Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread

Sorry guys but couldnt hep but notice the debate.
#48:Waqar_Goraya::: Its american Conspiracy. TTP had nothing to do with it
#56: Khaleefa :::Taliban Claims the resposiblity and justifies the shooting
Change on subject:
#119 :Waqar_Goraya ::: What about drone attack then?

And then west bashing starts.... And it goes on and on...


BTW Malala is in UK and if she survives(Hope she will), I think west will groom her has fiercest critic to TTP
Sorry guys but couldnt hep but notice the debate.

BTW Malala is in UK and if she survives(Hope she will), I think west will groom her has fiercest critic to TTP

They have already started. There are leading articles in the mainstream UK newspapers championing her bravery and even Salman Rushdie has been brought out of his cave to denounce Pakistan's role in the tragedy:

Sir Salman Rushdie blamed Pakistan’s Government for Malala’s “horrifying” predicament. Speaking before the European premiere of Midnight’s Children, based on his novel, Sir Salman said: “For a girl to get shot in the head because she wants an education is horrifying and it shows how bad things have become in Pakistan because of Pakistan’s tolerance of these extremists within its borders.”
Personally I find it rather disturbing that a young girl is being used as a political football. Hopefully it will be worth it in the end.
Personally I find it rather disturbing that a young girl is being used as a political football. Hopefully it will be worth it in the end.

Thats just you being cynical. She was already working on her cause before the shooting. Its only natural that a lot of focus (from the media and public) would go towards the cause she was championing before the shooting. Nothing "political" about this.
Thats just you being cynical. She was already working on her cause before the shooting. Its only natural that a lot of focus (from the media and public) would go towards the cause she was championing before the shooting. Nothing "political" about this.

Well I was thinking from her family's point of view. I saw a picture of her being awarded a plaque by a Pakistan minister, and there was also one of her at some conference alongside her parents with other dignitaries.

I think she just wanted to go to school, I don't think she thought she'd end up getting a bullet in the head for it. I just think children shouldn't be used as martyrs for a cause unwittingly. I use that term because that's how she's being described in one UK news headline today.
Well I was thinking from her family's point of view. I saw a picture of her being awarded a plaque by a Pakistan minister, and there was also one of her at some conference alongside her parents with other dignitaries.

I think she just wanted to go to school, I don't think she thought she'd end up getting a bullet in the head for it. I just think children shouldn't be used as martyrs for a cause unwittingly. I use that term because that's how she's being described in one UK news headline today.

You know this how? If I get what you're trying to say, its that Malala was an unwitting posterchild for women's education before her shooting and also after it as well. Saying that all she wanted was to go to school is missing the point entirely.

Notwithstanding the fact that your assumption is most likely wrong, why does it bother you if she and her cause is being publicised? Living in an area where girls' schools had been bombed and where some people actively oppose girls' education, a poster-child for women's education was sorely needed and she stood up to the task.

I know you like to play the devil's advocate at times, but your cynicism on this topic is really annoying to me.
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A summary of the idiotic propaganda that some Pakistanis are spreading on the web to smear Malala's name. I have myself seen a couple of these pics on my facebook that were sadly liked by quite a few people.

Some Pakistanis are too far gone down this path of paranoia and delusion. Being indignant about the lack of drone victims support is one thing, creating elaborate conspiracies about an injured child is quite another.

There is nothing wrong with that. It shows the filthy hypocrisy (of which you are a part of) of the Pakistani/Western media when innocent women and children are bombarded by Americans and NOTHING happens. Not one word from the government, not 1 word from the western media, NOTHING. Rather, they justify their cruel attacks and keep the border and their airzone open to carry out more attacks.

Although I disagree with the attack, it is chrystal clear that this family of Malalai was not that innocent as it seems. They worked closely with the American government, spouted anti-islam propaganda and her father is a known enemy of Islam under the disguise of communism. They were stupid enough to brainwash a young child and bring her into a war conflict.
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There is nothing wrong with that. It shows the filthy hypocrisy (of which you are a part of) of the Pakistani/Western media when innocent women and children are bombarded by Americans and NOTHING happens. Not one word from the government, not 1 word from the western media, NOTHING. Rather, they justify their cruel attacks and keep the border and their airzone open to carry out more attacks.

