Zainab Abbas leaves India after furore over ‘Anti-Hindu’ statements on social media

Another question I want to ask has india checked everyone's twitter accounts and orher social media accounts for the past 20 years who have entered india or is it just zainub abbas's
I have visited india and even the posh areas smells bad. the toilet issue is real..
Which city smells bad? Toilet issue was in villages on cities and even that issue has now been considerably dealt with. By the way something for you.

Also the post came 2 days after pakistan beating india in Asia cup some upset Indians must have started it.. for her to respond this
Most of the anti Islamic and anti Muslim tweets are posted by Indian Hindus on social media. It is funny that Hindus are getting offended by Zainab’s anti Hindu tweets.

Having said that, Zainab was silly for tweeting what she tweeted. And I am glad that she got deported as her life would have been in danger had she stayed in India.
Those tweets were in bad taste, especially no need to invoke goddess Kali who is worshipped a lot in the eastern part of India and Bangladesh. People who aspire to be in public spaces must be careful with their use of social media. Because someone may dig that out at some point and embarrass you.

But I think people evolve with time, she made those posts when she was 25 or 26, now she must be more mature, being married and a mom, and having more exposure to the world. Shouldn't hold things against her, should forgive and move on.

Don't think she was deported, sources are saying she went to Dubai for some family reasons. Maybe she was feeling unsafe or embarrassed about facing her Indian colleagues in the broadcast network. I hope she comes back and people welcome her with open arms, everyone makes mistakes but we must all acknowledge that people change, often for the better.

And a lesson to all of us I guess, we should be very careful while using social media and even if terribly angry we must never do stuff that may harm us professionally or personally at a later point of time. I was told by my dad that if I ever have urge to burst out angrily, I should type the draft, but not send or say it, then take a relook at it the next day. This trick has always helped me, and I often feel silly about how I was intending to respond the previous day.
Wait till Saturday when he prays infront of 130k non believers !!

Non-believers? :ROFLMAO:

Oh bhai, you know nothing about India. More Muslims stays here than in Pakistan and they offer namaz openly on streets, airports etc. Therefore I didn't mind at all whatever Waqar said before about offering Namaz in front of Hindus. It is not a crime nor illegal or immoral to offer namaz in front of Hindus and this tradition has been going on in India for ages. Waqar's intention was perhaps malicious but what he said technically was non-issue. Hindus don't mind it at all if someone prays in front of them. When I was a child, many Muslim's used to offer Friday prayer during Ramzaan in our garden as the Mosque used to be full.
Those tweets were in bad taste, especially no need to invoke goddess Kali who is worshipped a lot in the eastern part of India and Bangladesh. People who aspire to be in public spaces must be careful with their use of social media. Because someone may dig that out at some point and embarrass you.

But I think people evolve with time, she made those posts when she was 25 or 26, now she must be more mature, being married and a mom, and having more exposure to the world. Shouldn't hold things against her, should forgive and move on.

Don't think she was deported, sources are saying she went to Dubai for some family reasons. Maybe she was feeling unsafe or embarrassed about facing her Indian colleagues in the broadcast network. I hope she comes back and people welcome her with open arms, everyone makes mistakes but we must all acknowledge that people change, often for the better.

And a lesson to all of us I guess, we should be very careful while using social media and even if terribly angry we must never do stuff that may harm us professionally or personally at a later point of time. I was told by my dad that if I ever have urge to burst out angrily, I should type the draft, but not send or say it, then take a relook at it the next day. This trick has always helped me, and I often feel silly about how I was intending to respond the previous day.
Wow. Definitely a contender for POTW. Every word makes absolute sense. Those in public space or even aspire to make a career in public space need to be more careful. I remember Ollie Robinson too mired in a controvery due to his old tweets.
Most of the anti Islamic and anti Muslim tweets are posted by Indian Hindus on social media. It is funny that Hindus are getting offended by Zainab’s anti Hindu tweets.
That too is wrong. Many such hatemongers get fired in the corporate world if their tweets come to light, or some media platform spreads news. Never good for the brand or work culture.

