Removal of Sheikh Hasina from Bangladesh, takeaways and opportunities for Pakistan

Who is dragging Pakistan to anything? Did Bangladesh ask for Pakistan's help in freeing Bangladesh from Hasina? I am not understanding your point. We Bangladeshis freed Bangladesh from Hasina without any outside help. Good old people power did it.

Are you saying I shouldn't be pro-Ummah? That's not going to happen because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said Muslims are all brothers. I follow Quran and Sunnah. I am not here to impress you or anyone else.

Nobody is asking Pakistan to do anything. Don't worry.

Your post was too long. I didn't read the whole thing. Make shorter posts next time (if you want me to read).
You are not getting my point. Ummah is not real in current geo-politics. It was real with the context of the world in the middle ages. You can make it sound real with past references but it is irrelevant in today's rubber meets the road world.

This day and age, talking about Ummah is consciously or subconsciously deluding either yourself or someone else. Pakistan is an example of how entire generations can be lost from false Ummah brotherhood initiatives that one country can use against another. Maybe your post is centered from naive or ignorant idealism as opposed to malice (Saudi Arabs) but it is not reality. Every nation for itself. Even long standing alliances only work when both parties stand to gain not due to some brotherhood (be it Ummah brotherhood or iron brotherhood).
Who is dragging Pakistan to anything? Did Bangladesh ask for Pakistan's help in freeing Bangladesh from Hasina? I am not understanding your point. We Bangladeshis freed Bangladesh from Hasina without any outside help. Good old people power did it.

Are you saying I shouldn't be pro-Ummah? That's not going to happen because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said Muslims are all brothers. I follow Quran and Sunnah. I am not here to impress you or anyone else.

Nobody is asking Pakistan to do anything. Don't worry.

Your post was too long. I didn't read the whole thing. Make shorter posts next time (if you want me to read).
I made a long post with an actual example so your mind can grasp that. I do not know how else to make you understand current geopolitical reality with detailed examples because your only go to escape/response is waving holy text and references. This is exactly how Saudi Arabs cheated and misguided Pakistan and robbed us of multiple generations. The long post I made dumbs it down and explains clearly how it happened so you can understand that.
You are not getting my point. Ummah is not real in current geo-politics. It was real with the context of the world in the middle ages. You can make it sound real with past references but it is irrelevant in today's rubber meets the road world.

This day and age, talking about Ummah is consciously or subconsciously deluding either yourself or someone else. Pakistan is an example of how entire generations can be lost from false Ummah brotherhood initiatives that one country can use against another. Maybe your post is centered from naive or ignorant idealism as opposed to malice (Saudi Arabs) but it is not reality. Every nation for itself. Even long standing alliances only work when both parties stand to gain not due to some brotherhood (be it Ummah brotherhood or iron brotherhood).

What you are saying is perhaps applicable at government level. I am not a politician. I don't hold a position in government.

I speak as an individual and a practicing Muslim. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said all Muslims were brothers. So, I treat all Muslims (including Arab Muslims and Pakistani Muslims) as my brothers. Very simple.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection."

If rulers of different countries are being selfish, it is their business. I am only responsible for my own actions and views.

I will continue to be pro-Ummah (in sha Allah) regardless of how political world is like.
No country cares about any other country due to the good in their heart. Geopolitics operates in an amoral space. There are long standing relationships, but no permanent allies or enemies. And its absolutely right for countries to put their long term self interest first.

Ummah can work as a faith based concept for solidarity and brotherhood among the masses, but there are no political alliances based on faith alone.

This is true and also where I have issues. Spreading Ummah brotherhood among masses allows politicians to also tow the line (vote bank politics). Astute external elements know this and thus influence political leadership by spreading solidarity and brotherhood among masses.

Let me ask a simple question here -- Why is it that only Pakistanis have to time and again care about Ummah brotherhood, well being of Ummah and not just have Pakistani brotherhood and well being of Pakistan for once? I see such opinions forced on us time and again in media, journals, forums ... and it is gut wrenching.

  1. Where is Turkey's Ummah brotherhood when it is happily towing the NATO line even when they were bombing innocent muslims?
  2. Where is Egypt's Ummah brotherhood when it has shut the border on Palestinians and making underhanded deals with Israelis?
  3. Where is Afghanistan's Ummah brotherhood when it is pushing TTP into Pakistan?
  4. Where is Saudi's Ummah brotherhood when it almost did and probably still will strike a deal with Israel?

Do any of those countries' mainstream media or forums or masses put Ummah brotherhood first or dilute their objectives with Ummah brotherhood? Nope. Why is it that time and again Pakistani masses have to be influenced in all mainstream or social media outlets by these Ummah brotherhood peddlers?

Why can't for once we can finally have Pakistan first as our first and only agenda?
What you are saying is perhaps applicable at government level. I am not a politician. I don't hold a position in government.

I speak as an individual and a practicing Muslim. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said all Muslims were brothers. So, I treat all Muslims (including Arab Muslims and Pakistani Muslims) as my brothers. Very simple.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection."

If rulers of different countries are being selfish, it is their business. I am only responsible for my own actions and views.

I will continue to be pro-Ummah (in sha Allah) regardless of how political world is like.
Well I have an objection when you are pushing this narrative in a Pakistani forum because I know that this narrative has and will create long term destruction of Pakistan's capabilities.

