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[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] the Royal Rumble match 2016 has the potential to be the greatest of all time if booked correctly, not seen so much star power in years!

am really excited about it, a bit more than last year. It is going to be a 5-star PPV

damn, I love Wrestlemania season
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION] its just a dream but....

Now please don't hate me just yet, hear me out

After Rollins The Authority haven't got someone who they can benefit for. Sheamus already is part of LON and he isn't the Champ anymore.

Picture this:

1- After the new crowning Champion at the Rumble, HHH comes out and announces the new no.1 contender for the Championship at Mania "AJ Styles"

2- Reigns demand a rematch for the title, Hunter grants him and we have a Main Event for the Championship

3- The Authority screws Reigns and he loses

4- Next RAW Reigns calls out HHH and all out brawl takes place, Reigns pummels Hunter and leaves

5- Hunter calls out Reigns in the next RAW and reveals that the only person he will be facing at Mania will be him. Reigns refuses unless Hunter puts a 2nd no.1 contendership on the line. Hunter agrees (Bryan all over again but its best for business)

6- Hunter buries Reign at Mania for the sake of IWC going ****** again on his ***

7- Hunter enters as the 3rd participant in the main event (which is the wish of most people to see him go one final time :mj2 )

8- Hunter is helping AJ his new son win the title from the Champion (possibly Brock because he's the only other face right now)

9- Reigns comes out and starts destroying AJ and Hunter

10- Vince and Steph comes out

11- The Rock comes out and everyone is going maniac

12- LON comes out for the Authority

and finally the biggest surprise of the night

13- Ronda comes out :mark: :mark: and kick the hell out of everyone and saves Reigns and Rock. After that the Champ starts destroying every Authority member and in the end hits F-5 To Hunter (NOT AJ!!) and retains the title.

Perfect Mania Ending and the biggest Mania with the Biggest Ratings eveerrrr!!!!

I hope you guys liked my idea :)
My perfect WM is one where AJ Styles mainevents and walks out champion.
My perfect WM is one where AJ Styles mainevents and walks out champion.

no one is talking about your fantasies here, AJ can't become champion just like that and that too in his first Mania. He's not Brock or Cena
My perfect WM is one where AJ Styles mainevents and walks out champion.
Apologies but if we book WWE according to you, it will become WCW in no time.

AJ Styles will at best get a WWE title shot. A 39 year old as champion? Vince will legalize chair shots to the head and intergender street fights before that happens.

My greatest regret is Kane never main eventing Mania. Probably the most loyal and selfless wrestlers of all time. He doesn't need WWE at all. He has an insurance company, a podcast and is an English literature major. He however still puts on solid matches and keeps putting people over. Greatest monster of all time.

I remember Kane doing an enziguri. He even did a freaking hurricanrana once. Astonishingly fit wrestler. He is the only one who Lesnar couldn't beat at arm wrestling. An absolute ATG.
no one is talking about your fantasies here, AJ can't become champion just like that and that too in his first Mania. He's not Brock or Cena

:))) Aman trying his best to out Eugene [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION]
Apologies but if we book WWE according to you, it will become WCW in no time.

AJ Styles will at best get a WWE title shot. A 39 year old as champion? Vince will legalize chair shots to the head and intergender street fights before that happens.

My greatest regret is Kane never main eventing Mania. Probably the most loyal and selfless wrestlers of all time. He doesn't need WWE at all. He has an insurance company, a podcast and is an English literature major. He however still puts on solid matches and keeps putting people over. Greatest monster of all time.

I remember Kane doing an enziguri. He even did a freaking hurricanrana once. Astonishingly fit wrestler. He is the only one who Lesnar couldn't beat at arm wrestling. An absolute ATG.

Leathers I don't agree with them putting the belt on AJ straight away but there is money in him as a main-eventer without a doubt, AJ styles right now is among the top 3 P4P Best wrestlers on the planet; the fact that WWE would pouch him after arguably the greatest run of his career is a testament to what he brings to the table even at the age of 39.

