[VIDEOS] Why anti Muslim bias is so profound among Hindutva supporters?

Follow the law of the land and all will be ok. Don't understand why that's so difficult to understand
I was referring to our discussion regardings cartoons and how people are unable to critique all religions with the same freedom. Instead of condemning it, you shifted the goalpost and put the onus on the cartoonist for offending people.
You want to critique religion, go right ahead. I never said you could not. I DID definitely criticize the caricatures of our Holy Prophet drawn as a terrorist. We have been through this before. I am not sure in what language or how idiot proof do I need to make the words so you can understand. Now the onus is on the cartoonist for offending people because you are not just criticizing the faith but a whole group of people in that faith by portraying them as terrorists. How is this right?

Do I back the philosophy of taking the perpetrator's head? No. I expect the authorities to deal with this in light of the laws of the land.

Feel free to keep regurgitating your nonsense, but I am pretty sure you wont find anything from me posted in the past that goes against what I just wrote above. From now, kindly don't tag me needlessly like this on such discussions.
You want to critique religion, go right ahead. I never said you could not. I DID definitely criticize the caricatures of our Holy Prophet drawn as a terrorist. We have been through this before. I am not sure in what language or how idiot proof do I need to make the words so you can understand. Now the onus is on the cartoonist for offending people because you are not just criticizing the faith but a whole group of people in that faith by portraying them as terrorists. How is this right?

Do I back the philosophy of taking the perpetrator's head? No. I expect the authorities to deal with this in light of the laws of the land.

Feel free to keep regurgitating your nonsense, but I am pretty sure you wont find anything from me posted in the past that goes against what I just wrote above. From now, kindly don't tag me needlessly like this on such discussions.

Using the same yardstick do you agree that Muslims should be respectful of beliefs of other faiths?
Follow the law of the land and all will be ok. Don't understand why that's so difficult to understand
If Law allows Muslims to marry more than once and for cows to be sacrificed in some states but not others then it becomes difficult to follow.
Using the same yardstick do you agree that Muslims should be respectful of beliefs of other faiths?
I do believe that Muslims should not make fun of other religious dieties and portray them as terrorists.

Is that clear enough for you?
What does an average muslim believe?

That a temple converted to a mosque should remain a mosque.

That a mosque converted to other places of worship must be reclaimed.

What does the average hindu believe?

That a temple converted to a mosque should remain a mosque.

What does an extremist hindu believe?

That a temple converted to a mosque must be reclaimed.

The average hindu is far forgiving than an average muslim. The only match of an average muslim is an extremist hindu.

There is no comparison between Muslim or Hindu whether average or not.
It actually goes beyond that ... the cow is a sacred and divine being that hindus are required to protect. There is a reason why its codified into penal laws in India.

As I said Iam here to impart free education.

Wow, I want to believe this, but when I see scenes like above every day on the streets of India, I tend to dismiss it as yet another piece of propaganda by an 'andhbhakht'. Not to mention India's ranking as one of the largest beef exporters in the world. You are unlucky that I am here to expose your fake lies and hypocrisy here. :inti
Lol.. You won't accept your mistake ever.. Why are they still hiding the presence of hindu members in board of directors? Obviously they want to evade the genuine criticism on their hypocrisy.

And what about your claim "The whole post is fake" 🤭

Hindu board members doesn't mean its a Hindu company. The members may be representing interests of banks or financial institutions.

What hypocrisy?

Tata Sons has Hindu board members but its essentially a Parsi company.

Yes the whole post is fake since none of the companies are owned by Hindus.

Wow, I want to believe this, but when I see scenes like above every day on the streets of India, I tend to dismiss it as yet another piece of propaganda by an 'andhbhakht'. Not to mention India's ranking as one of the largest beef exporters in the world. You are unlucky that I am here to expose your fake lies and hypocrisy here. :inti
The 4th largest beef exporter is take a guess starts with I 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Wow, I want to believe this, but when I see scenes like above every day on the streets of India, I tend to dismiss it as yet another piece of propaganda by an 'andhbhakht'. Not to mention India's ranking as one of the largest beef exporters in the world. You are unlucky that I am here to expose your fake lies and hypocrisy here. :inti

Dang i was almost going to respond but then the inti smiley stopped me in my tracks... dont bother quoting me as it is very difficult for me to un-reverse (lol) your posts... there is nothing to discuss as explained many times previously due to inversion rule that I follow.

You should put that smiley in your signature to prevent accidentally missing it in your posts 😃

PS: The deal is still on the table. 😊
If Law allows Muslims to marry more than once and for cows to be sacrificed in some states but not others then it becomes difficult to follow.
India is like a mini continent with wide cultures. Consensus building in every area takes time, strong leadership and effort. There would be a uniform civil code soon which should make it all easier. In the absence of that, I would say reading the room and be a little sensitive to people in the neighborhood/outside your own community will help. If in a state/neighborhood where there are Hindus sensitive to cow slaughter, avoiding is better but one can have it in Kerala where it is still legal.

