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I applauded and cheered. My roommate was like what happened. :)))

That happened to me once, I stayed up for RAW sought of late; don't know why but it was unusual for me to do so in those days but I thought I should. CM Punk and John Cena fought a match where if Punk won he'd replace Cena in the main-event of wrestlemania 29 or something, man it was a beautiful match those two had so much chemistry; I felt that was even better then their encounter at MITB, anyway towards the end of the match Punk busted out the orthodox PILEDRIVER! a move which is banned in the WWE and man I let out a big gasp and said OHHHHH MYYYYYYY GODDDDDD! in joey styles voice, everyone in my block woke up, was 3am :)))

lmao you know people who don't watch wrestling think we are neanderthals :)))
Congratulations to Sting! absolutely deserved; he's a corner stone of the pro-wrestling industry and am glad he's going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. It's a shame about his injury but it's only so much he can do, but in a business where sometimes you need to be selfish; can't think of a nicer guy then Sting. Wore his heart on his sleeves, always did what was asked of him whilst keeping his character fresh and adapting with the times as required.

I 2nd that to the thought and congratulations to Stings.

Besides that All the best to Roman Reigns for going into the Royal Rumble when beast incarnate is around.
I 2nd that to the thought and congratulations to Stings.

Besides that All the best to Roman Reigns for going into the Royal Rumble when beast incarnate is around.

Yes, am going to pray extra nafl prayer so Roman Reigns wins and all the people he beat up stay healthy and not get hurt like the HHH who still in hospital.
Yes, am going to pray extra nafl prayer so Roman Reigns wins and all the people he beat up stay healthy and not get hurt like the HHH who still in hospital.
What do you think of the fact they made Kalisto lose the U.S title on SmackDown. I don't get it myself why put the title on him then make him lose it a day later. Unless they are just trying to boost the ratings because they have moved to the USA Network.

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What do you think of the fact they made Kalisto lose the U.S title on SmackDown. I don't get it myself why put the title on him then make him lose it a day later. Unless they are just trying to boost the ratings because they have moved to the USA Network.

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:))) You spoiled it, I knew something happened on smackdown but was waiting to see it later at some point. I actually welcomed the title change on RAW, it was a surprise and I felt like WWE were going to push Kalisto who btw is an excellent luchadore with pretty decent potential; they need a face to to appeal to the latin american market but Kalisto has potential beyond that and his mic skills are decent, just needs more tv and mic time to develop and build a fanbase. But am very confused by having him drop it in the same week, the US title belt has retained its prestige in recent times and when someone wins that belt it means something so for Kalisto to win and lose it in the same week it devalues the championship a little, if they didn't plan on having him as champ they shouldn't have put the belt on him in the first place. Perhaps he'll go over at the Royal Rumble, I don't know but it's WWE 50/50 booking genius at it again :facepalm:
:))) You spoiled it, I knew something happened on smackdown but was waiting to see it later at some point. I actually welcomed the title change on RAW, it was a surprise and I felt like WWE were going to push Kalisto who btw is an excellent luchadore with pretty decent potential; they need a face to to appeal to the latin american market but Kalisto has potential beyond that and his mic skills are decent, just needs more tv and mic time to develop and build a fanbase. But am very confused by having him drop it in the same week, the US title belt has retained its prestige in recent times and when someone wins that belt it means something so for Kalisto to win and lose it in the same week it devalues the championship a little, if they didn't plan on having him as champ they shouldn't have put the belt on him in the first place. Perhaps he'll go over at the Royal Rumble, I don't know but it's WWE 50/50 booking genius at it again :facepalm:
Haha sorry bro I just seen it on fb and I was like seriously why WWE. this doesn't make sense at all. And as you said devalues the title. I just hope Kalisto wins it at the rumble. He is over with the fans more than ADR is atm. They should give him a run as a singles champion see how he does.

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Haha sorry bro I just seen it on fb and I was like seriously why WWE. this doesn't make sense at all. And as you said devalues the title. I just hope Kalisto wins it at the rumble. He is over with the fans more than ADR is atm. They should give him a run as a singles champion see how he does.

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I have faith in Kalisto, if the machine back him he will come good eventually; I enjoyed his run at NXT and watching him work was reminded a little of Rey and that's a huge compliment. There is no issue in ADR/Kalisto having a competitive feud where the title changes a few times but each star needs to have a decent run and booked strong; made to look good even in defeat but that concept doesn't exist in this era where 50/50 booking is rampant. Remember the best of 7 series between Chris Benoit and Booker T for the United States title on Smackdown? something so simple elevated both guys and I thoroughly enjoyed their matches and feud, both came out looking really good
:))) You spoiled it, I knew something happened on smackdown but was waiting to see it later at some point. I actually welcomed the title change on RAW, it was a surprise and I felt like WWE were going to push Kalisto who btw is an excellent luchadore with pretty decent potential; they need a face to to appeal to the latin american market but Kalisto has potential beyond that and his mic skills are decent, just needs more tv and mic time to develop and build a fanbase. But am very confused by having him drop it in the same week, the US title belt has retained its prestige in recent times and when someone wins that belt it means something so for Kalisto to win and lose it in the same week it devalues the championship a little, if they didn't plan on having him as champ they shouldn't have put the belt on him in the first place. Perhaps he'll go over at the Royal Rumble, I don't know but it's WWE 50/50 booking genius at it again :facepalm:

