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Lets see if he shows his shakal in here again after that brutal beat dowm :)))
Reportedly, Cena threw his shirt towards a kid in the crowd but a guy swooped in, stole the shirt and ran off. :)))

Brooklyn cementing it's reputation as a real douchey crowd.
Reportedly, Cena threw his shirt towards a kid in the crowd but a guy swooped in, stole the shirt and ran off. :)))

Brooklyn cementing it's reputation as a real douchey crowd.

I thought someone threw the shirt back at Cena :)) and if someone throws a shirt at the crowd, it belongs to who ever grabs it first :akhtar but which grown man would even want Cena's :))) probably sold it off

RAW was crap, the final segment was good though.
Please don't tell me the Rock is just coming for another opening segment at WM 32! If that's all he is coming for he might as well stay home. Please book Rock v Brock 2

Also, HHH v RR should be on the cards

Sting V Taker, career for career match
No way is the Rock wrestling at mania 32, if he was they'd hype it for 2 years :))
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] you are uncle phil in this video and they got your favourite theme going as well :)))

Got goosebumps from that powerbomb through the table.

Really enjoyed that beat down of Neville and brawl with Ambrose too, do you reckon they're building him for Lesnar [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION]

The guy is easily the best well rounded performer on the active roster, and the things he says during matches and brawls is perfect.

He just has 'it', something Ramen Noodles will never have.
Got goosebumps from that powerbomb through the table.

Really enjoyed that beat down of Neville and brawl with Ambrose too, do you reckon they're building him for Lesnar [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION]

The guy is easily the best well rounded performer on the active roster, and the things he says during matches and brawls is perfect.

He just has 'it', something Ramen Noodles will never have.

KO is the GOAT
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] his tweets are the best :))
KO is the GOAT
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] his tweets are the best :))
If he wasn't fat, he would have been Vince's pick to be the face of the WWE.

The WWE value image more so than actual ability in the ring and with mic in hand.

Same goes for Rollins, not tall enough or attractive enough.
If he wasn't fat, he would have been Vince's pick to be the face of the WWE.

The WWE value image more so than actual ability in the ring and with mic in hand.

Same goes for Rollins, not tall enough or attractive enough.

He's hunter boy
He will get the push soon

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Got goosebumps from that powerbomb through the table.

Really enjoyed that beat down of Neville and brawl with Ambrose too, do you reckon they're building him for Lesnar [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION]

The guy is easily the best well rounded performer on the active roster, and the things he says during matches and brawls is perfect.

He just has 'it', something Ramen Noodles will never have.

Brilliant feud thus far, and KO/Ambrose have been elevating the IC title in the process and giving it the recognition it deserves through their performances. No, I don't think so; they are saving Lesnar for Roman Reigns bit like how certain women remain chaste before marriage. Reigns will be given the honour to bury Lesnar with his shovel on their wedding night :yk

Seriously though, just look at how they've dealt with Bray Wyatt....at-least KO has a championship, I don't mind him elevating that belt for now but in 2016 they should push him as a main-event talent.

Even if KO wasn't fat he wouldn't be the face, in this era guys like Cena and Roman Reigns are more marketable amongst the casuals which make up most of the fanbase. Bryan was an exception but on paper you wouldn't expect a guy with that look to become the most over babyface in the company.

I expect KO to become a brilliant heel champion at some point be it 2016 or 2017 but I hope Bray Wyatt gets there first because he has proven himself over a longer period and it's about time he is given a break.
If he wasn't fat, he would have been Vince's pick to be the face of the WWE.

The WWE value image more so than actual ability in the ring and with mic in hand.

Same goes for Rollins, not tall enough or attractive enough.
Get him the drug to loose his weight. By the way does WADA rules apply to WWE as well?

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Brilliant feud thus far, and KO/Ambrose have been elevating the IC title in the process and giving it the recognition it deserves through their performances. No, I don't think so; they are saving Lesnar for Roman Reigns bit like how certain women remain chaste before marriage. Reigns will be given the honour to bury Lesnar with his shovel on their wedding night :yk

Seriously though, just look at how they've dealt with Bray Wyatt....at-least KO has a championship, I don't mind him elevating that belt for now but in 2016 they should push him as a main-event talent.

Even if KO wasn't fat he wouldn't be the face, in this era guys like Cena and Roman Reigns are more marketable amongst the casuals which make up most of the fanbase. Bryan was an exception but on paper you wouldn't expect a guy with that look to become the most over babyface in the company.

I expect KO to become a brilliant heel champion at some point be it 2016 or 2017 but I hope Bray Wyatt gets there first because he has proven himself over a longer period and it's about time he is given a break.
I also wonder why Bray Wyatt doesn't give him a go.
He seems running around sheeps only.

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Sheamus is active and so he won't feel that much pain when he wakes up the next morning. HHH last wrestled at Wrestlemania against Sting so he was feeling a lot of Pain for 3-4 days. I hope we get to see both of them next week on RAW. The Slammys are on for next week as well

who did you vote for ?
I am sorry I couldn't respond to you earlier...I didn't vote anyone but good to see Navil made some impact.

