Sheamus promos have been even better, he really told a lot about his character in that promo with Renee. That's the side Sheamus should always bring to the table. Reigns won't matter much, Sheamus alone can make this build up even better
Vince is a complete retard if doesn't see the storylines in Wyatt and the feuds. he's mad if he sees them as mid carders

Vince can make him Ministry 2.0 and run away with it. Bray needs to step up to Vince now, maybe Hunter is taking under his wing and trying to work him up. Who knows. You see Neville, KO, Rusev all Haitch boys getting more time and storylines. So I think Wyatts will get the deserved break next year. I think it would be best if Bray wins the Royal Rumble, don't you think. Imagine Bryan is the no.30 entry, the crowd goes beserk. They know this is their time, its finally happening after 3 years of whining, Bryan going to win the big one after all and BAM!! Bray comes in and tosses the goat out of the ring


) imagine the pop
