I use to have quiet the reputation at school

) you know at break-time? we all use to wrestle each other but we use to call it flooring, not allowed to kick or punch but the aim to get your opponent on the floor. My signature use to be the stinger splash, when there use to be like 10 guys trying to get one stubborn jobber on the floor and I'd just come in running and perform the Stinger Splash and everyone would kinda just drop because I was tall and weighed more in comparison to the rest. If a Jobber came running towards me I'd use his momentum and turn it into a side headlock takedown, and while the guy has been caught in the side headlock takedown when he lands I ensure that my elbow hits him in the chest rather then keeping grip on the headlock. Sometimes there would be guys that would randomly come out of nowhere and perform a german suplex on you

) one guy tried it on me and I just buried him with my booty and he dropped on the floor lmao
Sometimes when you Floor someone to the ground, they come back for more or refuse to give up so when they do that I use to apply a guilotine choke and one of my friends still wouldn't tap

) he was tough and then my cousin and his best friends would try to break the hold and I'd finally let go as my arm was raised aloft

) it was like when Kurt grabs someone in an ankle lock and doesn't let do while all the referees are trying to stop him lmao I tried to apply a sharpshooter and figure 4 but man it was so tough credit to Bret and the Nature boy lmao
My dream run ended when a big Yokozuna I had been bullying CRUSHED me, then I lost my smile
I was never the same again.
Was a bit wild then but am normal now, some guys use to spar with boxing gloves; I never did that because they'd get out of control and really ugly lol plus no ref or anything to, and I had only joined a boxing gym and was learning; I didn't want to get buried.
And I always use to make use of HBK and The Rock catch phrases. Besides the wrestling all the times people tried to bully me or fight me we'd brawl and they'd never come near me again, they were use to picking on guys that don't say anything and when you respond they run away like jobbers lmao people prey on those who don't stand up for themselves. I never attacked anyone randomly though, there use to be people who'd just randomly rush people; there was this one indian guy my mates beat up am not sure why there was a reason but I didn't join in, but one guy punched him in the nose and he was pretty much out on his feet and the others hit him in body and some boxer finished him with a left-hook; I heard when the Indian finally got up he walked into a a wall and dropped again some other pakistani boys were trying to help him. Even though I didn't do anything, I was a part of the gang that did so I had to run away with them

Shazzy Bears stories are the best, what you reckon DM
