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[VIDEOS] Why anti Muslim bias is so profound among Hindutva supporters?

Beef does not happen without killing a cow, which is NOT ALLOWED IN INDIA BECAUSE COWS ARE SACRED !!

What part of that statement do you not understand ?
When in a Majority Hindu country if people deliberately indulge in such despicable acts they are doing just that ... spitting in your face. The message is very clear: We don't give a crap about Hindu beliefs.
They don't do it deliberately to hurt Hindus and read it with my above comment. It's just too plain to understand.
They don't do it deliberately to hurt Hindus and read it with my above comment. It's just too plain to understand.

Nope. It is well known that cows are sacred. EVERY SINGLE Muslim knows this as there have been riots that happened because of that. Therefore when they indulge in these acts they are doing it very very deliberately.
Nope. It is well known that cows are sacred. EVERY SINGLE Muslim knows this as there have been riots that happened because of that. Therefore when they indulge in these acts they are doing it very very deliberately.
Now you are playing the role of judge and jury yourself here. First you used IF term and now passing sweeping judgements without any solid proof.
Now you are playing the role of judge and jury yourself here. First you used IF term and now passing sweeping judgements without any solid proof.

Don't try the semantics ... Are you saying that the vast majority of Muslims in India are completely unaware of what the Cow means to Hindus ?
This thread has same recycled stuff over and over thanks to @uppercut.

I think @uppercut has 2 objectives here --> 1) to rant about Muslims, and 2) to make Muslim posters agree with his rants.

He is not succeeding and losing all the debates. He is coming off as someone who is bitter and miserable.
Don't try the semantics ... Are you saying that the vast majority of Muslims in India are completely unaware of what the Cow means to Hindus ?
@uppercut, I have tried this umpteen times now but have reached this conclusion that you have preconceived notions against Muslims in your mind and no matter how any poster try to explain the Muslim narrative to you, you won't listen until he utters something or seconds your thoughts.

This thread is repleted with numerous stats and news that prove anti Muslim bias but you are bent on defending cow vigilantes lynching because according to you that is one of the biggest crime and make people animals. Anyway in such situation can't help. Infact, brother deadly venom's explanation was already enough and I regret now that I wasted my time in oversimplifying a no brainer.
This thread has same recycled stuff over and over thanks to @uppercut.

I think @uppercut has 2 objectives here --> 1) to rant about Muslims, and 2) to make Muslim posters agree with his rants.

He is not succeeding and losing all the debates. He is coming off as someone who is bitter and miserable.

Hindutva wouldn’t exist without Muslim, its entire foundation is rooted in Islamophobia.
@uppercut, I have tried this umpteen times now but have reached this conclusion that you have preconceived notions against Muslims in your mind and no matter how any poster try to explain the Muslim narrative to you, you won't listen until he utters something or seconds your thoughts.

Everything I have said about Muslim behavior is backed by facts... and further more the standard intolerance of Muslims is visible RIGHT HERE LIVE ON THIS THREAD where Muslim posters are making all sorts of disgraceful comments supporting the bigotry and intolerance despite me having explained in many many different ways how this is not acceptable.

You yourself are yet to unconditionally condemn those that indulge and support in such acts of religious intolerance. Instead you are horrified why there is a backlash against those that indulge in such acts!!. Which means that you do not see anything wrong at all and that my beliefs are inconsequential to you. This is the standard outcome of any discussion with most Muslims on this topic and why there can never be any meaningful peace with Muslims.​

This thread is repleted with numerous stats and news that prove anti Muslim bias but you are bent on defending cow vigilantes lynching because according to you that is one of the biggest crime and make people animals. Anyway in such situation can't help. Infact, brother deadly venom's explanation was already enough and I regret now that I wasted my time in oversimplifying a no brainer.

You even refuse to acknowledge that harming cows is unacceptable in India ... so you tried to simplify nothing at all.

So far on this forum @DeadlyVenom is the ONE AND ONLY ONE MUSLIM POSTER who acknowledges that Cows are really sacred for Hindus and that causing harm to them is one of the worst kind of blasphemy or defilement of Hindu religious beliefs that one can inflict. See post# 2703. He also was very candid in accepting that its a very difficult gap to bridge ( Between Muslims and Hindus on the topic of Cows )

( Another act of defiling is destroying some of the most Holy Shrines of Hinduism such as the Ram temple, Kashi Vishwanath and Mathura temples and guess what the Muslim stance is on that topic ... not surprisingly it is the EXACT same intolerance and it is also captured live on this very forum !!).

If you STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND those two simple non-negotiable concepts of what is important for Hindus, I will most certainly try again untill you get it. But don't expect me to change my stance and yield to standard Muslim religious intolerance ( and I will explain that stance too in multiple ways ... ask me if you are still not convinced)

Ohh yes there is most certainly anti-Muslim bias in India and one of the main reasons for that is this EXACT BEHAVIOR OF Muslims when it comes to cows and Temples. Visible right here right now in black-and-white.

Why are you even expecting any other outcome when in 2025 very well educated Muslims have such horrific mindset towards Hindu beliefs?.

So since you opened this thread and this topic is very important for me, I have taken a lot of time and patience to REALLY drive home that point, helped by the usual bigoted Muslims to really embellish and prove what I was saying which was actually very helpful !!

But the bolded part in the very first post of this thread is categorically wrong and the simple reason is those two acts ( Cows and Temples ) have always been there for a small matter of 1000 years ! It is extremely rare to find Muslims who will yield on those two topics ( Even the educated ones !). But I will explain why Hindus cannot yield on those two topics if you are not convinced yet.

This is your first 2 sentences from the OP:​
Muslims and Hindus have been living together for over a millennium in the sub continent. So principally their differences should have subsided over the years but ironically the situation has been worsening for quite some time especially in India​

So there ... now what is the solution to this ? The first step is to acknowledge that this is un-acceptable behavior from Muslims which again is a non-starter option for most Muslims due to their unique conditioning( to put it mildly ). Therefore the never-ending conflict with Muslims.​
This thread has same recycled stuff over and over thanks to @uppercut.

And thats because even in 2025 it is hard for Muslims to realize that there is no concept of religious tolerance at all for them. It always has been "my way or the highway"

I think @uppercut has 2 objectives here --> 1) to rant about Muslims, and 2) to make Muslim posters agree with his rants.

He is not succeeding and losing all the debates
. He is coming off as someone who is bitter and miserable.

As witnessed by the number of people running away tail between legs when I systematically chase them down ? Go ahead try again you have absolutely no leg to stand on this topic. You know that very well and thats why you have been reduced to the forum equivalent option of "throwing stones hiding behind mommy's pallu". Come back when you can muster some intestinal fortitude ... I can assure you I will be here.​

But there is a silver lining to your posts as well ... they brilliantly serve my purpose of shining light on how Muslims are inherently intolerant.

@cricketjoshila ( tagging you since you were wondering why I bother discussing with such people, yes I understand that this is like wading thru fresh sewage but hey someone has to do it !! )
And thats because even in 2025 it is hard for Muslims to realize that there is no concept of religious tolerance at all for them. It always has been "my way or the highway"

As witnessed by the number of people running away tail between legs when I systematically chase them down ? Go ahead try again you have absolutely no leg to stand on this topic. You know that very well and thats why you have been reduced to the forum equivalent option of "throwing stones hiding behind mommy's pallu". Come back when you can muster some intestinal fortitude ... I can assure you I will be here.​

But there is a silver lining to your posts as well ... they brilliantly serve my purpose of shining light on how Muslims are inherently intolerant.

@cricketjoshila ( tagging you since you were wondering why I bother discussing with such people, yes I understand that this is like wading thru fresh sewage but hey someone has to do it !! )

You’re making it way too obvious, like a Hindutva extremist on a loudspeaker. Take notes from the pro Hindutva, they keep their intentions on the down low, not waving them around like a giant neon sign that says, ‘Ask me about my extremist vibes’, the rest of the squad isn’t gonna love you spilling the tea on the whole subtle ‘Muslims are subhuman’ playbook. Keep it sneaky, or you’re gonna get kicked out of the secret villain club 😁.
You’re making it way too obvious, like a Hindutva extremist on a loudspeaker. Take notes from the pro Hindutva, they keep their intentions on the down low, not waving them around like a giant neon sign that says, ‘Ask me about my extremist vibes’, the rest of the squad isn’t gonna love you spilling the tea on the whole subtle ‘Muslims are subhuman’ playbook. Keep it sneaky, or you’re gonna get kicked out of the secret villain club.

