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Oh! a new faction, League of Nations comprising Russev, Alberto, Sheamus and Barett. The faction has potential but they could have been a bit more creative with the name; creative are likely to botch their booking though but I hope am wrong. Great to see guys that would otherwise be lost in the shuffle have something important to do
Oh! a new faction, League of Nations comprising Russev, Alberto, Sheamus and Barett. The faction has potential but they could have been a bit more creative with the name; creative are likely to botch their booking though but I hope am wrong. Great to see guys that would otherwise be lost in the shuffle have something important to do

actually the word is catchy. League of Nations with 4 different countries, throw in Cesaro and you Five Star team :yk2
some I made from last night

Oh! a new faction, League of Nations comprising Russev, Alberto, Sheamus and Barett. The faction has potential but they could have been a bit more creative with the name; creative are likely to botch their booking though but I hope am wrong. Great to see guys that would otherwise be lost in the shuffle have something important to do

League of Nations looks like a good concept. I just hope ADR ditches the mex America gimmick slowly. But they have to be booked strong not be as spineless and weak as the historical League of Nations was. Is ist just me or is Sheamus Mic Work as a heel been improving since he won the title. His line Sheamus 5:15 I just kicked your a**e was hilarious.

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Roman is not winning the title anytime soon. Blee dat!
Either he will win the title at the RR and face Lesnar at mania 32. Or he will face HHH at mania if he doesn't win the title and Hunter vs Rock doesn't happen. Which looks more unlikely.

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Either he will win the title at the RR and face Lesnar at mania 32. Or he will face HHH at mania if he doesn't win the title and Hunter vs Rock doesn't happen. Which looks more unlikely.

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that I dont mind. That wil work very well with SMARKS too. it will be like the correct version of Once in A Lifetime 2
Oh! a new faction, League of Nations comprising Russev, Alberto, Sheamus and Barett. The faction has potential but they could have been a bit more creative with the name; creative are likely to botch their booking though but I hope am wrong. Great to see guys that would otherwise be lost in the shuffle have something important to do

What the hell happened to Mex America or is wwe insulting our intelligence again??
What the hell happened to Mex America or is wwe insulting our intelligence again??
Hopefully creative realised how much it has fallen flat. The League of Nations sounds like a good idea. Can reinvigorate these guys. But having Sheamus allied with New Day and the L of N would be too much. This new stable should be the focus.

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League of Nations looks like a good concept. I just hope ADR ditches the mex America gimmick slowly. But they have to be booked strong not be as spineless and weak as the historical League of Nations was. Is ist just me or is Sheamus Mic Work as a heel been improving since he won the title. His line Sheamus 5:15 I just kicked your a**e was hilarious.

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Yeah they have great potential; lets not forget that when Xavier, Big E and Kofi first formed they didn't get over because their faction didn't really have a gimmick and Xavier went out on a limb to fix that. Someone from the League of Nations will have to do the same at some point and creative will need to back their vision; booking them like Romans League of Jobbers as [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] beautifully put :))) will make the whole thing pointless. Not sure if New Day should be associated with them but I guess they are using Sheamus to get them more heat given how they are cheered from the smarks. X-pac or no X-pac heat it can't be denied that Sheamus being disliked on whatever levels is an asset for creative in this era :)) But honestly his promo last week I had said was brilliant and today he took it to another level :))) Him mocking Reigns was brilliant; he has relished the role and I have faith that he can continue to grow. He's a bit of a dark comedic cocky/arrogant heel, he can really develop a character here and have the best run of his career since the first. Unfortunately his main purpose is to make Reigns look strong; but man if they Book Sheamus STRONG and really allow him to grow and gain credibility, have Lesnar win the Rumble and Challenge Sheamus at Wrestlemania. That's a Match of the Year Candidate right there.

