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I don't know about you guys but The Rock has become an embarrassment to me. Coming in whenever he feels like and expecting people to dance to his whims and lose their minds over his 20 minute entrance. His ego has gotten too big. In a way I think this is his way of sticking it to H, for all the years H politicked behind his back. But now Rock has become the real life heel. A complete Hollywood phony trying to milk every last drop out of the interest that people have in his his last 2-3 matches.
As a fan watching this show week-to-week there is nothing about anything The Rock has done after WrestleMania that makes a lick of sense. Whether its him coming out at the end of Bad Blood and just staring at The Bloodline, coming on the Netflix debut to hug Roman and blow Netflix execs, or him coming out on SD last night.

Here's how I see it: wrestling does not need The Rock to stay relevant. The Rock needs wrestling to stay relevant.
I want your soul is crazy lmao… we got Final Cult Boss Rock now.
I am curious to see how he gradually stops honeycoating his words and becomes more and more harsh truly showing his evil side. For me a great angle is one that entertains you and keeps you waiting for the next episode which it definitely did for me at EC. But I don't know this makes Elimination Chamber victory sort of redundant?
I don't know about you guys but The Rock has become an embarrassment to me. Coming in whenever he feels like and expecting people to dance to his whims and lose their minds over his 20 minute entrance. His ego has gotten too big. In a way I think this is his way of sticking it to H, for all the years H politicked behind his back. But now Rock has become the real life heel. A complete Hollywood phony trying to milk every last drop out of the interest that people have in his his last 2-3 matches.
Nah I think whatever he's doing is working. He's still the biggest draw. Everyone tunes into his segments. The only people on twitter I see hating on him are the marks who have just started watching wrestling from dirt sheets point of view and what those bums like meltzer want people to think.
Rock vs Roman will still be a big big draw at NOLA next year.
However I do agree that he uses wwe to increase his pr. Whenever things start going tough for him in Hollywood, he uses wwe to regain fame (because prowrestling is what he is really great at rather than acting)
If it were not for him, last year's mainevent would have only featured interferences from Seth, Usos, and maybe Sami. Trips is a nut for Shield and wants to make everything about Shield.
As a fan watching this show week-to-week there is nothing about anything The Rock has done after WrestleMania that makes a lick of sense. Whether its him coming out at the end of Bad Blood and just staring at The Bloodline, coming on the Netflix debut to hug Roman and blow Netflix execs, or him coming out on SD last night.

Here's how I see it: wrestling does not need The Rock to stay relevant. The Rock needs wrestling to stay relevant.
Tbh, he hasn't really done anything after Mania till Netflix and last night's SD. Netflix was a downer. But I liked him on SD.
Curious to see what happens at EC. Cause I'm really tired of Trips and him booking the next 4 manias in advance.
I read on twitter that AJ vs Balor is going to be happen at this Mania even though the two have zero story going into it till now.
He did the same with Sami last year. Sami spent 6-7 months in limbo after losing the tag titles before suddenly winning the no.1 contender's match.
Nah I think whatever he's doing is working. He's still the biggest draw. Everyone tunes into his segments. The only people on twitter I see hating on him are the marks who have just started watching wrestling from dirt sheets point of view and what those bums like meltzer want people to think.
Rock vs Roman will still be a big big draw at NOLA next year.
However I do agree that he uses wwe to increase his pr. Whenever things start going tough for him in Hollywood, he uses wwe to regain fame (because prowrestling is what he is really great at rather than acting)
If it were not for him, last year's mainevent would have only featured interferences from Seth, Usos, and maybe Sami. Trips is a nut for Shield and wants to make everything about Shield.
I don't like any of this. Its teasing the fans with the idea of something that may or may not happen and taking everything else hostage in the process. In my opinion, The Rock needs to buzz off. Let WWE create new stars instead of constantly using it to remain relevant and satisfy his ego.
I don't like any of this. Its teasing the fans with the idea of something that may or may not happen and taking everything else hostage in the process. In my opinion, The Rock needs to buzz off. Let WWE create new stars instead of constantly using it to remain relevant and satisfy his ego.
Cody is already a star. His possible opponents, Cena or Punk are already stars. Unless the EC winner was going to be either Priest or Logan, I don't see how he is messing with WWE's attempt to create stars
Cody is already a star. His possible opponents, Cena or Punk are already stars. Unless the EC winner was going to be either Priest or Logan, I don't see how he is messing with WWE's attempt to create stars
When he comes on SmackDown to do a 30-minute segment on one day's notice. that may or may not go somewhere, it affects everyone. Segments that could have been used to advance other storylines get cut or shortened and ultimately that does affect guys and girls who are trying to improve their position on the card.