I suppose side effects of me hanging around with too many Islamic extremists here on PP ? ;)
I suppose side effects of me hanging around with too many Islamic extremists here on PP ? ;)

Yeah, unlike you and those BJP politicians, not everyone’s out here treating humanity like it’s an all you can slaughter human buffet.

The only side effect is you accidentally showing the true face of Hindutva. Thanks for the unfiltered content.
Yeah, unlike you and those BJP politicians, not everyone’s out here treating humanity like it’s an all you can slaughter human buffet.

The only side effect is you accidentally showing the true face of Hindutva. Thanks for the unfiltered content.

No Thank You !!! for showing in spectacular fashion how Bigotry, Intolerance and extremism comes as a standard factory option for Muslims and even education cannot undo it. Therefore those that have to deal with it are left with no other option but to get down to the same gutter levels and deal with the animals in the only language that they readily recognize: BRUTE FORCE !. This is pretty much the crux of the problem.​

Just look at you ... even after 100s of posts from me explaining how cows are sacred there is NOT ONE SINGLE unconditional condemnation from you on the root cause of harming cows that brings about a cycle of violence ... instead you double down on your bigotry and pretty much spit on my religious beliefs.
No Thank You !!! for showing in spectacular fashion how Bigotry, Intolerance and extremism comes as a standard factory option for Muslims and even education cannot undo it. Therefore those that have to deal with it are left with no other option but to get down to the same gutter levels and deal with the animals in the only language that they readily recognize: BRUTE FORCE !. This is pretty much the crux of the problem.​

Just look at you ... even after 100s of posts from me explaining how cows are sacred there is NOT ONE SINGLE unconditional condemnation from you on the root cause of harming cows that brings about a cycle of violence ... instead you double down on your bigotry and pretty much spit on my religious beliefs.

36 pages, go through each and every comment of mine, do it slowly this time. 😁
He seems to have enough free time to do that.


Hindutva wants to crown themselves Kings of Morality while demanding the right to commit mass murder, and now we’re over here drafted 36 pages just to say, absolutely NOT.

Quite possibly one of the dumbest yet most terrifyingly eye opening threads on Hindutva.
Hindutva wants to crown themselves Kings of Morality while demanding the right to commit mass murder, and now we’re over here drafted 36 pages just to say, absolutely NOT.

Quite possibly one of the dumbest yet most terrifyingly eye opening threads on Hindutva.

Nope as always you never ever ever touch upon the original crime of Muslims trampling on Hindu beliefs. Any reason for that ? Go ahead lets see how you rationalize and normalize that (again !)
Usual suspects out there. There is a lot of cleanup that happened in 10-15 pages of this thread where these suspects said they can hate Hindus as much as they want and mocked Hindu beliefs. So then what's the suprise if Hindus show bias? Muslims believe their religion is the only religion and others' are not. No one outside their religion cares if this is what their religion teaches them. But their subsequent behaviour as of result of such beliefs including mocking, trampling of other religions' sensitivities, openly proclaiming to convert people is the reason why they are looked at with bias. Logic and reasoning is never their strength, education doesn't seem to help them so they are being taught at some places of the world with brute force I guess. Any other society would have realized that in a short time, that you get what you give - respect or mockery in equal measure. in a multi cultural society you can't call/judge others' beliefs stupid and not expect a reaction.

There is no dietary requirement of beef for you. So if what your religion professes is teaching others with respect and tolerance (doubt so looking at your arguments), in a multicultural society with Hindus in majority, you should be ready to give it up. some you can do in private and that's fine and some not - just read the room guys. Why the heck should other religions hear your azaan day in day out? Why do you need separate personal laws and not be governed by the same law that applies to other religions? Think of it In the same coin. If your beliefs need a separate law, so do Hindus'. I know devoid of logic n reasoning is your strength but still wanted to lend a shoulder to uppercut bro..
Usual suspects out there. There is a lot of cleanup that happened in 10-15 pages of this thread where these suspects said they can hate Hindus as much as they want and mocked Hindu beliefs. So then what's the suprise if Hindus show bias? Muslims believe their religion is the only religion and others' are not. No one outside their religion cares if this is what their religion teaches them. But their subsequent behaviour as of result of such beliefs including mocking, trampling of other religions' sensitivities, openly proclaiming to convert people is the reason why they are looked at with bias. Logic and reasoning is never their strength, education doesn't seem to help them so they are being taught at some places of the world with brute force I guess. Any other society would have realized that in a short time, that you get what you give - respect or mockery in equal measure. in a multi cultural society you can't call/judge others' beliefs stupid and not expect a reaction.

There is no dietary requirement of beef for you. So if what your religion professes is teaching others with respect and tolerance (doubt so looking at your arguments), in a multicultural society with Hindus in majority, you should be ready to give it up. some you can do in private and that's fine and some not - just read the room guys. Why the heck should other religions hear your azaan day in day out? Why do you need separate personal laws and not be governed by the same law that applies to other religions? Think of it In the same coin. If your beliefs need a separate law, so do Hindus'. I know devoid of logic n reasoning is your strength but still wanted to lend a shoulder to uppercut bro..
Is logic and reasoning a strength of Hindus?
Usual suspects out there. There is a lot of cleanup that happened in 10-15 pages of this thread where these suspects said they can hate Hindus as much as they want and mocked Hindu beliefs. So then what's the suprise if Hindus show bias? Muslims believe their religion is the only religion and others' are not. No one outside their religion cares if this is what their religion teaches them. But their subsequent behaviour as of result of such beliefs including mocking, trampling of other religions' sensitivities, openly proclaiming to convert people is the reason why they are looked at with bias. Logic and reasoning is never their strength, education doesn't seem to help them so they are being taught at some places of the world with brute force I guess. Any other society would have realized that in a short time, that you get what you give - respect or mockery in equal measure. in a multi cultural society you can't call/judge others' beliefs stupid and not expect a reaction.

There is no dietary requirement of beef for you. So if what your religion professes is teaching others with respect and tolerance (doubt so looking at your arguments), in a multicultural society with Hindus in majority, you should be ready to give it up. some you can do in private and that's fine and some not - just read the room guys. Why the heck should other religions hear your azaan day in day out? Why do you need separate personal laws and not be governed by the same law that applies to other religions? Think of it In the same coin. If your beliefs need a separate law, so do Hindus'. I know devoid of logic n reasoning is your strength but still wanted to lend a shoulder to uppercut bro..

This sounds unlikely, and since there is no way of proving it, you have started your whole argument on a false premise.
Is logic and reasoning a strength of Hindus?
There are no absolutes but, Hindus are manifold better than Muslims if you take an average candidate from both and compare. I think it is not for lack of cognitive power but because of conditioning. Reasoning leads to questioning the status quo which is a big no no for Muslims.

This thread can be our study. 100 Muslims must have participated and except you everyone else had not just difficulty to understand majority Hindus' feelings about cow slaughter but absolutely felt entitled to trash it saying things I like my steak, juicy etc., without any sensitivity. Isn't it difficult to understand? laws are not made as per one person's wishes. In some places, it's allowed and you can have it there - as I said, follow the law and read the room. If you don't atleast compromise on things important to other societies, why should they be too? Why should everyone be bothered with hearing azaan then? Why do Muslims need another personal law separately? I think this thread seems to be a ploy by Pakistani Muslims who don't have a skin in the game trying to make something out of nothing and push the narrative about Hindus and India. 17 crore Muslims and 120 crore Hindus are living in India today. Except a few stray incidents, there are hardly any religious disturbances these days. If Hindus were also as rigid as Muslims, this would not be the case. You can see the example of small Islamic countries where they are fighting within themselves for decades and are constant turmoil as both parties are made of the same chalk.
This sounds unlikely, and since there is no way of proving it, you have started your whole argument on a false premise.
Have a few screenshots. Read posts 400-500. Even the cleaned up stuff may be useful to find the discussion narrative.


