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Was actually gonna comment earlier after smackdown that I hope Punk / Cena win the chamber if Randy isn’t coming back so they can take the title off Gunther. That title needs a legend to hold it rn, it’s sadly become the second place title ever since they get rid of the big gold.

When they had the og world heavyweight championship it was equal to weight to the WWE belt, mainly because of the magnitude of the guys who held it. It definitely did not need an update.

H would never book himself with the big gold like how he has done Gunther.

If Cena wins / turns heel, he should spray paint the following on the WHC: ‘F Them Kids’
H would never book himself with the big gold like how he has done Gunther.

If Cena wins / turns heel, he should spray paint the following on the WHC: ‘F Them Kids’
Also I think you’re right about h manipulating Randy out of having a meaningful run rn by using friendship. I always rooted against h during their feud in 08-09, no matter how hard they tried to paint h as the face. I was like did yall forget how this man betrayed Randy.
I am still catching up on SD this week saw bits of that promo though and he is one fine all rounder, arguably should have been in Solo’s position were it not for bad timing.

But I will do you one better, how about Dustin’s passionate promo this week on AEW ? I loved that segment between him and MJF, I believed every word Dustin said, he can so easily get any crowd behind him. It’s the first thing AEW related I’ve seen since Bryan/Ospreay, it appears as though MJF is involved in a ‘legend killer’ type angle. And just like that I am interested to see Dustin/MJF now.
was about to share it here but then forgot. It was a fantastic promo. You could feel it came from the heart because there was alot of truth to it. Dustin is another one whose value has increased so much in my eyes because he one of the few from that generation still wrestling, and showing everyone the contrast between the modern style, and how things should be done.

I'm looking forward to this match next week and am surprised it hadn't happened till yet. Hopefully this Jarrett feud plays a part in revitalizing MJF, because he needs it.
So I guess Chamber will likely be:

Punk v Cena v McIntyre v Rollins v Priest v Logan Paul

Cena will probably win. But great would it be if he doesn't?

was about to share it here but then forgot. It was a fantastic promo. You could feel it came from the heart because there was alot of truth to it. Dustin is another one whose value has increased so much in my eyes because he one of the few from that generation still wrestling, and showing everyone the contrast between the modern style, and how things should be done.

I'm looking forward to this match next week and am surprised it hadn't happened till yet. Hopefully this Jarrett feud plays a part in revitalizing MJF, because he needs it.

His promo was literally breathtaking, they’ve underutilised him on AEW because whenever he’s on, he is usually involved in some interesting stuff. In many ways when you look at the talent that MJF is and the crux of his rivalries with these legends, MJF’s thing is that no one is on his level and for 90% off the time that’s true, you have to find HOF’ers to work with him. And agree, Dustin has gotten over in pretty much every era and even in the assylum! wrestling doesn’t have to be so complicated when you give a sh!t about the business.
So I guess Chamber will likely be:

Punk v Cena v McIntyre v Rollins v Priest v Logan Paul

Cena will probably win. But great would it be if he doesn't?

No disrespect to Cena but Cody vs Punk on Night 2 for all the marbles is the bigger match in 2025.

I would say Cody v Cena is the bigger spectacle but Cena isn’t the star The Rock has been in Hollywood and he has been booked in the wrestling world very weakly. But if all this leads to a heel turn from Cena then it makes sense perhaps. Even then he could be involved in the WHC picture, the WHC arguably needs a big name and Gunther needs to work with a big star regardless of the Jey Uso plans.
There are sone whispers that Sami vs KO could be in a HIAC match lol Not sure how I feel about that because I think one of them legit could die 😭😭😭
No disrespect to Cena but Cody vs Punk on Night 2 for all the marbles is the bigger match in 2025.

I would say Cody v Cena is the bigger spectacle but Cena isn’t the star The Rock has been in Hollywood and he has been booked in the wrestling world very weakly. But if all this leads to a heel turn from Cena then it makes sense perhaps. Even then he could be involved in the WHC picture, the WHC arguably needs a big name and Gunther needs to work with a big star regardless of the Jey Uso plans.
Agreed. Though I feel this match would be truly great if Punk was heel. But I don't see that happening two months out from Mania. Your idea of a three way for the World title could also be good. Jey and Cena were the last two guys in the Rumble, so you could tap into that aswell. Let's see what they do. This Mania doesn't nearly have the same level of excitement that was there last year though. And last year we didn't even have Punk.
There are sone whispers that Sami vs KO could be in a HIAC match lol Not sure how I feel about that because I think one of them legit could die 😭😭😭
OMG this would be insane if it happens. You just know that they will blow out all the stops to have the craziest match possible. Both guys have a reputation for going overboard in these types of matches going back to their ROH days and back then the biggest shows they were wrestling were generally at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Imagine what they will do infront of a sold-out stadium?
OMG this would be insane if it happens. You just know that they will blow out all the stops to have the craziest match possible. Both guys have a reputation for going overboard in these types of matches going back to their ROH days and back then the biggest shows they were wrestling were generally at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Imagine what they will do infront of a sold-out stadium?

I don’t think I can imagine, we all have to see this now lol Has the potential to be the craziest HIAC match in a while, maybe we can have Shane McMahon as the special ref and Mick Foley as the match enforcer :yk
@shaz619 Miro released from AEW and Ricky Starks removed from the roster page.

Let's hope we get the confirmation on Ricky too soon.