I never got why Sheamus never has the sympathy from fans, his woes have been just as bad as the other crowd favourites if not worse; they've always booked the guy like a jobber when he has so much more potential then a glorified upper mid-card talent. And man! Russev once again proved what a brilliant A/R talent he is! he's just one of those characters that will always find a way to remain a beastly foreign heel irrespective of awful booking but they need to book him strong to! his mic ability is criminally underrated and in the ring he's so versatile given his size. Glad to see Lana and Russev back together; they should never have broken up. Also I hope creative have dropped the MexAmerica crap, keep Del Rio with the league. [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] you're my Bulgarian Sunshine :))) I didn't go all the way with [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]
that I dont mind. That wil work very well with SMARKS too. it will be like the correct version of Once in A Lifetime 2

There is no correct version of once in a life time 2, if there was one it should have been Cena v Rock v Punk for the title but they needed to find a jobber for Undertaker
And man shame on all you guys! I MARKED OUT HARD! when Tommy Dreamer came out! EC DUB! EC DUB! EC DUB! [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] that guy got super over in ECW by not winning a single match :))) :))) his feud against Raven was the stuff off legend and OMG! Raven was so friggin good! and as far as mic work is concerned he has to be up there with the greatest, people haven't seen his initial run with ECW but he was good as a sadistic psychopath who understood psychology in and beyond the square circle

Anyhow, despite the few good bits WWE put out another god awful RAW show. I can't see any real wrestling fans sitting through 3 hours of the show and enjoying 90% off it. The same inconsistencies remain but as far as some of the high profile feuds are concerned, there are some decent storyline potentials.

Were Lana and Rusev Notified Before Raw of Ryback’s “All the Way” Line?

According to Bryan Alvarez on this morning’s edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, while Ryback’s line about Dolph Ziggler and Lana “going all the way” was indeed in the Raw script last night, Lana and Rusev were not notified about it prior to the segment. Alvarez and Dave Meltzer labeled the sexual innuendo a “double cross line”.

As noted, there has been major backstage heat on Lana as of late for a number of reasons, including leaking her engagement to Rusev and calling Paige a bully on social media.

Typical WWE they are so petty....poor Lana
Yeah they have great potential; lets not forget that when Xavier, Big E and Kofi first formed they didn't get over because their faction didn't really have a gimmick and Xavier went out on a limb to fix that. Someone from the League of Nations will have to do the same at some point and creative will need to back their vision; booking them like Romans League of Jobbers as [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] beautifully put :))) will make the whole thing pointless. Not sure if New Day should be associated with them but I guess they are using Sheamus to get them more heat given how they are cheered from the smarks. X-pac or no X-pac heat it can't be denied that Sheamus being disliked on whatever levels is an asset for creative in this era :)) But honestly his promo last week I had said was brilliant and today he took it to another level :))) Him mocking Reigns was brilliant; he has relished the role and I have faith that he can continue to grow. He's a bit of a dark comedic cocky/arrogant heel, he can really develop a character here and have the best run of his career since the first. Unfortunately his main purpose is to make Reigns look strong; but man if they Book Sheamus STRONG and really allow him to grow and gain credibility, have Lesnar win the Rumble and Challenge Sheamus at Wrestlemania. That's a Match of the Year Candidate right there.

I never got why Sheamus never has the sympathy from fans, his woes have been just as bad as the other crowd favourites if not worse; they've always booked the guy like a jobber when he has so much more potential then a glorified upper mid-card talent. And man! Russev once again proved what a brilliant A/R talent he is! he's just one of those characters that will always find a way to remain a beastly foreign heel irrespective of awful booking but they need to book him strong to! his mic ability is criminally underrated and in the ring he's so versatile given his size. Glad to see Lana and Russev back together; they should never have broken up. Also I hope creative have dropped the MexAmerica crap, keep Del Rio with the league. [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] you're my Bulgarian Sunshine :))) I didn't go all the way with [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]
i agree Sheamus if booked strong could go on one of the best runs of his career. Sheamus doesnt get sympathy because he is friends with Hunter and Hunter is a big supporter of him. But then again that hasnt stopped WWE booking him like crap from his return right until survivor series. He tried coming back initally as the vicious nasty heel he was in his inital run but he has developed his mic skills a lot and as a heel he has more flexibility and ive enjoyed his last 3 promos. He should make a new shirt Sheamus 5:15 to further mock Reigns. Knowing creative they will make it the league of jobbers to make Reigns look like SuperCena.

