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WWE SmackDown will be featuring yet another big superstar this Friday.

It has already been reported that WWE Raw World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins will be appearing on the blue brand this week. Rollins has inserted himself in some beef with The Rock, the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, and the rest of The Bloodline.

It looks like Seth will not be alone.

The Rock gets ready to enter the WWE SmackDown ring to become a member of The Bloodline.

Back-to-back men's Royal Rumble winner Cody Rhodes has taken to his X account to reveal all the dates he will be making appearances on WWE TV for the month of March. He also just so happens to be booked on every episode of SmackDown that will feature The Rock.

Source: Sports Illustrated
AEW PPVs have been awful recently but gotta say I'm excited for Revolution. Sting wrestling his last match at a packed Greensboro Coliseum should be really good. Its the arena where Sting was made in 1988 so its only fitting that he ends his career there. If there's not too much garbage wrestling, furniture and lazy brawling in the crowd then it might actually end up being a good match too.

Besides that FTR v Mox & Claudio should be good. Christian v Garcia could be a really good wrestling match if there is no interference. Ospreay v Takeshita will be high-work rate. Danielson v Eddie will be hard-hitting. Three Way World title match could go either way. But overall it feels like a strong PPV card.
Yeah I agree. I would liked some singles matches too. Even if they were short big moves matches but it is what it is. But overall the booking of Sting has been done well and he has been treated like a legend too. I actually haven't minded this Young Bucks feud either. The angles were not as bad as they usually are with the Bucks. They did get some heat. And Sting's promo last week was one of the best promos I have ever seen him do. There was the little instance of them getting their own crowd to chant the name of the competition's top babyface but for AEW standards that's a minor blemish.
Think Sting didn't want to wrestle a singles match as he is one of the old school guys who think working a singles match at this stage would make audience see they are not what they were in their prime. And Sting would probably take the pin in his final match as well.

I don't know but Bucks are incredibly poor actors. Them grown staches make them look like 14 year olds trying to act tough.
Outside Cody finishing his story. Wrestlemania looks so bland and goofy, you are going to see a great exhibition of athletics, but I watch that in the Olympics; not in professional wrestling.

WWE are yet to recreate the magic they did with Orton/Edge in the ring at Backlash, and that wasn’t even a live production.

You got Logan Paul working with Orton, it’s an insult tot he business and if he is considered a good worker then the industry peaked a long time ago.

WWE is a monster on the same level of a Coca Cola, it doesn’t matter what they do wrong the business will be strong but they peaked long ago, who even watches a full 3 or 2 hour wrestling show these days with lead billing from Logan Paul and The World Heavyweight Tranny.
I am excited to see what Dwayne would be doing at Mania. Think he'll cost Reigns the title intentionally.
Drew vs Seth should be a squash victory for Drew IMO.

Orton vs Gunther/Balor would have been great.
Logan Paul is perceived as good for business because he brings eye-balls with his young fans, and alot of social media buzz too. Personally, I don't mind him. He's a good enough heel with good instincts and is decent in the ring for someone with little to no experience. But this match would feel a little out of place. Orton should be figured in to a more high-profile feud at Mania. Definitely feels like HHH didn't have any plans for him. Randy-Solo would make no sense since Orton's beef is with Roman more than any other member. I think HHH f**ked up Orton's return by booking that four way at Royal Rumble when it should have been Orton v Reigns. There you could have had Solo interfering to set up a match at Mania.

I think Gunther's run is nearing its end. Which is fine because he should be moving on to the main-event now. For me, any match they do for him at Mania now will pale in comparison to what we could have gotten: Gunther v Brock. So I think you gotta go with Sami as the guy who finally dethrones him. Gunther wins at Mania but Sami gets screwed in some way. They have the rematch at Backlash in France and Sami wins infront of a hot crowd.

Yeah I agree, Nakamura has been a major miss on the main-roster. Which is surprising because some of the matches he had in New Japan with guys like Kota Ibushi and AJ Styles are arguably some of the best matches of the modern era. Even in NXT he was amazing for his short stint. His match against Sami Zayn really stands out.
Whoever dethrones Gunther should be given a massive push (unlike what AEW did with Wardlow post MJF)
I wouldn't have liked Brock Gunther at Mania as it would have been a known result of Gunther going over. Gunther is great but think he's not yet at the level of believable enough for casual fans to be beating the likes of Brock, Drew clean.
Screw this version of wrestling, it’s like a toxic girlfriend you keep running back to, I hate it so much but love it to
Dwayne being my all time favorite, I am really excited to see him cutting promos and being involved in a storyline for once.

Apparently he cut this promo a few days before Elimination Chamber

"I know everybody wants to know what's happening down in Perth, Australia, it's gonna be this weekend right? Is that right? Yeah, The Rock knows when it's happening. You know why? Because they kept asking The Rock, 'Rock, will you go down to Perth? Well could you come down to Perth, Australia?'

"Listen, The Rock can't be there in Perth. The Rock wishes he could be there in Perth. He's gonna be there in spirit and that's all that matters. The People's Champ's spirit is gonna be in Perth.

"But here's who else is gonna be in Perth - Grayson Waller, doing the Waller Effect. It's that show, it's a big show, it's a big show here in the States and it's an even bigger show down there in Australia. You know why? You know why, dumbo? Because Australia is his country, it's his home country, the people are gonna go crazy for him, but here's what's happening.

"Here’s the stupidity that's happening now down in Australia. Cody Rhodes and his little girlfriend Seth Rollins are gonna go on the Waller Effect. Here's the thing - I need you, and you, and this goof holding the camera, and this one holding the microphone over here, I need all of you guys to make sure that Perth knows there's some happening.

"And if those guys - those guys meaning Cody and his little girlfriend Seth - if they start talking trash, let The Rock know. Tell The Rock. Because here's what's gonna happen - The Rock is gonna slap both of them just like that.

"As a matter of fact, if they talk trash, The Rock will fly down there to Perth before that interview is over and he'll do it. Don't wonder why The Rock can make it that quick. The Rock makes magic happen, do you understand?

"Alright, that's all The Rock has to say about Perth. Perth, Australia, get ready because the WWE is coming. Let The Rock know if those two jabronis talk trash. If you smelllll what The Rock is cooking."
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Yeah I agree. I would liked some singles matches too. Even if they were short big moves matches but it is what it is. But overall the booking of Sting has been done well and he has been treated like a legend too. I actually haven't minded this Young Bucks feud either. The angles were not as bad as they usually are with the Bucks. They did get some heat. And Sting's promo last week was one of the best promos I have ever seen him do. There was the little instance of them getting their own crowd to chant the name of the competition's top babyface but for AEW standards that's a minor blemish.

It reminds me a bit of John Cena / Nikki Bella vs The Mizz / Maryse, the uproar was fantastic looking back, but Cena and The Mizz sold the crap out of the match, to the point you wanted to see what would happen.