Wow, I want to believe this, but when I see scenes like above every day on the streets of India, I tend to dismiss it as yet another piece of propaganda by an 'andhbhakht'. Not to mention India's ranking as one of the largest beef exporters in the world. You are unlucky that I am here to expose your fake lies and hypocrisy here. :inti

Bhakts have been rumbled.
First of all, let me say that I don't have any problem in consumption of beef. That said pork and alcohol for Muslims and cow for Hindus are not same. Muslims believe that pork and alcohol is haram, which is a sin, but as non-muslims are already committing much greater sin, it's not a big issue for non-muslims to consume that. Hindus on the other hand is against beef consumption because they belive cow to be holy and killing a cow is insulting something holy to them. The correct comparison to cow slaughter is Quran-burning.
This is an important point actually. @CricketCartoons made it once before and it hit home. Beef is not a dietary issue for Hindus. It goes beyond it. Quran burning and blasphemy is the best analogy.

It should therefore be debated with the proper respect and not purely from the perspective of "what is wrong with eating steak's"

Once you remove all the sacred aspects and traditional values from religious objects/symbols then you can argue anything is "just" something else.

I agree with @uppercut here. A non Muslim could say Quran is "just a book" books get burned every day what's the big deal...but doing that doesn't take into account the deep spiritual and emotional ties of the Muslim.

Similar we should afford Hindus the same respect and discuss their beliefs ( even though we don't believe them) accordingly.

Bhens, buffaloes
Halal Bacon- still got the name bacon in it. Guess who is it marketed at?


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For all those now wondering what is bacon??

Worry not, the below will help :viru

Beef, Bacon, the devil's in the details.

This is an important point actually. @CricketCartoons made it once before and it hit home. Beef is not a dietary issue for Hindus. It goes beyond it. Quran burning and blasphemy is the best analogy.

It should therefore be debated with the proper respect and not purely from the perspective of "what is wrong with eating steak's"

Once you remove all the sacred aspects and traditional values from religious objects/symbols then you can argue anything is "just" something else.

I agree with @uppercut here. A non Muslim could say Quran is "just a book" books get burned every day what's the big deal...but doing that doesn't take into account the deep spiritual and emotional ties of the Muslim.

Similar we should afford Hindus the same respect and discuss their beliefs ( even though we don't believe them) accordingly.

Thanks.. a minor correction... Cows are more sacred than our Holy books which is why there are specific laws to protect them. People have in the past taken pot shots at our holy books and even gods but rarely any of them have been attacked but its very different when it comes to cows. There are proper cow vigilante groups in India whos fulltime job is to protect cows. Yes i totally understand why this might sound illogical to most people but this is how it is. Hinduism is a very different religion.
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Thanks... a minor correction... Cows are more sacred than our Holy books which is why there are specific laws to protect them. People have in the past taken pot shots at our holy books and even gods but rarely any of them have been attacked but its very different when it comes to cows. There are proper cow vigilante groups in India whos fulltime job is to protect cows. Yes i totally understand why this might sound illogical to most people but this is how it is. Hinduism is a very different religion.
They may be illogical to others, but the best way to approach a discussion on these topics is to try to understand them how you guys do.

Wow, I want to believe this, but when I see scenes like above every day on the streets of India, I tend to dismiss it as yet another piece of propaganda by an 'andhbhakht'. Not to mention India's ranking as one of the largest beef exporters in the world. You are unlucky that I am here to expose your fake lies and hypocrisy here. :inti

@uppercut wrote cows are like divine beings to Hindus.

Why is this cow in this state if it is very important? You mentioned it was common in India.
They may be illogical to others, but the best way to approach a discussion on these topics is to try to understand them how you guys do.

You would think so but as you can see in this thread the world at large has a long way to go before that thought process becomes ingrained in everyone's dna.
Go.read responses from multiple Pakistani posters right here on this thread. Iam being labeled as a extremist for supporting ban on killing Cows!

There is a law on this ... and just incase that people pretend that they did not know about it there was a verbal threat issued recently... what more clarity does one need?

You have left the relevant part of my quote out which concerns the hindutva movement and the founder's atheist principles which are what give rise to the confusion in the first place. Is that because you cannot answer that part?
This is an important point actually. @CricketCartoons made it once before and it hit home. Beef is not a dietary issue for Hindus. It goes beyond it. Quran burning and blasphemy is the best analogy.

It should therefore be debated with the proper respect and not purely from the perspective of "what is wrong with eating steak's"

Once you remove all the sacred aspects and traditional values from religious objects/symbols then you can argue anything is "just" something else.

I agree with @uppercut here. A non Muslim could say Quran is "just a book" books get burned every day what's the big deal...but doing that doesn't take into account the deep spiritual and emotional ties of the Muslim.

Similar we should afford Hindus the same respect and discuss their beliefs ( even though we don't believe them) accordingly.
Dude...what an enlightened post! That's all you religious guys need to understand and tolerate each other. Accept the wierdities each other believe and live up to it as far as possible.
@uppercut wrote cows are like divine beings to Hindus.

