Pakistani cricket isolation - Do we deserve it?


Test Captain
Feb 16, 2006
Post of the Week
It really pains me to see the cold shoulder the rest of the world including countries like Australia, England etc give to the PCB and the Pakistani players in general. One of the reasons why our team has stagnated compared to the rest of the cricketing nations is primarily because we have played so less competitive cricket compared to other countries. In 2010, we probably played our most competitive year with matches against Australia, England, South Africa, New Zealand and the World Cup and our team has come leaps and bounds since the start of 2010.

We won the T-20 Cricket WC in 2009, Were the semi finalists in 2010, played really competitively in adverse conditions against much well prepared/superior oponents, reached the semi finals of the 2011 WC and still the BCCI chooses to ignore our players for the IPL? Surely the likes of Afridi, Gul, Razzaq, Umar Akmal can easily play in the league on merit. But what else would you expect the Indians to do, after all its their tournament, their league.

This spot fixing scandal came at the worst possible time and it just sums up the lack of respect for Pakistan Cricket. The ECB goes out of its way to help Pakistan Cricket by allowing us to play in England and we all know how the disgraced duo repayed them. Being submissive, defensive to the BCCI has given us nothing, what was the harm in voting for John Howard as President?

The BCCI did not even make the slightest effort to support Pakistan when the western nations demanded the WC be taken away from us. Its time the PCB wakes up to smell the coffee, the Sri Lankans, Bangladeshi are never ever going to support the PCB against the BCCI. No guarantee the likes of Australia, England, WI, South Africa, New Zealand will either but these countries will always have some power struggles against the Indians as they do not necessarily like India's growing power in international cricket.

The PCB needs to side with the West, the Pakistani players should start having some self respect rather than harping on in the media begging for the IPL to take them. We had a golden opportunity to cement a good relationship with the ECB and we screwed that up thanks to the disgraced duo and Ijaz Butt.

However all is not lost, we have a young team now captained by an improving Afridi. We could discover new talented players as our seniors no longer have cemented spots in the team anymore. Surely its only a matter of time when we discover irresistable and unignorable match winners. The team must improve its Test and ODI ranking by all means.
Bro you have much to blame on your own people than the rest of the world.

People dont wanna play in Pakistan ever since that life threatening attack on Lankan team bus. Whom to blame for that? BCCI?

And about support from BCCI, they were fully with Pakistan cricket when you were in good terms with them during the tenure of sensible and respected people like Shahryar Khan. After him when the new PCB tried to be over smart with BCCI , they turned their back on them
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Bro you have much to blame on your own people than the rest of the world.

People dont wanna play in Pakistan ever since that life threatening attack on Lankan team bus. Whom to blame for that? BCCI?

I would primarily blame our govt and the security agencies for that. But its a rumor that RAW was behind it. But primarily responsibility lies with Pakistan.

Anyways matches in Pakistan are only a part of it. I was actually delighted to see matches being taken away from Pakistan given the flat, pancakes, graveyard, lifeless pitches we were producing for our fast bowlers.
The single biggest reason for that treatment is the attack on Sri Lankan cricketers. It cannot be forgotten or forgiven that easily. Yes, you guys are mostly responsible for your own state of affairs. Even if you disregard the economic and security instability in your nation... PCB by itself is extremely volatile as a governing body with shoddy management and treatment of players.
we certainly did not deserve it.

non-cricketing circumstances have made this the unfortunate reality.
I would primarily blame our govt and the security agencies for that. But its a rumor that RAW was behind it. But primarily responsibility lies with Pakistan.

Anyways matches in Pakistan are only a part of it. I was actually delighted to see matches being taken away from Pakistan given the flat, pancakes, graveyard, lifeless pitches we were producing for our fast bowlers.

Who ever was behind it, you failed to protect them. I am sure ISI must be planning to do an attack like that on teams in India all the time, but BCCI hasn't let that happened.
Even before attacked happned on lankan playrs, pakistan played only 1 test series in 13 months something. so i don't think Terrorist attacks is the only reson for this isolation.
'Terrorism' is not the only reason for our isolation. Never has been and never will be, other boards and their fans are just too insecure to come out and say what they're really thinking.
Even before attacked happned on lankan playrs, pakistan played only 1 test series in 13 months something. so i don't think Terrorist attacks is the only reson for this isolation.