You got Sting here sort of in the role of a Cena similar star power off-course, I would say Darby’s in the role off Nikki Bella but the latter seems more threatening. The Bucks on the other hand would be lucky to match the star power of Mizz/Maryse but have that weasel heel thing going; problem is they don’t work that way, their ring ability has been exposed on national television
Whoever dethrones Gunther should be given a massive push (unlike what AEW did with Wardlow post MJF)
I wouldn't have liked Brock Gunther at Mania as it would have been a known result of Gunther going over. Gunther is great but think he's not yet at the level of believable enough for casual fans to be beating the likes of Brock, Drew clean.

If you think his recent run wouldn’t have prepared him for a match with Brock I don’t know what else would, nobody outside Brock himself has been presented like such a force. The only thing you could make a case for is Gunther squashing the main event talent a bit more. But this was perfect timing and it would allow them to have a 50/50 type match, plus Lesnar had lost to Cody on multiple occasions and Gunther has more of a dominant aura then him, the look of a real killer in the vein off a Killer Kowalski. Gunther is ready for the next level, in fact he is there already, they need to find better opponents and world championship opportunities for him
If you think his recent run wouldn’t have prepared him for a match with Brock I don’t know what else would, nobody outside Brock himself has been presented like such a force. The only thing you could make a case for is Gunther squashing the main event talent a bit more. But this was perfect timing and it would allow them to have a 50/50 type match, plus Lesnar had lost to Cody on multiple occasions and Gunther has more of a dominant aura then him, the look of a real killer in the vein off a Killer Kowalski. Gunther is ready for the next level, in fact he is there already, they need to find better opponents and world championship opportunities for him
I meant Gunther vs Brock for the IC title doesn't do it for me. Like the whole world knows Lesnar wants nothing to do with either IC or US title. It's like WWE bringing back someone like Taker or Batista and have him go after the IC title.
Same was the case for Drew although Drew winning the IC title wouldn't have looked out of place. Gunther will be properly elevated once he drops the title and moves to the main event picture.
I meant Gunther vs Brock for the IC title doesn't do it for me. Like the whole world knows Lesnar wants nothing to do with either IC or US title. It's like WWE bringing back someone like Taker or Batista and have him go after the IC title.
Same was the case for Drew although Drew winning the IC title wouldn't have looked out of place. Gunther will be properly elevated once he drops the title and moves to the main event picture.

All Brock cares about is money, adding another belt to the stash - why not…is far more of a likely Brock attitude then ‘Brock wants nothing to do with the IC belt’ , more then the belt it’s the worker, if he doesn’t respect you then it’s gonna be a **** show. Besides it would elevate the championship similar to Cena going for the US title.

Drew was in 3MB, anything else he does in his career will be a step up.
Whoever dethrones Gunther should be given a massive push (unlike what AEW did with Wardlow post MJF)
I wouldn't have liked Brock Gunther at Mania as it would have been a known result of Gunther going over. Gunther is great but think he's not yet at the level of believable enough for casual fans to be beating the likes of Brock, Drew clean.
I disagree I think he has been booked very strong since becoming IC champion. I totally buy him as a main-event level top heel now. His promos and character work have improved significantly. And in the ring he is already one of the best in the world. This is the perfect time to elevate him to the top because he has done everything he could do with the IC Championship.

For Sami, beating Gunther is honestly the least Triple H can do for Montreal. It won't make up for not capitalizing on that opportunity. But it is some small consolation that lends Sami more credibility as an underdog babyface.
Think Sting didn't want to wrestle a singles match as he is one of the old school guys who think working a singles match at this stage would make audience see they are not what they were in their prime. And Sting would probably take the pin in his final match as well.

I don't know but Bucks are incredibly poor actors. Them grown staches make them look like 14 year olds trying to act tough.
Yeah their comedy is B.A.D. This week they were poking fun of when they got kicked by CM Punk in real-life, by going into Sting's locker-room with baseball bast. Its not just 14 year olds trying to act, they have the brain power and sense of humor of 14 year olds as well.
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If you think his recent run wouldn’t have prepared him for a match with Brock I don’t know what else would, nobody outside Brock himself has been presented like such a force. The only thing you could make a case for is Gunther squashing the main event talent a bit more. But this was perfect timing and it would allow them to have a 50/50 type match, plus Lesnar had lost to Cody on multiple occasions and Gunther has more of a dominant aura then him, the look of a real killer in the vein off a Killer Kowalski. Gunther is ready for the next level, in fact he is there already, they need to find better opponents and world championship opportunities for him
I always say this but I'm gonna say it again anyway. Gunther looks like someone who could have existed in any era of wrestling in the past 100+ years. His look and style of wrestling is timeless. His style so stripped down but because he has incredible ring IQ and great timing, every move has a purpose and he knows exactly what to do when. He is able to get more out of textbook wrestling moves than most wrestlers can out of all the flashy flips and Canadian destroyers.

And you can tell that he takes this seriously. Look at how dramatically he has changed his fitness since coming to the US--out of his own volition I might add. He is in incredible shape, which only adds to that killer look. And I think he has really improved his character work and promos too. You honestly can't ask for much more from a top heel.

Imagine if he's World Champion and has Heyman as his manager. That would be awesome. A modern day Heenan-Bockwinkle.
It reminds me a bit of John Cena / Nikki Bella vs The Mizz / Maryse, the uproar was fantastic looking back, but Cena and The Mizz sold the crap out of the match, to the point you wanted to see what would happen.

You got Sting here sort of in the role of a Cena similar star power off-course, I would say Darby’s in the role off Nikki Bella but the latter seems more threatening. The Bucks on the other hand would be lucky to match the star power of Mizz/Maryse but have that weasel heel thing going; problem is they don’t work that way, their ring ability has been exposed on national television
I think they can have good matches. But most times they just make wrestling look incredibly fake. When their aim should be the exact opposite.
Drew McIntyre is one of the most interesting characters for me right now. They have done really well to use the way they booked him in the past as motivation for him turning heel. Some of the stuff he said on promos about CM Punk was really entertaining lol.

For me Punk vs. Drew feels more interesting when Punk comes back than Punk vs. Seth.
Drew McIntyre is one of the most interesting characters for me right now. They have done really well to use the way they booked him in the past as motivation for him turning heel. Some of the stuff he said on promos about CM Punk was really entertaining lol.

For me Punk vs. Drew feels more interesting when Punk comes back than Punk vs. Seth.

lol I been thinking the same, I see Drew more in the role they have Seth positioned in right now, in the space of weeks he has put himself right back in the mix with wrestlings biggest names and Punk has a lot to do with it to, I agree Drew/Punk is probably the more interesting feud
I always say this but I'm gonna say it again anyway. Gunther looks like someone who could have existed in any era of wrestling in the past 100+ years. His look and style of wrestling is timeless. His style so stripped down but because he has incredible ring IQ and great timing, every move has a purpose and he knows exactly what to do when. He is able to get more out of textbook wrestling moves than most wrestlers can out of all the flashy flips and Canadian destroyers.