Why is this cow in this state if it is very important? You mentioned it was common in India.
Hindus are hypocrites like everyone else. Muslims are not supposed to borrow money on interest. Christians should not work on the Sabbath. Jews shouldn't tolerate mixed crops.

Does this hypocrisy mean none of these religions are allowed to impose their rules in their honelands?
You have left the relevant part of my quote out which concerns the hindutva movement and the founder's atheist principles which are what give rise to the confusion in the first place. Is that because you cannot answer that part?

The answer is in the reality that exists on ground. And no the principles that you talk about Hindutva movement most certainly are very serious about cow protection. What you are referring to perhaps is the Caste system and untouchability?
Hindus are hypocrites like everyone else. Muslims are not supposed to borrow money on interest. Christians should not work on the Sabbath. Jews shouldn't tolerate mixed crops.

Does this hypocrisy mean none of these religions are allowed to impose their rules in their honelands?


BTW, not all Muslims borrow money on interests. I am debt-free and I use debit card.

BTW, not all Muslims borrow money on interests. I am debt-free and I use debit card.
Good for you. Do you believe every Muslim who takes out a mortgage is not a true Muslim and is not allowed to defend the prophet if an atheist insults him?
Good for you. Do you believe every Muslim who takes out a mortgage is not a true Muslim and is not allowed to defend the prophet if an atheist insults him?

I didn't say that.

It is not my job to judge who is a true Muslim and who is not.

All Muslims should lawfully defend honor of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
I didn't say that.

It is not my place to judge who is a true Muslim and who is not.

However, As per most mainstream Sunni scholars, taking out a commercial mortgage would be sinful.
Agreed. I think you have to give Hindus the same grace. Not every Hindu finds it possible to take care of every stray cow. But that doesn't mean they're not allowed to defend a cow against a Muslim who's slaughtering it.

Religion is all about being able to live with hypocrisy.
I didn't say that.

It is not my job to judge who is a true Muslim and who is not.

All Muslims should lawfully defend honor of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The same exact concept applies to Hindus when it Comes to cow protection. But let us know why you are not a extremist while you consider Hindus to be extremist when both are doing the same thing.
The same exact concept applies to Hindus when it Comes to cow protection. But let us know why you are not a extremist while you consider Hindus to be extremist when both are doing the same thing.

Do you support unlawful lynching from cow protectors?
I do not agree with mob justice. These should be handled by authorities.
Well put. I appreciate it's difficult for a Muslim who sees a Quran being burnt or a Hindu who sees a cow being slaughtered to control him/herself. However, they should learn to let the law take it's course.

Myself - it's tough for me to see someone watching the mutilation Peter Jackson made of the Lord of the Rings books but I've learned to tolerate the movie fans. It's hard though.


Since 2014, under a Hindutva-centric government, one of Modi and the BJP’s major beliefs has been to degrade and denigrate Pakistan in the eyes of the Indian public. From public obloquy to explicit war-mongering, stereotyped films to jingoistic television anchors, Modi’s India is rife with anti-Pakistan emotion. For example, during the 2014 elections, BJP leader Giriraj Singh declared that anyone who does not vote for Modi should migrate to Pakistan. Additionally, he said, “our ancestors committed a major lapse…if at that time [1947] the Muslims had been sent there [Pakistan], we would not have had to face this situation.”

In 2017, while campaigning for assembly elections in Gujarat, Modi stunned the subcontinent by claiming (falsely) that a secret meeting between Congress leadership and Pakistani diplomats and elites was evidence of collusion to steal elections.

The connection between Pakistan and Congress is a recurring theme. During the 2019 election campaign, BJP’s then-Chief Minister of Gujarat, Vijay Rupani, stated that if Congress wins, “Diwali will be celebrated in Pakistan.” Things were more tense during the 2019 elections after the Pulwama assault, which killed 40 Indian paramilitary forces. Without completing an inquiry, the BJP and the Indian Armed Forces quickly blamed Pakistan (which it categorically rejected).

The BJP said, “We will enter your homes [Pakistan] and hit you,” and then worsened the situation by carrying out an attack in Pakistan’s Balakot. Pakistan retaliated, shooting down an Indian MiG-21 and Su-30. As tensions escalated, the BJP not only created but also rode the anti-Pakistan tide to a landslide electoral win in 2019.

Regarding all of this, Satya Pal, the former governor of Indian-occupied Kashmir, revealed that just before the 2019 Pulwama attack, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) requested aircraft since such a large convoy seldom travels by road. He said that the request was made to the Home Ministry rather than him, but that the former rejected Pal claims to have discussed the Pulwama event with Modi and Ajit Doval, the national security advisor, during which he claimed that it was “our fault.” He claims that Modi and Doval urged him to be quiet and not tell anyone about their mistake.

It is vital to note that Pal believes Pulwama could not have occurred without Pakistan’s cooperation (claimed), but claims that the BJP willfully overlooked this. He acknowledges that Pakistan will bear the majority of the responsibility for achieving election success. In another interview, he claims, “They can plot to kill a BJP leader.” “If they can carry out a Pulwama attack, they can do anything.”

