Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

she has suffered that cant be denied, but she has been exploited by her father and some activists

You cant blame the girl though
She's not forcing anyone to listen to her. How is it criminal for a 16 year old kid to say she wants to be a politician one day? Of course there are so many complications for someone to aspire towards politics in Pakistan (constituency, party affiliation, finances etc). I'm sure she hasn't thoroughly thought through these dimensions but why stop a kid from being aspirational?

Are you so harmed by her notion that everyone should get education? How does it harm you? How does it conflict with "ideology"? So what if it is not the most practical way of women getting educated. Atleast she is raising her voice and was way before she got shot.

She started writing to BBC Urdu, had documentaries made of her and was awarded by the Pak government ALL before she got shot. As a 12 year old she was raising her voice for education while Taliban were publicly beheading citizens on streets, closing schools. Was that a conspiracy as well? Pak army had to come and fight those demons to clear the area. She was raising her 12 year old voice against a monstrous enemy that could only be tackled with Pak army. What were you doing then to help Pakistan? Living abroad and moaning about drone strikes?

I personally dont mind the fact that she has become a symbol of education. Was she the first one to get shot by the Taliban for going to school? No. That doesn't necessarily mean though that it has to become a conspiracy theory. Was Rosa Parks the first black woman ever to sit at the back of the bus and defy police? No there were others before her who sat at back of the bus in defiance and got abused and slapped around by the police and state then. Rosa Parks incidentally became a symbol for hope against draconian oppression. I dont hear black people today moaning about Rosa Parks not deserving to have all the limelight because blacks before her suffered at the hands of white people oppression via hundreds of year of slavery. They owned Rosa Parks, made her a symbol and got their rights.

Expect only Pakistanis to malign a 16 year old kid in inconceivable ways who has done more than most Pakistani citizens to just ask for right to education. Next time you malign her think about what you have done for Pakistan and what you would have done if you were in SWAR in 2007-8. You would have probably run away in fear.
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i can see her being the second person after sir bhutto to be given a knighthood

It's a shame she wasn't born in the uk or she could do even more for the population here, especially with her current book reading tour
Is she related to Zulqarnain Haider by any chance? He's another one that liked his name in the papers all the time. Give it a rest now Malala, everyone knows your story now.
i can see her being the second person after sir bhutto to be given a knighthood

It's a shame she wasn't born in the uk or she could do even more for the population here, especially with her current book reading tour airport is being built just outside can just imagine it...."welcome to Malala International"
I would love to see her becoming the PM of the country. This would be the ultimate goal of all the international forces to bring a real moderate and liberal person in power , who could be among the normal people of the country than the DNA ( dynasty) politicians.

I would rather see her than idiot Bilawal, Asifa or Hamza Shareef.
she has suffered that cant be denied, but she has been exploited by her father and some activists

You cant blame the girl though

If this would be your or my daughter, we would be doing the same.

She is not an ordinary or normal girl, she is very special and going to be even more popular and huge in coming years and what is wrong with the father if he is helping her daughter to become the top personality of the world?
i think she wants to run for PM or something..its a ll a drama, I reckon she faked the whole thing. topi drama!!

Yeah. I didn't do my homework one day when I was a 15 year old, and i faked a bullet to the head so the teacher wouldn't fail me. Quite easy to do, actually.

Faking bullet wounds that put you in a coma are all the rage among teenagers nowadays. It's the new thing.

:facepalm: X infinity.
It was good to read about her when she was shot and her story seemed genuine but considering the hype around her these days I am ready to give the benefit of doubt to the conspiracy theorists who claim that she was never shot.

I dont believe that the way things are falling in place for her is just a coincidence.

Yeah, it was all a plan. The guy who shot her was the world's greatest scientist/magician who knew precisely what angle you have to shoot someone through the skull for that person to still live and have cognition, afterwards.

Use your brain cells for once.

she has suffered that cant be denied, but she has been exploited by her father and some activists

You cant blame the girl though

Exploited in what sense?

Exploited by activists? What a sin that must be. "Exploiting" someone to spread the filthy message of women equality and universal education.

Exploited by her father? Her father has encouraged her since she was a child to write a blog. Or this about him taking a job in embassy? Are we really THAT judgmental? Would you rather he sat at home and did nothing? A job was offered to him and he took it to support his family... is that a sin?

This is not good. Now she is making this a habit in seeking the attention of all.
Do your home works first little girl

you do realize she was saying all this stuff BEFORE she got shot too? So she should stop now because the spotlight is on her? Do you guys even read what you're writing??