And you can tell that he takes this seriously. Look at how dramatically he has changed his fitness since coming to the US--out of his own volition I might add. He is in incredible shape, which only adds to that killer look. And I think he has really improved his character work and promos too. You honestly can't ask for much more from a top heel.

Imagine if he's World Champion and has Heyman as his manager. That would be awesome. A modern day Heenan-Bockwinkle.

He’s one of a kind, just when I grow sour on the way they work now, at-least we have Gunther. As you said his ring IQ is outstanding, the offence especially is menacing; the lariats, striking etc he makes the business feel real, as you said no move is wasted. He for his offence and Orton for his defence / selling; make for the best pair of workers in this business, and with that in mind, did I just book Gunther / Orton ! now that’s a proper Wrestlemania match ! and Orton is a far better alternative to Lesnar then anything else they have in mind because we all know Gunther is not going to be in a WHC match.
Maybe Sting feels self conscious, but this is why I’d have thought Daniel Bryan was the perfect opponent for a singles match. Maybe he just doesn’t feel there’s a worker out there like a Shawn Michaels who can do for him what he did for Ric at WM 24.

In an alternate universe, Sting would be facing AJ Styles at Wrestlemania in his final match; the backstory itself will hit you in all the right places just igoring the suitability of the match itself and what it could do on paper.

I just think even Darby could have helped protect Sting in a singles match to, Darby did that for Punk when he came back after so long, Darby got my respect after that match
He’s one of a kind, just when I grow sour on the way they work now, at-least we have Gunther. As you said his ring IQ is outstanding, the offence especially is menacing; the lariats, striking etc he makes the business feel real, as you said no move is wasted. He for his offence and Orton for his defence / selling; make for the best pair of workers in this business, and with that in mind, did I just book Gunther / Orton ! now that’s a proper Wrestlemania match ! and Orton is a far better alternative to Lesnar then anything else they have in mind because we all know Gunther is not going to be in a WHC match.
That would be an incredible match and should be on a big stage. The match-ups for Gunther are mouth-watering when he makes it to the main-event. Orton, Cody, Punk, Rollins, Owens, Reigns...the list goes on
They teased Priest cashing in on Gunther for the IC belt.

Would be hugely disappointing, it doesn’t make the MITB event important in the calendar when they’re trying to get out of the booking whole of following up on getting a world title shot.

They should at least have a plan before having someone go over in the ladder match.

Triple Idiot had an excuse with Theory because I think that was a Vince call, but am sure he booked Priest; I hope they don’t waste the cash in, I rather the talent cash in and lose then go for a mid card belt; even though Gunther has elevated the championship
The Bloodline segment with The Rock this week was pure theatre
But it nullifies the promo Dwayne cut earlier this year about sitting at the head of the table. Now he's acknowledging Roman. Unless he costs Roman the title at Mania, their alliance wouldn't make much sense against Cody and Seth. Even though making sense of pro wrestling storylines is a daft activity.
But it nullifies the promo Dwayne cut earlier this year about sitting at the head of the table. Now he's acknowledging Roman. Unless he costs Roman the title at Mania, their alliance wouldn't make much sense against Cody and Seth. Even though making sense of pro wrestling storylines is a daft activity.

We have to see how these things play out. It is clear he has ulterior motives. If every angle was as straight as a whistle things would be so dull and predictable
We have to see how these things play out. It is clear he has ulterior motives. If every angle was as straight as a whistle things would be so dull and predictable
Yes, after a lot of time, WWE have started to do this. Teasing a storyline multiple directions.
Yes, after a lot of time, WWE have started to do this. Teasing a storyline multiple directions.

At some point, surely during WM weekend The Rock turns on The Bloodline or maybe not and The Bloodline go all savage on him; it’s who stabs the other in the back first.
Beyond this, lets admit it, The Rock played a bunch of people with the stealing Cody’s spot thing lol
The Rock turning on Reigns at Mania and costing him the title is looking so predictable. I worry if that would steal Cody's moment?
The Rock turning on Reigns at Mania and costing him the title is looking so predictable. I worry if that would steal Cody's moment?
Yeah, imo Cody needs to win it clean.

I do feel though if Cody wins clean, Rock will then betray Roman and the angle will be “you’re not good enough to be head of the table anymore”

But I’m glad rock is back to old school promo. He apparently was swearing or saying some adult things in his promo last week too and Fox/WWE did a lot of cuts in his promo if you notice. You can notice there’s a lot of start and stopping in there.

Kind of defeats the point when wwe and fox act like that. Apparently he told Cody as well “with all due respect, **** your bloodline” Lol.

I do feel it was Vince trying to go too much into pg direction but H realizes the money is in going to the opposite direction.
Yeah, imo Cody needs to win it clean.

I do feel though if Cody wins clean, Rock will then betray Roman and the angle will be “you’re not good enough to be head of the table anymore”

But I’m glad rock is back to old school promo. He apparently was swearing or saying some adult things in his promo last week too and Fox/WWE did a lot of cuts in his promo if you notice. You can notice there’s a lot of start and stopping in there.

Kind of defeats the point when wwe and fox act like that. Apparently he told Cody as well “with all due respect, **** your bloodline” Lol.

I do feel it was Vince trying to go too much into pg direction but H realizes the money is in going to the opposite direction.
Meant to say “f your story” not f your bloodline…. Freudian slip heh.
Beyond this, lets admit it, The Rock played a bunch of people with the stealing Cody’s spot thing lol
I'd like Dwayne to hold The Trial of Roman Reigns post mania once he loses the title like Roman did with Sami.

WWE RAW Card for March 4, 2024 Episode:​

  • Drew McIntyre vs. Jey Uso
  • Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax
  • Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins address The Rock’s WrestleMania 40 challenge
  • Match to determine Gunther’s WrestleMania 40 opponent
I was going to come in here and leave a raving review of how well AEW has used Sting; but what an unprofessional outlaw mud show. For F's sake man for F's sake, you just couldn't help yourself, is that how you go off air on a big high? they had to cut the broadcast / Sting's speech at the end and post it on YouTube because they went over. Should have just gone off air after the finish and posted the whole promo on YT.

Anyway, that aside; I absolutely despised the Bucks as the final opponents but without them, the match would not have the same level of heat. I hated some of the spots but am not going to criticize today, because looking at the bigger picture, Sting, the most selfless man in professional wrestling would do anything for his audience even if it is a niche group, it's why he has transcended the sport and been over across multiple decades.