You are welcome to share your view of course but I am also compelled to call out how wrong this is for Pakistani masses to be thinking of when my concern is the long term well being of Pakistan.
Do any of those countries' mainstream media or forums or masses put Ummah brotherhood first or dilute their objectives with Ummah brotherhood? Nope. Why is it that time and again Pakistani masses have to be influenced in all mainstream or social media outlets by these Ummah brotherhood peddlers?

Why can't for once we can finally have Pakistan first as our first and only agenda?

I get your point but what has the concept of the ummah brotherhood caused Pakistan (both the government and masses) to do differently that they otherwise would not have done.

Maybe a few people do follow it at a personal level like @sweep_shot is doing , but a vast majority of the population look out for their self interest. They can sympathize with international causes like Palestine but their ability to actually impact it is next to nothing. And if you mean its used to radicalise the youth, religion can do a perfectly fine job of that on its own without the concept of "ummah".

At a government level, Pakistan is not following Saudi Arabia due to Ummah, they are following Saudi Arabia for fiscal benefits. They are in effect putting the country (or the leaders pockets in many cases ) first. In times of a direct and actual conflict in 1971, Pakistani Army committed atrocities for political advantage, and forgot religious brotherhood.
What can Pakistan give that Bangladesh wants? I see nothing.

This is going to be a dog fight between US and China vying for controlling their ports. Both US and China will arm twist the new puppet Government into establishing their naval bases. Interesting times ahead.
Well I have an objection when you are pushing this narrative in a Pakistani forum because I know that this narrative has and will create long term destruction of Pakistan's capabilities.

You are welcome to share your view of course but I am also compelled to call out how wrong this is for Pakistani masses to be thinking of when my concern is the long term well being of Pakistan.

I am only speaking for myself. You worry about yourself.

Other Pakistanis aren't complaining.
What can Pakistan give that Bangladesh wants? I see nothing.

This is going to be a dog fight between US and China vying for controlling their ports. Both US and China will arm twist the new puppet Government into establishing their naval bases. Interesting times ahead.

Bangladesh need money from gulf states. Bangladesh need help from China, Russia, and Japan for infrastructure needs. These are very important allies BD need for developments moving forward.
I am only speaking for myself. You worry about yourself.

Other Pakistanis aren't complaining.
You speaking for yourself in a non-Pakistani setting is no business of mine. But when you air your opinions into a Pakistani forum and if it is detrimental to Pakistan then I do choose to call it out. Worrying about Pakistan is a part of worrying about myself. There are many Pakistanis who are genuinely tired of our awam taking up the cause of some brotherhood while our own countrymen are getting destroyed. No, thank you!

I personally find it cringe that non-Pakistanis with agendas are trying to ride our coattails to such an extent. You don't find us trying to push our agenda into a BD forum (if you are even part of one to notice). I'm genuinely puzzled what has compelled you to have 35K+ posts here ... why? Even the Indians with their hostile comments here I can understand because they think of us as some bogeyman enemy but you just seem genuinely lost here. Your only hold because you are otherwise lost is the religious common ground with us and hence perhaps you are subconsciously excited about some Ummah agenda. Perhaps channel your energy in a better way in a BD forum with 100K+ posts and make things better there while having some level of participation here?
Bangladesh need money from gulf states. Bangladesh need help from China, Russia, and Japan for infrastructure needs. These are very important allies BD need for developments moving forward.
Very familiar story. China will build Infra with huge loans which BD cannot pay. We all saw this play out before in Srilanka.

However, US will not sit quiet if China starts controlling any of the ports. It will not tolerate Chinese ships there. Not another country falling into Chinese clutches. This will get interesting in 2025.
You speaking for yourself in a non-Pakistani setting is no business of mine. But when you air your opinions into a Pakistani forum and if it is detrimental to Pakistan then I do choose to call it out. Worrying about Pakistan is a part of worrying about myself. There are many Pakistanis who are genuinely tired of our awam taking up the cause of some brotherhood while our own countrymen are getting destroyed. No, thank you!

I personally find it cringe that non-Pakistanis with agendas are trying to ride our coattails to such an extent. You don't find us trying to push our agenda into a BD forum (if you are even part of one to notice). I'm genuinely puzzled what has compelled you to have 35K+ posts here ... why? Even the Indians with their hostile comments here I can understand because they think of us as some bogeyman enemy but you just seem genuinely lost here. Your only hold because you are otherwise lost is the religious common ground with us and hence perhaps you are subconsciously excited about some Ummah agenda. Perhaps channel your energy in a better way in a BD forum with 100K+ posts and make things better there while having some level of participation here?

I have no agenda. Most of my posts are at cricket section.

Since you are not an admin here, I am not answerable to you. I think I am going to put you on ignore. No further discussion with you.

I am also active on Bangladeshi platforms. I also have accounts in Canadian forum, Zimbabwe cricket forum etc.
I get your point but what has the concept of the ummah brotherhood caused Pakistan (both the government and masses) to do differently that they otherwise would not have done.

Maybe a few people do follow it at a personal level like @sweep_shot is doing , but a vast majority of the population look out for their self interest. They can sympathize with international causes like Palestine but their ability to actually impact it is next to nothing. And if you mean its used to radicalise the youth, religion can do a perfectly fine job of that on its own without the concept of "ummah".