Jao beebi jao! Bohot hogaya drama!

app cricket dekhay, dramay dekhay, aur araam say soh jahay. App ki bas ki baat nahi hai yeh. Live in your simple world.

i can see her being the second person after sir bhutto to be given a knighthood

It's a shame she wasn't born in the uk or she could do even more for the population here, especially with her current book reading tour

The lack of coherency here makes me cringe.

Is she related to Zulqarnain Haider by any chance? He's another one that liked his name in the papers all the time. Give it a rest now Malala, everyone knows your story now. airport is being built just outside can just imagine it...."welcome to Malala International"

Your problem with her is that she gets news coverage? You guys don't even have arguments to make. How pathetic.

Tired of her.

Good for you !

Pakistani teenage activist Malala Yousafzai Monday said she wants to be a politician in future to ensure compulsory education in her country,an issue for which she was shot in the head by the Taliban.

“I will be a politician in my future. I want to change the future of my country and I want to make education compulsory,” she said.

“I hope that a day will come (when) the people of Pakistan will be free, they will have their rights, there will be peace and every girl and every boy will be going to school,” she told the BBC in an interview.

Malala admitted Britain had been a culture shock. “Especially for my mother because we had never seen that women would be that much free — they would go to any market, they would be going alone with no men, no brothers and fathers,” Malala said.

Lol. She is becoming the " Me Me Me ".

I wonder whose influencing this teenage girl to make these political statements.

No one is influencing the girl. She has been speaking out since you were probably in your diapers judging by how immature you sound.

She is a bright, inspirational girl.

While you were at home watching Pokemon this girl was defying the Taliban.
I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

It never ceases to amaze me how everyone in Pakistan, including Charlie's aunt, are privy to the secret plans put in place by the Hindu-Zionist CIA-RAW-Mossad nexus.

So much so that there are probably schemes that low-level office workers at these fearsome agencies are ignorant of, but our average compatriot is well aware if them.

Either they are clairvoyant or they are all "agents" themselves. My money is on the latter.

I mourn for the MI6 though. No one gives them the light if day anymore, what with them always being sidelined by the Big Three. How the mighty have fallen since the James Bond heydays.
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It was good to read about her when she was shot and her story seemed genuine but considering the hype around her these days I am ready to give the benefit of doubt to the conspiracy theorists who claim that she was never shot.

I dont believe that the way things are falling in place for her is just a coincidence.

Come one,use for brain cells for a change.Just think about it logically and critically.
I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

suspicious about her. all her work is never hers , its either her father or someone else feeding her

Lets assume, for the sake of argument, that it is all a grand conspiracy and some shady source is "feeding" her. What do they hope to achieve by doing so?
I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

the same what they achieved planting politicians of their choice so far.

So they do that by having her promote girls' education on the one hand and talks with her assailants on the other?
I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

Hmm, so "they" learnt it from Coca-Cola. The Zionist brand with the insidious message embedded within the logo, i.e. flipped and viewed through a mirror, it reads "No Allah No Mecca" or something equally blasphemous.

Now we're on to something.
Well it is common knowledge that Jews control United Nations and Nobel Prize. Just join the dots.
I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

And McDonalds, who used to fry their potatoes in oil laced with fat from non-zabihah cattle, just so innocent Muslim customers were unknowingly eating haram. The lawsuit from one of their Hindu allies that forced them to change the oil formula was a smoke screen. Now the gullible Muslim customers blithely indulge in the fries, leading to obesity, heart disease and early death.
I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

Well it is common knowledge that Jews control United Nations and Nobel Prize. Just join the dots.

One of these days they will award Edhi the Peace Nobel. But it is just to throw us off our guard. Lets vow not to fall for it.

Either that, or Edhi is one of them, planted long ago. I mean the guy rescues illegitimate children, thus promoting lewdness.
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Malala: We must talk to the Taliban to get peace

Lol, this has sent many a war-mongers in quandary who were using her case to criticize government/Imran Khan for advocating peace talks!

Just like it has sent the anti-Malala crowd into a quandary. How is it that the CIA agent is echoing the messiah's words?

This reeks of a conspiracy so grand, the mind boggles.
The Catch Them Young mantra in practice. They must be learning from McDonalds and Coca Cola.

Yeah. They did the same thing with Nawaz Sharif. They got him when he was 15, shot him through the skull, a bunch of stupid crap happened in the next 50 odd years and today, he is our prime minister or whatever.

Cause and effect at work here folks.

Have you ever considered publishing your work? I feel like the work of the three brain cells you use should not go wasted.
One of these days they will award Edhi the Peace Nobel. But it is just to throw us off our guard. Lets vow not to fall for it.