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And man shame on all you guys! I MARKED OUT HARD! when Tommy Dreamer came out! EC DUB! EC DUB! EC DUB! [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] that guy got super over in ECW by not winning a single match :))) :))) his feud against Raven was the stuff off legend and OMG! Raven was so friggin good! and as far as mic work is concerned he has to be up there with the greatest, people haven't seen his initial run with ECW but he was good as a sadistic psychopath who understood psychology in and beyond the square circle

I wanted it to be Spike Dudley. But i marked out a lil when Dreamer came out. I hope RVD joins the Dudleys too. Bah gawd EC DUB EC DUB EC DUB.

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Could be called as league of Roman's Jobbers.

Was having a think about what we spoke of before in regards to the AE and RA era's, although RA is miles ahead in terms of consistency in booking and storyline progression; who wins in terms of best moments?

Some top moments from the AE:

Mankind winning the title
Undertaker crucifying stephanie :)))
Austin's Heel turn
Austin Visiting Vinny Mac in the hospital :)))
Kane's debut
Y2J's debut..one word EPIC
Y2J beating Austin and Rock in the same night
Kurt Angle and Austin playing guitar :)))
Kurt winning the WWE title in the Armageddon Cell match
The Rock cutting a promo on all his opponents in the Cell match
The Rock throwing Austin off a Bridge
The Rock beating HHH in an ironMan match
The Rock and Y2J promo battles (too many great ones to pick one lol)
Austin beating HBK to win the title
The Shawn and Bret 97 saga
The Austin and Bret saga
Mike Tyson's run in the WWE
The Rock becoming the leader of the nation
Taker betraying Kane to form the Ministry
DX invading WCW
Chyna beating Jericho for the IC title
Sable and her antics

There are probably loads I missed out :)) but lets see what I come up with for the RA era:

Eddie winning the title from Lesnar
Big Show and Lesnar causing the ring to collapse
Kane taking off his mask
Batista turning on Flair and HHH
Evolution turning on Orton
Austin and Lesnar brawling
Chris Benoit winning the WHC
Eddie and Benoit hugging at the end of mania
Hulk Hogan Hulking up at Wrestlemania X-8
The Rock and Hogan facing off on RAW
Lesnar defeating Rock for the title at SS
Lesnar attempting the shooting star press all the way from the cheap seats :)))
Lesnar v Kurt in an IronMan match on Smackdown
HBK and Kurt having the greatest match of all time at mania 21
Batista winning the Royal Rumble
Eddie deceiving Kurt at mania 19 to retain his title
Edge winning the first MITB
Edge cashing in to become WWE champion
HBK returning to the WWE in 2002
Edge and Lita live celebration
Edge and Matt saga
Edge v Cena rivalry too much good stuff to pin point a specific moment
Kurt Angle winning the SD battle Royal to become World Champion
Undertaker returning as the Phenom
ECW invading RAW
RVD beating Cena for the title at One Night Stand
Edge beating RVD and Cena in a triple threat; it was significant for me in such a big way because yes used the title as a weapon but it was a no DQ match and even if a heel cheats on his own to win it's still CLEAN, you never see WWE do that these days; the heels have to be jobbers.
Shawn OverSelling Hogans offence at SummerSlam to get back at him for not putting him over:)))

Probably missed some more but those were off the top of my head. I'd say in terms of moments the AE era slightly edges out the RA era for me
i agree Sheamus if booked strong could go on one of the best runs of his career. Sheamus doesnt get sympathy because he is friends with Hunter and Hunter is a big supporter of him. But then again that hasnt stopped WWE booking him like crap from his return right until survivor series. He tried coming back initally as the vicious nasty heel he was in his inital run but he has developed his mic skills a lot and as a heel he has more flexibility and ive enjoyed his last 3 promos. He should make a new shirt Sheamus 5:15 to further mock Reigns. Knowing creative they will make it the league of jobbers to make Reigns look like SuperCena.