At a government level, Pakistan is not following Saudi Arabia due to Ummah, they are following Saudi Arabia for fiscal benefits. They are in effect putting the country (or the leaders pockets in many cases ) first. In times of a direct and actual conflict in 1971, Pakistani Army committed atrocities for political advantage, and forgot religious brotherhood.
True for all of this but go a level deeper with the why/how. How does the agenda of Pakistan following Saudis for fiscal benefits (be it for govt or generals) or Pakistani army committing atrocities etc - how are these marketed and sold at a surface level to the masses (regardless of how genuine the elections may have been)? Every country just like an individual has to internally justify its actions through some moral compass (fake or real) and many of Pakistan's actions through the decades destroying our youth, education, economy for the sake of few corrupt elite has been packaged and sold as "Ummah brotherhood".

Ask yourself truthfully - If Pakistan adopted a policy of Pakistan first from the 1950s (even if it is corrupt inefficient execution) wouldn't the country be better off today?
I have no agenda. Most of my posts are at cricket section.

Since you are not an admin here, I am not answerable to you. I think I am going to put you on ignore. No further discussion with you.

I am also active on Bangladeshi platforms. I also have accounts in Canadian forum, Zimbabwe cricket forum etc.

While I'm impressed if you are having 35K+ posts on all of those forums while also earning a living, I don't think you are getting my point and are wrongly assuming that I'm being hostile to you (I'm genuinely not). I'm only trying to be honest and showing you the reality in a good way since most of your posts are out of touch.

It is your choice to ignore me if you want to.
Anyway, back to topic.

What I am seeing on Bangladeshi social media is they also do not want current opposition back. They want new parties.

So, they are rejecting both Awami League and BNP.
You are probably right.

Anyway, I only speak for myself. I am not a spokesperson for BD government.

As a practicing Muslim, I am very pro-Ummah. I care about Muslims worldwide (including Pakistani Muslims).

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection."
Well the deeds of 1971 by pak forces against bangla civilians was totally against your quote.. that was a genocide, brutal killing and rapes of fewllow muslims..just blind belief without being rational
Very familiar story. China will build Infra with huge loans which BD cannot pay. We all saw this play out before in Srilanka.

However, US will not sit quiet if China starts controlling any of the ports. It will not tolerate Chinese ships there. Not another country falling into Chinese clutches. This will get interesting in 2025.

I believe Sri Lanka started to recover after that mess.

They also had to topple their government.
Current unrest in Bangladesh, it’s an opportunity for Pakistan…. Bcos women T20 World Cup is scheduled in Bangladesh in October. In current situation we don’t know will this unrest gonna continue or new government will be formed.Even if new government formed, if new government is like Afghanistan government then they will ban Bangladeshi women from playing any sport. Under these circumstances, there is a uncertaininty of Bangladesh hosting T20 Women World Cup… Pakistan can put their claim to host WT20 WC in Pakistan
if new government is like Afghanistan government then they will ban Bangladeshi women from playing any sport. Under these circumstances, there is a uncertaininty of Bangladesh hosting T20 Women World Cup… Pakistan can put their claim to host WT20 WC in Pakistan

LOL. You are truly out of sync with how Bangladesh is like.

Most likely BD will have BNP as the next party. Look up BNP. It is nothing like that.
LOL. You are truly out of sync with how Bangladesh is like.

Most likely BD will have BNP as the next party. Look up BNP. It is nothing like that.

There is a reason for it, last couples of years fascist appealing Bangladeshi ppls not to use modern products esp. Indian products. Therefore I am expecting new fascist government which will ban Indian products and use products only defined under sharia or kuran
There is a reason for it, last couples of years fascist appealing Bangladeshi ppls not to use modern products esp. Indian products. Therefore I am expecting new fascist government which will ban Indian products and use products only defined under sharia or kuran

Are you saying non-Indian products are not modern? Haha! Does only India produce modern products?

You are writing like Borat. No offense.
Sheikh Hasina: The pro-democracy icon who became an autocrat

Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed has resigned and left the country after weeks of student-led protests spiralled into deadly, nationwide unrest.

The 76-year-old fled in a helicopter on Monday to India, reports said, as thousands of protesters stormed her official residence in the capital Dhaka.

This brings an unexpected end to the reign of Bangladesh's longest-serving PM, who has been in power since 2009 and ruled the country for more than 20 years in total.

Credited with overseeing the South Asian country's economic progress in recent years, Ms Hasina began her political career as a pro-democracy icon.

However, in recent years she has been accused of turning autocratic and clamping down on any opposition to her rule. Politically-motivated arrests, disappearances, extra-judicial killings and other abuses have all risen under her rule.

In January she won an unprecedented fourth term as PM in a January election widely decried by critics as being a sham and boycotted by the main opposition.

How did Sheikh Hasina come to power?

Born to a Muslim family in East Bengal in 1947, Ms Hasina had politics in her blood.

Her father was the nationalist leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangladesh's "Father of the Nation" who led the country's independence from Pakistan in 1971 and became its first president.

At that time, Ms Hasina had already established a reputation as a student leader at Dhaka University.

Her father was assassinated with most of his family members in a military coup in 1975. Only Ms Hasina and her younger sister survived as they were travelling abroad at the time.

After living in exile in India, Ms Hasina returned to Bangladesh in 1981 and became the leader of the political party her father belonged to, the Awami League.