Although I disagree with the attack, it is chrystal clear that this family of Malalai was not that innocent as it seems. They worked closely with the American government, spouted anti-islam propaganda and her father is a known enemy of Islam under the disguise of communism. They were stupid enough to brainwash a young child and bring her into a war conflict.

:facepalm: x 999999999999
There is nothing wrong with that. It shows the filthy hypocrisy (of which you are a part of) of the Pakistani/Western media when innocent women and children are bombarded by Americans and NOTHING happens. Not one word from the government, not 1 word from the western media, NOTHING. Rather, they justify their cruel attacks and keep the border and their airzone open to carry out more attacks.

Although I disagree with the attack, it is chrystal clear that this family of Malalai was not that innocent as it seems. They worked closely with the American government, spouted anti-islam propaganda and her father is a known enemy of Islam under the disguise of communism. They were stupid enough to brainwash a young child and bring her into a war conflict.

Thanks for proving my statement.
If Malala had been killed in a drone attack, you would neither have heard updates on her medical status, nor would she be called ‘daughter of the nation,’ nor would the media make a fuss about her. General Kiyani would not have come to visit her and neither would the world media be constantly reporting on it. The pliant Western media and its liberals do not give even 1% of this attention to the Pakistani and Yemeni girls their government kills with drones everyday. Even humanitarian outrage, they only express it when it serves the interests of their snake governments."

-Professor Fouzi Slisli, Human Relations professor at St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN. Referring to 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by a maniac gunman in Pakistan.
There is nothing wrong with that. It shows the filthy hypocrisy (of which you are a part of) of the Pakistani/Western media when innocent women and children are bombarded by Americans and NOTHING happens. Not one word from the government, not 1 word from the western media, NOTHING. Rather, they justify their cruel attacks and keep the border and their airzone open to carry out more attacks.

Although I disagree with the attack, it is chrystal clear that this family of Malalai was not that innocent as it seems. They worked closely with the American government, spouted anti-islam propaganda and her father is a known enemy of Islam under the disguise of communism. They were stupid enough to brainwash a young child and bring her into a war conflict.

After watching few Pakistani talk shows, I am now sure that you are not a minority in Pakistan with this kind of thought.

Who needs enemy !!!
If Malala had been killed in a drone attack, you would neither have heard updates on her medical status, nor would she be called ‘daughter of the nation,’ nor would the media make a fuss about her. General Kiyani would not have come to visit her and neither would the world media be constantly reporting on it. The pliant Western media and its liberals do not give even 1% of this attention to the Pakistani and Yemeni girls their government kills with drones everyday. Even humanitarian outrage, they only express it when it serves the interests of their snake governments."

-Professor Fouzi Slisli, Human Relations professor at St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN. Referring to 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by a maniac gunman in Pakistan.

Fair enough. This is a reasonable opinion to hold.

They worked closely with the American government, spouted anti-islam propaganda and her father is a known enemy of Islam under the disguise of communism. They were stupid enough to brainwash a young child and bring her into a war conflict.

This kind of mud-slinging however is reprehensible and only serves to weaken the more reasonable part of your argument regarding drones.

What you are doing is the equivalent of what the Americans do when they label all the men over the age of 17 that are killed in drone strikes as militants. What you and people like you are building up is a narrative where the TTP are poor, wounded animals that are merely reacting to drone strikes. Any and all of the innocent victims of TTP are easily excused as CIA agents, or the blame is shifted to RAW/CIA etc as the perpetrators. Since in this case the TTP is actively accepting the blame, you have moved on to maligning the victim.
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Was Malala and her family a CIA agent or helping CIA. No proof but she was shot and branded as CIA by many Pakistanis.

Did Taliban shot her ? YES, Taliban took responsibility and hence proved.
Does Taliban has any authority to punish her ? No.
Any statement from presiden and PM of Pakistan against Taliban ? NO, even mr. Potential PM Imran Khan says "I can't take names as it will be danger to my party members" ? What ????? Shame on you Imran for saying this.

But Talibans are getting support from many Pakistanis.
You know this how? If I get what you're trying to say, its that Malala was an unwitting posterchild for women's education before her shooting and also after it as well. Saying that all she wanted was to go to school is missing the point entirely.

Notwithstanding the fact that your assumption is most likely wrong, why does it bother you if she and her cause is being publicised? Living in an area where girls' schools had been bombed and where some people actively oppose girls' education, a poster-child for women's education was sorely needed and she stood up to the task.