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Even with Hunters support though he tends to get lost in the shuffle but I guess it makes sense. Yeah they even booked him like a jobber as the MITB winner lol I feel like Sheamus mic ability has always been underated; what has let him down are flat characters from Sheamus; only so much he can do with goofy Irish Cena gimmick for example and that ought to hurt his stock. Am actually enjoying Sheamus on the mic so far more then I did Seth :)) that would be epic, man I'd buy that shirt; they should have Romans face on it while he was dong that thing with his jaw after being kicked in the face :))). [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] is probably right lmao this super squad of jobbers have been formed to make Reigns look stronger then ever :)))
I wanted it to be Spike Dudley. But i marked out a lil when Dreamer came out. I hope RVD joins the Dudleys too. Bah gawd EC DUB EC DUB EC DUB.

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I thought it would be Spike to but I like dreamer to, true! RVD would actually have something to do! he's a freelancer anyway and thing is he's so passionate for ECW that upon his returned he'd be a lot more motivated. He don't care about Wrestlemania or WWE think he said that on a promo while under contract with WWE lmao Raven is my all time favourite ECW wrestler though
I forgot to add [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] Austin being run over :)) that angle had so much hype when I was young everyone was talking about it, we all thought it was The Rock
Even with Hunters support though he tends to get lost in the shuffle but I guess it makes sense. Yeah they even booked him like a jobber as the MITB winner lol I feel like Sheamus mic ability has always been underated; what has let him down are flat characters from Sheamus; only so much he can do with goofy Irish Cena gimmick for example and that ought to hurt his stock. Am actually enjoying Sheamus on the mic so far more then I did Seth :)) that would be epic, man I'd buy that shirt; they should have Romans face on it while he was dong that thing with his jaw after being kicked in the face :))). [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] is probably right lmao this super squad of jobbers have been formed to make Reigns look stronger then ever :)))
uploadfromtaptalk1448999933126.jpg with this pic on the shirt. Anyone but you Roman Anyone but you.

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View attachment 62415 with this pic on the shirt. Anyone but you Roman Anyone but you.

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:))) :))) Anyone but you Roman! did you see the tweet I tagged you in? The Rock feels the same way :))) and man he's such a legend, I can't believe he actually follows WWE creative humour; whoever is behind that account is a genius, that account is more entertaining then the RAW show itself every Monday Night
Roman is not Cena 2.0. He has the potential to be worse than Cena. He has never lost clean. NEVER. The only time he remotely came close to being beaten clean is WM 31. I like the guy as a strong, silent, laconic type. Give him dialogue and the mystique vanishes. Rollins and Ambrose are so much superior to him on the mic.

Rollins is HBK
Reigns is pre-Heel turn Rocky Maivia
Ambrose is Stone Cold

Oh and Rusev is very underrated on the mic. It makes me sad that such a great PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER is jobbing now. Bring back the European / Hardcore Title I say and boost the midcard.
And just to add, troll Sheamus is so much better than the violent psychopathic heel we saw before.

I hope he beats reigns at TLC. I see potential in this Sheamus.
And just to add, troll Sheamus is so much better than the violent psychopathic heel we saw before.

I hope he beats reigns at TLC. I see potential in this Sheamus.

He will win no doubt but the ultimate goal is to make Reigns look strong which is a shame, Sheamus has so much potential and is absolutely loving it out there! he has relished the role and is running with the ball; he ought to gain more momentum and if they book him like a legitimate threat I wouldn't mind watching him face Lesnar in the main-event of Wrestlemania. Match of the Year candidate right there. Where you at [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] :))) you were complaining that Sheamus is bound to fail even when he turned heel and I was the only one defending him around here and put most of my issues with him down to lack of direction thanks to creative more then Sheamus. Glad you also appreciate Russevs mic work Leathers; he made huge strides 7 months ago when creative began to give him more and more lines as he gained their confidence, before he was just a brute who Lana did all the talking for. Both still complement each other really well.

