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The current wrestlers like Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Sheamus etc cant carry WWE on their shoulders just like Cena, HBK, Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Hitman etc did in the past! CM Punk was the only one who had the potential but he left too soon! WWE is not the same! I am not liking this current generation at all! I find them boring! As we can see from the moves of WWE by still using the old wrestlers in one way or the other in order to gain acceptability! But these old ones cant stay forever! And the new ones are nothing compared to the old ones! WWE's future looks boring as hell!

Totally agree. This new guys such as Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose are all branded as top stars but they don't feel like the top dogs because WWE have done a shitty job of booking them for the most part.
The current wrestlers like Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Sheamus etc cant carry WWE on their shoulders just like Cena, HBK, Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Hitman etc did in the past! CM Punk was the only one who had the potential but he left too soon! WWE is not the same! I am not liking this current generation at all! I find them boring! As we can see from the moves of WWE by still using the old wrestlers in one way or the other in order to gain acceptability! But these old ones cant stay forever! And the new ones are nothing compared to the old ones! WWE's future looks boring as hell!

It's a big misconception that the guys you speak off can't carry the company on their shoulders; the truth is that the product as a whole is absolutely garbage and the incredibly talented roster is not utilized. When creative don't make the best use of their assets then how can we be in a good enough position to say that certain names wouldn't be able to carry the company forward? the biggest issue with WWE at the moment is the fact that it lacks direction and logical booking; there is no necessity for consistent episodic TV from WWE's end and that ultimately hurts everything around them especially the credibility of their talent when they are misused. There you go, the fact that they continuously have to bring back big names from the past is proof that they've not developed their roster enough to be taken seriously on a level where we don't have to complain about the lack of depth in the main-event scene.
Just listen to the crowd reaction :)) that was TNA's Attitude era if you want to call it that; now their audience is completely deflated

Can't blame the fans. Their product is totally crap now. WWE is rubbish too. Tough times for wrestling fans.
Can't blame the fans. Their product is totally crap now. WWE is rubbish too. Tough times for wrestling fans.

NBC came out to defend the WWE in a statement recently :)) they were like so what if ratings are low WWE's stock is up 41% up this year and the value is at its peak :))
The WWE Network can be such a pain, when you view PPV's from their archive the video tends to freeze

How hard is it to understand for the WWE?? it is beyond me that they've become stupid to the extent where a certain portion of the IWC are more in touch with simple stuff in-regards to creative, push one good guy who gets a reaction up one side of the mountain. Push one bad guy who gets a reaction up the other side. They meet at the top. Bad guy wins lesser of two shows. Good guy wins the bigger show. Push the next two. Eventually you have yourself a roster of main eventers not midcarders.
I don't watch TNA but anyone see that hilarious promo? Some dude named Ethan Carter III claimed he is the best wrestler in the world and was bombarded by CM Punk chants. Cleverly, he retorted that he will beat punk too. :))

TNA went to hell the moment they signed geezers like Bischoff, Flair and especially hulk Hogan. In WWE, they aren't afforded as much creative control because Vince is Vince. But in TNA, they were allowed to run riot since TNA is smaller and Dixie most likely didn't stand up to these egomaniacs.

It was wcw all over again. Retarded booking, rehashing four horsemen, rehashing nWo. Sad because TNA had good promise and the ultra safe PG era of WWE gave it a much needed shot in the arm.
It's a big misconception that the guys you speak off can't carry the company on their shoulders; the truth is that the product as a whole is absolutely garbage and the incredibly talented roster is not utilized. When creative don't make the best use of their assets then how can we be in a good enough position to say that certain names wouldn't be able to carry the company forward? the biggest issue with WWE at the moment is the fact that it lacks direction and logical booking; there is no necessity for consistent episodic TV from WWE's end and that ultimately hurts everything around them especially the credibility of their talent when they are misused. There you go, the fact that they continuously have to bring back big names from the past is proof that they've not developed their roster enough to be taken seriously on a level where we don't have to complain about the lack of depth in the main-event scene.

You have a point too! But still I say what I see! The current bunch, even if directed well, will still not be impressive! This is my observation!
[MENTION=139202]11ShadyBrothers[/MENTION] you're rarely on the twitter? you should join in our convos, we bury Eugene 99% off the time it's like a daily routine. Eat, Sleep, Bury Eugene :)))

Man, just too busy in studies and stuff plus i dont like twitter. So. I will hop around to participate in the burials. I have blocked eugene since a long time. :)))
Natich really has the gene adil :))) he is immune to HIV :))) HE IS THE EMBODIMENT OF THE NATURE BOY! WOOOOOO! :))) we can only aspire to be like him but at best if we can style and profile 50% of what he did then we can say well played sir. Eugene is a big time homo, no lie; just ask [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] and how he tried to get it off with him because he liked his "hair" daHell :))) [MENTION=139202]11ShadyBrothers[/MENTION] will testify to that [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] is a big time Chuck Palumbo

I hundred per cent agree to this. Eugene is homo af. :)))
In a right world, Bray would atleast be in the world title hunt, not stick in mid card purgatory.

