AJ & Punk are the last two and have a 20 min match like Taker / HBK in 2007, but then then they both go over at the same time like HBK / Bulldog; and instead of restarting the match, are declared dual winners.
Both want the richest prize in the sport, Cody’s title at mania.
Meanwhile, Roman Reigns wins the elimination chamber match to secure a world title shot by eliminating John lastly who puts up a great fight, and then uses his influence to exploit the contract terms of his title shot, he should be eligible for the WHC, instead he goes for Cody’s title.
The Wrestlemania Main-Event is set; Cody Rhodes vs CM Punk vs Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles.
As Cena was last eliminated by Reigns, he is declared the no.1 contender for Gunther’s WHC so you have your night 1 main event sorted as well.
Night 1 main-event; Gunther is largely dominating Cena who keeps kicking out like super man, he managed to hit Gunther with multiple AA’s but Gunther kicks out, he tries a super AA Gunther still kicks. Gunther goes for the clothesline from Nazi Germany, Cena ducks and the ref is out, Cena then kicks Gunther in the nuts, then gets his old chain out and begins to apply the STF with it, he then hits an unconscious Gunther with another AA and gets the win. The crowd is emotional, 17 time champ! Gunther looks at him in disgust but Cena insists he shakes his hand, as they do, Cena pulls Gunther in and gives him another AA, he then grabs a chair from ringside and begins to violently attack Gunther, crowd is shocked, just before he leaves the ring he grabs the mic and says just three words ‘F Them Kids’ and leaves as all the babies and fat girls cry into the night.
Night 2 Main Event; hot start, each man gets their time to shine, during the finishing stretch AJ is laid out after a GTS which sends him from the announcers desk into the crowd, Punk is exhausted outside, Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes are having a war which ends in Cody Rhodes going for the cutter which Reigns blocks with a spear to his back turning him inside out, and then hits another spear when Cody is standing, CM Punk crawls inside the ring and is gesturing to Paul Heyman who begins to plead with Roman Reigns who was going to pin Roman Reigns but is hesitant, meanwhile Punk begins to lift Cody Rhodes up for the GTS and as he does this Roman Reigns begins to leave the ring, Punk hits the GTS and becomes Undisputed World Champion.
@RedwoodOriginal Out comes H, Penta, Stephanie & AJ Lee + Larry, they are all celebrating with Punk and Cody is on his knees shaking his head, but smiles as Punk celebrates and wraps his title around Larry as the fireworks go off.