The Ashes | 4th Test | MCG | Day 2 | 27/12/10

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Siddle just got a wicket but it's still game over for australia unless they restrict England's lead to under 250, after which they'd have a slim-to-none chance.

In other words, Australia need a Kolkata, and everyone thinks its highly unlikely.
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I second that. Hoping for it.
Trott needs to be caught early in the innings, he gives plenty of chances
Siddle strikes.

Aus need to bowl out England today to have any chance in this game.
If Aus wants to win, Eng's lead should not cross 180.
Lol 180 lead or the actual score?

No chance still cuz the top order hasnt performed for 4 consecutive games.
Obviously lead.

Right now Eng's lead is 70 odd runs. Aus need to bowl them out under 100 more runs to still have a chance in this game.

Someone has to bowl a miracle spell.

Ponting, Watson, Clarke, Hussey and Haddin all have to come to party.

Otherwise, they can kiss Ashes goodbye !
Loving all the American and Canadian flags in this Ashes thread Noor.
Trott will give chances, aussies have to seize the oppertunity
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2010 Ashes has not lived up to the hype.

We need close contest!

2005 Ashes was one of the all time great series !
I did not watch the game yesterday - but whatever happened to Johnson again?

Went for plenty.
Just tuned in. SIddle seems to be bowling well. If Australia manage to save this test it'll be a miracle
Good luck with the exams. Can't get a visa myself.

Aus need to sieze the moment here and take few more. Dodgy Collingwood next.

Oh india gives visa problems? What if ur a citizen of the states?

Im trying to be optimistic abt this game and hoping australia can pull a miracle but i think their top order is going to take them down. The whole team cant depend on one player.
seems like most ppers went to sleep after a hard days work at the boxing day sales
Oh india gives visa problems? What if ur a citizen of the states?

Im trying to be optimistic abt this game and hoping australia can pull a miracle but i think their top order is going to take them down. The whole team cant depend on one player.

Only to people with links to Pakistan.

Does anyone know when was the last time a team won after scoring less than a 100 first innings?
Do australia really want to bowl england out? If they do that it just lessens the chances of them saving the game.
All 3 results possibe but only one likely.

Flicked through mid wicket KP for 3.
mj getting catty with KP...not a good move esp when ur on the back foot
1907 was the last time a team won after being bowled for less than a 100 first innings. It has only happened 5 times.

It would be the best ever comeback in modern history if Aus do win.
1907 was the last time a team won after being bowled for less than a 100 first innings. It has only happened 5 times.

It would be the best ever comeback in modern history if Aus do win.

Too much to hope for.

Eng taking their sweet time to play
And again. Superb shot this time, straight as an arrow back over the bowlers head.
The moment Eng's lead cross 200, it will be all over for the Aussies.
Punter gone crazy.

Hot spot showed a nick there. The bat was not even close to the pad. Had to be a nick. Snicko required.
Punter gone crazy.

Hot spot showed a nick there. The bat was not even close to the pad. Had to be a nick. Snicko required.
Hot spot showed a mark at the bottom of the bat yet the ball went past the bat higher up.
See nothing on snicko.

Ponting is an absolute disgrace to the spirit of the game.
That was certainly a breach of player conduct. And Ponting has had too many of that. I just don't get how Punter always manages to escape punishments. He doesn't have any respect for umpires.
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