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Have a few screenshots. Read posts 400-500. Even the cleaned up stuff may be useful to find the discussion narrative.

What is the problem you have there? I don't see anything particularly offensive and without reading up the whole thread, can't see the context either.
What is the problem you have there? I don't see anything particularly offensive and without reading up the whole thread, can't see the context either.
That is the reply I got when I asked
why Muslims treat other religion beliefs with contempt.

read the posts between 400-500
There are no absolutes but, Hindus are manifold better than Muslims if you take an average candidate from both and compare. I think it is not for lack of cognitive power but because of conditioning. Reasoning leads to questioning the status quo which is a big no no for Muslims.

This thread can be our study. 100 Muslims must have participated and except you everyone else had not just difficulty to understand majority Hindus' feelings about cow slaughter but absolutely felt entitled to trash it saying things I like my steak, juicy etc., without any sensitivity. Isn't it difficult to understand? laws are not made as per one person's wishes. In some places, it's allowed and you can have it there - as I said, follow the law and read the room. If you don't atleast compromise on things important to other societies, why should they be too? Why should everyone be bothered with hearing azaan then? Why do Muslims need another personal law separately? I think this thread seems to be a ploy by Pakistani Muslims who don't have a skin in the game trying to make something out of nothing and push the narrative about Hindus and India. 17 crore Muslims and 120 crore Hindus are living in India today. Except a few stray incidents, there are hardly any religious disturbances these days. If Hindus were also as rigid as Muslims, this would not be the case. You can see the example of small Islamic countries where they are fighting within themselves for decades and are constant turmoil as both parties are made of the same chalk.
I agree with much of what you have said, but the first two lines.

I don't think Hindus are much better. You are biased and perhaps see it that way.

If we are basing it on responses to a thread, how do you think we would fare if we post a topic sensitive to Muslims on forum where Hindus frequent. I can honestly say that I the language would be more colourful.

Many of your gripes seem to be with the law of India rather than Muslims themselves. I have studied this topic in detail, and my main takeaway is that Muslims were given these personal laws because the state law was seen as the Hindu laws (i.e. there was a perception that the govt is for Hindus, and here are some crumbs for you second class citizens to do as you please).

If you are pushing for Hindus to have their own common laws, or for the state to be fully irreligious then you have my support but in all honesty reading between the lines it just seems as more muslim bashing, Hindu Perfect, Muslim Evil type of thing.
That is the reply I got when I asked
why Muslims treat other religion beliefs with contempt.

read the posts between 400-500

That's one reply and I'm not going to read 100 posts again because you need affirmation of something. If you want to quote other replies I can assess them individually if you like.
I agree with much of what you have said, but the first two lines.

I don't think Hindus are much better. You are biased and perhaps see it that way.

If we are basing it on responses to a thread, how do you think we would fare if we post a topic sensitive to Muslims on forum where Hindus frequent. I can honestly say that I the language would be more colourful.

Many of your gripes seem to be with the law of India rather than Muslims themselves. I have studied this topic in detail, and my main takeaway is that Muslims were given these personal laws because the state law was seen as the Hindu laws (i.e. there was a perception that the govt is for Hindus, and here are some crumbs for you second class citizens to do as you please).

If you are pushing for Hindus to have their own common laws, or for the state to be fully irreligious then you have my support but in all honesty reading between the lines it just seems as more muslim bashing, Hindu Perfect, Muslim Evil type of thing.
I respect you having this view, brother. We need not agree on everything.

Second class citizens do not get lenient laws, they get tougher laws usually. So second class is not true. Infact, there had been a lot of appeasement for Muslims under the previous regime which is getting gradually undone now. I'm not bashing anyone, just suggesting the reasons for why some degree of bias exists even if it's overblown here and that Hindus have been accommodative more than required and why it isn't unreasonable to expect the same from indian muslims on some issues. As I said, India with 17 crore+120 crore and the number of incidents Vs small Islamic countries with hardly millions of population that are in constant turmoil should tell the picture.

For discourse, any thread can be opened with just rhetoric and anecdotal evidences and this seems one such thread with sole motive of according prejudice to Hindus but not going in depth about why the bias may exist. Also, in current day and age, the evidence, numbers and frequency matters. In India's case,All the stray incidents both in percentage or absolute terms may not even in top 10 atrocities committed against Muslims (just because of their religion). Incidentally, many Islamic countries are worse off than India here. So, maybe time for op to realise that Muslims should develop tolerance towards their fellow Muslims first and then others for peace. Case closed.
That's one reply and I'm not going to read 100 posts again because you need affirmation of something. If you want to quote other replies I can assess them individually if you like.
I don't need your assessment and I didn't say I need your affirmation for anything. You interjected in a conversation expressing doubt but aren't willing to put some hard yards to go and research when I suggested where you can find some context. I can guess your next post too, you will come and say I read all those posts and didn't find anything weird. That's the problem 😂
That's one reply and I'm not going to read 100 posts again because you need affirmation of something. If you want to quote other replies I can assess them individually if you like.

They are so entitled. It is mindboggling really.

Some of them behave like daddy's little princess. :yk
I don't need your assessment and I didn't say I need your affirmation for anything. You interjected in a conversation expressing doubt but aren't willing to put some hard yards to go and research when I suggested where you can find some context. I can guess your next post too, you will come and say I read all those posts and didn't find anything weird. That's the problem 😂

It's not the problem. It's your problem.
One opened this thread and all other princesses chimed in complaining about bias. Tells who's complaining about behaviour meted out to them. Just get in front of a mirror and you will find the problem 😂 Joke of a behaviour.
There are no absolutes but, Hindus are manifold better than Muslims if you take an average candidate from both and compare. I think it is not for lack of cognitive power but because of conditioning. Reasoning leads to questioning the status quo which is a big no no for Muslims.

This thread can be our study. 100 Muslims must have participated and except you everyone else had not just difficulty to understand majority Hindus' feelings about cow slaughter but absolutely felt entitled to trash it saying things I like my steak, juicy etc., without any sensitivity. Isn't it difficult to understand? laws are not made as per one person's wishes. In some places, it's allowed and you can have it there - as I said, follow the law and read the room. If you don't atleast compromise on things important to other societies, why should they be too? Why should everyone be bothered with hearing azaan then? Why do Muslims need another personal law separately? I think this thread seems to be a ploy by Pakistani Muslims who don't have a skin in the game trying to make something out of nothing and push the narrative about Hindus and India. 17 crore Muslims and 120 crore Hindus are living in India today. Except a few stray incidents, there are hardly any religious disturbances these days. If Hindus were also as rigid as Muslims, this would not be the case. You can see the example of small Islamic countries where they are fighting within themselves for decades and are constant turmoil as both parties are made of the same chalk.

Explain how is suggesting to reserve the right to slaughter thousands of humans over a belief makes Hindutva better?

I don't think Hitler was awarded Noble peece prize for holocaust for killing Jews due to his beliefs.
Explain how is suggesting to reserve the right to slaughter thousands of humans over a belief makes Hindutva better?

I don't think Hitler was awarded Noble peece prize for holocaust for killing Jews due to his beliefs.

Start from how YOU and Most mulsims right here want to exercise the right to perpetually spit on Hindu beliefs and expect nothing but compliance. Lets see if you can answer that question which I have asked only a few dozen times.
Aaand the name calling commences. Didn't take long for this one to show his/her true colours. (Orange).

They are #1 in namecalling, whataboutism, and running scam call centers.

I look forward to the day when they become capable of discussing without namecalling and whataboutism.

Start from how YOU and Most mulsims right here want to exercise the right to perpetually spit on Hindu beliefs and expect nothing but compliance. Lets see if you can answer that question which I have asked only a few dozen times.