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Brilliant feud thus far, and KO/Ambrose have been elevating the IC title in the process and giving it the recognition it deserves through their performances. No, I don't think so; they are saving Lesnar for Roman Reigns bit like how certain women remain chaste before marriage. Reigns will be given the honour to bury Lesnar with his shovel on their wedding night :yk

Seriously though, just look at how they've dealt with Bray Wyatt....at-least KO has a championship, I don't mind him elevating that belt for now but in 2016 they should push him as a main-event talent.

Even if KO wasn't fat he wouldn't be the face, in this era guys like Cena and Roman Reigns are more marketable amongst the casuals which make up most of the fanbase. Bryan was an exception but on paper you wouldn't expect a guy with that look to become the most over babyface in the company.

I expect KO to become a brilliant heel champion at some point be it 2016 or 2017 but I hope Bray Wyatt gets there first because he has proven himself over a longer period and it's about time he is given a break.
Cena I understand.

But Roman sucks in the ring and on the mic, he's all round mediocre who cannot possibly keep fans interested doing and saying the same crap for 2 years, let alone a decade like Cena.
Cena I understand.

But Roman sucks in the ring and on the mic, he's all round mediocre who cannot possibly keep fans interested doing and saying the same crap for 2 years, let alone a decade like Cena.

He's no where near as bad as InternetTards make out, IWC are the most fickle and nonsensical fans in the world even more mentally inept then MMA fans.

When you look at him as a package, creative could utilize him so much better and in recent times they've done just that. Even the best struggle when promos are overly produced and heavily scripted, the delivery ought to be un-natural; I've seen Roman cut promos 10x better then the ones we see on TV not that am saying he's some genius on the stick. His ring work has also improved significantly and I already see him as someone who can sell so much better then Cena. His biggest strength is obviously his look which is marketable, the fact of the matter is Roman is over with 90% of the casuals and irrespective of whether or not the marks/smarks were going to get behind him he's is the chosen one to replace Cena. At best the likes of KO, Seth and Wyatt will be main-event heel talents who get runs with the belt and feud with Roman. Whether Roman can sustain his popularity with the correct backing from creative remains to be seen though....
Mind you there could be huge $$$ in Seth as a babyface I feel its a role he'd absolutely relish and he'd be even better then he is as a heel and although he'd have 100% backing from the marks/smarks would he be as popular amongst the casuals? that's the biggest question if we are to discuss whether or not someone can be considered as THE FACE of the company; even if the machine back you, there has to be something which connects with the crowd in a unique way; that's what you call the it factor.
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] MVP did an interview recently, this is what he had to say:

On Batista Getting a Match Finish Changed to Help MVP:
“We had been doing a television feud. It wasn’t a pay-per-view feud, but, every week, he and I were going through something, wrestling, and he had beaten me, like, two weeks in a row on TV. And the finish that day was he was going to beat me again. And I know my role. I’m a heel! He’s the money guy. He’s a star. That’s what I’m there for. I have no problem with that. Dave had a problem with it because he said, ‘why am I beating you again? This does nothing for you. This does nothing for me. This is pointless.’ His exact words [were], ‘you’re a f–king guy we can do something with. Why am I beating you again?’. This is what Dave said. I said, ‘f–k it, Dave. I’m working in the main event against you. I’m cool. That’s fine. I’m making that main event money. I’m getting the rub.’ He goes, ‘no, f–k that. It’s bulls–t. Lets go talk to Vince [McMahon].'” MVP continued, “Dave literally took me in to Vince and said, ‘Vince, it doesn’t make sense.’ That doesn’t happen very often in the world of professional wrestling. There aren’t that many guys that think that selflessly and see the picture in that way, so that’s the kind of guy he is.”

On What It Was Changed To: “We came up with a finish where we’d fight outside the ring, he’d be kicking my ass outside the ring, and I’d be running away from him during the count, so as I dive into the ring, I win by count out. And I kind of slid out [of] the backside of the ring and I was still scared and I’m showing, ‘oh s–t’ and [the announcer says], ‘and the winner, by count out, MVP!’ and I get my swagger back and I was like, ‘yeah, that’s right! That’s right! I won!’ And that was the finish that we came up with. Dave did that.”

On Vince McMahon Not Believing That Batista Would Leave For Hollywood: “With [Batista’s] movie career, I remember the day he left and it was crazy because Muriel, the security guard, she walked him out and he was telling me, he goes, ‘Vince doesn’t think I’m leaving. He thinks I’m bulls–tting him. He doesn’t think I’m serious.'” MVP added, “[Batista] literally walked away from millions of dollars a year on the chance that he’d make it in Hollywood [and McMahon was saying,] ‘he’s not going to walk away from all this money.'”

I recall Batista did the same for Bryan when he was new on the scene around 2010/2011, creative/Vince wanted Batista to crush Bryan in under a minute but Batista lobbied to have a match where Bryans strengths were emphasised instead of having a squash. And when he returned his intention was to be a heel and help him get over again, then in the main-event tapped out clean.

I absolutely despise some Marks/Smarks their hatred for Dave is unjustified, pro-wrestling can be nasty and you need to be selfish to survive but Dave would go out on a limb for the interests of other pro-wrestlers, what he felt is best for the company rather then himself and the fans. I've always respected Dave and have been a mark for him in and out of the ring, such a nice guy. You guys should watch his documentary on the Network and listen to him on Chris Jericho's Podcast from a while back.
Great to hear good about Batista. Batista even brought Titus O'Neil to WWE. He feels Titus is a main event-level talent and deserves a push.