Overall the near finishes were done well, the match had drama and our hero for once, got to ride off into the sunset on his effin terms; out with this bs 'going out on your back' this toxic unspoken rule has led to some truly horrific relapses in pro wrestling, but how about that, Sting going out as good as ever in the Greensboro Coliseum. As emotionally draining as it was, I feel we got the pay off to Sting's career he so richly deserves, though a big part of my childhood has died once again, I won't cry, I will smile that it happened - to quote Buddy Rogers; it couldn't happen to a nicer guy!!!!!

Ah the days when you didn't need to justify why you followed this sport, the days when you weren't ashamed of being a fan:

RIP pro raslin.
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I would like to see Darby Allin employed by the WWE asap for the sake of his health and life
I was going to come in here and leave a raving review of how well AEW has used Sting; but what an unprofessional outlaw mud show. For F's sake man for F's sake, you just couldn't help yourself, is that how you go off air on a big high? they had to cut the broadcast / Sting's speech at the end and post it on YouTube because they went over. Should have just gone off air after the finish and posted the whole promo on YT.

Anyway, that aside; I absolutely despised the Bucks as the final opponents but without them, the match would not have the same level of heat. I hated some of the spots but am not going to criticise today, because looking at the bigger picture, Sting, the most selfless man in professional wrestling would do anything for his audience even if it is a niche group, it's why he has transcended the sport and been over across multiple decades.

Overall the near finishes were done well, the match had drama and our hero for once, got to ride off into the sunset on his effin terms; out with this bs 'going out on your back' this toxic unspoken rule has lead to some truly horrific relapses in pro wrestling, but how about that, Sting going out as good as ever in the Greensboro Coliseum. As emotionally draining as it was, I feel we got the pay off to Sting's career he so richly deserves, though a big part of my childhood has died once again, I won't cry, I will smile that it happened - to quote Buddy Rogers; it couldn't happen to a nicer guy!!!!!

Ah the days when you didn't need to justify why you followed this sport, the days when you weren't ashamed of being a fan:

RIP pro raslin.
Do you put Sting on your Mt Rushmore?

One of the most memorable personas that drew young kids into wrestling back in the day.

I had his action figure. It had the voice thing too. “You want some, come get some” ☠️

Would’ve loved a taker Vs sting at WM.
Do you put Sting on your Mt Rushmore?

One of the most memorable personas that drew young kids into wrestling back in the day.

I had his action figure. It had the voice thing too. “You want some, come get some” ☠️

Would’ve loved a taker Vs sting at WM.

He makes a compelling case for sure, on my Mt Rushmore the two names that rarely change are Flair and Shawn. Sting for sure deserves adulation on that level because he’s that quiet guy who just about achieved all there was in this business.

I always wanted to be him as Halloween as a kid lol and he was part of that era which made me a fan.

That would have been epic for sure; they weirdly did work when both were in WCW and Taker was known as Mean Mark, Sting was in his Surfer Sting gimmick which was massively over at the time
I would like to see Darby Allin employed by the WWE asap for the sake of his health and life
Darby is literally a nutjob. I am afraid he will end up like Hayabusa even though Hayabusa's move wasn't considered as dangerous. Don't think Darby cares and his fans will probably revere him if he ends up taking his life or damages it permanently inside the ring.
Cody has upped his game during his feud with the Bloodline especially The Rock. Roman still doesn't feel like the head of the table in Dwayne's presence (maybe it's just me). Roman will up his game as well hopefully in the coming weeks.
Seth has looked absolutely out of place here. Roman and Rock both can destroy his career in a promo battle here if they want to and he'll end up like Billy Gunn.
Darby is literally a nutjob. I am afraid he will end up like Hayabusa even though Hayabusa's move wasn't considered as dangerous. Don't think Darby cares and his fans will probably revere him if he ends up taking his life or damages it permanently inside the ring.
Outside the crazy stunts and size he’s a great worker, I rate his work highly besides that.

Because he is so small and has a certain rep, AEW bring out his worst tendencies.

This is why NXT could help develop his IQ and maybe add a bit of muscle to.

I prefer his work to other lower weight workers in the business but I fear for his life.
Cody has upped his game during his feud with the Bloodline especially The Rock. Roman still doesn't feel like the head of the table in Dwayne's presence (maybe it's just me). Roman will up his game as well hopefully in the coming weeks.
Seth has looked absolutely out of place here. Roman and Rock both can destroy his career in a promo battle here if they want to and he'll end up like Billy Gunn.

That’s intentional, it’s clear Roman wasn’t a fan of Dwayne’s antics which was why he asked to be acknowledged; there’s going to be a tipping point, whether Rock turns on him or not that I see Bloodline brutalising Mr. Hollywood.

Seth is just being exposed, he is ruining his legacy, feels so out of place against the big names. When Punk feuded with Rock or had a segment with Austin he never felt like he belonged in the minor leagues

WWE Raw Results – March 4, 2024​

  • Gunther def. “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio
  • Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark def. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter
  • Nia Jax def. Becky Lynch by Disqualification
  • Andrade def. Apollo Crews in his Raw return
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Judgment Day def. Imperium
  • Sami Zayn def. Ivar
  • Drew McIntyre def. Jey Uso

WWE Raw Results – March 4, 2024​

  • Gunther def. “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio
  • Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark def. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter
  • Nia Jax def. Becky Lynch by Disqualification
  • Andrade def. Apollo Crews in his Raw return
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Judgment Day def. Imperium
  • Sami Zayn def. Ivar
  • Drew McIntyre def. Jey Uso

We would like a weekly update on how well the Cody Cry-babies are doing
Outside the crazy stunts and size he’s a great worker, I rate his work highly besides that.

Because he is so small and has a certain rep, AEW bring out his worst tendencies.

This is why NXT could help develop his IQ and maybe add a bit of muscle to.

I prefer his work to other lower weight workers in the business but I fear for his life.
I like the agility and speed he brings to the match and is decent on mic but man I despise his lust for unnecessary dangerous spots. Apart from that his shorts over tights makes him look like an LGTBQ rep rather than a pro wrestler. Sorry for how that sounds. Yes he would do great in NXT but I don't know if he's interested in signing with WWE as he's one of those who are incredibly proud of being AEW Originals and would rather sit home than working for WWE. But Punk has gone back to WWE after 10 years of bad blood. So anything can happen.
It remains to be seen as there are so many possibilities as to where it can go. Most probable one is Dwayne turning on Roman and Jey siding with Dwayne. But man would i love to see Roman being the one on trial. If they execute it well, he'll become a big big babyface.
That’s intentional, it’s clear Roman wasn’t a fan of Dwayne’s antics which was why he asked to be acknowledged; there’s going to be a tipping point, whether Rock turns on him or not that I see Bloodline brutalising Mr. Hollywood.