Either that, or Edhi is one of them, planted long ago. I mean the guy rescues illegitimate children, thus promoting lewdness.

Edhi has the letter e in it.

So does the word Jew.

Coincidence? I think not.
I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

No coincidence at all.

Even the name Edhi is a dead giveaway. It is a corruption of Eidi, indicating that there is money involved.

But now that they know we're on to them, courtesy the spies who read Pakpassion, Edhi can kiss the Nobel goodbye.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Puts her words in context
Its getting over the top now. We had her story - we condemned it. We have listened/read her views - and truly appreciate them. But please its enough now, she'll only lose her value from this zenith. I just hope the 'education icon' Malala is not turned around radically one day to 'victim icon' for foreign forces to run through Pakistan, on the pretense of saving any other Malalas.
Just like it has sent the anti-Malala crowd into a quandary. How is it that the CIA agent is echoing the messiah's words?

This reeks of a conspiracy so grand, the mind boggles.

Anti-Malala crowd can point and laugh :))) At least they are vindicated by their messiah!
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Its getting over the top now. We had her story - we condemned it. We have listened/read her views - and truly appreciate them. But please its enough now, she'll only lose her value from this zenith. I just hope the 'education icon' Malala is not turned around radically one day to 'victim icon' for foreign forces to run through Pakistan, on the pretense of saving any other Malalas.

Seriously? What is with this obsession with foreign interventions?

If you haven't noticed, there are CIA operatives in Pakistan as well as drone strikes occurring on a regular basis. Pakistan has no real sovereignty.

"Foreign" intervention hardly needs Malala as a "pretense... Why are you going out of your way to come up with ludicrous scenarios?

Malala isn't a celebrity that she gives a crap whether she's past her sell date... She isn't Britney Spears or Madonna.... lol...

Why does it matter that she "loses her value"? :)))

Seriously? What is with this obsession with foreign interventions?

If you haven't noticed, there are CIA operatives in Pakistan as well as drone strikes occurring on a regular basis. Pakistan has no real sovereignty.

"Foreign" intervention hardly needs Malala as a "pretense... Why are you going out of your way to come up with ludicrous scenarios?

Malala isn't a celebrity that she gives a crap whether she's past her sell date... She isn't Britney Spears or Madonna.... lol...

Why does it matter that she "loses her value"? :)))


:facepalm: If there are CIA Operatives in Pakistan and drone strikes occurring, then we are genuinely protesting for our right to sovereignty. If its happening, doesn't legitimize it, genius!

And secondly, I didn't likened Malala to celebrity anywhere, its how you people see it. We have had her message, we appreciated it. Just stop repeating it again and again. Repetition loses value, no?
And secondly, I didn't likened Malala to celebrity anywhere, its how you people see it. We have had her message, we appreciated it. Just stop repeating it again and again. Repetition loses value, no?

I think plenty of people did not appreciate her message
Why she never condemns Drone Attacks in Pakistan where thousands of innocent people have died ?

She is just a kid,this is not her job and she does not know much about politics etc..This is the responsibility of our coward politician who are the slaves of the west.You will say she is given a world stage but so is Misbah,have he ever talked about politics during presentations or interviews?

Lets say she is wrong not to condemn drones but why should we make false claims about her,we must recognise what a brave girl and an inspiration she is.
:facepalm: If there are CIA Operatives in Pakistan and drone strikes occurring, then we are genuinely protesting for our right to sovereignty. If its happening, doesn't legitimize it, genius!

And secondly, I didn't likened Malala to celebrity anywhere, its how you people see it. We have had her message, we appreciated it. Just stop repeating it again and again. Repetition loses value, no?

Do you ever read over the stuff you say and think, "wow, what am I saying?"

Repetition loses value? So Martin Luther King should have stopped after one rally? Ghandi should have stopped after one speech? Muhammad should have stopped after his first sermon?

Have any of Malala's words actually had any significant change? No. Then why should she stop...?

@bold: of course it doesn't. I'm highlighting at the absurdity of the notion that the West will use Malala or the plight of women as an excuse to invade a country. it's just downright ridiculous.
Why she never condemns Drone Attacks in Pakistan where thousands of innocent people have died ?

Why don't others? Go ahead and pick up the issue if you feel that way about it. No one is stopping you.

Forget about drone strikes, the girl says she wouldn't even raise a shoe at the Taliban. She is as pacifist as you can get.
She is just a kid,this is not her job and she does not know much about politics etc..This is the responsibility of our coward politician who are the slaves of the west.You will say she is given a world stage but so is Misbah,have he ever talked about politics during presentations or interviews?