Now it’s ‘Most.’ You’re getting there. I hope you stay longer and come to realize that slaughtering thousands over your beliefs is not acceptable, and that imaginary borders don’t justify committing mass murder in the name of those beliefs.

As for your question, have you read every single one of my comments? Take your time and read them slowly.
I agree with much of what you have said, but the first two lines.

I don't think Hindus are much better. You are biased and perhaps see it that way.

If we are basing it on responses to a thread, how do you think we would fare if we post a topic sensitive to Muslims on forum where Hindus frequent. I can honestly say that I the language would be more colourful.

This is easy to address just from things that are common knowledge ... I will list few prominent facts:

1. Hindu population in Pakistan vs Muslim population count in India ( In india it has multiplied atleast 5 times whereas in Pakistan + BD + Kashmir it is now in single digits )
2. It is rare to find Hindus indulge in Quran burning or drawing the prophet whereas Muslims still indulge in harming cows routinely. We all know what happens in Pakistan if any non-muslim is even suspected of sacrilegious acts
3. Muslim representation in prominent sectors like Film, sports , Industry etc. The popularity of Bollywood muslim superstars EVEN today is a very representative example of the exact opposite of what you are saying ( 2nd class marginalized citizens )
4. High profile unprovoked mass atrocities - Godhra, Kashmir Pandit exodus, numerous terror activities with 100s of casulaties just in this century alone.

Many of your gripes seem to be with the law of India rather than Muslims themselves. I have studied this topic in detail, and my main takeaway is that Muslims were given these personal laws because the state law was seen as the Hindu laws (i.e. there was a perception that the govt is for Hindus, and here are some crumbs for you second class citizens to do as you please).

Absolutely not .... the holy Hindu shrines are still occupied by Muslims, cows are still being harmed and all kinds of other lesser forms of intolerance seen on a regular basis. These are all real acts of blatant extremism conducted in broad daylight by Muslims.

Here is todays example:


Muslim Extremism ( Can this even happen in Pakistan where Hindus are doing such horrific acts on Muslims ? )
more details with police report

If you are pushing for Hindus to have their own common laws, or for the state to be fully irreligious then you have my support but in all honesty reading between the lines it just seems as more muslim bashing, Hindu Perfect, Muslim Evil type of thing

Bashing does not happen and is not so widespread across all social media for no reason. Just look at the above facts and do some simple logical deduction. It clearly points to a rogue intolerant community than a subjugated 2nd class citizenry.
1. Your birth rate is your issue. If Hindus are unwilling or unable to have kids then it's not an issue for Muslims.
2. There is no equivalence between beef eating and cartoons. Muslims are not trying to harm Hindu sentiments by eating beef. It is part of their culture and identity. While it is holy to you it is a fringe belief in the rest of the world. Equivalence would be Muslims drawing cartoon of Lord Ram or going out of their routine to harm Hindus. From a Muslim perspective Hindus associating multiple partners with one God is the ultimate criminal act....but they mostly let you guys do what you like.
3. I didn't use the word marginalised. I used the word second class. I'm not sure what the Bollywood example shows. I don't watch it or know enough about it but those MUslims do puja to your gods and have Hindu families. It doesn't show much.

4. When you have a bias you will see everything against your side as unprovoked and everything you do as a reaction to provocation

If true the article you presented is a shame...but what makes the criminal an Islamist. Surely then when some posters call any act by a Hindu as Hindutva you shouldn't throw your toys out the pram.

Please think reasonably and try to step out of your bubble. Do only Muslims commit crimes in India?
1. Your birth rate is your issue. If Hindus are unwilling or unable to have kids then it's not an issue for Muslims.
2. There is no equivalence between beef eating and cartoons. Muslims are not trying to harm Hindu sentiments by eating beef. It is part of their culture and identity. While it is holy to you it is a fringe belief in the rest of the world. Equivalence would be Muslims drawing cartoon of Lord Ram or going out of their routine to harm Hindus. From a Muslim perspective Hindus associating multiple partners with one God is the ultimate criminal act....but they mostly let you guys do what you like.
3. I didn't use the word marginalised. I used the word second class. I'm not sure what the Bollywood example shows. I don't watch it or know enough about it but those MUslims do puja to your gods and have Hindu families. It doesn't show much.

4. When you have a bias you will see everything against your side as unprovoked and everything you do as a reaction to provocation

1. Its not just birth rates that drive up population .... there is the small matter of mass murders and evictions like what happened in 1971 and 1990. Also if Hindus were so intolerant they would have driven out Muslims or made their life so miserable that they would find it difficult to survive and flourish.

2. Yes they are ... every single muslim in India knows that cows are sacred yet it never stops them from indulging. This is deliberate. The reverse is not true as it is very rare for Hindus to burn a Quran or indulge any kind of blatant acts that hurt religious sentiments of Muslims. They are diffrent types of religious intolerance but the bottomline is to deliberately hurt sentiments of the other religious community.

3. not all of them have Hindu wives or do Puja. One of them Infact named his kid after a medieval Muslim war monger who would make Hitler look like a saint.

4. lets see the facts then. 59 Hindu pilgrims were burnt alive in broad daylight by Muslim mobs. Do you dispute that? Do you dispute how the entire Kashmir region has been completely cleansed of Hindus who were the original inhabitants of that region ?

If true the article you presented is a shame...but what makes the criminal an Islamist. Surely then when some posters call any act by a Hindu as Hindutva you shouldn't throw your toys out the pram.

Beheading is the classic Islamic extremist method .... also read the background of that crime.

Please think reasonably and try to step out of your bubble. Do only Muslims commit crimes in India?

I never said or implied that. But the point is if Hindus were just as bad as Muslims ( which was your post that I responded to ) this sort of crime cannot even happen( In fact worse crimes have been committed !). Imagine Hindus burning alive dozens of Muslims in Pakistan !!

Again think if such heinous crimes are even thinkable in Pakistan. The Hindu community would be toast the next day if that happened.

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Everything I have said about Muslim behavior is backed by facts... and further more the standard intolerance of Muslims is visible RIGHT HERE LIVE ON THIS THREAD where Muslim posters are making all sorts of disgraceful comments supporting the bigotry and intolerance despite me having explained in many many different ways how this is not acceptable.

So there ... now what is the solution to this ? The first step is to acknowledge that this is un-acceptable behavior from Muslims which again is a non-starter option for most Muslims due to their unique conditioning( to put it mildly ). Therefore the never-ending conflict with Muslims.​
All mods here have deleted plenty of your remarks like calling Muslims animal and other derogatory remarks against other posters so how can you claim saint now?

Secondly, Muslims know what you have been preaching and that is why majority of them in India can't consume beef. Enough said if I am wrong then reproduce here the statistics that suggest Majority violating the beef ban law simple
All mods here have deleted plenty of your remarks like calling Muslims animal and other derogatory remarks against other posters so how can you claim saint now?

Secondly, Muslims know what you have been preaching and that is why majority of them in India can't consume beef. Enough said if I am wrong then reproduce here the statistics that suggest Majority violating the beef ban law simple

Been called every name imaginable simply for asking, ‘How can you justify supporting mass murder over your religious beliefs?’

So far, haven’t come across a single Hindutva supporter who isn’t a bigot. What’s ironic is that every Hindutva supporter I’ve encountered accuses all Muslims of being bigots so confidently that it makes you wonder if their hatred for Muslims will ever end.
Been called every name imaginable simply for asking, ‘How can you justify supporting mass murder over your religious beliefs?’

Thats simply because the religious beliefs of Hindus have been trampled over for CENTURIES and continue to this day( for evidence go look at your own disgraceful posts on this very thread).

So according to YOU what is the root cause and the solution for the cow vigilante violence ? ( Pretty sure you will never touch that ).

And spare me your virtue signalling. The point is if you want to take the moral high ground on religious tolerance then first make sure that your co-religionsts have a track record to back that up. As a Muslim you have very little on that count.​

So far, haven’t come across a single Hindutva supporter who isn’t a bigot.

thats because for the supporters of thieves the cops will always appear to be evil. So in India that would be those who think killing cows is just business as usual.