I know you like to play the devil's advocate at times, but your cynicism on this topic is really annoying to me.

Actually there is no cynicism whatsoever. I assumed she just wanted to go to school because most children aren't that highly politicised at that age. If I was her parent I would be asking myself questions about whether being father to a "poster-child" had been more important than the child herself. I'm not playing devils advocate here, for those with a cause to champion I'm sure it's proved a massive victory.
There is nothing wrong with that. It shows the filthy hypocrisy (of which you are a part of) of the Pakistani/Western media when innocent women and children are bombarded by Americans and NOTHING happens. Not one word from the government, not 1 word from the western media, NOTHING. Rather, they justify their cruel attacks and keep the border and their airzone open to carry out more attacks.

Although I disagree with the attack, it is chrystal clear that this family of Malalai was not that innocent as it seems. They worked closely with the American government, spouted anti-islam propaganda and her father is a known enemy of Islam under the disguise of communism. They were stupid enough to brainwash a young child and bring her into a war conflict.

we need to understand why she is getting so much attention. it seems unfair because a life is a life but it happens in every sphere of life.
please don't jump on me and as I don't want to show any disrepect but can you explain to me why major aziz bhatti shaheed get nishan-e-haider while there may be many other brave soldiers who were also shaheed in same war but we don't even know there name. there is a reason why such things happen.
in the case of malala all the innocent people dies in either drone attack or suicide bombing were just caught in cross fire unintentionally. on the other hand malala take a stand, we may agree to that or not, for education in general and women education in particular. thats why she is important then others. its not that we are saying her life worth more than others but we are trying to show our respect to her stand. every war, every struggle needs poster childs.
last but not least, i wish every father brainwashed there kids with love of education the way her father did.
Ok she was shot , a sad incident but shes gone to uk where she ll have a secure and better life but what about the rest of children/girls who get killed due to drones ?
What will you do after getting the evidence. Would you go and catch Obama and stop this all Mr. James Bond.

So no evidence at all then. Yet another post from you that is based on little more than a crackpot theory that some kid made up in his head.

So no evidence at all then. Yet another post from you that is based on little more than a crackpot theory that some kid made up in his head.


As I already said and accepted that its a conspiracy theory, just ignore it my friend and move on.
I am curious then why you would even bother sharing such a useless piece of data?
I am curious then why you would even bother sharing such a useless piece of data?

Maybe i am one of those whom people like you call conspiracy theorist. I think that was the reason behind sharing this.
I think it's all pretty simple.

Drone attacks are WRONG

People trying to assassinate Malala is WRONG

Until Pakistan gets strong leadership both types of incidents will continue to occur.
I think it's all pretty simple.

Drone attacks are WRONG

People trying to assassinate Malala is WRONG

Until Pakistan gets strong leadership both types of incidents will continue to occur.

Well said.....i always like the comments which take us directly to the core,base,solution,cause or reason ...

We are weak so others can expose ..And Americans and these miscreants,killers or misguided terrorists are exposing our weakness..
I think it's all pretty simple.

Drone attacks are WRONG

People trying to assassinate Malala is WRONG

Until Pakistan gets strong leadership both types of incidents will continue to occur.

Just takes ONE Australian to set this world right !

:) Well said mate
Pakistan wants Mullah Fazlullah extradited

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has requested Afghanistan to hand over Maulana Fazlullah, claiming that he was involved in planning major attacks in Pakistan from across the border, including the attack on peace activist Malala Yousufzai, Express News reported Sunday night.
According to Foreign Ministry sources, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar made this demand during her meeting with Afghanistan-Pakistan special envoy Marc Grossman, who arrived in Islamabad on Saturday for talks with political and military leaders on “issues of bilateral and mutual concern.”
Sources added that Fazlullah has been involved in planning 15 major attacks in Pakistan, from Afghanistan, including attacks on security check posts and villages which have claimed almost 200 lives.
Maulana Fazlullah, also nicknamed “Mullah Radio” is the leader of banned militant outfit Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM).
Known for his fiery radio broadcasts in Swat Valley, he is also sometimes referred to as chief of the Swat Taliban.
Earlier, it was reported that Fazlullah had sent a hit squad, comprising of two members, to kill 14-year-old Malala for being a proponent of girls’ education in the valley and speaking against the Taliban.