Lets say she is wrong not to condemn drones but why should we make false claims about her,we must recognise what a brave girl and an inspiration she is.

you answered my question there .

Now READ the title of the thread again .Will Ya ? A Kid wants to be politician?

As i said before she is fed every word she says and the FEEDERS will never FEED her to condemn the Drone Attacks...

So as a KID she needs to stay away from politics and keep SHUT
Why don't others? Go ahead and pick up the issue if you feel that way about it. No one is stopping you.

Forget about drone strikes, the girl says she wouldn't even raise a shoe at the Taliban. She is as pacifist as you can get.

i am not against her ideology , but i suspect the motive behind and media hype around her
Why she never condemns Drone Attacks in Pakistan where thousands of innocent people have died ?

Watch the interview above...

"I would not raise my shoe at the Taliban because then their would be no difference..."

Does that sound like someone who supports drone strikes?

And why does SHE have to condemn drone strikes? What is with this equivalency? To support education you have to condemn drone strikes? WTH...
you answered my question there .

Now READ the title of the thread again .Will Ya ? A Kid wants to be politician?

As i said before she is fed every word she says and the FEEDERS will never FEED her to condemn the Drone Attacks...

So as a KID she needs to stay away from politics and keep SHUT

But the feeders will feed her to want talks held with the Taliban, in alignment with Imran Khan (who strongly condemns them), and not want any act of war against them either???

She needs to stay away from politics? So we can elect Nawaz Sharif and Zardari? LOL

i am not against her ideology , but i suspect the motive behind and media hype around her

What "motive"?

Women's education? Yeah, what filthy intentions she has.
Watch the interview above...

"I would not raise my shoe at the Taliban because then their would be no difference..."

Does that sound like someone who supports drone strikes?

And why does SHE have to condemn drone strikes? What is with this equivalency? To support education you have to condemn drone strikes? WTH...

You are not understanding the point or may be i am asking a difficult question

lets try this

IF she condemns the DRONE attacks , Honestly do you think she will get the same HYPE around Media ?medals awards etc etc ?

Her Education Agenda is a FARSE to start with ..
Malala is Quom kay Ghaddar. She is a part of deeper nexus to malign the image of Muslims and wage war against Islam.
You are not understanding the point or may be i am asking a difficult question

lets try this

IF she condemns the DRONE attacks , Honestly do you think she will get the same HYPE around Media ?medals awards etc etc ?

Of course she will... What makes you think otherwise?

How is saying "I condemn drone strikes" ANY different than saying "I want TALKS with the Taliban and I wouldn't act aggressively towards them". In her idealistic world she wants to have picnics and tea with the Taliban.
you answered my question there .

Now READ the title of the thread again .Will Ya ? A Kid wants to be politician?

As i said before she is fed every word she says and the FEEDERS will never FEED her to condemn the Drone Attacks...

So as a KID she needs to stay away from politics and keep SHUT

Whats wrong If she wants to be a politician in the future.He is just a kid now,not yet a politician.Btw,you answered your own question,you say she is being fed ,this implies she is just a kid who lack much knowledge of the world and will be easily influenced by what other people say .These are the characteristics of a kid.
But the feeders will feed her to want talks held with the Taliban, in alignment with Imran Khan (who strongly condemns them), and not want any act of war against them either???

She needs to stay away from politics? So we can elect Nawaz Sharif and Zardari? LOL

What "motive"?

Women's education? Yeah, what filthy intentions she has.

Dont know what you talking about ..All i am saying is she is KID and should behave like a KID and where does this NS and Zardari came from ?

Sighssssssssssss - you need to grow brain cells to comprehend my points
Malala is Quom kay Ghaddar. She is a part of deeper nexus to malign the image of Muslims and wage war against Islam.

Whats wrong If she wants to be a politician in the future.He is just a kid now,not yet a politician.Btw,you answered your own question,you say she is being fed ,this implies she is just a kid who lack much knowledge of the world and will be easily influenced by what other people say .These are the characteristics of a kid.

Very true .. She just needs to be aware of what she is being used for .
Of course she will... What makes you think otherwise?

How is saying "I condemn drone strikes" ANY different than saying "I want TALKS with the Taliban and I wouldn't act aggressively towards them". In her idealistic world she wants to have picnics and tea with the Taliban.

ahhahaha - Whats your age BTW ? i hate discussing things with kids
Malala Malala Malala Malala Malala Malala. I am just sick and tired of seeing this name everywhere related to Pakistan these days. Pta nahee ya aafat kub pee cha **** gay.