I would have liked it if Braun Strowman had destroyed the undertaker at survivor series. Would have gotten Wyatt nuclear heat and made him a legit, terrifying force rather than someone who talks a good game and ends up jobbing.

I'm pretty sure Taker would have brought it up since he is known to put folks over but Vince or someone else vetoed it out of fear of escaping mediocrity for once.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] do you remember how we had a solid theory that leatherface is an indian. :))) Man, good old days. :yk :afridi
You actually bought that rubbish?

Do you even know what content is available on the Network? you can watch every PPV in history, all the documentaries, all of the HOF speeches and some pretty cool original series based on the different era's and not just the current one. We also have guys like KO, ambrose etc break kayfabe and tell us how they broke out into the industry. There is even more content then what I've said and that is in addition to the NXT shows, specials and every PPV you can watch live per month for 9.99. So even if you find the product awful it's an absolute steal and everything else makes it worth it. However I have a free trial at the moment and Talha bhai gave me a tip to ensure that I can get the free trial again and again when they are offering it. But for the big PPV's obviously they don't give you trial although they might have for the Royal Rumble in the past and when it comes to mania, SummerSlam, Rumble etc I don't mind paying the 9.99 as it is and all the other content makes it worth it tbh.

Is the TNA network any good [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION]
Man, just too busy in studies and stuff plus i dont like twitter. So. I will hop around to participate in the burials. I have blocked eugene since a long time. :)))

I hundred per cent agree to this. Eugene is homo af. :)))

[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] do you remember how we had a solid theory that leatherface is an indian. :))) Man, good old days. :yk :afridi

Hopefully all is good. And :))) you got him on block lmao I do that every now and then when he starts to get cranky or when he needs something. Trust he's a big time ghandoohh. I don't :)) it might have been something in the PPCL, I use to lock Leathers in the basement and torture him; also [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] is actually a MexAmerican.
You have a point too! But still I say what I see! The current bunch, even if directed well, will still not be impressive! This is my observation!

I mean based on what you watch I don't blame you! because the way creative continuously bury talent and refuse to bring out the best in them then fans like you will not take the wrestlers seriously and not give them a chance so I totally agree with you, you're a good example of WWE's failure to ensure their talent are not perceived as guys that are not capable of carrying the company forward it's because they are pushed that way fans will hold the same view
I don't watch TNA but anyone see that hilarious promo? Some dude named Ethan Carter III claimed he is the best wrestler in the world and was bombarded by CM Punk chants. Cleverly, he retorted that he will beat punk too. :))

TNA went to hell the moment they signed geezers like Bischoff, Flair and especially hulk Hogan. In WWE, they aren't afforded as much creative control because Vince is Vince. But in TNA, they were allowed to run riot since TNA is smaller and Dixie most likely didn't stand up to these egomaniacs.

It was wcw all over again. Retarded booking, rehashing four horsemen, rehashing nWo. Sad because TNA had good promise and the ultra safe PG era of WWE gave it a much needed shot in the arm.

EC3 was once in WWE but from what I've seen and heard he has re-invented himself quiet a bit and it a brilliant heel, WWE are trying to get him to jump ship. True, it was such a great product and a genuine alternative to the WWE but they fallen so low it's so depressing to watch their shows on any level. I only tune in here and there to see what Kurt Angle is up to because he is one of my all time favourites along with HBK.
I mean based on what you watch I don't blame you! because the way creative continuously bury talent and refuse to bring out the best in them then fans like you will not take the wrestlers seriously and not give them a chance so I totally agree with you, you're a good example of WWE's failure to ensure their talent are not perceived as guys that are not capable of carrying the company forward it's because they are pushed that way fans will hold the same view

You cant just blame the think tank! I say what i see! CM Punk came close! I thought he had in him! But he was gone too soon! There is no else who can match him lets alone the other past ones!
You cant just blame the think tank! I say what i see! CM Punk came close! I thought he had in him! But he was gone too soon! There is no else who can match him lets alone the other past ones!