AJ at 39 over the past 2-3 years has been involved in so many MOTY candidates it's unreal, his talent in the ring is not in question nor is his ability to go even at this stage of his career. The biggest issue is that when you look at the style which AJ wrestles and has wrestled for a long period, you just know that he's going to break down at some point but despite that, in NJPW a promotion notorious for the strong style he has managed to remain relatively healthy; Yes he injured his back recently but when you look at his style of work and the level of in-ring work required in Japan you'd think he'd be a lot more injury prone but he's a smart worker and in the WWE he won't be required to wrestle at the same intensity he did in Japan which will prolong his career providing his touring schedule is not intense. He was making a compatible living in Japan brilliant wage and all the backing of creative, he wasn't neccesarily the Face of their company but they used him like a main-eventer and he was able to prove his drawing power through the consistent performances.

Batista was WWE champion into his 40's as was The Rock, Lesnar is 38 years old to and he had a run with the belt to and there have been countless others. The fact that WWE are going to be paying AJ more then NJPW did suggests that they plan to use him as a main-eventer and that would be the way to make use of him best, if that involves a title run then so be it; the end goal is to use AJ to elevate their own talent, how are they going to achieve this if they book him like a mid-carder? Nakamura and AJ will need to be protected and built as legitimate threats; so when the time does come for them to put over a Roman Reigns or a Kevin Owens it will mean a great deal.

Kane is incredibly selfless and it's a shame he didn't get a proper run with the WWE title, the machine take advantage of guys that are too decent; just look at what they are doing to Bray. For me Kane could have been as big a draw as the Undertaker and the same can be said for the Big Show but unfortunately they are used as enhancement talents, but you need to build them up as threats instead of relying on their name value; when they lose so often it means little when they put talent over.
bah gawd he had won the NWA title before but this was an amazing moment winning his first TNA world championship , right in the feels

look [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION], don't you think Ryu is pretty much [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] when you look at the spankings we give him yet he comes back for more :))) me and Adil are Guile lmao

look @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=136193" target="_blank">Adil_94</a>, don't you think Ryu is pretty much @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=137419" target="_blank">dashing_man</a> when you look at the spankings we give him yet he comes back for more :))) me and Adil are Guile lmao

no, its the clip I posted from. am serious, I've watched all. am a big big Street Fighter MARK

Which movie is the one where I posted the clip? is that street fighter 2 or 1, there use to be a hollywood street fighter movie to the non animated one i think?
Which movie is the one where I posted the clip? is that street fighter 2 or 1, there use to be a hollywood street fighter movie to the non animated one i think?

its street fighter 2 alpha something, trust me it ain't good
This was the first time I saw shinsuke Nakamura [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]

and bah gawd I was in awe, that charisma though
This new commentator is actually mentioning every move in the match. Already the best commentator in WWE.

Unusual analogies as well. If only Smackdown goes live.
Japanese folks freak me out after I watched Oldboy. No racism intended :moyo

Been wanting to see that movie for years but never get around to it, it was the inspiration for The Departed I believe. Also, Oldboy is Sasha Banks favourite movie of all time :)) she's a huge fan of anime and loves asian people, her boyfriend is of east asian origin to I think.
John Cena is injured and it is likely that he'll be out for up to 6 months, assuming he heals earlier there won't be enough time to build a feud for mania and see if he's ready to go it's just too risky as well. Here's a fun fact, everyone that was champion at Wrestlemania 31 is out with an injury :))

WWE need to seriously look at how they handle their talents schedule, I personally believe they are way too many house shows as it is!

This was bound to happen, Cena for over a decade has relatively remained injury free for the most part but his intense schedule was bound to break him down at some point; they need to manage his work load better because he's not the guy who can be on the road 300+ days a year any more. He has been away prior to this due to personal reasons and while from vinces perspective it would have been time to pani, I saw it as a blessing in disguise because creative are forced to develop their roster and the same can be said now.