Malala is American agent or pakistan ko barbaad karne k liye ai he. agar Dr. Afia hamain 1 lafz kehne k liye kahien to hum apni jaan tak de sakte he. Q K Aafia Ummat-e-muslima ki hero he or Malala america / media ki hero he.
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Good point PerfectionPersonified! Why had Malala not spoken out about drones at the UN? Why did everyone care so much about Malala and not the other girls murdered by drones? Why did America kill innocent children with drones and then lionise the young Malala to make themselves feel good that they actually cared about the children of Pakistan and Afghanistan?
Do you ever read over the stuff you say and think, "wow, what am I saying?"

Repetition loses value? So Martin Luther King should have stopped after one rally? Ghandi should have stopped after one speech? Muhammad should have stopped after his first sermon?

Have any of Malala's words actually had any significant change? No. Then why should she stop...?

@bold: of course it doesn't. I'm highlighting at the absurdity of the notion that the West will use Malala or the plight of women as an excuse to invade a country. it's just downright ridiculous.

Your age was questioned in another thread, and I think rightly so! If you looked over last couple of decades and the foreign invasions, they were all based on a single trigger. Syria chemical weapons? Iraq-WMDs? Lybia? Heck, even the Swat operation was based on a single mobile-recorded video of Taliban flogging a girl. Later there were questions on that video's authenticity.
Malala Malala Malala Malala Malala Malala. I am just sick and tired of seeing this name everywhere related to Pakistan these days. Pta nahee ya aafat kub pee cha **** gay.

Malala is American agent or pakistan ko barbaad karne k liye ai he. agar Dr. Afia hamain 1 lafz kehne k liye kahien to hum apni jaan tak de sakte he. Q K Aafia Ummat-e-muslima ki hero he or Malala america / media ki hero he.

People like you don't speak for Ummat e muslima.Are you even muslim yourself
As great a role model as she is, she is still a young girl and her advisors / parents should just keep her away from the media for a while.
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Malala is on CIA's payroll. She only complains about those things that her Masters want the World to hear.
Re: I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

As great a role model as she is, she is still a young girl and her advisors / parents should just keep her away from the media for a while.

Yes she had brought shame on herself, her family and her country by saying the things she had said in the media. :facepalm:
Yes she had brought shame on herself, her family and her country by saying the things she had said in the media. :facepalm:

No, it is not a question of shame. It is question of maturity and deeper understanding of all issues.
You have politician / s not condemning TTP for terrorist attacks yet this 14 year old is expected to raise "political" issues

By the same argument. she is also not our Interior Minister/Education adviser to fix the country's problem. The only reason she got acclaim was that she went out of her way, and despite her age to speak for problems to be handled by far more responsible personnel. A word or two in the UN speech about drones and how children(girls like her) get blown to smithereens would have been of profound effect, given her international image.
She should have condemned the drones as well as the TTP, one has killed thousands, and the other has killed tens of thousands
Re: I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

All those saying she should have condemned drones, look forward to reading your blogs on these drone issues, I'm sure you must have written them to be so concerned about what another person says or doesn't say.
I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

By the same argument. she is also not our Interior Minister/Education adviser to fix the country's problem. The only reason she got acclaim was that she went out of her way, and despite her age to speak for problems to be handled by far more responsible personnel. A word or two in the UN speech about drones and how children(girls like her) get blown to smithereens would have been of profound effect, given her international image.

Thanks , someone atleast understand what i m going on n on here
All those saying she should have condemned drones, look forward to reading your blogs on these drone issues, I'm sure you must have written them to be so concerned about what another person says or doesn't say.

What farce. She isn't some "random other person". If she wants to be true representative of Pakistanis, then she should speak against violence everywhere. Wherever a child is killed as part of collateral damage, be it at hands of TTP or from the drone strikes. Choosing and highlighting select few facets and keeping lips tight on others is not doing too good for her image especially in Pakistan.
I want to be a politician to change Pakistan future: Malala

What farce. She isn't some "random other person". If she wants to be true representative of Pakistanis, then she should speak against violence everywhere. Wherever a child is killed as part of collateral damage, be it at hands of TTP or from the drone strikes. Choosing and highlighting select few facets and keeping lips tight on others is not doing too good for her image especially in Pakistan.

Your point is too hard to comprehend for some people due to lack of exp, age, short term memory loss and ofcourse low IQ
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I think most people are hating on her probably because she is representing Pakistan and is showcasing the plight faced by girls with regards to education. People are more concerned about her bringing a bad reputation to Pakistan in world stage rather than acknowledging the truth.