It is entirely the think tanks fault the roster we have now is one of the best in decades and possibly the most talented since the RA era or you can even make an argument that it is even more talented then that era [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]; you see the only reason you got to see Punk in all his glory was because he threatened creative he would be leaving the company if he wasn't given creative freedom and a main-event push. Otherwise a fan like you would be saying the same thing you are right now, Punk is not capable of being a main-eventer etc
It is entirely the think tanks fault the roster we have now is one of the best in decades and possibly the most talented since the RA era or you can even make an argument that it is even more talented then that era [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]; you see the only reason you got to see Punk in all his glory was because he threatened creative he would be leaving the company if he wasn't given creative freedom and a main-event push. Otherwise a fan like you would be saying the same thing you are right now, Punk is not capable of being a main-eventer etc

No way! Even before when he was in Smackdown, his mic skills were really good! He made the best out of the given script even then! He used to cut entertaining promos! I dont think this roster is the most talented! It is the worse when it comes to talent! The wrestlers need to make the most out of the given scripts! Cena was the last internationally famous face of WWE! Many in Pakistan knows him! But I am yet to hear about Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins lol!
No way! Even before when he was in Smackdown, his mic skills were really good! He made the best out of the given script even then! He used to cut entertaining promos! I dont think this roster is the most talented! It is the worse when it comes to talent! The wrestlers need to make the most out of the given scripts! Cena was the last internationally famous face of WWE! Many in Pakistan knows him! But I am yet to hear about Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins lol!

CM Punk was a lame mid-carder for much of his career until creative gave him the opportunity to turn heel, Punk won various championships, MITB and a World title but failed to get over. Who was to blame there? it was the think tanks fault for not being able to see the potential in Punk and bring out the best in him. Punk was unable to make out the most of the given scripts as a baby face in his initial run in the WWE and I don't blame him because the script is too robotic and when your heart is not in something or you are given absolute rubbish then your delivery is going to be awful but there are some talents who are able to get the best out of what they are given but it's not always the case and that's when we have to point fingers at the think tank because it's their responsibility to get talent over as much as the person they are giving the script to.

There were people who said the same about Stone Cold Steve Austin oh this Ring Master guy will not be a main-eventer, they said the same about Rock Maivia and chanted Die Rocky Die.....in those instances who was to blame? it was creative; but the Rock and Austin went out on a limb and said to creative look things are not working out now and we want to change our gimmick etc. The talent today is afraid to do that because if things are not great at first they tend to get fired straight away and creative doesn't give them much leeway. Punk got hot the moment creative gave him creative freedom and listened to his views. Cena is internationally famous because the WWE have continuously pushed him, protected him and gave him all the creative leeway for more then 10 years while not putting the same effort in anyone else which explains the lack of depth in the main-event scene today, the likes of Roman and Seth are a work in progress and anyone with an eye for talent can see that they are $$$ should the think tank invest in them the same way they did with Cena and bring out the best in them and give them the correct opportunities on a creative level
CM Punk was a lame mid-carder for much of his career until creative gave him the opportunity to turn heel, Punk won various championships, MITB and a World title but failed to get over. Who was to blame there? it was the think tanks fault for not being able to see the potential in Punk and bring out the best in him. Punk was unable to make out the most of the given scripts as a baby face in his initial run in the WWE and I don't blame him because the script is too robotic and when your heart is not in something or you are given absolute rubbish then your delivery is going to be awful but there are some talents who are able to get the best out of what they are given but it's not always the case and that's when we have to point fingers at the think tank because it's their responsibility to get talent over as much as the person they are giving the script to.

There were people who said the same about Stone Cold Steve Austin oh this Ring Master guy will not be a main-eventer, they said the same about Rock Maivia and chanted Die Rocky Die.....in those instances who was to blame? it was creative; but the Rock and Austin went out on a limb and said to creative look things are not working out now and we want to change our gimmick etc. The talent today is afraid to do that because if things are not great at first they tend to get fired straight away and creative doesn't give them much leeway. Punk got hot the moment creative gave him creative freedom and listened to his views. Cena is internationally famous because the WWE have continuously pushed him, protected him and gave him all the creative leeway for more then 10 years while not putting the same effort in anyone else which explains the lack of depth in the main-event scene today, the likes of Roman and Seth are a work in progress and anyone with an eye for talent can see that they are $$$ should the think tank invest in them the same way they did with Cena and bring out the best in them and give them the correct opportunities on a creative level

Hmmm! Lets see! But I see a gloomy future for the WWE!
Do you even know what content is available on the Network? you can watch every PPV in history, all the documentaries, all of the HOF speeches and some pretty cool original series based on the different era's and not just the current one. We also have guys like KO, ambrose etc break kayfabe and tell us how they broke out into the industry. There is even more content then what I've said and that is in addition to the NXT shows, specials and every PPV you can watch live per month for 9.99. So even if you find the product awful it's an absolute steal and everything else makes it worth it. However I have a free trial at the moment and Talha bhai gave me a tip to ensure that I can get the free trial again and again when they are offering it. But for the big PPV's obviously they don't give you trial although they might have for the Royal Rumble in the past and when it comes to mania, SummerSlam, Rumble etc I don't mind paying the 9.99 as it is and all the other content makes it worth it tbh.