Exactly, attack on SL player's bus was just an excuse to isolate us totally.
'Terrorism' is not the only reason for our isolation. Never has been and never will be, other boards and their fans are just too insecure to come out and say what they're really thinking.

well, PCB President Ijaz Butt has this to say after ICC president David Morgan said Pakistan will not be hosting the world cup due to security concerns...

"It's a disappointing decision but it can't be helped. Nobody wants to play in Pakistan following the attacks in Lahore."
Exactly, attack on SL player's bus was just an excuse to isolate us totally.

A valid reason is not a lame excuse. No team wanted to play in Pakistan after that. That is not a conspiracy.. it is cause and effect.
A valid reason is not a lame excuse. No team wanted to play in Pakistan after that. That is not a conspiracy.. it is cause and effect.

Did I said lame excuse? I said excuse, and there is a difference between lame excuse and excuse.
well, PCB President Ijaz Butt has this to say after ICC president David Morgan said Pakistan will not be hosting the world cup due to security concerns...

"It's a disappointing decision but it can't be helped. Nobody wants to play in Pakistan following the attacks in Lahore."

How convenient that Ijaz Butt suddenly turns into a man of sound reason and logic when you need him to be, and a turd otherwise. Nice.
Before the attacks, SA very reluctantly agreed to tour Pak in 2007. The SL shooting just killed off any faint hope of a cricket team to tour Pak. That was a massive blow.
Well we have not helped our case have we. There are things beyond cricket like war of terrorism and the suicide bombing in practically every part of the country. But for me most damage has been due to negligence of our cricketing authority. The attacks of SL team was final nail in the coffin. It certainly could have been prevented. The reaction from PCB officials was pathetic, who were at times blaming the victims. Even after that the spot fixing scandal has not helped our reputation either. On top of that blaming the English team for match fixing after they hosted our games was ill-adviced also.

We can blame the world, ICC, BCCI as much as we want, but the fact is that if we had our house in order, things would have been much better. Lets look at the mirror and point out our deficiencies first, before we point fingers at others.
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Who ever was behind it, you failed to protect them. I am sure ISI must be planning to do an attack like that on teams in India all the time, but BCCI hasn't let that happened.

didnt know that BCCI is stronger than a country's intelligence service lol :)

come on grow up lad, either you turning a blind eye or that statement was just out of nowhere
'Terrorism' is not the only reason for our isolation. Never has been and never will be, other boards and their fans are just too insecure to come out and say what they're really thinking.

dont flatter yourself . your typical victimized mentality is sickening .
why blame indians? Its their league and if they don't want pakistani players its their right. We should not be moaning about it. The security situation in our country even before the 2009 attack was not very good ( remember attack on the kiwis) and since july 2007 pakistan has been like a warzone almost a bomb attack each day. I think its the right of the other nations to first make sure that their players are safe when they visit pakistan and thats what they do. We should admit that our country is not safe at the moment but InshaAllah the day will come soon when we get rid of all the terrorists and sporting activities will begin.
dont flatter yourself . your typical victimized mentality is sickening .

Who said I was talking about Indians? You sure are insecure JA. As Mazhar once said, we have "bigger" things to worry about then what Indians :).
Do we deserve isolation? Well I would say just be greatful that we're still allowed to play international cricket and stop crying about being excluded from a money making monkey tournament best suited for retired international stars who want to beef up their bank balances!!
Despite the threats of terrorists, the security given to the Sri Lankan team was pathetic. No cricket team has any faith in the security police of Pakistan

Hashim Amla is the only Protea player who says that he has no issue in playing in Pakistan because his life is in the hands of god. Ok now with Imran Tahir it would make it 2 Protea players who are prepared to play in Pakistan
Many expat pakistanis are scared of going to visit pakistan. How can you expect anyone else to? Its like Choking Proteas says, there is a general belief in the world that the pakistani security forces are impotent and worthless. They cannot protect their own country forget visiting nations.
International cricketers are obviously bit scared to play in Pakistan. However incompetent Ijaz Butt may be, he is not the reason for the isolation. It's the security situation that needs to improve first. Even if Imran were to run PCB, international cricket will not return readily. Needs some period of normalcy first with no news of suicide bombers.
Guys we dont need a Indian Premier League. I do not understand why almost everyone wants our players to play in IPL. We have our own League Pakistan Super League. We played in IPL 2008 and what happend? Nothing.
Yes We should Blame Ourselves at the first place. But, We never got the helping hands from the outer World to over come from this as well. Its like, Some of the Powerful Cricketing nations were happy with the stupidity had been done by our Administrations. Now, The World Know Pakistan as a Dangerous Nation or a Dead hell to put your foot steps. Huh. Then how come we Pakistanis and our Pakistani Cricketers Living in Pakistan???

