The 'Ramadan Kareem' Thread

Ramadhan, the month of fasting

*Below is my personal opinion and my aim is not to hurt or target anyone. It also applies to me too.*

One thing I have felt with people is that some have made Ramadhan a month of eating instead of fasting. It is felt as if fasting is a some sort of challenge that by overcoming you are rewarded with food and different dishes, snacks etc. in the evening. Ramadhan is a month in which you discipline yourself to become a pious Muslim and should be aiming to behave as perfectly as a Muslim should, and should be performing the rest of your religious duties instead of only abstaining from fasting for a certain period of time. Whereas the compulsory fasting exists for this month only, it is there to discipline us for the rest of the 11 months too.

And what further annoys me are phrases like "Mujhe roza lagg gaya hai", which can explained as that you are feeling hungry and that the fast is getting to you. Fine, go and break it! You are not doing anyone a favour by fasting and neither is anyone forcing you to fast. Before you fast, you should be knowing Who it is for: It is for God Almighty and if you are God-fearing you will realise that saying such things after you fast aren't any pleasant. On top of all is the constant counting of hours and minutes on your fingers as if it is some punishment.

As long as you are healthy enough to fast, and are observing a fast already, you should be able to pull off, unless something untoward happens to you, in which case you can break your fast any time.

"On no soul do We place a burden greater than it can bear. Before Us is a record which clearly shows the truth: They will never be wronged " - Qur`an 23: 62.

When you are fasting, God sees it as a noble deed and He helps with it so that you go through it without much trouble, since it will otherwise be a burden and a some sort of punishment. Place your trust in God, whereas it is natural to feel weak and hungry, you should remind yourself the whole purpose of fasting and Who you are fasting for, instead of getting all noisy about it. Each time you remind yourself of it, you will feel patient and feel the strength to go through it.

And when the time arrives to break your fast, don't rush to the food and count the seconds (and I am not saying you should be delaying it which would be senseless). Be patient and offer your prayer to God that He accepts your fast.

May God reward all those who benefit from this great month, a blessing, and may God accept everyone's fast. Amen!
^Each and everything you said there made perfect sense. May Allah bless you for those wonderful reminders! Indeed, a fast for a muslim is much, much more than merely a day of starvation.

Ramadaan is a blessing unto us...Allah Ta'alahs merciful manner of getting us closer to Him. Each Sajda gets you closer to in taraweeh...every day...we are given an oppurtunity of getting 40 times closer to the Being who loves us more than we can ever imagine!
Funny Ramadhan picture

Just thought of posting it here as well......



^Each and everything you said there made perfect sense. May Allah bless you for those wonderful reminders! Indeed, a fast for a muslim is much, much more than merely a day of starvation.

Ramadaan is a blessing unto us...Allah Ta'alahs merciful manner of getting us closer to Him. Each Sajda gets you closer to in taraweeh...every day...we are given an oppurtunity of getting 40 times closer to the Being who loves us more than we can ever imagine!

Thanks for your words of support and encouragement, and for the good wishes of course:).
Last ashara of Ramadan has begun. Let us inshallah increase our ibadah and not miss out on laylatul qadr.

BTW, please don't think that now that Ramadan is over, we start doing bad deeds. We should continue at least some Ibaadah in our daily life (i.e praying 5 times a day, reading Quran every now and then etc). I'm not saying worship the whole day. But really praying 5 times a day is Fard and takes barely even an hour. Also, reading maybe 1 page of Quran each day takes no more than 5 minutes. Can't we spend 1 hour of our daily 12-14 hours on the Lord who blessed us with a life? :)
Eagerly waiting for Ramadan 2014

I am really excited for ramadan 2014 ..Can't wait anymore.Ramadan always brings something special.This will be the first time i will spend ramadan without any of my family member.. i had never been that much excited for ramdan before in my entire life . i will try to read and understand Quran in this Ramadan (IA) :)

whatare you plans for this year ramadan?
Special Month..hope its a blessed, fruitful (pun intended) month for all of us. Ameen
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Watch this!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why am I not surprised Mamoon can't wait for Ramadan? :p

But yeah, me neither. I wish it would hurry up and come already.
I honestly feel its coming too early, Would've preferred if it came 3 months later. Doing Ramadan in the summer can be long.
A month that shows everyone the amazing human potential for helping, caring and being part of a community

Also a month that piques the interests of many non Muslims so gives you an opportunity to show them what Islam is all about.