Is the TNA network any good [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION]
Bro what is the trick Tallu Bhai has told you. I just cancelled my subscription

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Bro what is the trick Tallu Bhai has told you. I just cancelled my subscription

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Check on your twitter DM mai thuki utha dusah itha matha koi gar bar vah :yk
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] TLC has the potential to be a decent PPV. I look forward to Sheamus v Reigns in a TLC match, the two have styles which mesh well as it is (had had some decent encounters in the past) and with a TLC stipulation it ought to be entertaining. The Triple Threat Ladder match for the Tag Championship should be good to.
I watched The Sheild debut match at TLC in 2012 on the Network, they faced Ryback and Team Hell no in a TLC match. Man it was really good with some creative spots in it
Bro what is the trick Tallu Bhai has told you. I just cancelled my subscription

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Nostlagia :sree

I've seen the best, I've fought the best and I've beaten the best. That's the line I used to use in school when I was to get into a fight :)))
I watched The Sheild debut match at TLC in 2012 on the Network, they faced Ryback and Team Hell no in a TLC match. Man it was really good with some creative spots in it

I told you all before, Shield members wrestle like AE in PG
Nostlagia :sree

I've seen the best, I've fought the best and I've beaten the best. That's the line I used to use in school when I was to get into a fight :)))

I use to have quiet the reputation at school :))) you know at break-time? we all use to wrestle each other but we use to call it flooring, not allowed to kick or punch but the aim to get your opponent on the floor. My signature use to be the stinger splash, when there use to be like 10 guys trying to get one stubborn jobber on the floor and I'd just come in running and perform the Stinger Splash and everyone would kinda just drop because I was tall and weighed more in comparison to the rest. If a Jobber came running towards me I'd use his momentum and turn it into a side headlock takedown, and while the guy has been caught in the side headlock takedown when he lands I ensure that my elbow hits him in the chest rather then keeping grip on the headlock. Sometimes there would be guys that would randomly come out of nowhere and perform a german suplex on you :))) one guy tried it on me and I just buried him with my booty and he dropped on the floor lmao

Sometimes when you Floor someone to the ground, they come back for more or refuse to give up so when they do that I use to apply a guilotine choke and one of my friends still wouldn't tap :))) he was tough and then my cousin and his best friends would try to break the hold and I'd finally let go as my arm was raised aloft :))) it was like when Kurt grabs someone in an ankle lock and doesn't let do while all the referees are trying to stop him lmao I tried to apply a sharpshooter and figure 4 but man it was so tough credit to Bret and the Nature boy lmao

My dream run ended when a big Yokozuna I had been bullying CRUSHED me, then I lost my smile


I was never the same again.

Was a bit wild then but am normal now, some guys use to spar with boxing gloves; I never did that because they'd get out of control and really ugly lol plus no ref or anything to, and I had only joined a boxing gym and was learning; I didn't want to get buried.

And I always use to make use of HBK and The Rock catch phrases. Besides the wrestling all the times people tried to bully me or fight me we'd brawl and they'd never come near me again, they were use to picking on guys that don't say anything and when you respond they run away like jobbers lmao people prey on those who don't stand up for themselves. I never attacked anyone randomly though, there use to be people who'd just randomly rush people; there was this one indian guy my mates beat up am not sure why there was a reason but I didn't join in, but one guy punched him in the nose and he was pretty much out on his feet and the others hit him in body and some boxer finished him with a left-hook; I heard when the Indian finally got up he walked into a a wall and dropped again some other pakistani boys were trying to help him. Even though I didn't do anything, I was a part of the gang that did so I had to run away with them :)))


Shazzy Bears stories are the best, what you reckon DM :)))
I told you all before, Shield members wrestle like AE in PG

They were just booked really well, it was nothing to do with era's just creative got it completely correct and even Roman was a total bad-asss that everyone really liked. Wonderful group and that was a brilliant match
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] gonaa to something nautie, gonna master baaaaaay gonnaaa master baaaay :)))
I use to have quiet the reputation at school :))) you know at break-time? we all use to wrestle each other but we use to call it flooring, not allowed to kick or punch but the aim to get your opponent on the floor. My signature use to be the stinger splash, when there use to be like 10 guys trying to get one stubborn jobber on the floor and I'd just come in running and perform the Stinger Splash and everyone would kinda just drop because I was tall and weighed more in comparison to the rest. If a Jobber came running towards me I'd use his momentum and turn it into a side headlock takedown, and while the guy has been caught in the side headlock takedown when he lands I ensure that my elbow hits him in the chest rather then keeping grip on the headlock. Sometimes there would be guys that would randomly come out of nowhere and perform a german suplex on you :))) one guy tried it on me and I just buried him with my booty and he dropped on the floor lmao

