bit worrying it sounds like it could almost have been written by some PPers.

First of all please mind that Taliban never attacked you because of going to school or you were education lover, also please mind that Taliban or mujahideen are not against the education of any men or women or girl. The Taliban believe that you were intentionally writing against them and running a smear campaign to malign their efforts to establish Islamic system in Swat and your writings were provocative. You said in your speech yesterday that pen is mightier than sword, so they attacked you for your sword not for your books or school. There were thousands of girls who were going to school and college before and after the Taliban insurgency in Swat. Would you explain why were only you on their hit list???

crux of the matter, we wanted to kill you not becuase you were getting educated, we wanted to kill you because you actually wanted to use your education.... :facepalm:
But I did not see a single instance of you condemning the attack on Malala. You just condemned her being used as a western propaganda tool. If both parties are guilty where are you articles and links blaming Taliban instead of just blaming Malala?

Malala is the center of the issue so I condemned the propaganda and then also clarified that Pak Army and TTP are just as much part of the propaganda. Simple.
just like people call for hanging and lynching and drones after every bomb balst.

When did this happen? Anyway my bone of contention is that her image is being used by western forces to justify their continuing war. It may not be being said directly but it's blindingly obvious that it's their intention.

Malala Yousafzai’s recent appearance at the UN Youth Assembly was an indirect ploy by western powers to further their agenda in the Muslim world whilst intentionally ignoring the real issue of foreign policy, writes Anila Malik.

Terrific analysis!

Stupid article to be honest it very baffling for example this comment "They want to use you to pave the way for the secular and liberal powers to go in and do what they do best, colonise the minds of the women, through their western educational curriculums." What the hell, i am a student of the wester educational curriculums yet i still hold strong islamic values if anything these curriculums will do more good then bad for people. And malala was making a plea to all those UN idiots who were responsible for all those attrocities anyway so i don't really see the point of all the tragedies that person who wrote the article was listing.

Anways in regards to the articles mention of jahililya, forget the west do you even realise why we are in a state of jahililya? Most muslim countries are corrupt and shariah law is not implemented in any of the relevent muslim countries the way it should be. Forget the west, the muslim nations of the world don't fix themselves up why blame others for everything

Iran is the toughest muslim country in the world today, i don't care if they are shia's but its true.
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Learning the Deen and using it as the pursuit of truth in other fields of knowledge is what allowed Muslims to be at the forefront of intellectual advancement in the centuries gone by. Today Islam is reduced to masajids and only for those who have the time. Not everyone has access to what Islam requires of a Muslim, not everyone knows their duties towards Allah SWT and for sure a good part of the Ummah has forgotten that Islam is just as much political as it is spiritual. This intellectual decline is due to the education system that is now rampant in the world which preaches materialistic pursuit instead of pursuit of truth and pleasure of Allah SWT.

You have to think, the Muslims before us were advanced not just in intellect and character but also in their achievements. What was is it that was the driving factor behind their success? It was Islam.

If you are familiar with Dr. Israr Ahmed (RHA) you can look up his lectures on what constitutes an Islamic curriculum and its true vision.

Isn't Islamiyaat almost mandatory in Pakistan?

The decline of the Ummah is due to the absence of the critical analysis of Islamic texts and scriptures. Those that made achievements in science,philosophy,technology and medicine did so with an open mind and the ability to understand that the deen wants them to read, be critical of surroundings, ask questions and not be deaf dumb and blind by agreeing with what the earliest scholars had wrote about certain fields ;)

Interestingly the Muslim Scientists kept secular texts alive by translating and keeping them while the Europeans forgot about them.

In summary - there is no Islamic education or secular education. Just education! Education that involves giving people the tools to think,expand and grow not education that asks for rote memorisation. The early flourishing of Islam was due to the intellectual debate that took place. Have a read of the old debates, the schools of thought that emerged to stand their ground, the conduct of the debators and the texts that arose. Unfortunately today we say anybody with a different outlook is revisionist and hadith rejector.

The reason we are lagging behind the west is Technology,Technlogy and Technlogy. Not because we have less Hafiz-E-Quran.
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Re: Malala Speech at the UN

Isn't Islamiyaat almost mandatory in Pakistan?