Roid Monkey Rock needs to s**t or get off the pot. Either do WrestleMania and do the match with Roman or take a hike. Why is he now trying to insert himself into this situation with Cody if it is not going to lead to a match at WrestleMania? And why should it lead to a match at WrestleMania when they have told us that the winner of the EC will challenge Cody at WrestleMania.
@shaz619 What is this jobber trying to accomplish?​

WTH is this and I don’t have the bandwidth for this jobber but reading this at the time I can’t remember the events exactly but it sounded so weak and pathetic
I don't know about you guys but The Rock has become an embarrassment to me. Coming in whenever he feels like and expecting people to dance to his whims and lose their minds over his 20 minute entrance. His ego has gotten too big. In a way I think this is his way of sticking it to H, for all the years H politicked behind his back. But now Rock has become the real life heel. A complete Hollywood phony trying to milk every last drop out of the interest that people have in his his last 2-3 matches.

You are right but I smiled when I read the bit about getting revenge from H
As a fan watching this show week-to-week there is nothing about anything The Rock has done after WrestleMania that makes a lick of sense. Whether its him coming out at the end of Bad Blood and just staring at The Bloodline, coming on the Netflix debut to hug Roman and blow Netflix execs, or him coming out on SD last night.

Here's how I see it: wrestling does not need The Rock to stay relevant. The Rock needs wrestling to stay relevant.

Don’t you find the Cody angle compelling ? And potential Punk involvement. I think beyond the subliminal appearances the Cody stuff has been built up pretty well, although we don’t know exactly what that is and sometimes I don’t mind that as long as the pay off is not something dumb
Don’t you find the Cody angle compelling ? And potential Punk involvement. I think beyond the subliminal appearances the Cody stuff has been built up pretty well, although we don’t know exactly what that is and sometimes I don’t mind that as long as the pay off is not something dumb
I like it. First Miz trying to tempt him and then now the Rock. Plus him showing heel like expression and brutality to KO in their ladder match.

Hope he breaks like Homelander. And CM Punk ends up being the “voice of the people” type face which he already is but now with a compelling heel to face after Drew.
Don’t you find the Cody angle compelling ? And potential Punk involvement. I think beyond the subliminal appearances the Cody stuff has been built up pretty well, although we don’t know exactly what that is and sometimes I don’t mind that as long as the pay off is not something dumb
I'm willing to see where it goes. But I haven't liked it so far. None of this stuff feels organic or well-thought out like the Bloodline stuff. I'm not sure if the whole bit about Rock suddenly being buddy buddy with Cody after he beat him to a bloody pulp and tried everything in his power to stop him from winning the belt, makes a whole lot of sense to me either.
WTH is this and I don’t have the bandwidth for this jobber but reading this at the time I can’t remember the events exactly but it sounded so weak and pathetic
I can't believe he tweeted "softest man alive" at Punk and then filed a lawsuit for this.

I guess he has trouble looking in mirror. Because this is the softest s**t ever. :yk
I like it. First Miz trying to tempt him and then now the Rock. Plus him showing heel like expression and brutality to KO in their ladder match.

Hope he breaks like Homelander. And CM Punk ends up being the “voice of the people” type face which he already is but now with a compelling heel to face after Drew.

Could you imagine a corporate Punk managed by The Rock bah gawd, what if the favour was for Reigns to buy Punk influence with Dwayne and thus booking his ticket for Mania. Punk sells his Soul to The Rock and does his bidding against Cody at WM
I can't believe he tweeted "softest man alive" at Punk and then filed a lawsuit for this.

I guess he has trouble looking in mirror. Because this is the softest s**t ever. :yk

You know what though, Tony will come face to face with Punk again.

Punk should show up with Cody and H who I hate but that would funny, maybe even JC because they share the same lawyer!

I don’t even know what Ryan has achieved in this business besides being related to his more successful brother.