Sometimes when you Floor someone to the ground, they come back for more or refuse to give up so when they do that I use to apply a guilotine choke and one of my friends still wouldn't tap :))) he was tough and then my cousin and his best friends would try to break the hold and I'd finally let go as my arm was raised aloft :))) it was like when Kurt grabs someone in an ankle lock and doesn't let do while all the referees are trying to stop him lmao I tried to apply a sharpshooter and figure 4 but man it was so tough credit to Bret and the Nature boy lmao

My dream run ended when a big Yokozuna I had been bullying CRUSHED me, then I lost my smile


I was never the same again.

Was a bit wild then but am normal now, some guys use to spar with boxing gloves; I never did that because they'd get out of control and really ugly lol plus no ref or anything to, and I had only joined a boxing gym and was learning; I didn't want to get buried.

And I always use to make use of HBK and The Rock catch phrases. Besides the wrestling all the times people tried to bully me or fight me we'd brawl and they'd never come near me again, they were use to picking on guys that don't say anything and when you respond they run away like jobbers lmao people prey on those who don't stand up for themselves. I never attacked anyone randomly though, there use to be people who'd just randomly rush people; there was this one indian guy my mates beat up am not sure why there was a reason but I didn't join in, but one guy punched him in the nose and he was pretty much out on his feet and the others hit him in body and some boxer finished him with a left-hook; I heard when the Indian finally got up he walked into a a wall and dropped again some other pakistani boys were trying to help him. Even though I didn't do anything, I was a part of the gang that did so I had to run away with them :)))


Shazzy Bears stories are the best, what you reckon DM :)))

BAAAH GAWWWD :))) :))) epic stories bro :)))

I don't have much to tell because I never liked fighting, you remember that tube video I sent you where the guy refrains from fighting :))) that's kinda me :))) I was huge in my grade level. They used to call me big head / big boy but I never joined any gang even when I was offered to. I never really liked violence but the thing is the little idiots in school notice that and started to get tough around me. They would give me cold shoulders and intentionally **** me off
I remember this one incident really well. During break time, this little world was trying to make himself look strong in front of his friends by bullying me. As usual I didn't care about it just moved on but he still kept coming at me then finally I reached my breaking point that day, didn't punch him or slapped him. Just reached out to him and grabbed him from his collar and pulled him up. he was literally in the air :)))
Everyone was shocked specially the other little retards, I gave him some good shake told him to never ever be funny with me and didn't put him down just let his collar go. He fell on his bum and started crying :)))

The other incident I remember was back when I was in 2nd grade during the times of mankind/undertaker and HBK/taker feuds. One recess, we all decided to do an all out brawl in the classroom. everyone was going maniac, throwing lunch boxes and water bottles. there lied a huge water bottle and you wouldn't believe it was Golden color :))) :))) I grabbed it and smashed as hard as I could to the mate I disliked the most, went running away crying to the teacher and then I got a phainty and had to stand up in the corner for the rest of the day :afaq

:))) aaaah School memories are the best bro
Del Rio gets attacked in a indie match

so he has a contract of 1.4 mils and gets to earn some extra $$$ in indies. Good Job Vince
BAAAH GAWWWD :))) :))) epic stories bro :)))

I don't have much to tell because I never liked fighting, you remember that tube video I sent you where the guy refrains from fighting :))) that's kinda me :))) I was huge in my grade level. They used to call me big head / big boy but I never joined any gang even when I was offered to. I never really liked violence but the thing is the little idiots in school notice that and started to get tough around me. They would give me cold shoulders and intentionally **** me off
I remember this one incident really well. During break time, this little world was trying to make himself look strong in front of his friends by bullying me. As usual I didn't care about it just moved on but he still kept coming at me then finally I reached my breaking point that day, didn't punch him or slapped him. Just reached out to him and grabbed him from his collar and pulled him up. he was literally in the air :)))
Everyone was shocked specially the other little retards, I gave him some good shake told him to never ever be funny with me and didn't put him down just let his collar go. He fell on his bum and started crying :)))

The other incident I remember was back when I was in 2nd grade during the times of mankind/undertaker and HBK/taker feuds. One recess, we all decided to do an all out brawl in the classroom. everyone was going maniac, throwing lunch boxes and water bottles. there lied a huge water bottle and you wouldn't believe it was Golden color :))) :))) I grabbed it and smashed as hard as I could to the mate I disliked the most, went running away crying to the teacher and then I got a phainty and had to stand up in the corner for the rest of the day :afaq

:))) aaaah School memories are the best bro

I have loads but will share them at some point :))

:))) that video was too funny you need to send it to me again. How big are you? are you really fat and tall :))) are you like a tall Kaleem Yokozuna? Eugene finally exploded and gave in to the hate :))) you should rised above the hate! Lmao I've had such battle royals in the class, but the thing is we'd actually have such royal rumbles; we'd get into teams like in survivor series :))) and then wrestle each other lmao in each team there would be like 10 people.