If an Indian Players or any other countries Players Life are Priceless, then Pakistani Players Life are also priceless.

To be honest, Pakistan does not get the same Value as the other countries are getting.

And Yes... We should Blame ourselves for allowing this to happen with us. Our Leaders are Toothless Tigers. And we are like Street Dogs, Only have the power to rule our own streets.
Pakistan needs to develop in the UAE, and get on the ball quick.. It has been 3 years since attack on Lankan Players and nothing has been done to tackle the issue of playing elsewhere and even if they have its not viable, and then again they screwed it up by being stupid in the media. ICC, BCCI and the world has made it clear no cricket in Pakistan for the next 10 years.

PCB has the worst strategic management I have ever seen. Well thats what happens when you hire your Chacha's Mammoo's Bhatija's to run your organization and not competent people. This is the reason why many Pakistani Organizations are in shambles. Few get rich ripping off the board as much as they can, the board gets completely depleted and goes bankrupt.
PCB has the worst strategic management I have ever seen. Well thats what happens when you hire your Chacha's Mammoo's Bhatija's to run your organization and not competent people. This is the reason why many Pakistani Organizations are in shambles. Few get rich ripping off the board as much as they can, the board gets completely depleted and goes bankrupt.

That seems to be a ubiquitous complaint... then it begs the question.. Why isn't there a movement in Pakistan to privatize PCB just like the BCCI?

Why aren't companies in Pakistan stepping up to buy out PCB and harness the potential by proper investments, marketing etc?

A government organization has zero incentive to perform. They have unlimited wealth at their disposal (tax payers).. and they don't need to match their performance to their revenue. With a private enterprise, it is the opposite. There is motivation to step up performance and generate revenues.

Pakistanis should call on to privatizing PCB!
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And what was the excuse before that?

The excuse before that was that there was a clear and present danger in touring Pakistan and many teams were reluctant to tour. The attack on Sri Lankans only vindicated there stance
But, We never got the helping hands from the outer World to over come from this as well. Its like, Some of the Powerful Cricketing nations were happy with the stupidity had been done by our Administrations.

England did try to help you out and were repaid by the match-fixing scandal.
Also PCB was compensated by ICC for the matches relocated to India.

If an Indian Players or any other countries Players Life are Priceless, then Pakistani Players Life are also priceless.
Targeting a visiting team attracts far more attention and does much more damage then killing local cricketers. So Pak cricketers are quite safe in Pakistan but the same cannot be said of foreigners.

To be honest, Pakistan does not get the same Value as the other countries are getting.
When you're down everybody will try to kick you. Thats human nature and you cant do much about it.
What I cant understand is PCB's passive attitude. They could've developed UAE or other safe country as their base and played home series there.
In a nutshell yes it is Pakistan's fault. Every nation must prioritise their own interests and Pakistan failed to do this when it joined to help the occupiers in Afghanistan. There was an element in the International community to isolate Pakistan before this and this made it very easy for them. The attack on the Lankan team was terrible and never should have happened but it wasn't done by those who had Pakistan’s interest in view but by those who wanted to further isolate the nation.

If there is a similar attack in India imo the teams would only stay away for a very short time because the money would change their mind.
Targeting a visiting team attracts far more attention and does much more damage then killing local cricketers. So Pak cricketers are quite safe in Pakistan but the same cannot be said of foreigners.

Hello >> Huh..

Man,, Terrorists don't target any particular person or country. They just attack and kill innocent people.

Can't you see Every other day There is Bomb Blasts happening in Pakistan and many people die.

Does those Innocent People deserve to get a death like this??? Huh??

Why Only keep thinking about Cricketers?? Its all about Humanity.
Hello >> Huh..

Man,, Terrorists don't target any particular person or country. They just attack and kill innocent people.

Can't you see Every other day There is Bomb Blasts happening in Pakistan and many people die.

Does those Innocent People deserve to get a death like this??? Huh??

Why Only keep thinking about Cricketers?? Its all about Humanity.
Are you serious? Obviously terrorists prefer to attack foreigners b/c that garners more media attention to their attacks. When there is no foreigner, they target locals.
Agree with Immy69 we should be thankful that we still have an international cricket team.