I am a D-Bry fan but the way his idiotic fans booed Dave was unfair. In fact, Dave was firmly against the idea of him winning the RR because he knew there would be backlash. In fact, CM Punk was supposedly next in line for the Batista push but left. Ironically, he quit when he would have most definitely main-evented Wrestlemania, which he so desperately wanted.

I do not understand the hate Roman gets. He puts on very good matches consistently, does not botch, has screen presence. He is weak on the mic but unscripted, he is worth watching like his promo in NXT I had uploaded. IWC desperately was cheering for him and calling for him to main event WM and then turned on him the moment they got what they wanted. Look at his match with Wyatt at Hell in the Cell, the Fatal 4- way #1 contender's match on Raw, TLC match against Sheamus, the match next day on Raw. Of course, they would write it off as Reigns carried by superior wrestlers which is so awfully convenient.

Pro wrestling is dying because of hipster fans who are never happy with anything. Attitude era is over. Ruthless aggression era is over. Sure, WWE is not as good as it was before but the way IWC cribs about it, nothing will ever make them happy so WWE creative, incompetent as they are, have become indifferent as well.
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] MVP did an interview recently, this is what he had to say:

On Batista Getting a Match Finish Changed to Help MVP:
“We had been doing a television feud. It wasn’t a pay-per-view feud, but, every week, he and I were going through something, wrestling, and he had beaten me, like, two weeks in a row on TV. And the finish that day was he was going to beat me again. And I know my role. I’m a heel! He’s the money guy. He’s a star. That’s what I’m there for. I have no problem with that. Dave had a problem with it because he said, ‘why am I beating you again? This does nothing for you. This does nothing for me. This is pointless.’ His exact words [were], ‘you’re a f–king guy we can do something with. Why am I beating you again?’. This is what Dave said. I said, ‘f–k it, Dave. I’m working in the main event against you. I’m cool. That’s fine. I’m making that main event money. I’m getting the rub.’ He goes, ‘no, f–k that. It’s bulls–t. Lets go talk to Vince [McMahon].'” MVP continued, “Dave literally took me in to Vince and said, ‘Vince, it doesn’t make sense.’ That doesn’t happen very often in the world of professional wrestling. There aren’t that many guys that think that selflessly and see the picture in that way, so that’s the kind of guy he is.”

On What It Was Changed To: “We came up with a finish where we’d fight outside the ring, he’d be kicking my ass outside the ring, and I’d be running away from him during the count, so as I dive into the ring, I win by count out. And I kind of slid out [of] the backside of the ring and I was still scared and I’m showing, ‘oh s–t’ and [the announcer says], ‘and the winner, by count out, MVP!’ and I get my swagger back and I was like, ‘yeah, that’s right! That’s right! I won!’ And that was the finish that we came up with. Dave did that.”

On Vince McMahon Not Believing That Batista Would Leave For Hollywood: “With [Batista’s] movie career, I remember the day he left and it was crazy because Muriel, the security guard, she walked him out and he was telling me, he goes, ‘Vince doesn’t think I’m leaving. He thinks I’m bulls–tting him. He doesn’t think I’m serious.'” MVP added, “[Batista] literally walked away from millions of dollars a year on the chance that he’d make it in Hollywood [and McMahon was saying,] ‘he’s not going to walk away from all this money.'”

I recall Batista did the same for Bryan when he was new on the scene around 2010/2011, creative/Vince wanted Batista to crush Bryan in under a minute but Batista lobbied to have a match where Bryans strengths were emphasised instead of having a squash. And when he returned his intention was to be a heel and help him get over again, then in the main-event tapped out clean.

I absolutely despise some Marks/Smarks their hatred for Dave is unjustified, pro-wrestling can be nasty and you need to be selfish to survive but Dave would go out on a limb for the interests of other pro-wrestlers, what he felt is best for the company rather then himself and the fans. I've always respected Dave and have been a mark for him in and out of the ring, such a nice guy. You guys should watch his documentary on the Network and listen to him on Chris Jericho's Podcast from a while back.
I know bro I've listened to the podcast n dave came across as a really nice down to earth guy. In his earlier days he was suppose to be a tool. However I've heard a lot of good stories on him since. Doing the job for Bryan was really big of him.

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Great to hear good about Batista. Batista even brought Titus O'Neil to WWE. He feels Titus is a main event-level talent and deserves a push.

I am a D-Bry fan but the way his idiotic fans booed Dave was unfair. In fact, Dave was firmly against the idea of him winning the RR because he knew there would be backlash. In fact, CM Punk was supposedly next in line for the Batista push but left. Ironically, he quit when he would have most definitely main-evented Wrestlemania, which he so desperately wanted.

I do not understand the hate Roman gets. He puts on very good matches consistently, does not botch, has screen presence. He is weak on the mic but unscripted, he is worth watching like his promo in NXT I had uploaded. IWC desperately was cheering for him and calling for him to main event WM and then turned on him the moment they got what they wanted. Look at his match with Wyatt at Hell in the Cell, the Fatal 4- way #1 contender's match on Raw, TLC match against Sheamus, the match next day on Raw. Of course, they would write it off as Reigns carried by superior wrestlers which is so awfully convenient.

Pro wrestling is dying because of hipster fans who are never happy with anything. Attitude era is over. Ruthless aggression era is over. Sure, WWE is not as good as it was before but the way IWC cribs about it, nothing will ever make them happy so WWE creative, incompetent as they are, have become indifferent as well.