I know when people are little they be like aaah man I hate school but when you look bat you're going to say it was the best time of your lives
I have loads but will share them at some point :))

:))) that video was too funny you need to send it to me again. How big are you? are you really fat and tall :))) are you like a tall Kaleem Yokozuna? Eugene finally exploded and gave in to the hate :))) you should rised above the hate! Lmao I've had such battle royals in the class, but the thing is we'd actually have such royal rumbles; we'd get into teams like in survivor series :))) and then wrestle each other lmao in each team there would be like 10 people.

I know when people are little they be like aaah man I hate school but when you look bat you're going to say it was the best time of your lives

I'm not fat, stocky like Bubbah :))

and what do you mean by Kaleem is Yokozuna. Does he have the bum same as Yoko :))) :)))
Del Rio gets attacked in a indie match

so he has a contract of 1.4 mils and gets to earn some extra $$$ in indies. Good Job Vince

No you joey, before Alberto signed with the WWE he had agreed to wrestle for WWC and he was just honouring his comitment. He could have been disrespectful and said no am not coming now I've been signed by the WWE but Del Rio is an honourable man and said that am a man of my word and I have to appear at the date which I agreed to do. He was also working with AAA at the moment but that contract has expired now. So no Alberto is in contract with WWE only and he won't be performing at anymore Indie events. That's such a shame, I hope he is okay. Must really hurt, because Alberto went out of his way to perform for them and some douchebag attacks him; I hope Alberto beats the crap out of him backstage I bet you he would have beaten the hell out of him right there if he wasn't under WWE contract but it makes the company look bad
I'm not fat, stocky like Bubbah :))

and what do you mean by Kaleem is Yokozuna. Does he have the bum same as Yoko :))) :)))

It's even bigger, he performed the stink-face on me I almost died :)))

That's what they all say :))) am not fat am stocky :))) you're like Braun Stokeman and Bray Wyatt physique combined in one

Konnan and Jericho just recently talked about how it wasn't uncommon for them to get pelted with spark plugs and/or rocks in Puerto Rico. Apparently some Puerto Rican fans are REALLY into the show. Some fans there (not everyone) can get reeaaaally crazy, especially with decent heels like Alberto Del Rio. It has been said fans try to give chair shots, countless beers thrown to the ring, among other crazy stuff lol. On the other hand, crowds in the US are awesome as much as you want to criticise smarks and they are just extremely vocal. If they don't like somebody they're gonna hear it very loudly.
It's even bigger, he performed the stink-face on me I almost died :)))

That's what they all say :))) am not fat am stocky :))) you're like Braun Stokeman and Bray Wyatt physique combined in one

EWWW....never talk to me again. You're a waste now. Kaleem's butt marks are all over your face :))) :)))

btw, this is how I got out of fights in school :)))

[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] I got the Kurt Angle look going except am in absolute awful shape, big beer belly and all :)))

Konnan and Jericho just recently talked about how it wasn't uncommon for them to get pelted with spark plugs and/or rocks in Puerto Rico. Apparently some Puerto Rican fans are REALLY into the show. Some fans there (not everyone) can get reeaaaally crazy, especially with decent heels like Alberto Del Rio. It has been said fans try to give chair shots, countless beers thrown to the ring, among other crazy stuff lol. On the other hand, crowds in the US are awesome as much as you want to criticise smarks and they are just extremely vocal. If they don't like somebody they're gonna hear it very loudly.

Damn, and I thought ECW fans were way over the limit :facepalm:

[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] I got the Kurt Angle look going except am in absolute awful shape, big beer belly and all :)))

Good for you bro, hope it gives you motivation to get back in shape

I too have a beer belly :)) now when I get criticized, I say I'm Kevin Owens :)))
Damn, and I thought ECW fans were way over the limit :facepalm:

Good for you bro, hope it gives you motivation to get back in shape

I too have a beer belly :)) now when I get criticized, I say I'm Kevin Owens :)))

I forgot about them :))) ECW fans are the most extreme, thing is you know the guys in Puerter Ric Kayfabe is still alive for them :))) they take it too serious, whereas in ECW the guys are smarks as well. The Puerto Rico fans are not smarks they are just crazy.