Also a month of this question (if you're overseas in non Muslim lands) :

'What?! Not even water?! '
A month that shows everyone the amazing human potential for helping, caring and being part of a community

Also a month that piques the interests of many non Muslims so gives you an opportunity to show them what Islam is all about.

Also a month of this question (if you're overseas in non Muslim lands) :

'What?! Not even water?! '

Unfortunately, happens on paper only because the only thing that happens in Ramadan is that people simply don't eat or drink; otherwise, there is no change.
Inshallah my family will be over in Qatar too, plus Ramadan is special in GCC anyways.. The atmosphere , the food and not to mention the shorter working hours :D

Only drawback is 22 hour Roza here so will be tough. Working hours will be same so long days ahead.
Here in italy it will be around 19-20 hours
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So you guys won't even get time to digest aftaari and it'll be sehri already?
I love aftaari, but I can't even walk afterwards. I simply lie down. :afridi
Unfortunately, happens on paper only because the only thing that happens in Ramadan is that people simply don't eat or drink; otherwise, there is no change.

Might not happen where you live or your local mosque or locality.

I see a big difference and I've fasted in Ramadan in many different places around the world and there's a discernible difference.
Might not happen where you live or your local mosque or locality.

I see a big difference and I've fasted in Ramadan in many different places around the world and there's a discernible difference.

I wish to fast in those place too one day. By the way, when was the last time you spent the whole Ramadan in Pakistan?
Last year.

Perhaps it's the local masjid and the atmosphere here.

Year before that was Aus. Also did it in Saudi.

Feel the same sense all places.
I see no visible difference in the attitude of the people (myself included) in Ramadan compared to other months. All talk and little action.

I have spent one in Lahore and a lot of people don't even fast there.

"Ramzaan jaanay Pathan jaanay" was what a few people told me.

A personal decision though, nothing to frown at.
We're blessed to live through another Ramadan! :)

It's almost like you can stretch your hand out and touch the blessings that are showered on us..

I can't wait for it :)
I would try to cut on the things I shouldn't do. Will help me overcome them completely if I can stay strong for a month.
I see no visible difference in the attitude of the people (myself included) in Ramadan compared to other months. All talk and little action.

I have spent one in Lahore and a lot of people don't even fast there.

"Ramzaan jaanay Pathan jaanay" was what a few people told me.

A personal decision though, nothing to frown at.

Do not generalise.

You need to visit the Badshahi masjid at sun-down to see the way Lahoris celebrate Ramadan, if your local masjid won't do.
Of course there has to be, because I have seen many people who like to fast even they don't like to pray.

Fasting can be entertaining too. It's eventful.
You can call it generalisation but I can guarantee you that more people fast in Peshawar than they do Lahore, even though it's a much small city by population. Not saying its important, just a cultural thing.

Everyone fasts here and people are way too intolerant about it which is wrong. They won't care about praying but not fasting is unthinkable for some odd reason. I have never met more than let's say 10 people here who don't fast but I met three times more in a month in Lahore.

I personally don't see much reasoning behind fasting or logic for that matter. It's just something I do for the sake of it. It's a fun little month though.
And I can guarantee you're wrong.

From what I know, the elite classes (who never cared much for religion) don't fast. People far removed from religion especially dont - its not like we don't have that variety in Lahore.

But majority of Lahore does fast.
We don't even have that variety here. The elite class don't care about religion but will still fast for the sake of it. It's really stupid though.
Fasting for the sake of it is stupid, if you don't strive to change yourself or remain steadfast.