-Media news
always check the details. Her dad was a wajubulqtal, she and her fimily lived on a paycheck sent to them from USA ngos. Another cheap childplays of usa and its allies to malign and pressurize pakistan.


You dont even know whether the shots were real or not, sad thing about pakistan is that people so easily fall for things like this. No one says anything about Dr Afiya, No one says anythiing about 2 3 5 9 11 yr old girls killed in drone attacks but everyone feels for her. Absolutley Pathetic!!
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always check the details. Her dad was a wajubulqtal, she and her fimily lived on a paycheck sent to them from USA ngos. Another cheap childplays of usa and its allies to malign and pressurize pakistan.


You dont even know whether the shots were real or not, sad thing about pakistan is that people so easily fall for things like this. No one says anything about Dr Afiya, No one says anythiing about 2 3 5 9 11 yr old girls killed in drone attacks but everyone feels for her. Absolutley Pathetic!!

always check the details. Her dad was a wajubulqtal, she and her fimily lived on a paycheck sent to them from USA ngos. Another cheap childplays of usa and its allies to malign and pressurize pakistan.


You dont even know whether the shots were real or not, sad thing about pakistan is that people so easily fall for things like this. No one says anything about Dr Afiya, No one says anythiing about 2 3 5 9 11 yr old girls killed in drone attacks but everyone feels for her. Absolutley Pathetic!!

Moronic Conspiracy theories of Malala being busted by this guy

I believe now more people believe these conspiracy theories than those who are supporting her and calling the perpertrators to be brought to justice. This is the impression i get seeing various social media pages particularly facebook

Thanks jamaat Islami for dividing the nation once again. Right wingers saw their support was loosing. They did what they do best. Blame it all on others. They have even declared Malala yahoodi amreeeki agent
Moronic Conspiracy theories of Malala being busted by this guy

I believe now more people believe these conspiracy theories than those who are supporting her and calling the perpertrators to be brought to justice. This is the impression i get seeing various social media pages particularly facebook

The irony is that these same people are whining all the time : "everyone is being fooled by the establishent", "no one ever speaks about the drones" and so on
The irony is that these same people are whining all the time : "everyone is being fooled by the establishent", "no one ever speaks about the drones" and so on

won't be surprised at all if some of them are Taliban themselves for Malala's character assassination.
I think it's all pretty simple.

Drone attacks are WRONG

People trying to assassinate Malala is WRONG

Until Pakistan gets strong leadership both types of incidents will continue to occur.

I think some people are ok with women killed/hurt by Drone attacks but are not ok with women killed/hurt by Talibans. Really shame on those people (some are here too).
even though, been taught again and again to accept defeat when arguing with ignorant or ignorance, but i will once again say,
Then i decide to forget it, you can never argue with IgnoRantS, so i decide not to.

Your wit saddens me, your mental calibre is depressing, the way you think about things is ridiculous And on above all I feel Sorry and SympathY for YoU
:facepalm: Malala's father is wajib-ul-qatl? Because of some made up facebook photos? Congrats on having an IQ less than Afridi's batting average
always check the details. Her dad was a wajubulqtal, she and her fimily lived on a paycheck sent to them from USA ngos. Another cheap childplays of usa and its allies to malign and pressurize pakistan.


You dont even know whether the shots were real or not, sad thing about pakistan is that people so easily fall for things like this. No one says anything about Dr Afiya, No one says anythiing about 2 3 5 9 11 yr old girls killed in drone attacks but everyone feels for her. Absolutley Pathetic!!

whats a wajibulqutul as the term seems contradictory to me.

secondly how is it malalas fault that all these other poor children are being ignored? Imsure she would compaign for all of them and in a way was doing so?

Im sorry but I think you need to read a bit more aout your deen.

where have you obtained this term "wajibulqutul" as it is a contradictory term and there is no contradiction in Islam!!
"wajibulqutul" !!!

I decide and I kill.

What is the need of the law, court and police. Some of our posters are eager to go and kill another person. Future of a nation. :facepalm:

This is why religion shouldn't be used to run a state.
"wajibulqutul" !!!

I decide and I kill.

What is the need of the law, court and police. Some of our posters are eager to go and kill another person. Future of a nation. :facepalm:

This is why religion shouldn't be used to run a state.

its an unislamic term..and "religion" doesnt run a state, people do.

but be careful or you may be labelled "wajibulqutul"

i think we should develop a new term "wajibul-your so stupid go and read"
Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and now UN envoy for Global Education:

Almost one million people worldwide have signed their name to call on both the Pakistan government and the United Nations to achieve Malala Yousafzai's aim - that every girl has the opportunity to go to school.

