RBS 20-20 Cup ***FINAL*** Karachi Dolphins Vs Sialkot Stallions. Afridi Vs Malik!

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ODI Debutant
Nov 30, 2002
Post of the Week
This is it!!!

2 strong teams, some ill feeling between them, a lot at stake with the winners qualifying to the Champions league

Should be intense!!!
I reckon Dolphins are favourites, they look stronger on paper, but anything's possible as Sialkot showed us today
should be a good match!!!! hope we get to see the final somehow???
And of course - Malik's anti-Afridi comments recently should add a little ********SPICE********

It's going to be dynamite :afridi
I hope Afridi smashes Malik for 24 sixes off his bowling and uproots Malik's stumps first ball. That is all.
Anyone have the starting time?
What time is this game due to start tomorrow ?
WHats the starting time and Hey DM you cant get private messages, Man empty ur in box
We're taking this, there's no doubt. The Dolphins will own the Stallions.
I hope Afridi gets out for a first ball duck. Wait, im not hoping for much am i?

Anyways i hope KD wins because don't think Stallions will pose much of a threat to any teams in champios leaugue.
the_game said:
I hope Afridi smashes Malik for 24 sixes off his bowling and uproots Malik's stumps first ball. That is all.
:))) :))) :))) :))) we'll see... whatever the outcome, we know that there are 3 things in life that are certain:

1) Death

2) Taxes

3) Shahid Afridi is going to go after Shoaib Malik's hide tomorrow with such mortal fury and bible rage that mother earth will temporarily glow brighter than our sun.
I am off, Bye Bye Tata and DM do something abt ur private messages Dude.
This is going to be a hell of a match can't wait!!!!!!!!
I can`t imagine world 2020 champion`s league without Afridi featuring in it, so Dolphin`s have to win tomorrow.
Sounds good, hopefully the guys on here will keep us hooked with live commentary. I want it to feel like I am right in the middle. Fixated inside the Afridi's nostril.

Also, on another point, this is a very well organised tournament, only started earlier this week and we are already at the final - with a lot of good cricket inbetween. Organisers from other domestic 20/20 competitions should take note.
The match is due to start at 1900 hours local time which I think is 2pm UK time.
And I will provide ball-by-ball updates, iA

Can't wait, honestly! Finally some intense, hard-fought Pakistani cricket to get excited about again!!
Sialkot is not the same team of old but has done well to get to the finals.

I think Dophins have decent bunch of players so it was not a surprise that they made it there and should win.

I thought Peshawar or Lions were the other 2 teams with a shot to get to finales as they also had some good players.
Ghoshtbuster said:
Sounds good, hopefully the guys on here will keep us hooked with live commentary. I want it to feel like I am right in the middle. Fixated inside the Afridi's nostril.

Also, on another point, this is a very well organised tournament, only started earlier this week and we are already at the final - with a lot of good cricket inbetween. Organisers from other domestic 20/20 competitions should take note.
A good point. It's been a breath of fresh air, with some crowd support, music, good pitches, and a lot to play for. Hopefully this will continue to encourage sponsorship and coverage of domestic cricket.
Easa said:
And I will provide ball-by-ball updates, iA

Can't wait, honestly! Finally some intense, hard-fought Pakistani cricket to get excited about again!!
good stuff Easa. I'm sure there'll be plenty tuning in for the coverage.
Great stuff guys, I can't wait!

Sohail Khan and Anwar Ali are going to be deadly
what was the crowd like today.... hoping tomorrow will be a good turnout!!
Alot has been said about Afridi, because he is the best, and his outstanding performance in all aspects of the game during the tournament. But a word for Malik too.

This is the third time in three attempts where he has captained a side to the final of a 20/20 competition. For all his deficiencies in the longer versoins of the game, Malik and the Stallions will provide a shrewd opposition for Afridi and the Wild Ogres.
Ghoshtbuster said:
Alot has been said about Afridi, because he is the best, and his outstanding performance in all aspects of the game during the tournament. But a word for Malik too.

This is the third time in three attempts where he has captained a side to the final of a 20/20 competition. For all his deficiencies in the longer versoins of the game, Malik and the Stallions will provide a shrewd opposition for Afridi and the Wild Ogres.

I know you are trying to sell the final my friend, but you know very well it's not gonna work! Malik will get obliterated into the moon (and his team will go along with him if there is no other choice :afridi ).
Ghoshtbuster said:
Alot has been said about Afridi, because he is the best, and his outstanding performance in all aspects of the game during the tournament. But a word for Malik too.

This is the third time in three attempts where he has captained a side to the final of a 20/20 competition. For all his deficiencies in the longer versoins of the game, Malik and the Stallions will provide a shrewd opposition for Afridi and the Wild Ogres.