In the 2024 elections, Modi portrayed a picture of a dominant India against the backdrop of Pakistan’s inconsequentiality as a result of its failing economy and political instability. Furthermore, the two-for-one tactic of connecting Congress and Pakistan was repeated in the most recent election. During a campaign for the 2024 elections in Gujarat, Modi stated, “Pakistan is impatient to make Shehzada [Rahul Gandhi] the prime minister…” And we know Congress is a Pakistani disciple.
As should be obvious, the BJP’s bread and butter is anti-Pakistan propaganda, and their diehard following loves it up. In one of India’s now-common anti-Muslim protests, young ladies dressed in saffron were “holding placards asking Muslims to choose between “Pakistan or Qabristan” (Pakistan or the graveyard)”. Modi and his supporters also used Kashmir to incite nationalism during the elections. “We will take it [Kashmir] back,” declared Amit Shah, Modi’s right-hand man and BJP minister, during a 2024 election rally.

Pakistan’s hate extends beyond mere affectation. According to a recent revelation in The Guardian, India’s RAW has carried out 20 assassinations in Pakistan since 2020. Indian and Pakistani intelligence officers confirmed this for publishing. This also lends validity to Canada’s claims that India was behind the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Khalistan movement leader. According to commentators, this may appeal to the BJP’s diehard base because it validates the party’s tough attitude toward Pakistan.

Indian critics refer to today’s media as “Godi media.” I argued that the BJP’s “coercion and enticement” was responsible for the media’s inequity. According to Reporters Without Borders’ 2024 ranking, India’s media ranks 159th. It goes on to say that violence against journalists, monopolized media, and political allegiance imply that “press freedom is in crisis in ‘the world’s largest democracy”.

One reason why the Indian media is a puppet for the BJP’s desires is that many of the major media outlets are owned by a small group of prominent people. Mukesh Ambani, Modi’s billionaire supporter, “owns more than 70 media outlets that are followed by at least 800 million Indians.” Furthermore, in 2022, Gautam Adani, Asia’s richest person and another Modi confidante, purchased NDTV, one of India’s top media businesses, dealing a significant blow to independent journalism.

The Pulwama-Balakot incident perfectly exemplifies the appalling standards of today’s Indian media. Not only did the media declare that India should punish Pakistan (before any probe), but it also promoted misinformation (as evidenced by international media). Perhaps more embarrassing for the BJP-media nexus was the EU DisinfoLab investigation in 2019, which revealed how India was resurrecting dead NGOs, think institutions, and even persons to circulate content that largely undermined Pakistan. This network is run by the Srivastava Group and supplemented by ANI, one of India’s main news organizations. ANI distributes op-eds from bogus websites that it “quotes as credible reports from the European media”.

Although both countries have historically meddled in each other’s affairs, supported insurgencies on the other’s turf (from Kashmir to Khalistan), and fought numerous wars, India’s governmental and social hatred for Pakistan considerably outweighs the reverse. Modi’s India and its fixation with Pakistan are unlikely to fade even if the BJP loses power. Millions of Hindutva supporters have been radicalized to hate Pakistan as an ideological prerequisite. To cater to this constituency in India, the BJP war mongers seize any opportunity they can, since Modi understands that Pakistan hatred sells.

Source: Pakistan Observer
No I don't think he does (sorry @uppercut for answering on your behalf) just as I hope you don't support unlawful lynching from Quran protectors.

No. But the issue is that its been literally many Centuries that this nonsense has been going on but as the recurring events suggest that the perpetrators are not amenable to civilized means. Therefore the Current situation. This is compounded by lax law enforcement. This is where the vigilante groups step in to protect their interests.

Now here is the question that sweep_shot and many others are doggedly refusing to answer:

Why are Muslims still not respecting Hindu beliefs in this day and age?

infact many here are supporting the Muslims who engage in these acts and then calling me as an extremist ..
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Since 2014, under a Hindutva-centric government, one of Modi and the BJP’s major beliefs has been to degrade and denigrate Pakistan in the eyes of the Indian public. From public obloquy to explicit war-mongering, stereotyped films to jingoistic television anchors, Modi’s India is rife with anti-Pakistan emotion. For example, during the 2014 elections, BJP leader Giriraj Singh declared that anyone who does not vote for Modi should migrate to Pakistan. Additionally, he said, “our ancestors committed a major lapse…if at that time [1947] the Muslims had been sent there [Pakistan], we would not have had to face this situation.”

In 2017, while campaigning for assembly elections in Gujarat, Modi stunned the subcontinent by claiming (falsely) that a secret meeting between Congress leadership and Pakistani diplomats and elites was evidence of collusion to steal elections.