Bro if Starks makes his debut for WWE it will be on the level of Jericho in 1999 on my tiny smark Island, I would mark out like mad

But I don’t trust H my only gripe, at least though we should see Starks more regular though
Jacob and Drew both are great allrounders. In ring, mic, character work, they got it all. Really hope 1 of not both get a proper world title reign by the end of the year.
Agreed. Though I feel this match would be truly great if Punk was heel. But I don't see that happening two months out from Mania. Your idea of a three way for the World title could also be good. Jey and Cena were the last two guys in the Rumble, so you could tap into that aswell. Let's see what they do. This Mania doesn't nearly have the same level of excitement that was there last year though. And last year we didn't even have Punk.
Cause Reigns' reign was legendary and Dwayne was doing some great character work as the final boss. Don't care what was happening behind the scenes,
OMG this would be insane if it happens. You just know that they will blow out all the stops to have the craziest match possible. Both guys have a reputation for going overboard in these types of matches going back to their ROH days and back then the biggest shows they were wrestling were generally at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Imagine what they will do infront of a sold-out stadium?
But where does that leave Randy? A kayfabe injury for over 6 months sounds insane.
Bro if Starks makes his debut for WWE it will be on the level of Jericho in 1999 on my tiny smark Island, I would mark out like mad

But I don’t trust H my only gripe, at least though we should see Starks more regular though
It's confirmed both are released from AEW.

Well tbh it doesn't solely depend on H. There are alot of people in WWE who generally lobby for free agents. This goes back to the Vince days. Plus with Nick Khan in now, you would have to think that he has some knowledge of the big free agents too. Hopefully Cody and Punk putting in a good word for him would help too.

Cody got his friend Ethan Page hired to NXT. And nothing against Page, but he isn't Starks or even Miro, who was booked very strongly in his initial run in WWE.

Miro, I am certain, will get hired because H likes him going back to NXT days. Starks will be in WWE too. I just wonder if they will send him to NXT first. Though I don't think they should. He has built up enough name value, especially after that feud with Punk.
Cause Reigns' reign was legendary and Dwayne was doing some great character work as the final boss. Don't care what was happening behind the scenes,
I think it was a mixture of a two year build to a story that fans wanted to see culminate, and The Rock drawing the ire of the fans after he tried to hijack that story. This year there hasn't been a major build to any story going into Mania.
But where does that leave Randy? A kayfabe injury for over 6 months sounds insane.
Yeah no idea what their plans are with him. Maybe they want to set up him taking his revenge on Owens but that wouldn't make sense if Owens is feuding with Zayn? Still it feels weird to have him miss WrestleMania for a kayfabe injury. He should be on the card.
It's confirmed both are released from AEW.

Well tbh it doesn't solely depend on H. There are alot of people in WWE who generally lobby for free agents. This goes back to the Vince days. Plus with Nick Khan in now, you would have to think that he has some knowledge of the big free agents too. Hopefully Cody and Punk putting in a good word for him would help too.

Cody got his friend Ethan Page hired to NXT. And nothing against Page, but he isn't Starks or even Miro, who was booked very strongly in his initial run in WWE.

Miro, I am certain, will get hired because H likes him going back to NXT days. Starks will be in WWE too. I just wonder if they will send him to NXT first. Though I don't think they should. He has built up enough name value, especially after that feud with Punk.

I am more concerned how H would book him but I know Starks well enough to that he should be entertaining regardless. However, like you said, his links with Cody and Punk should help him so I have some reason to be more optimistic. But did I just read that correctly, confirmed!! Starks is finally free, a massive middle finger to TK, I pray he will ‘Cope’ with Starks future success :yk3

And totally agree, it would be a huge waste if he ends up in NXT, he needs to come up like Penta.
Yeah no idea what their plans are with him. Maybe they want to set up him taking his revenge on Owens but that wouldn't make sense if Owens is feuding with Zayn? Still it feels weird to have him miss WrestleMania for a kayfabe injury. He should be on the card.

This sounds like some off field issues to me or planned leave ?
Jacob and Drew both are great allrounders. In ring, mic, character work, they got it all. Really hope 1 of not both get a proper world title reign by the end of the year.

Drew got that run then the fickle jibroni / heartless American dumb phucks betrayed him. Drew was my champion during effing covid, he did an amazing job man, he was the champion we needed and then they turned on him!!
Speaking of Dumb Phucks, what’s with Adam Page’s nee shtick lately @RedwoodOriginal he legitimately is taking the Dumb Phuck thing to new levels, showing up randomly before MJF like a Eugene type character 🤣🤣🤣
Speaking of Dumb Phucks, what’s with Adam Page’s nee shtick lately @RedwoodOriginal he legitimately is taking the Dumb Phuck thing to new levels, showing up randomly before MJF like a Eugene type character 🤣🤣🤣
They are trying to turn him back into a babyface and set up a feud with MJF. I'd be interested to see that feud but I don't understand how anyone can or will get behind a charisma vacuum like Adam Page. They put the entire AEW machine behind him to make him a star, and nobody cared. And this is back when AEW was actually popular. As soon as Punk came on, everyone was like Adam who?

As funny as it sounds, I was actually really enjoying him as this unhinged heel doing his best Magnum TA impression, after being driven to the edge by Swerve who invaded his house, terrorized his baby and got cheered by the fans for it. 🤣🤣

This feud had everything from Page burning Swerve's childhood home down to vertebreakers on real bricks and one guy stabbing the other in the mouth with a hypodermic needle. You were never quite sure who the babyface or heel was. It was the best of AEW's bat$hit nuts booking.🤣
Drew got that run then the fickle jibroni / heartless American dumb phucks betrayed him. Drew was my champion during effing covid, he did an amazing job man, he was the champion we needed and then they turned on him!!
Jacob and Drew both are great allrounders. In ring, mic, character work, they got it all. Really hope 1 of not both get a proper world title reign by the end of the year.
With Drew, I actually feel like he is more interesting without the belt. Because he has something to gripe and complain about.
If he achieved everything he wouldn't have that persecution complex anymore. :yk3

Which is why what they did at the last WrestleMania was so perfect.
I am more concerned how H would book him but I know Starks well enough to that he should be entertaining regardless. However, like you said, his links with Cody and Punk should help him so I have some reason to be more optimistic. But did I just read that correctly, confirmed!! Starks is finally free, a massive middle finger to TK, I pray he will ‘Cope’ with Starks future success :yk3

And totally agree, it would be a huge waste if he ends up in NXT, he needs to come up like Penta.
Dirt Sheet Dave confirmed it, and on AEW stuff, that is as good as something coming from the horse's mouth.