Two weeks on, the wave of support for the 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot in the head by the Taliban, shows no sign of diminishing.

Now is the time for action on the second Millennium Development Goal for universal primary education.

The events of the last fortnight have shown that the global collective willpower to deliver on this aim is there.

The words "I am Malala" are not only a defiant challenge to the Taliban but a bold assertion that every single girl and boy should have the chance of an education.

A few weeks before her shooting, Malala told friends of her determination to campaign for the 32 million girls around the world who are not at school.

By declaring 10 November - one month after the attempted assassination - "Malala and the 32 million girls day", we can start to make Malala's dream come true.

I will call for a global day of action, when I meet President Zardari of Pakistan next month to hand him our petitions and ask him to lead governmental changes in policy to secure girls' education in his and Malala's country.

For decades there has been a dangerous assumption that we are making year-on-year progress towards universal education - and yet the most recent figures published by UNESCO in their Global Monitoring Report show that 61 million children don't receive an education.

A further 200 million remain illiterate despite attending school. Equality of opportunity remains a hollow dream.

Pakistan is a case study of the challenge ahead, showing how much there's still to be done if we are to meet the Millennium Development Goal target. Some five million don't receive an education, three million of whom are girls.

This means that Pakistan has 49.5 million illiterate adults, two-thirds of them female.

What is just as shocking is that educational spending is not rising - as we might assume - but falling, from an already meagre 2.6% of Gross National Product in 1999 to 2.3%.

This represents just 9% of government spending (the equivalent figure for spending on the military is seven times higher).

Pakistan's continuing failure is sadly replicated elsewhere. In some parts of the Indian sub-continent as well as in sub-Saharan Africa, one quarter of all children are out of school, amid worrying evidence that past gains are being reversed as aid for education is cut.

Despite the recent creation of initiatives such as "child marriage-free zones" in Bangladesh, every year some 10 million girls globally are forced into loveless marriages - and out of the classroom.

Even though there was a successful Indian march against child labour, 15 million children under 14 are not in school today because they are working full time - on cocoa plantations, down mines, or carrying out other hazardous occupations.

We have around 40 months to meet our deadline for universal education. We have one chance left to deliver in these three years. If the tragic story of Malala tells us anything, it is that we must do all we can to achieve it.

Action is beginning to coalesce. Last month a new initiative, Education First, launched by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, has brought together every UN and World Bank agency concerned with education, to offer poor performing governments, including Pakistan, a chance to deliver new school-places and train more teachers.

Every one of the countries with out-of-school children will be asked to draw up a plan setting out its precise needs in terms of teachers, school building and financing. At the core of each plan will be strategies for policing an end to child labour, enforcing the law against child marriage and clamping down on discrimination against girls.

In April next year a joint summit between international agencies and governments will be held by Ban Ki-moon and the President of the World Bank Jim Kim at which precise plans will be finalised along with timetables and budgets.

During my visit to Pakistan next month I will begin this process with the Pakistan government and work on an agreed timetable.

The demonstrations, protests and online action we have seen in the last two weeks should inspire world leaders into action in agreeing the way forward.

Malala's personal campaign may have been halted temporarily, but the millions who now speak up on her behalf must now come together as one in the run up to 10 November so that we must wait no longer for action on education.
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Is there anywhere in the Quran or Hadith which says if you don't you like the Taliban then you are "Wajib-ul-Qatal"?
even though, been taught again and again to accept defeat when arguing with ignorant or ignorance, but i will once again say,
Then i decide to forget it, you can never argue with IgnoRantS, so i decide not to.

Your wit saddens me, your mental calibre is depressing, the way you think about things is ridiculous And on above all I feel Sorry and SympathY for YoU

Ah great, another moron.
Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and now UN envoy for Global Education:

hahahaha..sorry but Brown sahib yeah zardari ka pakistan hay..youll be speaking to a dud..that whole conversation would just be comedic in nature..