The decline of the Ummah is due to the absence of the critical analysis of Islamic texts and scriptures. Those that made achievements in science,philosophy,technology and medicine did so with an open mind and the ability to understand that the deen wants them to read, be critical of surroundings, ask questions and not be deaf dumb and blind by agreeing with what the earliest scholars had wrote about certain fields ;)

Interestingly the Muslim Scientists kept secular texts alive by translating and keeping them while the Europeans forgot about them.

In summary - there is no Islamic education or secular education. Just education! Education that involves giving people the tools to think,expand and grow not education that asks for rote memorisation. The early flourishing of Islam was due to the intellectual debate that took place. Have a read of the old debates, the schools of thought that emerged to stand their ground, the conduct of the debators and the texts that arose. Unfortunately today we say anybody with a different outlook is revisionist and hadith rejector.

The reason we are lagging behind the west is Technology,Technlogy and Technlogy. Not because we have less Hafiz-E-Quran.

Agree with everything but the last sentence.

Rather then tech tech tech... Its more fundamental.

Its Aql. Aql. Aql.
Stupid article to be honest it very baffling for example this comment "They want to use you to pave the way for the secular and liberal powers to go in and do what they do best, colonise the minds of the women, through their western educational curriculums." What the hell, i am a student of the wester educational curriculums yet i still hold strong islamic values if anything these curriculums will do more good then bad for people. And malala was making a plea to all those UN idiots who were responsible for all those attrocities anyway so i don't really see the point of all the tragedies that person who wrote the article was listing.

Anways in regards to the articles mention of jahililya, forget the west do you even realise why we are in a state of jahililya? Most muslim countries are corrupt and shariah law is not implemented in any of the relevent muslim countries the way it should be. Forget the west, the muslim nations of the world don't fix themselves up why blame others for everything

Iran is the toughest muslim country in the world today, i don't care if they are shia's but its true.

This.There is no harm in pursuing western education but is very important and useful.If we do not pursue western education,how will our living standard be improved?How will we produce doctors?How will we produce life saving drugs?How will we increase our crop yield?How will we combat polio?How will we cure other life threatening diseases?

Every invention that we are such as electricity,bulb,vaccine and many many more are the result of weatern education.
People are such hypocrites that they use these luxuries but bad mouth western education.Shame on them.
Isn't Islamiyaat almost mandatory in Pakistan?

The decline of the Ummah is due to the absence of the critical analysis of Islamic texts and scriptures. Those that made achievements in science,philosophy,technology and medicine did so with an open mind and the ability to understand that the deen wants them to read, be critical of surroundings, ask questions and not be deaf dumb and blind by agreeing with what the earliest scholars had wrote about certain fields ;)

Interestingly the Muslim Scientists kept secular texts alive by translating and keeping them while the Europeans forgot about them.

In summary - there is no Islamic education or secular education. Just education! Education that involves giving people the tools to think,expand and grow not education that asks for rote memorisation. The early flourishing of Islam was due to the intellectual debate that took place. Have a read of the old debates, the schools of thought that emerged to stand their ground, the conduct of the debators and the texts that arose. Unfortunately today we say anybody with a different outlook is revisionist and hadith rejector.

The reason we are lagging behind the west is Technology,Technlogy and Technlogy. Not because we have less Hafiz-E-Quran.

Good points,bro.
The reason why Pakistan or other muslims countries are struggling is not because we do not have islamic scholars,Qaris and hafiz but because we do not have western education.There is no doubt that islamic education is also of paramount importance.

Malala Yousafzai’s recent appearance at the UN Youth Assembly was an indirect ploy by western powers to further their agenda in the Muslim world whilst intentionally ignoring the real issue of foreign policy, writes Anila Malik.

Terrific analysis!

What a pathetic article.
When did the west prevent muslim women fron seeking education?It is more like the opposite.Muslims themselves are preventing women fron seeking education.
Sure there may be tribal practices mixed in but there's no doubting their steadfastness on the Deen which is remarkable considering their circumstances and background. At least they seek to please Allah SWT so their mistakes are forgiven.

What the hell.
You are right.They please allah by bombing markets,beheading Pak soldiers,shooting female NGO workers,bombing Shia and hazaras,killing ulemas who question them,bombing electricity grids,blowing up schools.That is not islam.You are one misinformed individual.
And people wonder why the Taliban have not been defeated.
Isn't Islamiyaat almost mandatory in Pakistan?