I don't know why WWE put this spoiler on their website :))) I think they are now competing with Wrestling forums :)))
I don't know why WWE put this spoiler on their website :))) I think they are now competing with Wrestling forums :)))

:))) they are, HHH made joey styles write about aj styles and nakamura potentially signing with the WWE lmao and it's not even confirmed yet but it's really funny. WWE website doesn't operate as a kayfabe site anymore and it's a good move in a way
There's only ONE NATURE BOY RIC FLAIR! :))) [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] you need to watch/listen to steve's podcast with Ric as his guest. Flair is such a chilled out guy even after all these years, some absolute gems in there as far as stories are concerned and stuff we've not heard off before.
Listened to it on the treadmill, great podcast, Ric's always a good storyteller.
:))) they are, HHH made joey styles write about aj styles and nakamura potentially signing with the WWE lmao and it's not even confirmed yet but it's really funny. WWE website doesn't operate as a kayfabe site anymore and it's a good move in a way

yeah, I remember they spoiled Edge cashing it on the Undertaker in 2007 as well
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] how dare SMARKS whine about Hunter burying talents

look at this link


Hunter put over Shelton Benjamin

:))) that was a one off on RAW, it was a flukey win and nothing came of it because Benjami despite his talent was never pushed as a main-event talent. How about we look at the burials he was responsible for instead, this thread will prob break the record for most posted on PP again
:))) that was a one off on RAW, it was a flukey win and nothing came of it because Benjami despite his talent was never pushed as a main-event talent. How about we look at the burials he was responsible for instead, this thread will prob break the record for most posted on PP again

did you not notice something, only his upset in the playlist is incomplete video :)))
There's only ONE NATURE BOY RIC FLAIR! :))) [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] you need to watch/listen to steve's podcast with Ric as his guest. Flair is such a chilled out guy even after all these years, some absolute gems in there as far as stories are concerned and stuff we've not heard off before.
Did you see Naitch calling Charles Robinson aka lil Naitch as fatboy? :)))

Really like Becky. She is one of the better developed characters in WWE and a very good wrestler too.
I think WWE was on USA Network for quite sometime, its not that new.

I also couldn't understand the back to back opportunities for Kalisto to give him the US title.
He is good in my opinion but its too early to give him a shot.

What do you think of the fact they made Kalisto lose the U.S title on SmackDown. I don't get it myself why put the title on him then make him lose it a day later. Unless they are just trying to boost the ratings because they have moved to the USA Network.

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Yes, am going to pray extra nafl prayer so Roman Reigns wins and all the people he beat up stay healthy and not get hurt like the HHH who still in hospital.

hahahaha....you still care about HHH... that's very kind of you.
I hope you had the same feeling when Daniel Bryan was beaten up every other day and finally forced to eventual quit.
hahahaha....you still care about HHH... that's very kind of you.
I hope you had the same feeling when Daniel Bryan was beaten up every other day and finally forced to eventual quit.

I did, it was very bad time for me; I go into deep depression when the HHH try to drown Bryan in the water cooler. But both are still human being, I do not wish harm upon HHH or Bryan. I hope HHH gets better, he still in critical condition in Hostpital because of Roman Reigns spear
I think WWE was on USA Network for quite sometime, its not that new.

I also couldn't understand the back to back opportunities for Kalisto to give him the US title.
He is good in my opinion but its too early to give him a shot.

RAW has been on USA for a decade. But Smackdown has been passed from crappy network to network. USA is a big network so Smackdown has to up its quality and draw decent ratings or they will cancel it

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RAW has been on USA for a decade. But Smackdown has been passed from crappy network to network. USA is a big network so Smackdown has to up its quality and draw decent ratings or they will cancel it

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Did you know who use to book smackdown on syfy? the entire show use to be scripted by road dogg, then he'd defend what he puts out there and how people complain about him editing crowd reaction by saying comedy shows do it to :))) then when his jimmies use to get rustled and no answer, block everyone on twitter bah gawd :)))

I hope he's not in charge any-more, shake, rattle and rolling while he decides the creative lmao
Did you know who use to book smackdown on syfy? the entire show use to be scripted by road dogg, then he'd defend what he puts out there and how people complain about him editing crowd reaction by saying comedy shows do it to :))) then when his jimmies use to get rustled and no answer, block everyone on twitter bah gawd :)))

I hope he's not in charge any-more, shake, rattle and rolling while he decides the creative lmao
Must be a trademark of WWE employees to call anyone who criticises them as trolls. Like JBL that day when their jimmies are rustled they just block block block. I'd love it if they could get Heyman as the booker but he doesn't want that stress or pressure anymore. And he has a sweet deal as brocks manager. If they give Hunter creative control I'm sure he'd do a good job. when Burius shovel is kept in his pants. He does a good job.