GB="so mr president we think you need to spend more money on girls edcuation"

AZ="yes yes, of course sir, whatever you say"

GB= "yes and we expect results. So what is your strategy to tackle this issue"

AZ= "yes of course sir whatever you need we will provide"

GB="well i know that mr president but how will you deal with this situation"

AZ= "yes dont worry we will give you everything you need. I hear you like scotch whiskey? i have a rgeat vintage in my cupboard"

GB="well yes i dont mind a tipple now and then but surely you must undertsand the gravity of teh situation sir?"

AZ=" <picks phone up> haan whiskey bhijvao, Broan sahib kay liya"

GB= "well thats awfully kind of you, i must say, but getting back to the topic.."

whiskey arrives..

AZ =" now what were yous aying mr brown?"

GB= "wll shaken not shtirred hunh mishter president (hic?"

AZ= " ahan ub ki meri wali baat"
I think "Wajib-ul-Qatal" means you are condemned to be killed.
And I think only the court can decide if a person is "Wajib-ul-Qatal".
Am I correct?
I'm sick of Malala to be honest. Because of her these blasts have started now too.
One girl should not affect the whole nation.
its an unislamic term..and "religion" doesnt run a state, people do.

but be careful or you may be labelled "wajibulqutul"

i think we should develop a new term "wajibul-your so stupid go and read"

I know it's unislamic but used by people showing themselves as more Islamic than others. So instead of telling a non-muslim about the real meaning, those muslims should stop using it.

Cuz, the world will accept what muslims say about Islam.

I hope you got my point and get the point who actually is stupid and should read. I didn't invent and used the term.

Decide who is making more damage to your religion. Me or the guy who used the word inappropriately. Call him stupid please instead of me.
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I'm sick of Malala to be honest. Because of her these blasts have started now too.
One girl should not affect the whole nation.

as if these were not happening before Malala incident?They have killed 40,000 innocent Pakistanis and destroyed so many infrastructures and when someone raises voice against all this..he's declared "Wajib-ul-Qatil".

it's not about Malala..It's about 40,000 innocent Pakistanis that had nothing to do with America or this war have been killed..Just for a moment think about their families..
I'm sick of Malala to be honest. Because of her these blasts have started now too.
One girl should not affect the whole nation.

1) If you are not sarcastic - Did it not occur to you that this girl actually represents, and is indicative of millions of young girls around the country who cannot get a good standard of education due to the government's failure to provide even the most basic needs for their own citizens. Many young girls are afraid to speak out in what is a patriarchal society and are vulnerable to child marriages, parental and domestic abuse and are often the target of religious extremists.

2) If you are being sarcastic - this matter is not the time or place for such poor attempts at jokes or sarcasm. A young girl is fighting for her life in hospital, her family going through agony and you are scoring political points.
hahahaha..sorry but Brown sahib yeah zardari ka pakistan hay..youll be speaking to a dud..that whole conversation would just be comedic in nature..

GB="so mr president we think you need to spend more money on girls edcuation"

AZ="yes yes, of course sir, whatever you say"


I bet that is the first line used by all Pakistani leaders when ever they meet a Western politician.. or as they would say in punjabi : "jee sarkar, hukum karo!".
always check the details. Her dad was a wajubulqtal, she and her fimily lived on a paycheck sent to them from USA ngos. Another cheap childplays of usa and its allies to malign and pressurize pakistan.


You dont even know whether the shots were real or not, sad thing about pakistan is that people so easily fall for things like this. No one says anything about Dr Afiya, No one says anythiing about 2 3 5 9 11 yr old girls killed in drone attacks but everyone feels for her. Absolutley Pathetic!!

If we are to fight extremism, let's start with this website and ban this individual for promoting hate speech.

GTFO out of this website, there is no place for people like you or like-minded people in a civilised society.
It's about Time Pakistanis stand up and unite against these sick Talibans because their aim is to take over our country..not to push American/NATO forces out of Afghanistan.. until then they'll keep destroying schools and other infrastructures and keep taking lives of innocent civilians because it is too hard and requires some guts to fight American/Nato forces in Afghanistan that's why they come hide among innocent people in Waziristan.
If we are to fight extremism, let's start with this website and ban this individual for promoting hate speech.

GTFO out of this website, there is no place for people like you or like-minded people in a civilised society.
Good comment.

This is definitely spreading hate and wrong message. If well managed forums like PP allows such kind of messages then no hope for less managed sites.