Hahah I doubt he will be able to cope, but I'm sure there will be some other obscure Japanese professional chopper that he will drop a pretty penny for. As Corny said, these wrestlers are like toys to him. As soon as he gets bored with one, he will buy a new one.

You never know how someone will be booked, but as you said, Starks has enough talent where he can get over inspite of the booking. That's basically what he did in AEW too. Knowing that he is a good friend of Cody and the fact that Cody brought him into AEW, I hope that relationship helps him in WWE too.
I am more concerned how H would book him but I know Starks well enough to that he should be entertaining regardless. However, like you said, his links with Cody and Punk should help him so I have some reason to be more optimistic. But did I just read that correctly, confirmed!! Starks is finally free, a massive middle finger to TK, I pray he will ‘Cope’ with Starks future success :yk3

And totally agree, it would be a huge waste if he ends up in NXT, he needs to come up like Penta.
There was a time a few years ago when certain wrestlers got released from WWE, you felt happy for them. Because instead of sitting at home or being pigeonholed as 'too small', fans hoped that they would be signed by AEW where they would be better utilized.

Now we have come to a point where we are celebrating guys getting released from AEW and hoping they end up in WWE.

AEW had so much potential, and just 6 years in they have blown all the goodwill they had from the fans
There was a time a few years ago when certain wrestlers got released from WWE, you felt happy for them. Because instead of sitting at home or being pigeonholed as 'too small', fans hoped that they would be signed by AEW where they would be better utilized.

Now we have come to a point where we are celebrating guys getting released from AEW and hoping they end up in WWE.

AEW had so much potential, and just 6 years in they have blown all the goodwill they had from the fans

That’s pretty crazy right, I bang on a lot about TK killing the independent scene in America but what about NJPW? at the minimum you always tuned into their flagship event Wrestle Kingdom. Since NJPW started working with AEW their decline has been shocking, and unfortunately anyone who gets over there, ends up being TK’s new toy. The likes of Okada are ruining their legacy imo.

As for AEW less said the better, remember there was a time we thought Wardlow and Powerhouse Hobbs might be something, heck even Tazz’s kid (forgot his name now) or Sammy. What a spectacular mess.

TK has managed to kill three companies in one go if we count the independent wrestling entity under one umbrella.
With Drew, I actually feel like he is more interesting without the belt. Because he has something to gripe and complain about.
If he achieved everything he wouldn't have that persecution complex anymore. :yk3

Which is why what they did at the last WrestleMania was so perfect.

A lot of that is to do with Punk, giving him the arc he needs and Drew is a natural heel but as a face champion I thought he did a terrific job being that sympathetic babyface during a terrible period in our lives, I wont forget the closing shot of him reaching out to the fans after he beat Lesnar; you can make a movie about that run, it’s such a shame it wont ever get the appreciation it deserves due to the circumstances.
That’s pretty crazy right, I bang on a lot about TK killing the independent scene in America but what about NJPW? at the minimum you always tuned into their flagship event Wrestle Kingdom. Since NJPW started working with AEW their decline has been shocking, and unfortunately anyone who gets over there, ends up being TK’s new toy. The likes of Okada are ruining their legacy imo.

As for AEW less said the better, remember there was a time we thought Wardlow and Powerhouse Hobbs might be something, heck even Tazz’s kid (forgot his name now) or Sammy. What a spectacular mess.

TK has managed to kill three companies in one go if we count the independent wrestling entity under one umbrella.
He has killed Japan as a territory and what's funny is that he started working with NJPW under the guise of 'cooperation'. It ended up being great for AEW, but not what New Japan have exactly got from this whole partnership.

They have ruined everyone. I can't even remember the last time we saw Wardlow on TV. And just think where he was after that feud with MJF. Can't believe that was 3 years ago. He is someone who could really benefit from a run in NXT. It would completely revitalize him. Let's hope he gets out of jail soon too.

Hobbs and Hook have been slightly better off. But that's just because Wardlow has been destroyed completely. Hobbs has been floundering and Hook, despite being in some big feuds has not advanced in the ring at all in the last couple of years
A lot of that is to do with Punk, giving him the arc he needs and Drew is a natural heel but as a face champion I thought he did a terrific job being that sympathetic babyface during a terrible period in our lives, I wont forget the closing shot of him reaching out to the fans after he beat Lesnar; you can make a movie about that run, it’s such a shame it wont ever get the appreciation it deserves due to the circumstances.
I blame the booking too. Vince killed him as a babyface with that Lashley feud where Lashley just beat him clean multiple times. All of his reign being infront of no fans didn't help either. And then there was that sword nonsense, which him look so hokey and stupid.

But yes, that period from the Rumble to just before the start of WrestleMania was beautiful and put him over as s babyface in such a major way. With Drew, I think it was the perfect combination of strong booking, his own hardwork paying off, the fans choosing him and the company pulling the trigger. It was an organic turn. I think he might have turned in that Rumble match actually.
@shaz619 Punk seems to be making alot of promises in his promos about winning. I can't imagine him breaking the cardinal rule of being a babyface unless it was for a reason. If he loses at Elimination Chamber that will be twice that he called his shot and couldn't achieve his goal of main-eventing WrestleMania. Maybe over the course of the year he finds out that the only way he can achieve his dream is if he becomes the bad guy everyone makes him out to be. And then we get that ATG heel run we have all been waiting for.
Whoda thought all the way back when Punk left WWE That we’d be sitting here in 2025 watching him cut a promo on Cena… crazy.
I blame the booking too. Vince killed him as a babyface with that Lashley feud where Lashley just beat him clean multiple times. All of his reign being infront of no fans didn't help either. And then there was that sword nonsense, which him look so hokey and stupid.