She joined hands with other political parties to hold pro-democracy street protests during the military rule of General Hussain Muhammed Ershad. Propelled by the popular uprising, Ms Hasina quickly became a national icon.

She was first elected to power in 1996. She earned credit for signing a water-sharing deal with India and a peace deal with tribal insurgents in the south-east of the country.

But at the same time, her government was criticised for numerous allegedly corrupt business deals and for being too subservient to India.

She later lost to her former ally-turned-nemesis, Begum Khaleda Zia of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), in 2001.

As heirs to political dynasties, both women dominated Bangladesh politics for more than three decades and used to be known as the "battling begums". Begum refers to a Muslim woman of high rank.

Observers say their bitter rivalry resulted in bus bombs, disappearances and extrajudicial killings becoming regular occurrences.

Ms Hasina eventually came back to power in 2009 in polls held under a caretaker government.

A true political survivor, she endured numerous arrests while in opposition as well as several assassination attempts, including one in 2004 that damaged her hearing. She has also survived efforts to force her into exile and numerous court cases in which she has been accused of corruption.

What has she achieved?

Bangladesh under Ms Hasina presents a contrasting picture. The Muslim-majority nation, once one of the world's poorest, has achieved credible economic success under her leadership since 2009.

It's now one of the fastest-growing economies in the region, even surpassing its giant neighbour India. Its per capita income has tripled in the last decade and the World Bank estimates that more than 25 million people have been lifted out of poverty in the last 20 years.

Much of this growth has been fuelled by the garment industry, which accounts for the vast majority of total exports from Bangladesh and has expanded rapidly in recent decades, supplying markets in Europe, North America and Asia.

Using the country's own funds, loans and development assistance, Ms Hasina's government has also undertaken huge infrastructure projects, including the flagship $2.9bn Padma bridge across the Ganges.

What is the controversy surrounding her?

The latest protests were the most serious challenge Ms Hasina faced since taking office, and followed a highly controversial election in which her party was re-elected for a fourth straight parliamentary term.

The unrest began with a demand to abolish quotas in civil service jobs but turned into a wider anti-government movement as she used the police to violently crack down on protesters, killing more than 200 and injuring many more.

Amid increasing calls for her to resign, she had remained defiant. She condemned the agitators as “terrorists” and appealed for support to "suppress these terrorists with a firm hand". She also threw hundreds of people into jail and brought criminal charges against hundreds more.

The agitation against quotas came as Bangladesh struggled with the escalating cost of living in the wake of the pandemic. Inflation has skyrocketed, the country's foreign exchange reserves have dropped precipitously, and its foreign debt has doubled since 2016.

Critics blamed this on Ms Hasina's government's mismanagement, and say that Bangladesh's previous economic success only helped those close to Ms Hasina’s Awami League due to endemic corruption.

They also say the country's economic progress came at the cost of democracy and human rights.

Ms Hasina has long been accused of enacting repressive authoritarian measures against her political opponents, detractors and the media - a remarkable turnaround for a leader who once fought for multi-party democracy.

Rights groups estimate there have been at least 600 cases of enforced disappearances, with hundreds more subject to extra-judicial killings, since Ms Hasina took power again in 2009.

Bangladesh's security forces have also long been accused of serious abuse and torture, and in 2021 the US sanctioned the Rapid Action Battalion - a notorious elite unit of the police accused of carrying out brutal extra-judicial killings - citing human rights violations.

Many human rights activists and journalists have faced increasing attacks including arrests, surveillance and harassment. Strict laws have been used against journalists which critics say has stifled press freedom.

Ms Hasina and her government are also accused of "judicially harassing" targets with court cases, such as economist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. He was jailed earlier this year and faces more than 100 charges, in cases that his supporters say was politically motivated.

In the lead-up to this year's election, many senior leaders from the BNP were arrested, along with thousands of supporters following anti-government protests, which rights groups say were an attempt to incapacitate the opposition.

Ms Hasina's government has flatly denied claims of such abuses. But it has also severely restricted visits by foreign journalists wanting to investigate such allegations.

Don’t understand this……

Bangladesh’s economy good, progressing… still unrest in Bangladesh.

Pakistan economy failed, bankruptcy … but Pakistanis are quite
Are you saying non-Indian products are not modern? Haha! Does only India produce modern products?

You are writing like Borat. No offense.

But there is dominance of Indian product and culture… for example Indian saree which most Bangladeshi women prefers to wear… will new government ban Indian saree?
Don’t understand this……

Bangladesh’s economy good, progressing… still unrest in Bangladesh.

Pakistan economy failed, bankruptcy … but Pakistanis are quite
For all the martial races that Pakistan boasts, they are a docile and mellow bunch.
We didn't ask anyone to fight on our behalf. We did it ourselves. We wanted Hasina gone and she is gone.

I support ummah because my scripture says so. You don't get to decide anything.

I follow what Quran and Sunnah says.

Btw how many of your Ummah people came to save you when East Pakistan was ravaged in 1971?

How many were killed in OP searchlight?

So you got independence yourself?

Why did the Pakistan army then surrendered to Indian army and the surrender documents have sign of Lt. General Arora?

You guys can't defeat Pakistan army in 10 lives.