The decline of the Ummah is due to the absence of the critical analysis of Islamic texts and scriptures. Those that made achievements in science,philosophy,technology and medicine did so with an open mind and the ability to understand that the deen wants them to read, be critical of surroundings, ask questions and not be deaf dumb and blind by agreeing with what the earliest scholars had wrote about certain fields ;)

Interestingly the Muslim Scientists kept secular texts alive by translating and keeping them while the Europeans forgot about them.

In summary - there is no Islamic education or secular education. Just education! Education that involves giving people the tools to think,expand and grow not education that asks for rote memorisation. The early flourishing of Islam was due to the intellectual debate that took place. Have a read of the old debates, the schools of thought that emerged to stand their ground, the conduct of the debators and the texts that arose. Unfortunately today we say anybody with a different outlook is revisionist and hadith rejector.

The reason we are lagging behind the west is Technology,Technlogy and Technlogy. Not because we have less Hafiz-E-Quran.

This reflects what I meant by intellectual decline. You associate Islamic education being limited to just memorization of Qur'an for example when in reality it is a comprehensive curriculum taught over a course of 13-14 years. Once that's completed, those who wish to pursue higher studies and specialize are welcome to do so. In fact they will be provided with free education.

What the Muslims of old did was rectify erroneous beliefs in philsophy, sociology, economics, history etc. They preserved the Tawheed. That's the ultimate in all our endeavors worship of Allah SWT.

Inshallah, the coming Islamic State will be also be advanced and will possess state of the art technology as well as a powerful military. The Ummah has been blessed with geniuses but sadly due to colonization, we have suffered from brain drain.

The paradigm shift in education will be: pursuit of Allah's SWT pleasure and not endless struggle for materialistic life. Things are tools which are to be utilized for our ultimate purpose, nothing more. Needless to say, learning Qur'anic Arabic as well as spoken and written will be part of the curriculum for all Muslims.
What the hell.
You are right.They please allah by bombing markets,beheading Pak soldiers,shooting female NGO workers,bombing Shia and hazaras,killing ulemas who question them,bombing electricity grids,blowing up schools.That is not islam.You are one misinformed individual.
And people wonder why the Taliban have not been defeated.


You obviously have a problem with discerning between Afghans and Pakistani Talibs.
What a pathetic article.
When did the west prevent muslim women fron seeking education?It is more like the opposite.Muslims themselves are preventing women fron seeking education.

You missed the point of the article.
Letter to Malala:We will target Malala on return,vow Taliban.

A senior representative of Tehreek Taliban has said that the Taliban has no symphathies with Malala Yousafzai, and that she would be targeted again if she chose to return to Pakistan, BBC Urdu reported.

The representative said that neither was Adnan Rashid a senior commander of the Taliban nor did the Taliban have anything to do with the letter that Rashid wrote to Malala on Wednesday.

He said that Malala had been targeted because of her efforts in promoting secular education in Pakistan and her becoming a part of the West’s propaganda, which though reflect what Rashid mentioned in his letter.

The Taliban Council had obtained the actual draft of the letter that Rashid had sent Malala, and whether it had any content that went against the rules of the Taliban was being assessed, he said.

The council will also look into the purpose for which the letter had been written to Malala, the representative said.

Taliban’s prominent leader in Pakistan Adnan Rashid said that he was ‘shocked’ after Malala was attacked by the Taliban in October last year.

Rashid had been convicted in 2003 by the state of Pakistan for trying to assassinate former president Pervez Musharraf. He was also one of the many inmates who escaped from Bannu jail in April last year.

He wrote to Malala Yousufzai advising her to return and join a religious school for women in Swat. He wrote to Malala a day after her address at the United Nations General Assembly, criticising her speech in his two-page letter written in English.

Every time I check this thread it has just taken an even more bizarre turn.

Can barely believe my eyes.
Isn't Islamiyaat almost mandatory in Pakistan?

The decline of the Ummah is due to the absence of the critical analysis of Islamic texts and scriptures. Those that made achievements in science,philosophy,technology and medicine did so with an open mind and the ability to understand that the deen wants them to read, be critical of surroundings, ask questions and not be deaf dumb and blind by agreeing with what the earliest scholars had wrote about certain fields ;)

Interestingly the Muslim Scientists kept secular texts alive by translating and keeping them while the Europeans forgot about them.

In summary - there is no Islamic education or secular education. Just education! Education that involves giving people the tools to think,expand and grow not education that asks for rote memorisation. The early flourishing of Islam was due to the intellectual debate that took place. Have a read of the old debates, the schools of thought that emerged to stand their ground, the conduct of the debators and the texts that arose. Unfortunately today we say anybody with a different outlook is revisionist and hadith rejector.