What’s ironic is that every Hindutva supporter I’ve encountered accuses all Muslims of being bigots so confidently that it makes you wonder if their hatred for Muslims will ever end.

correction ... Most muslims .... and I will actually give you LIVE Examples using your own mindset and approach to religious tolerance. Go ahead pick any topic that is dear to you. So far we have discussed Cows, Palestine and maybe one or two other. Considering that you equate Hamas with MKG and Mandela I'am pretty sure I will school you even when punch drunk. Go ahead take a pick and bump any thread that you would like to discuss to your hearts content. Rest assured I will give you blunt and straight forward responses​
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correction ... Most muslims .... and I will actually give you LIVE Examples using your own mindset and approach to religious tolerance. Go ahead pick any topic that is dear to you. So far we have discussed Cows, Palestine and maybe one or two other. Considering that you equate Hamas with MKG and Mandela I'am pretty sure I will school you even when punch drunk. Go ahead take a pick and bump any thread that you would like to discuss to your hearts content. Rest assured I will give you blunt and straight forward responses

No you won't. You can throw about empty brags but when asked why if you think people who consume beef are worse than animals, why did you move to the land of the beefburger, you pick your dhoti up and run. You still haven't answered this by the way and I won't hold my breath.
No you won't. You can throw about empty brags but when asked why if you think people who consume beef are worse than animals, why did you move to the land of the beefburger, you pick your dhoti up and run. You still haven't answered this by the way and I won't hold my breath.

I have ... here it is again in different words ... it is for the same reasons why hardcore Palestine supporters are living in the Western countries that literally bank roll and arm Israel using their tax dollars. Atleast in my case my tax dollars are not going towards harming cows.

Secondly the topic as stated in the OP is about what happens in India, so my personal choices should be none your concerns.

Thats simply because the religious beliefs of Hindus have been trampled over for CENTURIES and continue to this day( for evidence go look at your own disgraceful posts on this very thread).

So according to YOU what is the root cause and the solution for the cow vigilante violence ? ( Pretty sure you will never touch that ).

And spare me your virtue signalling. The point is if you want to take the moral high ground on religious tolerance then first make sure that your co-religionsts have a track record to back that up. As a Muslim you have very little on that count.​

thats because for the supporters of thieves the cops will always appear to be evil. So in India that would be those who think killing cows is just business as usual.

correction ... Most muslims .... and I will actually give you LIVE Examples using your own mindset and approach to religious tolerance. Go ahead pick any topic that is dear to you. So far we have discussed Cows, Palestine and maybe one or two other. Considering that you equate Hamas with MKG and Mandela I'am pretty sure I will school you even when punch drunk. Go ahead take a pick and bump any thread that you would like to discuss to your hearts content. Rest assured I will give you blunt and straight forward responses​

You want to slaughter humans over your beliefs, you have made it quite clear and Vikram approved that message.

Read this slowly: "I’m educated and important, I need to support mass murder because my beliefs are better than everyone else’s."

Please stop writing lengthy essays trying to justify or seek approval for committing mass murder over your beliefs. No rational, unbiased, and unbrainwashed person would ever support that.

You create a scenario and then pose a question designed to justify and validate the idea that mass murder is acceptable if someone hurts your religious sentiments. Shhh, do not tell anyone, It is not okay! :)
Tbh @CricketCartoons do make a survey here even besides a few indians no one of the rest even Indians will second your zeal for cow protection at expense of million individuals
You want to slaughter humans over your beliefs, you have made it quite clear and Vikram approved that message.

Read this slowly: "I’m educated and important, I need to support mass murder because my beliefs are better than everyone else’s."

Please stop writing lengthy essays trying to justify or seek approval for committing mass murder over your beliefs. No rational, unbiased, and unbrainwashed person would ever support that.

You create a scenario and then pose a question designed to justify and validate the idea that mass murder is acceptable if someone hurts your religious sentiments. Shhh, do not tell anyone, It is not okay! :)
I have ... here it is again in different words ... it is for the same reasons why hardcore Palestine supporters are living in the Western countries that literally bank roll and arm Israel using their tax dollars. Atleast in my case my tax dollars are not going towards harming cows.

Secondly the topic as stated in the OP is about what happens in India, so my personal choices should be none your concerns.

So, your tax dollars aren’t harming cows, and you’re fine with cows being slaughtered for consumption where you live. Yet, you want to justify mass murder if someone in India, where you don’t even live, might have a beef burger.

Your entire belief system is designed to deceive your own beliefs.

Bigotry and violence in the name of beliefs really do make one look foolish.
You create a scenario and then pose a question designed to justify and validate the idea that mass murder is acceptable if someone hurts your religious sentiments. Shhh, do not tell anyone, It is not okay! :)

What do you mean I created a scenario? Whatever I have said is factually correct and you know it very well which is why you doggedly never answer the simple question of "why are Muslims still deliberately killing cows in India despite Many centuries of violent backlash ?"

Go ahead answer that simple question if you think you are soo sure that you are on the correct side of this debate.

If anything it is clear From your past posts that you wholeheartedly endorse these acts of blatant bigotry against Hindus and actually expect no adverse consequences. This can only make sense if your moral compass Is wired backwards.

Muslim heritage threatened as Modi-led India embraces Hindutva agenda​

Since Narendra Modi's rise to power in 2014, India’s socio-political landscape has increasingly reflected the ideological influence of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

Key policies such as the abrogation of Article 370, the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), and the Ram Janmabhoomi project have been hailed by supporters as milestones but criticised by rights groups for marginalising Muslim communities.

A recent report by The Wire highlighted systematic demolitions of Muslim homes as collective punishment, rebranding Muslim-majority areas with derogatory names like "Mini Pakistan," and economic disenfranchisement through boycotts and harassment of Muslim businesses.

Urban development has also become a focal point for Hindutva policies.

Efforts to rename streets and cities with Islamic origins, such as changing Allahabad to Prayagraj, are described as attempts to erase Muslim heritage.

The demolition of historic mosques and shrines under the guise of urban planning or security concerns further exemplifies this trend, the report says.

These measures are seen as steps towards transforming cities into uniform "Hindutva spaces."

The Wire notes that occupations traditionally associated with Muslims, such as the leather and meat industries, are being targeted with restrictive laws and communal boycotts.

Street vendors and small businesses have also faced increasing harassment.

Critics argue these policies represent a calculated marginalisation of India’s Muslim minority, raising fears of systematic erasure of identity and culture.

"This trajectory risks heading towards an apartheid-like reality," the report warns, calling for international intervention.

Modi accuses Pakistan of using 'terrorism, proxy war' for relevance

Last year, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated that Pakistan is trying to stay relevant through "terrorism" and "proxy war" but its "unholy plans" will never succeed.

The nuclear-armed South Asian neighbours share an uneasy relationship and India has, for decades, accused Pakistan of backing Islamist militants fighting its rule in Kashmir, the Himalayan region both claim in full but rule only in part.

Pakistan denied the accusations, saying it only provides diplomatic and moral support to Kashmiris seeking self-determination in the Muslim-majority region.

Modi's comments came at an event to mark the 25th anniversary of India's short military conflict with Pakistan in the Himalayan region of Kargil. The arch rivals have also fought three wars, two of them over Kashmir.

They also come in the aftermath of a spate of militant attacks in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) region, with almost a dozen Indian soldiers killed this year.

Modi said Pakistan was humiliated whenever it tried to further its plans but had "not learned anything from its history".

"I want to tell these patrons of terrorism that their unholy plans will never be successful...Our brave (forces) will squash terrorism, the enemy will be given a befitting reply," he said.


Any Indian poster who has the audacity to defend this madness? Pathetic​


As part of anti-Muslim Drive across India, 525 properties razed in Gujarat’s Bet Dwarka alone​

As part of the ongoing anti-Muslim drive across India, authorities in Gujarat’s Bet Dwarka town have demolished 525 properties, belonged to Muslims, a fact-finding report has revealed.