Even today if pakistanis invade BD, they will take dhaka in 10 days.
Hasina never allowed proper elections. Ruling party goons would be at polling centers to assault opposition voters
Army and police assisted them in doing so
I was in Dhaka during the last election and it was a farce with voting being done at night by election station officers
That is very unfortunate. Such acts of thuggery always backfire big time.
Very familiar story. China will build Infra with huge loans which BD cannot pay. We all saw this play out before in Srilanka.

However, US will not sit quiet if China starts controlling any of the ports. It will not tolerate Chinese ships there. Not another country falling into Chinese clutches. This will get interesting in 2025.

This regime change is a US operation. They will take St. Martin island as a base.

US used assets of another muslim country to do this.

China isn't involved.
Don’t understand this……

Bangladesh’s economy good, progressing… still unrest in Bangladesh.

Pakistan economy failed, bankruptcy … but Pakistanis are quite

One was a civilian government. Other one a military dictatorship.

Now BD also has the same.
They are posting videos of a fire burning but there isn’t a person in sight. No videos of “Muslim mobs” killing Hindus or burning temples exist. Fake accounts using stock photos and then saying Islamists are out to get Hindus etc etc. All the while the majority want nothing to do with these so called oppressed Hindus if they ever chose to flee to India. Will we see Indians volunteer to fight in Bangladesh like they do for Israel?
You are very desperate and trying to show that nothing is happening to Hindus in Bangladesh. Lol.

The Daily Star, a Bangladeshi newspaper, reported that Hindu homes and businesses were attacked by mobs, and their valuables were looted in at least 27 districts in Bangladesh yesterday.

You are very desperate and trying to show that nothing is happening to Hindus in Bangladesh. Lol.

The Daily Star, a Bangladeshi newspaper, reported that Hindu homes and businesses were attacked by mobs, and their valuables were looted in at least 27 districts in Bangladesh yesterday.


The aftermath of any revolution shows the true face of those revolutionaries. These are bunch of religious extremists masquerading as students. We often make a mistake of assuming that the GenZ in our neighborhood are soft-snowflakes like young bhartiyas, they are NOT. This bunch is even more radicalized and extremist than the generations before.

There's a reason why even their under 17 kids showed such passionate hatred for Bharat after the world cup win some years ago. It wasn't just a win against India, it was more about bringing a bunch of Hindus to their knees. Not too different to how Waqar Younis saw Pakistan's T20 win against India.
You are very desperate and trying to show that nothing is happening to Hindus in Bangladesh. Lol.

The Daily Star, a Bangladeshi newspaper, reported that Hindu homes and businesses were attacked by mobs, and their valuables were looted in at least 27 districts in Bangladesh yesterday.

Its all fake news, Daily star is a BJP affiliated newspaper!
@sweep_shot will confirm !!
Its all fake news, Daily star is a BJP affiliated newspaper!
@sweep_shot will confirm !!

Hasina is gone. Little Indian agent is gone. We Bangladeshis have done it. Time to rebuild Bangladesh.

If any minority is harmed, that is of course condemnable but it is for Bangladeshi authorities/people to handle. Indians should worry about their own country.
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Hasina is gone. Little Indian agent is gone. We Bangladeshis have done it. Time to rebuild Bangladesh.

If any minority is harmed, that is of course condemnable but it is for Bangladeshi authorities/people to handle. Indians should worry about their own country.
Dude, you've done nothing but worry about Indian Muslims for years on this forum.

It's the height of irony when YOU of all people tell folks not to worry about atrocities on people of their own religion.
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Dude, you've done nothing but worry about Indian Muslims for years on this forum.

It's the height of irony when YOU of all people tell folks not to worry about atrocities on people of their own religion.

Not sure why Indians are salty about Hasina's departure. We don't want Hasina. You can keep Hasina in India.

A few isolated incidents are not norms. Army offered to help. Regular people offered to help. Don't act like bad things don't happen in India either.

Country is reeling from a month long deadly protest. It may take a few days to get things back on track.
Hasina is gone. Little Indian agent is gone. We Bangladeshis have done it. Time to rebuild Bangladesh.

If any minority is harmed, that is of course condemnable but it is for Bangladeshi authorities/people to handle. Indians should worry about their own country.
Why isn't the same reply applicable other way around.
And abhi toh just day 1 nikla hai !
Keep on crying.

Hasina is gone. Little Indian agent is gone. We Bangladeshis have done it. Time to rebuild Bangladesh.

If any minority is harmed, that is of course condemnable but it is for Bangladeshi authorities/people to handle. Indians should worry about their own country.
Tell that to your brothers who keeps blabbering and act like they concerned about minority persecution in India.
Not sure why Indians are salty about Hasina's departure. We don't want Hasina. You can keep Hasina in India.

A few isolated incidents are not norms. Army offered to help. Regular people offered to help. Don't act like bad things don't happen in India either.

Country is reeling from a month long deadly protest. It may take a few days to get things back on track.
I'm just making the point that unless you feel religion is not really important, you can't honestly advice them not to worry about people of their own religion. Or maybe you can try to stop worrying about Muslims around the world.

Sheikh Hasina is neither here nor there. This is kind of stuff is par for the course in subcontinent politics. Yesterday Imran Khan had Nawaz Sharif in jail and drove him off to London Nawaz has Imran in jail. Won't be surprised if in 6 months, Imran's Prime Minister and Nawaz's family is back in jail. It's tough to care about these politicians.
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Hasina is gone. Little Indian agent is gone. We Bangladeshis have done it. Time to rebuild Bangladesh.