The reason we are lagging behind the west is Technology,Technlogy and Technlogy. Not because we have less Hafiz-E-Quran.

Good post, problem is some people go online and read a hysterical article or a ranting cleric on YouTube and get so worked up, and perceive themselves to be experts in the field. Instead of swallowing what some organisation or internet cleric says, why don't people do some critical analysis themselves.
As someone has pointed before, any kid with any photo tool knows how to reverse a photo so that left looks right. For example, photo 1 and 5 are the same photo flipped. Photos 3 and 4 are same photo

Here's one you tool can use yourself

Lol... It doesn't Take a GENIUS to Figure out the photoshop which has been done in this picture....'This is NOT A PROOF' to what the Malala incident was Fake.....:facepalm:.. I Got this foto from an Indian Facebook page..:))
Also Do You think The Cartoon that Lethal Sami posted Was An original proof to Malala's incident......????No.......... Just like that what I meant here was to make an aware of what had happened... !! And not the proof of what had actually happened

Also,... that #3 and 4 photo are just cropped Forehead image of Malala's old Photo even before the Attack incident took place......
Lol... It doesn't Take a GENIUS to Figure out the photoshop which has been done in this picture....'This is NOT A PROOF' to what the Malala incident was Fake.....:facepalm:.. I Got this foto from an Indian Facebook page..:))
Also Do You think The Cartoon that Lethal Sami posted Was An original proof to Malala's incident......????No.......... Just like that what I meant here was to make an aware of what had happened... !! And not the proof of what had actually happened

Also,... that #3 and 4 photo are just cropped Forehead image of Malala's old Photo even before the Attack incident took place......

You wouldn't believe the number of people who were sharing these pics claiming they were true and the wound was false

You do know party line of the Hizb was that the Taliban was not a Caliphate they ruled by Kufr...on what basis have you decided that their manner of rule is Islam...Salafis would agree with you however...

Out of interest what did you think of Ahmed Shah Masood?...I find it incredible that people lay into him also when he was easily the best leader Afghanistan could have had...instead they were left with the scum of the Taliban and then the Dostums of the other side...
I agree with shayk, also i'd like to add that

Wahabi najdi salafis are the root to evil, corrupting minds with their extreme version of Islam which is disguised at first to recruit young naive minds.
I can honestly empathize with her and her cause.

But the fact is she's being used as a propaganda tool by the western media and government, An easy tool to justify their on going war against the Taliban. I mean just look at what so called liberals in our country were saying after the attack.


not a single drone strike in swat valley...
I just spoke to a uni mate who is from pakistan what he makes of malala and i had asked him to watch her speech at the UN. He said he won't be watching the speech and it probably was written by someone else, he also said she is a western propaganda tool and he questioned why she does not speak out against the actions of the west and the killings of innocent muslims around the world courtesy of the UN and the USA and the other stuff involving drone attacks etc

I don't know what to make of it, but why doesnt she speak out against those thing's aswell so i didnt have an answer to give back when he mentioned those things.
she does not speak out against the actions of the west and the killings of innocent muslims around the world courtesy of the UN and the USA and the other stuff involving drone attacks etc


Similar question to why the Pakistani cricket captain does not talk about the UN during the medals ceremony
It is all irrelevant. The most that would be relevant in her case is drone attacks in Pakistan, she did not speak about it, neither did she speak about the Shia-Sunni strife that kills a lot of people as well.
Her platform was about education and how extremists were harming it, of course she should have mentioned drone attacks as one of the factors, but its naive to believe she should have gone on an hour long rant on Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan etc., when in many of those cases, more Muslims kills each other than the "UN"
I just spoke to a uni mate who is from pakistan what he makes of malala and i had asked him to watch her speech at the UN. He said he won't be watching the speech and it probably was written by someone else, he also said she is a western propaganda tool and he questioned why she does not speak out against the actions of the west and the killings of innocent muslims around the world courtesy of the UN and the USA and the other stuff involving drone attacks etc

I don't know what to make of it, but why doesnt she speak out against those thing's aswell so i didnt have an answer to give back when he mentioned those things.

Malala is not a politician.Speaking out against drones is the job of our leaders ,Zardari and Nawaz which they have failed to do so.She was given a platform to speak about education not to discuss American foreign policy.
Not quite sane

"One of the most notorious and infamous criminals in recent US history is a man called Charles Manson. Manson was a failed musician who in the late 1960s somehow managed to form a small cult around him of confused young middle-class drifters (mostly women) in San Francisco.