The connection between Pakistan and Congress is a recurring theme. During the 2019 election campaign, BJP’s then-Chief Minister of Gujarat, Vijay Rupani, stated that if Congress wins, “Diwali will be celebrated in Pakistan.” Things were more tense during the 2019 elections after the Pulwama assault, which killed 40 Indian paramilitary forces. Without completing an inquiry, the BJP and the Indian Armed Forces quickly blamed Pakistan (which it categorically rejected).

The BJP said, “We will enter your homes [Pakistan] and hit you,” and then worsened the situation by carrying out an attack in Pakistan’s Balakot. Pakistan retaliated, shooting down an Indian MiG-21 and Su-30. As tensions escalated, the BJP not only created but also rode the anti-Pakistan tide to a landslide electoral win in 2019.

Regarding all of this, Satya Pal, the former governor of Indian-occupied Kashmir, revealed that just before the 2019 Pulwama attack, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) requested aircraft since such a large convoy seldom travels by road. He said that the request was made to the Home Ministry rather than him, but that the former rejected Pal claims to have discussed the Pulwama event with Modi and Ajit Doval, the national security advisor, during which he claimed that it was “our fault.” He claims that Modi and Doval urged him to be quiet and not tell anyone about their mistake.

It is vital to note that Pal believes Pulwama could not have occurred without Pakistan’s cooperation (claimed), but claims that the BJP willfully overlooked this. He acknowledges that Pakistan will bear the majority of the responsibility for achieving election success. In another interview, he claims, “They can plot to kill a BJP leader.” “If they can carry out a Pulwama attack, they can do anything.”

In the 2024 elections, Modi portrayed a picture of a dominant India against the backdrop of Pakistan’s inconsequentiality as a result of its failing economy and political instability. Furthermore, the two-for-one tactic of connecting Congress and Pakistan was repeated in the most recent election. During a campaign for the 2024 elections in Gujarat, Modi stated, “Pakistan is impatient to make Shehzada [Rahul Gandhi] the prime minister…” And we know Congress is a Pakistani disciple.
As should be obvious, the BJP’s bread and butter is anti-Pakistan propaganda, and their diehard following loves it up. In one of India’s now-common anti-Muslim protests, young ladies dressed in saffron were “holding placards asking Muslims to choose between “Pakistan or Qabristan” (Pakistan or the graveyard)”. Modi and his supporters also used Kashmir to incite nationalism during the elections. “We will take it [Kashmir] back,” declared Amit Shah, Modi’s right-hand man and BJP minister, during a 2024 election rally.

Pakistan’s hate extends beyond mere affectation. According to a recent revelation in The Guardian, India’s RAW has carried out 20 assassinations in Pakistan since 2020. Indian and Pakistani intelligence officers confirmed this for publishing. This also lends validity to Canada’s claims that India was behind the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Khalistan movement leader. According to commentators, this may appeal to the BJP’s diehard base because it validates the party’s tough attitude toward Pakistan.

Indian critics refer to today’s media as “Godi media.” I argued that the BJP’s “coercion and enticement” was responsible for the media’s inequity. According to Reporters Without Borders’ 2024 ranking, India’s media ranks 159th. It goes on to say that violence against journalists, monopolized media, and political allegiance imply that “press freedom is in crisis in ‘the world’s largest democracy”.

One reason why the Indian media is a puppet for the BJP’s desires is that many of the major media outlets are owned by a small group of prominent people. Mukesh Ambani, Modi’s billionaire supporter, “owns more than 70 media outlets that are followed by at least 800 million Indians.” Furthermore, in 2022, Gautam Adani, Asia’s richest person and another Modi confidante, purchased NDTV, one of India’s top media businesses, dealing a significant blow to independent journalism.

The Pulwama-Balakot incident perfectly exemplifies the appalling standards of today’s Indian media. Not only did the media declare that India should punish Pakistan (before any probe), but it also promoted misinformation (as evidenced by international media). Perhaps more embarrassing for the BJP-media nexus was the EU DisinfoLab investigation in 2019, which revealed how India was resurrecting dead NGOs, think institutions, and even persons to circulate content that largely undermined Pakistan. This network is run by the Srivastava Group and supplemented by ANI, one of India’s main news organizations. ANI distributes op-eds from bogus websites that it “quotes as credible reports from the European media”.

Although both countries have historically meddled in each other’s affairs, supported insurgencies on the other’s turf (from Kashmir to Khalistan), and fought numerous wars, India’s governmental and social hatred for Pakistan considerably outweighs the reverse. Modi’s India and its fixation with Pakistan are unlikely to fade even if the BJP loses power. Millions of Hindutva supporters have been radicalized to hate Pakistan as an ideological prerequisite. To cater to this constituency in India, the BJP war mongers seize any opportunity they can, since Modi understands that Pakistan hatred sells.

Source: Pakistan Observer
What is this Pakistan observer and does it also observe Pakistan or just India?
Now here is the question that sweep_shot and many others are doggedly refusing to answer :

Why are Muslims still not respecting Hindu beliefs in this day and age?

You first have to define what you mean by "respect". What exactly is your expectation? It is not clear.