If any minority is harmed, that is of course condemnable but it is for Bangladeshi authorities/people to handle. Indians should worry about their own country.
You mean you should not worry about muslims who are not in your country?

I'm just making the point that unless you feel religion is not really important, you can't honestly advice them not to worry about people of their own religion. Or maybe you can try to stop worrying about Muslims around the world.

Sheikh Hasina is neither here nor there. This is kind of stuff is par for the course in subcontinent politics. Yesterday Imran Khan had Nawaz Sharif in jail and drove him off to London Nawaz has Imran in jail. Won't be surprised if in 6 months, Imran's Prime Minister and Nawaz's family is back in jail. It's tough to care about these politicians.

Islam is very important to me. As a matter of fact, faith is my #1 priority.

What's happening in BD is not a Muslim vs Hindu issue. It is an "Awami League vs Bangladeshi people" issue.

Minority attacks are mostly isolated incidents. This is not the focus.

Either way, I hope order will be restored by army soon. Also, many Muslim Bangladeshis are offering to protect minorities. A few idiots don't represent the whole country. I definitely condemn any attack on innocent people.

Indians should stop oppressing Kashmiri Muslims first before pointing finger at others.
Islam is very important to me. As a matter of fact, faith is my #1 priority.

What's happening in BD is not a Muslim vs Hindu issue. It is an "Awami League vs Bangladeshi people" issue.

Minority attacks are mostly isolated incidents. This is not the focus.

Either way, I hope order will be restored by army soon. Also, many Muslim Bangladeshis are offering to protect minorities. A few idiots don't represent the whole country. I definitely condemn any attack on innocent people.

Indians should stop oppressing Kashmiri Muslims first before pointing finger at others.
hey @sweep_shot you said that indians should worry about India. Does that apply to you too? Will you stop worrying about muslims outside Bangladesh?

If not, why that rule applies to Indians only?
Islam is very important to me. As a matter of fact, faith is my #1 priority.

What's happening in BD is not a Muslim vs Hindu issue. It is an "Awami League vs Bangladeshi people" issue.

Minority attacks are mostly isolated incidents. This is not the focus.

Either way, I hope order will be restored by army soon. Also, many Muslim Bangladeshis are offering to protect minorities. A few idiots don't represent the whole country. I definitely condemn any attack on innocent people.

Indians should stop oppressing Kashmiri Muslims first before pointing finger at others.

Hindu are/ were attack in more than 30 district and multiple Mandir was burnt / destroyed by Islamist goons .

Moobs are looting Hindu shops in daylight and attacking homes but they are isolated incidents.

What a irony lol .
Where is Amnesty International now?

Where are you hiding when Hindus are being targeted
Where is Modi he should act before , its his brethren who are in danger ,what if Mullahs takeover Bangladesh
India's Big Diplomatic Dilemma After Dhaka Power Shift, Sheikh Hasina's Ouster

Delhi: The shocking turn of events leading to Sheikh Hasina's ouster as Bangladesh Prime Minister has put India in an extremely tricky situation. Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security last night to discuss the Bangladesh situation that has immense strategic ramifications for New Delhi. The Centre is yet to publicly state how it plans to navigate this neighbourhood crisis and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar briefed MPs at an all-party meeting today. Here's

After her escape from Dhaka in turmoil, Ms Hasina landed at the Hindon airbase in Delhi and is likely to fly to the UK today to seek political asylum. However, there is no confirmation on whether the UK has offered asylum to her, so it is not clear what happens if the UK does not give her a green signal. In its response to the Bangladesh situation, London has only called for a UN-led probe but has not touched upon the asylum issue.

The question then is will Ms Hasina then stay in India or seek another destination. India now faces a diplomatic dilemma and does not want to be seen as overtly backing the ousted leader because that may complicate its relationship with the new dispensation in Bangladesh. Also important is the history of Sheikh Hasina's relationship with India. Long before she became Prime Minister, the Indira Gandhi government had given her refuge after her whole family, including father Mujibur Rahaman, was assassinated during the 1975 unrest in Bangladesh. So abandoning her at this point will also not be an easy decision, considering her equations with Delhi.

Source: NDTV
India's Big Diplomatic Dilemma After Dhaka Power Shift, Sheikh Hasina's Ouster

Delhi: The shocking turn of events leading to Sheikh Hasina's ouster as Bangladesh Prime Minister has put India in an extremely tricky situation. Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security last night to discuss the Bangladesh situation that has immense strategic ramifications for New Delhi. The Centre is yet to publicly state how it plans to navigate this neighbourhood crisis and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar briefed MPs at an all-party meeting today. Here's

After her escape from Dhaka in turmoil, Ms Hasina landed at the Hindon airbase in Delhi and is likely to fly to the UK today to seek political asylum. However, there is no confirmation on whether the UK has offered asylum to her, so it is not clear what happens if the UK does not give her a green signal. In its response to the Bangladesh situation, London has only called for a UN-led probe but has not touched upon the asylum issue.