We need to come out of this victim mentality and get our house in order.We had players tested positive for performance enhancing drugs that should've been punished but were let off.

We couldn't provide security to SL cricket team after promising them presidential level security.

Our players were caught red handed selling their country to earn few bob at a time when our country was going through a natural disaster.

Instead of punishing them our board chief went into hiding for a week and came out with baseless allegations against those who had given us home to play cricket.

Our board needed to suspend the trio until the thorough investigation.It took ICC to punish the fixers because our governing body was doing nothing.

Convicted match fixers are sitting on national media giving expert opinion.Every week there are tv shows crying conspiracy.

A serial cheat is leading our team and the guy who is running our board is the most incompetent person we could find.He should've got sacked two years ago.

There is still time to get our cricket on track.These are some steps that will go a long way towards repairing some of the damage.

*Get rid of Ijaz butt.That would be a good start.

*Bring in a personality respected at international stage.Sheryar Khan or Majid Khan.

*Do your own inquiry of the whole fixing issue and punish the culprits severely(life bans).

*Hire an international PR consultant to improve your image.

*People with tainted past should not be allowed to work with the team.cough Waqar and Ijaz ahmed.

*Educate the players on their responsibilities before they are picked for the national team.

*At ICC level make decisions on principles rather then then the blind region based voting like early 2000s.
Agree with Immy69 we should be thankful that we still have an international cricket team.

We need to come out of this victim mentality and get our house in order.We had players tested positive for performance enhancing drugs that should've been punished but were let off.

We couldn't provide security to SL cricket team after promising them presidential level security.

Our players were caught red handed selling their country to earn few bob at a time when our country was going through a natural disaster.

Instead of punishing them our board chief went into hiding for a week and came out with baseless allegations against those who had given us home to play cricket.

Our board needed to suspend the trio until the thorough investigation.It took ICC to punish the fixers because our governing body was doing nothing.

Convicted match fixers are sitting on national media giving expert opinion.Every week there are tv shows crying conspiracy.

A serial cheat is leading our team and the guy who is running our board is the most incompetent person we could find.He should've got sacked two years ago.

There is still time to get our cricket on track.These are some steps that will go a long way towards repairing some of the damage.

*Get rid of Ijaz butt.That would be a good start.

*Bring in a personality respected at international stage.Sheryar Khan or Majid Khan.

*Do your own inquiry of the whole fixing issue and punish the culprits severely(life bans).

*Hire an international PR consultant to improve your image.

*People with tainted past should not be allowed to work with the team.cough Waqar and Ijaz ahmed.

*Educate the players on their responsibilities before they are picked for the national team.

*At ICC level make decisions on principles rather then then the blind region based voting like early 2000s.

Bring in a captain who is aggressive on the field but off the field projects softer image of Pakistan
To be honest I'm quickly giving up on Pakistan the country and soon I may even stop supporting the cricket team!

I've lived most of my life in the uk, my wife is not Pakistany and my children were born here. Despite this I have always supported Pakistan, through thick and thin. However I am now getting to the age where I feel I'm putting to much energy in supporting a team that is run by baffoons, played by some equally moronic characters and is littered with consipracies, back stabbing and spot (even match fixing) contraversies!!

However like a true supporter, I'll have my rant and then get right behind the team cum the Windies series! BUT the overwhelming feeling i have is that Pakistan is lucky to be playing international cricket and perhaps even a ban may be the answer!

'get your house in order and then re-enter the international cricketing coomunitu!'
Pakistan won't be banned. Imagine the riots that would follow. At least the NZ tour & WC was relatively controversy free.
Problem is ICC.

Even when Pakistan does play a series in another country, the ICC and the host country only give Pakistan 2 tests and maybe 3 one days. While other countries are given up to 5 tests and 7 one days. And this has been happening for far longer than the Sri Lanka attack, or IPL exclusion.

Even though the ICC has a responsibility to make sure its members are not excluded on the basis of race or politics, I do not really care for IPL. And even the losing the ability to host cricket at home isn't a huge deal.

What is a huge deal is, that the ICC makes no effort to ensure the test playing nations play an equal amount of cricket. If they wanted, Pakistan could easily be playing twice as much cricket as they do.

There is no reason Pakistan should not play as much cricket as the other countries, even if its not in Pakistan. But its not just Pakistan. India by FAR get to play the most cricket. No other international sport works in such a dysfunctional and discrimnatory manner.