It wasn't just D-Bry smarks, in fact the city which Batista won the Rumble wasn't even a wrestling city; at that point Bryan was red hot and the fans wanted a feel good moment in him winning the Rumble and main-eventing Wrestlemania. I don't blame the fans at all, I blame creative and people who made the decision that Batista should return as a babyface; even he anticipated that it was never going to work and he wanted to return as a heel and it was also because characterwise it fits his persona best and even moreso given how he was on brink of hollywood stardom. From Vinces perspective Batista was going to return as the all conquering hero to defeat the heel Randy Orton (who was booked like an absolute jobber despite being champ) for the title in the main-event of Wrestlemania, that does't make sense in terms of booking it's incredibly illogical; ideally you want to use wrestlemania as a platform to cement talent on your roster as main-eventers. If anything I'd be thanking those fans at the Rumble, had they not reacted that way which was completely natural (heck Mick threw a brick at his TV :))) ) Bryan would be facing Sheamus at mania which was the plan and the main-event would be Batista v Orton. CM Punk was never next in line nor were there ever any plans for him to be in the main-event, they were building towards a match between Punk v HHH had he not left and that was the final nail in the coffin for Punk because that was the one thing he wanted but to be honest he probably would still have left after that. Punk walking out and the crowd going nuts at the Royal Rumble gave us the ultimate pay-off to Daniel Bryans storyline which wasn't even scripted lol

Roman is a solid performer and could be utilized better but he has come far, he isn't a genius on the stick or in the ring (he did botch in his championship match at SS but barring that I've not noticed anything) but he is no where as bad as peeps make out. There are talent which are better then him in terms of skill but they don't have the look to be the face in this PG era unfortunately.

I don't agree with how fans behave/react in this era and while it's not always justified we need to point fingers at WWE and creative to, leathers these fans have been lead to the point of insanity given the awful product they've been fed for over a decade; and its not a matter of oh if you don't like it don't watch because the WWE is their passion and they will always pay for their ticket etc WWE fans are probably the most loyal and intense in the world and it's like a love-hate relation between them and the higher ups who are responsible for the weekly programming.
Even [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] is one of those crazy fans [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] who has lost his mind but as much as he doesn't admit it he still follows the product, do I blame him for his insanity? probably not when you look at the quality of programming
Even Eva Marie doesn't get the amount of hate Roman gets. :)))

You need to watch NXT :))) honestly Eva gets NUCLEAR HEAT and it's all X-PAC lmao [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] remember when there was a fan pulling out a book to read during her match :)))

The hardcore fans since the philly incident have sought of lowered their voices more and more over the last 12 months, they still boo'd him but not as much as they did and he began to win some followers, after dethroning HHH and some adjustments to his character he was won majority of the marks and smarks over for now....Am just thinking, if he does face HHH at mania it will be interesting to see who the fans support because HHH has restored his reputation amongst the marks/smarks with his creation of NXT; it could be another Cena v HHH situation from mania 22 but I feel the fans will support Roman
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] CM Punch :))

People don't care about him anymore, the jobber keeps getting injured during training camp :))) was supposed to fight this year. It was never going to be easy and just shows how tough MMA is, you don't simply just go in like that.
You need to watch NXT :))) honestly Eva gets NUCLEAR HEAT and it's all X-PAC lmao [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] remember when there was a fan pulling out a book to read during her match :)))

The hardcore fans since the philly incident have sought of lowered their voices more and more over the last 12 months, they still boo'd him but not as much as they did and he began to win some followers, after dethroning HHH and some adjustments to his character he was won majority of the marks and smarks over for now....Am just thinking, if he does face HHH at mania it will be interesting to see who the fans support because HHH has restored his reputation amongst the marks/smarks with his creation of NXT; it could be another Cena v HHH situation from mania 22 but I feel the fans will support Roman

a lot people views on her will change now after watching Breaking Grounds.

WWE is making her look like a pro there and she's been taking classes from Sami so they can't complain now :))

seriously that book thing was over the top :)))
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] I wonder if crowd will turn their backs like in football match when they don't get what they want :)))
a lot people views on her will change now after watching Breaking Grounds.

WWE is making her look like a pro there and she's been taking classes from Sami so they can't complain now :))

seriously that book thing was over the top :)))

am going to do that at a Live Show during a Roman Reigns match :)))
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] I wonder if crowd will turn their backs like in football match when they don't get what they want :)))

:))) they did that in NXT am not sure? but that would be the ultimate insult wouldn't it, honestly fans would have done that had Randy and Batista main-evented mania 30
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] I know the NXT product is thriving but Fin Balor is being over-worked and made to wrestle a incredibly physical style, he is 34 years old and If was in charge I wouldn't want to burn him out before he even gets to the main-roster. In fact I'd fast track his move to the main-roster by having him and Sami Zayn (another guy who has been at NXT for too long) compete in a match at wrestlemania. I love NXT and I also get that HHH probably doesn't want to let them go, but ultimately the two have huge potential on the main-roster and need to move up ASAP before its too late.
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] I know the NXT product is thriving but Fin Balor is being over-worked and made to wrestle a incredibly physical style, he is 34 years old and If was in charge I wouldn't want to burn him out before he even gets to the main-roster. In fact I'd fast track his move to the main-roster by having him and Sami Zayn (another guy who has been at NXT for too long) compete in a match at wrestlemania. I love NXT and I also get that HHH probably doesn't want to let them go, but ultimately the two have huge potential on the main-roster and need to move up ASAP before its too late.