Actually bro, it was Imran Nazir who captained the Sialkot side to their previous 2 tournament victories. Malik was captain in the very first Pakistani domestic 20/20 competition and was sacked after throwing that match.
Can someone arrange audio commentary from Pakistan. Be it putting the computer mic in front of your TV but preferrably some members doing the commentary instead. For people outside there have been no coverage.

I read somewhere FM 101 (Pakistan) was covering it also
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Only thing i wana c is afridi opening the innings and smashing everyone around and at the end of the innings hes 200* ..
Raz said:
Actually bro, it was Imran Nazir who captained the Sialkot side to their previous 2 tournament victories. Malik was captain in the very first Pakistani domestic 20/20 competition and was sacked after throwing that match.
I see. I thought Malik won the tournament - which is what highlighted his name for the Pak captaincy.

Malik to the moon it is then!
It is now a popular notion that Sahibzada Shahid Mohammad Khan Afridi is a quite insensitive man. Malik, on the other hand, is very sensitive. Now what we have here is a battle of the lepers -- two completely diferent cricketers fighting it out for the coveted RBS 20-20 cup.

The catch, however, is, that Shahid Khan Afridi is a quite insensitive human being.

I think that is going to decide the match in favor of the Dolphins. His insensitivity. His ***insensitivity***.
Easa said:
It is now a popular notion that Sahibzada Shahid Mohammad Khan Afridi is a quite insensitive man. Malik, on the other hand, is very sensitive. Now what we have here is a battle of the lepers -- two completely diferent cricketers fighting it out for the coveted RBS 20-20 cup.

The catch, however, is, that Shahid Khan Afridi is a quite insensitive human being.

I think that is going to decide the match in favor of the Dolphins. His insensitivity. His ***insensitivity***.
just pray Malik plays the match.
btw, has Malik declared himself unfit yet?
and what will happen if you afridi fans expect too much of him and he falters in the final??? lol trust me im all up for this competition between the two, and i do want afridi to do well i think he should open so he can do the same in canada

on another note i believed that the stallions would do better than people were expecting them and im happy they reached to the finals with a lesser weaker team than they had in the past... just something about our stallions yes including malik even though this has got nothing to do with him being pakistan captain so plz dont reply to me about that, my support is solely for the Sialkot team and i hope tomorrow they go out gunz blazing and its a real contest to see who performs on the day, remember T20 anything can happen but il be supporting my hometown Sialkot Stallions!! good luck to both teams
I am with Malik the man for all his faults has provided results. If he comments on players instead of backing him up the public and ex players rip him apart...I am sure this isn't the way to earn respect. He would if people didn't start backing a child minded player.

Afridi is not a tough person...he seems like he is about to cry whenever Pakistan really need him and he hardly ever delivers in time of need. If captaincy was going to make him little more responsible...I would argue he should be thrown out of the team...for years he has failed to adopt the game according to the situation...many games have been lost purely because he came in and got out playing a wild shot.

If he couldn't change his game for his country and team...he definitely shouldn't be able to do that just cause he is a captain.
Completely disagreed.

Shahid Afridi is an absolute lion. He's the only lion in Pakistan that can and should lead the national side.

And I think we're getting closer to it.
Eas :))) :))) :)))

Easa said:
It is now a popular notion that Sahibzada Shahid Mohammad Khan Afridi is a quite insensitive man. Malik, on the other hand, is very sensitive. [/B]
At this juncture I must also add that I do have quite a powerful inkling that by the end of the match, Malik will also be an insensitive man, for sensation is not possible in the ***absence*** of the human senses.
2pm start guys, everyone be here
My wish?

1) Dolphins win toss and bat.

2) Afridi to open.

3) Afridi to score a double century and conduct himself in a manner that quite genuinely frightens the opposing players.

4) Sohail Khan to obliterate stumps and one or two bones at 95mph

5) Anwar Ali to swing the ball 90 degrees
Will be a cracking game, really wish I would get to watch.

I will be rooting for the Dolphins.

Afridi, Ali, S Khan, andd Fawad. Vow.
Sialkot the land of hockey sticks, other sports equipment and Zaheer Abbas - win it and claim the "We were supposed to go to Champions league" title
Hey, what time is it GMT?
hasan316 said:
afridi wont make more than 20 runs. He is a slogger with no brain.
Believe me Afridi's aggressive 20 will be more exciting than someone else's limping 50, for that mattar!
kablooee87 said:
I'm gonna laugh so hard at this thread if the Dolphins lose.
I was thinking that as well.

Im rooting for Sialkot, just for the heck of it.
kablooee87 said:
I'm gonna laugh so hard at this thread if the Dolphins lose.
i don't think its much of a contest between KD & SS.
infact its the match-up between Afridi & Malik, lets see who prevails. i believe its gonna be Afridi!
I want Dolphins to win only because they are a strong team and will represent Pak well in Champions League.
after pindi and islamabad lost, i now support dolphins with afridi, sohail khan and anwar ali
with dolphins because they r most suitable team in champions league from pakistan
iZeeshan said:
Will be a cracking game, really wish I would get to watch.