There is difference between opinion and hate speech.
It's about Time Pakistanis stand up and unite against these sick Talibans because their aim is to take over our country..not to push American/NATO forces out of Afghanistan.. until then they'll keep destroying schools and other infrastructures and keep taking lives of innocent civilians because it is too hard and requires some guts to fight American/Nato forces in Afghanistan that's why they come hide among innocent people in Waziristan.

Very well said.
Good comment.

This is definitely spreading hate and wrong message. If well managed forums like PP allows such kind of messages then no hope for less managed sites.

There is difference between opinion and hate speech.

What is that difference? Please explain in the context of freedom of speech.
so she was shot in the head, recovered within a few days after being flown to the uk by helicopter
pak should use this opportunity to send over other bullet ridden girls and girls/boys unable to get an education
i'm sure the uk and the u.s will be happy to accomodate them
I think it's all pretty simple.

Drone attacks are WRONG

People trying to assassinate Malala is WRONG

Until Pakistan gets strong leadership both types of incidents will continue to occur.
All the heaps of posts full of never ending arguments over-complicating and over-dramatizing a simple matter drastically to the point of annoyance, leave me wishing for more posts being as ace as that.^
so she was shot in the head, recovered within a few days after being flown to the uk by helicopter
pak should use this opportunity to send over other bullet ridden girls and girls/boys unable to get an education
i'm sure the uk and the u.s will be happy to accomodate them

if you are not following her story then don't judge her:facepalm: she's still going through treatment and will be back Inshallah after recovering.
It saddens me how some educated people get brainwashed by some Taliban posts on Facebook and twitter and start believing in conspiracy theories.
if you are not following her story then don't judge her:facepalm: she's still going through treatment and will be back Inshallah after recovering.

iA, others will be as privelledged in getting the same treatment
iA, others will be as privelledged in getting the same treatment

you think she's getting this treatment in free or USA/UK doing some favour?

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Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

To all those who say that why are we and the media promoting Malala and not the victims of the drone attacks, let us explain a critical point. Understand this clearly and don't be a victim of Khawarij propaganda.

Pakistan is under attacks from all sides now. We are fully and totally surrounded and now facing the last stages of this anarchic destructive war. This is called the 4thGW.

1. Khawarij.
2. BLA.
3. CIA / drones.
4. Media / propaganda war.
5. Government corruption / treason.
6. Judicial collapse.
7. Economic anarchy, collapse and corruption leading to social chaos.

We have to fight all these threats and axis simultaneously. Each one is important. Each threat has foreign involvement and funding from hostile secret services or forces.

So, when we fight against Khawarij of TZP (TTP), don't start shouting that why are we not raising our voice against drones?? That would be a blunder of staggering proportions and falling for the Khawarij propaganda.

Understand this fact here that Khawarij have made a blunder by attacking an innocent child. The whole country has risen against Khawarij because of this murder attempt. This has shocked the Khawarij and they are deploying all their resources in media and cyber world to divert the attention towards Drones and so called " crimes" of the army. Do not let them do that. For the first time, Khawarij have been put on the defensive at a national scale and we must expose them more, NOT fall for their diversionary and distraction tactics.

Khawarij are raising multiple issues against Malala. They are saying that why is media giving her so much coverage and not to the drones? Such propaganda is creating doubts in the minds of the people over the crimes of Khawarij and some are even approving unknowingly what Khawarij did to Malala.

To all Pakistanis we say, don't be stupid. This is the time to increase pressure on Khawarij. Malala is an innocent child who was a global celebrity and was a symbol of child education against Khawarij. She was targeted by the Khawarij for a reason.

Indeed, the Americans and the Zionist controlled media would also try to exploit the case to force Pak army to launch an operation in North Waziristan but that we understand. It does NOT mean that Zalimaan of Khawarij can shoot little girls at point blank range.

Drones are separate crimes by CIA. DO NOT mix the war strategies of Khawarij and crimes of CIA, even though Khawarij are also CIA / RAW backed. We have to fight them separately and independently using different strategies.

We can fight the khawarij within our country but to destroy them inside Afghanistan and to destroy the drones, we have to wage a war directly against US and NATO. That we can only do when we have a strong patriotic government in Islamabad, not under the present circumstances.

So Sabr and be wise and attack the enemies one by one. Khawarij are the most immediate threat we can handle easily and must remain united against them. They have made a blunder and this must be fully exploited.