I also want Balor to the main roster but that guy was in his first ladder match at Takover Brooklyn. I still can't believe that.
Honestly his title run is starting just now for me. before he was literally out of TV, was only fighting Corbin on house shows. Hunter is being protective of him, he don't want to waste his debut now. My bet is him, Zayn and Bayley will debut RAW after Mania

Regarding Zayn, yeah I too thought he will be coming on RAW. He was also thinking that lol, him against KO at Mania would have been best for business as there was build up and story. But I see why he's been held back for now.

Also I want Gable and Jordan on the main roster. They are mini Kurt Angles
I also want Balor to the main roster but that guy was in his first ladder match at Takover Brooklyn. I still can't believe that.
Honestly his title run is starting just now for me. before he was literally out of TV, was only fighting Corbin on house shows. Hunter is being protective of him, he don't want to waste his debut now. My bet is him, Zayn and Bayley will debut RAW after Mania

Regarding Zayn, yeah I too thought he will be coming on RAW. He was also thinking that lol, him against KO at Mania would have been best for business as there was build up and story. But I see why he's been held back for now.

Also I want Gable and Jordan on the main roster. They are mini Kurt Angles

They all should move up when the time is right and they should make a big deal out of it, but the fact of the matter is Balor has been wrestling longer then most and his work rate is intense; he works a very very physical style and over the course of his career has suffered 5 concussions. My point is indy wrestlers don't have a long life span and after what has happened with Bryan you'd think these guys would be managed a little smarter, for these reasons Balor and Sami need to move up ASAP. The issue is who takes their spot on NXT? that's another problem because NXT has cultivated a brand of its own. But still they can figure that out later.

Am happy with Gable and Jordon at NXT for now, they don't need to move up just yet; they still have a lot of milleage in them and are relatively new and fresh on the scene unlike Balor and Sami.

Gable and Jordon put in their career best performance at Takeover London, that was my favourite tag match in a really long time and it was so enjoyable to watch. Those two have the potential to be a GOAT tag team as does Dash/Dawson ( me and [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]) :)))

Stunning performance, honestly someone forward that match to Kurt Angle; he'd fangirl over it like us to. Such a unique tag team and both have brilliant chemistry and personality to. Gable is so technically gifted and so is Jordon! he just leaves all the chain-wrestling to Gable and dishes out those insane suplex's; he was so pumped up and damn that drop kick of his is BEAUTIFUL; other then Okada's and AJ-Styles that has to be one of the best drop kicks in the world.

Also speaking of AJ! I got a feeling he may finally sign up with NXT, his contract is going to expire soon with Japan but the thing is HHH would never pay him what he is making there. But if any one is going to sign AJ to the WWE it will be hunter.
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They all should move up when the time is right and they should make a big deal out of it, but the fact of the matter is Balor has been wrestling longer then most and his work rate is intense; he works a very very physical style and over the course of his career has suffered 5 concussions. My point is indy wrestlers don't have a long life span and after what has happened with Bryan you'd think these guys would be managed a little smarter, for these reasons Balor and Sami need to move up ASAP. The issue is who takes their spot on NXT? that's another problem because NXT has cultivated a brand of its own. But still they can figure that out later.

Am happy with Gable and Jordon at NXT for now, they don't need to move up just yet; they still have a lot of milleage in them and are relatively new and fresh on the scene unlike Balor and Sami.

Gable and Jordon put in their career best performance at Takeover London, that was my favourite tag match in a really long time and it was so enjoyable to watch. Those two have the potential to be a GOAT tag team as does Dash/Dawson ( me and [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION]) :)))

Stunning performance, honestly someone forward that match to Kurt Angle; he'd fangirl over it like us to. Such a unique tag team and both have brilliant chemistry and personality to. Gable is so technically gifted and so is Jordon! he just leaves all the chain-wrestling to Gable and dishes out those insane suplex's; he was so pumped up and damn that drop kick of his is BEAUTIFUL; other then Okada's and AJ-Styles that has to be one of the best drop kicks in the world.

Also speaking of AJ! I got a feeling he may finally sign up with NXT, his contract is going to expire soon with Japan but the thing is HHH would never pay him what he is making there. But if any one is going to sign AJ to the WWE it will be hunter.

They should also call up Joe to the main roster. He is PPV sell out. He proved at Takeover London how good he still is.
I would want Balor, Joe and Zayn to debut to the main roster together but as you made a point about who to fill their shoes which is a big ask right now. Corbin and [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] are the only one right now there :))

and Kurt Angle is already a big fan of Gable, he was really excited about him in the podcast recently. Yeah they need more time in NXT before getting the call up.
After GOD knows how many years I'm back to be interested in Tag Team division :)) TLC is the start of something bigger iA