The ICC is easily the worst, most disgraceful sporting organisation there is. Theres a reason that cricket is on the decline globally, with only the Subcontinent being interested in it anymore.
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Yes. Pak v Aus should have been 3 Tests. India and England play the most cricket these days.
And there is not a single other sport that works in such a discriminatory manner. This may provide advantages to BCCI, but in the long run, it is very harmful to the sport.

Internationally cricket is a very minor and unimportant sport. And ICCs actions ensure it will remain this way.
Well this is why the rankings don't mean much. India have played nearly twice as many games as Pakistan. You can't move up the table if your not playing as much.

If we had a stronger board we would get more games around the world. Regardless of the level we are now Pakistan cricket is a powerhouse in world cricket simply because we produce some of the best players in the game. We also bring in new innovations to game such as reverse swing, doosra etc.

As long as we keep on winning series and performing well in ICC tournaments we will not be ignored.
After the Windies tour & a roller-coaster trip to Belfast, Pak only have a 1 Test series with Zimbabwe.

Due a tour to SA now, surely.
After Zim we are supposed to play Lanka and then Bangladesh. Sri Lanka at 'home' and Bangladesh away.
the main problem is with the idiot that is running the country.

and the idiots that elected him in the first place.

i cant wait for the day when someone like imran khan, or even a better politician heads the country.
the main problem is with the idiot that is running the country.

and the idiots that elected him in the first place.

i cant wait for the day when someone like imran khan, or even a better politician heads the country.

it has only happened once in our political history. :jinnah
Well this is why the rankings don't mean much. India have played nearly twice as many games as Pakistan. You can't move up the table if your not playing as much.

If we had a stronger board we would get more games around the world. Regardless of the level we are now Pakistan cricket is a powerhouse in world cricket simply because we produce some of the best players in the game. We also bring in new innovations to game such as reverse swing, doosra etc.

As long as we keep on winning series and performing well in ICC tournaments we will not be ignored.


How can the rankings mean anything, when some countries play twice as much? And the rankings depend on how much you play!

The rankings have never been important. They have existed for a long time, but have never been used or touted. When Pakistan was on top, you never heard anybody say this.

But now that India is on top of a COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS chart, and we have to hear about this nonsense.
A league system would be much fruitful as every team would play the same number of matches, making it a more accurate tool to see which team tops the charts.
Seems like Pakistan has to somehow win some of the big events including Asia cup, t20 WC and champions trophy kinda stuff to make a statement.........
Other then India and BD we play decent number of tests against other teams on away tours.
We played three tests in Aus 2004-2009.
Four in End20 06-2010.
Three in SA 06.
Three in SL 09.
Three in India 05-07.

Its stupid PCB who organises two tests in so called home series.
SA 2007-2010.
SL 2009.
Aus 2010.
So logic of blaming ICC and other boards does not work.

Looking ahead I fear we wont get four tests series in Eng in future because of our own Kartoot.
The Aus Series was probably only 2 Tests in England as Pak had a full series with England to follow.

It will be difficult to have many Tests on away soil due to ground availability, scheduling etc.

Ridiculous to have a 2 Test Series at home vs SL & SA though.
Seems like Pakistan has to somehow win some of the big events including Asia cup, t20 WC and champions trophy kinda stuff to make a statement.........

Winning these means jack in terms of making a statement.We had a perfect chance to make a statement last year for not having any tests in 2008.If we had won in Sydney and made it 1-1 in that series but for gutless approach and pathetic selection.

We would have made a statement if we had played our best players :yk:moyo in Eng.
If we were not busy fixing matches.

Now thank your lucky stars that we still have a test team and be happy playing Zim/BD/SL etc.
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The Aus Series was probably only 2 Tests in England as Pak had a full series with England to follow.

It will be difficult to have many Tests on away soil due to ground availability, scheduling etc.

Ridiculous to have a 2 Test Series at home vs SL & SA though.

Yes but we found time and ground to play two meaningless t20s.

How can the rankings mean anything, when some countries play twice as much? And the rankings depend on how much you play!

The rankings have never been important. They have existed for a long time, but have never been used or touted. When Pakistan was on top, you never heard anybody say this.

But now that India is on top of a COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS chart, and we have to hear about this nonsense.