Taking bits from the Bible and pseudo-religions like Scientology and inspiration from the rising socio-political tensions in the US at the time, Manson concocted a theory suggesting that the song, Helter Skelter, by the famous British pop/psychedelic band, the Beatles, predicted a coming racial war between the blacks and Caucasian Americans.

Manson’s ramblings in this respect were largely the result of the high dosages of the powerful hallucinogenic drug LSD, that his small group and he were constantly taking. He told his followers that they would have to ‘create Helter Skelter’ by committing murder and (thus) trigger the predicted racial war.

In August 1969 the cult went on a killing spree, stabbing and shooting to death nine people, including actress Sharon Tate who was pregnant at the time. She was stabbed 16 times.

The gruesome murders shocked the country. Manson and his circle of followers were finally apprehended by the police in December 1969. But what disturbed Middle America even more was the sight of some young men and women who turned up outside the court building where Manson’s trial was being held and began to demonstrate and demand his release.

In March 1971, the court handed Manson and three other members of the group death sentences for their direct involvement in the murders. In 1972 another member of the group was also given the death sentence. But the sentences were automatically reduced to life imprisonment when California abolished death penalty in the state.

Various noted American sociologists and psychologists have tried to investigate what made a group of young middle-class Americans follow Manson into slaughtering nine innocent people for the sake of an irrational and delusional cause.

More curious are certain studies probing the mindset of those men and women who actually exhibited sympathy and support for Manson and his group of killers — even after the gruesome and graphic details of the murders became common knowledge.

One popular theory emerging from these psychological probes suggests that most probably Manson fans and apologists saw the murders as reflections (and release) of their own repressed social and sexual frustrations and anger in the event of their inability to discharge these frustrations by committing murder and acts of violence themselves.

In other words, if the murderers were criminally insane, then those rationalising or glorifying their crime were not quite sane as well.

Thus, in Pakistan’s context, I wonder if the same can be said about those who were captured by TV cameras showering rose petals on Mumtaz Qadri — the man who gunned down former Governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, because he thought Taseer had committed blasphemy.

And what about young, educated, middle-class men and women who went off the tangent abusing and battering (on social media) a young 16-year-old girl from Swat who last year was shot in the forehead by religious extremists?

Malala Yousufzai narrowly survived the attack and had to be treated by military doctors in Pakistan and surgeons in the UAE and the UK before recovering.

She then went on to deliver a remarkable speech at the UN, pleading universal peace and women’s education, sounding decades more mature, coherent and inspirational than her detractors.

On the evening of her speech, I undertook a quick study of Twitter and Facebook, chasing the profiles of that section of Pakistanis who erupted after Malala completed her address at the UN.

Though many Pakistanis exhibited profound praise and applause for the brave girl, I did come across numerous Tweets and Facebook ramblings of many perfectly ‘normal’ looking men and women who accused her of being a US/Western agent, a hoax, a fraud, etc.

The detractors all seemed to be educated young urbanites with an interest in pop music, Bollywood/Hollywood films and other fun stuff. At the same time, most of them seemed to also be Imran Khan fans.

A PTI Karachi member confessed to me that Khan, who had not Tweeted anything about the speech on the day that it took place, finally tweeted about it (in praise of Malala) after it became apparent that most of the people badmouthing Malala on Twitter and Facebook had Khan’s picture as their DP (display picture), or claimed to be from the ‘PTI family’.

Nevertheless, not all were PTI or Khan fans. I know some very decent, intelligent and empathetic ones as well. But the question remains: How can anyone with a young sister, daughter or even a fellow female classmate, ever get him or herself to abuse an innocent young teenaged schoolgirl who was shot by a man full of unadulterated hatered and who thought everyone but him was an infidel and worthy of death?

Going back to the theory that attempted to psycho-profile Manson’s fans, can it be said that if those in Pakistan who slaughter men, women and children in the name of faith are criminally insane, then are those who do not pull the trigger or explode themselves in a mosque, shrine or market, but are ever ready to defend, rationalise or even glorify acts of sheer brutality, are not quite sane either?

I’m not a psychologist, and maybe in anger I’d like to label them as being equally insane. But as a citizen of Pakistan, even in my most calm moments, I can’t help but to lament that if these people are not as insane, then mentally they are certainly not all there and can be in need of some urgent psychiatric help.