AJ will be on NXT, Hunter won't miss out this big opportunity. But AJ won't be there to come up to the main roster, he will be like James Storm :mv
Speaking of which is he wrestling there anymore or in house shows ? They need to book him more on TV
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] I don't care what creative planned for Aska but they need to scrap all that and transfer her to the main roster. Dammit, she is GOAT. She will give them so many 5 Stars matches and ratings. They need to do that asap otherwise they will lose a great deal of ratings
They should also call up Joe to the main roster. He is PPV sell out. He proved at Takeover London how good he still is.
I would want Balor, Joe and Zayn to debut to the main roster together but as you made a point about who to fill their shoes which is a big ask right now. Corbin and [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] are the only one right now there :))

and Kurt Angle is already a big fan of Gable, he was really excited about him in the podcast recently. Yeah they need more time in NXT before getting the call up.
After GOD knows how many years I'm back to be interested in Tag Team division :)) TLC is the start of something bigger iA

AJ will be on NXT, Hunter won't miss out this big opportunity. But AJ won't be there to come up to the main roster, he will be like James Storm :mv
Speaking of which is he wrestling there anymore or in house shows ? They need to book him more on TV
[MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] needs to improve his mic skills but he can go in the ring so maybe he'll get over with the NXT fans, Corbin will be a decent heel. I really don't know who else would replace those guys if they move up.

Thing is AJ is a huge star in the world right now and he's making at least 500-700K a year at NJPW (in addition to being free to work dates on independent scene around the world and with ROH given the partnership with Japan) and they cover all expenses! AJ is old now and he will do what's best for his family, it's highly unlikely that the WWE will offer him anything near that sum. Apparently when he left TNA he was offered $60K to join NXT lmao I think it's also to do with WWE's ego in signing TNA's greatest star but he has left them for a long time now.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] I don't care what creative planned for Aska but they need to scrap all that and transfer her to the main roster. Dammit, she is GOAT. She will give them so many 5 Stars matches and ratings. They need to do that asap otherwise they will lose a great deal of ratings

She's the female Brock Lesnar, in the ring she's on another level to everyone else; that pace and work-rate is incredible but very normal where she comes from, unfortunately Itami hasn't been able to replicate that but was supposed to be just as good and I believe he is but hasn't adjusted well enough. Aska on the other hand has adapted really well. I loved her match with Emma who is criminally underatted in the ring, and dayuum her entrance in London though! them shades!
She's the female Brock Lesnar, in the ring she's on another level to everyone else; that pace and work-rate is incredible but very normal where she comes from, unfortunately Itami hasn't been able to replicate that but was supposed to be just as good and I believe he is but hasn't adjusted well enough. Aska on the other hand has adapted really well. I loved her match with Emma who is criminally underatted in the ring, and dayuum her entrance in London though! them shades!

I felt so mad when I saw how good Emma is. Back then when I didn't follow NXT and she got called up to the main roster, I thought she was another DIVA. Good for her she got back to NXT. It's not fair to her how she was booked.
Aska is GOAT, can't wait for her to storm into the main roster.

What are your thoughts on Danna Brooke. I'm a big fan of her and she has improved immensely. She is a natural heel imo

and Itami has been disappointing so far :afaq is he still injured or released ?
I felt so mad when I saw how good Emma is. Back then when I didn't follow NXT and she got called up to the main roster, I thought she was another DIVA. Good for her she got back to NXT. It's not fair to her how she was booked.
Aska is GOAT, can't wait for her to storm into the main roster.

What are your thoughts on Danna Brooke. I'm a big fan of her and she has improved immensely. She is a natural heel imo

and Itami has been disappointing so far :afaq is he still injured or released ?

I always followed NXT, how many times have I said to you watch Paige v Emma to crown the first ever NXT womens champion!

I always knew Paige was so good! because I been following her in the UK and was certain she was going to be a huge star one day but watching Emma in that match you could see she is special to, watch that match it's one of my favourite Women matches ever in NXT. My all time favourite are Charlotte v Natalya and Sasha v Bayley. Also, Natalya is the most gifted female technical wrestler of all time, she makes it look so easy in the ring and we say oh x , y , z are so good but I view Natalya as someone who is in a league of her own just like Aska.

Emma was due a huge push but then she stole an iPhone Cover :))) thankfully WWE didn't fire her though, honestly when she wins the world title in NXT its going to be so emotional because she has been through so much, but if Bayley was to move up to the main-roster tommorow the divas division in NXT is so packed with amazing talent! it's unreal, those Aussie chicks are so good to! the division is in safe hands. It's the male division where we have some question marks because we want the likes of Balor, Joe and Sami to move up.

What has happened with Emma is a blessing in disguise though, i wasn't too fond of the bubbles gimmick but I like her new heel character now.

I look at talent as a package and when Brooke says she's the total diva I believe it! she has an incredible look, great athlete and her in-ring work is decent but obviously there is room for improvement, her mic skills are pretty decent to and I like that she has a character. She reminds me a little of Kaitlyn, both are fitness fanatics with a great work ethic and attitude, Brooke like Kaitlyn could improve in the ring but they make up for it with their personality and physique. Brooke reminds me of Lex Luger as well in the WWE as the narcissist

Yeah injured, he just hasn't adapted well enough
am watching breaking ground, why does Mojo Rawley have a palestine flag stuck on his wall in his home :))) he's having a party I guess probably using it is an accessory, he cracks me up lmao
am watching breaking ground, why does Mojo Rawley have a palestine flag stuck on his wall in his home :))) he's having a party I guess probably using it is an accessory, he cracks me up lmao

I don't know :))) :)))

honestly I don't like him, I want to punch him in the face until I saw how he was encouraging that kid who got straight As :( that's deep
I don't know :))) :)))

honestly I don't like him, I want to punch him in the face until I saw how he was encouraging that kid who got straight As :( that's deep

He's a top top guy, I have friends who have been to live events and they say no one is nicer then Mojo Rawley; after the shows ends he signs every autograph and speaks to fans etc even when everyone else has left. He's super cool with all fans and not just kids.