The question then is will Ms Hasina then stay in India or seek another destination. India now faces a diplomatic dilemma and does not want to be seen as overtly backing the ousted leader because that may complicate its relationship with the new dispensation in Bangladesh. Also important is the history of Sheikh Hasina's relationship with India. Long before she became Prime Minister, the Indira Gandhi government had given her refuge after her whole family, including father Mujibur Rahaman, was assassinated during the 1975 unrest in Bangladesh. So abandoning her at this point will also not be an easy decision, considering her equations with Delhi.

Source: NDTV
Weird article. Why wouldn't the UK grant her entry? They were fine with accepting Nawaz Sharif who was a convicted criminal in Pakistan. Sheikh Hasina at the time of speaking faces no charges in Bangladesh. There should be no obstacle to her traveling to the UK. The UK practically collects these failed/ousted despots as a hobby.
Weird article. Why wouldn't the UK grant her entry? They were fine with accepting Nawaz Sharif who was a convicted criminal in Pakistan. Sheikh Hasina at the time of speaking faces no charges in Bangladesh. There should be no obstacle to her traveling to the UK. The UK practically collects these failed/ousted despots as a hobby.

Hasina may get charged in Bangladesh very soon. She did far worse in Bangladesh than what Nawaz did in Pakistan.

I hope UK will deny entry to Hasina so that she can return to Bangladesh and face justice. Alternatively, she can stay in India and die there.
Hasina may get charged in Bangladesh very soon. She did far worse in Bangladesh than what Nawaz did in Pakistan.

I hope both India and UK will deny entry to Hasina so that she can return to Bangladesh and face justice.
But the UK loves these guys who are charged with murder, corruption etc. in their home countries. There's mansions full of them in London. Even if she's charged there's a long route to conviction. Why would the UK deny entry to a unconvicted, uncharged (at this point) former Prime Minister?

She's probably just hanging around in Delhi to chat with her mates Doval and Jaishankar before she jets off to her posh residence in London.
In the UK , you are supposed to claim asylum from the first safe country (India in this case) and only then travel to the UK. Those are the rules for regular folks but I imagine they have some authority to waive these for high profile asylum seekers.

Sheikh Hasina's niece is a minister in the new government. I dont think they will deny her asylum but are waiting to talk to the new government. It all happened so quickly that it caught everyone off guard

In Pakistan's case, the politicians are "allowed" to leave as part of a deal with the current government and I think UK is at least unofficially a party to it.
Weird article. Why wouldn't the UK grant her entry? They were fine with accepting Nawaz Sharif who was a convicted criminal in Pakistan. Sheikh Hasina at the time of speaking faces no charges in Bangladesh. There should be no obstacle to her traveling to the UK. The UK practically collects these failed/ousted despots as a hobby.
As we speak US have denied Haseena's access to US

Sheikh Hasina Likely to Stay Longer in India As Her UK Asylum Request Faces Legal Hurdles​

With former Bangladesh prime minister Sheikh Hasina now completing 24 hours in India, her stay is likely to be extended, as the UK rules do not allow her to apply for asylum without being physically present there.

After more than 15 years in power, Hasina resigned and departed from Dhaka on Monday, accompanied by her sister, Sheikh Rehana, on a Bangladesh military helicopter to cross the border. It was the culmination of weeks of agitation led by university students which was aggravated by violent crackdown and clashes, which left hundreds dead.

From the India-Bangladesh border, she transferred to a military aircraft and arrived at the Indian Air Force base at Hindon, Ghaziabad, which is located near the Indian capital, on Monday evening.

As per reports, she had applied for asylum to the United Kingdom. Her sister is a UK citizen.

However, UK sources stated that while it would be technically possible to give clearance for asylum to Hasina, they suggested that India would be the best bet.

The UK immigration rules have no provision for someone to be allowed to travel to the UK to seek asylum or temporary refuge, they said.

According to a 2022 UK House of Lords Library research paper, a person seeking asylum who does not have visa-free travel could enter the UK “either irregularly, such as by a small boat; by using false documents; or on a visa for some other purpose, such as tourism or study.”

Further, Hasina was advised to find shelter in India for now. “Those who need international protection should claim asylum in the first safe country they reach – that is the fastest route to safety,” said UK sources.

There is no clarity on whether Hasina has sought to stay longer in India or applied for asylum here.

It will not be the first time that the two sisters will be in the political wilderness in India. When Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family were murdered by Army soldiers in 1975, the sisters survived because they had left the country for Germany a few weeks earlier.

She was offered political asylum in India by prime minister Indira Gandhi and stayed in Delhi for six years until 1981.

India’s external affairs Minister S. Jaishankar made a statement in parliament on Tuesday about the situation in Bangladesh, which mentioned Sheikh Hasina’s arrival in Delhi.

“Our understanding is that after a meeting with leaders of the security establishment, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina apparently made the decision to resign. At very short notice, she requested approval to come for the moment to India. We simultaneously received a request for flight clearance from Bangladesh authorities. She arrived yesterday evening in Delhi,” he said.

However, the foreign minister made no mention of her status or length of stay in India, though he did indicate that the initial request by Hasina was “for the moment” only.

But, Jaishankar was apparently more expansive at a closed-door briefing for all political parties.

PTI, citing sources, reported that the minister said Hasina was in a “state of shock” and India was “giving her time to recover before it speaks to her over various issues.”

India has apparently assured her help and is “giving her time to recover before it speaks to her over various issues.”