And if you keep track of news, last few years hundreds of hatemongers mostly BJP supporters have been fired and deported from the gulf countries once their social media posts against Islam came to light. Indian government doesn't even try to help them, because there are consequences for actions. In an ideal world people should be given a second chance but not everyone is kind or patient enough.

Anyway here Zainab is a public person, facing media and working with colleagues from all over the world and with different backgrounds. So a bit different. Had Gambhir made a crass remark about the Prophet Mohammad PBUH, he too would have faced backlash. But he is too smart for that, he may go after Pakistanis, or subtly even against Muslims, but won't disrespect the Prophet or the holy Quran.
Lol it's funny to see guys here being sympathetic towards Zainab while calling for Afridi's head in the other thread over a seemingly harmless statement. Men will be men :kakmal

Btw even the law states that someone's Previous bad character is not relevant evidence (54)
Wow. Definitely a contender for POTW. Every word makes absolute sense. Those in public space or even aspire to make a career in public space need to be more careful. I remember Ollie Robinson too mired in a controvery due to his old tweets.
Yes, there are bigots everywhere. And I am sure some of the media people covering this world cup may be much more intolerant than Zainab in this regard. But they probably limit themselves to the corners of their homes or in safe spaces, like with their close friends or relatives. There is a professional price to be paid once you say these things out in the open, for the whole world to see. Often these things come back to bite you in the future when you may not even be the same person, in fact even ashamed of your past comments.
Lol it's funny to see guys here being sympathetic towards Zainab while calling for Afridi's head in the other thread over a seemingly harmless statement. Men will be men :kakmal

Btw even the law states that someone's Previous bad character is not relevant evidence (54)
Shahi Afridi is a repeat offender. I remember he once made fun of Hindu rituals on tv show with the whole crowd applauding & laughing with him
Every country has the right to deport whoever they want irrespective of the reason. Zainab is a well to do lady who is under no threat at all. She can easily return to her dwellings in Pak. Too bad that in today's day and age old comments can return to haunt you. Pak is also deporting many Afghan's who are in much more danger then Zainab is.
Shahi Afridi is a repeat offender. I remember he once made fun of Hindu rituals on tv show with the whole crowd applauding & laughing with him
Look I don't know what's more offensive to Hindus. Someone making fun of your God(s) or your rituals.
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Shahi Afridi is a repeat offender. I remember he once made fun of Hindu rituals on tv show with the whole crowd applauding & laughing with him
Yes I watched the video where Afridi said my daughter was watching Start Plus drama and where someone was praying ( Aarti ) which Afridi can't digest so he broke the tv .
Very immature statement by a celebrity, who has an identifiable public profile, and she was like 24-25 then. Working in mass media, I hope she will learn her lessons for future.

Apart from anything, what irritates me most as a practicing Muslim is that this is not the spirit of Islam. No where Muslims are encouraged to humiliate, hurt or use derogatory words to non Muslims, their practices, rituals & beliefs. Personally, I’m an avid reader of Hindu mythology & tales - never questioned, criticised or mocked any part of it, not necessarily I agree with everything of it or don’t have any objections - that’s the virtue of our Prophet (PBUH) suggested to us.

I see lots of idiots slinging filth in FB & other blogs across border from every country, but twitter is not the place for that, neither for someone having a public figure working in a professional set-up. She should just apologise & move out for her own good - start from scratch from next day.
Look I don't know what's more offensive to Hindus. Someone making fun of your God(s) or your rituals. For us it's the former. But anyways I was just seeing the funny side of it. Some are even praying it's not true lol :ROFLMAO:
This mindset if why Zainab Abbas got into this mess. Nobody probably taught her that you must respect other religions as your own
Yes I watched the video where Afridi said my daughter was watching Start Plus drama and where someone was praying ( Aarti ) which Afridi can't digest so he broke the tv .
He didnt break TV. He banned Star plus
Yes I watched the video where Afridi said my daughter was watching Start Plus drama and where someone was praying ( Aarti ) which Afridi can't digest so he broke the tv .
This is the problem with Pakistani society. You see your own celebrities mocking other religions - you think its cool & not something wrong. Zainab probably thought the same. Nothing wrong in mocking fun of those " idol-worshippers "
If it is tweeted by her then it is truly sad and degusting to tweet such things. She was an adult when she tweeted that so no excuse of being a teenager mistake.