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Must be a trademark of WWE employees to call anyone who criticises them as trolls. Like JBL that day when their jimmies are rustled they just block block block. I'd love it if they could get Heyman as the booker but he doesn't want that stress or pressure anymore. And he has a sweet deal as brocks manager. If they give Hunter creative control I'm sure he'd do a good job. when Burius shovel is kept in his pants. He does a good job.

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Burius shovel only comes out when motorhead are playing The Game, bah gawd the hatich can't help himself when he's in the squared circle lmao he also has that inferior complex where he absolutely has to go over hall of fame talent to make him feel better about himself and those whom he dislikes or has a grudge against will see no mercy! take all of that away and the guy is an extremely shrewd booker.

Paul.E.Dangerously will never go into creative again :)) they use to do his besti all the time especially steph and vince, they just couldn't handle that his ideas and vision were getting over rather then there's; your jimmies ought to get rusled when the ratings of smackdown are better then the flagship show. Vince must have admired and respected Heyman but there's always going to be a clash of heads because heyman was outperforming vince. Now he got no stress and has a pretty chilled out role as lesnars manager and the legends deal to.
Vince don't really like WCW

“I was there and obviously involved in his match at WrestleMania last year. We’re rehearsing the match in Cali last year at Levi Stadium, and it’s the Kliq and the New Age Outlaws out there, and we all know each other. And then there’s Sting, who doesn’t know anybody. He’s an outsider. I just think he never felt comfortable there. Being hurt was answered prayer for him–just let it end.

“You need to remember that Vince is never going to go with something he didn’t create. But we didn’t get anything done at the rehearsal the night before, so WrestleMania day, there were tents in the parking lot set up with rings for rehearsal. So we’re all in there again, and I’m next to Hulk on the ring apron, and Triple H is going over the match and then he goes, ‘OK, he’ll break the sledgehammer, and then I’ll hit him with the sledgehammer, and cover him, 1-2-3.’ I looked at Hulk, and Hulk looked at me, and I was thinking, ‘Sting, what kind of lawyer do you have, bro? You’re coming in the door doing a job? You weren’t even guaranteed to go over?’ That’s Vince just reminding you who won, even if he’s going to make money the other way.”
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION], Scott Hall did an interview recently:

On Sting’s WrestleMania 31 match with Triple H: “I was there and obviously involved in his match at WrestleMania last year. We’re rehearsing the match in Cali last year at Levi Stadium, and it’s the Kliq and the New Age Outlaws out there, and we all know each other. And then there’s Sting, who doesn’t know anybody. He’s an outsider. I just think he never felt comfortable there. Being hurt was answered prayer for him–just let it end. You need to remember that Vince is never going to go with something he didn’t create. But we didn’t get anything done at the rehearsal the night before, so WrestleMania day, there were tents in the parking lot set up with rings for rehearsal. So we’re all in there again, and I’m next to Hulk on the ring apron and Triple H is going over the match and then he goes, ‘OK, he’ll break the sledgehammer, then I’ll hit him with the sledgehammer, and cover him, 1-2-3.’ I looked at Hulk, and Hulk looked at me, and I was thinking, ‘Sting, what kind of lawyer do you have, bro? You’re coming in the door doing a job? You weren’t even guaranteed to go over?’ That’s Vince just reminding you who won, even if he’s going to make money the other way.”

So it wasn't just the dreaded "IWC smarks" [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] that saw that match as Sting getting the shaft and making his Wrestlemania debut into a gigantic Kliq/NWO circle jerk. Everyone involved knew it too. [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] it boils my blood reading that but my respect for Sting just keeps elevating given his profesionalism and willingness to do the job even when he didn't have to, heck after all these years even Hogan's ego has toned down he has become more humble and understanding of what needs to be done in the business; Hogan and Scott thought Sting was going over but HHH and Vince had other ideas. Eugene will only display bigotry and claim oh whining blah blah smark smark like an absolute nimrod because his brain can't make sense of his heroes behaving like Iblees himself, Scott Hall and Hogan, Yes HOGAN were whining as well right about Sting not going over :))) more like it's called common sense, something you will never have musa. And Eugene you're out of touch with the business, you don't deserve to watch pro-wrestling let alone the god awful WWE product.

