Therein lies the crux of the problem. When
@Hitman posted a video showing atrocities of Hamas your first instinct was to deflect and blame IDF instead of unequivocally condemning it.
You did the exact same thing what you are accusing the so called “hindutva” supporters of doing.
People like you have a mindset where they think they have moral high ground but in reality they support extremism. You are supporting extremism of Hamas by deflecting their attacks, whereas, the ones you call “hindutva” supporters are supporting extremism by Israel.
Till either one of you exists (mindset wise) in this world the conflict will never be solved.
The only way this conflict will ever be resolved is when people start valuing human life over religion. When that happens there will be unequivocal condemnation of any extremism from any side with 0 public support, which will result in that side eventually having to stop their extremism.
I don’t expect you to understand all these things, same way as I don’t expect the people you call “hindutva” supporters to understand.
But what is clear is till both of you exist, this conflict will continue.