Anyone else notice the incredible shape Del Rio is in! man he's been working out quiet a bit; that's what happens when you're not on the road so much you get more time to train
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] is Lilian Garcia a Jin/Immortal? :)) her beauty is timeless; did she sell her soul to Bray Wyatt/@leatherface58 in many ways she's a "constant" in the WWE much like the Phenom :afridi seeing her everytime in the ring brings back so many memories. Brilliant announcer and great voice as much as I hate listening to the US anthem before every PPV :facepalm: wouldn't mind God Save the Queen though
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] is Lilian Garcia a Jin/Immortal? :)) her beauty is timeless; did she sell her soul to Bray Wyatt/@leatherface58 in many ways she's a "constant" in the WWE much like the Phenom :afridi seeing her everytime in the ring brings back so many memories. Brilliant announcer and great voice as much as I hate listening to the US anthem before every PPV :facepalm: wouldn't mind God Save the Queen though
When i see lilian i am always reminded of that storyline with Viscera may he RIP.

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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]

Mick Foley has been very critical WWE’s creative direction in recent weeks, publicly grappling with the notion of completely giving up on watching the product.

What Foley has failed to mention is that his son Dewey has secured a job on the WWE writing team. According to a source close to the situation, Dewey, 23, will begin working on WWE’s creative staff shortly after the holidays.
Dewey runs a blog for WWE creative writing samples
(CreativeWWE.wordpress.com) containing a lot of viable storyline ideas.

That said, Mick Foley’s public damnation of WWE creative suddenly takes on an entirely different slant.
So he's 23 which means he might give good ideas to WWE or he might just become like the writers they have

anyways Foley will be giving him input I guess
So he's 23 which means he might give good ideas to WWE or he might just become like the writers they have

anyways Foley will be giving him input I guess

It doesn't really matter; we've seen plenty of talented writers even on PP; it's evident by our PPCW promotion and the general contributions from guys like Adil, Markhor and Amir in this thread but when you get hired as a writer for the WWE; you have to find a way to succeed in the confines of their awful product and if you fail you will lose your job very soon. Basically you need to be able to think like Vinny Mac and Steph when it comes to creative in this era or else you won't succeed; Paul Heyman spearheaded creative in the early 2000's and he was beating RAW every week in the ratings but inevitably he had to part ways after altercations with Steph and Vince despite how good he was on the creative side of things. Someone like Kevin Dunn has had such a succesful career as a lead writer and booker is because he was an expert at sucking up to Vince and knowing the trashy non-nonsensical ideas he loves.
That's why I would never work for the WWE, I don't believe in the product they put out every week and when you want to change things up you're going to find yourself out of a job pretty soon. On top of that they treat their employees like dirt; a bullying culture still exists. It would have been better for Foley's son if he had gone to Lucha or ROH.
[MENTION=139202]11ShadyBrothers[/MENTION] you're rarely on the twitter? you should join in our convos, we bury Eugene 99% off the time it's like a daily routine. Eat, Sleep, Bury Eugene :)))
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] is Lilian Garcia a Jin/Immortal? :)) her beauty is timeless; did she sell her soul to Bray Wyatt/@leatherface58 in many ways she's a "constant" in the WWE much like the Phenom :afridi seeing her everytime in the ring brings back so many memories. Brilliant announcer and great voice as much as I hate listening to the US anthem before every PPV :facepalm: wouldn't mind God Save the Queen though
In a right world, Bray would atleast be in the world title hunt, not stick in mid card purgatory.

I would have liked it if Braun Strowman had destroyed the undertaker at survivor series. Would have gotten Wyatt nuclear heat and made him a legit, terrifying force rather than someone who talks a good game and ends up jobbing.