Adil Scott Hall again proved how petty and insecure Vince and HHH are, absolutely disgraceful
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[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION], Scott Hall did an interview recently:

On Sting’s WrestleMania 31 match with Triple H: “I was there and obviously involved in his match at WrestleMania last year. We’re rehearsing the match in Cali last year at Levi Stadium, and it’s the Kliq and the New Age Outlaws out there, and we all know each other. And then there’s Sting, who doesn’t know anybody. He’s an outsider. I just think he never felt comfortable there. Being hurt was answered prayer for him–just let it end. You need to remember that Vince is never going to go with something he didn’t create. But we didn’t get anything done at the rehearsal the night before, so WrestleMania day, there were tents in the parking lot set up with rings for rehearsal. So we’re all in there again, and I’m next to Hulk on the ring apron and Triple H is going over the match and then he goes, ‘OK, he’ll break the sledgehammer, then I’ll hit him with the sledgehammer, and cover him, 1-2-3.’ I looked at Hulk, and Hulk looked at me, and I was thinking, ‘Sting, what kind of lawyer do you have, bro? You’re coming in the door doing a job? You weren’t even guaranteed to go over?’ That’s Vince just reminding you who won, even if he’s going to make money the other way.”

So it wasn't just the dreaded "IWC smarks" [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] that saw that match as Sting getting the shaft and making his Wrestlemania debut into a gigantic Kliq/NWO circle jerk. Everyone involved knew it too. [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] it boils my blood reading that but my respect for Sting just keeps elevating given his profesionalism and willingness to do the job even when he didn't have to, heck after all these years even Hogan's ego has toned down he has become more humble and understanding of what needs to be done in the business; Hogan and Scott thought Sting was going over but HHH and Vince had other ideas. Eugene will only display bigotry and claim oh whining blah blah smark smark like an absolute nimrod because his brain can't make sense of his heroes behaving like Iblees himself, Scott Hall and Hogan, Yes HOGAN were whining as well right about Sting not going over :))) more like it's called common sense, something you will never have musa. And Eugene you're out of touch with the business, you don't deserve to watch pro-wrestling let alone the god awful WWE product.

Adil Scott Hall again proved how petty and insecure Vince and HHH are, absolutely disgraceful

you fool and butt hurt smark. you have been blaming HHH for that loss all along. now take back what you said and admit I was right all along. I told you Vince made that decision and Hunter approached him to over turn but he refused
[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION], Scott Hall did an interview recently:

On Sting’s WrestleMania 31 match with Triple H: “I was there and obviously involved in his match at WrestleMania last year. We’re rehearsing the match in Cali last year at Levi Stadium, and it’s the Kliq and the New Age Outlaws out there, and we all know each other. And then there’s Sting, who doesn’t know anybody. He’s an outsider. I just think he never felt comfortable there. Being hurt was answered prayer for him–just let it end. You need to remember that Vince is never going to go with something he didn’t create. But we didn’t get anything done at the rehearsal the night before, so WrestleMania day, there were tents in the parking lot set up with rings for rehearsal. So we’re all in there again, and I’m next to Hulk on the ring apron and Triple H is going over the match and then he goes, ‘OK, he’ll break the sledgehammer, then I’ll hit him with the sledgehammer, and cover him, 1-2-3.’ I looked at Hulk, and Hulk looked at me, and I was thinking, ‘Sting, what kind of lawyer do you have, bro? You’re coming in the door doing a job? You weren’t even guaranteed to go over?’ That’s Vince just reminding you who won, even if he’s going to make money the other way.”

So it wasn't just the dreaded "IWC smarks" [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] that saw that match as Sting getting the shaft and making his Wrestlemania debut into a gigantic Kliq/NWO circle jerk. Everyone involved knew it too. [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] it boils my blood reading that but my respect for Sting just keeps elevating given his profesionalism and willingness to do the job even when he didn't have to, heck after all these years even Hogan's ego has toned down he has become more humble and understanding of what needs to be done in the business; Hogan and Scott thought Sting was going over but HHH and Vince had other ideas. Eugene will only display bigotry and claim oh whining blah blah smark smark like an absolute nimrod because his brain can't make sense of his heroes behaving like Iblees himself, Scott Hall and Hogan, Yes HOGAN were whining as well right about Sting not going over :))) more like it's called common sense, something you will never have musa. And Eugene you're out of touch with the business, you don't deserve to watch pro-wrestling let alone the god awful WWE product.

Adil Scott Hall again proved how petty and insecure Vince and HHH are, absolutely disgraceful
Shows how inflated Vinces ego is still has to prove we beat WCW. Turning your classic good vs evil battle into the Monday Night Wars. At Mania the only logical decision was for the babyface to go over. It was ok for a semi retired hunter to beat lesnar at Mania even though he's supposed to be the most destructive and dominant force in the company. Its like if hunter beat Bryan at mania 30 thats how stupid it was him going over sting. This shows stings humility and in hindsight it was probably a good thing he didn't go over to the WWE in the invasion or after as he would never have been treated like the star he was. And the lame *** excuse oh hunter needed to look strong in case of a showdown with rock. He is a 13 time world champion fgs one of wwes most decorated stars ever but he "needs to look strong" by beating sting like he is some newbie. his legacy wouldn't be affected whether he beat sting or not.