Hindus live in Pakistan as well.
Very immature statement by a celebrity, who has an identifiable public profile, and she was like 24-25 then. Working in mass media, I hope she will learn her lessons for future.

Apart from anything, what irritates me most as a practicing Muslim is that this is not the spirit of Islam. No where Muslims are encouraged to humiliate, hurt or use derogatory words to non Muslims, their practices, rituals & beliefs. Personally, I’m an avid reader of Hindu mythology & tales - never questioned, criticised or mocked any part of it, not necessarily I agree with everything of it or don’t have any objections - that’s the virtue of our Prophet (PBUH) suggested to us.

I see lots of idiots slinging filth in FB & other blogs across border from every country, but twitter is not the place for that, neither for someone having a public figure working in a professional set-up. She should just apologise & move out for her own good - start from scratch from next day.
This is what folks like Zainab Abbas , Shahid Afridi , Ahmad Shahzad needs to learn. Taking cheap shots other religions / cultures is not cool
hehe we don't need to believe something that originated less than 1500 years ago, while the human civilization existed much before that. We don't adopt manmade beliefs.
Wrong. Islam started with Adam the first man on earth! It was completed 1500 years back by Muhammad(saw). This is a common misconception that brainwashed Hindutva fascists preach about Islam. Similarly, we don't believe in idol or animal worship either.
Most of the anti Islamic and anti Muslim tweets are posted by Indian Hindus on social media. It is funny that Hindus are getting offended by Zainab’s anti Hindu tweets.

Having said that, Zainab was silly for tweeting what she tweeted. And I am glad that she got deported as her life would have been in danger had she stayed in India.

Pakistan is free to take any action they want on anyone they think has posted offensive comments.
Now you're changing your stance. Lol
No i am waiting for you to prove me , if he broke tv or banned star plus

and even if he broke tv. so it was his tv and his daughter. it is his choice to show his child star plus or not
Wrong. Islam started with Adam the first man on earth! It was completed 1500 years back by Muhammad(saw). This is a common misconception that brainwashed Hindutva fascists preach about Islam. Similarly, we don't believe in idol or animal worship either.

The concept of Adam(Pbuh)exists long before the birth of the prophet(pbuh). To say Islam started with Adam(Pbuh)may not be acceptable for other religions who actually talk about Adam(pbuh)long before Islam talked about him.
No i am waiting for you to prove me , if he broke tv or banned star plus

and even if he broke tv. so it was his tv and his daughter. it is his choice to show his child star plus or not
I posted a video where he clearly said I broke the tv .he can do whatever he want to do in his house .
No i am waiting for you to prove me , if he broke tv or banned star plus

and even if he broke tv. so it was his tv and his daughter. it is his choice to show his child star plus or not

Yes it may be his choice to break his tv or stop his daughter from watching a hindu ritual, similarly its our choice to call out Hindumisia.
This is what folks like Zainab Abbas , Shahid Afridi , Ahmad Shahzad needs to learn. Taking cheap shots other religions / cultures is not cool
And for a minute imagine Zainab was a Hindu who had come to a Muslim country for work and had mocked/shown disrespect to our Prophet (PBUH).
Muslims would have skinned her alive. The Hindus are only deporting her.
We need to learn a bit of tolerance as well.
This mindset if why Zainab Abbas got into this mess. Nobody probably taught her that you must respect other religions as your own

