The 'Ramadan Kareem' Thread

Ramadan is a special time to increase ur faith and submission towards GOD, and not just 'a certain period' to have a hault at all of your wrong doings
Ramadan is a special time to increase ur faith and submission towards GOD, and not just 'a certain period' to have a hault at all of your wrong doings

I know this is directed towards me but I see ramadhan as 24*7 devoted to thinking about God,praying to him,fasting,reciting whole Quran,going for taraweeh,cutting loose talks,fights,helping maa in iftaar preparations etc etc..:)
I know this is directed towards me but I see ramadhan as 24*7 devoted to thinking about God,praying to him,fasting,reciting whole Quran,going for taraweeh,cutting loose talks,fights,helping maa in iftaar preparations etc etc..:)


Good for you, if that would be the case:moyo
Good opportunity for those also to start focusing on prayers too.
Eagerly waiting for Ramadan 2014

Can't wait, In'Sha'Allah we'll all have a blessed month.

I don't really like when some people label others as Ramadhan Muslims though because you don't know if this might be the month they do change.
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im apprehensive about this eyar, not because I don't love ramadhan I do. but its gonna be tough. work, driving, keeping up with the kids, its gonna be ahrd work. But at the same time its the first ramadhan when my whole immediate family will be around. So some samosa's and pakoras from mum this year lol.

to be honest I eat sparingly during ramadhan now. cereal at sehri, 1 roti with some curry at iftaar and dates with some fruit. and that's about it. cant stuff myself anymore. on weekends mum or the mrs may cook some samosas etc but during the week ill try and stay clear.

biggest issue will be the time between the end of taraweeh and beginning of sehri. I will need to get a decent routine going in the first few days. Inshallah Allah swt will make it easy.

as for those paksitanis in Pakistan who don't fast. well shame on you. try keeping a 18+ hour fast, wimps.
as for those paksitanis in Pakistan who don't fast. well shame on you. try keeping a 18+ hour fast, wimps.

brother, this is against the spirit of ramadan. maybe they have their problems. one should't be arrogant and say look at me, i keep 18 hour roza at this age and you can't. ramadan is all about being spiritual and humble and feeling the pain of others.
TGK coming with the heat. :)) love it.
Still haven't bought the medjool dates. I need to find the time to visit the Whole Foods outlet soon.

Edit: Just tried searching for stuffed medjool dates and came across medjool stuffed inside bacon. Not quite the iftar staple I had in mind. I was thinking more along the lines of dates with almonds or walnuts instead of the pits.
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To be honest, after many many years. This time I am eagerly waiting for Ramdhan. Last few years I had no special spiritual emotions for this month, just fast the whole month and try to do good things.
But this year I am very much eagrly waiting.
im apprehensive about this eyar, not because I don't love ramadhan I do. but its gonna be tough. work, driving, keeping up with the kids, its gonna be ahrd work. But at the same time its the first ramadhan when my whole immediate family will be around. So some samosa's and pakoras from mum this year lol.

to be honest I eat sparingly during ramadhan now. cereal at sehri, 1 roti with some curry at iftaar and dates with some fruit. and that's about it. cant stuff myself anymore. on weekends mum or the mrs may cook some samosas etc but during the week ill try and stay clear.

biggest issue will be the time between the end of taraweeh and beginning of sehri. I will need to get a decent routine going in the first few days. Inshallah Allah swt will make it easy.

as for those paksitanis in Pakistan who don't fast. well shame on you. try keeping a 18+ hour fast, wimps.

The first fast in UK is around 20 hours. Next year will be the longest fasts in the UK. The longest day of the year just passed us this Saturday gone, so it'll be part of Ramadhan next year.
I eat little and frequently during the year and I still have a hard time maintaning my weight. I don't know how I am going to last through the Ramadan, I can barely eat anything at Iftaar and Sehri and, yet, fasting time lasts around 19 hours. Does anybody have tips/recipes for a 1000+ calories sehri, mainly in liquid form?
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (peace be upon him), who said:

Allah (mighty and sublime be He) says: Fasting is Mine and it is I who give reward for it. [A man] gives up his sexual passion, his food and his drink for my sake. Fasting is like a shield, and he who fasts has two joys: a joy when he breaks his fast and a joy when he meets his Lord. The change in the breath of the mouth of him who fasts is better in Allah's estimation than the smell of musk. It was related by al-Bukhari (also by Muslim, Malik, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).