Heck, the way things are in this country,perhaps we all are."
The detractors all seemed to be educated young urbanites with an interest in pop music, Bollywood/Hollywood films and other fun stuff. At the same time, most of them seemed to also be Imran Khan fans.

Going back to the theory that attempted to psycho-profile Manson’s fans, can it be said that if those in Pakistan who slaughter men, women and children in the name of faith are criminally insane, then are those who do not pull the trigger or explode themselves in a mosque, shrine or market, but are ever ready to defend, rationalise or even glorify acts of sheer brutality, are not quite sane either?

This is a very interesting piece and based on interactions with people of all 3 subcontinental countries, I have found that there are plenty of such people, who are actually fully sane, but who are people who are the ultimate hypocrites in that what they practise and what they preach is 180 degrees apart.

They love conspiracy theories because it feeds their ego, i.e. most people are fools and they alone are the smart ones who found something that eluded the world.

Now such people are found in the West also; go through the comments in youtube and yahoo news, and many of those posting nasty stuff about Islam may be typical middle class people.
Facebook feeds are often hillarious with the same person who drinks every Thursday night linking to a long piece on how Malala is the AntiChrist and coward, and including his own comments as well
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Why is women's education/education in general being portrayed by some as a 'Western interest'?

Not sure quite what that suggests.
Why is women's education/education in general being portrayed by some as a 'Western interest'?

Not sure quite what that suggests.

Because the "West" have spoken for it.

Any issue that the "West" supports is likely to face a lot of skeptics, be it womens education, foreign policies, health policies and what not
It stems from a lack of identity and inferiority complex.
Why is women's education/education in general being portrayed by some as a 'Western interest'?

Not sure quite what that suggests.

I am myself confused by this whole opposition to education in name of misinterpretation of religion James . Another funny term i read here was secularist education which had some implied evil connotations to it :)
Similar question to why the Pakistani cricket captain does not talk about the UN during the medals ceremony
It is all irrelevant. The most that would be relevant in her case is drone attacks in Pakistan, she did not speak about it, neither did she speak about the Shia-Sunni strife that kills a lot of people as well.
Her platform was about education and how extremists were harming it, of course she should have mentioned drone attacks as one of the factors, but its naive to believe she should have gone on an hour long rant on Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan etc., when in many of those cases, more Muslims kills each other than the "UN"

Malala is not a politician.Speaking out against drones is the job of our leaders ,Zardari and Nawaz which they have failed to do so.She was given a platform to speak about education not to discuss American foreign policy.

Good point's i agree, but its hard to explain to people that don't even want to listen as soon as you mention malala.
Malala Yousafzai to open new library

A teenager shot in the head by the Taliban for championing women's rights has been given the honour of opening the new £188m Library of Birmingham.

Malala Yousafzai will unveil a commemorative plaque during a special ceremony in Centenary Square tomorrow.

The 16-year-old was attacked by Taliban gunmen on a school bus near her former home in Pakistan in October.

She was treated at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham and now lives in the city.

She said she was "honoured" to be part of the opening ceremony.

'Opportunity to succeed'

She added: "The content of a book holds the power of education and it is with this power that we can shape our future and change lives.

"There is no greater weapon than knowledge and no greater source of knowledge than the written word.

"It is my dream that one day, great buildings like this one will exist in every corner of the world so every child can grow up with the opportunity to succeed."

Malala will place her copy of The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho in the library - the last book to go on the shelves. She will then receive membership to access the archive.

The teenager was targeted by the Taliban after campaigning for girls' rights to go to school. It was in part of the country where Islamic fundamentalists were trying to impose a strict form of Sharia law.

She has since been awarded the Tipperary International Peace Award and the International Children's Peace Prize.

Earlier this year she signed a deal worth about $3m (£2m) to publish her story.

Many Brummies are not happy with this decision- claiming there are other inspirational people born and bred in Birminghan who deserved this opportunity ahead of Malala.
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Personally, I think it's a healthy initiative, especially after the traumatic period he and her family have been afflicted with. However, I believe she shouldn't participate in every event of this kind that is offered to her, for the fame and adulation she will inevitably receive may unfortunately go to her mind and she may actually forget the message she was spreading - that every person, no matter what gender, deserves the right to education.
Many Brummies are not happy with this decision- claiming there are other inspirational people born and bred in Birminghan who deserved this opportunity ahead of Malala.