Seth is just being exposed, he is ruining his legacy, feels so out of place against the big names. When Punk feuded with Rock or had a segment with Austin he never felt like he belonged in the minor leagues
Seth's best run was during 2015-22. His last great feud was with Edge. His current run has been his worst one. Even worse than his messiah gimmick. His current gimmick is not suited as a face at all and he was actually doing better as a heel during his feud with Edge, Roman and Cody. As annoying as he may be right now, I think he is a genuinely good guy who has been pretty selfless in putting over Cody during their feud where he insisted on losing the third match to him as well (HIAC one). But it's just clear that Seth isn't the face of the company or a draw WWE want him to be. Cody and Drew are better suited for that role.
I like the agility and speed he brings to the match and is decent on mic but man I despise his lust for unnecessary dangerous spots. Apart from that his shorts over tights makes him look like an LGTBQ rep rather than a pro wrestler. Sorry for how that sounds. Yes he would do great in NXT but I don't know if he's interested in signing with WWE as he's one of those who are incredibly proud of being AEW Originals and would rather sit home than working for WWE. But Punk has gone back to WWE after 10 years of bad blood. So anything can happen.
I never really took that from his gear, besides, he has very rarely been anywhere close to one of their major singles championships. On the other hand both Finn Balor and Seth are much bigger icons for the LGBTQ community and Tranny lovers, especially Seth who could be mistaken for the women's world champion. He's another adrenaline junkie for sure, because he wont be allowed to work like this anywhere else and is paid handsomely for it, they should have thought better; it was a great match, but everyone is talking about that horrible spot.
It remains to be seen as there are so many possibilities as to where it can go. Most probable one is Dwayne turning on Roman and Jey siding with Dwayne. But man would i love to see Roman being the one on trial. If they execute it well, he'll become a big big babyface.

Seth's best run was during 2015-22. His last great feud was with Edge. His current run has been his worst one. Even worse than his messiah gimmick. His current gimmick is not suited as a face at all and he was actually doing better as a heel during his feud with Edge, Roman and Cody. As annoying as he may be right now, I think he is a genuinely good guy who has been pretty selfless in putting over Cody during their feud where he insisted on losing the third match to him as well (HIAC one). But it's just clear that Seth isn't the face of the company or a draw WWE want him to be. Cody and Drew are better suited for that role.

It's intriguing where they go next and gives the bloodline a much needed adrenaline shot when they were starting to grow a bit stale.

It's very difficult for me to find 8 good years in the career of Seth Rollins, at best I would say 2-3; which capture his initial Shield run and then the subsequent Chicken Sh!t heel character; everything since then has been mid to below mid. In the ring he is not someone I'd pay to see personally either, there is no unique quality about his work or skills. Overall he is the most overrated wrestler since his mentor HHH.
I would have loved to see Rock vs roman at WM but that Hell Turn by rock looked serious. Another story buildup is in progress.
Did y’all see the Cena interview where he goes in depth on his would be heel turn in 2012?

Apparently he had the gear (boxing robes and a wrestling singlet with wrestling boots from what I understood), final mix of his new theme song called “Fear My Name” which had a hint of his current one, and the character was just gonna have the inverse qualities to what he stands for as a face.

Instead of hustle, loyalty respect he was gonna be disloyal, disrespectful and lazy… at least that’s how he put it 😂 😂

But when it came to it, they realized they had to take all his merch off the store. That his merch sales would absolutely tank now, and that was too much for them to accept.

Really wish he did it though. Most interesting heel turn of a face since Hogan went Hollywood.
It's intriguing where they go next and gives the bloodline a much needed adrenaline shot when they were starting to grow a bit stale.

It's very difficult for me to find 8 good years in the career of Seth Rollins, at best I would say 2-3; which capture his initial Shield run and then the subsequent Chicken Sh!t heel character; everything since then has been mid to below mid. In the ring he is not someone I'd pay to see personally either, there is no unique quality about his work or skills. Overall he is the most overrated wrestler since his mentor HHH.
I meant to say he was pretty good in patches from 2015-22. His heel run in 2015 was great. Then once he returned from injury, his in ring work was consistently good around 2021-22. He had to alter his wrestling style as he's historically been a pretty dangerous worker considering his own injuries and the ones he gave to Balor, Sting and Cena. His problem is just when he starts to really hit the fourth or fifth gear, he stumbles hard every time and is unable to sustain it at that level. He either starts to become stale, or gets injured. There's something missing with him. There was a time i rated him higher than Roman, but it isn't the case now after seeing how much Roman has improved over the years in all aspects. Seth to me, is still an indy wrestler in disguise. But that doesn't take away some of the very good work he's done over the years albeit in patches. His feuds with Edge, Cody, Roman, AJ, KO(2016), Miz(2018), Ziggler(2018) were amazing. Just when he was starting to do really good this time around last year, they turned him face which has been his weakest run of his career IMO. His favors from Trips doesn't bother me tbh, I've always seen him more of an indie guy than a WWE style guy. I have always prefered Balor over him due to his better in ring IQ, finesse and underratedness.
But I don't know why guys like Sting, AJ, Edge, Cody etc have over the years called him as amongst the best workers they've worked with.
I never really took that from his gear, besides, he has very rarely been anywhere close to one of their major singles championships. On the other hand both Finn Balor and Seth are much bigger icons for the LGBTQ community and Tranny lovers, especially Seth who could be mistaken for the women's world champion. He's another adrenaline junkie for sure, because he wont be allowed to work like this anywhere else and is paid handsomely for it, they should have thought better; it was a great match, but everyone is talking about that horrible spot.
Dont know it's just the impression I've always gotten from Darby. I like his ability but sometimes he puts me off with his stunts. To me, he's just one of the many Jeff Hardy's impressionists (despite being better in some aspects than Jeff, none of them will ever come close to his uniqueness. Just like there are tons of Mysterio's impressionists out there)
Yes Balor is openly an LGBTQ supporter but it's a relief that his character and mannerisms on screen have been kept seperate from that apart from that one time during 2017-18
Did y’all see the Cena interview where he goes in depth on his would be heel turn in 2012?

Apparently he had the gear (boxing robes and a wrestling singlet with wrestling boots from what I understood), final mix of his new theme song called “Fear My Name” which had a hint of his current one, and the character was just gonna have the inverse qualities to what he stands for as a face.

Instead of hustle, loyalty respect he was gonna be disloyal, disrespectful and lazy… at least that’s how he put it 😂 😂

But when it came to it, they realized they had to take all his merch off the store. That his merch sales would absolutely tank now, and that was too much for them to accept.