I don't like the gimmick but he pulls it off :))) to be fair to him.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] watch "And there were none" all jobbers in one house :))
Is that the book by agatha christie? I have it but didnt read it yet. BBC made a series bwt it u talkin bwt that? been looking to watch for days now have it opened on my tab but was watchin breaking ground. Is it any good? The reviews are positive
Is that the book by agatha christie? I have it but didnt read it yet. BBC made a series bwt it u talkin bwt that? been looking to watch for days now have it opened on my tab but was watchin breaking ground. Is it any good? The reviews are positive

Yeah its good
I was flipping through shows and it made me interested

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Yeah its good
I was flipping through shows and it made me interested

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What about Luther is that any good, I've not watched the first 3 seasons though but a new one is out on bbc
Hearing it for the first time lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

BBC have also released a 13 minute recap of seasons 1-3 for those who can't be bothered to watch them before moving on to the new episodes in season 4. It's a crime/mystery/thriller.

Also Nia Jax is such a sweetheart, bah gawd the bear in tears by her relationship with her mom. She's a proper palwaan ni kuri DM, perfect for you
Jason Jordon trying to get it on with Dana :))) he's a douchebag really but cracks me up lmao especially when it comes to him and gable messing around
BBC have also released a 13 minute recap of seasons 1-3 for those who can't be bothered to watch them before moving on to the new episodes in season 4. It's a crime/mystery/thriller.

Also Nia Jax is such a sweetheart, bah gawd the bear in tears by her relationship with her mom. She's a proper palwaan ni kuri DM, perfect for you

Will check it out

And i told you about Nia Jax
She's perfect for [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] i think smiling is a serious problem in wwe
Judges were criticizing sarah lee for smiling alot when their own superstars do that alot
Roman reigns is the biggest example

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Even [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] is one of those crazy fans [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] who has lost his mind but as much as he doesn't admit it he still follows the product, do I blame him for his insanity? probably not when you look at the quality of programming
I've seen enough of Cena for 10 years to know how it'll all end with Roman. The difference between the two is, Roman doesn't possess 1/1,000,000th the talent Cena has.

You know who reminds me the most of Lex Luger? Roman. Especially in 2015. Both won the rumble. Both were highly effective. Both are well built, conventionally handsome, both turned face and due to inconsistent booking, were hurt a lot in their careers.

Luckily, Roman improved in the ring and WWE pretty much forced the fans to like him by pushing him hard and they succeeded to a large extent.

You know who reminds me the most of Lex Luger? Roman. Especially in 2015. Both won the rumble. Both were highly effective. Both are well built, conventionally handsome, both turned face and due to inconsistent booking, were hurt a lot in their careers.

Luckily, Roman improved in the ring and WWE pretty much forced the fans to like him by pushing him hard and they succeeded to a large extent.

I agree, good comparison. They tried to force the all american hero persona down everyones throats when it had been done to death with the hope that he'd get super over. Lugers initial run in WCW and final run were the best of his career especially when he won the title again in 1997 was a great feel good moment.

Aman is saying that Roman doesn't have .....talent which Cena has but I've seen enough to say that he is going to be a credible main-eventer at the very least. So long he remains over with the casuals it's all good from the WWE's perspective, even under WWE's overly scripted nature his promos are passable.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] Did you watch THIS BLOODY ****:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uFPVgctDzqM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] Did you watch THIS BLOODY ****:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uFPVgctDzqM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


He's been around for a while now, ever since I saw him in NXT I felt that if the machine got behind him he can fill Rey Mysterio's empty boots. Probably the best pure Lucha Libre mexican wrestler in the world at the moment. And that spot was scary! you can't practice those and it was incredibly dangerous, am shocked WWE allowed him to do it but Kalisto pulled it off, was scared to death because I knew what he was going to do :)) Glad it came off well and made for an incredible moment, that was even more difficult to pull off then Edge giving Jeff Hardy a Spear while he hanged in mid-air at wrestlemania 17
He's been around for a while now, ever since I saw him in NXT I felt that if the machine got behind him he can fill Rey Mysterio's empty boots. Probably the best pure Lucha Libre mexican wrestler in the world at the moment. And that spot was scary! you can't practice those and it was incredibly dangerous, am shocked WWE allowed him to do it but Kalisto pulled it off, was scared to death because I knew what he was going to do :)) Glad it came off well and made for an incredible moment, that was even more difficult to pull off then Edge giving Jeff Hardy a Spear while he hanged in mid-air at wrestlemania 17

I think he needs to get done with Botch Cara and move to singles competition.I hope WWE have some plan for him in Royal Rumble.He is better than Rey Mysterio due to his physique and height.I think WWE should push him towards IC or US title.
I think he needs to get done with Botch Cara and move to singles competition.I hope WWE have some plan for him in Royal Rumble.He is better than Rey Mysterio due to his physique and height.I think WWE should push him towards IC or US title.