Fasting is the only ritual act which belongs to Allah SWT (another version more explicitly mentions: "‘All the deeds of Adam’s sons are for them, except fasting which is for Me"), because fasting is burning (like the Hell and fire in all traditions, "purifying") ; the month of "Ramadan", in terms of etymology, comes from the Semitic root RMD, and words like "rumud" (burning), "ar ramida" (roast on heated stones), ramad (ashes ; used in some Islamic Africal cultures to describe the child who's "exorcised"), ... all denote the idea of a purifying fire (the fire is a veil - hijab - of Allah SWT as per Abu Bakr as Siddiq ra in an authentic hadith) which purifies, from dawn to dusk (the solar symbol), man's links with its ego - eating, drinking, having sex, ... are lower levels of our carnal desires. On a higher plane, of course, sawm doesn't want you to abstain from eating, drinking, ... but to be totally involved in that "burning" process even on a spiritual ground: try to fight the "subtle shirk" in the forms of getting angry/greedy/... (all passions proclaiming the sovereignty of the "I"), watching TV/movies, ... that's not given to all of course and if you don't attain such state of self-purification it's not a sin obviously (!), but it should be a perpetual process - the word is important -, as the phases of the moon your soul should be gradually cleaned from manifest and subtle shirk, and ends up like "...and the moon, we have measured for it mansions (to traverse) till it returns like the old dried curved date stalk" (Holy Qur'an, 36:39)

Your rûh (buddhi of the Hindus, nous of the Greeks, ...) must play a solar/fire-like role in purifying your "I" (what Hindus call ahamkara), which should be the lunar - "receptive" - element during the holy month, and your "I" should at the end look like an "old dried curved date stalk".

So abstention (passive ; lunar) from eating, drinking, ... (and also I hope a lot of charity, esp. in our times) should ideally be joined with, why not, little sessions (active ; solar/fire) with friends and family on meditating the Qur'an, reading some Sufi poems, looking at the stars-filled sky during the night, ... anything which constitutes a remembrance of God or dhîkr - and "whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory" (Holy Qur'an, 59:24) - as Allah SWT says: "Then do ye remember Me; I will remember you" (Holy Qur'an, 2:152)

If you read back the initial hadith, the "formal" sawm is the "joy when he breaks his fast", whereas the more "subtle" sawm is "a joy when he meets his Lord", and the "(bad) breath" becomes "smell of musk" because moral judgements only function in the moral ("I") world.
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So what's the meaning of 'sehri' and 'iftar'? I can Google them, but I suppose I'd get a more authentic response by shouting out here.
Sehri = the morning. Or dusk. It's when you wake up to eat before the sun rises.

Iftar is the breaking of the fast at sunset.
Im honestly not looking forward to it this year. I work in a hot and sweaty manufacturing environment with unsympathetic colleagues :))

Managed to just about survive last year! Had to take the last 10 or so days off work. Planning on doing the same this year.
Sehri = the morning. Or dusk. It's when you wake up to eat before the sun rises.

Iftar is the breaking of the fast at sunset.

Right, I think you mean dawn though.
im scared. first ramzan in a foreign country. dont have a muslim support group around me which def makes it easier if you see everyone else following the same ramzan schedule. And to top it off its almost 16-17 hours where I am. I will be happy if i can get to 20.
Also its hard to get halal food. i dont have pork or anything but unless i have the option the food is not halal/zabihah which i eat. (I know its not right but atleast i dont claim it to be like some others). But I feel in Ramzan the least i should do is ONLY have halal food. Also namaz. Ive never been able to say it 5 times in america. impossible to do it at home and the local mosque is 30 min walk.

Oh God why is it so hard in this stupid country. Ramzan back home is so much fun and so eaasy
Also its hard to get halal food. i dont have pork or anything but unless i have the option the food is not halal/zabihah which i eat. (I know its not right but atleast i dont claim it to be like some others). But I feel in Ramzan the least i should do is ONLY have halal food. Also namaz. Ive never been able to say it 5 times in america. impossible to do it at home and the local mosque is 30 min walk.