Really wish he did it though. Most interesting heel turn of a face since Hogan went Hollywood.
Haven't seen it. Is it with Chris Van Vliet? Will do when I get some time. Heel Cena could have been as great as Hollywood Rock.
Haven't seen it. Is it with Chris Van Vliet? Will do when I get some time. Heel Cena could have been as great as Hollywood Rock.
Yeah it is. CVV is a true wrestling fan himself, always goes above and beyond in his research and keeps the wrestlers engaged.
Yeah it is. CVV is a true wrestling fan himself, always goes above and beyond in his research and keeps the wrestlers engaged.
Will give it a go. CVV is one of the best at conducting interviews from wrestlers. Never shows any bias or gets offensive or asks stupid mark questions. Gets along with them well. His interviews with Ziggler have been pretty good.
I was going to come in here and leave a raving review of how well AEW has used Sting; but what an unprofessional outlaw mud show. For F's sake man for F's sake, you just couldn't help yourself, is that how you go off air on a big high? they had to cut the broadcast / Sting's speech at the end and post it on YouTube because they went over. Should have just gone off air after the finish and posted the whole promo on YT.

Anyway, that aside; I absolutely despised the Bucks as the final opponents but without them, the match would not have the same level of heat. I hated some of the spots but am not going to criticize today, because looking at the bigger picture, Sting, the most selfless man in professional wrestling would do anything for his audience even if it is a niche group, it's why he has transcended the sport and been over across multiple decades.

Overall the near finishes were done well, the match had drama and our hero for once, got to ride off into the sunset on his effin terms; out with this bs 'going out on your back' this toxic unspoken rule has led to some truly horrific relapses in pro wrestling, but how about that, Sting going out as good as ever in the Greensboro Coliseum. As emotionally draining as it was, I feel we got the pay off to Sting's career he so richly deserves, though a big part of my childhood has died once again, I won't cry, I will smile that it happened - to quote Buddy Rogers; it couldn't happen to a nicer guy!!!!!

Ah the days when you didn't need to justify why you followed this sport, the days when you weren't ashamed of being a fan:

RIP pro raslin.
I didn't care for this match at all. But I'm just happy for Sting and that he could bow out with his head held high. The part at the end where Sting Hulked up Stinged up and beat up the Bucks was great. One of the biggest and most iconic names this business will ever see. Godspeed Stinger!
So AEW sign two of the hottest free agents in wrestling and put one in a heel group and the other with The Young Bucks. Its like they want to not build new stars and run off viewers.

And as great and talented as Will Ospreay is I do wonder how long he wrestles before getting injured. Because I don't see how you can have these highly physical "5 star matches" every week without them taking a massive toll on your body.

That said, I loved Ospreay v Takeshita at AEW Revolution.
So AEW sign two of the hottest free agents in wrestling and put one in a heel group and the other with The Young Bucks. Its like they want to not build new stars and run off viewers.

And as great and talented as Will Ospreay is I do wonder how long he wrestles before getting injured. Because I don't see how you can have these highly physical "5 star matches" every week without them taking a massive toll on your body.

That said, I loved Ospreay v Takeshita at AEW Revolution.

Uncle Dave doesn’t seem to understand selling, he has actually said more recently that no selling is a more normal response to taking any kind of serious damage. In other words, the more acrobatic’s equals more 5*, he has milked Omega fans dry and is moulding Ospreay as his next smark cow, the neck beards have already got the prayer mats out in his direction. Forget best in the world, he isn’t even the best to come out of London! there’s actually a worker from there who once qualified for that label.

I don’t know if AEW paid Okada the sums being quoted, but even if it’s around 1.5-2 mill mark; it’s a very generous wage. WWE are not stupid enough to pay sill money and I can totally imagine the money mark going all out in fear of losing some phantom bidding war over the ‘hottest agent’ in wrestling. Okada unfortunately is unproven as a draw in the US and he doesn’t have the momentum Nakamura had before he joined the WWE, a big part of it is his lacklustre booking.

But beyond that, am happy Okada is getting a nice pay day, although it’s not amazing for his legacy; I don’t have high hopes for his stint in AEW
One thing that doesn’t get talked about enough is, while AEW has created a disney land for wrestlers and that’s great. They’ve killed off a big chunk of the independent scene which valued the basic fundamentals and developing your technique is missing, they purchased ROH to and it’s just a watered down AEW. WWE have a monopoly but strong development and recruitment system, while anyone can make it in AEW as long as they can jump of the tallest ladder; that’s the message they are sending out to the independent scene of today, and that’s despite their awareness off what made the golden era of naughties indies special, heck they bought ROH a promotion with a rich history built on earning respect between the ropes, the matches were sometimes stiff but added to the story, elevated psychology and very rarely were risks taken to the degree today, spots were not abused and if you saw great athletic ability, more often then not the talent had solid footing between the ropes. Did Petey Williams and Amazing Red spam their finishers ? did Joe Felix only do tornado DDT’s non stop, did AJ Styles do spiral taps every few mins and flip around, there was also a place for such acrobatic’s on the card, a push towards the top and they slowed it down to tell a story. These blokes thought laterally, not how many spots, but what about my technique or how can I do this Suplex differently (Styles turning the brain buster into a neck breaker, Bryan’s submission moves, Joe’s & Low Ki’s intensity etc, fundamentally they also valued how their safety and that off their opponent, why they are still around. Nobody can tell me someone like Ospreay remotely touches these guys let alone a great like Shawn Michaels, how pathetic. I feel for the future of high quality independent talent from the US, Europe is the best hope for now.

WWE SmackDown results: March 8, 2024​

  • Randy Orton & Kevin Owens def. Grayson Waller & Austin Theory
  • Tiffany Stratton def. Michin
  • Dragon Lee def. Angel
  • Cody Rhodes and Seth “Freakin” Rollins accepted The Rock and Roman Reigns’ WrestleMania challenge

Cena wouldn’t turn heel due to the kids, but has no problem getting nanga for Hollywood and in doing so exposing himself to all the kids who support him and the make a wish foundation.
Apparently Lesnar could return today, I think this is fantastic news if true and I hope he gets booked to face Gunther at Wrestlemania ideally, but interested regardless what they do with him

Muhammad Ali to be inducted into WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2024​

As reported by Variety, Muhammad Ali will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2024.

One of the most iconic figures in sports history, the three-time World Heavyweight Boxing Champion and Olympic gold medalist was known around the world for his charisma, his confidence, and his ability to back it up inside the ropes.

Known simply as “The Greatest”, Ali’s influence transcended sports as his work as an activist, artist, and personality established him as one of the most renowned figures in the entire world.

Although best known as a boxer, Ali made a great impact in the sports-entertainment world.

On June 26, 1976, Ali competed in “The War of the Worlds” which was an exhibition match against WWE Hall of Famer Antonio Inoki inside the Nippon Budokan arena in Tokyo, Japan.

The match, which was competed under specific rules, resulted in a 15-round draw in front of 32,000 fans in the crowd. The bout was also broadcast on closed-circuit television to nearly 33,000 fans inside Shea Stadium in Queens, New York.

The event was a huge success and brought in countless new fans to the industry while also being viewed as a precursor to modern mixed martial arts. Both Ali and Inoki became friends after the event with Inoki even using Ali’s theme music and catchphrases as his own.

