Could be called as league of Roman's Jobbers.
Was having a think about what we spoke of before in regards to the AE and RA era's, although RA is miles ahead in terms of consistency in booking and storyline progression; who wins in terms of best moments?
Some top moments from the AE:
Mankind winning the title
Undertaker crucifying stephanie

Austin's Heel turn
Austin Visiting Vinny Mac in the hospital

Kane's debut
Y2J's word EPIC
Y2J beating Austin and Rock in the same night
Kurt Angle and Austin playing guitar

Kurt winning the WWE title in the Armageddon Cell match
The Rock cutting a promo on all his opponents in the Cell match
The Rock throwing Austin off a Bridge
The Rock beating HHH in an ironMan match
The Rock and Y2J promo battles (too many great ones to pick one lol)
Austin beating HBK to win the title
The Shawn and Bret 97 saga
The Austin and Bret saga
Mike Tyson's run in the WWE
The Rock becoming the leader of the nation
Taker betraying Kane to form the Ministry
DX invading WCW
Chyna beating Jericho for the IC title
Sable and her antics
There are probably loads I missed out

but lets see what I come up with for the RA era:
Eddie winning the title from Lesnar
Big Show and Lesnar causing the ring to collapse
Kane taking off his mask
Batista turning on Flair and HHH
Evolution turning on Orton
Austin and Lesnar brawling
Chris Benoit winning the WHC
Eddie and Benoit hugging at the end of mania
Hulk Hogan Hulking up at Wrestlemania X-8
The Rock and Hogan facing off on RAW
Lesnar defeating Rock for the title at SS
Lesnar attempting the shooting star press all the way from the cheap seats

Lesnar v Kurt in an IronMan match on Smackdown
HBK and Kurt having the greatest match of all time at mania 21
Batista winning the Royal Rumble
Eddie deceiving Kurt at mania 19 to retain his title
Edge winning the first MITB
Edge cashing in to become WWE champion
HBK returning to the WWE in 2002
Edge and Lita live celebration
Edge and Matt saga
Edge v Cena rivalry too much good stuff to pin point a specific moment
Kurt Angle winning the SD battle Royal to become World Champion
Undertaker returning as the Phenom
ECW invading RAW
RVD beating Cena for the title at One Night Stand
Edge beating RVD and Cena in a triple threat; it was significant for me in such a big way because yes used the title as a weapon but it was a no DQ match and even if a heel cheats on his own to win it's still CLEAN, you never see WWE do that these days; the heels have to be jobbers.
Shawn OverSelling Hogans offence at SummerSlam to get back at him for not putting him over

Probably missed some more but those were off the top of my head. I'd say in terms of moments the AE era slightly edges out the RA era for me