I mean what's the point if you are going to enjoy liquor after Iftar?
I make an honest attempt to change myself in Ramadan and I enjoy the whole experience, but I admit that I find this whole concept quite pointless. Maybe that makes me stupid yes!
every time you think you've got your diet and work-out routine all figured out, this month comes along like a troll.
Where I am currently, the fast is going to be as long as 18 hours. Coupled with my full-course load during the summer semester, all I can say is Allah khair hi karay, InshAllah!
There’s a hidden sweetness
in the stomach’s emptiness.

We are lutes, no more, no less.
If the sound box is stuffed
full of anything, no music.

If the brain and the belly
are burning clean with fasting,
every moment a new song
comes out of the fire.

The fog clears, and a new
energy makes you run up the
steps in front of you.

Be emptier and cry like
reed instruments cry.
Emptier, write secrets with
the reed pen.

When you’re full of food and drink,
Satan sits where your
spirit should, an ugly metal
statue in place of the Kaaba.

When you fast, good habits gather
like friends who want to help.

Fasting is Solomon’s ring.
Don’t give it to some illusion
and lose your power.

But even if you’ve lost all
will and control, they come
back when you fast,
like soldiers appearing out
of the ground, pennants
flying above them.

A table descends to your
tent, Jesus’s table.
Expect to see it, when you
fast, this table spread with
other food better than the
broth of cabbages.

Maulana Rumi.

In sha' Allah we'll all come out better
I'm eagerly awaiting it too, which may surprise people. I wait for it year round. It's the most special time of the year.

The Sufi sheikhs say that spirituality and physicality are very often inversely proportional. Increase in one and you'll decrease in the other. Fasting from a purely physical standpoint works because the decrease in food does for the most part incline one to focus on matters of the soul. And that actually reinforces itself, because the increase in spirituality cuts down on hunger. I've found that despite the long fast, a few dates and a glass of milk is perfectly filling at Iftar time.

I've found I enjoy it here more than I did in Pakistan. Back home, sehri and Iftar were so often a license to gorge oneself. Here, I've invariably not had an extended family for Iftar parties or access to the traditional Iftar junk food. I've had to focus on nutrition, and had to have normal meals.

The best part though is that here its an incredibly intimate experience rather than one in which everybody is participating. I find that I like the intimate experience better, although the other one isn't without it's charm.
I'm eagerly awaiting it too, which may surprise people. I wait for it year round. It's the most special time of the year.

The Sufi sheikhs say that spirituality and physicality are very often inversely proportional. Increase in one and you'll decrease in the other. Fasting from a purely physical standpoint works because the decrease in food does for the most part incline one to focus on matters of the soul. And that actually reinforces itself, because the increase in spirituality cuts down on hunger. I've found that despite the long fast, a few dates and a glass of milk is perfectly filling at Iftar time.

I've found I enjoy it here more than I did in Pakistan. Back home, sehri and Iftar were so often a license to gorge oneself. Here, I've invariably not had an extended family for Iftar parties or access to the traditional Iftar junk food. I've had to focus on nutrition, and had to have normal meals.

The best part though is that here its an incredibly intimate experience rather than one in which everybody is participating. I find that I like the intimate experience better, although the other one isn't without it's charm.

The Sufi sheikhs have truly figured it all out.
The Sufi sheikhs have truly figured it all out.

Yup. They can fly too. Ask them about it and they'll give you those trademark self-deprecating answers like "insects fly" etc.

But I mean, whether they admit it or not, it's gotta be fun right?
Yeah I have asked one of them about this. I have also heard tales of teleporting. Pretty intense stuff.
Jokes aside, they don't get to choose which, if any, karamat they are blessed with. And they see it as a test. And they say if one focuses on the karamaat one is missing the point.