As far as Cena is concerned, we've been fed so much of him that I won't be disappointed that he's out of action. Cena has featured in all the wrestlemania's from 21 onwards, that has to be some record. He was also scheduled to have a match with the Undertaker, I think it's a wrestlemania worthy match and feud but it's not something am going to cry about if it doesn't happen because it would have been more appealing had the streak been on the line. Although the feud itself would have been very entertaining, look at it from this perspective; what does a match do for either man? it does nothing for Taker or Cena. I know Wyatt was buried by Taker last year but he got to share the ring with a star of that magnitude and it does help elevate a rookies stock.......

Sting v Taker does nothing for the two but it's a a dream match we are desperate to see and it would just be absolutely epic seeing the two in the same ring. honestly the roof would come off. Anyhow Sting is injured so who does Undertaker wrestle?

If Bryan is cleared he could find himself as an opponent, in fact Taker requested Bryan a few years ago given the respect he has for him as a pro-wrestler and due to how good he is so he could be a possible opponent.

Finn Balor would be a worthy opponent but it all depends on whether WWE bring him the roster but at this stage it's unlikely given that they want him to be the face of NXT into 2016.

The favourite for me is Kevin Owens, he's had one hell of a year; yes he is still relatively new but has done enough to cement himself as one of the top heels in the company. WWE would also want an opponent that can carry the feud on the microphone itself because Taker usually appears on the day following the PPV before mania and then on the Wrestlemania go home show.
Some more stats guys, not that you'll be shocked barring that mentally inept MARK ul Eugene [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] who notoriously is a famous member of Vinces famous club :yk

No wrestling company has made use of 50/50 booking more then the WWE. Check this out:

-World Champions did 12 jobs on WWE television last year, including nine of the 12 by Seth Rollins.

-Intercontinental Champions did 14 jobs on television in 2015, including eight by King Barrett and three by Kevin Owens.

-United States Champions did eight jobs on TV, with Rollins looking at the lights on three of those occasions.

-Tag-Team Champions did 21 tag-team jobs, ten of which were by The New Day.

-Divas Champions did nine television jobs, seven by Nikki Bella and two by Charlotte.

:facepalm: :facepalm:

For those who don't know 50/50 booking is when a talent loses as much as he or she wins, and WWE decided to take this booking approach again in 2015 despite the fact that stars would be perceived as average given how often they lose, what's worst their champions are booked like this. How can they be taken seriously. 2015 has to be the worst year as far as 50/50 booking is concerned
Some more stats guys, not that you'll be shocked barring that mentally inept MARK ul Eugene [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] who notoriously is a famous member of Vinces famous club :yk

No wrestling company has made use of 50/50 booking more then the WWE. Check this out:

-World Champions did 12 jobs on WWE television last year, including nine of the 12 by Seth Rollins.

-Intercontinental Champions did 14 jobs on television in 2015, including eight by King Barrett and three by Kevin Owens.

-United States Champions did eight jobs on TV, with Rollins looking at the lights on three of those occasions.

-Tag-Team Champions did 21 tag-team jobs, ten of which were by The New Day.

-Divas Champions did nine television jobs, seven by Nikki Bella and two by Charlotte.

:facepalm: :facepalm:

For those who don't know 50/50 booking is when a talent loses as much as he or she wins, and WWE decided to take this booking approach again in 2015 despite the fact that stars would be perceived as average given how often they lose, what's worst their champions are booked like this. How can they be taken seriously. 2015 has to be the worst year as far as 50/50 booking is concerned

don't whine.
Continue to be a sheepTard, it's the JobberLyfe :yk now go back to making that cup of chai for your indian/saudi boss in your mini skirt :afridi

and you continue to write long essays on how you cry to sleep on about the product, ratings :afridi and yet you still stay up all night to watch RAW and PPVs
and you continue to write long essays on how you cry to sleep on about the product, ratings :afridi and yet you still stay up all night to watch RAW and PPVs