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[MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION], Scott Hall did an interview recently:

On Sting’s WrestleMania 31 match with Triple H: “I was there and obviously involved in his match at WrestleMania last year. We’re rehearsing the match in Cali last year at Levi Stadium, and it’s the Kliq and the New Age Outlaws out there, and we all know each other. And then there’s Sting, who doesn’t know anybody. He’s an outsider. I just think he never felt comfortable there. Being hurt was answered prayer for him–just let it end. You need to remember that Vince is never going to go with something he didn’t create. But we didn’t get anything done at the rehearsal the night before, so WrestleMania day, there were tents in the parking lot set up with rings for rehearsal. So we’re all in there again, and I’m next to Hulk on the ring apron and Triple H is going over the match and then he goes, ‘OK, he’ll break the sledgehammer, then I’ll hit him with the sledgehammer, and cover him, 1-2-3.’ I looked at Hulk, and Hulk looked at me, and I was thinking, ‘Sting, what kind of lawyer do you have, bro? You’re coming in the door doing a job? You weren’t even guaranteed to go over?’ That’s Vince just reminding you who won, even if he’s going to make money the other way.”

So it wasn't just the dreaded "IWC smarks" [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] that saw that match as Sting getting the shaft and making his Wrestlemania debut into a gigantic Kliq/NWO circle jerk. Everyone involved knew it too. [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] it boils my blood reading that but my respect for Sting just keeps elevating given his profesionalism and willingness to do the job even when he didn't have to, heck after all these years even Hogan's ego has toned down he has become more humble and understanding of what needs to be done in the business; Hogan and Scott thought Sting was going over but HHH and Vince had other ideas. Eugene will only display bigotry and claim oh whining blah blah smark smark like an absolute nimrod because his brain can't make sense of his heroes behaving like Iblees himself, Scott Hall and Hogan, Yes HOGAN were whining as well right about Sting not going over :))) more like it's called common sense, something you will never have musa. And Eugene you're out of touch with the business, you don't deserve to watch pro-wrestling let alone the god awful WWE product.

Adil Scott Hall again proved how petty and insecure Vince and HHH are, absolutely disgraceful
If Hunters ego is so precious he could have let sting win let the fans have that feelgood moment at mania. And then next night on Raw he could've attacked sting and laid him out for months then claim he retired sting or something like that.

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you fool and butt hurt smark. you have been blaming HHH for that loss all along. now take back what you said and admit I was right all along. I told you Vince made that decision and Hunter approached him to over turn but he refused

You really are mentally inept :))) you try and fool everyone with this Eugene thing but the truth is you really are extremely thick, I've always seen that. [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] check this nonsensical and crying mark actually believes that HHH going over was 100% all of Vinces call, he is either huge HHH fanTard or he's just plain thick; I'd say it's a bit of both. Good ol Haitch has no influence whatsoever right, if Vince makes the final call he surely has no say in it right :yk2 saint HHH is out of touch with the business right to the extent where he doesn't understand what's the right thing to do :yk2 if that's the case then we ought to take his ATG status away from him to according to you Eugene because this naive and innocent hunter just does what he is told and gets on with it :yk
Shows how inflated Vinces ego is still has to prove we beat WCW. Turning your classic good vs evil battle into the Monday Night Wars. At Mania the only logical decision was for the babyface to go over. It was ok for a semi retired hunter to beat lesnar at Mania even though he's supposed to be the most destructive and dominant force in the company. Its like if hunter beat Bryan at mania 30 thats how stupid it was him going over sting. This shows stings humility and in hindsight it was probably a good thing he didn't go over to the WWE in the invasion or after as he would never have been treated like the star he was. And the lame *** excuse oh hunter needed to look strong in case of a showdown with rock. He is a 13 time world champion fgs one of wwes most decorated stars ever but he "needs to look strong" by beating sting like he is some newbie. his legacy wouldn't be affected whether he beat sting or not.

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If Hunters ego is so precious he could have let sting win let the fans have that feelgood moment at mania. And then next night on Raw he could've attacked sting and laid him out for months then claim he retired sting or something like that.