After retiring from the boxing ring with a career record of 56-5 with 37 knockouts, Ali returned to the squared circle where he served as the special guest referee for the inaugural WrestleMania in 1984 during the main event between Hulk Hogan & Mr. T and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper & “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff.

Ali’s defining moment in the match came when he punched Piper with his signature right hand - a move that restored order to the bout.

Ali sadly passed away on June 3rd, 2016, at 74, but his legacy as one of the greatest athletes persists, and his work to modernize and globalize professional wrestling helped seamlessly blend the world of sports and entertainment.


Cena wouldn’t turn heel due to the kids, but has no problem getting nanga for Hollywood and in doing so exposing himself to all the kids who support him and the make a wish foundation.
Lol. Think it was just about the merch money for him. I don’t buy the whole “I don’t want kids to see me as a bad guy” excuse. He didn’t use it this time tho.

WWE RAW Card for March 11, 2024 Episode:​

  • Gauntlet Match to determine Gunther’s challenger at WrestleMania
  • Liv Morgan vs. Becky Lynch
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship: Shayna Basler & Zoey Stark vs. The Kabuki Warriors(c)
Lol. Think it was just about the merch money for him. I don’t buy the whole “I don’t want kids to see me as a bad guy” excuse. He didn’t use it this time tho.

He showing them kids the full moon when it suits his needs, but man, so desperate there. And that's a great point on the merch, so easily overlooked because he played his gimmick so well.
He showing them kids the full moon when it suits his needs, but man, so desperate there. And that's a great point on the merch, so easily overlooked because he played his gimmick so well.
Cena has done a lot of good work (charities and make a wish etc) but you can't deny that he does come off a bit phoney at times. His PR skills and media handling game are pretty strong that he is able to justify every leftfield thing he does and make himself look genuine.
He showing them kids the full moon when it suits his needs, but man, so desperate there. And that's a great point on the merch, so easily overlooked because he played his gimmick so well.
He’s a politician for sure. Simping hard for China, and then even his interviews these days are very diplomatic in language.

Raw Results: March 11, 2024​

  • Becky Lynch def. Liv Morgan
  • Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell def. Ivy Nile & Maxxine Dupri
  • The Kabuki Warriors def. Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match
  • Damian Priest def. R-Truth
  • Sami Zayn triumphed in the Gauntlet Match to earn the right to challenge Gunther for the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania.
Uncle Dave doesn’t seem to understand selling, he has actually said more recently that no selling is a more normal response to taking any kind of serious damage. In other words, the more acrobatic’s equals more 5*, he has milked Omega fans dry and is moulding Ospreay as his next smark cow, the neck beards have already got the prayer mats out in his direction. Forget best in the world, he isn’t even the best to come out of London! there’s actually a worker from there who once qualified for that label.

I don’t know if AEW paid Okada the sums being quoted, but even if it’s around 1.5-2 mill mark; it’s a very generous wage. WWE are not stupid enough to pay sill money and I can totally imagine the money mark going all out in fear of losing some phantom bidding war over the ‘hottest agent’ in wrestling. Okada unfortunately is unproven as a draw in the US and he doesn’t have the momentum Nakamura had before he joined the WWE, a big part of it is his lacklustre booking.

But beyond that, am happy Okada is getting a nice pay day, although it’s not amazing for his legacy; I don’t have high hopes for his stint in AEW

Meltzer goes overboard with his fawning over him and the 6 star matches. But his fanboying aside, I do think he is a very good wrestler. He has changed his style significantly over the years. He's no longer the high-flying cruiserweight he started out as. His matches feel physical, are well-paced and take place mostly in the ring---which in itself feels like a miracle these days. The Japanese no-selling honestly I've gotten sensitized to at this point so it doesn't bother me as much eventhough it is stupid as hell and makes wrestling look fake.

Until Ospreay's body doesn't break and completely fall apart like Omega, AEW can get alot out of him as a top babyface. Because he is always going to be very popular with their core fanbase because of Uncle Dave.

With Okada, I will be happy if I just get the dream matches. I have zero hope for him being involved in any compelling storylines or feuds. So just give me Okada v MJF, Okada v Joe, Okada v Christian and all the other ones I can't think of rn.
Meltzer goes overboard with his fawning over him and the 6 star matches. But his fanboying aside, I do think he is a very good wrestler. He has changed his style significantly over the years. He's no longer the high-flying cruiserweight he started out as. His matches feel physical, are well-paced and take place mostly in the ring---which in itself feels like a miracle these days. The Japanese no-selling honestly I've gotten sensitized to at this point so it doesn't bother me as much eventhough it is stupid as hell and makes wrestling look fake.

Until Ospreay's body doesn't break and completely fall apart like Omega, AEW can get alot out of him as a top babyface. Because he is always going to be very popular with their core fanbase because of Uncle Dave.

With Okada, I will be happy if I just get the dream matches. I have zero hope for him being involved in any compelling storylines or feuds. So just give me Okada v MJF, Okada v Joe, Okada v Christian and all the other ones I can't think of rn.

I have very rarely enjoyed him on the same level of others, I’ve seen his matches with Okada in Japan and they did nothing for me. He isn’t the best British wrestler, let alone the best in this business. I haven’t seen any noticeable changes in his work though am advised by his most die hard hipster followers to watch his last two matches. Within his limitations though I thought Chris Jericho got the most out of him at Wembley, that’s the best match he has had up until that point for me; with a seasoned vet bringing their ring generalship like they should, to structure the match for a 50k people instead of 5k people. One positive I would say though is his steroid use, maybe it has lead to injuries to but he no longer looks like another skinny high flyer; but when you add muscle you need to use your brain because you can’t be pulling out the stunts you did as a vanilla midget because the body centre of gravity changes, AJ stopped using the spiral tap because of this and adapted his work a bit.

Ospreay has potential to be a good worker and get more over beyond that niche neck beard crowd if he focussed on ring psychology or sort the help of those who may get him there.

As for his gimmick and mic ability, he is playing a council estate chav and he is meant to be a main eventer; I don’t know if it’s worse then Seth’s cross dressing.

Before I admit I looked at AEW in the vein of seeing those ‘dream matches’ but since Punk left I feel something is missing
@shaz619 WWE feels like pure cinema these days. There is so much great storytelling and so many compelling storylines going into WrestleMania. This really feels like one of the most exciting Manias in years.
I have very rarely enjoyed him on the same level of others, I’ve seen his matches with Okada in Japan and they did nothing for me. He isn’t the best British wrestler, let alone the best in this business. I haven’t seen any noticeable changes in his work though am advised by his most die hard hipster followers to watch his last two matches. Within his limitations though I thought Chris Jericho got the most out of him at Wembley, that’s the best match he has had up until that point for me; with a seasoned vet bringing their ring generalship like they should, to structure the match for a 50k people instead of 5k people. One positive I would say though is his steroid use, maybe it has lead to injuries to but he no longer looks like another skinny high flyer; but when you add muscle you need to use your brain because you can’t be pulling out the stunts you did as a vanilla midget because the body centre of gravity changes, AJ stopped using the spiral tap because of this and adapted his work a bit.