Source: The Wire
Hindu are/ were attack in more than 30 district and multiple Mandir was burnt / destroyed by Islamist goons .

Moobs are looting Hindu shops in daylight and attacking homes but they are isolated incidents.

What a irony lol .
Bangladesh should not transform their country into another Gujarat, India. They have the opportunity to be better than the Hindutva ideology in India.

This is a common tendency among people of Indian origin.
When you have nothing to say about current crisis then it's easy to bring Modi and india . All problems solved .

India is growing day by day and you can nothing t0 about that.

Sp better to focus on Bangladesh crisis as this thread is not about Modi , Gujarat and india.

Bangladesh should not transform their country into another Gujarat, India. They have the opportunity to be better than the Hindutva ideology in India.

This is a common tendency among people of Indian origin.
When you have nothing to say about current crisis then it's easy to bring Modi and india . All problems solved .

India is growing day by day and you can nothing t0 about that.

Sp better to focus on Bangladesh crisis as this thread is not about Modi , Gujarat and india.
I never mentioned Modi. I compared the situation to Gujarat, India, and more broadly to the behavior of people of Indian origin.

I was merely highlighting similarities with India.
Bangladesh should not transform their country into another Gujarat, India. They have the opportunity to be better than the Hindutva ideology in India.

This is a common tendency among people of Indian origin.
No comparison with Gujarat, where muslims burnt a train in Godhra, which led to the riots.
Bangladeshi hindus have not killed any muslim. No comparison at all.
Bangladesh should not transform their country into another Gujarat, India. They have the opportunity to be better than the Hindutva ideology in India.

This is a common tendency among people of Indian origin.

Agree with you.

Bangladesh should not become like Narendra Modi's Gujarat. Minorities should be treated better.

We Bangladeshis are at least acknowledging and condemning domestic minority attacks. BJP Indians don't condemn theirs.
Agree with you.

Bangladesh should not become like Narendra Modi's Gujarat. Minorities should be treated better.

We Bangladeshis are at least acknowledging and condemning domestic minority attacks. BJP Indians don't condemn theirs.
Bangladesh has gone way beyond Modi's Gujarat. In Gujarat the riot was preceded by muslims burning a train full of devotees.

In Bangladesh, the muslims attacked Hindus because they felt like it.
Agree with you.

Bangladesh should not become like Narendra Modi's Gujarat. Minorities should be treated better.

We Bangladeshis are at least acknowledging and condemning domestic minority attacks. BJP Indians don't condemn theirs.
She returned home on a helicopter funded by Bangladeshi taxpayers after acting as a puppet for a foreign government. What did anyone expect from the people of Bangladesh? How did they expect them to behave? Almost every country with origins in the Indian subcontinent would have reacted similarly: Hindutva has and still does, Pakistani extremists did, and now Bangladeshis are.
Almost every country with origins in the Indian subcontinent would have reacted similarly: Hindutva has and still does, Pakistani extremists did, and now Bangladeshis are.
It is the hindu DNA to be blamed. All good things because muslim. All evil because of the shared hindu DNA.
Bangladesh has gone way beyond Modi's Gujarat. In Gujarat the riot was preceded by muslims burning a train full of devotees.

In Bangladesh, the muslims attacked Hindus because they felt like it.

What do you mean "preceded by Muslims burning a train"? Well, Bangladeshi unrest was preceded by Hasina's barbarity.

Bangladesh haven't reached Narendra Modi's barbarity yet. How many were killed in Kashmir under Modi's leadership? How many were killed in 2020 Delhi riot? How many were killed in Gujarat riot?

Please check unbiased sources.

Difference between you and me is I condemn my countrymen's bad things. You give Modi a free pass always.
What do you mean "preceded by Muslims burning a train"? Well, Bangladeshi unrest was preceded by Hasina's barbarity. We can play that game too.

Bangladesh haven't reached Narendra Modi's barbarity yet. How many were killed in Kashmir under Modi's leadership? How many were killed in 2020 Delhi riot? How many were killed in Gujarat riot?

Please check unbiased sources.

Difference between you and me is I condemn my countrymen's bad things. You give Modi a free pass always.
Gujarat: Muslims burnt hindus in a train which led to riots.
Kashmir: Secessionist movement
Delhi 2020: Muslims opposing parliament laws by obstructing roads which doesn't concern them. led to riots.

In Bangladesh. Hindus have not burned and killed muslims.
Nor are they leading a secessionist/freedom movement
Nor are they opposing laws or obstructing roads.

Yet they are being killed.

Shows that Bangladesh has gone WAY beyond Modi's India. Well done!
@Sweep_shot sees an innocent minority in Bangladesh being harmed and instantly condemns it.

@CricketCartoons blames Muslims for Gujarat riot and says the riot against Muslims was justified (post #385).

See the difference?

Indonesian killed in Bangladesh protest, confirms ministry​

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Foreign Affairs Ministry on Tuesday confirmed that an Indonesian national, identified with the initials DU, has been killed in the ongoing protest for government job quota reforms in Bangladesh.

According to the ministry, DU, who reached Bangladesh on August 1, 2024, for a business visit, died when his hotel in Jashore, a city in southwestern Bangladesh, was burned down on Monday.

Hasina conquered, Parliament dissolved that is enough, what more these jamatis want or is their some hidden hand for the riots to continue surely axe at their feet , South Asian cannot afford another country in a mess