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I totally agree with your posts, in hindsight am actually happy that Sting never went to the WWE; they would have buried his character. The way the angle between HHH and Sting was built we assumed the pay off would be Sting going over, it made sense; the vigilante going over the oppressive authority leader; heck say what you want about Hogan but he agreed to verbally submit in the 1997 angle that culminated at Starccade. Sting knew what its like at the E and Vinces thought process as far as WCW talent is concerned, he has that inferior complex and petty grudge against the one company who almost put him out of business. A guy like Sting one of the most over stars in history can't go over because he's not Vinces creation; Sting had to win his 1st match and like you say it does little for HHH; imagine Seth going over a Sting that had beaten HHH at mania, that would have been huge for Seth! and Sting never has a problem putting over talent clean but unfortunately although it was a huge win it could have been so much more for a WWE champion that had been booked extremely weak.
You really are mentally inept :))) you try and fool everyone with this Eugene thing but the truth is you really are extremely thick, I've always seen that. [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] check this nonsensical and crying mark actually believes that HHH going over was 100% all of Vinces call, he is either huge HHH fanTard or he's just plain thick; I'd say it's a bit of both. Good ol Haitch has no influence whatsoever right, if Vince makes the final call he surely has no say in it right :yk2 saint HHH is out of touch with the business right to the extent where he doesn't understand what's the right thing to do :yk2 if that's the case then we ought to take his ATG status away from him to according to you Eugene because this naive and innocent hunter just does what he is told and gets on with it :yk
Bah gawd Hunters shovel is buried 6 foot deep in eugene. Where does Scott hall say hunter went to vince saying sting should go over. Apparently hunter is a sidha saada banda who has no power or influence within WWE. Obviously Hall isn't gonna rip on Hunter he's still one of his best friends. Eugene has no clue at all about the business.
You really are mentally inept :))) you try and fool everyone with this Eugene thing but the truth is you really are extremely thick, I've always seen that. [MENTION=136193]Adil_94[/MENTION] check this nonsensical and crying mark actually believes that HHH going over was 100% all of Vinces call, he is either huge HHH fanTard or he's just plain thick; I'd say it's a bit of both. Good ol Haitch has no influence whatsoever right, if Vince makes the final call he surely has no say in it right :yk2 saint HHH is out of touch with the business right to the extent where he doesn't understand what's the right thing to do :yk2 if that's the case then we ought to take his ATG status away from him to according to you Eugene because this naive and innocent hunter just does what he is told and gets on with it :yk

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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] BTW you managed to watch SmackDown. Lawler is turning heel i think. He was cheering for ADR in the U.S title.

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Bah gawd Hunters shovel is buried 6 foot deep in eugene. Where does Scott hall say hunter went to vince saying sting should go over. Apparently hunter is a sidha saada banda who has no power or influence within WWE. Obviously Hall isn't gonna rip on Hunter he's still one of his best friends. Eugene has no clue at all about the business.

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[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] BTW you managed to watch SmackDown. Lawler is turning heel i think. He was cheering for ADR in the U.S title.

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Eugene is the dumbest poster on PP :))) and LOOOL buried 6ft deep, almost spat out my fanta orange :afridi Eugene you don't deserve a fanta, if we all went out on a date I'd buy Adil a fanta and I'd give [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] the jobber tango orange :))) maybe am being too nice giving you that

Yeah I think he is, never watched all of it but skipped here and there given that I have exams all month. Will his heel turn extent to RAW? am not sure, but him and M.R ought to develop amazing chemistry on smacdown. You reckon they will let M.R work wrestlemania? guess what M.R got signed mainly because of Rene Young going to vince and giving him a strong reference, the two know each other really well; otherwise Vince was like M.R isn't an an announcer he'd normally go for lol why am I not surprised
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] BTW you managed to watch SmackDown. Lawler is turning heel i think. He was cheering for ADR in the U.S title.

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I noticed it too, would be fun to see the puppies version again
Eugene is the dumbest poster on PP :))) and LOOOL buried 6ft deep, almost spat out my fanta orange :afridi Eugene you don't deserve a fanta, if we all went out on a date I'd buy Adil a fanta and I'd give [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION] the jobber tango orange :))) maybe am being too nice giving you that

Yeah I think he is, never watched all of it but skipped here and there given that I have exams all month. Will his heel turn extent to RAW? am not sure, but him and M.R ought to develop amazing chemistry on smacdown. You reckon they will let M.R work wrestlemania? guess what M.R got signed mainly because of Rene Young going to vince and giving him a strong reference, the two know each other really well; otherwise Vince was like M.R isn't an an announcer he'd normally go for lol why am I not surprised
M.R put on another really good showing and am not surprised about vince saying he isn't the usual type of announcer they hire because he's someone who can call the moves and is actually invested in matches . And a heel lawler will be refreshing on SmackDown. And Jerry isn't on Raw anymore it's. John Block Layfield. The Beast Michael Cole. And Byron boring saxton. The ending for the ADR Kalisto match was so awful. Even for creative that was a shocking ending.

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M.R put on another really good showing and am not surprised about vince saying he isn't the usual type of announcer they hire because he's someone who can call the moves and is actually invested in matches . And a heel lawler will be refreshing on SmackDown. And Jerry isn't on Raw anymore it's. John Block Layfield. The Beast Michael Cole. And Byron boring saxton. The ending for the ADR Kalisto match was so awful. Even for creative that was a shocking ending.