If I remember correctly, you yourself are from Birmingham. How do you feel with this decision?
One of the few that have gained world recognition, brilliant.
Malala Yousafzai to open new library

Such as ? :asadrauf

The general public. Some examples:



They do have a point tbh. I have nothing against her but there should have been a vote- the public should have decided.
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Malala Yousafzai to open new library

If I remember correctly, you yourself are from Birmingham. How do you feel with this decision?

Well, I think a local should have been chosen. There is already enough tension as there is. There are many other inspirational Brummies.
Hey good luck to her .Maybe they chose her instead of a local because it would bring more attention to the media etc .
"I am honoured to be part of the opening," she said. "The content of a book holds the power of education and it is with this power that we can shape our future and change lives. There is no greater weapon than knowledge and no greater source of knowledge than the written word.

"It is my dream that one day, great buildings like this one will exist in every corner of the world so every child can grow up with the opportunity to succeed."

Blimey and she is only 16. They should put that quote on a plaque and display in at the entrance of the library.

I wonder if the tiny minority of people complaining on platforms like facebook will even be active users of this new library?
This girl is a true inspiration for many others around the world.Hats off to her.
Awesome stuff all round. A breathing symbol of human progress raising the curtain on an amazing cultural project in a truly multiracial city. This, in my view, is a (rare!) happy news story.

My grandparents live just outside Birmingham, and my grandfather used to be involved with a local council. Having met a lot of Brummies and gone through the minutes from some of his old meetings, I always felt that some members of the white middle class in Brum harbour quite xenophobic views. Those tweets above are an example of said feelings.

It's a minority view, though, just to clarify. Most in Birmingham don't feel the same way. And it's also difficult to take the opinion seriously of someone who hasn't even heard of Malala.

In 2001, Nelson Mandela opened the Millenium Square in Leeds. Are we now going to say that we should have got someone from Leeds to do it instead of some foreigner? Our golden plaque could have ended up with Jimmy Savile on it!
I doubt most people in Bham see it as symbol of human progress. A young victim of a brutal shooting is now being used by governments as a propaganda tool & by her father to rake in the pounds. I don't think you can compare her to Nelson Mandela. Good on her for doing what she believes is right but she has nothing to do with Birmingham.

The library looks amazing.
It wasn't a direct comparison, more of an analogous one.

Can't wait to visit the library. The biggest in Europe!
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Awesome stuff all round. A breathing symbol of human progress raising the curtain on an amazing cultural project in a truly multiracial city. This, in my view, is a (rare!) happy news story.

My grandparents live just outside Birmingham, and my grandfather used to be involved with a local council. Having met a lot of Brummies and gone through the minutes from some of his old meetings, I always felt that some members of the white middle class in Brum harbour quite xenophobic views. Those tweets above are an example of said feelings.

It's a minority view, though, just to clarify. Most in Birmingham don't feel the same way. And it's also difficult to take the opinion seriously of someone who hasn't even heard of Malala.

In 2001, Nelson Mandela opened the Millenium Square in Leeds. Are we now going to say that we should have got someone from Leeds to do it instead of some foreigner? Our golden plaque could have ended up with Jimmy Savile on it!
Birmigham has got deeprooted issues with regards racism ..
Great effort.But not symbolic. Her message and struggle was for children and in particularly young girls in Pakistan. I think there are enough libraries in Europe. But in Pakistan children dont even get primary education.

Had she opened a library or school for children in her area. That would be more meaningful and beneficial.
Great effort.But not symbolic. Her message and struggle was for children and in particularly young girls in Pakistan. I think there are enough libraries in Europe. But in Pakistan children dont even get primary education.

Had she opened a library or school for children in her area. That would be more meaningful and beneficial.

Oh those kids can get shot in the head by the Taliban and build their own libraries
The literacy and numeracy level isn't that bad in birmingham

Brisol, newcastle, nottingham and manchester are worse
Malala: We must talk to the Taliban to get peace

A Pakistani teenager shot in the head by the Taliban for championing girls' rights to education has said talks with the militants are needed for peace.

Malala Yousafzai was attacked by a gunman on a school bus near her former home in Pakistan in October 2012.

The targeting of a schoolgirl who had spoken out for girls' rights to education caused outrage in Pakistan and around the world.

The 16-year-old was treated in the UK and now lives in Birmingham.

She spent months in hospital and required several operations to repair her skull.