Botch Cara has been fired for a long time, Hunico is the one who is under the mask of the Sin Cara character. I wouldn't go that far, Rey is the greatest lucha of all time and he got over in every promotion he worked for and is a pioneering high flyer in America. Kalisto will do well to have half the career Rey did but that's not taking anything away from him because he's very very good. Kalisto and Rey are around about the same height and weight. No doubt The Royal Rumble can be a highlight for Kalisto, in this era for guys his size will be really difficult to get over to the extent where the machine give you a big push. Rey Mysterio was already super over by the time he made his debut in the WWE and through his unique style the popularity just grew, he was one of their top merch sellers and beyond america he was a huge draw amongst spanish, mexican and latin-american market.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kalisto doesn't win a singles championship, he will if they bring back the cruzerweight title

[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] How cool is that! that little chigubababh won the richest prize in the industry, man for me that's one of the greatest moments in RAW history and it's on the level of Mankind winning the title on RAW. At that point in 2011 the WHC was pretty much an upper-mid card world title and Mysterio got to win the big one; I don't care if it was for a short while because he deserved it so much and no one can take that away from him. CM Punk makes a big deal out of not being in the main-event but doesn't truly appreciate the significance of winning a WWE Championship.

Bah gawd the bear was tearing up that day, only if J.R was on Commentary when Mysterio won!
WWE messed up big time, they could have built up a high profile feud between Cena and Rey enroute to summerslam, two of the most over faces for such a long time finally going at it and would have been an epic match. Instead Cena wins the same night and Punk comes back earlier then expected.

Such an amazing moment, lets forget about Cena's shovel making an appearance later that night.

Absolutely love J.R here :))) I don't think anyone can sell the emotion off a win and then in seconds emphasise the despair, great segment; austin would come out at the end and stun Eric but it's not included in the clip
WWE messed up big time, they could have built up a high profile feud between Cena and Rey enroute to summerslam, two of the most over faces for such a long time finally going at it and would have been an epic match. Instead Cena wins the same night and Punk comes back earlier then expected.

Cena can't keep up with Rey, we all saw how he botched so many moves with him

Absolutely love J.R here :))) I don't think anyone can sell the emotion off a win and then in seconds emphasise the despair, great segment; austin would come out at the end and stun Eric but it's not included in the clip

the reason JR was soo good and heavily emotionally in his commentary because most of the time he didn't want to know the result of the match
the reason JR was soo good and heavily emotionally in his commentary because most of the time he didn't want to know the result of the match

Majority of commentators don't know the outcomes, only if it's really important they get intel. But what made J.R so good was that he knew how to put talent over and enhance storylines; he was also a guy who was a talent scout for many years and responsible for signing some of the biggest names in the industry. He was really good at elevating your strengths and hiding your weaknesses, he was a real student of the game with so much love and passion for the industry which was unmatched. When he said thanks for inducting the first fan into the hall of fame during his speech I truly believe that. You just have to read his opinions on his blog when it comes to the industry today, so insightful. The guys on commentary now just lack the it factor am afraid, I mean they don't have to be on J.R's level but they are very poor. I love Corey Graves at NXT, he reminds me a lot of Bobby Heenan and that's a huge compliment; a brilliant heel commentator, JBL should listen to him and see how its done instead of blocking people on twitter :))) Corey always puts talent over even the guys he insults with his hilarious jokes :))) at one point he was asking whether MoJo Rawley parents are 1st cousins because he seems disabled going by the way he is behaving :))) and last week I think he said something about wanting a guy to drive or jump of a cliff that was wrestling :))) but he always indirectly puts over the face talent because obviously as a heel he needs to be a little biased.
Majority of commentators don't know the outcomes, only if it's really important they get intel. But what made J.R so good was that he knew how to put talent over and enhance storylines; he was also a guy who was a talent scout for many years and responsible for signing some of the biggest names in the industry. He was really good at elevating your strengths and hiding your weaknesses, he was a real student of the game with so much love and passion for the industry which was unmatched. When he said thanks for inducting the first fan into the hall of fame during his speech I truly believe that. You just have to read his opinions on his blog when it comes to the industry today, so insightful. The guys on commentary now just lack the it factor am afraid, I mean they don't have to be on J.R's level but they are very poor. I love Corey Graves at NXT, he reminds me a lot of Bobby Heenan and that's a huge compliment; a brilliant heel commentator, JBL should listen to him and see how its done instead of blocking people on twitter :))) Corey always puts talent over even the guys he insults with his hilarious jokes :))) at one point he was asking whether MoJo Rawley parents are 1st cousins because he seems disabled going by the way he is behaving :))) and last week I think he said something about wanting a guy to drive or jump of a cliff that was wrestling :))) but he always indirectly puts over the face talent because obviously as a heel he needs to be a little biased.

:))) am a big Corey fan, this guy needs to be called to the main roster now. 1st cousins :))) :)))
OMG! how many of you knew this match happened:

The Rock vs Ric Flair !!!!
[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] do you remember this?

That's an absolute dream match, a shame they never got to have a high profile feud but man those 8 minutes were so special and the fans were going absolutely nuts. The Rock as good as his persona was, it was inspired by Ric Flair's gimmick. J.R was brilliant on commentary lmao he was like baahh gawdd it's the 70's/80's all over again look at Flair go! he's strutting as if he's in the NWA mid-atlantic :)))

The Rock had requested to have that match with Flair.
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=138379]#GreenRoars[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] guess who ?