But yes, that period from the Rumble to just before the start of WrestleMania was beautiful and put him over as s babyface in such a major way. With Drew, I think it was the perfect combination of strong booking, his own hardwork paying off, the fans choosing him and the company pulling the trigger. It was an organic turn. I think he might have turned in that Rumble match actually.

It was bad timing as well I guess because we needed to see Lashley finish his story to :yk I think definitely that could have been delayed a bit, but the fans in general were fickle to
@shaz619 Punk seems to be making alot of promises in his promos about winning. I can't imagine him breaking the cardinal rule of being a babyface unless it was for a reason. If he loses at Elimination Chamber that will be twice that he called his shot and couldn't achieve his goal of main-eventing WrestleMania. Maybe over the course of the year he finds out that the only way he can achieve his dream is if he becomes the bad guy everyone makes him out to be. And then we get that ATG heel run we have all been waiting for.

Possibly, it doesn’t look like Punk main eventing is a sure thing and the Cody / Cena match has been widely rumoured unless they throw us another curve ball. I don’t think Punk cares about main eventing mania as much as he use to imo he knows he’s a star attraction and always said the PPV event has become the draw itself now. But you’re right, this all could eventually lead to a heel turn, I don’t think it will happen now due to the pull Punk has among the fans who been waiting for him to return all these years, it’s actually mad because 80% off them probably didn’t follow him in AEW so he’s in a sort of similar position when he first came back to wrestling. And if there are bigger plans for Cena’s character, I can see Punk staying face a little longer. The other side of losing the chamber is he gets to be that sympathetic baby face, fans on social media are already campaigning for him main eventing night 2 and suggesting night 1 is not good enough when he has paid his dues being the star and still working more dates then other part timers have in the past.
@RedwoodOriginal First of all it’s fantastic news! and especially Ricky being back on TV pretty much right away! What did you make of the whole thing ?

My main gripe is it seems like he’s going to be affiliated with NXT for the foreseeable future.

And do you think they missed a trick debuting him like this via NXT ?

I don’t know if I would have booked his first appearance like this.
@RedwoodOriginal First of all it’s fantastic news! and especially Ricky being back on TV pretty much right away! What did you make of the whole thing ?

My main gripe is it seems like he’s going to be affiliated with NXT for the foreseeable future.

And do you think they missed a trick debuting him like this via NXT ?

I don’t know if I would have booked his first appearance like this.
I wasn't a big fan of it. Him coming out of the crowd, no music, no nothing. I would have preferred him to make the save in a match. As a fan, I would have liked to listen to his theme song just for the pop and reaction. But the good news is that he is there. It may be NXT, but hopefully it he doesn't spend long there. Considering his natural charisma, I fully expect him to stand-out from the rest of the pack. It's a positive sign that they signed him so quickly.
I wasn't a big fan of it. Him coming out of the crowd, no music, no nothing. I would have preferred him to make the save in a match. As a fan, I would have liked to listen to his theme song just for the pop and reaction. But the good news is that he is there. It may be NXT, but hopefully it he doesn't spend long there. Considering his natural charisma, I fully expect him to stand-out from the rest of the pack. It's a positive sign that they signed him so quickly.

I completely agree, on the surface it looks like H engaging the stuff which is said online and booking in relation to that, the guy is so easily triggered. Maybe he wanted him there before word got out in the Observer or something. Ignoring that, Starks has been unfairly waiting on the fence for some time and must have been raring to go, maybe he insisted that he go to work right away ? But if am the lead booker, seeing what a star he is, I’d have kept him at bay a little longer till I figured out the best way to present him like a major stat. I mean they did it for Penta, what’s happened here ?

Am being greedy because am glad he signed but ffs not on NXT, anyway, he will get to work with Shawn and I hope there are much bigger plans for him post Mania. This is the problem, I think he’s too good for NXT.

I would have used the Y2J template of 1999 and had him interrupt Reigns, Cody or Punk.
AJ Styles v Bron Breakker for the IC Championship could be a great match for WrestleMania

Not a bad match up, I wouldn’t have even minded a match with Dom but it’s happening on RAW next week.

He’s getting involved with Judgement Day so I am now starting to think about AJ being reacquainted with Balor, they had instant chemistry the one night they did get to wrestle by ‘accident’.

Or AJ still has unfinished business with the Bloodline, they should sell him against Reigns to us, much better than Seth/Reigns again.

AJ deserves a big match.
Not a bad match up, I wouldn’t have even minded a match with Dom but it’s happening on RAW next week.

He’s getting involved with Judgement Day so I am now starting to think about AJ being reacquainted with Balor, they had instant chemistry the one night they did get to wrestle by ‘accident’.

Or AJ still has unfinished business with the Bloodline, they should sell him against Reigns to us, much better than Seth/Reigns again.

AJ deserves a big match.
I think it will be AJ v Bron or AJ v Balor. I would take either but I would prefer AJ v Bron because we haven't seen it before and you just know AJ will make Bron look like a million bucks.
I completely agree, on the surface it looks like H engaging the stuff which is said online and booking in relation to that, the guy is so easily triggered. Maybe he wanted him there before word got out in the Observer or something. Ignoring that, Starks has been unfairly waiting on the fence for some time and must have been raring to go, maybe he insisted that he go to work right away ? But if am the lead booker, seeing what a star he is, I’d have kept him at bay a little longer till I figured out the best way to present him like a major stat. I mean they did it for Penta, what’s happened here ?