Do you mean do I agree with Hinduism? Answer is a resounding no. If I agree with it, I can't be a Muslim as Islam is a monotheistic religion. Partnership with God is the biggest sin in Islam and it is called shirk.

Do I leave Hindus alone and mind my own business? Yeah. Definitely. As a matter of fact, I don't discuss religion with non-Muslims in real life.

In Al-Quran, Allah (SWT) said,

"Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly and fairly with those who have neither fought nor driven you out of your homes. Surely Allah loves those who are fair." (Al-Quran - 60:8)

I try to follow this verse to the best of my ability.
@uppercut wrote cows are like divine beings to Hindus.

Why is this cow in this state if it is very important? You mentioned it was common in India.

Simple truth is cow slaughter is nothing more than a rightwing talking point, a political cudgel used by bhakts to show muslims their place. So disingenuous.

PS. I love my beef pot roast.
You first have to define what you mean by "respect". What exactly is your expectation? It is not clear.

After multiple pages of discussion you are still asking this question is problematic... The question is about harming cows. Why are Muslims still not respecting that?

Do you mean do I agree with Hinduism? Answer is a resounding no. If I agree with it, I can't be a Muslim as Islam is a monotheistic religion. Partnership with God is the biggest sin in Islam and it is called shirk.

Bingo ... and that is the absolute root cause of all hindu-muslim communal conflicts.

Do I leave Hindus alone and mind my own business? Yeah. Definitely. As a matter of fact, I don't discuss religion with non-Muslims in real life.

Well killing cows doesn't amount to " leaving Hindus alone"
Well killing cows doesn't amount to " leaving Hindus alone"

Haha! What kind of logic is this?

In case you didn't know, I don't live in India. Indian law doesn't apply to me.

In west, Christians love beef too. Steak is very popular in west. Steak with mashed potato.
Simple truth is cow slaughter is nothing more than a rightwing talking point, a political cudgel used by bhakts to show muslims their place. So disingenuous.

PS. I love my beef pot roast.

I know @uppercut doesn't speak for whole of India. I believe many non-Muslim Indians love and eat beef (like you).
I know alcohol is haram in Islam, yet know quite a few Muslims from India and BD who love and drink Alcohol. Therefore this haram halal stuff is nothing more than an Islamic talking point, used by certain Muslims to show non Muslims their place and prove theirso called superiority. So disingenious.

Infact a few of them go to Jummah prayers and then to the pub.

Simple truth- if alcohol is haram, why do several Muslim imbibe the forbidden drink?
I know alcohol is haram in Islam, yet know quite a few Muslims from India and BD who love and drink Alcohol. Therefore this haram halal stuff is nothing more than an Islamic talking point, used by certain Muslims to show non Muslims their place and prove theirso called superiority. So disingenious.

Infact a few of them go to Jummah prayers and then to the pub.

Simple truth- if alcohol is haram, why do several Muslim imbibe the forbidden drink?
And Pakistan and from a few other Muslim countries.
After multiple pages of discussion you are still asking this question is problematic... The question is about harming cows. Why are Muslims still not respecting that?

It seems like (correct me if I am wrong) you want whole world to stop eating beef. That's not very practical.

Chinese people eat beef.
Muslims eat beef.
Christians eat beef.
Jews eat beef.

Beef is popular worldwide.
It seems like (correct me if I am wrong) you want whole world to stop eating beef. That's not very practical.

Nope that is your misunderstanding. I am only talking about India. So why are Muslims still killing cows in India with complete disregard to hindu beliefs?
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Haha! What kind of logic is this?

In case you didn't know, I don't live in India. Indian law doesn't apply to me.

In west, Christians love beef too. Steak is very popular in west. Steak with mashed potato.

Analytical skills do not seem to be your forte.. pages of discussion and still you do not get the point.

The topic was why slaughter of cows in India is a big issue and is a leading cause of conflict between Hindus and Muslims. Some tom d harry eating a steak in another country doesn't matter to Hindus living their day to day life in India. Also, in those countries, eating beef is legal. Indians going for work to those countries respect the law of that land which seems a pretty alien topic for ummah. There are some states in India which do not have a ban legislation but in more than 90% India states by population, it is banned. You don't expect to slaughter a cow in those states and not have any repercussion legally or otherwise.

I'm not talking about Antarctica, Canada or space station outside Indian states where this is banned. I still doubt you'd get it looking at your analytical skills so far but hey I tried
Analytical skills do not seem to be your forte.. pages of discussion and still you do not get the point.

The topic was why slaughter of cows in India is a big issue and is a leading cause of conflict between Hindus and Muslims. Some tom d harry eating a steak in another country doesn't matter to Hindus living their day to day life in India. Also, in those countries, eating beef is legal. Indians going for work to those countries respect the law of that land which seems a pretty alien topic for ummah. There are some states in India which do not have a ban legislation but in more than 90% India states by population, it is banned. You don't expect to slaughter a cow in those states and not have any repercussion legally or otherwise.