According to the report released by the Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR), most of the razed homes belonged to Muslim fishermen. The report also documented instances where mobs celebrated the destruction of Muslim religious sites, raising slogans as dargahs were bulldozed.

Shockingly, 52 of the demolished houses were built under the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojna, a government housing scheme. Despite residents showing officials their legal documents, authorities ignored them and even tore up the papers.

A fact-finding team, including representatives from APCR, the People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), and social activists, visited the affected area on January 18. Residents reported that their homes were demolished within just two days of receiving notices, leaving them with no time to save their belongings. Some structures were razed only a day after notices were issued.

A displaced woman lamented, “We have lived here for over 30 years, yet the government demolished our home without any rehabilitation. Now we are homeless, forced to survive in makeshift tents with no support except from local well-wishers.”

Another elderly resident, who had been paying taxes and electricity bills for decades, condemned the state’s actions. “If we were on government land, why were we allowed to live here for 50 years? The government has destroyed our homes without providing an alternative, leaving our children homeless.”

The demolitions have also severely impacted education, with nearly 400 children losing their homes and access to schooling. Residents already struggling with water shortages before the demolitions have now been completely cut off from potable water.

The APCR report suggests that the demolitions were carried out to make way for a corridor and a tourist complex, including an expanded road to a temple. It accused the government of pushing a divisive agenda, stating, “Instead of upholding constitutional rights, the state is acting as a protector of majoritarian culture while fostering hatred and separatism against Muslims. This demolition drive is a direct assault on India’s secular fabric and syncretic traditions.”


Any Indian poster who has the audacity to defend this madness? Pathetic​


As part of anti-Muslim Drive across India, 525 properties razed in Gujarat’s Bet Dwarka alone​

As part of the ongoing anti-Muslim drive across India, authorities in Gujarat’s Bet Dwarka town have demolished 525 properties, belonged to Muslims, a fact-finding report has revealed.

According to the report released by the Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR), most of the razed homes belonged to Muslim fishermen. The report also documented instances where mobs celebrated the destruction of Muslim religious sites, raising slogans as dargahs were bulldozed.

Shockingly, 52 of the demolished houses were built under the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojna, a government housing scheme. Despite residents showing officials their legal documents, authorities ignored them and even tore up the papers.

A fact-finding team, including representatives from APCR, the People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), and social activists, visited the affected area on January 18. Residents reported that their homes were demolished within just two days of receiving notices, leaving them with no time to save their belongings. Some structures were razed only a day after notices were issued.

A displaced woman lamented, “We have lived here for over 30 years, yet the government demolished our home without any rehabilitation. Now we are homeless, forced to survive in makeshift tents with no support except from local well-wishers.”

Another elderly resident, who had been paying taxes and electricity bills for decades, condemned the state’s actions. “If we were on government land, why were we allowed to live here for 50 years? The government has destroyed our homes without providing an alternative, leaving our children homeless.”

The demolitions have also severely impacted education, with nearly 400 children losing their homes and access to schooling. Residents already struggling with water shortages before the demolitions have now been completely cut off from potable water.

The APCR report suggests that the demolitions were carried out to make way for a corridor and a tourist complex, including an expanded road to a temple. It accused the government of pushing a divisive agenda, stating, “Instead of upholding constitutional rights, the state is acting as a protector of majoritarian culture while fostering hatred and separatism against Muslims. This demolition drive is a direct assault on India’s secular fabric and syncretic traditions.”

I don't expect BJP posters to condemn these monsters.

BJP people generally lack in morality and decency.
These same BJP clowns would demand us to condemn if something bad happens in Pakistan, BD, or any Muslim country.

But, they themselves don't condemn when their countrymen do bad things.

@The Bald Eagle, do you agree?
Yep unfortunately, some would just try to run their agenda and when would be asked to condemn some obnoxious acts then they will certainly disappear until they find some dusts to blame Muslims for such acts.

Any Indian poster who has the audacity to defend this madness? Pathetic​


As part of anti-Muslim Drive across India, 525 properties razed in Gujarat’s Bet Dwarka alone​

As part of the ongoing anti-Muslim drive across India, authorities in Gujarat’s Bet Dwarka town have demolished 525 properties, belonged to Muslims, a fact-finding report has revealed.

According to the report released by the Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR), most of the razed homes belonged to Muslim fishermen. The report also documented instances where mobs celebrated the destruction of Muslim religious sites, raising slogans as dargahs were bulldozed.

Shockingly, 52 of the demolished houses were built under the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojna, a government housing scheme. Despite residents showing officials their legal documents, authorities ignored them and even tore up the papers.

A fact-finding team, including representatives from APCR, the People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), and social activists, visited the affected area on January 18. Residents reported that their homes were demolished within just two days of receiving notices, leaving them with no time to save their belongings. Some structures were razed only a day after notices were issued.

A displaced woman lamented, “We have lived here for over 30 years, yet the government demolished our home without any rehabilitation. Now we are homeless, forced to survive in makeshift tents with no support except from local well-wishers.”

Another elderly resident, who had been paying taxes and electricity bills for decades, condemned the state’s actions. “If we were on government land, why were we allowed to live here for 50 years? The government has destroyed our homes without providing an alternative, leaving our children homeless.”

The demolitions have also severely impacted education, with nearly 400 children losing their homes and access to schooling. Residents already struggling with water shortages before the demolitions have now been completely cut off from potable water.

The APCR report suggests that the demolitions were carried out to make way for a corridor and a tourist complex, including an expanded road to a temple. It accused the government of pushing a divisive agenda, stating, “Instead of upholding constitutional rights, the state is acting as a protector of majoritarian culture while fostering hatred and separatism against Muslims. This demolition drive is a direct assault on India’s secular fabric and syncretic traditions.”

None of them have condemned it, because even if they won't say it openly, most probably agree with ethnic cleansing of Muslims. They agreed with it Myanmar, they agreed with it in Palestine, and they obviously agree with it in India if they have elected a leader who first came to notice on the back of it.
Actually I have an idea. Whether there are muslim bias in India can't be answered by Indian Hindus or Pakistani muslims. Our perspective will always vary and it will be a never ending debate. I think the only people able to answer this question are Indian muslims themselves.

So I tag Indian muslims to come to this thread and let us know if you all get unfair treatment in India. Are you a Darra Hua Mussalman. Be honest though, else it will beat the purpose of this brilliant thread.

@Bhaag Viru Bhaag @kaayal @andy0204 @sam_ahm

Anyone else I missed?

@The Bald Eagle @DeadlyVenom - brothers you guys agree its a good idea?
Lol.. Not at all. I don't think such a question should even arise. It's a shame that we are even asking such things.

I and my family and my muslim friends that I know, all of us are super comfortable in India alhamdulillah, it's our country, what is there to be scared of man? 😂 I've lived in various cities and never found any problem anywhere tbh. In fact most of my close friends are hindus and we have a great bonding.

I've lived in Sweden earlier and the most loving sight you get in a foreign country is to have your countrymen around doesn't matter what religion they belong to. I went to Saudi Arabia and could see incredible respect for Indians there.

It's just that there are some people in every community that are bad and they spread hatred, yeah I understand that, but it's always good to stay away from hatemongers...that's my view.
Lol.. Not at all. I don't think such a question should even arise. It's a shame that we are even asking such things.

I and my family and my muslim friends that I know, all of us are super comfortable in India alhamdulillah, it's our country, what is there to be scared of man? 😂 I've lived in various cities and never found any problem anywhere tbh. In fact most of my close friends are hindus and we have a great bonding.

I've lived in Sweden earlier and the most loving sight you get in a foreign country is to have your countrymen around doesn't matter what religion they belong to. I went to Saudi Arabia and could see incredible respect for Indians there.

It's just that there are some people in every community that are bad and they spread hatred, yeah I understand that, but it's always good to stay away from hatemongers...that's my view.
Read this @The Bald Eagle and hopefully you will learn something. This is what a Indian muslim have to say about present day India.

No wonder other so called Dara Hua Mussallman's of India in this forum were not willing to take a stand even after I tagged them because that would have busted the bubble.

Good on brother Sam to clarify things.