Am being greedy because am glad he signed but ffs not on NXT, anyway, he will get to work with Shawn and I hope there are much bigger plans for him post Mania. This is the problem, I think he’s too good for NXT.

I would have used the Y2J template of 1999 and had him interrupt Reigns, Cody or Punk.
Hahah you had some high expectations. 😄

Tbh I had a feeling it was likely going to be NXT. And honestly I don't mind it as long as its not long. We can't expect most of the WWE fans to know who he is. I mean AEW Dynamite is barely watched by 600k viewers every week. And he hasn't been on TV in a long while.

Not a bad idea to introduce him to this audience. Hopefully its a short and sweet run.

Penta is different because he's more easily marketable because of his look and style. Even if someone hasn't seen him before they will take notice of him because of that look. And his style in the ring is also very flashy.

With Ricky, you need to see him atleast do a promo to realize how talented he is. Because he isn't exactly 6 ft tall and jacked to the gills, though he has a very good look.

Btw he's got Undertaker's endorsement too.
Hahah you had some high expectations. 😄

Tbh I had a feeling it was likely going to be NXT. And honestly I don't mind it as long as its not long. We can't expect most of the WWE fans to know who he is. I mean AEW Dynamite is barely watched by 600k viewers every week. And he hasn't been on TV in a long while.

Not a bad idea to introduce him to this audience. Hopefully its a short and sweet run.

Penta is different because he's more easily marketable because of his look and style. Even if someone hasn't seen him before they will take notice of him because of that look. And his style in the ring is also very flashy.

With Ricky, you need to see him atleast do a promo to realize how talented he is. Because he isn't exactly 6 ft tall and jacked to the gills, though he has a very good look.

Btw he's got Undertaker's endorsement too.

I think I did have high expectations when you consider H is the booker.

The thing is, NXT have their own little niche/audience. Regardless off whether or not Starks was going to come through there, they still need to sell him on the main roster, I follow wrestling more closely then casuals and even I don’t have time for NXT. NXT is followed by a few more people than AEW that’s it, so I don’t think he will benefit from being exposed to the wider WWE audience.

There was a time when you didn’t need to go through NXT to get to the main roster and while I appreciate that needs to happen with wrestlers who are new to the business, it shouldn’t be the case for someone like Ricky Starks.

Also, what TK has been doing keeping these guys off the shelf has massively backfired when you look at the appeal Ricky has on social media and the numbers he has been doing recently.

Penta might be a slightly easier sell but I still give them credit for the work they put in to present him like a big star, something he didn’t quiet come across as in AEW. In this era the look is seldom as relevant, and Ricky’s in great shape for his size, it looked to me like he has been lifting more weights during the inactivity and in the WWE environment, a handful of people can cut a promo like him and he has his character nailed, he is made for the big leagues and it shouldn’t be difficult upfront and even easier if he’s a heel!

The guy is 34 and they need to go in all the way with him right now, strap the damn rocket on his back!

I am disappointed because you only get to make an impression once, but I hope that when he does jump to the main roster, it’s a huge deal and they present him like a star.
I think it will be AJ v Bron or AJ v Balor. I would take either but I would prefer AJ v Bron because we haven't seen it before and you just know AJ will make Bron look like a million bucks.

Yeah styles make fights and AJ/Bron could be a candidate for match of the night due to their distinct attributes
I think I did have high expectations when you consider H is the booker.

The thing is, NXT have their own little niche/audience. Regardless off whether or not Starks was going to come through there, they still need to sell him on the main roster, I follow wrestling more closely then casuals and even I don’t have time for NXT. NXT is followed by a few more people than AEW that’s it, so I don’t think he will benefit from being exposed to the wider WWE audience.

There was a time when you didn’t need to go through NXT to get to the main roster and while I appreciate that needs to happen with wrestlers who are new to the business, it shouldn’t be the case for someone like Ricky Starks.

Also, what TK has been doing keeping these guys off the shelf has massively backfired when you look at the appeal Ricky has on social media and the numbers he has been doing recently.

Penta might be a slightly easier sell but I still give them credit for the work they put in to present him like a big star, something he didn’t quiet come across as in AEW. In this era the look is seldom as relevant, and Ricky’s in great shape for his size, it looked to me like he has been lifting more weights during the inactivity and in the WWE environment, a handful of people can cut a promo like him and he has his character nailed, he is made for the big leagues and it shouldn’t be difficult upfront and even easier if he’s a heel!

The guy is 34 and they need to go in all the way with him right now, strap the damn rocket on his back!

I am disappointed because you only get to make an impression once, but I hope that when he does jump to the main roster, it’s a huge deal and they present him like a star.
So apparently the rumor is that because all the plans for WrestleMania were locked up, they decided to debut him in NXT, because he could fit into storylines more easily. If that really is the case then I think that the RAW after WrestleMania would be the perfect place to debut him on the main-roster.

I think they just wanted to stick it to Tony. By debuting him literally one day after he was released. Should have played it a little maturely and debuted him on the night after Mania.

I couldn't agree more with everything you said. Ricky is someone they should be looking at as a main-eventer in next couple of years. He should be in the same league as Bron Breakker and Jacob Fatu. Btw, how great would it be if, on the RAW after WrestleMania he interrupted Punk or some other big star? It would make me forget this NXT debut altogether. :sm
So apparently the rumor is that because all the plans for WrestleMania were locked up, they decided to debut him in NXT, because he could fit into storylines more easily. If that really is the case then I think that the RAW after WrestleMania would be the perfect place to debut him on the main-roster.

I think they just wanted to stick it to Tony. By debuting him literally one day after he was released. Should have played it a little maturely and debuted him on the night after Mania.