I'm not talking about Antarctica, Canada or space station outside Indian states where this is banned. I still doubt you'd get it looking at your analytical skills so far but hey I tried

You yourself displayed poor analytical skills. He didn't specify it was for India. I do not have the superpower to read anyone's mind.

He should've mentioned India. All these confusions could've been prevented.
You yourself displayed poor analytical skills. He didn't specify it was for India. I do not have the superpower to read anyone's mind.

He should've mentioned India. All these confusions could've been prevented.
Your posts 227, 229, 250, 258, 259 in this thread is about cow slaughter in India only.
Or you conveniently thought we are all discussing Antarctica eating habits now.
Your posts 227, 229, 250, 258, 259 in this thread is about cow slaughter in India only.
Or you conveniently thought we are all discussing Antarctica eating habits now.

We are not at post 227, 229, 250, 258, or 259.

Please read 363, 365, and 366.
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We are not at post 227, 229, 250, 258, or 259.

Please read 363, 365, and 366.
365 is uppercut's where he is on topic talking about the practice in India.

363,366 are by you where you talk about outside India all of a sudden now that you didn't have a good counter argument. Classic evasive/escapism 101.

I'm infact busy but if you want to prove you have superior analytical skills get the previous ten posts before 363 of yours and let's see the context of your remarks were about India or not, i.e., posts before you were outed.
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I do not agree with mob justice. These should be handled by authorities.
@uppercut wrote cows are like divine beings to Hindus.

Why is this cow in this state if it is very important? You mentioned it was common in India.
Do you support unlawful lynching from cow protectors?

Just checked. India is the 3rd biggest exporter of beef in the world. They supply around 12% of world's beef supplies.

Source: https://www.iowafarmbureau.com/Article/World-Beef-Trade#:~:text=Brazil is the world's largest,second largest exporter of beef.

So, not sure where @uppercut got the "non-negotiable" part from. If it is not allowed, why is India #3 as a beef exporter?
There are many non-Muslim Indians who eat beef too. No?

@RexRex is an Indian who loves beef and he is not a Muslim.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Where does it say it is non-negotiable? I believe India is a big exporter of beef.
My pleasure..
My pleasure..
You were pretty sure in the above posts that we are discussing cow slaughter in India. These were posted by YOU in the lead up to page 5 when things really became clear and there was no excuse to say for not following the law of the land.

Suddenly, you go incoherent and think this topic was about global beef eating habits in page 5. I get it.
My pleasure..

Glad you found pleasure.

You were pretty sure in the above posts that we are discussing cow slaughter in India. These were posted by YOU in the lead up to page 5 when things really became clear and there was no excuse to say for not following the law of the land.

Suddenly, you go incoherent and think this topic was about global beef eating habits in page 5. I get it.

You misunderstood the entire conversation like Suresh Raina used to misunderstand bouncer.
Glad you found pleasure.

You misunderstood the entire conversation like Suresh Raina used to misunderstand bouncer.
It's always a pleasure helping someone to get some knowledge.

Good Raina joke but doesn't apply here though 🤣
It's always a pleasure helping someone to get some knowledge.

Good Raina joke but doesn't apply here though 🤣
Raina the same chap who's got ODI WC and CT winners medals in his closet, more than any :shakib or 🇧🇩 ??

Damn rather be a Raina than a Shakib or Tamim or Mushfiq or Mashrafe
You yourself displayed poor analytical skills. He didn't specify it was for India. I do not have the superpower to read anyone's mind.

He should've mentioned India. All these confusions could've been prevented.

Genius the entire thread is about whats happening In India and you hurled all sorts of accusations at me while discussing about whats happening In India (and nowhereelse)

Stop evading the question and answer the auestion I asked in Post # 361. And just to be absolutely certain this is about cows being killed in india by muslims despite being aware that the cow is sacred for Hindus.
Analytical skills do not seem to be your forte.. pages of discussion and still you do not get the point.

The topic was why slaughter of cows in India is a big issue and is a leading cause of conflict between Hindus and Muslims. Some tom d harry eating a steak in another country doesn't matter to Hindus living their day to day life in India. Also, in those countries, eating beef is legal. Indians going for work to those countries respect the law of that land which seems a pretty alien topic for ummah. There are some states in India which do not have a ban legislation but in more than 90% India states by population, it is banned. You don't expect to slaughter a cow in those states and not have any repercussion legally or otherwise.

I'm not talking about Antarctica, Canada or space station outside Indian states where this is banned. I still doubt you'd get it looking at your analytical skills so far but hey I tried
Is cow slaughter banned in other Hindu countries?
Is cow slaughter banned in other Hindu countries?
There is no Hindu country in the world, Nepal used to be however is now communist I believe.

But assuming if it is Hindu. Cow slaughters banned there as well. Cows and bulls, not buffaloes.
Genius the entire thread is about whats happening In India and you hurled all sorts of accusations at me while discussing about whats happening In India (and nowhereelse)

Stop evading the question and answer the auestion I asked in Post # 361. And just to be absolutely certain this is about cows being killed in india by muslims despite being aware that the cow is sacred for Hindus.