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I love how M.R doesn't get into the weird commentator bully byron saxton angle, he gives him respect and focuses on his own job. I would rather have had Kalisto lose an extremely competetive 15-20 minute match against ADR then win and lose the title in the space of a few days
The full Sail Uni crowd at NXT is the best, when Sami returned he said that being back he got a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, then the crowd responded by saying awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :))) :)))
Also is it just me or is Baron Corbin so much better as a heel and he seems a lot more compatible on the microphone to!
Some of the WWE Superstars are in India [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=2901]adil[/MENTION]94 [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION]







Some of the WWE Superstars are in India [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=2901]adil[/MENTION]94 [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION]







Damn, Kane looks gigantic standing next to Sehwag. Look at his arms. :))
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Getting "Turnt" as <a href="https://twitter.com/mauroranallo">@mauroranallo</a> would say 😂 <a href="https://twitter.com/DarrenYoungWWE">@DarrenYoungWWE</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/WWEIndia">@WWEIndia</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/WWE">@WWE</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWEIndia?src=hash">#WWEIndia</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/RealSummerWWE">@RealSummerWWE</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/MmmGorgeous">@MmmGorgeous</a> <a href="https://t.co/jC1H5yDnKq">pic.twitter.com/jC1H5yDnKq</a></p>— Titus O'Neil (@TitusONeilWWE) <a href="https://twitter.com/TitusONeilWWE/status/687693173552852992">January 14, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Watch <a href="https://twitter.com/RealSummerWWE">@RealSummerWWE</a> whip, whip, and almost get Did In by this woman passing by <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Delhi?src=hash">#Delhi</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/India?src=hash">#India</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/WWE">@wwe</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/WWEIndia?src=hash">#WWEIndia</a> &#55357;&#56834;&#55357;&#56876;&#55357;&#56834;&#55357;&#56876; <a href="https://t.co/SeXvgvDrJw">pic.twitter.com/SeXvgvDrJw</a></p>— nodaysoff D-Young (@DarrenYoungWWE) <a href="https://twitter.com/DarrenYoungWWE/status/688205006055452673">January 16, 2016</a></blockquote>
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[MENTION=134981]Bhaag Viru Bhaag[/MENTION] Amazing pics! Never thought I'd see Dolph Ziggler hold a bat :)) did you or [MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION] go the live event think it was delhi? Reports are saying the atmosphere was incredible and Cena/Reigns were super over typically with the casual fanbase, there are no smarks in India :))
Sehwag is a WWE fan :afridi not surprised, his promos are amongst the greatest in international cricket. My all time fav cricketing feud is Sehwag v the Jobber Bangladesh:uakmal
[MENTION=134981]Bhaag Viru Bhaag[/MENTION] Amazing pics! Never thought I'd see Dolph Ziggler hold a bat :)) did you or [MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION] go the live event think it was delhi? Reports are saying the atmosphere was incredible and Cena/Reigns were super over typically with the casual fanbase, there are no smarks in India :))
No. I couldn't get the tickets. :sree
I want to see footage of some of the live matches, I also read from a live report that Tyler Breeze and Ziggler stole the show

This is the schedule

15 Jan 2015 WWE India Fights Match Card:

Roman Reigns VS Big Show
Demon Kane VS Bray Wyatt
The Usos VS New Day
Ryback VS Rusev
Charlotte VS Summer Rae
Dolph Ziggler VS Tyler Breeze / Summer Rae
Lovepreet VS Jason Jordan
Satender VS Chad Gable
Darren Young Titus O-Neil

16 Jan 2015 WWE India Fights Match Card:

Roman Reigns VS Rusev
Demon Kane VS Big Show
The Usos VS New Day
Ryback VS Bray Wyatt
Charlotte VS Summer Rae
Dolph Ziggler VS Tyler Breeze / Summer Rae
Lovepreet VS Jason Jordan
Satender VS Chad Gable
Darren Young VS Titus O-Neil

Two Indian wrestlers made their debuts.
Lovepreet and Satender. One has a wrestling background other one is from kabaddi team.

I know Lovepreet I followed him a bit on NXT breaking ground show, they scouted him from the kabadi team in India and it was hilarious watching him train in the ring because he'd use some of his old kabadi tactics to flip wrestlers over the top rope like squeezing their cricket balls :))). He got potential though, very athletic, picks up the knowledge very quick and has a strong head on those shoulders despite being so far away from home. Don't know about the other guy though
Some of the WWE Superstars are in India [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=65183]freelance_cricketer[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION] [MENTION=2901]adil[/MENTION]94 [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] [MENTION=137419]dashing_man[/MENTION]








:)) brilliant!! Dolph, Viru and Kane - what a team :afridi

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RAW has been on USA for a decade. But Smackdown has been passed from crappy network to network. USA is a big network so Smackdown has to up its quality and draw decent ratings or they will cancel it

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you are kinda right about that ... I myself also lost interest in smackdown for quite somone otherwise and I thing after the emergence of Main Event its not even had great charm...but I never miss RAW.
I was gonna start the Royal Rumble prediction competition but so far on the card we only have have the Royal Rumble match and Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens :afaq
I was gonna start the Royal Rumble prediction competition but so far on the card we only have have the Royal Rumble match and Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens :afaq

I expect Charlotte to defend the title against Becky Lynch and majority of the card will be confirmed after RAW on Monday.