I couldn't agree more with everything you said. Ricky is someone they should be looking at as a main-eventer in next couple of years. He should be in the same league as Bron Breakker and Jacob Fatu. Btw, how great would it be if, on the RAW after WrestleMania he interrupted Punk or some other big star? It would make me forget this NXT debut altogether. :sm

This is how petty H is, am not surprised. I mean if you are going to do this, make it feel special at least. Maybe Shawn Michaels could have bought him out or something. But you’re right, if the main roster debut is good I will forget this.

For the main roster debut we need Punk to show up, then Cody and then Ricky; they stand in the ring and do the Spider-Man meme.

Meanwhile someone in Jacksonville will be on suicide watch.
This is how petty H is, am not surprised. I mean if you are going to do this, make it feel special at least. Maybe Shawn Michaels could have bought him out or something. But you’re right, if the main roster debut is good I will forget this.

For the main roster debut we need Punk to show up, then Cody and then Ricky; they stand in the ring and do the Spider-Man meme.
Hahaha. It definitely has to be someone big. It has to be impactful.

Meanwhile someone in Jacksonville will be on suicide watch.
Looks like coke supply will run out that night :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Hahaha. It definitely has to be someone big. It has to be impactful.

Looks like coke supply will run out that night :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

I can’t remember where I read this but do you know that TK listens to the full length podcast episode’s from the JC experience lol It’s almost as if he books the way he does to spite them, like everything he does is the polar opposite aha
I can’t remember where I read this but do you know that TK listens to the full length podcast episode’s from the JC experience lol It’s almost as if he books the way he does to spite them, like everything he does is the polar opposite aha
Claims to be a fan of Mid-South and Smokey Mountain while doing nothing that resembles those promotions in any way :ROFLMAO:

You its a bad sign for a company when the dumbest mark of all is the booker and promoter
It’s still crazy to me that Roman went from arguably the worst one on the mic in the entire roster let alone the Shield years ago, and now he has surpassed his ex team members by a long distance in terms of promos and top 5 on the roster.

Every time him and Seth address each other on the mic, he cooks Seth every single time these days lol.

Earlier failures imo less to do with his ability and more to do with the awful scripts Vince was passing out. The version we see now is who he truly is but just dialed to a 100
It’s still crazy to me that Roman went from arguably the worst one on the mic in the entire roster let alone the Shield years ago, and now he has surpassed his ex team members by a long distance in terms of promos and top 5 on the roster.

Every time him and Seth address each other on the mic, he cooks Seth every single time these days lol.

Earlier failures imo less to do with his ability and more to do with the awful scripts Vince was passing out. The version we see now is who he truly is but just dialed to a 100
I saw a match in FCW of Seth vs Dean vs Roman. There Seth and Dean were evidently carrying Roman in the match and Roman looked extremely green. seeing his evolution seems unbelievable. He looks like a top guy in everything he does there now be it promos, selling, crafting a storyline, in ring generalship, wrestling skills etc. The guy is a model for how much farther you can go with hard work.
It’s still crazy to me that Roman went from arguably the worst one on the mic in the entire roster let alone the Shield years ago, and now he has surpassed his ex team members by a long distance in terms of promos and top 5 on the roster.

Every time him and Seth address each other on the mic, he cooks Seth every single time these days lol.

Earlier failures imo less to do with his ability and more to do with the awful scripts Vince was passing out. The version we see now is who he truly is but just dialed to a 100
I saw a match in FCW of Seth vs Dean vs Roman. There Seth and Dean were evidently carrying Roman in the match and Roman looked extremely green. seeing his evolution seems unbelievable. He looks like a top guy in everything he does there now be it promos, selling, crafting a storyline, in ring generalship, wrestling skills etc. The guy is a model for how much farther you can go with hard work.
When these guys started out, both Mox and Rollins were significantly more advanced than Roman. Mox had spent time on the indies in promotions like CZW, while Rollins had a career in ROH and was even the ROH World Champion at one point. Meanwhile Roman was coming off an unfulfilled football career and had no in-ring experience of any sort. And now, he has eclipsed them so comprehensively that its not even a competition anymore. Every metric you want to look at, from drawing power to being involved in compelling storylines, Roman blows them out of the water.
When these guys started out, both Mox and Rollins were significantly more advanced than Roman. Mox had spent time on the indies in promotions like CZW, while Rollins had a career in ROH and was even the ROH World Champion at one point. Meanwhile Roman was coming off an unfulfilled football career and had no in-ring experience of any sort. And now, he has eclipsed them so comprehensively that its not even a competition anymore. Every metric you want to look at, from drawing power to being involved in compelling storylines, Roman blows them out of the water.

I know genetically superior is Charlotte’s gimmick, but you can really apply it to Reigns, there’s just something special about 2nd, third gen wrestlers etc the business runs through their veins and with Reigns, despite the ring experience I think just being around all those larger then life personalities built him different, more than anything he could learn through the ropes, they developed that elite mentality whether it was the samoans or the football which Lesnar found pretty brutal to, he found it more brutal then MMA.
When these guys started out, both Mox and Rollins were significantly more advanced than Roman. Mox had spent time on the indies in promotions like CZW, while Rollins had a career in ROH and was even the ROH World Champion at one point. Meanwhile Roman was coming off an unfulfilled football career and had no in-ring experience of any sort. And now, he has eclipsed them so comprehensively that its not even a competition anymore. Every metric you want to look at, from drawing power to being involved in compelling storylines, Roman blows them out of the water.