Like any other country, India has law and order issues. However muslims in India are not treated any differently or there is no bias.

@uppercut FYI
None of them have condemned it, because even if they won't say it openly, most probably agree with ethnic cleansing of Muslims. They agreed with it Myanmar, they agreed with it in Palestine, and they obviously agree with it in India if they have elected a leader who first came to notice on the back of it.

They don't condemn their own people but expect others to condemn theirs.

Very entitled.
Read this @The Bald Eagle and hopefully you will learn something. This is what a Indian muslim have to say about present day India.

No wonder other so called Dara Hua Mussallman's of India in this forum were not willing to take a stand even after I tagged them because that would have busted the bubble.

Good on brother Sam to clarify things.

Like any other country, India has law and order issues. However muslims in India are not treated any differently or there is no bias.

@uppercut FYI
@Rajdeep nice try, all of sudden you have faith in Indian Muslims again, hopefully you won't retract from this statement if some other Indian Muslim comes to fore with something you doesn't like. Anyway, I want lash out on brother Sam and would respect his thoughts
@Rajdeep nice try, all of sudden you have faith in Indian Muslims again, hopefully you won't retract from this statement if some other Indian Muslim comes to fore with something you doesn't like. Anyway, I want lash out on brother Sam and would respect his thoughts
This thread is about anti Muslim bias in India based on Pakistani opinion. A respected Indian muslim coming to this thread and clearly saying there aren't any. So there's that. Admit it pls that this thread has backfired massively. This thread was going on and on for and on for 30+ pages but after I started this trick of tagging Indian Muslims directly and taking opinion from them, it had died down within minutes. Only peripheral responses here and there. That is why propaganda can only work so far..LOL
This thread is about anti Muslim bias in India based on Pakistani opinion. A respected Indian muslim coming to this thread and clearly saying there aren't any. So there's that. Admit it pls that this thread has backfired massively. This thread was going on and on and on but after I started this trick of tagging Indian Muslims and taking opinion from them directly, it had died down within minutes. Only peripheral responses here and there. That is why propaganda can only work so far..LOL
*Among Hindutva supporters.

Lol...how many Indians Muslims have you tagged, may be I have skipped some of your valuable comments. Could you plz mention that post
*Among Hindutva supporters.

Lol...how many Indians Muslims have you tagged, may be I have skipped some of your valuable comments. Could you plz mention that post
What among Hindutva supporters? If the bias exists towards muslims among Hindudtva supporters or anyone, let Indian muslims confirm that. That is all I am asking. Not sure why as an outsider you are jumping the gun?

They may not like the ruling party but every Indian muslims (expect Kashmiris) will tell you that there are no bias and they enjoy every single right in India like brother Sam did. Infact, Indian muslims enjoy more right in India that they will enjoy in Islamic nations like Pakistan or middle east.

What among Hindutva supporters? If the bias exists towards muslims among Hindudtva supporters or anyone, let Indian muslims confirm that. That is all I am asking. Not sure why as an outsider you are jumping the gun?

They may not like the ruling party but every Indian muslims (expect Kashmiris) will tell you that there are no bias and they enjoy every single right in India like brother Sam did. Infact, Indian muslims enjoy more right in India that they will enjoy in Islamic nations like Pakistan or middle east.

@Rajdeep you totally ignored my question on tagging again what was this? And how can you ignore testimony of brother human 786.

If you know any other ACTIVE Indian Muslims then plz tag them
@The Bald Eagle I would appreciate if my opinion is solicited as a human , if necessary Indian , absolutely undesirable as a Indian Muslim !
Modi in 11 years & his bunch o goons like Bisht , Sarma give hate speeches against minorities routinely , Media is under their foot , Election Commission is now a BJParty extension counter , even top rung Judiciary is under their thumb , shockingly Indian Army is now politicized ! Modi has been compromised during his 17 visits to China & we will lose major chunks of Ladakh & Arunachal by 2026 !
What this vile oaf has done in 11 years may not be UNDONE in next 3-4 decades ! Any Indian poster who denies this is a enabler of Fascism !!!
What among Hindutva supporters? If the bias exists towards muslims among Hindudtva supporters or anyone, let Indian muslims confirm that. That is all I am asking. Not sure why as an outsider you are jumping the gun?

They may not like the ruling party but every Indian muslims (expect Kashmiris) will tell you that there are no bias and they enjoy every single right in India like brother Sam did. Infact, Indian muslims enjoy more right in India that they will enjoy in Islamic nations like Pakistan or middle east.

Can you please list those 'more rights' that they get to enjoy in India compare to other middle east countries. I am taking Pakistan out of the equation as you all do not consider Pakistan as equal to India.
Can you please list those 'more rights' that they get to enjoy in India compare to other middle east countries. I am taking Pakistan out of the equation as you all do not consider Pakistan as equal to India.
No no no...why exclude Pakistan? Lets club them as well.

Many things Indian Muslims can enjoy in free country like India which they wouldn't in Islamic nations. Things like women can't get triple talaq as per law, no blasphemy laws, no maulvi's giving fatwa for dressing inappropriately, gets reservation on minority quota etc. I am not denying there aren't innocent Muslims that gets attacked in India but those incidents are too miniscule to tag India has anti Muslim bias which is clearly a lie.

Another challenge for you now, tag any Indian Muslim here and ask them whether they would prefer to live in India or other Islamic nation like Pakistan, Afghanistan Saudi etc. Just to make it easy, lets also assume that economic conditions of all these countries are same, so that money should not be the factor for their decision. If a single Indian Muslim says yes I would love to leave India and want to settle in an Islamic nation not because of economic reasons but due to lack of rights I get in India, you will never see me posting in this thread again.

Just one. Open challenge.

No no no...why exclude Pakistan? Lets club them as well.

Many things Indian Muslims can enjoy in free country like India which they wouldn't in Islamic nations. Things like women can't get triple talaq as per law, no blasphemy laws, no maulvi's giving fatwa for dressing inappropriately, gets reservation on minority quota etc. I am not denying there aren't innocent Muslims that gets attacked in India but those incidents are too miniscule to tag India has anti Muslim bias which is clearly a lie.

Another challenge for you now, tag any Indian Muslim here and ask them whether they would prefer to live in India or other Islamic nation like Pakistan, Afghanistan Saudi etc. Just to make it easy, lets also assume that economic conditions of all these countries are same, so that money should not be the factor for their decision. If a single Indian Muslim says yes I would love to leave India and want to settle in an Islamic nation not because of economic reasons but due to lack of rights I get in India, you will never see me posting in this thread again.

Just one. Open challenge.

Single Muslim?

What if I tell you I know a single Muslim who has already left India?

And what about Many non-Muslim Indian who are desperate to leave India?

Lots of pundit shahib and politician giving 'fatwa' on how to slaughter and lynch Muslim if they ever had a steak sandwich.

When you get serious about replying with comparison to Middle east then do tag me.
Single Muslim?

What if I tell you I know a single Muslim who has already left India?

And what about Many non-Muslim Indian who are desperate to leave India?

Lots of pundit shahib and politician giving 'fatwa' on how to slaughter and lynch Muslim if they ever had a steak sandwich.

When you get serious about replying with comparison to Middle east then do tag me.
Basically another one who is not willing to take the challenge and only can only give lecture sitting on the fence.

Non muslims are leaving India due to economic reason and not due to lack of rights. Jeez :ROFLMAO:
The same reason you left Pakistan and sitting in Bradford or somewhere.

As I said, we can go on and on debating about Indian muslims but neither you or me are one of them. So let a single Indian muslim come to this thread and clearly say they are willing to leave India and want to settle in an Islamic nation for reasons other that economic and mostly due to lack of rights in their home country. Just one...thats all I am asking.

I am serious about discussing anything but tag me when you gather enough courage to take this challenge. You can tag team with my best friend @The Bald Eagle

Basically another one who is not willing to take the challenge and only can only give lecture sitting on the fence.

Non muslims are leaving India due to economic reason and not due to lack of rights. Jeez :ROFLMAO:
The same reason you left Pakistan and sitting in Bradford or somewhere.