And you continue to be used and abused by your boss and you enjoy it right, best to just get on with it and enjoy the shovel product up the mini skirt :yk2 am entitled to criticise where I see fit, it's called having a perspective but you're just too thick :yk #Jobber4Lyfe
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And you continue to be used and abused by your boss and you enjoy it right, best to just get on with it and enjoy the shovel product up the mini skirt :yk2 am entitled to criticise where I see fit, it's called having a perspective but you're just too thick :yk #Jobber4Lyfe

prespective whining is what its called to be exact :yk
Eugene [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] is the kind of guy that won't struggle when Val Venis grabs him in a dark alley :))) he'd assume the position
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]

I'm so happy he signed for WWE. We can finally get JR 2.0

[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION]

I'm so happy he signed for WWE. We can finally get JR 2.0

He has huge potential; he actually understands the fundamentals of commentary and his experience translates in his delivery which isn't amateurish unlike some of his counterparts. Great voice to and you can tell he's a huge fan of the WWE. Calling moves, emphasising the magnitude of a title match and providing back-story of the competitors really puts over the talent involve and their goals. It remains to be seen if he can manage to sustain his performances and evolve but for now it's great having a fresh voice which is able to elevate the product. Corey Graves and William Regal are still the best commentators for WWE in recent times but M.R has a bright future, talk about grabbing the brass ring that guy was on fire.

People underestimate the impact a commentator can have on a show in the sports entertainment world, just look at J.R; Americans and Europeans tuned into NJPW's Wrestle Kingdom 9 show because J.R would be calling it. A good commentator can sustain your interest and try to make the best of whatever creative put out on the show, this can also bring in more eyes to.
[MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] he's not J.R 2.0! He's M.R dammit! Byron Saxton is just BS :))) tbh Saxton is actually decent commentary partner imo, I recall him and Cole performing incredibly well at the beast in the east event on the network; was mostly to do with the fact that they had freedom to express themselves. However, M.R has the potential to be decent irrespective of the situations hopefully he has a successful career
Lawler was actually pretty decent to, I believe he was assuming the role of the heel which we've not seen in a while and as a heel commie his work has been the best with J.R as his partner. Lawler really rubbed off M.R pretty well
Lawler was actually pretty decent to, I believe he was assuming the role of the heel which we've not seen in a while and as a heel commie his work has been the best with J.R as his partner. Lawler really rubbed off M.R pretty well
He is not the nasty heel we love but he is getting there. Plus, MR calling Ambrose a wrestler? Vince won't be happy. :)))
Lawler was actually pretty decent to, I believe he was assuming the role of the heel which we've not seen in a while and as a heel commie his work has been the best with J.R as his partner. Lawler really rubbed off M.R pretty well

I miss the old Lawler, he was the best. Him and JR would go at each other all the time :)))
He is not the nasty heel we love but he is getting there. Plus, MR calling Ambrose a wrestler? Vince won't be happy. :)))

Which combo is your fav J.R and Lawler or J.R and Heyman :))) and I know :)) he complimented Ambrose technical ability despite his lunatic gimmick and Lawler agreed with him
Vince can't give someone like MR a script or bullet points. He will be a complete turd if do that

All of them are given some kind of instructions and often they are shouted through the headset, it's making the best out of the garbage they feed you unfortunately. On smackdown they'll be lenient but on RAW commentary is overly produced so MR would have to adapt and I feel like he'd still do a pretty good job given his past experience it really helps you perform under pressure
Which combo is your fav J.R and Lawler or J.R and Heyman :))) and I know :)) he complimented Ambrose technical ability despite his lunatic gimmick and Lawler agreed with him
I would say JR and Lawler because they were the first pair I saw. I knew Heyman as Lesnar's manager before I researched more.