:))) You could use the stuff KO does on twitter to troll the IWC, some guy goes to KO that he should stop going to the buffet so that he doesn't get sick and then KO replied "If the virus that got me sick had a face, I'm 100% sure it'd be yours" :))) :))) KO is a legend.

Yeah I need to, I want to start boxing training so I need to be in prime condition, am going to start training at the end of January iA then I can also do the John Morrison Gimmick when he was in the WWE The ShahMan of sexy :)))
Also guys [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

MICK FOLEY! bah gawd! MICK FOLEY favourited my Tweet :) can we have a celebration party :)) he has given my views legitimacy, I shall now be known As the man whos tweet was favourited by Mick Foley! Strap a rocket on me and Push the Bear to the moon! :)))
Also guys [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

MICK FOLEY! bah gawd! MICK FOLEY favourited my Tweet :) can we have a celebration party :)) he has given my views legitimacy, I shall now be known As the man whos tweet was favourited by Mick Foley! Strap a rocket on me and Push the Bear to the moon! :)))

Haha awesome! What was the tweet? :))
Haha awesome! What was the tweet? :))

It was in reference to how Gail Kim transcended female pro-wrestling in America during the mid 2000's and where the so called revolution of today began. Mick had met her husband at some kind of cooking competition and while they spent time together he began to contemplate about the career of Gail Kim and wrote a FaceBook post; Honestly RD back when TNA was so great to watch the Knockouts Division was one of their trademarks. For me the Gail Kim v Awesome Kong is amongst the greatest female feuds in the modern era if not the best; obviously when we talk about the best we have to give Trish/Lita a mention and Trish/Mickie-James (the ending of their match was absolutely epic :))) even on the Network they have cut it out because James did something that wasn't scripted in her mania 22 match but it made for a great moment) James is a Hall of Famer for me man what a woman and what a career she has had
Also guys [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

MICK FOLEY! bah gawd! MICK FOLEY favourited my Tweet :) can we have a celebration party :)) he has given my views legitimacy, I shall now be known As the man whos tweet was favourited by Mick Foley! Strap a rocket on me and Push the Bear to the moon! :)))

D-Von, ZZ, Noelle Foley, Elyse Perry and Jericho also favorited ma tweets :amir
It was in reference to how Gail Kim transcended female pro-wrestling in America during the mid 2000's and where the so called revolution of today began. Mick had met her husband at some kind of cooking competition and while they spent time together he began to contemplate about the career of Gail Kim and wrote a FaceBook post; Honestly RD back when TNA was so great to watch the Knockouts Division was one of their trademarks. For me the Gail Kim v Awesome Kong is amongst the greatest female feuds in the modern era if not the best; obviously when we talk about the best we have to give Trish/Lita a mention and Trish/Mickie-James (the ending of their match was absolutely epic :))) even on the Network they have cut it out because James did something that wasn't scripted in her mania 22 match but it made for a great moment) James is a Hall of Famer for me man what a woman and what a career she has had

True, athletically and in the ring, Gail Kim's up there with the very best. Yeah, remember TNA was kind of unique due to their emphasis on the X-Division and the Knockouts - their brand of wrestling was so different from the WWE. The shows used to be so much more entertaining back then, no wonder they were really improving in popularity and increasing their fan-base in those days.
D-Von, ZZ, Noelle Foley, Elyse Perry and Jericho also favorited ma tweets :amir

Which tweet did Jericho favourite? show me the proof! the rest don't matter :)) ZZ seriously bro why you even bragging about that fat kebab :)))
True, athletically and in the ring, Gail Kim's up there with the very best. Yeah, remember TNA was kind of unique due to their emphasis on the X-Division and the Knockouts - their brand of wrestling was so different from the WWE. The shows used to be so much more entertaining back then, no wonder they were really improving in popularity and increasing their fan-base in those days.

The moment they tried to compete with the WWE and bought in the geniuses that were responsible for ultimately defeating WWF in the monday night wars the company was doomed. WWE is a juggernaut, they will be around forever; at best if TNA stuck to being a unique product they could still have managed to maintain a huge fan following and decent ratings but now the life has completely been sucked out of their company
[MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] there is a boxer called Ohara davies in the UK who is a huge fan of wrestling and he absolutely loves Taker, he uses his theme as his entrance music :)) someone stole it and then he mixed Takers theme with Kanes; I tweeted him that he should come out as a druid during his entrance or use the Phenoms costume/entrance Attire and he was like he may do that in his next fight :)) that's going to be so cool
[MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] Here's the entrance, only footage I could find

[MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] there is a boxer called Ohara davies in the UK who is a huge fan of wrestling and he absolutely loves Taker, he uses his theme as his entrance music :)) someone stole it and then he mixed Takers theme with Kanes; I tweeted him that he should come out as a druid during his entrance or use the Phenoms costume/entrance Attire and he was like he may do that in his next fight :)) that's going to be so cool

Haha that'd be awesome, would be the coolest entrance ever in boxing. :))
Brilliant stuff lol, Vinny Mac won't allow him to use it if he makes it big though.