We will deal with the drones separately InshAllah. This regime must go for that and army must get full media, judicial and national support. Armies cannot go to war without total national support. Understand this. We are surrounded and the state is collapsing fast. Army needs your help against Khawarij. If you cannot help now, then stay silent at least.

khair inshAllah

Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid

To all those who say that why are we and the media promoting Malala and not the victims of the drone attacks, let us explain a critical point. Understand this clearly and don't be a victim of Khawarij propaganda.

Pakistan is under attacks from all sides now. We are fully and totally surrounded and now facing the last stages of this anarchic destructive war. This is called the 4thGW.

1. Khawarij.
2. BLA.
3. CIA / drones.
4. Media / propaganda war.
5. Government corruption / treason.
6. Judicial collapse.
7. Economic anarchy, collapse and corruption leading to social chaos.

We have to fight all these threats and axis simultaneously. Each one is important. Each threat has foreign involvement and funding from hostile secret services or forces.

So, when we fight against Khawarij of TZP (TTP), don't start shouting that why are we not raising our voice against drones?? That would be a blunder of staggering proportions and falling for the Khawarij propaganda.

Understand this fact here that Khawarij have made a blunder by attacking an innocent child. The whole country has risen against Khawarij because of this murder attempt. This has shocked the Khawarij and they are deploying all their resources in media and cyber world to divert the attention towards Drones and so called " crimes" of the army. Do not let them do that. For the first time, Khawarij have been put on the defensive at a national scale and we must expose them more, NOT fall for their diversionary and distraction tactics.

Khawarij are raising multiple issues against Malala. They are saying that why is media giving her so much coverage and not to the drones? Such propaganda is creating doubts in the minds of the people over the crimes of Khawarij and some are even approving unknowingly what Khawarij did to Malala.

To all Pakistanis we say, don't be stupid. This is the time to increase pressure on Khawarij. Malala is an innocent child who was a global celebrity and was a symbol of child education against Khawarij. She was targeted by the Khawarij for a reason.

Indeed, the Americans and the Zionist controlled media would also try to exploit the case to force Pak army to launch an operation in North Waziristan but that we understand. It does NOT mean that Zalimaan of Khawarij can shoot little girls at point blank range.

Drones are separate crimes by CIA. DO NOT mix the war strategies of Khawarij and crimes of CIA, even though Khawarij are also CIA / RAW backed. We have to fight them separately and independently using different strategies.

We can fight the khawarij within our country but to destroy them inside Afghanistan and to destroy the drones, we have to wage a war directly against US and NATO. That we can only do when we have a strong patriotic government in Islamabad, not under the present circumstances.

So Sabr and be wise and attack the enemies one by one. Khawarij are the most immediate threat we can handle easily and must remain united against them. They have made a blunder and this must be fully exploited.

We will deal with the drones separately InshAllah. This regime must go for that and army must get full media, judicial and national support. Armies cannot go to war without total national support. Understand this. We are surrounded and the state is collapsing fast. Army needs your help against Khawarij. If you cannot help now, then stay silent at least.

khair inshAllah


:14: great stuff from him this time.We are facing many challenges but biggest of them all is Taliban the inside enemy.Got to be united and not let them make another Afghanistan or Iraq.
on the one hand we vote Zardari,Nawaz Sharif and have them our president,CM and on the other hand we question the loyalty of Malala...Hypocrites!!
As long as there is people who ready to believe such theories, propagandists will exist. The only thing that can break this vicious cycle is making school education mandatory at-least till higher secondary.
let me take you back to that campaign started against her after media,world and the nation was behind her like a wall..

that's what the militants or fanatics do..when their actions don't get any support they start a media campaign to somehow justify their unislamic acts.

How would these hillbillies even know how to "start a media campaign"? The media campaign was launched in America of all places.

Now I know some people here feel a "poster child" is necessary to fight a propaganda war but Malala's father seems to be the most cynical ba**ard of all time. For him, his daughter's tragedy has turned into a photo op.
the staged argument goes out of the window when Taliban claimed responsibility...and it's not like what she said in those interviews is wrong..that's fact..Taliban have blown up more than 300 schools in Swat alone...people weren't allowed to have tv in their houses,women were not allowed to go outside.teacher's were beheaded for teaching children..that was a state within a state. living in Pakistan,following all these events I know these things pretty well and she was spot on 100% ...had Army didn't launch operation there things would have been worse..Now at least their leaders go hide in Kunar,Afghanistan.