I would say Tazz and Michael Cole in RA era are heavily underrated.
I would say JR and Lawler because they were the first pair I saw. I knew Heyman as Lesnar's manager before I researched more.

I would say Tazz and Michael Cole in RA era are heavily underrated.

J.R and Heyman tenure may have been short but it was so good! will be hard to find raw shows they worked together online but watch WM 17. Heyman reminded me a little of bobby heenan.

Yep brilliant duo, have to give heyman credit to; smackdown in RA was his vision and everything was bang on, don't trust that man with $1 but when it came to creative/production/direction he was a genius. Coles finest moment as a commentator for me was calling Lesnar v Eddie Gurrero at No Way Out
J.R and Heyman tenure may have been short but it was so good! will be hard to find raw shows they worked together online but watch WM 17. Heyman reminded me a little of bobby heenan.

Yep brilliant duo, have to give heyman credit to; smackdown in RA was his vision and everything was bang on, don't trust that man with $1 but when it came to creative/production/direction he was a genius. Coles finest moment as a commentator for me was calling Lesnar v Eddie Gurrero at No Way Out
Calling mankind's wwf title win ranks pretty high up there too.
Calling mankind's wwf title win ranks pretty high up there too.

Just watched that again I think that was his greatest call, calling Eddie's title win is right up there but the emotions completely takes over and hinders his delivery a little bit but it's understandable given the bond Eddie had with everyone and how much he was loved, the same happened to him when Bryan won to. Cole is criminally underatted though, when we judge him today we got to look at a lot of factors; the product is overly produced and when someone goes from calling the greatest periods in wrestling to what the product is now they ought to lose that spark deep down, I see him as a solid commentator individually who does what is asked of him pretty well. Take away all of the over-production and ramblings shouted through his headset and you'll find someone who is very very good, I don't think Cole's skills are in question imo just watch the Beast in the East House Show in Tokyo where Saxton and Cole called the show from the WWE HQ, no interference at all; just calling the show with freedom and it was his best showing in recent times.
Even sneaked in a Hogan reference. :)))

Come on guys it wasn't all that but still funny :)) you should see Xaviers earlier videos on that channel, especially his street fighter battle vs The Mizz LOL Xavier is criminally underrated, he is superb on the mic and that channel is amazing; shocked it's not on the network
Promo the year!!!! :))) :))) :)))

It's the first month of January and you're calling that promo of the year :facepalm: Aman you jobber, why do I have to bury you all the time. And as far as promo's in 2015 are concerned, the best by far was Sheamus 3:16 and the New Day
Come on guys it wasn't all that but still funny :)) you should see Xaviers earlier videos on that channel, especially his street fighter battle vs The Mizz LOL Xavier is criminally underrated, he is superb on the mic and that channel is amazing; shocked it's not on the network

why would Youtube be on the network :facepalm:

seriously you're just a legit whiner who likes to whine even knowing that Xavier's channel merchandise are on WWEShop.com
why would Youtube be on the network :facepalm:

seriously you're just a legit whiner who likes to whine even knowing that Xavier's channel merchandise are on WWEShop.com


What is this retardd even talking about, why do you want youtube on the wwe network :))) it's a completely different entity to network [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] another gem by this nimrod he can't grasp the concept of another original show being on the network :))) go back to making chai for your boss and putting him over :yk2 only thing you are good for useless Eugene
[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] do a search online, someone managed to record Lesnar v Sheamus with a pretty decent camera! it's so watchable and damn the two have so much chemistry! it was a very physical match that would be worthy of Wrestlemania but Sheamus may be de-pushed. HHH must have had a lot to do with getting Sheamus to face Lesnar, Sheamus has said for a long time it's a match he really wanted
[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] do a search online, someone managed to record Lesnar v Sheamus with a pretty decent camera! it's so watchable and damn the two have so much chemistry! it was a very physical match that would be worthy of Wrestlemania but Sheamus may be de-pushed. HHH must have had a lot to do with getting Sheamus to face Lesnar, Sheamus has said for a long time it's a match he really wanted
Yeah Sheamus is a very good wrestler. A bit boring and not the top guy but as a monster heel, he has personality. He put up a good fight.