All these idiots are just proving that Punk has been right all along.
Could you imagine a corporate Punk managed by The Rock bah gawd, what if the favour was for Reigns to buy Punk influence with Dwayne and thus booking his ticket for Mania. Punk sells his Soul to The Rock and does his bidding against Cody at WM
Im down for that. Heel Punk has been sorely missed. I want him to call random people in the crowd homos again

What a trailer lol… I know it’s fan made, but tying in Punk and Rock’s history with the title like that makes it look as if it’s WWE produced.
Could you imagine a corporate Punk managed by The Rock bah gawd, what if the favour was for Reigns to buy Punk influence with Dwayne and thus booking his ticket for Mania. Punk sells his Soul to The Rock and does his bidding against Cody at WM
U should write 4 wwe

What a trailer lol… I know it’s fan made, but tying in Punk and Rock’s history with the title like that makes it look as if it’s WWE produced.

Punk’s booked on RAW and most of our questions should hopefully get answered by the end of the week.

The likely outcome is still probably going to be Cena winning, but I hope they swerve us lol

Thing is, from a character POV I can’t see a Punk turn and there is so much juice left as a face, if only he was booked even stronger by H…..But, the one thing that could justify a possible turn could be being guaranteed a main event at Wrestlemania
But it was so confusing..half the time he said I am Ur friend our mom's are friend

I agree they were beating the crap out of each other, then became friends and now there is some tension again.

Personally, because the WM build has become so unpredictable, I am intrigued.

I know some didn’t like Jey Uso winning as well, but I didn’t mind it because it was unexpected.

Predictability is not a bad thing but with WWE that has been the case for some time, 90% of the time you know what’s going to happen and how, but when that’s not the case I feel the programming can be more compelling.
Punk’s booked on RAW and most of our questions should hopefully get answered by the end of the week.

The likely outcome is still probably going to be Cena winning, but I hope they swerve us lol

Thing is, from a character POV I can’t see a Punk turn and there is so much juice left as a face, if only he was booked even stronger by H…..But, the one thing that could justify a possible turn could be being guaranteed a main event at Wrestlemania
Cena v Rock v Cody is another possibility. I don't see Punk getting involved in this. He seems to be more in the Seth and Roman periphery.

Looking forward to EC though, looks like a good card. This is why I love wrestling. It can never disappoint me and break my heart like cricket. WrestleMania season is the most exciting time of the year.
Cena v Rock v Cody is another possibility. I don't see Punk getting involved in this. He seems to be more in the Seth and Roman periphery.

Looking forward to EC though, looks like a good card. This is why I love wrestling. It can never disappoint me and break my heart like cricket. WrestleMania season is the most exciting time of the year.

That’s an interesting one, wouldn’t have pictured that triple threat. If they went Punk/Roman as a solo feud, that could have been huge to.

Yeah absolutely, 99% off the time it’s an exciting period for us, apart from the events which lead to WM 29, really dead build, weak undercard apart from Punk/Taker and we got the dreaded twice in a life time. I remember criticising the whole thing on PP it was one of the worst Roads To Wrestlemania.

Punk should have retained at EC and set up the triple threat, Cena/Rock 2 was a financial success but an in-ring DUD and Rock even got injured, there were plans to have him work with Brock at WM 30 and those were scrapped to and we didn’t see The Rock for some time after that. I saw a tweet the other day where a guy who got shot in the eye was talking to American TV and he was really positive, he expressed anger however at The Rock beating Punk for the title lol

Check this out with the edit I get goosebumps:

That’s an interesting one, wouldn’t have pictured that triple threat. If they went Punk/Roman as a solo feud, that could have been huge to.

Yeah absolutely, 99% off the time it’s an exciting period for us, apart from the events which lead to WM 29, really dead build, weak undercard apart from Punk/Taker and we got the dreaded twice in a life time. I remember criticising the whole thing on PP it was one of the worst Roads To Wrestlemania.

Punk should have retained at EC and set up the triple threat, Cena/Rock 2 was a financial success but an in-ring DUD and Rock even got injured, there were plans to have him work with Brock at WM 30 and those were scrapped to and we didn’t see The Rock for some time after that. I saw a tweet the other day where a guy who got shot in the eye was talking to American TV and he was really positive, he expressed anger however at The Rock beating Punk for the title lol

Check this out with the edit I get goosebumps:

Just based on what they have already planned and Rocky deciding to waltz in to the picture at the eleventh hour, that seems like the most logical end-point. Rock and Cena already have history, and Rock as the evil final boss could add some heat to what would have been a very low-heat babyface v babyface feud.