By saying that Afridi is a repeat offender, you're indirectly saying that a remark such as the one made by Zainab is acceptable because it's a one-off. That makes no sense to me. I personally find the maturity argument quite silly too. These are values you learn before you turn 15.
what she said was 9 years ago at the time she had nothing to do with world cup or ICC so this has not been done while she was at her work place or employed by a company

secondly she wouldn't come out with this stuff out of nowhere, seems like she is replying to something if you look at the posts you can see people tagged.

someone could have said something about her religion first and she is responding

it be only fair to punish both parties

That’s what it’s all about.
There is always provocation but you do not stoop low as provocations.
And for a minute imagine Zainab was a Hindu who had come to a Muslim country for work and had mocked/shown disrespect to our Prophet (PBUH).
Muslims would have skinned her alive. The Hindus are only deporting her.
We need to learn a bit of tolerance as well.


I would have taken an apology and let it be.

Growing up in a one religion nation, it
By saying that Afridi is a repeat offender, you're indirectly saying that a remark such as the one made by Zainab is acceptable because it's a one-off. That makes no sense to me. I personally find the maturity argument quite silly too. These are values you learn before you turn 15.

You have to understand that she may have never grown up in a environment where she met non muslims.

And the disdain for hindus she may have seen around her growing up just carried over.
And for a minute imagine Zainab was a Hindu who had come to a Muslim country for work and had mocked/shown disrespect to our Prophet (PBUH).
Muslims would have skinned her alive. The Hindus are only deporting her.
We need to learn a bit of tolerance as well.
Bang on bro.

If only all Pakistanis had the guys to admit such stuff from a bigger view point.

Actually majority of Pakistani posters here have reacted very sensibly and fairly. It’s not like people are just blindly defending Zainab here.

I’m touched by this moral show.
Which city smells bad? Toilet issue was in villages on cities and even that issue has now been considerably dealt with. By the way something for you.

the issue is in every major city of india.
what she said was 9 years ago at the time she had nothing to do with world cup or ICC so this has not been done while she was at her work place or employed by a company

secondly she wouldn't come out with this stuff out of nowhere, seems like she is replying to something if you look at the posts you can see people tagged.

someone could have said something about her religion first and she is responding

it be only fair to punish both parties
bro, you cant justify it.

she needs to apologies thats it
She ought to offer an apology and move forward. As a Muslim, none of our teachings advocate using derogatory remarks about any other religion; it is strictly prohibited. Nevertheless, this does not imply that she is the sole individual who has engaged in such behavior. I can cite several instances involving Indian journalists, politicians, and military personnel who have insulted our religion and made derogatory remarks about our beloved Prophet PBUH on national TV. However, as previously mentioned, this should never serve as an excuse for us to denigrate their religion.
Best post in this thread.
Your post don't make sense
How difficult was it to understand? Your post was "Also the post came 2 days after pakistan beating india in Asia cup some upset Indians must have started it.. for her to respond this".

You were justifying her post that she made those comments in response to upset Indians. So can Indians too make derogatory comments on the prophet in response to "upset" Pakistanis?
the issue is in every major city of india.
Guess you need to visit an ENT specialist outside Pakistan and get treated. Indian cities like Delhi have problems like pollution and congestion. But saying every city in India is smelly makes no sense. Cow dung was used in villages as a fuel for cooking during my childhood. Now even villages don't used cow dung cakes. Why would cities be smelly due to it?
Offcourse those indoctrinated in an Abrahamic religion will never understand the paradigm of Hinduism and as such will always label it as a non religion. Dont blame them, only pity them. May god in whatever grant them enlightment...
Lack of understanding is one thing, but some people are deliberately denigrating and insulting here.

If we want our beliefs respected then we should respect hindu belief. If we cant respect then at least keep the mouth shut.

I'm disappointed at some posts here.

All religions must be respected.
On topic , these comments are not surprising from Zainab, if true. I expect many more people truly harbour such views and just put on external appearances under the garb of professionalism .

Zainab Abbas should simply be blacklisted as a broadcaster/presenter for ICC events or any tournaments involving India like Asia Cup.