It's sad that the whole show revolves around Roman. Even during Cenation, there was Batista, Orton, Edge. WWE seriously lacks star power and needs to develop more stars.
It is disappointing to hear idiot fans of today chanting "Please retire!" to Big Show. He is the greatest "big" wrestler of all time. Won every title there is to win in WWE except for the divas and cruiserweight title. He main evented WrestleMania. He can cut a promo, move around the ring as well as someone of his size could.

His is the sad case of what happens when you last this long without a break. IWC sucks bawls and their disrespectful behavior makes me happy every time they whinge.
It is disappointing to hear idiot fans of today chanting "Please retire!" to Big Show. He is the greatest "big" wrestler of all time. Won every title there is to win in WWE except for the divas and cruiserweight title. He main evented WrestleMania. He can cut a promo, move around the ring as well as someone of his size could.

His is the sad case of what happens when you last this long without a break. IWC sucks bawls and their disrespectful behavior makes me happy every time they whinge.

Yeah, I find that disrespectful a lot. As long as SMARKS like [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] and [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] exist there will be things like this

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What is this retardd even talking about, why do you want youtube on the wwe network :))) it's a completely different entity to network [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] another gem by this nimrod he can't grasp the concept of another original show being on the network :))) go back to making chai for your boss and putting him over :yk2 only thing you are good for useless Eugene

How typical
You dodging the argument and changing it completely

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Yeah, I find that disrespectful a lot. As long as SMARKS like [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] and [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] exist there will be things like this

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Neither of us would chant please retire you nonsensical Mark also is your head still stuck up Vinny Macs behind? :yk2 Also, it's not the fans fault the WWE have used Big Show like a jobber
It is disappointing to hear idiot fans of today chanting "Please retire!" to Big Show. He is the greatest "big" wrestler of all time. Won every title there is to win in WWE except for the divas and cruiserweight title. He main evented WrestleMania. He can cut a promo, move around the ring as well as someone of his size could.

His is the sad case of what happens when you last this long without a break. IWC sucks bawls and their disrespectful behavior makes me happy every time they whinge.

It is leathers but Big Show is used like a jobber when he should have been used like a special attraction or even someone who is built up as a legitimate threat so that when he does put someone over it means a great deal, guys like Kane and Big Show have been the biggest victims of 50/50 booking. So although the fans being disrespectful is not great, the blame ultimately lies with creative.
Yeah Sheamus is a very good wrestler. A bit boring and not the top guy but as a monster heel, he has personality. He put up a good fight.

It's sad that the whole show revolves around Roman. Even during Cenation, there was Batista, Orton, Edge. WWE seriously lacks star power and needs to develop more stars.

I was loving the new troll gimmick but he's going to be de-pushed now. Cena can't hang around forever, they will need to build up main-eventers to feed Roman; KO is going to assume the role of Edge in this era in the long run. Hopefully Wyatt will be in the mix to.
Yeah, I find that disrespectful a lot. As long as SMARKS like [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] and [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] exist there will be things like this

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Eugene why do u want to get buried again. Just because we aren't blind WWE butt kissers. doesn't mean we would disrespect Show like that. He is a legend and a future HOF for sure. It's just his character has gone stale now and WWE have booked him really poorly for in the last 3 or 4 years. Big show has had so much overexposure that hes not a special attraction anymore. Like a giant like him should be. As you said he's done everything in the business. What fans don't like is Big show getting the spotlight or being thrust into the main event. I.e the go to hell tour. His match vs lesnar everyone knew lesnar was gonna squash him again. And in the process to make Big show look strong they made him beat cesaro a few times. A wrestler who is way more popular than Big Show at this time and needs his character building up more. Cesaro vs lesnar would've been a more entertaining match. if I was at a live event I wouldn't chant that at him. I just think his time on the main roster is up now. And you don't see show really put the effort in he used to. He's coasting by now. Putting on sub standard matches.