Mox was expected to be our gen’s Mick Foley and he did achieve a great deal, but never fulfilled his potential to this day. Mox was better suited going into Boxing or MMA to exercise his demons because they manifest in the worst way in a pro-wrestling environment and I don’t think being in AEW has been healthy for his problems either. For me, Kevin Owens and Mox were the last guys I followed properly on the independent circuit and more then the crazy gimmick matches he bad in CZW, it was the promos which got me, like this guy is seriously deranged. Seth Rollins should have been one of the most over baby faces in the business and despite his success, they never really turned him into a huge name, he struggled for creative direction and it took many years before his character settled and even then, I don’t know what the hell his Kusra act is. Roman on the other hand had arguably the greatest title run of the 21st century and that’s after the bs he had to deal with from smarks early on in his career.
It’s still crazy to me that Roman went from arguably the worst one on the mic in the entire roster let alone the Shield years ago, and now he has surpassed his ex team members by a long distance in terms of promos and top 5 on the roster.

Every time him and Seth address each other on the mic, he cooks Seth every single time these days lol.

Earlier failures imo less to do with his ability and more to do with the awful scripts Vince was passing out. The version we see now is who he truly is but just dialed to a 100

Vince was bang on in wanting to make him the next big thing, but he overlooked the fact that Cena was one off a kind and someone like Roman had to be his own man - it took him a while for him to get this, the other issue was the timing, we all wanted to see Daniel Bryan conquer the big leagues and trying to push Roman hard backfired as a result. For what it’s worth, I thought Reigns was more of a natural in the ring compared to Mox or Seth, even at his worst in terms of profile, one thing which always stood out was how good a seller he was and he rarely was in a terrible match and even had an entertaining feud with Braun. With the mic work it was fine as a face if he kept it short, anything longer or getting him to cut a promo like Cena was not going to work for that baby face character; he was over with the shield because they worked within the ceiling of his persona.

I still think fans were overly harsh with Reigns, I use to post it then as well. I didn’t feel he was as terrible as he was made out and a lot of it like you said was terrible scripting and booking to. But on the flip side I can see why Vince continued to push Reigns hard because he had the marbles to withstand all the pressure and keep working - Roman still had the same mentality during those early years, I think he was right in the end.
@shaz619, do you follow Maven's YouTube channel? I see quite a few ex-WWE wrestlers have their own YouTube channels now.

Even Undertaker has one.
@shaz619, do you follow Maven's YouTube channel? I see quite a few ex-WWE wrestlers have their own YouTube channels now.

No tbh and call me old school I just don’t like the extent to which he has gone to expose the wrestling business. Maven had an alright career for a jobber, but he should pipe down. He comes across as a bit of a tool. But am biased and I’ve not seen anything other then the clickbait titles, maybe @RedwoodOriginal has checked out some of his stuff
No tbh and call me old school I just don’t like the extent to which he has gone to expose the wrestling business. Maven had an alright career for a jobber, but he should pipe down. He comes across as a bit of a tool. But am biased and I’ve not seen anything other then the clickbait titles, maybe @RedwoodOriginal has checked out some of his stuff

I watch his videos from time to time. I think he is a good speaker.

D-Von Dudley also has a YouTube channel. He once did an interview with Jeff Hardy (they both watched one of their TLC matches together).
I watched a couple of matches from the NXT vengeance event, been a while since I’ve checked out their PPV’s.

Was very impressed with the opening match between Vasquer and NA champion, Vasquer especially has everything, I don’t think we’ve seen half of her athletic ability, she uses ring space so well, very very slick when it comes to her technical ability and she can do all the high spots as needed. And how about that finisher, doesn’t bring it out every match but it blew my mind because the only other person to do it cleanly was AJ Styles; the spiral tap! but this was more like a spiral tap moonsault, I have no earthly idea how she pulled it off like it was nothing.

The other match was the triple threat between Oba Femi & A-Town Down Under, this had HBK production written all over it, story driven match which exhibited the power & athleticism of Oba Femi and it kept incrementally building tension between the tag partners and was done a little more creative, I feel sorry for Austin Theory, what a talent he has it all, what did he do to deserve being punished for Vinces sins, it’s probably someones tiny nutsack who got their behind hurt by the idea of making him the star he should be by now because he was a favourite of a much bigger fish. Theory was phenomenal in the match and first time seeing Oba, he is a seriously impressive dude, we don’t see enough big lads get a strong push these days but Oba is a real athlete, light on his feet and works to his size which shows ring intelligence.

Shield 2.0 ? attacked the champion after the match, not sure what to make of that…..

Never really watched the Trick Williams match but we all know how good he is, likely he will get the call after mania, he reminds me a lot of Booker T.

Watched about 10 mins of the main event, it didn’t do it for me and I’ve not seen enough of Gulia to best judge her abilities. Bayley’s a real work horse though, I hope she gets paid overtime working all three shows, doing live events and flying everywhere on short notice.
No tbh and call me old school I just don’t like the extent to which he has gone to expose the wrestling business. Maven had an alright career for a jobber, but he should pipe down. He comes across as a bit of a tool. But am biased and I’ve not seen anything other then the clickbait titles, maybe @RedwoodOriginal has checked out some of his stuff
I saw a couple of his vids. I have the same feelings as you. Didn't bother checking out more. Like cricket, every tom, dick & harry wrestler has started their own YouTube channel.
Mox was expected to be our gen’s Mick Foley and he did achieve a great deal, but never fulfilled his potential to this day. Mox was better suited going into Boxing or MMA to exercise his demons because they manifest in the worst way in a pro-wrestling environment and I don’t think being in AEW has been healthy for his problems either. For me, Kevin Owens and Mox were the last guys I followed properly on the independent circuit and more then the crazy gimmick matches he bad in CZW, it was the promos which got me, like this guy is seriously deranged. Seth Rollins should have been one of the most over baby faces in the business and despite his success, they never really turned him into a huge name, he struggled for creative direction and it took many years before his character settled and even then, I don’t know what the hell his Kusra act is. Roman on the other hand had arguably the greatest title run of the 21st century and that’s after the bs he had to deal with from smarks early on in his career.
You hit the nail on the head. You can go and look up Mox's promos from 2007 or 2009 back when he was a spring chicken in CZW doing deathmatches in bingo halls, and even then you could see that he had something. Even when The Shield started out he was the one that I thought would go the farthest because of what a compelling personality he was. I don't know if you have seen his 'I'm a sick guy' promo from CZW but its just one of the many promos that showcase what a talented talker he is, and that there is obviously some real-life trauma behind what he says which makes it feel real. But at the same time, he is also someone who cannot be given complete creative control. And his run in AEW, especially the last few years have been a case study in just what happens when you do give him that power and creative control.