She's utterly mediocre at any rate .
Pakistani female cricket commentator, and sports presenter, Zainab Abbas who came here at the ICC's World Cup competition has been asked to leave the country, it is learnt. According to the sources, the instruction to deport her from the country was issued to her on Sunday night and the other sources have confirmed that she has left the nation and went to Dubai.

A complaint against the Pakistani citizen was filed by an Indian advocate Vineet Jindal.
It is universal. Even famous celebrities get called out for their social media posts from years back. Every tweet, every insta post,every FB post get scrutinized it doesn't matter when you posted it. Shawn Mendes singer as a 14 year old made some racially insensitive tweet when he was 14. He issued a public apology. coincidentally his girl friend camilla Cabello another pop singer, made similar racially insensitive post in tumblr when she was 14 years old. She also issued an apology. Everything we say, share get recorded. Someone will have a screenshot of it.
Another question I want to ask has india checked everyone's twitter accounts and orher social media accounts for the past 20 years who have entered india or is it just zainub abbas's
A similar argument is usually given by people who are stopped by traffic police for violating the rules. Sir, that guy is also not using seatbelt, that person is not wearing helmet, why me only? Lol.

Authority can take actions against those only who gets exposed. Though she left on her own as I've read.

You are free to do wrong things as long as you don't get caught. But face the consequences when you are exposed.
On topic , these comments are not surprising from Zainab, if true. I expect many more people truly harbour such views and just put on external appearances under the garb of professionalism .

Zainab Abbas should simply be blacklisted as a broadcaster/presenter for ICC events or any tournaments involving India like Asia Cup.

She's utterly mediocre at any rate .
lol, not gonna happen. This will die down.

You guys have waqar younis in India......
Lack of understanding is one thing, but some people are deliberately denigrating and insulting here.

If we want our beliefs respected then we should respect hindu belief. If we cant respect then at least keep the mouth shut.

I'm disappointed at some posts here.

All religions must be respected.
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just so you know, to deport a person there needs to be deportation paper. If she was deported than such papers will be shown by the indian media, if not, than the deportation thing is probably a lie.
The way Zainab dresses and speaks, she seems to be a modern women. Even if she made those comments in the past, she may have changed.
i have been to 5 and travelled by road through Uttar Pradesh, Agra and AJmer

Those are the worst cities in Bharat.
UP, Bihar pretty much represents the worst in Bharat unfortunately

You should have come to Chandigarh or to some good cities in the south
Lack of understanding is one thing, but some people are deliberately denigrating and insulting here.

If we want our beliefs respected then we should respect hindu belief. If we cant respect then at least keep the mouth shut.

I'm disappointed at some posts here.

All religions must be respected.
bro, these guys celebrate every thing bad that happens to Pakistanis or muslims and defend every stupid act of theirs. There is a poster still arguing that his city is clean even though its well documented that India has a toilet problem.

Respect has to be earned, and people here dont care about that for Indians now due to the toxic behavior they put around here. Its a pakistani place, not the other way around. Thus, respect will only be shown to them if they actually themselves act respectful
lol, not gonna happen. This will die down.

You guys have waqar younis in India......
Waqar didn't say anything close to this . It was a Freudian slip that his revealed his real mentality but I don't think there was real intent behind those words .

Zainab, if this is true, knew exactly what she was doing here.

Also, if there is a push to ban Waqar in the future , I certainly won't oppose it.
The way Zainab dresses and speaks, she seems to be a modern women. Even if she made those comments in the past, she may have changed.

It is treated even worse in the west. People could lose their job for racial post from the past. Even one racist word can get you fired.
lol, not gonna happen. This will die down.

You guys have waqar younis in India......
Vicky bhai is much loved in India, bit less than Wasim, but loved none the less...

Vicky, Wasim, A Sohail, Inzi, Saeed Anwar, Miandad (the cricketer only)- some of the if not love then respected players from across the Wagah border
bro, these guys celebrate every thing bad that happens to Pakistanis or muslims and defend every stupid act of theirs. There is a poster still arguing that his city is clean even though its well documented that India has a toilet problem.