Ospreay has potential to be a good worker and get more over beyond that niche neck beard crowd if he focussed on ring psychology or sort the help of those who may get him there.

As for his gimmick and mic ability, he is playing a council estate chav and he is meant to be a main eventer; I don’t know if it’s worse then Seth’s cross dressing.

Before I admit I looked at AEW in the vein of seeing those ‘dream matches’ but since Punk left I feel something is missing
As an average watcher, the gimmick doesn't bother me as much. Atleast it feels more true to life than whatever Rollins is doing. I'm interested to see how him v Danielson turns out at the next PPV. As for his style of structuring matches I get your point but this is what modern wrestling fans like I guess. I would still take it over the majority of the stuff I see on AEW on a weekly basis.
Finally watched the Iron Claw last night. Ever get that feeling watching a film where you know the ending, but still pray it works out a different way ?

Firstly credit to the director. The story was told tastefully and accurately for the most part, and easy to follow for non-wrestling fans. That's why I'd describe Iron Claw as not a wrestling film but a film about family that just happens to have wrestling in it.

It addresses the elephant in the room early with the cafe scene where Kevin explains the worked nature of wrestling.

Secondly, credit to the actors who really worked their rears off. The in-ring work was excellent with Efron especially bumping like a pro. The Flair actor wasn't great but wasn't as awful as people made out. Only Jay Lethal does a passable impression, but casting him would've been awkward.

My biggest criticism is the story felt rushed after Kevin's wedding. There was more they could've told about Kerry. He was missing shows for WWF and was actually facing jail time before his death on drug charges.

Instead of the afterlife scene, a better ending would've been the confrontation (as told in Dark Side of the Ring) between Kevin and Fritz towards the end of his life where Fritz said if he had any guts, he would've killed himself like his brothers - to which Kevin replied "Dad, it takes guts to live."

Overall - 7.5/10.
I could be wrong but Fritz is the villain of the piece. As much as I sympathise with the grieving father - to lose one son is a tragedy but to lose five is parental negligence.

The boys were like gods in Dallas. Fame and fortune at a young age, the physical toll of wrestling, combined with easy access to booze and pills was a recipe for disaster. They needed boundaries yet from what I've read Fritz was seemingly in denial.

He was content to milk his kids like cows with little regard for their wellbeing, even when their issues were widely reported. He also pushed them too hard with Mike and Chris (who isn't featured in the film) having no business in the business.
@shaz619 WWE feels like pure cinema these days. There is so much great storytelling and so many compelling storylines going into WrestleMania. This really feels like one of the most exciting Manias in years.

Found this. Young Edge asking Bret Hart how to get into wrestling.

@BunnyRabbit @shaz619

In his college scrap book or something whatever they call it in North America, he was voted most likely to be WWE Champion. And this video reinforced that, this is how it all starts, in the starry eyes of youth. Destined for greatness.

A shame his legacy is being questioned in AEW
As an average watcher, the gimmick doesn't bother me as much. Atleast it feels more true to life than whatever Rollins is doing. I'm interested to see how him v Danielson turns out at the next PPV. As for his style of structuring matches I get your point but this is what modern wrestling fans like I guess. I would still take it over the majority of the stuff I see on AEW on a weekly basis.

If a motivated Jericho could get a decent match out of him, I expect a Bryan at 50% go be able to bring out one of his best matches.

But on that note, has Bryan had a better match since the Iron Man affair with MJF?
If a motivated Jericho could get a decent match out of him, I expect a Bryan at 50% go be able to bring out one of his best matches.

But on that note, has Bryan had a better match since the Iron Man affair with MJF?
Honestly I loved the Strap Match Bryan had with Ricky Starks at All Out 2023. It was one of the most brutal and realistic matches I have seen in a long time. But I wouldn't put it above Bryan v MJF.

He has alot of good matches regularly but those two really stand out from his AEW run.
@shaz619 WWE feels like pure cinema these days. There is so much great storytelling and so many compelling storylines going into WrestleMania. This really feels like one of the most exciting Manias in years.

At the top of the card they can’t be beat, nobody puts on a better big time show.

But the under card is still lacking and no one has managed to come close to putting on the kind of matches Shawn was known for at Wrestlemania, though that’s unfair to compare anyone to the best ever, I think matches just lack soul in general. We got Edge/Orton at Backlash which I always rave about but what has happened similar to it at WM or something similar to Cody/Dustin, maybe this years main event will be the one
Honestly I loved the Strap Match Bryan had with Ricky Starks at All Out 2023. It was one of the most brutal and realistic matches I have seen in a long time. But I wouldn't put it above Bryan v MJF.

He has alot of good matches regularly but those two really stand out from his AEW run.

This was when they had Bryan replace Punk on Collision right? I had tuned out by then, Ricky what a talent though Punk helped get his mojo back
This was when they had Bryan replace Punk on Collision right? I had tuned out by then, Ricky what a talent though Punk helped get his mojo back
Yup. Ricky is seriously talented. Hopefully he will realize his potential one day when he gets to WWE.
Finally watched the Iron Claw last night. Ever get that feeling watching a film where you know the ending, but still pray it works out a different way ?

Firstly credit to the director. The story was told tastefully and accurately for the most part, and easy to follow for non-wrestling fans. That's why I'd describe Iron Claw as not a wrestling film but a film about family that just happens to have wrestling in it.

It addresses the elephant in the room early with the cafe scene where Kevin explains the worked nature of wrestling.

Secondly, credit to the actors who really worked their rears off. The in-ring work was excellent with Efron especially bumping like a pro. The Flair actor wasn't great but wasn't as awful as people made out. Only Jay Lethal does a passable impression, but casting him would've been awkward.

My biggest criticism is the story felt rushed after Kevin's wedding. There was more they could've told about Kerry. He was missing shows for WWF and was actually facing jail time before his death on drug charges.

Instead of the afterlife scene, a better ending would've been the confrontation (as told in Dark Side of the Ring) between Kevin and Fritz towards the end of his life where Fritz said if he had any guts, he would've killed himself like his brothers - to which Kevin replied "Dad, it takes guts to live."

Overall - 7.5/10.
I would rate it the same. Really sad movie. Though I can't imagine how a movie about the Von Erichs can't be. I didn't like that Kerry was a background character here. His character wasn't fleshed out at all. Which is disappointing because I love Jeremy Allen White in The Bear, and he is a great actor. I did like how well they captured the look and feel of 80s territory wrestling though. And the performances were brilliant from Zac Eforn and Holt McClaney. But their Ric Flair was really bad.