That is actually the year I stopped watching wrestling because of how done I was with the product, booking and the fact that every main-event on every PPV featured John Cena eventhough CM Punk was the World Champion. That 2013 Mania season may have been the tipping point for me. I remember finding that Cena/Rock match to be incredibly boring and mediocre. Even the Punk v Taker match, do you remember how they booked that? They had like a 4 way on RAW with the winner getting a shot at Taker at Mania. As if wrestling Taker is akin to wrestling for a belt lol. Took 7 long years for me to get back into wrestling after that, and it took a global pandemic and me being locked in my house. But I'm glad that I started watching again and became a bigger fan than ever before.
I'm willing to see where it goes. But I haven't liked it so far. None of this stuff feels organic or well-thought out like the Bloodline stuff. I'm not sure if the whole bit about Rock suddenly being buddy buddy with Cody after he beat him to a bloody pulp and tried everything in his power to stop him from winning the belt, makes a whole lot of sense to me either.
AE didn't really have many longterm storylines planned in advance. Vince and others would keep changing stuff or do angles rightaway. A little chaos is good at times for the shock factor otherwise stuff becomes predictable
AE didn't really have many longterm storylines planned in advance. Vince and others would keep changing stuff or do angles rightaway. A little chaos is good at times for the shock factor otherwise stuff becomes predictable
It did though. The biggest storyline Austin v McMahon went on for like 4 years, with numerous twists and turns along the way. Other storylines that had long-term pay-off: Austin v Rock, Rock v Foley, Rock v Triple H, Ministry of Darkness storyline, Undertaker v Kane, Mick Foley's entire arc.
@RedwoodOriginal If you want a good laugh please read this, makes up for yesterday big time:

I read this and legit burst out laughing. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Some of the greatest hits:

"In early 2023, Brooks assaulted and battered two fellow wrestlers known by the stage names Matt and Nick Jackson. Brooks is known to have an uncontrollable temper and often lashes out in violent tirades against others. Thus, Defendants were on notice regarding Brooks’ violent proclivities."

"Because Tony Khan had such a deep admiration for Brooks (bordering on an obsession), Khan went along with Brooks’ desires to ruin Nemeth’s career."

"Nemeth was embarrassed and humiliated in front of other wrestlers who witnessed him being kicked out of the arena. More importantly, fans observed him leaving the arena. Pictures were taken and the expulsion became “viral” on social media. This humiliation caused irreparable damage the marketability and reputation of Nemeth."

Who the hell does this jobber think he is? Btw, I'm glad he exposed to the world that his buddies basically got their a$$es kicked. :ROFLMAO:
It did though. The biggest storyline Austin v McMahon went on for like 4 years, with numerous twists and turns along the way. Other storylines that had long-term pay-off: Austin v Rock, Rock v Foley, Rock v Triple H, Ministry of Darkness storyline, Undertaker v Kane, Mick Foley's entire arc.
yup but that is us seeing stuff in retrospect. In between Austin and Vince aligned together as well briefly before Vince making himself the higher power. Austin vs Rock was probably the most carefully laid out storyline by Vince IMO. There was always an element of unpredictability there as well. Kane was meant to be a one off feud for Taker before Kane impressing Vince with this work.
The whole Kofimania thing was done cause Mustafa Ali got injured and Kofi caught fire and Vince went along with it. I don't expect Trips to have that impulsivity.
Trips is too worried about his PR and critics to do something unpredictable. I am pretty sure Cody Roman feud last year wouldn't have as good of a build as it did if The Rock didn't get involved then. I had thought including Sami into Bloodline was Trips idea but Roman recently said in an interview that it was his'.
I read this and legit burst out laughing. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Some of the greatest hits:

"In early 2023, Brooks assaulted and battered two fellow wrestlers known by the stage names Matt and Nick Jackson. Brooks is known to have an uncontrollable temper and often lashes out in violent tirades against others. Thus, Defendants were on notice regarding Brooks’ violent proclivities."

"Because Tony Khan had such a deep admiration for Brooks (bordering on an obsession), Khan went along with Brooks’ desires to ruin Nemeth’s career."

"Nemeth was embarrassed and humiliated in front of other wrestlers who witnessed him being kicked out of the arena. More importantly, fans observed him leaving the arena. Pictures were taken and the expulsion became “viral” on social media. This humiliation caused irreparable damage the marketability and reputation of Nemeth."