I'm pretty sure Taker would have brought it up since he is known to put folks over but Vince or someone else vetoed it out of fear of escaping mediocrity for once.
did you notice how she broke her accent :))
Lol i noticed that too. Right at the start she had the thick russian accent. Then it slowly started getting lighter and transitioned into an american one

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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] the botch master :)))

You are the real botch master bubba don't disrespect Sabu he the real legend. And you nimrod, when you look at the stunts he'd go for am not surprised there going to be some botches but 90% of the time he pulled everything off and is absolute hardcore legend; one of the pioneers of the Attitude era; much of what he did was stolen by the WWF they practically incorporated the entire ECW product on a main-stream level and added various storylines to balance things out. Sabu was insane; man the stuff he did and put his body through is insane
In a right world, Bray would atleast be in the world title hunt, not stick in mid card purgatory.

I would have liked it if Braun Strowman had destroyed the undertaker at survivor series. Would have gotten Wyatt nuclear heat and made him a legit, terrifying force rather than someone who talks a good game and ends up jobbing.

I'm pretty sure Taker would have brought it up since he is known to put folks over but Vince or someone else vetoed it out of fear of escaping mediocrity for once.

Bray is just too good to be in the mid-card; am depressed to see what has come of him. Because he's such a good heel no one can lobby to get him in the main-event picture the way they did for Bryan; that's what the product has come to in this day and age where creative don't listen to their fans when the AE and RA did just that.
This is the rumoured card for mania so far:

Reigns v HHH
Taker v Cena
Bray v Sting (possibly)
Kevin Owens v Lesnar

With no Rollins where does that leave the title picture? Bryan wins the rumble to challenge Sheamus for the World Title :)) that would be something wouldn't it when you look at everything those two have been through at mania
This is the rumoured card for mania so far:

Reigns v HHH
Taker v Cena
Bray v Sting (possibly)
Kevin Owens v Lesnar

With no Rollins where does that leave the title picture? Bryan wins the rumble to challenge Sheamus for the World Title :)) that would be something wouldn't it when you look at everything those two have been through at mania

remember 17 seconds :))
You are the real botch master bubba don't disrespect Sabu he the real legend. And you nimrod, when you look at the stunts he'd go for am not surprised there going to be some botches but 90% of the time he pulled everything off and is absolute hardcore legend; one of the pioneers of the Attitude era; much of what he did was stolen by the WWF they practically incorporated the entire ECW product on a main-stream level and added various storylines to balance things out. Sabu was insane; man the stuff he did and put his body through is insane

its a video to enjoy butt hurt shaz. Just watch the first one where Sabo beats up the fan for taking his turban :))) that's you :)))
its a video to enjoy butt hurt shaz. Just watch the first one where Sabo beats up the fan for taking his turban :))) that's you :)))

That happens to you on a daily basis retard, you have to make low grade comments when you are exposed; you're limited to having a giggle and being a sheep; am just on another level with more knowledge then you can ever dream off. You're too thick, you're the kind of guy that would laugh if your government decided to drop bombs on places like Syria because you're an extremely pathetic individual to be honest with you
remember 17 seconds :))

A year before that they had a matched which was pushed to the pre-show and then a year later that happened lmao Sheamus seems to be in a place where he can really develop a character and Bryan is already super over with the yes movement so it would be a pretty decent main-event but we all don't know the extent of Bryans injuries and it's very likely that he is too fragile to get a main-event push again but hey Dreamer can work for the WWE :))) he's had like 20 concussions in his career and short-term memory loss
A year before that they had a matched which was pushed to the pre-show and then a year later that happened lmao Sheamus seems to be in a place where he can really develop a character and Bryan is already super over with the yes movement so it would be a pretty decent main-event but we all don't know the extent of Bryans injuries and it's very likely that he is too fragile to get a main-event push again but hey Dreamer can work for the WWE :))) he's had like 20 concussions in his career and short-term memory loss

They can really make good build up for this match. I'm all in for this
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uDw1nECBqN8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wise words.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uDw1nECBqN8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wise words.