True, he can then use a modified version of Takers theme or use the piano one lmao:

Actually you know what, Taker would get a kick out of Ohara using his theme; he's a big boxing fan and would't mind at all. Plus it's free publicity for the WWE in a way to.
True, he can then use a modified version of Takers theme or use the piano one lmao:

Actually you know what, Taker would get a kick out of Ohara using his theme; he's a big boxing fan and would't mind at all. Plus it's free publicity for the WWE in a way to.

Hmm, maybe you're right.

This modified version pretty awesome man, very soothing lol. For some reason, it remided me of the Godfather soundtrack <3

Man, I should watch these movies again sometime. :))
Hmm, maybe you're right.

This modified version pretty awesome man, very soothing lol. For some reason, it remided me of the Godfather soundtrack <3

Man, I should watch these movies again sometime. :))

:))) that godfather theme RD listens to that while he is playing with his joystick
:))) :)))

:))) what about this one? I like how the theme in this one is built towards a climax :)))

Think we might have a winner here; will be tough to top this one. :)))

Like how this one picks up pace as it goes on and then settles into a nice rhythm :asif

Think we might have a winner here; will be tough to top this one. :)))

Like how this one picks up pace as it goes on and then settles into a nice rhythm :asif

:))) :))) I think the Bret theme takes the cake. Man them themes were so awesome! Credit to that racist Michael Hayes :)))

RD try topping joystick to this theme:

I miss Sami Zayn :(

RAW was awful as usual lets focus on the few positivesl; highlights were the opening segment where different factions fought in a 16 man elimination tag (bah gawd best go home show for Survivor Series ever) although it was incredibly depressing to see Wyatt Family get buried yet again, The tease of Charlotte's potential heel turn which could be pivotal for her career, Paige's brilliant mic work and the final segment between Reigns/Sheamus it was pretty hilarious lmao and Sheamus was excellent once again on the mic. Don't think Roman should be talking so much and he needs to cut out the jokes
bro, Amir bhai is senior. You know how sensitve seniors get here

True Sorry [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] bhai, please welcome me back into the dressing room; Eugene has punished me for my crimes by forcing me to read his posts on PP :))) BAH GAWD the Bear with another epic promo

Btw I watched Breaking Ground until episode 3, did you see the bit where Tyler and the guy who does the perfect 10 gimmick take a walk during the night and try to explore the bat cave :))) was funny how Breeze got scared lmao I really like Tyler, I don't know if his gimmick has the potential to be a main-event level thing though; he reminds me of HBK during the early 90's although HBK was better on the mic but then again Tyler never really has to talk that much and when he does it's all about psychology/intensity so he really does a good job putting over his character
True Sorry [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] bhai, please welcome me back into the dressing room; Eugene has punished me for my crimes by forcing me to read his posts on PP :))) BAH GAWD the Bear with another epic promo

Btw I watched Breaking Ground until episode 3, did you see the bit where Tyler and the guy who does the perfect 10 gimmick take a walk during the night and try to explore the bat cave :))) was funny how Breeze got scared lmao I really like Tyler, I don't know if his gimmick has the potential to be a main-event level thing though; he reminds me of HBK during the early 90's although HBK was better on the mic but then again Tyler never really has to talk that much and when he does it's all about psychology/intensity so he really does a good job putting over his character

I've been saving all Breaking Ground episodes in 720p on my HD, I will watch all of them in one go. Bro I don't know why but I really enjoy these backstage documentaries.

I recommend you go and watch The Takover Brooklyn Documentary, its really good
I've been saving all Breaking Ground episodes in 720p on my HD, I will watch all of them in one go. Bro I don't know why but I really enjoy these backstage documentaries.

I recommend you go and watch The Takover Brooklyn Documentary, its really good

I think I might have seen that one already. Yeah me to; kayfabe is dead anyway so it doesn't matter giving us an insight into the journeys of these people and not just the "wrestler" obviously you got to protect someone like Bray Wyatt though. Anyway am getting really depressed watching WWE lately and seeing Bray get buried every week it hurts my feelings; I might just quit for good but I like to see the stuff they do which is decent at times but the product as a whole is awful. How they are burying Bray epitomizes everything that is wrong with the WWE. When he came out on RAW the crowd popped and were chanting YES! but then it turns out he interupted the league of nations for no reason :facepalm: I was getting ready to mark out thought he was going to feud with Sheamus at some point for the world title or give Sheamus a sought of warning but the dudleys came out and the Wyatts ended up jobbing to tommy dreamer