In her first in-depth interview since the attack, Malala told the BBC that discussions with the Taliban were needed to achieve peace.

"The best way to solve problems and to fight against war is through dialogue," she said

"That's not an issue for me, that's the job of the government... and that's also the job of America."

In July, plans for talks involving the Taliban, the US and the Afghan government were frustrated by a row over the status of the Taliban's newly opened office in Doha, Qatar.

Malala said it was important that the Taliban discussed their demands.

"They must do what they want through dialogue," she said.

"Killing people, torturing people and flogging people… it's totally against Islam. They are misusing the name of Islam."

Malala also described the day of the attack for the first time. She said the street her school bus was travelling on was unusually deserted before the vehicle was flagged down and the gunman opened fire.

"I could see that there was no-one [there] at that time.

"Usually there used to be so many people and boys and they used to be standing in front of shops. But today... it was vacant."

The teenager, who gave a speech to the UN in July, also spoke of her desire to return to Pakistan and enter politics.

"I will be a politician in my future. I want to change the future of my country and I want to make education compulsory," she said.

"I hope that a day will come [when] the people of Pakistan will be free, they will have their rights, there will be peace and every girl and every boy will be going to school."

Panorama: Shot For Going To School, BBC One, Monday, 7 October at 20:30 BST and then available in the UK on the BBC iPlayer.
Go ,girl.What an inspiration.
The TTP animals on Saturday said that they will feel proud If they manage to kill Malala.
Pakistani Taliban vow to attack Malala again

The Pakistani Taliban on Monday said schoolgirl campaigner Malala Yousafzai had "no courage" and vowed to attack her again if they got the chance.
Gunmen sent by the Taliban tried to kill Malala on her school bus on October 9 in 2012. She amazingly survived being shot in the
head and has become a global ambassador for the right of all children -- girls as well as boys -- to go to school.

Having spread a message of "education for all" across the globe, the 16-year-old is now among the favourites for the Nobel Peace Prize, which will be awarded on Friday.

But Shahidullah Shahid, spokesman for the main Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) umbrella group, slammed Malala and said they would try again to kill her.

"She is not a brave girl and has no courage. We will target her again and attack whenever we have a chance," Shahid told AFP.

In an interview with the BBC, Malala dismissed the threats against her life and repeated her desire to return to Pakistan from Britain, where she was flown for treatment after the attack and where she now goes to school.

She first rose to prominence during the Taliban's 2007-09 rule in Pakistan's northwestern Swat valley with a blog for the BBC Urdu service chronicling the rigours of daily life under the Islamists.

"She even used a fake name of Gul Makai to write a diary. We attacked Malala because she was used to speak against Taliban and Islam and not because she was going to school," Shahid said.

While she has been feted by celebrities and world leaders across the West, in deeply conservative Swat Malala's achievements are eyed with suspicion by some.


I wonder what is this new trend to call terrorists as mere 'Gunmen'.. Trying to fool the gen public or keeping things a bit too politcally correct?
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I am a bit confused. Even though I have no doubts she is an inspiration and wants everyone to get quality education but I think she is getting a bit American chamcha. Afterall,what could yous say about it when Americans call a Pakistani,conduct meetings with her,honor her and make her sit with the president. Americans are always against Pakistanis.
So does that make her Malala Talibani or coward Taliban sympathiser?

Off course she is a brave girl who we should be proud of (despite of exaggerated media coverage and protocol which is not her fault). Why would a girl who has become symbol of fight against these animals want to hold peace talks with those animals?
So does that make her Malala Talibani or coward Taliban sympathiser?

Off course she is a brave girl who we should be proud of (despite of exaggerated media coverage and protocol which is not her fault). Why would a girl who has become symbol of fight against these animals want to hold peace talks with those animals?

i used to admire her but now? what a let down. We need to smoke out those cave dwellers with nukes. Malala is such a liar and I think she wants to just show off or something.innit.
i used to admire her but now? what a let down. We need to smoke out those cave dwellers with nukes. Malala is such a liar and I think she wants to just show off or something.innit.

We all want those idiots to be blown into pieces, if only it was that simple process. Imran's stance is not popular but there is a reason he says all that. EVERYTHING must be tried before we get involved in a conflict that has every chance to last for decades. Imran is losing a lot politically and sacrificing his personal image to ensure ever little effort is made to avoid this bloody conflict. It doesnt mean we forgive those idiots but this is the only way to move on with least possible damage.
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