:))) One of the GOAT heels, evil McMahon is up there with Piper. Vince did it all; talk about knowing your business inside and out. A shame about his vision in the last 10 years or so.
Last edited:
:))) One of the GOAT heels, evil McMahon is up there with Piper. Vince did it all; talk about knowing your business inside and out. A shame about his vision in the last 10 years or so.

that only shows you can no the business when you are involved in it. Once Vince retired from screen, WWE started going downward, actually it was going before that but Vince wasn't active on screen before that as well
I always bury Eugene [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] but this is what our relationship is like in the non-kayfabe world:


And when we do double team on others it's usually brutal; bah gawd IS THAT THE RAW GM! Samoan Drop on Mommy! SOMEBODY STOP THE DAMN MATCH!

Bloody hell, smackdown use to be amazing
I always bury Eugene [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] but this is what our relationship is like in the non-kayfabe world:


And when we do double team on others it's usually brutal; bah gawd IS THAT THE RAW GM! Samoan Drop on Mommy! SOMEBODY STOP THE DAMN MATCH!

Bloody hell, smackdown use to be amazing

imagine if Daddy wasn't injured :))
If B Dazzle hadn't got injured as the world champion, he would have jobbed to Lesnar at Summerslam instead of cena. Would have had a bigger impact in terms of fear and loathing for Brock since cena is pretty much a defacto heel.
If B Dazzle hadn't got injured as the world champion, he would have jobbed to Lesnar at Summerslam instead of cena. Would have had a bigger impact in terms of fear and loathing for Brock since cena is pretty much a defacto heel.

Lesnar would have received NUCLEAR HEAT if he squashed Bryan the way he did Cena :)) if he was 100% healthy I think that was always the plan and then creative were like why the hell not to Cena? Lesnar had just conquered the streak.

Anyway when Cena returns

Everyone is going to be marking out

Who misses CHAMP ?
The rock doesn't get enough credit for how good he was as a package and his awareness in the ring was top notch, just take a look at this segement:

at 9:30 Rock signals Goldberg to orbit the ring with him after he throws the mic to the corner so that Goldberg could get it from there instead of taking it off the rock. It really sold Goldberg aura as someone to be extremely feared.
You retard; why you remember your daddy so randomly? no wonder we have to bury you all the time when you insane. After so many years of burying and doing the same repetetive crap it was good that he was out for a year, when he returned everyone marked out because they wanted to see the shovel burying the shovel one more time. Then at mania 18 Hogan and Rock buried the Shovel when Hunter sneakily made himself get into the main-event; the same would happen at mania 25 when Taker/Shawn do his besti. He tried to make it all about himself but was buried on both occasion because he couldn't follow the real main-event:irfan
I know you miss Hunter burying someone :afridi

Keep everything crossed cuz he might bury reignz at mania
I know you miss Hunter burying someone :afridi

Keep everything crossed cuz he might bury reignz at mania

It would be like Wrestlemania 22 all over again :akhtar HHH broke character at that event :))) truth is he loves it when smarks cheer for him because it's the ultimate approval from real wrestling fans. And when they are upset he gets mad and cusses them on twitter and live telly because he actually cares about what they think. He is going to put Reigns over though, that will get HHH more cheers then anything :)) I'd love to see HHH with another run with the belt
Lesnar would have received NUCLEAR HEAT if he squashed Bryan the way he did Cena :)) if he was 100% healthy I think that was always the plan and then creative were like why the hell not to Cena? Lesnar had just conquered the streak.

Anyway when Cena returns

Everyone is going to be marking out

Who misses CHAMP ?
I like the guy. His character is stale and he was a very limited wrestler before but he gets unfair stick from the IWC knuckleheads. He comes across as friendly and approachable.