Pretty nice guy :)) Bill apter managed to track the its still real to me dammit guy after all these years, he provides context of his emotional breakdown and what he has been up to
[MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] The interaction between Russev and Jericho on RAW was absolutely hilarious :))) you need to watch that segment, again I've been saying this for a over a year but Russev is criminally underrated on the mic; honestly at times it felt like Russev turned his promo into a shoot :)))

Loving the progress of Becky Lynch she is really growing as a character and I look forward to her match at the Royal Rumble, [MENTION=3474]TalhaSyed[/MENTION] the card is pretty much confirmed now.

Also leathers, Bray v Lesnar is best for business with the ultimate goal of getting Wyatt over instead of feeding him to another top talent to get him some momentum because Bray often is used as everyone elses pretty lady
What's up with Y2J, it's almost as if he's playing a parody of himself :)) I feel like there could be going somewhere with it characterwise, possibly a heel turn to
The new day holding a funeral for francheska the trombone was epic :)))
Still, RAW was lacklustre as a whole considering it was the go home show for Royal Rumble PPV.
What's up with Y2J, it's almost as if he's playing a parody of himself :)) I feel like there could be going somewhere with it characterwise, possibly a heel turn to
He's relying too much on his old catchphrases and antics. Y2J as a heel is always better anyway.

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Still, RAW was lacklustre as a whole considering it was the go home show for Royal Rumble PPV.
The Wyatts beating down Reigns and Lesnar at the end was great to see. A real statement of intent from them. but I'm apprehensive too if WWE are just building them up to feed them to Brock for example.

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Idk what the point was to make Big Show destroy the social outcasts and I guess Big Show has turned face again with him slapping the hands of the crowd and taking selfie after the match. He has become a parody of himself turning heel n face a million times. Having Big Show destroy the social outcasts served no purpose as Big Show won't gain anything from it

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Brock Lesnar claimed Kane is the only wrestler he couldn't beat at arm wrestling. Kane is that strong.

The funny thing is Lesnar met Kane in 2002 or so I would imagine. Kane was probably not even at his strongest at that point. He was stronger in the 97-01 period. Dude was an absolute monster.
The Wyatts beating down Reigns and Lesnar at the end was great to see. A real statement of intent from them. but I'm apprehensive too if WWE are just building them up to feed them to Brock for example.

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Wyatt has been built as this guy who they view as a brilliant individual performer whom they can flourish with 50/50 style booking and get away with it, as good as Wyatt is if they continue on this risky path the fans will eventually lose interest in him all together. When Undertaker showed up in the WWE he wasn't booked like that, they built him as a main-eventer from the word go. Also, the guy standing tall at the end of a RAW can only mean one thing....or are they going to throw a huge curve ball at us Adil
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] I liked how Becky mocked Naitch :))

That was really good :)) Becky is reminding me a little of Paige when she first showed up on the main-roster except Becky's progesss as far as a personality has been even quicker.When Paige first came up you had idiotic Gilbergs like [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] criticise her oh she should go back to NXT she can't talk etc what a fickle little jobber, I told him she's young and learning but being able to go in the ring at that age she's more then half way there already but eventually Paige developed a really good character and began to cut impressive promos.
Wyatt has been built as this guy who they view as a brilliant individual performer whom they can flourish with 50/50 style booking and get away with it, as good as Wyatt is if they continue on this risky path the fans will eventually lose interest in him all together. When Undertaker showed up in the WWE he wasn't booked like that, they built him as a main-eventer from the word go. Also, the guy standing tall at the end of a RAW can only mean one thing....or are they going to throw a huge curve ball at us Adil
I have a feeling bray will be in the final 4 at the rumble. And Brock will eliminate him and then the Wyatt family will attack brock and then eliminate him and set up their feud for Mania.

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That was really good :)) Becky is reminding me a little of Paige when she first showed up on the main-roster except Becky's progesss as far as a personality has been even quicker.When Paige first came up you had idiotic Gilbergs like [MENTION=858]Amir[/MENTION] criticise her oh she should go back to NXT she can't talk etc what a fickle little jobber, I told him she's young and learning but being able to go in the ring at that age she's more then half way there already but eventually Paige developed a really good character and began to cut impressive promos.
Becky is really coming along now now she has been given the chance to shine as an individual. I'm actually invested in their feud. Her promo on Raw was very good.

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