Respect has to be earned, and people here dont care about that for Indians now due to the toxic behavior they put around here. Its a pakistani place, not the other way around. Thus, respect will only be shown to them if they actually themselves act respectful
It doesnt matter if the whole of India insults our religion. We should never reciprocate by insulting theirs or their sacred items/beliefs.

Sure point out their hypocrisy if you see it. But leave religious sentiments out of it.
One party should apologize, other party should accept the apology, both sides should show grace, humility and move on. This banning talk is nonsense, too childish. Everyone makes mistakes, no one has been killed or robbed here.

I hope Zainab is back covering ICC games once this controversy dies down.
Vicky bhai is much loved in India, bit less than Wasim, but loved none the less...

Vicky, Wasim, A Sohail, Inzi, Saeed Anwar, Miandad (the cricketer only)- some of the if not love then respected players from across the Wagah border
And before anyone jumps at this, I am talking about the 80s and 90s kids now mid aged men on their way to becoming uncles ;-) ;)
just so you know, to deport a person there needs to be deportation paper. If she was deported than such papers will be shown by the indian media, if not, than the deportation thing is probably a lie.

She likely left on her own given the ruckus on social media. But I wouldn't rule out deportation. This government is vindictive and childish.
Why can't our players eat beef there? If it is such a tolerant democratic society as they pretend to be then what about sentiments and choices of others? O it's a Hindu majority so their sentiment matter only, yep got it
Why can't our players eat beef there? If it is such a tolerant democratic society as they pretend to be then what about sentiments and choices of others? O it's a Hindu majority so their sentiment matter only, yep got it
A bit more tolerant than some posters who like to mock some Indian cricketers for being vegetarian.
Why can't our players eat beef there? If it is such a tolerant democratic society as they pretend to be then what about sentiments and choices of others? O it's a Hindu majority so their sentiment matter only, yep got it
Who says your players can't eat beef in India? Ask your team's manager to get in touch with me, I will arrange beef for your players. There are so many restaurants in Hyderabad, Chennai which have beef dishes.
The biggest lesson is never ever post anything in anger. You never know when and where it can land you in trouble.
lol, not gonna happen. This will die down.

You guys have waqar younis in India......
I dont think Waqar said anything derofatiry, Yes he said something like oferring namaz in front of hindus or something like that. But he was not being disrespectful to any religion. If BCCI wants it can blacklist her in India involved competitions. Though I highly doubt BCCi will go so far. Public memory is short so by next year no one will remember this also its being playes in West Indies so wouldn't be a big issue.
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All Zainab needd to do was as soon as her learnt that her old tweets have gone viral she shud have gone to twitter apologized and regrets for her insensitive tweets 9 years ago. The incident would have died down immediately.
One party should apologize, other party should accept the apology, both sides should show grace, humility and move on. This banning talk is nonsense, too childish. Everyone makes mistakes, no one has been killed or robbed here.

I hope Zainab is back covering ICC games once this controversy dies down.

To be honest, we are yet to hear of any apology.
She’s not doing herself any favour by delaying the apology. Pakistani cricket content is also watched by millions of Bharatiyas on YouTube. There could be a possibility even Pakistani broadcasters might have issues working with her in future as that might deny them the targeted viewership from Bharat.
I think she has voluntarily left India. Good decision as she could be hurt.

I hope it’s not true though because I thought she was an open-minded person. And these posts are not made when she was a child, this was only 10 years ago so she would have been in mid 20s.
I first came to know about her during CT 2017 when she became famous for a selfies with cricketers who made a duck in the next match. Have followed since then. Was shocked to know she made such tweets. Sadly, she indeed made those tweets then as her ID was zainablovessrk before she changed it to ZainabAbbasOfficial. It makes no sense saying that she was immature then. Anyone who aspires to have a career in public life should be careful what they post on social media as they will be under constant scrutiy. Olli Robinson was another example who made insensitive period ironically at the same time period as Zainab. Maybe twitter was new to all then and people just spoke whatever they wanted then without worrying about repercussions.