Who the hell does this jobber think he is? Btw, I'm glad he exposed to the world that his buddies basically got their a$$es kicked. :ROFLMAO:

Mate same here, I’ve not a good laugh in a while LOL

He’s just adding to the notoriety of CM Punk. This jobber knows he is nothing in this business and is going down this route for some attention, the Bucks are worse off after all this 🤣
yup but that is us seeing stuff in retrospect. In between Austin and Vince aligned together as well briefly before Vince making himself the higher power. Austin vs Rock was probably the most carefully laid out storyline by Vince IMO. There was always an element of unpredictability there as well. Kane was meant to be a one off feud for Taker before Kane impressing Vince with this work.
The whole Kofimania thing was done cause Mustafa Ali got injured and Kofi caught fire and Vince went along with it. I don't expect Trips to have that impulsivity.
Trips is too worried about his PR and critics to do something unpredictable. I am pretty sure Cody Roman feud last year wouldn't have as good of a build as it did if The Rock didn't get involved then. I had thought including Sami into Bloodline was Trips idea but Roman recently said in an interview that it was his'.
Doubt Triple H has much control over The Rock or anything he does. Infact I don't think he had much control on The Bloodline storyline either. From what I've heard it Heyman and Roman who were responsible for the general direction of where that story went.
Doubt Triple H has much control over The Rock or anything he does. Infact I don't think he had much control on The Bloodline storyline either. From what I've heard it Heyman and Roman who were responsible for the general direction of where that story went.
Yeah. so let's just have Bloodline and Dwayne keep doing their thing which feels like a different product from what Trips provides. Trips can work on everything other than that. I feel like we're going to be seeing Punk vs Logan at Mania.
If cena does not win the 17th title, then I am out. He should win the EC and should win WM. Simple thing that the fans would love to see.
If cena does not win the 17th title, then I am out. He should win the EC and should win WM. Simple thing that the fans would love to see.

What’s about Cena winning his 17th, it’s not his right.

Randy Orton is more worthy from the male superstars. He is currently level with H for world title honours, I wonder why @Suleiman
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What’s about Cena winning his 17th, it’s not his right.

Randy Orton is more worthy from the male superstars. He is currently level with H for world title honours, I wonder why @Suleiman
Triple H will use dosti yaari manipulation on Randy to make him give up yet another accolade as if booking him to job last year wasn’t enough. “It’s what’s best for business 🤡
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Triple H will use dosti yaari manipulation on Randy to make him give up yet another accolade as if booking him to job last year wasn’t enough. “It’s what’s best for business 🤡

Wait for some random midgets getting a push before Rock steps into really show him who is abah is for the booking of major angles. He has not gotten one person over besides himself, dork voted weasels his way into the HOF the first chance he got. Shawn really ought to be in charge of creative on the main roster. There was so much hype around Carmelo Hayes a year ago and I don’t even know what he is doing these days, I can’t imagine what he will do with Trick in April, then again he was always a racist. The thing is, Austin can see through his bs so we rarely see him make appearances, it will take a Rock or someone higher, he wont take a cheque just to show up and pretend to put H over.
Triple H will use dosti yaari manipulation on Randy to make him give up yet another accolade as if booking him to job last year wasn’t enough. “It’s what’s best for business 🤡
And jobbing to Logan Paul of all people. Talk about burying one of your biggest assets. Randy is a legend so its very hard to hurt him even if you do something like this, but its speaks to Kevin Owens's talent that he has managed to become even more relevant and interesting since jobbing to that clown.

Thoughts on the name Ricky Saints, his theme and overall impressions from his debut on NXT this week ?
I liked the debut. Nothing special but it was a good way to introduce him to this audience. And it was a well-booked match because it didn't go long and he got to hit his big finish at the end and win the match, which put all the attention on him. As for the name, I would put it in the Kevin Steen/Kevin Owens territory, where its not perfect but it could have been much worse. I still hate the name Gunther and think it would have been so much better if they just called him WALTER. I can accept Ricky Saints. I wish that hadn't done it and given in to their obsessive desire of owning every wrestler's name, but it's okay.

I hate the theme though. I thought his AEW was pretty good for a generic wrestling theme and worked for him. The new one feels like a sort of a rip-off of the original on certain notes but doesn't have the same oomph. They really need to change it because its not doing him any favors.

I also liked that Corey Graves referenced his connection to Cody and Punk on commentary, but he didn't do it like that mark Excalibur would, by referencing some obscure match in some barn 10 years ago that nobody saw.
I liked the debut. Nothing special but it was a good way to introduce him to this audience. And it was a well-booked match because it didn't go long and he got to hit his big finish at the end and win the match, which put all the attention on him. As for the name, I would put it in the Kevin Steen/Kevin Owens territory, where its not perfect but it could have been much worse. I still hate the name Gunther and think it would have been so much better if they just called him WALTER. I can accept Ricky Saints. I wish that hadn't done it and given in to their obsessive desire of owning every wrestler's name, but it's okay.