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Eugene why do u want to get buried again. Just because we aren't blind WWE butt kissers. doesn't mean we would disrespect Show like that. He is a legend and a future HOF for sure. It's just his character has gone stale now and WWE have booked him really poorly for in the last 3 or 4 years. Big show has had so much overexposure that hes not a special attraction anymore. Like a giant like him should be. As you said he's done everything in the business. What fans don't like is Big show getting the spotlight or being thrust into the main event. I.e the go to hell tour. His match vs lesnar everyone knew lesnar was gonna squash him again. And in the process to make Big show look strong they made him beat cesaro a few times. A wrestler who is way more popular than Big Show at this time and needs his character building up more. Cesaro vs lesnar would've been a more entertaining match. if I was at a live event I wouldn't chant that at him. I just think his time on the main roster is up now. And you don't see show really put the effort in he used to. He's coasting by now. Putting on sub standard matches.

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Eugene always trolling because that's what his narrow mind is limited to, he's not on our level bro; do his besti instead of responding to him with such a beautiful post because he won't address any of the points you've made the mentally inept fanTard. And if he does try to address the point, he will end up scoring an own goal :))) so this is the middle ground for him, plus he gets off on us doing his besti all the time. He's a proper online laufer :))) he got no life besides this kasme, plus saudi/Indian boss treat him bad but then again he probably enjoys it because he doesn't like to "whine" :)))
Eugene always trolling because that's what his narrow mind is limited to, he's not on our level bro; do his besti instead of responding to him with such a beautiful post because he won't address any of the points you've made the mentally inept fanTard. And if he does try to address the point, he will end up scoring an own goal :))) so this is the middle ground for him, plus he gets off on us doing his besti all the time. He's a proper online laufer :))) he got no life besides this kasme, plus saudi/Indian boss treat him bad but then again he probably enjoys it because he doesn't like to "whine" :)))
Eugene loves getting bent over online and in real life too [emoji4] [emoji4]. The Jobber tried to attack the brothers of destruction and bah gawd he just got double chokeslammed all the way to hell.

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Eugene loves getting bent over online and in real life too [emoji4] [emoji4]. The Jobber tried to attack the brothers of destruction and bah gawd he just got double chokeslammed all the way to hell.

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Bah gawd Eugene has returned again after that viscous burial!


It is leathers but Big Show is used like a jobber when he should have been used like a special attraction or even someone who is built up as a legitimate threat so that when he does put someone over it means a great deal, guys like Kane and Big Show have been the biggest victims of 50/50 booking. So although the fans being disrespectful is not great, the blame ultimately lies with creative.
Kane was screwed even in the attitude era. 1 day champion. Not even a week. McMahon had a longer reign than Kane.
Kane was screwed even in the attitude era. 1 day champion. Not even a week. McMahon had a longer reign than Kane.

That's tough to swallow and am a huge mark for Kane, back then in AE era I was more terrified of Kane then Taker and honestly Kane was incredibly over! it was just unreal and the mystique of what he looked like behind the mask just elevated his persona all the more, I remember going to the mosque as a kid and while Taker was over, the two guys whom would be talked about more then anyone else were Kane and The Rock, I became a fan of the E due to The Rock then the other guys sought of maintained my interest but we always saw Kane as a star that was on the level of a Rock or Austin.