Seth for all his talent in the ring has the charisma of a mailbox. And I think he knows it. Which is why he overcompensates with these over-the-top gimmicks. Because he knows that he can't be himself or even a version of himself dialed up to an 11, and be interesting. Unlike Mox, who grew up on the streets of Cincinnati, Rollins comes from a boring suburban Midwest household. The biggest thing he probably had to worry about as a child was whether he wanted Fruit Loops or Frosties for breakfast. So there's nothing interesting there. He is also very indie-minded and you see that in his work when he does moves like the buckle-bomb or the falcon arrow into the suplex. Had it not been for NXT or being in the WWE system for this long, I seriously question the type of wrestler he would be today because he too would have given in to his worst instincts.

Roman on the other hand ticks all the boxes. And he seems to be someone who is the most willing (out of all three) to learn, grow and adapt. Ofcourse growing up in the business and having someone like Paul Heyman in your corner helps, but you gotta listen to the advice too. In the last five years he has taken WWE from a struggling product that was hated by fans like me, and made it hotter than it has been in decades. It's not just him; everyone who has been involved in the Bloodline saga has had a role to play. But it has all been built around him as the main draw. He has cemented himself as a modern day GOAT.
You hit the nail on the head. You can go and look up Mox's promos from 2007 or 2009 back when he was a spring chicken in CZW doing deathmatches in bingo halls, and even then you could see that he had something. Even when The Shield started out he was the one that I thought would go the farthest because of what a compelling personality he was. I don't know if you have seen his 'I'm a sick guy' promo from CZW but its just one of the many promos that showcase what a talented talker he is, and that there is obviously some real-life trauma behind what he says which makes it feel real. But at the same time, he is also someone who cannot be given complete creative control. And his run in AEW, especially the last few years have been a case study in just what happens when you do give him that power and creative control.

Seth for all his talent in the ring has the charisma of a mailbox. And I think he knows it. Which is why he overcompensates with these over-the-top gimmicks. Because he knows that he can't be himself or even a version of himself dialed up to an 11, and be interesting. Unlike Mox, who grew up on the streets of Cincinnati, Rollins comes from a boring suburban Midwest household. The biggest thing he probably had to worry about as a child was whether he wanted Fruit Loops or Frosties for breakfast. So there's nothing interesting there. He is also very indie-minded and you see that in his work when he does moves like the buckle-bomb or the falcon arrow into the suplex. Had it not been for NXT or being in the WWE system for this long, I seriously question the type of wrestler he would be today because he too would have given in to his worst instincts.

Roman on the other hand ticks all the boxes. And he seems to be someone who is the most willing (out of all three) to learn, grow and adapt. Ofcourse growing up in the business and having someone like Paul Heyman in your corner helps, but you gotta listen to the advice too. In the last five years he has taken WWE from a struggling product that was hated by fans like me, and made it hotter than it has been in decades. It's not just him; everyone who has been involved in the Bloodline saga has had a role to play. But it has all been built around him as the main draw. He has cemented himself as a modern day GOAT.
I think Seth knows he's never going to be the guy. He's always going to be the guy that works with THE GUY.
After the sh!t show today, I didn’t just want that Ricky Starks promo….or should I say Ricky Saints….but I NEEDED that damn promo! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
The Rock & Emily Blunt pitched a Hawaiian crime movie to Scorsese and Dicaprio recently. Reports suggest The Rock would be playing the crime boss, Scorsese and Dicaprio were receptive to the idea, I wonder if he showed them footage of The Final Boss lol Anything can change as it’s just a pitch, but very interesting; the story would revolve around mob wars in control of the Islands, similar in vein to Goodfellas and The Departed. I guess challenge for Scorsese would be whether this gets his juices flowing as he’d have done this movie very well before, but perhaps the exploration of Polynesian culture could be interesting for him. The other issue could be The Rock’s ability, though he might do ok playing a villain, I think Scorsese will be keeping one eye on The Smashing Machine starring The Rock and Emily Blunt, it’s meant to The Rock’s first sort of ‘serious’ movie so lets see how well he performs in that.

It looks like he is starting to get busy with Hollywood again, after the flops, he was smart to use WWE as a trampoline to jump back into the spotlight. Perhaps now or never for the match with Roman Reigns ? Though I’d have hoped he could have put Cody Rhodes over as well at some point……..
The Rock working the whole smarkverse again. Fantastic cold promo from him. He'll gradually settle into the villainy. I'd still like Cena to mainevent his final Mania (giving Jey the rumble win was stupid). We still don't know what The Final wants from Cody. A heel turn?
Curious to see how it plays out. The Rock firing up the build to Mania again this year.
Also, I know Drew looks a threat without a title and even if he loses but they’re really racking up the L column with him recently. Waaay too many losses. Not good for his image at all.
I want your soul is crazy lmao… we got Final Cult Boss Rock now.

Final Boss be trying to make Cody his slave yo 🤣🤣

It would be a shame if they don’t work together again in the ring because there is insane chemistry between the two and Cody having Rock on his resume would seriously boost the programme to solidify him as THE guy in the company.

But Rock pushed back on this during the press conference which makes me think he could be that authority type figure on-screen who Vince use to be.

Either way, compelling TV with the Final Boss involved in the road to Wrestlemania.