I hate the theme though. I thought his AEW was pretty good for a generic wrestling theme and worked for him. The new one feels like a sort of a rip-off of the original on certain notes but doesn't have the same oomph. They really need to change it because its not doing him any favors.

I also liked that Corey Graves referenced his connection to Cody and Punk on commentary, but he didn't do it like that mark Excalibur would, by referencing some obscure match in some barn 10 years ago that nobody saw.

With the theme I don’t like him talking at the start, but I feel slightly different to yourself in that I appreciate the effort to make it similar to the AEW one because I really loved that, I feel this one will keep simmering. Great analogy with the KO name, this is defo in the same territory, I am cool with it also due to Ricky’s explanation on Busted Open and it’s a name I do see myself getting use to. I didn’t mind Gunther at all, but WALTER was beastly name and the size of him from that time added to the aura and the weight behind them chops lol I enjoyed the segment overall and the promo afterwards on social media, he’s so charismatic dude, every thing he does has an extra oomph behind it and there’s so much personality in everything, and his ring work is buttery smooth. It’s a shame so many wrestlers use the spear because Ricky has one of the best, with his finisher, is that something he used regular in AEW? That outstanding Tornado DDT use to be his finish in the NWA. How about the ‘Tony Fumbled’ chants ? lol I was surprised because it sounds to me like some AEW fans have crossed over to NXT.

Is Excalibre still employed 🤣🤣🙈
Wait for some random midgets getting a push before Rock steps into really show him who is abah is for the booking of major angles. He has not gotten one person over besides himself, dork voted weasels his way into the HOF the first chance he got. Shawn really ought to be in charge of creative on the main roster. There was so much hype around Carmelo Hayes a year ago and I don’t even know what he is doing these days, I can’t imagine what he will do with Trick in April, then again he was always a racist. The thing is, Austin can see through his bs so we rarely see him make appearances, it will take a Rock or someone higher, he wont take a cheque just to show up and pretend to put H over.
Carmelo, Chad, LA. His predictable and monotone booking has killed all of their momentum.

He’s using everyone as fodder to fuel 2-3 guys who are already made and over with the people.

And yeah, Austin will call someone out on their bs no matter the boss be it H or Vince lol.

This episode of punk’d popped on YouTube couple weeks ago and Austin irl is p much the exact same dude on the street as in ring lol.
And jobbing to Logan Paul of all people. Talk about burying one of your biggest assets. Randy is a legend so its very hard to hurt him even if you do something like this, but its speaks to Kevin Owens's talent that he has managed to become even more relevant and interesting since jobbing to that clown.
Kev is hilarious rn haha.

But tbh I don’t get where they’re taking the Cody story. Seth called him out the other day for potentially selling out to Rock, but didn’t Kevin just finish calling him out for selling out too? But he was painted as the heel…?
Carmelo, Chad, LA. His predictable and monotone booking has killed all of their momentum.

He’s using everyone as fodder to fuel 2-3 guys who are already made and over with the people.

And yeah, Austin will call someone out on their bs no matter the boss be it H or Vince lol.

This episode of punk’d popped on YouTube couple weeks ago and Austin irl is p much the exact same dude on the street as in ring lol.
lol that waiter one?
he was cutting a live promo in real life on that guy.
Kev is hilarious rn haha.

But tbh I don’t get where they’re taking the Cody story. Seth called him out the other day for potentially selling out to Rock, but didn’t Kevin just finish calling him out for selling out too? But he was painted as the heel…?
Doesn't make much sense to me either. But that's bound to happen when you fast-track such a big storyline out of the blue like this. There hasn't been a long-term investment by the fans and none of the story beats feel earned.
With the theme I don’t like him talking at the start, but I feel slightly different to yourself in that I appreciate the effort to make it similar to the AEW one because I really loved that, I feel this one will keep simmering. Great analogy with the KO name, this is defo in the same territory, I am cool with it also due to Ricky’s explanation on Busted Open and it’s a name I do see myself getting use to. I didn’t mind Gunther at all, but WALTER was beastly name and the size of him from that time added to the aura and the weight behind them chops lol I enjoyed the segment overall and the promo afterwards on social media, he’s so charismatic dude, every thing he does has an extra oomph behind it and there’s so much personality in everything, and his ring work is buttery smooth. It’s a shame so many wrestlers use the spear because Ricky has one of the best, with his finisher, is that something he used regular in AEW? That outstanding Tornado DDT use to be his finish in the NWA. How about the ‘Tony Fumbled’ chants ? lol I was surprised because it sounds to me like some AEW fans have crossed over to NXT.