All of your questions have been answered thoroughly.
Point me to the post number where you have answered that
Leave it mate. Its a cop out from him, no use "bang" ing your head against a wall.

Or wrestling in the mud with the proverbial animal, the creature will enjoy himself, whilst you will get all muddy...
363 I believe.
You were not clear about what I meant by respect to hindu beliefs and you went into a tangent and therefore no real direct answer .See post 365 and subsequent follow up posts.

Now since me and others have clarified in great detail respond to post #383 that leaves no room for ambiguity or so I think but you are quite capable of evading the question. We will find out.
You were not clear about what I meant by respect to hindu beliefs and you went into a tangent and therefore no real direct answer .See post 365 and subsequent follow up posts.

Now since me and others have clarified in great detail respond to post #383 that leaves no room for ambiguity or so I think but you are quite capable of evading the question. We will find out.

363 should answer your question. It is applicable for within India and outside of India.

If someone breaks a law, it is the authority's job to handle the situation. Mob violence is barbaric/medieval and has no place in 21st century.
363 should answer your question. It is applicable for within India and outside of India.

If someone breaks a law, it is the authority's job to handle the situation. Mob violence is barbaric/medieval and has no place in 21st century.
Thats not what I asked and you were not clear per your own words in that very post.

Here is the question again:

why are cows being killed in india by muslims despite being aware that the cow is sacred for Hindus? This suggests that they do not value Hindu religious sensitivities and are plain intolerant bigots and also going by your previous posts where you were calling me extremist evil for supporting ban on harming cows. Also you have posts on this thread supporting these Muslims

So stop dodging the question and provide straight answers that.
Good for you. Do you believe every Muslim who takes out a mortgage is not a true Muslim and is not allowed to defend the prophet if an atheist insults him?
Just for the record. Only if you associate partners with Allah, then you are not a muslim. Doing any other sin, makes you a bad muslim, but still a muslim.
You were not clear about what I meant by respect to hindu beliefs and you went into a tangent and therefore no real direct answer .See post 365 and subsequent follow up posts.

Now since me and others have clarified in great detail respond to post #383 that leaves no room for ambiguity or so I think but you are quite capable of evading the question. We will find out.

Thats not what I asked and you were not clear per your own words in that very post.

Here is the question again:

why are cows being killed in india by muslims despite being aware that the cow is sacred for Hindus? This suggests that they do not value Hindu religious sensitivities and are plain intolerant bigots and also going by your previous posts where you were calling me extremist evil for supporting ban on harming cows. Also you have posts on this thread supporting these Muslims

So stop dodging the question and provide straight answers that.
Cow is not “sacred” to all Hindus. It’s not even a sacred deity. I know Hindus who eat steak and beef. It’s considered a holy animal only by some. You need to stop lying.

Do Hindus complain about it when they live and work overseas as well?
Cow is not “sacred” to all Hindus. It’s not even a sacred deity. I know Hindus who eat steak and beef. It’s considered a holy animal only by some. You need to stop lying.

Do Hindus complain about it when they live and work overseas as well?

Those people are exceptions rather than the norm. I can categorically assure you that these people are in no way representative of real Hindu Beliefs whatsoever . It Is exactly like the whiskey drinking and pork eating muslims. Doesnt mean that those are no longer prohibited in your religion.
Cow is not “sacred” to all Hindus. It’s not even a sacred deity. I know Hindus who eat steak and beef. It’s considered a holy animal only by some. You need to stop lying.

Do Hindus complain about it when they live and work overseas as well?

I know Muslims who drink wine. Is it no more forbidden in Islam?

You need to stop making rules in other's religion as per your own opinion and convenience.
Thats not what I asked and you were not clear per your own words in that very post.

Here is the question again:

why are cows being killed in india by muslims despite being aware that the cow is sacred for Hindus? This suggests that they do not value Hindu religious sensitivities and are plain intolerant bigots and also going by your previous posts where you were calling me extremist evil for supporting ban on harming cows. Also you have posts on this thread supporting these Muslims

So stop dodging the question and provide straight answers that.

I didn't call you an "extremist evil". You have a problem with Muslims.
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Thats not what I asked and you were not clear per your own words in that very post.

Here is the question again:

why are cows being killed in india by muslims despite being aware that the cow is sacred for Hindus? This suggests that they do not value Hindu religious sensitivities and are plain intolerant bigots and also going by your previous posts where you were calling me extremist evil for supporting ban on harming cows. Also you have posts on this thread supporting these Muslims

So stop dodging the question and provide straight answers that.

Your question has been answered. If you don't get it or are not satisfied, I can't help you.
Once some one on PP told me, Hindus are not the people of the book, Hindus are idol worshippers hence hard to respect them from a Muslim point of view.
Once some one on PP told me, Hindus are not the people of the book, Hindus are idol worshippers hence hard to respect them from a Muslim point of view.

If you behave in a hostile manner, you are unlikely to get respect from all people. It doesn't matter whether you are a Hindu or a Muslim. Respect generally has nothing to do with religion.