But I have to admit these supra-physical skills are very appealing.
I used to fast "religiously" till last 5 years ago. Since then I've developed a condition where I can't be without water/food for more than a few hours. Also, if I skip a meal, I get extremely fatigued, my mind starts shutting down and I get very irritable and become totally unable to focus on anything. I can't even fast for 4-5 waking hours let alone 12 hours. The only way I can keep a fast is if I eat a huge meal at Sehri and then sleep for the next 10-12 hours. Obviously, that's not possible nowadays as I work like a dog, sometimes working 18 hours straight plus that's no way to fast. I guess I can do that on an off day but still, just too much to undertake. Kudos to all those who are physicality and mentally able to fast. Please pray for this gunahgaar if you can.
I used to fast "religiously" till last 5 years ago. Since then I've developed a condition where I can't be without water/food for more than a few hours. Also, if I skip a meal, I get extremely fatigued, my mind starts shutting down and I get very irritable and become totally unable to focus on anything. I can't even fast for 4-5 waking hours let alone 12 hours. The only way I can keep a fast is if I eat a huge meal at Sehri and then sleep for the next 10-12 hours. Obviously, that's not possible nowadays as I work like a dog, sometimes working 18 hours straight plus that's no way to fast. I guess I can do that on an off day but still, just too much to undertake. Kudos to all those who are physicality and mentally able to fast. Please pray for this gunahgaar if you can.

I will pray for you and all those that can't fast.
Saadibaba, if you can't keep the roza, at least take the iftar.

Feel guilty about it but when I get invited to Iftaar parties, I have no option but to stuff myself with fried pakoras, chat masala, dahi bare etc. actually it's hard to imagine but when I used to fast, I would gain weight during the month rather than lose it. From that only you can understand my dedication to iftari food items.
That poem by Rumi is soul-stirring!

Gonna fast bro iA :) nothing beats the sweetness of this month...gonna try to fit in my work-out and protein intake though haha

I understand, I've to work out my own diet-exercise schedule too!

Hopefully, 2kms walk four days a week (during the fast) and a semi-intense post-iftar workout (stepper, perhaps a bit of cycling or elliptical) should suffice.

But in this month, its as if the atmosphere changes! :')
For all of you in the US, get yourselves some Medjool dates. They can be a bit hard to find. Deglet Noor is the standard date here, and it is horrible.

Medjool is like manna from heaven. And its so filling. Like I said earlier, a few of these dates with some milk is a perfectly satisfying iftar.
Also Ramzan is a great way to ease yourself into Intermittent Fasting, the latest and greatest of fad diets. Except it actually works. I've had great results. Works particularly well for lifters.
For all of you in the US, get yourselves some Medjool dates. They can be a bit hard to find. Deglet Noor is the standard date here, and it is horrible.

Medjool is like manna from heaven. And its so filling. Like I said earlier, a few of these dates with some milk is a perfectly satisfying iftar.

Sorry bhai. My Iftaar is more like a TOTAL PIG OUT. Not some dates and milk..

...but I'm going to change that this time iA. Going to remain human.
For all of you in the US, get yourselves some Medjool dates. They can be a bit hard to find. Deglet Noor is the standard date here, and it is horrible.

Medjool is like manna from heaven. And its so filling. Like I said earlier, a few of these dates with some milk is a perfectly satisfying iftar.

Actually you can get Majdool dates from any Whole Foods store. They are amazing.
Sorry bhai. My Iftaar is more like a TOTAL PIG OUT. Not some dates and milk..

...but I'm going to change that this time iA. Going to remain human.

Dates are very nutritious and also have loads of calories, good calories though.
Actually you can get Majdool dates from any Whole Foods store. They are amazing.

Yeah, they're usually at Whole Foods and the more upscale supermarkets. Probably not at the local Walmart.
Sorry bhai. My Iftaar is more like a TOTAL PIG OUT. Not some dates and milk..

...but I'm going to change that this time iA. Going to remain human.

Well you're a young man, and 6'4'' if I remember correctly.

Us older 5'11'' types can get by on dates and milk ;)
I have actually not fasted for a single day in my life!!
Not even on navratri's :p