Is Excalibre still employed 🤣🤣🙈
I'm not a big fan of his finisher but yeah, he used it pretty regularly in the WWE. The Tornado DDT is awesome though. Maybe one of the best in the biz. And the spear is pretty awesome too though I feel as a move it has become overused. Let's see what they do with him. They have a real future star on their hands. Let's hope they don't fumble the ball like Tony.
Might be true. AEW has nosedived and lost alot of viewers in the past couple of years. I wouldn't be surprised be some of them switched over to NXT.

As long as AEW exists Excalibur will always have a job. He's like their Michael Cole.
Bret was worth every penny and did the company much better than him despite the horrific booking, Bret was the hottest name in wrestling, it’s on them they didn’t capitalise on that. Hogan was in it for himself from day one and didn’t earn a dime.
Not only did he not earn a dime but he also regularly tried to create the perception that he was a draw by taking credit for things like drawing the house on that Atlanta Nitro where he faced Goldberg. I think Jericho even claimed that once his girlfriend bought an action figure of him but rather than having something like 'Chris Jericho action figure' on the receipt it said 'Hogan & Sting action figure set.'

Hogan should be glad his buddy was the booker and allowed him to coast by for years despite doing a fraction of what he could have done to elevate that company.
Watching the chamber match, decent PPV so far, what if Cena sells his soul to The Rock bah gawd 🤔

Drew is the one who is most on edge out of these lot.

I reckon it could be either of these men.

Looks like Rock is going to come out at the end. Maybe Cody will confront his challenger and then Dwayne will be there after, and then the challenger attacks Cody or something.
Not good to turn this thread into a rizwan babar debate...
Ofcourse you'd have an issue with this. Here i am celebrating the greatest heel turn of all time.

Imagine if I said sharjeel. You'd be laughing. Looks like Bouncerguy is also turning heel.

Unlike you I'm always remaining a baby face 🫠.
Ofcourse you'd have an issue with this. Here i am celebrating the greatest heel turn of all time.

Imagine if I said sharjeel. You'd be laughing. Looks like Bouncerguy is also turning heel.

Unlike you I'm always remaining a baby face 🫠.
Talk about wrestling here. No need to talk about cricket where it does not belong.
Talk about wrestling here. No need to talk about cricket where it does not belong.
It 100% belongs here, you wanna know why? Because it shows how good triple H is at organising events.

The world would do good if Pakistan turns heel cause I'm sick of being the crappy beaten baby face.

However the nexus will never understand.
It 100% belongs here, you wanna know why? Because it shows how good triple H is at organising events.

The world would do good if Pakistan turns heel cause I'm sick of being the crappy beaten baby face.

@Rana @shaz619

2025 is the year of heel turns.

Cena turns heel.
Fakhar zaman turns heel.

Are we going to see a Rizwan Baby face?

However the nexus will never understand.
Okay please no!
This is the only thread i visit regularly because there aren't many shitposts here. Please don't turn it into one.
One of the greatest chapters in WWE history...Cena turning hell. But he should done it a long time ago when WWE was stalling with him as a face between 2010-2015 period. I always believed Doctor of Theageaunamics was his best character.

Hollywood Rock and Theagenunamics Cena together will be a treat to watch.
One of the greatest chapters in WWE history...Cena turning hell. But he should done it a long time ago when WWE was stalling with him as a face between 2010-2015 period. I always believed Doctor of Theageaunamics was his best character.

Hollywood Rock and Theagenunamics Cena together will be a treat to watch.
I agree. Him turning heel back then would’ve surpassed Hogan turning heel. Because there was a lot to lose back then regarding fan support, merch etc.

Not much to lose now that he’s at the end of his career. Not as big of an impact because he’s not as relevant either. But still a big deal and a massive moment for everyone of us even those who don’t follow wrestling as much anymore.

Reminds me of my own heel turn in 2015-2017 when I turned my back on India as someone who originated from Delhi and watched Pak win the 2017 CT title. Had to cancel my trip to Goa. Good times. Am a neutral fan now.
I agree. Him turning heel back then would’ve surpassed Hogan turning heel. Because there was a lot to lose back then regarding fan support, merch etc.