As I said, we can go on and on debating about Indian muslims but neither you or me are one of them. So let a single Indian muslim come to this thread and clearly say they are willing to leave India and want to settle in an Islamic nation for reasons other that economic and mostly due to lack of rights in their home country. Just one...thats all I am asking.

I am serious about discussing anything but tag me when you gather enough courage to take this challenge. You can tag team with my best friend @The Bald Eagle

Like I said, I know of at least one who has. But that's beside the point, as there's no way you could possibly oppose it.

I mean, not being lynched over the suspicion of having a steak sandwich is quite literally a matter of life and death.
Like I said, I know of at least one who has. But that's beside the point, as there's no way you could possibly oppose it.

I mean, not being lynched over the suspicion of having a steak sandwich is quite literally a matter of life and death.

That lynching thing is an exxeggeration. Does it happen? Ofcourse. Like any other crime happens in India like a muslim guy cutting a girl into multiple parts and storing in refeigerator. However it isn't the norm in the country and doesn't suggest anything about muslim bias in India.

Also, it is not beside the point. The topic is about muslims in India...so the Indian muslims can only answer this question honestly. Both Pak muslims and Indian hindus will add their biases.
Between India and Pakistan there is only one country where you can be punished legally for saying you are a Muslim.
Now, I will be honest, there's no doubt that BJP is biased against Muslims. But we have a gift that other countries in subcontunent don't have, our constitution written by Babasaheb. Muslims are equal citizens of India, not minorities requiring protection. If BJP or anyone else wants to take away thay right, Indian Muslims are strong enough to fight for their rights. We will be right beside them.
Now, I will be honest, there's no doubt that BJP is biased against Muslims. But we have a gift that other countries in subcontunent don't have, our constitution written by Babasaheb. Muslims are equal citizens of India, not minorities requiring protection. If BJP or anyone else wants to take away thay right, Indian Muslims are strong enough to fight for their rights. We will be right beside them.

You have the wrong perspective. BJP is elected by the people of India and in many states has lost- won- lost again based on performance and elected or removed by the people.

2ndly Babasaheb deserves credit for the constitution but how long does it last in countries like Pak, Afghan, Bangladesh?. It takes a few months. So the major credit goes to the Hindu population of the country. As we see time and again in Pak, nothing police can do when a crowd really gets rabid.

I don’t think majority of Afghan want Taliban but there is nothing 90% of the common population can do if a few 1000 guys with a live or die mindset walk in with Aks and other ammunition into their streets.

Political rhetoric aside it’s mostly Indias majority that has contributed to keeping India secular because of being fairly tolerant . Let’s not focus on the exceptions but this is the major contributing factor.
You have the wrong perspective. BJP is elected by the people of India and in many states has lost- won- lost again based on performance and elected or removed by the people.

2ndly Babasaheb deserves credit for the constitution but how long does it last in countries like Pak, Afghan, Bangladesh?. It takes a few months. So the major credit goes to the Hindu population of the country. As we see time and again in Pak, nothing police can do when a crowd really gets rabid.

I don’t think majority of Afghan want Taliban but there is nothing 90% of the common population can do if a few 1000 guys with a live or die mindset walk in with Aks and other ammunition into their streets.

Political rhetoric aside it’s mostly Indias majority that has contributed to keeping India secular because of being fairly tolerant . Let’s not focus on the exceptions but this is the major contributing factor.
Pakistan's constitution itself discriminates. It's not the job of a state to tell the citizen what's his religion is. Neither does a fair state give different treatment to different people based on their religion. Pakistan's constitution does that. India's don't.
You have the wrong perspective. BJP is elected by the people of India and in many states has lost- won- lost again based on performance and elected or removed by the people.

2ndly Babasaheb deserves credit for the constitution but how long does it last in countries like Pak, Afghan, Bangladesh?. It takes a few months. So the major credit goes to the Hindu population of the country. As we see time and again in Pak, nothing police can do when a crowd really gets rabid.

I don’t think majority of Afghan want Taliban but there is nothing 90% of the common population can do if a few 1000 guys with a live or die mindset walk in with Aks and other ammunition into their streets.

Political rhetoric aside it’s mostly Indias majority that has contributed to keeping India secular because of being fairly tolerant . Let’s not focus on the exceptions but this is the major contributing factor.
In India, the police totally never just stand around protecting the crowd while they torch Muslim houses. Must’ve been viewers imagination, or maybe just some top tier CGI wizardry at work.
Now, I will be honest, there's no doubt that BJP is biased against Muslims. But we have a gift that other countries in subcontunent don't have, our constitution written by Babasaheb. Muslims are equal citizens of India, not minorities requiring protection. If BJP or anyone else wants to take away thay right, Indian Muslims are strong enough to fight for their rights. We will be right beside them.

The US Constitution proudly declared that all men are created equal, right before some of them were sent off to pick cotton.

And sure, the Indian Constitution may have been written by a Muslim, but who cares about that when the BJP is busy redecorating reality?

At least Pakistanis skipped the pretense and were just refreshingly honest about being bigots.
Now, I will be honest, there's no doubt that BJP is biased against Muslims. But we have a gift that other countries in subcontunent don't have, our constitution written by Babasaheb. Muslims are equal citizens of India, not minorities requiring protection. If BJP or anyone else wants to take away thay right, Indian Muslims are strong enough to fight for their rights. We will be right beside them.

BJP being biased against muslims is a wrong way looking at things. Neither Modi or Amit Shah has ever said India should be Hindu rastra etc. Yes they don't want to use them as vote banks by simply keeping a blind eye on everything happening in that community, exactly what maulvis and clerics want. BJP has always worked towards upliftment of muslim community.

Removing triple talaq is giving millions of muslims women respite. Will you call it as Muslim bias? Ofcourse not

Eradicating madrasas and replacing them with proper educational institutions for muslim kids. Is it a muslim bias?

Removing Waqf board. Muslim bias?

Looking for universal civil code meaning every citizen in the country will have one law. Is it muslim bias?

BJP has always worked towards development and upliftment of muslim community, especially for women. That is why more and more muslim women are voting for BJP now.

One thing everyone here must realize that India has 80% hindus and it is not a muslim majority country. All the citizens of India irrespective of the religion has to follow the law of land. You can't expect draconian laws in India like muslim women should be caged in 21st century like we see in Afghanistan. Those kind of things will never happen in India. If uplifting a community is muslim bias, so be it.

Muslims demanded a seperate country in 1947. Yet the remaining muslims in India enjoys every freedom and rights here as brother Sam_Ahm mentioned previously. Go to countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh and let me know how much right hindus enjoy there.

This thread is an ultimate example of hypocrisy by OP. Glad some Indian muslims shut him up.
BJP being biased against muslims is a wrong way looking at things. Neither Modi or Amit Shah has ever said India should be Hindu rastra etc. Yes they don't want to use them as vote banks by simply keeping a blind eye on everything happening in that community, exactly what maulvis and clerics want. BJP has always worked towards upliftment of muslim community.

Removing triple talaq is giving millions of muslims women respite. Will you call it as Muslim bias? Ofcourse not

Eradicating madrasas and replacing them with proper educational institutions for muslim kids. Is it a muslim bias?

Removing Waqf board. Muslim bias?

Looking for universal civil code meaning every citizen in the country will have one law. Is it muslim bias?

BJP has always worked towards development and upliftment of muslim community, especially for women. That is why more and more muslim women are voting for BJP now.

One thing everyone here must realize that India has 80% hindus and it is not a muslim majority country. All the citizens of India irrespective of the religion has to follow the law of land. You can't expect draconian laws in India like muslim women should be caged in 21st century like we see in Afghanistan. Those kind of things will never happen in India. If uplifting a community is muslim bias, so be it.

Muslims demanded a seperate country in 1947. Yet the remaining muslims in India enjoys every freedom and rights here as brother Sam_Ahm mentioned previously. Go to countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh and let me know how much right hindus enjoy there.

This thread is an ultimate example of hypocrisy by OP. Glad some Indian muslims shut him up.