Certainly deserved a longer reign then a day but put it this way, he was the champion during most popular period in wrestling; how many can say that leathers? Also I know people will have their opinion on Vinny Mac being a champ but honestly, his heel work was incredible! for me when you look at the attitude era, would the company have been saved without him? he was deserving of that belt based on his phenomenal heel work and bah gawd he got his hands dirty in the ring to! Austin still cracks up looking back because Vince was actually pretty decent and improved quiet a bit the more he stepped in the ring
[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] Y2J was the saving grace though, he was one of OUR guys who won the big one and had a pretty decent run with the belt, Jericho is an ATG no doubt but it amazes me that Vinny pushed him as hard as he did, it was moves like that which helped bring cred back to a company that was dying
[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] Y2J was the saving grace though, he was one of OUR guys who won the big one and had a pretty decent run with the belt, Jericho is an ATG no doubt but it amazes me that Vinny pushed him as hard as he did, it was moves like that which helped bring cred back to a company that was dying

Y2J is a legit ATG. Watch his WCW promos. He was even funnier. Especially calling Rey as Ron Mysterio Jr. and JJ Dillon as Jojo. :)))

The Miz even copied his "Cena winning streak" storyline from Jericho who did it vs Goldberg.

Vince probably pushed Jericho because Jericho hated WCW more than even Vince.
Y2J is a legit ATG. Watch his WCW promos. He was even funnier. Especially calling Rey as Ron Mysterio Jr. and JJ Dillon as Jojo. :)))

The Miz even copied his "Cena winning streak" storyline from Jericho who did it vs Goldberg.

Vince probably pushed Jericho because Jericho hated WCW more than even Vince.

:))) or that 100001 holds promo, has to be one of the greatest of all time. Thing is Jericho was incredibly good with an international reputation for being an elite pro-wrestler and despite how bad he was booked in WCW he managed to sustain his popularity by making the best out of the garbage which was given to him; that's the true sign of an ATG. Vince must have respected that and honestly taking him from the guy who was repeatedly buried in the mid-card to a main-eventer in one night has to be the biggest middle finger from the WWF to WCW imo it just puts the monday night wars into perspective for me in terms of all the things which WWF did correctly and how WCW got it all wrong.
[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] TNA switched to a new channel and I thought I'd see portions of the show, I doubt they'll reach the standards of yesteryear but there were some positives. Guys like Grado a highly rated independent talent from Scotland being signed is great, instead of relying on washed up has beens all the time; Abyss showed up! I got goosebumps when his theme music hit and the one for the beautiful people, but then madison rayn came out?! who is she? [MENTION=132954]Aman[/MENTION], I can't listen to that theme without seeing Angelina Love and Velvet Sky.

More recently the contracts of Mike Bennet and Maria Kanellis expired and TNA did a brilliant job in signing them, both are a fantastic duo. In Ring of Honour am amazed by how Maria went from this attractive bimbo in the WWE to a brilliant heel manager! her work as the "first lady" has been fantastic, looking back; WWE gave her a character to play and she nailed it but in ROH her work truly evolved. Bennet is a guy with quiet a bit of charisma and he is pretty decent in the ring, he cut one hell of a debut promo, you will enjoy it; some gems in there :))

And damn!!! What year is it?!!! Maria is still super fine
WWE may throw us the biggest curve ball by having Randy Orton go over at Rumble, he's injured and no one is talking about him but who knows off his status; him going over could be used to set up the dream match; BROCK LESNAR vs RANDY ORTON.
Congratulations to Sting! absolutely deserved; he's a corner stone of the pro-wrestling industry and am glad he's going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. It's a shame about his injury but it's only so much he can do, but in a business where sometimes you need to be selfish; can't think of a nicer guy then Sting. Wore his heart on his sleeves, always did what was asked of him whilst keeping his character fresh and adapting with the times as required.
Congratulations to Sting! absolutely deserved; he's a corner stone of the pro-wrestling industry and am glad he's going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. It's a shame about his injury but it's only so much he can do, but in a business where sometimes you need to be selfish; can't think of a nicer guy then Sting. Wore his heart on his sleeves, always did what was asked of him whilst keeping his character fresh and adapting with the times as required.
I applauded and cheered. My roommate was like what happened. :)))