I will be rooting for the Dolphins.

Afridi, Ali, S Khan, andd Fawad. Vow.
And Khurram and Sarfraz. In fact Sarfraz has the most ''Karachi'' in him!
We're approaching hour zero
I am going for Karachi Dolphins for only one reason, i want them to qualify for Champions league by winning this competition. They have much more to offer than Stallions, i am actually surprised that Stallions have made it to the final.
kablooee87 said:
I'm gonna laugh so hard at this thread if the Dolphins lose.
You'll be the in the minority, most of us would much rather the Dolphins go to the Champions league than Sialkot
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I hope Shahid the Wolf wins the toss and elects to bat first
Jamal said:
Hey, what time is it GMT?
I think Saj mentioned 2pm :afridi

And I would absolutely murder for a stream, I'd literally murder a human being for one. I wonder if we can get one from the usual avenues... we'll find out!
DM said:
I think Saj mentioned 2pm :afridi

And I would absolutely murder for a stream, I'd literally murder a human being for one. I wonder if we can get one from the usual avenues... we'll find out!

Thats 2pm Pakistan time?
No, 7pm local time, 2pm GMT according to Saj

I can't wait!!!
DM said:
No, 7pm local time, 2pm GMT according to Saj

I can't wait!!!

Oh poop.
Thats midnight my time. :( Imaaaa staying up !
I would absolutely love to see the interplay between Shoaib Malik and The Human Zeus at the toss, it's going to be alarmingly tense :afridi
DM said:
I hope Shahid the Wolf wins the toss and elects to bat first
Makes sense. The wolf would prefer to be out on the field at night, basking in the moon and feasting on the corpses of dismissed batsmen. A pack of one, is the Afridi Wolf.
DM said:
I would absolutely love to see the interplay between Shoaib Malik and The Human Zeus at the toss, it's going to be alarmingly tense :afridi
Imagine the crushing psychological blow upon the opposing captain when he returns to his dressing room with his hand crushed and deformed by a Herculean, Afridian handshake. What would his teammates think? What sort of statement would that make?
Sheikh said:
Imagine the crushing psychological blow upon the opposing captain when he returns to his dressing room with his hand crushed and deformed by a Herculean, Afridian handshake. What would his teammates think? What sort of statement would that make?

A beastologist??!?
Jamal said:
Oh poop.
Thats midnight my time. :( Imaaaa staying up !
Well you dont have to watch tonight's particular match, you can watch any number of similar programs anytime if you have National Geographic or Animal Planet
eg "When Mental African Whale-Boars Prey On Injured Mice"
Jamal said:
A beastologist??!?

Its The Beast himself who can bring out the Beast amongst the ordinary Human Beings,So don't be surprised if you see someone calling for someone's blood on this forum itself on such a Beastly Day.Where only beasts can survive
DM said:
eg "When Mental African Whale-Boars Prey On Injured Mice"

:))) and already The Beasts are starting to come together to see the Slaughtering of the Stallions.
Sheikh said:
Imagine the crushing psychological blow upon the opposing captain when he returns to his dressing room with his hand crushed and deformed by a Herculean, Afridian handshake. What would his teammates think? What sort of statement would that make?
That's a very, very valid point.

One solution would be to use a human double at the toss. Apparently though, it's not a foolproof method because one time Afridi detected that it was a double and proceeded to compress the hand so much that an actual small black hole was created, the sheer gravity of which injured the real captain.
:afridi :afridi :afridi good to see everyone up so early! We're almost there :D
If anyone has any streams please let us know thanks!
:))) :)))

Less than 6 hours to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sheikh said:
Whisper it my friend.

:afridi is everywhere.

:))) :))) :)))The Best of the day so Far :))) :))) :)))

With Many Many More to come and dominate this forum today.
:afridi aaj aaye ga

:afridi phir chaye ga

:afridi ka bat jab gaye ga

Tu Cuptaan Sahab Bach ker kahan jaye ga?
I hope they have a speedo for the match, would love to see what Sohail Khan is hitting at present
My prediction (having not even seen him in this tournament): 92.5mph fastest

Anyone watching the tournament, what speeds do you think Sohail's hitting?
DM said:
I hope they have a speedo for the match, would love to see what Sohail Khan is hitting at present

The Beast has arranged a net session for him in the Himalayas where he is asked to hit the top of K2 while Anwar Ali has been asked to swing the ball like Jallebi.The Beast has planned some weird moves for Stallions today, I am afraid the Government will impose Martial Law if they knew what his intension are.Parves Kiyani is right now in the middle of a meeting with all the Army Chiefs as they plan to know what the Beast is upto.
Go Dolphins Go. The forceful Beast is set to demolish stallions.
sohail barely crossed 140 guys... he is not that fast

but good pace for the swing he has.