Oh God why is it so hard in this stupid country. Ramzan back home is so much fun and so eaasy

Lol, one silver lining is that you will get your six-pack back :p. But I know what you mean. Halal food is hard to get. I hate cooking at home. And, this time will be a long, long fast.
Lol, one silver lining is that you will get your six-pack back :p. But I know what you mean. Halal food is hard to get. I hate cooking at home. And, this time will be a long, long fast.

haha i doubt. you need to exercise. and i doubt i will be having healthy food. So it will prolly be junk/healthy food aaand not be the good stuff like samosas, pakoras etc. haha.

Have you had ramzan in the US before? it will be first time as i went home for summer break prev years
haha i doubt. you need to exercise. and i doubt i will be having healthy food. So it will prolly be junk/healthy food aaand not be the good stuff like samosas, pakoras etc. haha.

Have you had ramzan in the US before? it will be first time as i went home for summer break prev years

Yep, this will be my third. But I don't have any commitments during the summer, so hopefully it won't take a toll. Cooking is my biggest concern. I used to room with a friend who used to do all the cooking but he's back in Pakistan :(.
haha i doubt. you need to exercise. and i doubt i will be having healthy food. So it will prolly be junk/healthy food aaand not be the good stuff like samosas, pakoras etc. haha.

Have you had ramzan in the US before? it will be first time as i went home for summer break prev years

From a food/family perspective Ramadan in the US could be much much different/difficult to adjust to...but spiritually it is a much much better experience than Pakistan...because the understanding of your faith you can attain here is much much deeper than what you can experience in Pakistan...that's not true for everyone of course but in my experience...when everything in your surroundings is pushing you away from your faith...seeing that same faith flourishing inside of you and the yearn for deeper knowledge and understanding...that is such a beautiful thing

try to connect to your local what you can do get their for iftar and stay till taraweeh...most probably ppl will bring food from home for iftar and you will feel connected to your muslim brothers and make some friends at the same time
MashALLAH the holy month is about to start also my job timings will cut down to 6 hours :108:
Purpose of Ramadan - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Ramadan Mubarak 2014

Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan Mubarak to All


Hamd: Aye Khuda
Album: Kisi Din/Sargam
Singer: Adnan Sami
Music Director: Adnan Sami
Lyricist: Maqbool Khwaja
Music Label : T-Series

Speciality of Ramadan in Sehr

Khajla & Pheni with Milk









Mosques from Different Parts of the World in Ramadan

Mosques from Different Parts of the World in Ramadan











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Free Sehri and Iftar in Different Parts of the World

Free Sehri and Iftar in Different Parts of the World











Cont ......
Such wonderful pictures of the most racially diverse religious group on the planet yet so much suffering amongst the same people as well.


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Well, we decided to change our mind last minute, and we'll now start fasting tomorrow, Insha'Allah. Besides our local Masjid, no other Masjid in the surroundings were going to start fasting today.
Ramadan Mubarak to everyone! Make the best use of this blessed month and let's all try and get closer to the book of Allah then ever before! :)
Came back from Taraweeh a few hours ago - atmosphere was great, Masha'Allah! Started my annual Ramadan Qur'an just now. :)
The 'Ramadan Kareem' Thread [Merged]

Ramadhan Mubarak! May God bless each and every Muslim and may He accept everyone´s fasts. Amen.
Ramadan Mubarak to everyone :)

May Allah SWT accept all our prayers this month and bless us with His mercy and kindness!

"Ramadan is the (month) in which the Quran was sent down, as a guide to mankind and a clear guidance and judgment (so that mankind will distinguish from right and wrong).." (Q 2:183)

Oh you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you many learn piety and righteousness" (Q 2:183)
Ramdan Mubarik everyone:)

May Allah infuse a better spirit in us:),remember me in your prayers:)
I am having a doubt, is it allowed to take prescription drugs during ramazan?
You should take them anyway, doesn't matter if its allowed or not.
That person doesn't seem like worthy of your time. Fools should be ignored.
I am having a doubt, is it allowed to take prescription drugs during ramazan?

Allah knows better but as far as my knowledge helps me, if you are fasting then technically you can't consume any medicine by any means (oral, injection, suppository, or even eye drops by some sections of religion) But Islam excuses you of fasting if the drug is necessary for good health.
Allah knows better but as far as my knowledge helps me, if you are fasting then technically you can't consume any medicine by any means (oral, injection, suppository, or even eye drops by some sections of religion) But Islam excuses you of fasting if the drug is necessary for good health.


Ignore Mamoon, who pretty much cares zilch about religion.