I found it funny Indian fans and media people kept on mentioning India are no.1 when this is a test ranking based on matches when there was an ODI tournament taking place. :))

India will make sure series are set with India playing most of them at home and thus staying on top of the rankings. We need a better system to determine the rankings. The player rankings are determined fairly well but the team rankings are are not.
We were up to no.3 in test rankings in 07 and have gone downhill since. We certainly wouldn't have been this far down if we had played on a consistant basis.
Those were the good Woolmer/Inzy days. Afridi was also batting well in Tests.
First of people of the Pakistan Super League or Pakistan Premier League should realize that just giving a cool name wont make it any different than the current RBS T20.

What makes IPL successful and appealing to our players is the massive amount of money that they earn from it. I was reading somewhere that Tendulkar earned more money from 3 years of IPL than the last 10 years of international cricket hhe had played.(This is just cricket money and not endorsements).

So unless a proposed PPL has that kind of money it will be a flop. And the unfortunate truth is it will never have that kind of money because we do not have billionaires in our country willing to invest or a public willing to PAY to watch a domestic game. Finally, for a few years NOTHING will convince any foreign cricketer to join our leagues
Some pathetic responses here. The victim mentality truly is sickening. Let's look at a few facts here shall we?

1) Attacks on Sri Lanka
2) Ejaz Butt and the most incompetent board
3) Spot-fixers and what not
4) Captain is a ball-eating/pitch-digging cheat
5) No longer any superstars in this team
6) In Pakistan our own fans don't come watch our games
7) Past board screwed by not dealing with the FTP properly

Where can Indians be blamed here? Where can ICC or any board be blamed? Like someone said we are lucky to be playing international cricket at all after looking at that. As for the IPL, not our league and Indians don't owe us anything especially not after the 26/11 attacks. The only real grievance I have is that Pakistani domestic teams are not allowed to participate in the Champions League 20/20.
We were up to no.3 in test rankings in 07 and have gone downhill since. We certainly wouldn't have been this far down if we had played on a consistant basis.

We haven't produced any world class batsmen still. Our two best bowlers turned out to be cheats. We couldn't decide on a captain. Heck, we could have been worse off had we played more.
We haven't produced any world class batsmen still. Our two best bowlers turned out to be cheats. We couldn't decide on a captain. Heck, we could have been worse off had we played more.

Played very few Tests since then.
Played very few Tests since then.

actuually we played a very high amount of tests last year..

2 In Australia
6 in England
2 in UAE
2 in NZ
Thats a very high amount of tests for most teams apart from England and Australia in an ashes year
Overall, since the 2006/07 period, they havn't played many Tests. Last year Pak played a fair amount, yes.
I am not sure about isolation, but I doubt if there has been a team that has produced greater cricketing talents in last 20 years than Pakistan or a team that has been so utterly undisciplined. Let me put it this way, I think in any other sport things could have got much worse. But since there are only 8 BIG nations major actions will not take place. 1)Player infighting sometimes literally 2) players not clearing drug tests and getting bans prematurely lifted 3)players caught biting the ball and doing break dance on the pitch 4)players being caught red handed in spot fixing and some serious allegations regarding match fixing 5)A cricket team almost killed during tour. I mean I can't stress what message that sends to the world. Was ICC responsible for the security situation ? 6)players being banned for "underperfomance" and bans being prematurely lifted by PCB. again some might say this is an in house matter but what message does it send to teh world 7)Chief of PCB accusing the opposition of fixing games etc. When a cricket body is being run like panchayat, when cricketers are getting and pardoned off, when people are being caught and defended, when foreign teams are being attacked, not sure what anyone can do but distance oneself.

I mean I understand that there is a certain sense of "victimhood" among fans and the fact that they are being targetted. But when you have a track record like this in last 5-6 years, I am not sure what the cricketing world is supposed to d. In fact, ICC and ECB, have tried to bring as much cricket as possible to Pak. cricket team at neutral venues, but when you get repaid with spot fixing attempts on those tours not sure how they are to blame.

As for IPL, the exclusion is kind of overrated. I think Pak. players are better off without it. But let me just say two things. One, 26/11 has changed things and it will take time for Indians to come around it. Two, even from the owner's perspective, there is little security in buying a Pak. player considering that it is contingent on political situation of the two countries. If you recall, IPL after 26/11 PCB had refused to send Pak. players citing security reasons. If the motive was to isolate Pak. players they wouldn't have played the 1st one.So, it is not an attempt to isolate Pakistan, but more a phase whereby Indians will have to reconcille with their feelings and get over it and give another chance. I don't care for IPL but I believe Pak. players should play.
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