His work in 2015 has been top notch. He has also incorporated some heel like tendencies in his matches against the faces very subtly. Rolling out of the ring, brutally clotheslining Neville in his match for the US title, etc.

I also know he is spectacular on the mic. Thuganomics cena was an a+ player on the mic and when he returned for a night, it was so nostalgic.
I like the guy. His character is stale and he was a very limited wrestler before but he gets unfair stick from the IWC knuckleheads. He comes across as friendly and approachable.

His work in 2015 has been top notch. He has also incorporated some heel like tendencies in his matches against the faces very subtly. Rolling out of the ring, brutally clotheslining Neville in his match for the US title, etc.

I also know he is spectacular on the mic. Thuganomics cena was an a+ player on the mic and when he returned for a night, it was so nostalgic.

Same here, as an individual performer Cena has been in the top 3 for many years now; his attributes as an All rounder are brilliant. His only weakness for me is selling, that could be a little better but he takes bumps a top guy like him shouldn't to make up for it. It's unfortunate that Cena is unable to display his versatility given the gimmick but for me he is up there with the best when it comes to mic work and he has been very very good in the ring for many years now; so good to the point where the you can't wrestle chants stopped a long time ago. Thing is even though he was the chosen one back in the day, he could carry himself on the stick and when it came to high profile defences he delivered in the ring to even when he wasn't quiet polished. Same really enjoyed the Thuganomics Cena and man that theme! I just loved it WORD LIFE! I think we're just sick of his gimmick, I mean just give him a new persona even as a face please

One of the greatest moments in Smackdown History, Brock is huge specimen now but in the early 2000's he was so much stronger! guy was a freak! Plus Big Show weighed between 550-600 lb it was the heaviest in his career; people don't understand the strength it would take to pull that superplex off :)) I remember watching that with my cousins we use to watch RAW and Smackdown during the RA on the weekends, and man I think they have lowered the volume of the audience because as loud as the fans sound in that video they were 10x louder! everyone went absolutely crazy and I was jumping up and down body splashing my cousins and dropping the Leg Drop :))) I really enjoyed Big Shows run then, he was such a fearsome heel and he really helped Brock get over during their feud
One of the greatest moments in Smackdown History, Brock is huge specimen now but in the early 2000's he was so much stronger! guy was a freak! Plus Big Show weighed between 550-600 lb it was the heaviest in his career; people don't understand the strength it would take to pull that superplex off :)) I remember watching that with my cousins we use to watch RAW and Smackdown during the RA on the weekends, and man I think they have lowered the volume of the audience because as loud as the fans sound in that video they were 10x louder! everyone went absolutely crazy and I was jumping up and down body splashing my cousins and dropping the Leg Drop :))) I really enjoyed Big Shows run then, he was such a fearsome heel and he really helped Brock get over during their feud

the only time Big Show looked interesting and appealing to fans
the only time Big Show looked interesting and appealing to fans

He had a pretty good run in WCW actually and was a big deal there until the limited creative direction involving all angles being built around NWO and how their booking just went full retard towards the end of their history. There is no one in history that has been able to do the stuff Big Show can in the ring while being that big, they had to get him to stop going crazy with his moveset :))) because they were worried about him getting injured so would take out his high flying arsenal lmao great on the mic and was a brilliant heel to. An automatic Hall of Famer. Obviously he's not at the top of his game now but that's what happens with age and creative use him like a jobber but Big Show has been selfless when it comes to putting over talent over the last few years and am glad he is paid fairly well because he deserves every penny. Was entertaining during the AE era to
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The current wrestlers like Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Sheamus etc cant carry WWE on their shoulders just like Cena, HBK, Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Hitman etc did in the past! CM Punk was the only one who had the potential but he left too soon! WWE is not the same! I am not liking this current generation at all! I find them boring! As we can see from the moves of WWE by still using the old wrestlers in one way or the other in order to gain acceptability! But these old ones cant stay forever! And the new ones are nothing compared to the old ones! WWE's future looks boring as hell!