Not much to lose now that he’s at the end of his career. Not as big of an impact because he’s not as relevant either. But still a big deal and a massive moment for everyone of us even those who don’t follow wrestling as much anymore.

Reminds me of my own heel turn in 2015-2017 when I turned my back on India as someone who originated from Delhi and watched Pak win the 2017 CT title. Had to cancel my trip to Goa. Good times. Am a neutral fan now.
I think Vince McMahon was less aversive to taking risk when he grew older. Hence he never changed Cena and kept him a face awlays. In addition, Cena's Hollywood aspirations played a part as well.

Now Triple H is making multiple bold moves and no bigger than making The Rock and Cena, two of the biggest name in this company, turning heel at this stage of their careers.
Watching the chamber match, decent PPV so far, what if Cena sells his soul to The Rock bah gawd 🤔

Drew is the one who is most on edge out of these lot.

I reckon it could be either of these men.

Looks like Rock is going to come out at the end. Maybe Cody will confront his challenger and then Dwayne will be there after, and then the challenger attacks Cody or something.

My god, it played it out just like that and still it was a curve ball for me. I stayed up for this live, that will be something I never forget, I’ve never reacted like that before. Nothing is quiet like pro-wrestling.
So Cena retired the face persona? He will only have a 2 month heel run or this will last for a bit?

I feel (I hope) it will be for most of the year until the last few months of his career, he will allegedly retire in December. When he was rumoured to challenge Cody for the title, I felt it had to be something huge in the works for him character-wise. And Cena deserves to main event one last time and they’ve turned it up to another level, my god it was surreal to watch it all unfold live
So Cena retired the face persona? He will only have a 2 month heel run or this will last for a bit?
No clue. But my guess is, it's fitting if he retires as a heel. He started as a heel and ended it as a heel. I hope they don't start a new storyline and have him perform for a few more years.

Undertaker did this and from 2016 to 2020 we were all begging him to retire since the quality of matches with Goldberg, that hilarious brothers of destruction match where kane's mask fell off, they both had gigantic tummies and were huffing and puffing, it was pathetic.

Him losing to roman and having his music play was the perfect retirement.

Infact they ruined micheals as well by brining him back one more time.

Even flair was ruined.

Retirement should mean retirement and i think it's fitting if he retires as a heel. No one would blame him lol. He can easily make a memorable speech about his career during the hall of fame ceremony and everyone would applaud him either way.

So wwe has no reason to worry about damaging his character considering his character is too big to logically fail or even have a negative vibe.
I feel (I hope) it will be for most of the year until the last few months of his career, he will allegedly retire in December. When he was rumoured to challenge Cody for the title, I felt it had to be something huge in the works for him character-wise. And Cena deserves to main event one last time and they’ve turned it up to another level, my god it was surreal to watch it all unfold live
The way it was done was brilliant

The Rock signalling it to him was excellent.

5* booking!
I think Vince McMahon was less aversive to taking risk when he grew older. Hence he never changed Cena and kept him a face awlays. In addition, Cena's Hollywood aspirations played a part as well.

Now Triple H is making multiple bold moves and no bigger than making The Rock and Cena, two of the biggest name in this company, turning heel at this stage of their careers.

This is not a H call he’s not a player in this, The Rock’s on the TKO board and he has been the most influential when it has come to all the big calls at the top of the card and Nick Khan has proven to be the most shrewd man in the entertainment business.
The way it was done was brilliant

The Rock signalling it to him was excellent.

5* booking!

The Rock is secretly auditioning for a Martin Scoresese movie as well, he pitched a crime movie to him and DiCaprio recently as well lol And that look on Cena’s face! lmao priceless
I agree. Him turning heel back then would’ve surpassed Hogan turning heel. Because there was a lot to lose back then regarding fan support, merch etc.

Not much to lose now that he’s at the end of his career. Not as big of an impact because he’s not as relevant either. But still a big deal and a massive moment for everyone of us even those who don’t follow wrestling as much anymore.

Reminds me of my own heel turn in 2015-2017 when I turned my back on India as someone who originated from Delhi and watched Pak win the 2017 CT title. Had to cancel my trip to Goa. Good times. Am a neutral fan now.

It would never happen in his prime, and they always said it would never happen due to his affairs outside WWE to. The only possibility would have been towards the end of his career and it still feels surreal, Cena can still go as well in the ring and the turn will extend his ring work as well, imo the timing couldn’t have been better and also for Cody.

The chamber match has been overshadowed, Punk/Cena stole the show, they were outstanding.